FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - The latest from the Middle East and Apryl Marie Fogel joins the show - August 16 2024

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16 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that this is painful and it will be for a long time. Don't fuck baby that's right this man knows what's up. These are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean the beer we got drank pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a great council. I had no doubt about them. It doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question. Kiss my ****. All right here we go with FM Talk 1065 and Midday Mobile, glad to have you here on this Friday. 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6 to get you through on the text line and also the talk back feature on the FM Talk 1065 app. You hadn't downloaded it yet. Just go look if you're an iOS user go to the app store. If you're an Android user go to Google Play which I got a there's a ruling here. On on the Google Play store that we might get to that story later this hour. That they were boxing out all the other app providers out there. So what might get to that? But for right now you can still go and get the app through Google Play. Just look for FM T-A-L-K 1065 you'll see our logo that's the app. Download it and enjoy when you got that. It's a digital multi-tool. A lot of things on there from show schedules to streaming the station to our podcast first place they post is there. You can also use it to get traffic maps, weather information. You can call one text from there but also there's a microphone icon on the front page of the screen. Let's you record a message and it emails to the station we can play it back here on the air. All right from the text line before we get into so many things this hour the text line thank you cap and teach. Now I'm just short a little bit of money. He said $1 million for a lot of riches of steel want to go in half seats. I want to go in half seats. I just don't have the half seats. But I do want to go. I appreciate that because if you look at the story it's being reported like can you believe it this is this yacht that was owned by I mean it's even if it was owned by like some guy named Steve right it still was a fantastic fishing boat. But it was Jimmy Buffett's and it's immaculate and beautiful and it boats like that a million dollar $999,000 is not a bad deal. So yes if I had it Captain I'd go in half half with you as well. Marty says give George Costanza a text and let him know that Jimmy Buffett's yachts for sale you can pull it with John Voigt's car. Let's see when I asked Jerry what would they go after Schmari figures on he said on the same made up BS that the commies in New York and Atlanta used to attack Trump rule of law only matters if you are a white straight man. So there you go Jerry I'm going to put you down his undecided. Let's see and let's see the oh wow I did not know that is that. I said they barked down the botanical gardens pine forest today. It's going to be really pretty in a few weeks if we can get some rain soon those boys like they look like they're a bit hot playing with fire when it's nearly 100 degrees they said Michael you're talking about they did a control burn on that section of the forest that's there at municipal park. Seems I mean you could burn longleaf at all time but I mean it seems like we are way late in the burn season to do that but I guess they picked today I don't know why we'll have to see it I have to ride through there and check out the burn Adam says have I checked out Jimmy's custom Freeman I have not Freeman's another beautiful boat so yeah I don't know how many boats there are this is just one of the boats out there but I just say it's the one making the news right now all right I meant to get to the story yesterday but we got so busy when we were at the chamber event big surprise to me and those of you all are news to do the show understand that there's sarcasm sarcasm a lot in things I say and if you hit the rewind button and listen to me talk about it when the Nord Stream pipeline blew up and everybody said well we don't know how it happened it was probably the Russians they probably blew up the pipeline that was important for them and maybe I just had some doubts about that and so many times that things come out the news like you can't say that now then you know a year from then it comes out and then it's okay to say well the story from many places this one specifically from the Guardian said the Nord Stream gas pipeline was blown up by a small Ukrainian sabotage team in an operation that was initially approved by fault of Mayor Zelensky and then called off but which went ahead anyway according to claims in a report from the Wall Street Journal now how about this like oh he caught he called it off but they did it anyway so we have best beyond plausible deniability right says spokesman for the Ukrainian president has denied the claims now remember the story that came out the what was it I guess it was last year they kind of exposed all this and talked about how these Ukrainian divers trained right here in the northern Gulf Coast said the pipeline consisting of the Nord Stream one and two pipelines carried natural gas from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea was damaged by explosions in September of 2022 seven months after Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine putting it out of action and worsening the energy crisis in Europe initially many even the Guardian still saying this initially many assumed Russia was to blame I explained that one to me I go back to the idea like okay Russia makes money by sending the natural gas to the pipeline to Europe and they get money that they need why would they blow it up but they say initially many assumed Russian to blame they're like seven people that did that that honestly thought it then it goes later others suggested CIA could have been involved mm-hmm I might have been one of those people said last year New York Times reported United States officials had seen intelligence suggesting it was a pro-ucanian group behind the explosions while last month's Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orban called the explosions and active terrorism carried out at an obvious direction of the Americans for once I don't know that I don't agree with Orban on this according to Wall Street Journal story the sabotage operation involved a small sailing boat this is where it starts getting cool James Bond stuff involved a small sailing boat and a team of six people a combination of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians with relevant expertise the operation used private funding but was directed by a serving army general who reported to Ukraine's then commander chief Zalunihi Zelensky approved the plan but later backtracked after the CIA found out about it and asked heave to call it off according to the sources nonetheless this is their spin now Zelensky said no but the general pressed ahead with the mission it did the explosion now Ukraine is denied involvement in the explosion and as late as yesterday spokesman for Zalunsky again accused Russia of carrying out the sabotage yada yada yada so here we are two years later and we get the rest of the story that maybe it just happened to not be the Russians that blew up their own pipeline and it could have been possibly the people who had the most gain in it and that had been Ukrainians and how much of it did we know and not know listen this happens a lot of times to where you know have like even now with an Israeli strike you'll have uh you have a press conference right and we'll go we were not made aware of the strike that doesn't mean we weren't aware of a strike getting ready to happen but there was no official memo like the Ukrainians didn't send something and say hey by the way the United States we're uh I don't know if Ukrainians say fixing but we're fixing to blow up the Nord Stream one and two there's not an official communique but we know we had to have known they were going to do that so to say and to have all the press conferences and Biden at the time uh we might have been the Russians we don't know who did it let me come on but I mean did anybody see that story yesterday were you shocked any of y'all that went like I can't believe it was it wasn't the Russians alright uh let's see he doesn't have meta said of that burn uh that's funny doesn't have meta says that burn was probably to make sure the black bear didn't get too comfortable out there either that or to run out homeless folks from the forest in the black bear he's talking about that picture that a couple weeks ago when Dan and I was in the morning show with Dan and one of his friends from that area right there by a zylia golf course in municipal parks sent that picture of that uh that that black bear cub which to me was the closest I had ever seen inside the sea limits of a bear that was pretty cool I got y'all sent some pictures into the text line I'm not where I can go see that burn today I'm interested but buddy Bill Finch uh used to be over over those burns out there at the botanical gardens and I had those woods looking good alright um this unnamed texture said I believe the destruction was carried out by an unmanned submersible drone the story sounds elaborate sounds too elaborate why would individuals involve speak about being participants in such a high level mission compelling narrative though thanks always the u-hall man hey u-hall man this yeah the story that's coming out this group that did it it it it doesn't say all the methods used you know one of them we talked about before was could possibly the charges have been put in ahead of time right I think we've noted out a lot with this story when it first came out and there's certain certain ordinances out there you can put uh you can put an ordinance in a harbor and there's been I don't think it's lord does I don't know these state secrets that are that are actually secrets but you can have a detonator on ordinance that is prop specific to the engine wine and the prop wine of certain boats so you can go in for example if you have a harbor that is yours you control when the field of battle you can put ordinances in as depth charges that will respond to a Russian ship or some other ship that is not part of your fleet and the wine of those props and sound those engines is what sets off the detonator there it may have been a system to where they could have set those charges way ahead of time right at the just guessing because I haven't once again I'm not on the inside and then you could have run a boat specifically with that signature that would have made the detonation go off you don't even have to run up yeah it's not like you there there's going to be any radio communication that far undersea you're not going to have that kind of telltale sign but it's the it's the wine of the props and the engines pretty interesting stuff y'all don't google that and go check it out it's a thing it happens out there so I you know you hold man to say exactly how it went down I think what's interesting though is how quickly how quickly the United States and then NATO countries were out there saying oh no it could it's probably the Russians really I mean what what about that makes sense to any of y'all why would it be the Russians destroying the thing that brings them money which by the way if you go watch social media right now I can't tell who's winning but I mean they're still the Ukrainian still in the Kursk region how long they'll be able to stay there this goes back to conversation we've had so many times the one thing about if there is success for Ukraine in the Kursk region and they can stay which I don't know they can because they're going to have supply lines into Kursk and you know they're going to be at least two flanks the Russians going to be pushing in on them but if they could hold some land there maybe this is a chance for peace because we've talked about you know Ukrainians should have moved for peace I mean the word was that EU NATO United States specifically in Britain told them not to move to the peace table when they had made some really good inroads against the Russians the last year or so they've not had a lot to negotiate with maybe if they can hold on to this area the Kursk region it gives something it gives them something to take to the negotiating table and maybe maybe a success for the Ukrainians into Russia well it makes me fear of further escalation in a big way of the war maybe it could possibly be part of a path to peace you know get your tax on this a whole lot more when we come back it's midday mobile this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right welcome back FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile glad to have you here on this Friday the same the show brought you by 1-800-GOT-JUNK online at it's my buddy Trey's been doing it for 16 years in mobile in Baldwin counties in the formula pretty easy here you've got junk you want it gone be at your house could be outside your house could be a storage unit could be at office wherever house you're getting ready to sell you got stuff in your way you want it gone use 1-800-GOT-JUNK maybe the time now with the kids going back to school they're distracted for hours a day going to school maybe this is the time to gather up their stuff and get it gone with 1-800-GOT-JUNK and you think about the small stuff but they get they tackle big projects as well weekly above ground pools storage buildings and backyards lots of the big trampolings things you might not have a way to carry to the dump when 800-GOT-JUNK has got it and it's easy to set up that appointment it is a an appointment too none of this they'll be there sometime between eight in the morning and six at night now when you go online you pick up the phone and contact 1-800-GOT-JUNK they find out the day that works for you the time of day that works for you they set the appointment you show up they show up you just point the stuff you want gone they quote she has priced right there on the spot if you say yes they get to work get it done and get it gone so check them out online or just pick up the phone the name is the number 1-800-GOT-JUNK I see a lot of stuff coming in right now let's see this just a couple minutes ago update from the washing compose that Hamas is rejecting the new ceasefire proposal you know with Hamas not being at the the last meeting I was wondering I guess on was yesterday's show the day before if there wasn't at least it led me to believe that that may be when a ran would would would strike back because Hamas was not going to be it but it it looks like that has not happened but story from Washington Post just minutes old here said the United States and its ally has said today they have presented the final proposal to Hamas and Israel for a ceasefire and a hostage deal that they hope can be agreed on by the end of next week joint statement by the United States cutter and Egypt did not include any specifics on the deal and the fate of the Biden administration's legislative effort to end the war in Gaza and stave off the Iranian attack on Israel I think they could have I don't think Iran's going to let the deal get done before they take their pound of flesh I just I just think it's I think that's going to be I think that's going to be like that's going to happen before they go any further although this is coming it's a and thank you Dalton said this heads up here Iran and Hezbollah are believed to be lowering alert level of their missile and rocket units so that they're backing down I believe it would not say I don't believe they're what you're reporting their Dalton to me is not true but I just don't think Iran just takes the L on this I don't I just I I it may not be today tomorrow I mean conversations we've had with Jonathan McConnell on the show it may be months from now but the idea that Iran is going to say yeah that was okay you'll have to remember two things on this as well number one it's the international right the international uh nation state of Iran defending itself in in their eyes but also think about the the grasp on power that has to be kept in Iran and if Israel not only it wouldn't a missile strike on a base in Syria for Iran it was a detonated charge inside a safe house complex in Tehran right they got Hanayi and the fact that somebody was set that charge they said they believe weeks ahead of time and that detonated it to keep their power in Iran they have to show strength intra nationally right to their own people I just don't believe that they're going to back down not not strike I mean I would love that to happen I would love anything it leads to to peace and people not dying uh to happen but I just don't know what will happen but yeah so this has come out that Hamas has rejected the new ceasefire proposal but Iran and Hezbollah believes to be lowering alert level of their missile and rocket units we'll get more on this during the during the news break coming up and talk about that uh let's see that was and people oh yeah more about the uh more about the effort here sorry about that more about the effort here from the United States to tell us way back when that the uh it was an inside jump from the Russians that blew up the Nord Stream I see I don't know at least 11 y'all that don't believe that I'm with you um let's see Terry says if Harris is elected president I predict Russia and Iran both escalate their attacks okay but why wouldn't they do that now because Terry I mean just like to look at it this way you have somebody in there that they have if you think Biden has been uh not with it right and led these things to happen why wouldn't they do it before why wouldn't they push it now which I worry that they will but I don't think they're gonna wait I don't think Iran waits I don't think Russia waits why would they wait to see if you believe that that if Trump is elected then in both scenarios they will back down then why wouldn't you get in while you can get in right if you're Russia if you're Iran and you why would you wait up to the chance of Trump getting in it seems to me that it would be between now and the election they would escalate and try to get things done if they believe that a Trump administration would be something that would uh would push back on that so that's my that's my thought Terry you let me know and y'all on the text line at 343 0106 3430106 coming up April Marie Fogle joins me we'll talk to her in just a little bit she has uh and something she sent me on Twitter here about I don't know it's quite often she says hey these things are going viral what do you think and I've they've gone viral in a world that I haven't seen so she's gonna tell us what's going viral plus y'all follow this Matthew Perry uh the story that came out today it is a network of people in described in the stories that was feeding drugs to Matthew Perry to say it's an industry I think it's a understatement but specifically the way this is laid out like I think one of the stories they they called them uh Fox News story they're called them the leeches that were were feeding those drugs how almost organized this is if you've read the story it's not just that yeah obviously he's getting ketamine he's getting drugs and you think okay drug dealers he's going to get it was like a it like there said the department of drugs that was working to feed Matthew Perry these drugs so we get time we'll get to that as well oh coming right back more mid-day mobile on FM Talk 1065 this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 so welcome back mid-day mobile Friday style glad to have you here 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 gets those texts coming up a little bit plus eight from refogel joining us in minutes and right now my buddy David McCrary at LC of motor cars how's inventory looking man you said even more vehicles showing up on the lot you were getting some pictures taken of those the other day we have been in now everything's here but a couple we're still got we got a couple of stragglers on the way but we have got a great selection of crew cab trucks four-wheel drive two-wheel drive we've got a Yukon Denali exhale which is the you know the long one suburban I was just standing outside looking at a while I'm out in this heat but I am and it's it's a good looking truck silver with the real pretty 20-inch wheels so we've got a great inventory right now you need to come out and check us out and finance and it's absolutely fantastic as well yeah you're talking my language when you're talking those trucks but yeah that is just part of the big inventory at LCM tell people how to find you online and in person online you can go to LCM there you can text back and forth with us you can look at all the pictures you pull car facts you can fill out a credit application it is secured if you want to come see us in person we're at highway 90 and plantation and see it or it's one mile south of ITN exit 15a or just give us a call 251-375-0068. Thanks David. Have a good weekend. All right you too there's David McCurry checking in from LCM motorcars. All right and I would say a big thank you for past shows filled in I guess thank you for showing up now even after filling in for Jeff all those days and even being on a show April Marie Focal joining us here from the world of print and radio and and all things politics hey April Marie. Well hi there we missed you and I want you guys to go away more though. I know that's kind of your plan right is for everybody just be on vacation so you just take over the entire station. Yes I that is um that's my plan so you don't spoil it um it's a it's a whole thing and by the way um the overwhelming what uh the overwhelming messages were that uh that you your listeners want more of me. Okay all right so listeners did I'm not going that far back and checking the text I just have to take your you know what texture put in fresh text if you agree with what April Marie said then send a fresh text into 343 zero one zero six lots to talk about but first of all it's like every week you're saying hey Sean you know you're following this thing that's uh viral and going viral this thing on twitter and I for some reason I'm just not in the right channels I'm like no what is that and you said uh this latest one here which I can't believe I've missed this about Anna Paulina Luna what is this? Okay first off uh so these are photos from before she joined um she became a member of congress and she was she was a model and there's various pictures of her in swimsuits out there she's a Florida member of hunger um but there is a video of her modeling from 2016 a Trump maga swimsuit and the internet is losing their mind because apparently um some people feel it's very unbecoming to have a hot chick um who looks good in bikini in congress wait a second so if we're not supposed to judge people uh for anything that they've done while office or before office because this person was a model before they went to office there I mean who is it just like three people on twitter or is there some big push against it oh no there the lefties have uh have have gone out all out it was trending for a while she's made some jokes about it um online this the fact of the matter and if you guys haven't seen this she's hot and so they were using this as kind they're using this as kind of uh um as if it's that old trope that you can't be both pretty and smart so clearly she's so pretty she couldn't be smart um and I just think that's obnoxious then what do they say about AOC then um oh yeah there's been um an AOC like well and somebody put a swimsuit picture of both uh you know Paulina and then here here's the thing is it's always one sided right this is this is the we need to be very open-minded unless when it comes to republican women and I you know this is the family values party oh the family values party can't wear swimsuits because I'll tell you what I love me a good swimsuit I love it a time on the beach yeah well I don't know how one I mean we're not talking about we're just talking about a swimsuit here I mean somebody making a fair I mean it's anybody listening to somebody making an argument that saying that the fact you had a picture in a swimsuit makes you're not a solid republican candidate no not a viable candidate for office that that's the argument that's been used against her and I have heard now if you look like FV at where this is gone viral um you the um you know New York Post has it um it's AP had put something out um there's a whole bunch of MSNBC um or MSN has it so this is gone out there of course she's she's like come on it this is the best you've got as an attack against me you're pretty desperate by just joining us on to April Marie Fogle I saw something you'd put on Twitter after the uh Twitter spaces uh with Musk and Trump the other night and we could talk about you the the the substance of it your opinion but first of all with the delay and them saying that it was a hack and you know denial of service I don't know there's been some people say it's not some people say it is um but the the question I had about this is last time you had one of these and DeSantis had his rollout right and it was a technical snafu don't you think it would have been I don't know you would have had redundancy upon redundancy for it it just I mean I don't know what happened but I mean the you already been you know what was your great white song once bitten twice I mean wouldn't you be twice shy on this well and if you um if you look he you on Musk did two or three trials of you know beforehand of like tests right he was playing video games and millions of people signed on to watch Elon playing video games which was uh chose the state of our country I suppose um in these test forums um but I know it shows the state of our country because somebody who's a richest man the world has time to play video games I'm not the richest man in the world and I don't play video game so I need to turn this around yeah you need to be doing something differently Shawn is what you need um but yes uh an adult kid art let's not kid ourselves we know that you and Jeff poor in Dalton sit around playing call of duty between shows this the whole thing I'm sure the bromance is strong there I wish I did I wish I could be still enough to play as sitting one place long enough to play a video game I am though like very lacking in that world you know I wish I could be cool but I'm not um okay so all kidding aside um I think that it's a he wanted this to be such a success apart from any imagine that they didn't do the things we're talking about doing in terms of um checking and rechecking and they still got they still got spoiled which uh you know begs the question of is any technology truly safe if people want to undermine it yeah and it is I mean it's a fair enough question I'm just saying that if he can't yeah if he can't protect against it you know what somebody in a zoom call could do if Elon Musk can't have it work perfectly no and I um you know I think it's really one of those funny things um I really think we need to do something about our dependence on internet I joke about teaching my kid to read a map a street map because what what are we going to do as a nation when someone when we really are under attack and it's ignorant to think that we've never would be again um especially from within with the open borders um and our network goes down and suddenly kids can't get around town because they have no idea how to use the paper map well you say the kids let me tell you right now the kids I'm a person who grew up as the backseat navigator for mom and dad with the Ram McNally Atlas uh but I don't pull it out I you know I go somewhere now and I'm you know I'm a person who should know better but I plug in where I'm going and let the google maps tell me where to go so I'm you know in date I mean I know east west north and south I know the major routes but to find you know one two three four main street in some town I've never been to um I let the you know I'm bad I let the internet do it for me I think about it I think about how that's a possible problem going forward but I I'm it's not just the kids I'm guilty of it too yeah it is um it's one of those I have a friend who when he comes to town and drives my car I heard the guy before the your sponsor advertiser talking about the suburban he's got you guys get it's vervents I love my car I will run this thing into the ground and then get another suburban it's my favorite car ever um but my friend who drives my car when he comes to town uncle is what we call him and um and he's just now learning his way around because he own he's even though he's been here I could julienne kind he still relies on his GPS and so it's really funny to me the way we have become attached to technology and this eelon thing is just one of those examples of things don't go the way they can how do you communicate and these these campaigns have gotten way too overly dependent on social media now it's for sure okay speaking of those campaigns what do you think now here uh you we can continue to say hey she's not done uh Harris is not done a sit down interviews not taking these questions maybe a few policy ideas dribbling out right now which you know I can talk about but why I mean just the way we talked about it's frustrated as I would get with governor ivy not debating her numbers stayed fine so why if those numbers keep trending the right way for Harris is she I mean I understand what I want and I mean but pragmatically why would she let me just look at the ex-noses you know ex-noses of politics here's it is one of those where you're looking at who is in play this election cycle and will they turn out anyway um I Biden didn't have to come didn't come out of his basement much remember the Biden state in his basement because the media was just continually going after Trump and I think that's what Kamala's people are banking on though though hide her as much and as frequently as they can and they will um they will put on the pressure for people to vote for her because she's a woman or because she's minority or because she's this or that and because something's bad and um and unfortunately we have a large percentage of voters who will turn out just because she check box and boxes and the media is allowing and covering for them so I guess we're going to get at least one debate at least unless something changes here that they'll do the I guess Trump has said yes to the ABC debate yeah I thought they had agreed this three maybe um maybe it was this they weren't I mean they they separately agreed to all three but I don't think both of them unless something's changed here and possibly didn't last 24 that all that they had both agreed to all three right I think maybe the ABC but then remember the Harris campaign said no to the fox one but Trump said yes to the fox one you know what I may be wrong maybe they've agreed to all three since I've seen the news last so I'm not sure but well I say you know the fact of the matter is Biden set the bar so low with his first debate that um all she has to do is show up um and she we know what she's gonna do she's gonna do the same thing she did in previous debates the same thing she did to Biden where any time she's talked over any time it's pointed out she's wrong she's gonna play the victim card um and you know uh you know don't don't give me my chance to talk even if she's lying and she's it'll be interesting to see if she acts like she is more moderate than she is because we know that she's an absolute crazy progressive yeah well I mean that was the you know the formula well the Biden campaign there's well right nothing much has changed there they're gonna sell it like uh it's a moderate candidate and then guess what but at least in this case it shouldn't be as much as of a surprise as it was for Biden right what you know uh what you see is what you get with uh a Kamala Harris presidency that's going to be open borders that's going to be men and women's faces that's going to be all you know support for Israel going you know bottoming out um this is a woman who just is not doesn't show the values of the growing majority of Americans okay well outside of filling in for most of the shows here on the station you trying to take over where can people find you online you know whether they're going to try to bring down twitter spaces or not where are you at iam on x uh and on facebook at april marie that's a t r y l and a r i e hey thanks april marie we'll talk again next week thank you last talk good all right i'm coming back more mid-day mobile three four three zero one zero six let's see we've got this national airborne day says terry do we have a national leg day no well listen you didn't you didn't go you didn't jump out at perfectly good airplanes right that's why they're born folks get their own day i'm just starting trouble with it's erry be right back this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five all right so welcome back mid-day mobile fm talk one oh six five glad to have you along on this friday a couple one text to get to first of all a buddy of mine texted hey i was listening to your segment about the pipeline explosion are you really surprised at the government and media crafted a narrative that doesn't make sense robert i was shocked about that right just like just like you were uh also got a note here earlier in the show i took umbridge can you take um i don't even know how you take umbridge but i took something uh with the story about the widening the billboard campaign for widening sixty-five right that we talked about with john sharp his story made sense where the billboard campaign would be i read a story from yellow hammer and maybe i just was picking out a little bit because it said the billboard campaign would be along i-65 from the tennessee state line to the florida state line which trouble be because sixty-five doesn't actually make it to florida right so then uh you know that john's story was right the yellow hammer story was incorrect and uh thank you uh jeff boor who said uh hey by the way it was the memo from the coalition to widen sixty-five so let me so it was not so the yellow hammer story was written off of the memo that came came out and that happens a whole bunch that's not that abnormal out there so the memo so if you are part of this coalition to widen i-65 this is a group that's you know this guy uh Clark George Clark executive director of the c4 coalition George Clark if you're going to go with a statewide campaign and push to widen sixty-five because i don't know there's not a good idea just know that sixty-five doesn't make it the whole way to florida so just just kind of odds and ends here at the end of the show all right uh back to the uh main text line here uh let's see this unnamed texture says the chinese and the russians are waiting the chinese and russians are waiting for convoluted disarm citizens and simp or simply they know she will cause enough chaos if elected they don't need force to take over or too much anyway that's a theory i don't think the russians and the chinese are like planning it or you're saying planning and facing the united states or what their plans are for taiwan in ukraine randal said we don't want more of april mary we want her to replace you all right good i could use the rest randal maybe i'll come running some uh county politics maybe if i don't have a if i'm not on the radio maybe i should what do y'all think make a run maybe uh it's not great yeah county i don't live in the city more county commission maybe what do you think randal um let's see the yeah more trash talk about airborne versus inventory y'all my army friends i'm gonna put y'all all together oh hey i got army friends that didn't jump out of the airplanes i got army friends that did jump out of the airplanes okay all right so there it is all right uh let's see we can't get that answered i have no idea some of these questions are good but these some of these questions are once i can't answer a lot of those oh the uh somebody's asking more about this situation the curse region listen i'm watching i'm watching twitter or x on this like everything else out there take it with a grain of salt so if you go on and probably on other social media platforms why i'm usually getting the news about the russia ukraine war is through twitter you go on there and you look at whatever the hat i'm gonna see somebody say whether russians are really whipping the Ukrainians back the line and other ones are like the Ukrainians are so successful that uh droves of uh russian soldiers or or surrendering before the Ukrainians even get up to them and that's just the nature of them so for me to say i've seen some things on on twitter and i can tell you exactly what's happening in that part of the conflict i don't know i do think it is interesting back to you know i'm this weird guy that the whole time i believe the Ukrainians have the right to defend themselves i'm also the guy that tells you look at the battle of stullen grad uh the russians don't lose the russians just continue to throw people at it till they win i have this idea that wouldn't piece be a cool thing uh where we could just get people to stop dying on both sides but you got to have something to negotiate with right you go into you got to have leverage of some sort the Ukrainians actually had some leverage before i believe many in dado and specifically united states and and boris uh back in england but with uk told them not to negotiate okay so we miss that opportunity piece if they have success in holding some russian land in the kursk region and making things pretty uncomfortable for the kremlin to answer why that's going on there may be some the benefit to what's going on now this latest battle could be maybe a chance at peace some sort of leverage for the Ukrainians then you give you give russia back oh you know the russian gets cursed region back and tell you what while we're at it uh you're gonna they're gonna keep the Crimea i know you guys say said oh what carby came out the other day so well they'll never give back crime they've held it since 2014 would i mean i know i'm not a Ukrainian i'm just alabama guy talking about but hey let cry mia stay with the russians let them take back the kursk region and you at least stop the carnage for right now so you know better off uh they gain some ground in kursk to be able to negotiate leverage with that all right i'm out of here y'all have a fantastic weekend paul fine bomb on the way next so (upbeat music) (upbeat music)