BTC Sessions

WHY ARE WE BULLISH? Ser Ulric, Humble Warrior, Midy Reyes ep435


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1h 26m
Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] What is going on everybody? Welcome to the show another Friday another episode of why are we bullish still on the road almost home briefly before I head out to Baldur County Badger but we're still doing the show we're still here we've got an awesome panel today awesome people coming again to get bullish on a Friday who doesn't like that of course this is live anything can happen so I defer to my friend Bill here. Okay we'll do it live do it live I can go write it and we'll do it live thing sucks yeah if you have not already please do like subscribe share all those things they help a ton getting this content in front of more eyeballs I am Ben with the BTC sessions this is your daily session before we bring in our guests let's take a quick look at where we are in the market right now pulling up time chain calendar dot com and simultaneously I'll grab up the live chat over on the right hand side of the screen everything you say there from here on in is live for the world to see from better or worse over on time chain we're sitting at fifty nine thousand one hundred fourteen dollars per coin a single us dollar will grab you one thousand six hundred and ninety two sats fees are at four sats per bite across the board and in terms of Bitcoin mind nineteen point seven four million of them that's ninety four percent of the total supply we're going to give a quick shout out to sponsors of the show and we'll be right back and bring in your panel so we'll see you in just a sec. 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any other mobile application you can check them out today by searching bitcoin keeper in your app store or heading to all right we're back in and we're going to bring in our panel and get rolling here so i want to welcome to the stage humble i want to welcome also mitty and sir hollrich thank you guys for being here appreciate it we almost we were almost running a little little late there i was i was rushing to get things together and get my setup i'm i'm sat in like a conference room at a random hotel but i appreciate you all joining in so let's do a click round of intros uh so that anybody unfamiliar gets to know you uh so huh we'll start with you who are you what do you do though i'm humble and i'm a reseller stylist i also have two bitcoin brands um it's sovereignty and making Nakamoto um as long as well as a clothing website called the orange habit awesome and uh second time on a show glad to have you thanks for returning thanks for having me yeah absolutely all right and uh mitty it is your first time on the show so give yourself an introduction as well well i'm mitty i just i'm a normal plav i have a nine to five um but i've been in bitcoins since 2020 and um you know i was in what club house was a thing and then twitter space is now so but yeah i love bitcoin so that's that's that's the one qualifying a qualifier to be on the show is you got a little bitcoin so you fit right in perfect exactly awesome well thanks for being here i appreciate you uh uh dip in your toes in uh a friday panel for the first time and uh yeah no worries no worries and uh sir Ulrich uh welcome back to the show good to see you again then um can you give yourself an intro yeah no it's a pleasure to be back um thank you Ben my name is Ulrich um i go by sir Ulrich my crypto pseudonym on bitcoin twitter um but i've done a lot of things since 21 i've i've been in bitcoin for a while but never liked twitter much but when i finally decided to i need to share this this bright orange future or the destruction of fiat started writing at bitcoin magazine uh for about a year and a half two years uh from there i moved on to writing on other platforms like swan simply bitcoin pleb underground uh you guys may have noticed some of my videos i've done uh with swan in the past before what i like to lovingly call the swan having um i'm no longer with them but it was a it was a fun ride while i was there and uh i've done a few other projects declaration monitoring independence you'll see me wearing the captain hat at the bitcoin Nashville uh it's it's fun to socialize with everyone and uh just use the energy that i have when i'm not working my engineering job in the main in the in my iRL world um just to kind of share you know what i think is the future and it's uh it's a it's a privilege to be on stage with with these two ladies and uh and Ben as well awesome well i'm glad to have you back man um again uh unfortunate about that particular having uh but i i think that uh bitcoiners if anything are resilient and uh are able to pick up the pieces and come back stronger than ever so uh you know i'm i'm bullish on on bitcoiners for that very reason but uh yeah thank you all for joining on a friday everybody that's uh watching live right now of course uh this is why are we bullish if you're unfamiliar very simple premise to the show each of us has come with a reason for being bullish in and around bitcoin it can really take any form a personal experience it might be an app or a book or a news event or it doesn't matter as long as it makes you bullish and so the flow of the show is as such number one somebody's going to drop their reason for being bullish that's going to be their chance to rant and discuss and get off their chest whatever they're currently excited about number two all together we're gonna riff on that reason comments questions discussions whatever rabbit holes we decide to go down and finally number three we're gonna rotate to the next person until we've all had a turn so reason riff rotate simple the only rule here on why we bullish is try not to drop your reason before you're asked uh but besides that we're gonna dive right in all uh i'll start us off the hop my uh my reasons relatively simple but uh continues to be a pervasive one and uh i've brought some uh visual accompaniment to to to show exactly why i'm bullish um i'll start it off with uh i'm bullish because politicians are addicted to printing money it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle it is um they would like every politician in order to attain office or depending on what type of office you're holding in order to hold on to office is going to promise things that cost money and they're going to need to continue promising them in order to get votes and bribe voters into voting for them uh at which point that will drive more government deficit spending at which point that will drive more inflation at which point that will also require money printer go burr and it's just an ongoing cycle and with bitcoin we have a way to just kind of step outside of that system and use the money that nobody can print for free so the reason that i i came to this particular reason for being bullish this week is you know it we're getting into the american election cycle uh and uh you know that's coming up in a few months here and uh you know in canada we're we'll get the same thing next year but uh uh a fun little promise that i just saw at the other day well to earlier today is that um uh the harris campaign is they're announcing that the they plan on giving twenty five thousand dollar first home buyer subsidies uh and uh six thousand dollar tax credits per child for the first year of the baby's life um basically again like hey here's some money vote for me kind of thing and again that's in no way exclusive to any particular uh political party but like that's that's a pretty large promise um there's you know what 380 million people in the united states um i i would say that for for a lot of people especially as the last four years uh home ownership is very much off the table uh with the current environment um and uh people's wages and how much asset prices have gone up but um you know what i anticipate if this if uh if if this administration were to get in and then follow through with this promise which who knows don't trust verify but if it were i anticipate that house prices would go up by twenty five thousand dollars roughly and then around that range uh and then you would uh yeah you would continue to see um those house houses be out of reach for your average person the middle class will continue to be hollowed out and um the fiat money printer will continue to go burr and uh and reallocate resources to those with assets away from those without and um yeah and and just to further drum that point here's the us debt clock this is us debt uh sitting at a pretty 35.16 trillion dollars of debt and it just keeps on going and going that's 104 thousand dollars per citizen if you're only looking at taxpayers 268 thousand dollars per tax paying us residents and it's just when you see how quickly these numbers are moving like you're ticking through an individual's yearly salary like every couple of seconds here um and it's just it's disgusting to see how much money is being created and blown on wasteful programs and and just and and sometimes just big question marks where'd the money go well not quite sure we lost a few trillion um so so that's my reason for being bullish because at the end of the day like bitcoin must appreciate in in purchasing power against that when you're looking at something like that where it's just then the numbers are just it's getting to the point where when you look into the hundreds of dollars it's just you can't you can't focus on how quickly the numbers are going so um yeah I mean I know it's a pretty general reason but politicians will always always be addicted to printing money and the only way to solve that is to remove to separate money from state so here it is um so with that I'll open it up to you guys comments questions I don't know where are you guys at with with this topic go ahead lady stars oh boy go ahead midi come on you start hi you know the thing that came to mind when you were when you were talking is i mean what is it it's a six thousand dollar child tax credit as well i think is what she's proposing right and you know it just amazes me that people don't understand that somebody has to pay for that you know so it's like parents will be like oh this is just so great we're going to get this tax credit it's like yeah you're literally giving it like your child gets to pay that in the future you know like we just keep on passing this on and uh it's it's really a quite a sad thing so yeah that that was my take i'll leave it at that yeah so she's so she's gave it next she's gonna give away $25,000 for first-time home buyers is that what it is yeah i mean that's what it seems to that's what the promise seems to be if you're if you're buying a home she seems to have a lot of money like that money's coming from somebody it's it's all new as if she's very close to the money spigot yeah it's it's you're right and and humble i i um again like the the point being that again the government doesn't have money right they they don't have they're they're not really creating anything of value to earn money and be able to spend it they're stealing it from other productive people or creating it out of thin air which is another form of stealing it from other productive people um i think one of my favorite resources that has explained this well is funny enough a children show called the tuddle twins and it's it's such a great show and uh and it just explains it so simply like when when you say that something that costs human capital and human resources uh to create or to offer when you say that's a human right well for who because again somebody has to work in order to create that thing to give it to somebody else for free so who's going to be doing the free work so that people can have the free stuff is the takeaway for me i don't know um all right oh like you you you're you're down in the u.s and you get to you get to deal with the politicians are down there when we've got our own flavor up here like what when you're looking at these promises as election season comes around like what what's goes through your mind cal california ain't that different from canada been you know i'm i'm i'm in the the sun shines but there's a there's a heavy cloud of communism uh every time i go outside i was just hanging out in venice beach just right before this thing for the first time like fifth fifth time in 15 years it can't stand it it's just a dystopia um despite how much the sun is shining and all those people i was talking to a buddy of mine all those people it's a generational dynamic of maybe it's millennials maybe it's that our parents were too showed us the the only the bright side of life to the point where as we grow up and come into our own we expect that parent to come in and provide for us that provide us something that is not ours and in order for them to provide that they have to take it from someone else and that's what you're seeing there you're seeing that with the six thousand dollar uh credit for newborn babies by the way they do that out of their countries um and by the way jd vance suggested that as well kamala here has mocked it and then uh double not double down but added to it so she mocked it three weeks ago and then now she says oh by the way we're going to do it and create and and propose it like it was her own idea the twenty five thousand dollar uh home purchase guess what's that guess what that's going to happen the market's going to absorb that and say you know we know that's going to we know you're going to get that money so we're going to upcharge are the price for the house anyways so it's going to be a net a net it's going to be basically net zero no one's going to feel that oh wow that really helped me out by buying that house you're not going to feel it the mark the free market is stronger than any of the nuance that centralized planning can bring to the table uh it's just the egotism of the fiat system they think that they can truly central centrally plan uh and they think that they could do it better in the USSR they think they can do it better in China you have this modern monetary theory dynamic you have this hyper leftism um that's coming in to play and everyone thinks that they can play essentially god because they've created what is essentially this tower of our modern day tower of Babel which is fiat currency and the problem is that the people who get hurt most are the wage earners in society the people who don't um who don't own assets and that's why we bid coin yeah a hundred percent and it again it's not the only um how should i say it's not it's not the only fiscal and monetary quackery that we see out of out of campaigns like there's always already been uh chats or or um uh calls for price controls which you know good luck on that one that's worked out in every other country that's executed them um so yeah i mean it's it's sometimes it's exhausting because i feel like if there's enough space in between bad ideas they just need to be learned again and again and nobody picks up a history book and and sees oh jeez when they did this last time it was horrendous maybe we should like pump the brakes on this one for the second time third time fourth time thousand times so i i don't know i like midi i'm i'm i'm curious again just like your jet are are you when you're looking at at the election stuff coming up are you just like i'm out or are you like do you um are you like single issue voter uh like if if bitcoin or are you just like i don't trust politicians it's just a it's a shit show i yeah yeah it's you know i don't trust them you know you know it's like you said before you know they're gonna promise and promise just to you know to earn votes but at the end of the day you know somebody you know they're gonna print the money you know and you know it's it's not fair so that's why bitcoin yeah i mean we've we've we've all i wonder how long it'll take um society as a whole to to recognize that these these promises they they come from somewhere and again humble like you said it's it's the kid who gets the subsidy is going to be paying back the subsidy later in life plus interest so it's uh but hey round and round we go and maybe we can maybe we can escape and and maybe we can stack a few uh stimmy checks worth of bitcoin along the way and uh turn it into generational wealth so but anyways i'll put a bow on my topic here moral of the story is they will keep on printing so keep on stacking um but with that humble i'm gonna toss it to you i'm gonna queue you up for uh the same question everybody will get why are you bullish this week all right um just wanted to thank you again for for having me on here um with my lovely friends very happy to see them it's awesome um so you know i i guess what we were talking about before but i'm bullish on people waking up to bitcoin you know like we say that every now and then but there are so many events that are happening in the world that i feel the conversations that we've had the seeds we've planted i guess you could say um with family and friends maybe they're the wheels are turning a little bit right you know you've got a suppression of speech and in the ukhan social media people are getting jailed um things that you know like we kind of heard of a while ago and maybe even some of us thought that they'd never do that but now they are so i'm bullish on people starting to say this isn't right what happened to the fact that we were supposed to be able to speak freely even if we disagree with each other and this is how we have great conversations how we learn from each other how you can have a certain point of view and then learn from somebody else who has a complete opposite point of view you know it's just like you don't want to be kept in this echo chamber but they're trying to keep us in their little echo chamber you know um so i'm really bullish on people starting to place more value on freedom and place more value on um you know we're not at this point a communist country you know they're uk isn't either so like what's happening and why is this happening it doesn't make sense so i'm hoping more people will be waiting up to bitcoin by questioning world events i like that um and it's it's bitcoin and tangential uh technologies as well i find people are starting to kind of clue into like you know private you know privacy tools um you know uh even like social social media like the fact that noster exists in and of itself is is a big boat for freedom of speech um but yeah you're right like there's the uk thing is crazy um people being potentially arrested for retweeting something like not even writing so it's like you amplified speech that we don't like so like off to the goo leg with with you but you see you know like venezuela uh and russia both have banned signal messenger um uh and and so like obviously they're they're having an issue with people being able to speak privately there x is also banned in venezuela uh which i i i suppose you know noster can now kind of be shown in a light where well okay if if one thing can be banned this other thing cannot um but yeah and then and then monetarily like when when you cannot use banks when you get blacklisted uh what are you going to do and thankfully there's an app for that so uh there's a network for that i suppose but yeah i i mean i'll let uh or i can and mini chime in here but it definitely i i would echo your sentiments that um freedom is being encroached upon and freedom is pushing back um i'll go first this time uh so like humble and i are talking all the time you know midi and i are talking all the time so i knew that she was going to kind of mention something like this and it's like i've always thought this you know they're bitcoin twitter bitcoin x we we come up with these euphemisms to to justify why we're here and to justify who should also be here we we came up with the what the terminology bitcoin is a political um which may be you know a tool is in and of itself um is just a tool a hammer is a hammer um it could be a murder weapon in one person's hands and it could be uh an element for building in another person's hands but when we look at but the the rights to the element and the justification for if person someone should have that element or not um is definitely a political statement um i remember watching i never i'll never forget this and uh Oppenheimer i saw it late because i was one on the barbie bandwagon i saw barbie before Oppenheimer i'm sorry uh LA is rubbing off on me but when i finally saw it i never i'll never forget yeah i'll never forget the uh the communist meetup um the the girl said uh property is theft i'm like oh oh my gosh you know property is theft i remember like like tax we say taxation is theft so so the idea that bitcoin is in is inherent property and someone you are essentially a sinner you're essentially a wrongdoer to a large contingency of people by just owning bitcoin and people will come after you for that people will come after you for your for your right your property or inherent property right to speak um which is happening in of all places the uk where we're supposed to put you know magna carda i guess you know they don't really care about that kind of stuff anymore um it's amazing what a thousand years would do but like i guess what i'm saying is you know communism doesn't work with a variety of thought communism has to cause um and so when you talk to people you have to say hey how much do you want other people to tell you what to do it says a lot about how socialist how communist you are and and you really got to wonder like do you really want that system when the wrong person in your eyes is telling you something is telling you what to do if trump decided to be a trump communist you know and all these lefties who absolutely despise him for instance do you want him to be head of your communist state or do you want your individual liberties to say despite that person in power you have certain rights certain inherent rights to your existence and that's what we want no matter who wins whether it's trump or kamala we want to have some sort of inherent rights that allow us to prosper and i gotta say no matter where you live right now in this world uh there are challenges in that route uh in that realm even having bitcoin bitcoin is the best thing you can have in this world right now but it's still just a bleak dispositions in the way these politics are running in this world over yeah hold on i'm sorry i'm bringing i'm bringing that military into i work with military people in my in my day job to agree so love it well mitty i'll let you tag in after that one if you if you have i'm gonna top that how am i gonna top that oh you all you gotta do a smile you're fine i'll have to do a smile um you know i'm actually i'm very grateful for being not ex uh humble i love the morning spaces i'm usually at work just listening and just sitting there learning laughing it's great so you know i i i i have met so many great people um um bitcoin twitter and spaces and and and when i've had chances to to actually meet in person it's been amazing so uh uh i went to Nashville and i met up with my stack chain family shout out to my stack chain family love you guys and it was amazing Anthony the rebels i see you um but yeah it's just you know like i i love the fact that we've been able to to to meet each other you know on spaces and and uh during the conferences gets it's just to me and and you know it's it's great so you know uh x is not bad bad you know um as long as you can access it yeah as long as you're not suspended or anything you don't you know yeah yeah it's it's um again i i think that it's it's interesting that things have changed on on x so dramatically to what it was before because i almost wonder if um the fact that there is to a degree where people can actually say what they think on x currently if that took a little bit of the wind temporarily took some of the window to the the noster sales um because i mean if it if it was how it was before and you will go to post something and you get throttled or you and and i'm not saying it doesn't happen here and there but i wonder if it was still as draconian as it was there would have been much more of an exodus already to noster i don't know like what do you guys think i don't know what it was i've got an awesome i'm not often i've got an awesome not too often but i just try to be there and post and you know but for some reason i don't get that engagement that i get on x you know most of my friends are on twitter yeah um i think oh go ahead go ahead no i'm done i think yeah noster is like this uh it's you know everyone's waiting for lightning to explode lightning is lightning is still in its infancy um and so technologies need this long need this long loading ramp i don't know i forget the technical term while live but it's like you need to get these hours in where you where you establish this foundational use case before you know you kind of evolve before you level up and in terms of like usage and and time and time in app and so people are teasing it with his tinkerers right now um and it will evolve and so it's like this is a patient this is a process this is five years this is even ten years this isn't going to be overnight um of course the necessity will drive people more to it just like you see bitcoin with bitcoin necessity drives people to it that's why america is so slow in adopting bitcoin all the wealth in america guess what people well you know the dollar is kind of good why do i need bitcoin my house isn't burning down talk to people in nigeria talk to people in venezuela and of course there's more urgency but less capital so i'd say when it comes to noster like i'm patient i have an account but i'm generally inactive i don't have a massive following i don't have like a life to make sure my noster people hear what i have to say so it's like i just want i'm kind of like i got my app i got my infrastructure got my you know got my my relay so when it's time to be there it's a it's a switchover and communication still manifests but twitter i think it's still good enough at least for us americans i can't say the same for venezuela i want to be surprised it's uk shut it down uh i dare i'm too yeah yeah i'm sorry no that's all good humble i don't know if you had anything else you wanted to tag in there before i'll just echo that sentiment you know i think it's going to take a while for it to catch on and that's fine you know they've got different uh things that they're working on and i have a presence there but i barely i barely use it just because it was just such a crazy thing to kind of get started and understand and there were certain apps that were available and then someday they weren't available and it's like ah you know and you know it's like now i feel comfortable posting how i really feel on x um there was a period of time where i maybe wasn't comfortable with that uh and it's kind of like a venting thing you know it's like if people see it they see it if they don't they don't but like i know this is how i feel and it's almost like this historical record too like this is what's happening now this is how i feel you can look back and be like oh okay yes so yeah it's i think x is good um and i i have high hopes for noster in the future just not right now yeah fair enough i mean it's but you know but you know what uh i do want to say that when i do go on master it's nice to get that you know when you post something you don't get that on x so i really like that so i try to you know be there you know on a daily basis and just you know put something there yeah yeah i mean there's there's a few things greeting you just want the set you know i know i i know i i share my you know my positive quotes that i like to share on twitter as well you know i i know i'm all positivity i'm all love you know yeah also to show support sorry go ahead no i was i was also going to say it's it's helpful too that the the rage algorithm isn't present there because like sometimes i'll get on x and i know it's serving me stuff that's just gonna rile me up to be like oh god i'm sorry hate this and then and you got to stop yourself of like do i need to interact with this individual and you know sometimes i'm able to resist the urge and other times i get way too deep into an argument i didn't need to bother myself with whereas on noster it's just kind of you see what you see and it's not programmatically feeding you things to to rile you up and and get you interacting so it's um and and maybe like that's that's that's it that's it's a feature but it also comes to a detriment in terms of quicker onboarding of people because that that addictive algo isn't there to keep you there right so yeah it's it's a it's a double-edged sword i suppose well and it happened so fast with x like yesterday i had looked at it i watched a video and it's it was on something that i'm not normally watching a complete video on and i just i thought i was in the comment feed of this video because like every single thing that was on there was relating to the video i had just watched and it wasn't it was just suddenly my feed was showing me everything regarding that video that i watched like that that subject so i was like okay this is that's a bit much you know so yeah and i think we have to kind of understand it as long as you understand it you can handle it right yeah yeah exactly uh yellow is making fun of my disability in the chat right now you know what i want to say i want to say something so i don't know if you remember you posted regarding your 40th birthday next year yes yes oh my gosh i got i i don't know if you saw it but i hate injustices and it just round me up and my stack chain brothers they all came to my rescue oh my god and they troll that guy so bad oh yeah it's hilarious somebody was anybody missing context here i i innocently posted the other day because you know i don't i usually don't do anything for my birthday but i figured 40 is a bit of a milestone so like maybe i'll go somewhere for that and i could just said it'd be cool to to celebrate my 40th birthday with some bitcoiners and somebody like strung together some narrative of like me going to pretend i'm rich in a third world country and like you know like the facade of bitcoiners like the only way that they can like first of all i'm not trying to be like oh look at me like i find bitcoiners are quite the opposite like no no no i i i'm going to act poor even if i've stacked early because i want to stack more sats and two i don't want anybody to know if i've stacked a lot of sats because i don't want that five dollar wrench attack to happen so like i feel like it was kind of uh kind of a anyways she just like kept and she kept posting over and over and was like angry at the world anyways i i know you know what that mystery loves company people they have nothing else to do with their time but to dispute negativity yeah you know a bunch of trolls it happens but that damn i'll go got me yeah for that one yeah but anyways it's anybody in the chat it's not my birthday until like march next year i'm just kind of like really figuring out you know if i want to go somewhere or not but anyways besides the point uh with that we're going to do another rotation but before we do uh we're going to do a we're going to do two things we're going to do our last quick shout out to sponsors and we're going to give away some sats so everybody that's watching to the two thousand some odd people that have tuned in so far get your lightning wallets ready because as soon as we're back we're going to have a chance for somebody to uh uh snipe some sats so we will be back in just a moment uh we'll see you when we get back calm has some of the best hardware on the market today to secure your bitcoin the cold card queue is an absolute powerhouse and is my daily driver not top of this they have plenty of other goodies including the mark four the tap signer open dimes the block clock and much more if you head over to their website make sure you use code BTC sessions at checkout to get a nice discount links are in the show notes down below bitcoin lightning wallet built with simplicity in mind spend and receive with ease claim your own lightning address shop your favorite gift cards and even earn rewards when you spend head over to to download the app on your mobile or desktop today and use the link down below to get five thousand sats for free and have the chance to win even more trading and lending instant self custody and no KYC puddle-huddle is the place to be you can sign up with just an email address and once you're there you can start browsing offers immediately whether you're looking to buy and sell or whether you're looking to lend or borrow you can check them out today at the links down below all right and we are back in and we're gonna give away some sats really quick before we go on to the next reason for being bullish so uh everybody that has their lightning wallets queued up whoever gets to scanning first this is gonna be an ln URL voucher I'm here on the bitcoin well dashboard again these guys are in Canada and the US but basically the way it works is when you sign up or when you buy bitcoin or when you refer friends you earn points and you can use those points to throw them in the well and you can win anywhere between five hundred up to a million sats per toss in the well so I'm gonna play now or redeem and I'm going to blow this up on the screen I'll give you guys a few seconds to scan whoever gets it first will take it there's five hundred sats for you so get scanning whoever grabs it congrats and do let us know either in the chat or on x or on noster wherever you may be but anyways there we go and congrats whoever sniped those sats but with that we're gonna do another rotation uh midi I am sending it straight to you and I'm gonna ask you same question ever he gets why are you bullish oh boy um I am bullish uh pretty for personal reasons I do have a personal story um uh when I turned 40 I decided to um get a divorce from an 18 year marriage and that was hard it was very tough um and then five months in my youngest son who was seven at the time got diagnosed with a brain tumor uh an inoperable brain tumor so I was obviously devastated you know a lot of people know this but uh it gets to a point you know um he passed nine months after that and then afterwards pretty much my my ex was like uh what are you moving at so I pretty much had to move out of the house and I found myself with nothing absolutely nothing but we're gonna use the house for uh you know like split it and stuff like that but everything got spent trying to trying to save them save my son that practically but um and but there were times where I was just praying and say like what am I gonna do like I pretty much have my job and that's it that's all I have like I have nothing and uh and then when I found out about Bitcoin which was in 2020 uh then and I started to learn about it it's like you know the sky's open and and I was like you know what I'm not gonna have to work till I'm you know 80 years old and I just went down to rabbit hole and haven't stopped since so I'm I'm so grateful I have met so many amazing people and I know I'm not gonna work till I'm 80 and every day I just keep stacking stats stacking stats and with the help of my stacking family like I wouldn't have I wouldn't have more stats if it wasn't for them so I want to thank all my stacking uh family that uh you know I I have more stats than I would have so that's why I'm bullish that's awesome I again like it's you can find a pretty great community with with bik corners I think and that's kind of what comes through there that um to me it sounds like you've you've found like a you know your your tribe with with the the stack chainers and and the yes the the bik corners and yeah like tell me a little bit about you tell me a little bit about your first like foray into to meeting all of you know the bik corners that you know today like how how did that come about um so I like I said before I used to go to the uh club house spaces and um my first conference that I went to was in 2021 but uh the people that I that I knew from spaces like you know we weren't like close or it wasn't never really interacted because like as I do now I you should just go listen I love learning so I just sit on the and the you know and just just listen and learn and that's how I've pretty much have done ever since but um then in 2022 I was invited to be part of the uh swan force and I did that and I met a group of people that's when I met my my dear humble 2022 Miami 2022 and that was awesome and I met a few of the other guys and in 2023 the beginning of 2023 then I met my stack chain family and like I that is my tribe I love them and it's just and when I got to Nashville I got to meet them in person so that was like a great experience that's all there's nothing better than than getting in a room with uh with bik corners especially for the first time like that that dealing of I'm not crazy or that or like we're all crazy together like it's one of the two but my family thinks I'm crazy yeah yeah so you know what don't come at me when you know the equimones and you have nothing yeah no that's I mean again I'm it's it's like a harrowing story but again the the silver lining the the light at the end of that tunnel of finding a community of you know like-minded loving people that that uh you know you can grow with I think that's that's fantastic yeah yeah bik one has brought a lot of hope into my life yeah yeah absolutely yellow uh yellow said uh after the story the question should be why are you hopeful uh and I yeah absolutely like bik one is that can can be that hope for a lot of people in the way that it brings people together and yeah it's uh I think a lot of people um in in different parts of life oh there's a lot of um pessimism and nihilism that you know everywhere right now and you know for a lot of different reasons uh but you know I think bik coin has has taken some people to to a better place I'm curious if uh humble or or Ulrich here um have similar sentiments or any questions for midi uh humbles closer humbles closer to midi so I'm going to go ahead and drop mine first okay so no I think it's better because you guys are really close so like listening to midi story and I heard it before I heard you know the tragic story with the with your son uh back you know closer a year ago and then I didn't know about the the husband part but I will say that the family that you've developed um in this bitcoin in this bitcoin realm whether it's close with the stack chainers whether it's more you know far off from people like me that you may not interact with as much but you know I got your back I think it's just an example of the volunteerism of empathy and what I mean by that is the the socialist communists they rationalize their atrocities to people um by using the buzzword empathy we have empathy the capitalist doesn't so the the individualist does not but the catch is there's nothing truly empathetic about corralling essentially a mob to go door to door with guns to take your time during wealth and to redistribute it to their interest groups that's not empathy that's outright blatant theft what we have with bitcoin is when you have when you have pure ownership of when you have real ownership of your money and you're not worried about how much the state is going to come and knock on your door to take from you what you end up doing is like you know what I have all this saved up energy that I can distribute it to other people that need it and it may not be it may not be giving money maybe giving your time it may be giving something else it may be giving whatever but the catch is that bitcoin can enable people to give of themselves more because they don't have to reserve something for when the state comes knocking like a old mobster movie so I think it's a great example with your stax chain family I've just recently met a lot of them uh or met some people that I didn't even know were in stax chain including yourself I didn't know that you were associated with you know hanging out in in Nashville but it's like what a great group and what a great group to support someone and that use case is going to reiterate and it's going to blow the use case of communist empathy out the water so amen to you guys thank you awesome humbly you can jump in here as well all right i'm going to try to stand tractor because i don't want to get emotional um I I want to say that oh boy okay so you what I met you you're such a strong individual and and you know where some people may feel victimized right by the situation circumstances in life um you picked yourself up and the series of events that happened in your life and when you you know named bitcoin um you know I would imagine that gave you this sense of hope you know like like for me what resonated was somebody created this for other people like they didn't want anything for themselves they saw a problem they wanted to fix it and when you have these tragedies happened in your life and and and I can't um understand what you went through with with your son if you can right um but having this knowing that there's somebody good out there or something good out there that was created for others is just that sense of hope that you need sometimes to drive you in the right direction you know and I think your story um as it pertains to the divorce you know there's a lot of women that are in these situations um there's a lot of women that maybe didn't have jobs um there's women that are in domestic abuse situations and what can bitcoin do for these women and I think that's that's something to talk about in the future as well um to to really help educate women um so that they can pack up their bags and say okay this isn't a healthy situation and um you know it because that's a very there's a lot of women out there that are dealing with that so yeah it's all in but out yeah and I love you I'm sorry that's all you do yeah well it is again a very inspiring kind of story to kind of come out of a situation like that and and and build back and in a way um that you know I I kind of see the support coming through the chat here and everybody uh trying to lift each other up and uh yeah it's uh one that hits right there so um it's great to hear and what a fantastic topic I think yeah and you know what also um I also advocate for um health and wellness uh you know I'm a bit of a gym rat and I oppose a lot about that yeah I was told once that that I was uh that I was not normal because I wake up at 4am and get ready to be at the gym at 5 and that's okay because it works for me and it actually works it it like working out has helped me so much people don't realize that working out is just not too good you know to have a nice body working out for me it has been for my mental health it has helped me get through you know you know in addition to the support that I've gotten from my family friends you know working out and eating healthy uh has helped me like tremendously so that's important and that's why I advocate for that I love that yeah it's it's interesting how these uh tangential topics to bitcoin kind of like people they they see the idea of bettering the money but then also start to question other parts of life or or or people that already uh have some good habits around that um you know it can come to bitcoin it can be the other way around as well but like I think bitcoiners in general um once they understand bitcoin they they start looking at ways of of bettering their own situation as well yeah yeah well that's awesome well that was it that was a fantastic topic and I'm really glad you shared that that story um so thank you for that Mitty you're welcome awesome well I guess the only thing left to do is do one more rotation here and toss it down to all right here and uh same question man you get to round us out why are you bullish this week yeah man um I would say I'm bullish on the concept of the insecurity of the ops or the in insecurity of the opposition and I guess what I mean is well so I have this quote from the art of war where was it uh I had this quote that I was looking at the art of war son zoo he said attack him where he's he is unprepared appear where you are not expected and I think when we when we look at the world that you know the world wasn't ready for rapid technology changes and what I mean the world the people that own the world the fiat regime the fiat um the legacy financial system the legacy monetary power they didn't realize how fast certain things would become uh adopted or how hard it would be to get rid of things like decentralization uh individually individually run institutions or infrastructures like the bitcoin network uh and I think that politicians because they're so used to being on the forefront of everything I mean you see the network that goes up um when they they come in as a as a bright-eyed bushy tailed you know representative and they leave with ten figures in the bank you know multiple ten figures was with Warren you know what George W. Bush it doesn't matter whether you start off poor start off rich you become wildly rich because why because you have the insider trade on literally everything but bitcoin and they didn't they didn't see that they didn't want to see it um and I think that comes down to as we get into this modern world you know and we're accelerating I think it started with the processor a lot of people references from the sovereign individual book I didn't read it in completion but one part was talking about the processor and how it's essentially this intermediary or it gets rid of the intermediary of information or of processing that's why it's called the processor you don't need a government to do something for you um to solve a problem for you the computer chip with the right information given to it will be able to solve so many things for you and then fast forward all these multiple technologies laid on top of it uh you start getting to the internet you start getting into bitcoin and that is where they don't want to lose they don't want to lose the idea of the they don't want to lose 50% of every value exchange known the man they don't want to lose they don't want to lose that transaction fee they don't want to lose that settlement fee and bitcoin erases all the need for anything of a bank of international settlement central bank uh you know all these government institutions treasuries it's all taken care of in a non-sovereign way um but you know they were okay they were okay with the with the car replacing a horse because guess what they can invest in that they can they are okay with electricity replacing oil they were okay with that so they're panicking and when you see people panicking um and you're on the other side of that panic you know it's like you're you're sitting on this side and on the other fence everyone's freaking out you gotta say wow they're all freaking out you're you're calm cool and collective wusa there's got to be something good about this and we go through our volatile stages we go through our 50 30 drops or 50 drops you know and yet still they're panicking they're trying to figure out a way to defeat this one trillion dollar network which generally when you think about nine hundred trillion dollars of global wealth it's insignificant but there's something there's something about it the the market value doesn't reflect its subjective value doesn't reflect its use case value and these are the things that you know when i think about a lot of the the messaging on twitter a lot of people are talking about capital asset a lot of people are talking about it's in its near-term trade value a lot of top people are talking about and i know we're meaning in the in the chat when a hundred k it's all fun and games and that's and that's cool and all but it's like this technology is so much more important than the near-term dollar value um and people are struggling people have bills to pay people want to buy houses they want to buy their lambo's or what is maybe not labeled anymore they want to buy their new car they want they want to turn their money because it's money they want to turn their money into into a hard asset that they can use and a hard asset that that will last or they may want they may want to buy a nice dinner but the catch is that that money is so valuable in its projected use case just by the fact of looking at all the people that try to rationalize against it you have got you have got to hold firm and especially this time frame when we know that something generally good will happen because of how far we are from the halving time frame you want to keep your you want to keep your disposition at a good place you want to be you want to get away from the noise you want to get away from even the bitcoin twitter noise you just want to kind of calm yourself let time happen um and get to a place where it's like yeah like i brave the storms i'm here um and then when it goes down again if it does guess what you're going you're you're there you're there again because you can and i've heard i think i've heard pressing pitch say this or something someone like that i can remain solvent longer than the market can remain irrational and that's the high time that's the low time preference dynamic that we all need to have and we all need to be reminded about i'm not saying anything i'm not bow shot anything that we all shouldn't know already but it still needs to be reminded it's like going to church on sunday sorry i got muted i think it's great um again it's there's i always watch these fluctuations in the price and i'm a little astounded that you know like oh oh the us government moved some of the the the bitcoin they're holding and and all of a sudden the price drop dumps because people are are treating it as like a such a short term thing and i'm thinking like you're you're you're pissing away general the generational wealth on you know a price movement that could be short-lived as as like a week or a month or like what in the hell are you doing like you're you're rolling the dice when you could have a very simple formula you could you know create value for others spend less than you earn and save in a money that nobody else can print and your life will just be so much easier so much simpler you can just be good at something and save and put some money away and and things will just get easier and easier over time um and it's just again we've we've been conditioned into such a you've you've always got this this fiat tendency in the background to to want to try and time things and oh maybe you know i'll you know i'll keep some money on the sidelines so that when it goes down i can snatch up some more which great if that happens but like if it just if it if it goes for a ride to the upside then i mean you could have just stacked those stats and so i i i think all of us try to get out from under the thumb of that that fiat mindset and it's hard when you've when you've you know been living through it for for your entire life uh and have just been introduced to bitcoin in the past few years and and yeah you're right like it it people need to be reminded constantly like how how much of a seismic shift this is for the world and how important it is i think um anyways i'll let i'll let midi and uh and humble uh whoever wants to chime in on what over here had to say well it's it's so much easier to just stack sets you know it's like my my friends from stacking say have fun stacking sets just stack sets don't worry about it put it in cold storage and forget about it because you know you know bitcoin is going to moon in the future you know don't worry about it just just have fun stacking sets that's all i gotta say well it humble how about you so i have to apologize if there's some new background noise but i had to take a break to turn my ceiling fan on when i was trying to make it quiet but it didn't work so it's kind of annoying but bear with me um you know i had some great advice advice given to me from a gentleman on on twitter named tau and we had both kind of i was at 2022 i think um i was trying to think of a a time to buy back in because it crashed and this is when i was like trading crypto back in the day you know like all that stuff right i was i was still dealing with that so i pulled as much out as i possibly could and i'm like oh i mean i just i don't know when i'm gonna buy more and um so tau and i were dealing with that and then the friend of mine satya has said you know do you believe it's going to go to a hundred thousand i'm like well yeah yeah i mean yes it will and then somebody said well deeply it's going to go to like five hundred thousand like yeah i believe it will for sure yeah then what are you waiting for just buy in now just do it now because nobody can predict what's going to happen and that's very true you know i sat there of course i didn't listen at first because i'm like oh okay well that's great but i still think i know more than everyone else right now so i'm gonna do what i want right but i it's like nope that was the advice and then you don't have to worry about it anymore you know i mean it's there and like mitty said you just put it aside like it doesn't even it's there you know it's there but you you don't have to worry about it you don't have to have access to it it's for your future you're good so yeah yeah i again i think that's on point like as soon as you start overthinking it then you know you're you're going in the wrong direction just like again put it away save it again i'm a bit more of a psychopath in that i'm like actively living on it and i i felt like uh uh having just my savings in bitcoin wasn't enough i just needed to be like fully down the rabbit hole but i mean it's made me a better saver in that every expenditure beyond my my monthly bills is an active decision of you know do i want to spend this bitcoin or not you know if i if i have dollars in the bank then it's like well whatever it's the dollars who cares but when it's sats it's like okay well do i need this i don't know like and it becomes a bit more of a conscientious process of what my expenses are so yeah hey been really really really quick to to cut you off on that example it's so funny the legacy finance system they would consider you a bad actor they're working against you to create velocity of money um whereas like if you're holding if they would call you a hoarder they're calling you they're they're working they're saying how do we stop this guy from holding on to his stack of dollars the longer i know let's debase that amount so he feels it enough so he feels it so it's like do i save or do i spend do i spend on those shoes i don't really need do i spend on that on that book that extra bookshelf that i don't really need oh guess what if i'll buy it now it's going to be 30% more later i'd better buy it now that's good for the Keynesian economy and so it's like we're flipping that on his head and so like that perfect example you living more so on a bitcoin standard than a lot of people you are becoming more austrian more critical of every single micro unit that you spend and that's actually good for the economy guess what that does that means that someone who's making a product they got to make a really good product in order to separate you from your bitcoin and that's it that means that everyone's getting a better deal um yeah anyway so that was it sorry yeah no i i love that and and that's very very true because and funny enough um some people might interpret that as thinking like oh you must buy really cheap stuff all the time it's actually the total opposite because when i go when i actually need to get something i want something that's going to last for a long time and be really good so like rather than go get the crappy ikea kitchen table i went and i had my friend who build stuff locally build solid solid oak bases and like and like a granite top and every that thing weighs so much it will still be standing there when the house burns down eventually it's like that thing is never being moved but is are you telling us where your seat praises yeah so i mean like again it changes a little bit of of how you approach things and and you're more likely to get the better quality item that takes you maybe a bit longer to save for because you know it's going to last you forever rather than the tricky tricky crappy thing that you're going to replace five times inside of the next calendar year so it's it it definitely plays with you a little bit and and i see that a little bit with what we're doing in calgar with the sat market um where we've got local merchants that are coming together and offering services and goods and everything for bitcoin um they're they're being more conscientious about the product that they're putting out there because people go to the market and they'll say oh i'll grab some this and this and kind of support and everything but the next time somebody comes to the market if like if something wasn't that great they're not going to spend sats on it again they're going to go to one of the other merchants and we're starting to grow out how many merchants we have and so you know there's some gentle competition going on there and we're seeing like a flight to quality rather than just like quantity crap right like people people aren't it let's let's take bitcoin art as an example people back in the day would be more than happy to buy like any any drink it that just has like a bitcoin b slapped on it it's like okay cool like there's nothing else out there that has this on it so i'll i'll grab this this keychain that is like okay but now it's like no you if if you're putting out a piece of art you actually need to create something that's unique and and and speaks to people and and and so we're getting this kind of this this bitcoin you know like an art renaissance and some of the some of the incredible artists that in and around the bitcoin space that have come out of this and and have really carved out a niche of their own again it speaks to exactly over what you're saying of of it forces people to be better and i i always say it again and again but i love this quote from madex he says you know if if you're offering a good or service and it's not top notch and you're selling to bitcoiners you will not retain that customer beyond the initial sale but if you put out a killer product that person will be back so like it's it's people people treat their purchases much differently with bitcoin than they do with fiat yep a hundred percent capitalism imagine that yeah it's a miracle yeah or or we could just go for uh you know uh stimmy checks and and price caps i don't know it's a toss-up anyways guys um i'm i'm conscious of time i i'm going to uh start rounding things out here but there's a way i like to finish the show each time and i like to go around one last time just asking uh you guys if you have you know any final thoughts just any takeaways from the show that you'd like to echo one last time but more importantly um i love you guys offer uh some type of a recommendation and this can take any form it could be just a little piece of life advice that you have it could be a recommendation for a book or a movie or or a you know an article you read or um even like an app or a device that that you like using so really anything that you think people that have been watching will benefit from you can toss that out there as well so i'll get started so you guys can stew a little bit um but uh yeah the take away here for me um the thing that stood out uh for me the most was kind of the community piece um because we're we're building we're building a bit of community outside of we'll call it the legacy community the legacy community is fraught with pessimism and nihilism um and is is spiraling out of control into just june spending and and hollowing of the middle class um and it's no wonder that that people are are are feeling down and out and you know aren't aren't spending much time with each other anymore it's just like it you feel it well especially when i see my normal friends i feel it um but um i i found that bik corners are overwhelmingly positive even even in the face of uh dire circumstances there there's hope to be had and uh and we're building for a brighter future and people feel that and and so they they exude that in their day-to-day interactions and so that's why i love being around bik corners so much why i love you know going out and meeting uh you know meeting other bik corners and spending time with them so i guess my piece of advice to tie into that is if you haven't met other bik corners yet then for the love of god go do it because it's so worth it to be able to spend time with others that um there's a common thread uh of hope between so yeah go meet your other local bik corners you can do it a lot of different ways but look for a local meetup um you know obviously if you're on x if you're on noster if you're uh you know there's orange pill app there's uh even just look on there might be something local there but just search around and if it's not there go forth and build it yourself make a meetup let me you know put up a post somewhere let people know that you're you're hosting something and uh and you can be that mecca in your area that people come to when they get interested so yeah that's that's my piece there uh i'll i'll toss to humble next um any final thoughts any takeaways that you have from the episode and if you have a recommendation feel free so i'll uh just follow up with we are not psychopaths we've been calling psychopaths you know i mean there's there's the uh what i think the right the far right it maybe it's just the right it's been coin weird and uh we were coin psychopaths before the far right was coin weird but we're not psychopaths it is an amazing community um i've never met such like truly empathetic individuals where cancel culture is kind of just out there and you know we say it like it is we want to we seek the truth um you know we as in for the most part um so yeah i i think that that's definitely my my takeaway and just the whole five i mean i'm always going to say that i'm bullish on bitcoiners because of the experiences that i've had with you know somebody some of the people that are on stage here you know um the recommendation that i have i'm currently reading a book called currency wars um by gym records i think it's gym records um and it's it's great i think that now is a really good time to read that book you know you can kind of see what's happening in the world um so far you know i'm only like a couple chapters in but it kind of is speaking to possibly what's what's happening you know it's the same players the same people that are vying for power um and i think if you're trying to make sense of things maybe this will help a little bit um it's certainly helping me clear my mind and say okay well let's look at it this way and and try to make sense of it because i think that's what we all try to do too you can't make sense of anything that's happening in the world right now um so um any additional insight yeah i think that's a really great book it's currency wars again it is uh yeah i like i like gym record stuff it's funny it's funny he hasn't uh dove and i mean he's i think he's a little skeptical of bitcoin but it's there's there's a lot of people that that really get the prop the underlying problems of what's going on that that haven't been able to make that extra leap but they can still offer some really good insight in and around the existing system and the the problems with it so yeah um mitty i'm gonna toss it down to you final thoughts recommendations go ahead um but it's funny today i was talking to a co-worker and we were discussing the fact that most people don't don't question anything people don't don't question why do we have to get this shot why you know that people don't question anything um right now i have another tragic story sorry but my mom is going through breast cancer treatment and she had her first treatment uh this past Tuesday her first session of chemo and i spoke to her afterwards and she tells me um they said not to die it and i'm like so what did you say like they're just telling you to eat whatever you want no and i just went on a rant that's like you're gonna eat protein and veggies and that's it i don't want to hear about it i don't want to hear about it you know they just want you to feed the cancer and you know to keep their business going so i'm like totally i was just i was living so anyway but uh a recommendation that i would like to make is um one of my favorite books is The Creature from Jackal Island by G. Edgar Griffin that was like at my you know the beginning of my Bitcoin journey it's what like i was like whoa is this for real you know it really it was the shocker if if you guys haven't read it it's it's worth a read it's a really long book i actually just do audio audible and but it's it's so worth it and you know it just tells you about the uh the fed and how it all started and it's it's very interesting i highly highly recommend it absolutely yeah and i i'm sorry to hear about your mom but uh i i um again yeah you don't want somebody that's fighting something like that to be uh uh taken in a lot of fiat food at the same time right like you got you got to keep healthy and not be eating not be eating garbage right so but they're they push they push the the the sad guy not the standard American diet they push him because that's what keeps people sick and people don't people don't question it you know yeah yeah it's uh i just uh i just finished fiat food the the book and the the all of the the government guidance on food and how they came to that is just so angering it's it's so horrendous um yeah highly recommend but Jekyll the creature from Jekyll island as well uh eye opening for sure so i appreciate those recommendations um and i'll reckon i'm going to toss it to you finally uh final thoughts recommendations go ahead oh uh i think you muted buddy yeah oh yeah are you switching from your headphones no no dice go down to uh the settings wheel at the very bottom and uh just make sure that it's on the same thing how about there you go oh yeah now yeah you're good oh no now testing yes you're good sorry guys yeah i may have messed up my audio i can't hear you guys well fix it later my my bluetooth died so i had to change it and all messed up my audio first i want to thank been for having me it was uh it's always a blessing to come on stage you have a great product all the things that you do um from from just the uh from the education with the tools to to uh why are we bullish it's just a great product and i'm a part i'm proud to be a part of it i'm proud to be on stage with with these two lovely ladies hearing the stories that you both have uh it's it's edifying it's humbling it keeps me on the straight and narrow just from my mindset um it's amazing the the government you know a lot of people say especially people who love their government you have to wonder you know they say oh you know they are they're incentivized to do things they're not really they're not doing it in a in a malicious way you kind of have to wonder like is there malive if they're malicious intent involved to keep up essentially in a slave state or not um that's my final thought and my recommendation generally like always i like to uh promote my my brother who does good work and probably doesn't get enough credit uh coin Icarus Walton pleb underground uh they do they do bang bang up work um coin Icarus does these daily bits every day uh six to ten minutes breaking down not necessarily about you know where you're stacking you know how how big is your stack gonna grow from a dollar of perspective but talks about the threats to stuff custody talks about the threats to um the protocol and those are the kind of things that when you go down the engineering five whys there's a reason why you know Fred Kruger talks about the price but guys like coin Icarus talk about why it's valuable in the first place so gives pleb underground to follow check them out um over awesome well that yeah i agree they're fantastic and um again uh pleb underground dudes they're they're i love hanging out with them and seeing them Walton gets around all the events and everything and i get to i tend to cross paths with him in various parts of the world so um but yeah this this has been fantastic uh i want to thank all of you guys for uh joining in i want to thank the almost 3,300 some odd people that uh tuned in and checked out the episode everybody in the chat for uh having uh all those comments fly by and uh offer and support and everything and um yeah i guess i'll just wrap it up by saying to all of you thank you for coming and getting bullish with me on a friday night and all of you are welcome back anytime thank you for having us yes thank you it's good to see you again for sure awesome all right we'll see you guys later have a good evening and uh everybody that is watching thank you guys again for being here uh be sure to check out all of uh our guests in the show notes down below you can follow them and see what they're up to up to and uh and everything uh with their handles down there um also be sure to hit up the previously mentioned sponsors down below um and you can like subscribe share all those things help a ton uh other than that uh as i said um i'm going to be doing a little bit more traveling after this so i'm going to be home uh in a few days here briefly and then i'm off to balta honey badger uh out in rega so if you're going to be out to rega then please let me know i would love to see you there um and it's an absolute blast uh it's been a while since i've been there 2019 so i'm very excited to come back uh if you are heading over there if you haven't got tickets yet you can use code BTC sessions you'll get 10% off but uh i hope to see a bunch of plebs out there it should be a good time and finally if you are sorting through the channel and uh you're sorting through the tutorials and you're doing all right but maybe you need a little bit of additional hand holding some extra help then please do reach out to my team over at we put together an incredible group of bitcoin educators they can help you through anything you need whether it be uh setting up wallets hardware multi-sig lightning running a node home mining uh you name it they can help you all the way through it um so be sure to check it out you can book a free 15 minute session as well if you are uh looking to just kind of see and uh talk through what you're looking to learn and then if it fits the build then you can go ahead and book sessions from there so anyways with that uh i will wrap up again thanks all for being here i really do appreciate it and i am off have yourselves a wonderful day or evening wherever you may be see you guys next time for your daily session [BLANK_AUDIO]