

Fri, Aug 16 11:25 AM → 3:43 PM working

Radio Systems:

  • Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network PSERN Full

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Command from Division Delta. I'm going to leave engine 10 answering. I'm going to come to your location for face-to-face. Command, okay. We are repositioning to the original command post on howl. Ladder 4, okay. Ladder 4 from command. Ladder 4. Ladder 4. We're bringing engine 5 down to go through rehab. As soon as they back their apparatus out, we're going to put you in service as well. Ladder 4 from command. Yeah, correction to standby. It wasn't talking engine 22. It's going to be a while. This is all our LDH on the ground. Engine 22 from command 22. That's not when you're ready to go back in service. Command from Engine 8. Engine 8 is ready to go in service. Dispatch, place engine 8 in service. Engine 8 in service. We are sending you Engine 10 to leave Engine 5. Engine 5 is to come down and get ready to go in service. Now, receive. Division Delta. Division Delta from command. Engine 29 driver, Virginia 29. Okay. Engine 29, okay. Engine 29 for 22. Engine 29. Engine 29. You can break down all lines on Division Charlie. Engine 2 confirming you're just supplying Engine 10. If that's all you are doing, go ahead and break down and come off the hydrant. It's okay, yeah, it's affirmative. We'll start breaking down now. Dispatch, film on command. Fire into control. Fire into control. How are you providing a supply or you have any hand lines off at this time? No hand lines were supplying in 10. Engine 2. Engine 2. Are you on a hydrant? Engine 2 from command. In about 15 minutes, I'm walking back to my post for face-to-face. Engine 8 from command. Engine 8. Are you ready to go back in service? It's Engine 29. You are Division Charlie. If you feel you need Spline, you can keep it. Otherwise, I'd look at team over there. Engine 29, okay. Engine 29. Engine 29, your answer for Division Charlie. We got to get the two and a half picked up to start thinking about picking up the engine 3/4. Engine 29, okay. Is the goal to have just one engine 3/4 up here on the roof? I think we can get down to the no lines on the Charlie side. Engine 29, okay. Engine 29 from Division Charlie. Disregard. Engine 11 from command. Disregard from off command. You can go through all units. Just keep by engine 11. Command Division Charlie. I'm from the back to our face-to-face. Take them in, clearing air 10 from the scene. Disregard from command. Good, yeah. We're going to clear air 10 from the scene. Keep them out of service. I'll get back to 10 for an equipment swap. Man, okay. Okay. I'll be there along with engine 34, still boarding about five minutes. Repeat. We have oncoming engine 22 members here in rehab. 22, your location. Wayne never relieved a Division. And also my engine 5. Engine 22 from command. Command from engine 11. Engine 11 can go back in service. Command, okay. Dispatch. Place engine 11 in service. Engine 11 in service. Engine 11 in service. You need both units or can you cut engine 34 loose? I can cut. Actually, I need engine 5 to get here. They're not here yet. Command, okay. Still a combination for engine 5. We'll be there in about one minute. Engine 5, okay. Division delta. Division delta from command. Command from engine 11. Engine 11 is ready to go into service. Confirm it. We can knock that down. Division Bravo from Division delta. Can you hit the parachute wall on the delta side with your hand line? It's wearing up a week. We don't have any going on it. Bravo, okay. I will keep half of 13 driver to command host. Division Bravo from command. Go ahead for Division Bravo. Sorry for Division Bravo. When you have a engine 13 with you, can you send two members, one being the driver to the command host for instructions for repositioning engine 13 from command? Six plug-ins, thanks to rehab. Command, you may have moved battalion six plug-in for it. Command, do you know where battalion six plug-in want? Command, okay. Command from battalion two. Go ahead. I believe battalion six in Charlie Division. We don't need additional resources for the water problem. There is a drain here and it's functioning. I'm working with the property manager right now. 11, okay. Received. As soon as you're ready, go back in service after swapping bottles and rehab. We want to get you out of here. Engine 11, your location. In route to the command post, two members swapping bottles of air tank. Engine 11, front command. Engine 13 from command. Cliders, three in service. Just that place a lot of train service. Division Delta. Division Delta, we're sending the on-duty engine five crew up to relieve engine five, confirming that your location. Yes, that's a good copy on that. They're up here on the road. Division Delta from command. Command Division Bravo. Battalion 77 will assume Division Bravo with age 25 as a fit. Battalion two is coming out for face-to-face. Command, okay. Notification only, engine 22, engine 10, engine 25, operators. We have fuel on location. We'll be heading your direction shortly. Battalion 77 to roof of Bravo exposure to act as fit for Bravo Division. Division Bravo from command. Division Bravo going. Division Bravo. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. I didn't know you could tell you that. Your relief crew is here. You can come down to the back of latter four rigs. They'll flop out with you. Age 25, okay. Age 16 and service. This path, place engine 16 and service. Command from engine six. Go ahead, engine six. We can clear the scene and ready to go in service. This path, please, engine six and service. Command from engine six. Command engine six. It is a problem, folks. Command. I'm on a traffic. Why don't you go repeat for latter four? Laughter 10, can you send your crews to the back of latter four for relief? Laughter 10 from latter four. Laughter six is ready right now. This path, please, for latter six and service. Laughter six. Laughter six. Let us know when you're able to go back in service. Laughter six and command. Command from Charlie division. Go ahead. Laughter six is ready to go back in service if you don't need them. We'll keep them at location, but we'll put them back in staging if you don't need them. Okay, they're helping to engineer you pick up some of those, currently. Command, okay. We're going to leave latter four as red. We're going to return you so we can walkers. Okay, engine six, okay. Engine six. Can you report to the command post? Engine six from command. Engine 16 from command. Division Charlie from command. Is that something that latter three can take care of? We're attempting to, but I'm not sure we're going to be successful. Command, okay. Command. Okay, command rescue one in service. If that's from command, please rescue one in service. Division Charlie from command. What is the need for the resource? Yeah, go ahead and send us a traditional resource. Command from Charlie division. If latter three still available, can you send them back to Charlie division? That's going to make it as they've been reassigned. Do you need resource? We have a non-track resource if you need one. Division Delta for rescue one. Is activation complete without force and doors? That's okay. Return to command post. For rescue, okay. Division Bravo, you will be receiving engine eight. Command from division Bravo. Need a relief company on the roof of Bravo exposure for engine two is to start to get lower. Command okay. Later one in service. This is veteran command. Please latter one in service. There's 32 switch shuttle five. I just heard you. Command from Charlie division. Go ahead. Hey, I'm going to need three lights in the building. I've got a basement with extra access only. That is just until enough. Let me get go. I don't know how much water we have in the basement. We're going to put a pump in, brush a pump. But let's get city lights and figure out where the electrical's at in the building. I'm going to get a lot underneath the sand bay. Command okay. Do you need an additional truck company to assist with pumping out the water? Negative. Kickman into 32 in 17 in service. This is veteran command. Please engine 32 in 17 in service. I'm going to get a car. Affirmative in the delta one exposure. Okay. In the delta one exposure the alpha problem corner apartment. The windows fail. The units are going to be over there and just check on it. Affirmative. We have anyone on floor four rescue one from engine six rescue. Slaughter six from Charlie division report to floor one of the Charlie exposure. Laughter six. Okay. I'm not okay. Stand by. I'm just going to go ahead. I got water flowing in that building Charlie exposure flooding the building. Can we get S on with some sand bay? We just block off the back door so we can prevent some of the water coming in. Command from Charlie division. Command from Charlie division. I got a lot of six proof you need another crew. Command okay. We're sending you out of three. Command okay, but if you could extend the aerial, get it more towards the center of the building. Address the middle of the building and help the side. We want to find out. We want to attend from division Bravo. Recommendate you get that aerial up more and address the delta side walls. I'm okay. We're sending you two members of engine 32. Engine 32 is going to go back to command those. They're going to get returned. Engine 11, send two people down to floor four. We're the apparatus operator from engine 22 heading to relieve engine 25 driver. Engine 25, we're going to find a replacement apparatus operator for your driver on engine 25 to get them out to rehab. Engine 25 for command. All units from command order given. Rescue one, Alpha Bravo and Charlie are reporting the delta division to complete the evacuation of the building. Okay. Let's have rescue one third of the top three fourths. Delta division. Command okay. And you have your unit check the floor below or anything. It looks like the fire is moved to the Alpha Delta. You are extremely mobile. Repeat your traffic. Command division delta main value fire is we're going to wait for the office side. We have all stream snow flowing. Command division delta fire is spread toward the Alpha side in the clock off. We're still going to have to light it down to a little bit. We'll have those streams up here all streams active. It's going to have to progress a bit. Your tip is signaling you for that ladder moment. Ladder 10 your tip is telling you to retract. It looks like. Receive. Reconnect engine 25 exposure protection on the delta side. Command from Ladder 10. We're starting to have payment management on the delta exposure. We're laying a preconnect from engine 25 exposure protection. Engine 10 officer from command. And apparatus operator to replace your driver on engine 10. Get her relief out of that small area even though she's on there. Okay, thank you. Ladder 10 apparatus tip go to go to channel 2. All units on scene staging and the command post are now located near rehab. Ladder 4 on Velma. We have the market area. Command Bravo division. Send engine 17 out for rehab. I now have engine 2 on the route to Bravo division. Command delta 1. Go ahead, Ladder 1. Command delta 1. We have that stream west down the Alpha Bravo quarter of the delta motor building. Engine 5 from Charlotte division. All units from command. Command post has been moved to the battalion 7 again on the south end of the incident by rehab. I'm sure if I was currently in rehab for that station. Sergeant division, okay. Engine 5 from Charlotte division. Safety from command. Safety. Were you able to determine there's a radius south end of the incident? We could use. I've repositioned battalion 7 to rehab from Boston and all of two south of your location. Command, okay. We'll move that direction. Engine 25 from Charlie division. Engine 25. Are you guys ready to go to rehab? Command from Charlie division. I got the crew of Ladder 6. We have available if you need them. Engine 2 from division Bravo. Engine 2 go. Were you bringing the company to the route to Bravo division? On our way. Command from Charlie division. Go ahead Charlie division. I got access 4-4 from Charlie division. We'll put a hand line in the 4-4 from Charlie division. Command, okay. Charlie division from rooftop. We're sending an inch three-quarter off the roof down to floor 4. Engine 22. I'm posting your pressure. Roofed off from Charlie division. Roofed off. Go ahead and shut your lines down. Roofed off, okay, shut your lines down. Charlie division, okay. Charlie division roofed off as you receive. Command from division Bravo. The rooftop on the Charlie side could probably shut down their lines. They're no longer affected. Last unit's in here. Division Bravo was that. Engine 2. Engine 17 will be low on air shortly. We probably sent a crew up to release. Engine 2, okay. All units rehab is located south of Latterton. Engine 5 from Charlie division. Engine 32 is on their way to Rinnica. All units, 3-1. It's located south of Latterton. Engine 5 from Charlie division. Engine 32 is on their way to Rinnica. All units from command, tactical update. We are on the defensive fire dog. We have crews operating on the roof of the Bravo, Charlie, and Delta exposure building. And one aerial master stream on the Alpha side. We've made good progress on the main body of the fire in the cock-loft. We still have active fire in the cock-loft. The exclusion zone is the Bravo, Charlie corner of the primary fire building. Okay, command. This is not from the main. This continues as hard as that. Engine 8. I'm Charlie division. Go ahead and turn that through now. Okay, you can try the two and a half. We're ready to charge the two and a half. We still need rotation. Engine 22. Engine 11 is on their way out to repeat these. Command. Bravo in division. Latter wine coming out for air bottle. Charlie division, okay. Command, okay. Division Bravo reporting. Primary, secondary search. Bravo, closure, complete. Division Charlie from Latter six. We got that two and a half late to the roof of the Charlie exposure. Engine 22. We'll call for water when they're ready. Bravo division from Latter one. Secondary search of Bravo division. All clear. Take a look in the cock-loft. Cough-loft is clear. Bravo division, okay. Command, Bravo division. Secondary search. Bravo and exposure. All clear. Division Charlie from rooftop. All units from command. Once you've completed rehab and air swap report is changing. Which is at the north end of the intersection of Helmholtz. And how well? Division Charlie from rooftop. Command from Latter ten. We still need a second engine to assist 22. With a supply to Latter ten, Latter pipe. We're only getting 750 gallons a minute. Command, okay. Stand by. We'll need crew rotation to Charlie one rooftop. Region 22 and engine five. Command. Command from rooftop. Water coming. Engine two, are you ready for water? Engine two is ready for water. Okay. Water coming. Engine 17 from 17 apparatus. We got water coming. Division alphas for Latter five. Division alphas for Latter five. Command, okay. We need to replace the crew from them. Engine three four is good enough. Three four is good enough. I've got Latter six crew with 15 since we're not using their aerial. Command, okay. Charlie division. We have few members from Engine 34 headed that direction. Charlie, okay. Rescue one is headed back to command. Go ahead Charlie division. DLS aid run is on this slide. I'm going to see if I have an extra body to take care of us. Command from Charlie division. 17, Engine 17 officer from Engine 17 driver. Probably. You have Latter one on the floor level of your building. You do not have Latter three, Latter three is right. One division, okay. Latter one is on floor one. Engine two from Engine 17. Send water whenever you get it. Group of Bravo one. Bravo one division. We have Engine 17 and two. Receive. Latter one from friend. Latter one. Two locations. Bravo division. On the street level. Receive. Receive. Bravo division from Latter one. Do you have needs for Latter one on the rooftop? Latter four will be able to attempt a Latter five. We got a 45 on the Bravo exposure. Italian two is now Bravo one division. Receive. Bravo one division. Receive. Receive. We have SPU in the rest of the year. Confirming. Confirming. Latter four is not attempting a Latter five. Land, division, Bravo. Latter four is working with Engine five for supply. But there are supply issues from this side of the building. Negative. Command rooftop. Engine 22 will assume rooftop. I'm going to report to you for a face to face. Command okay. Do you need any replacement companies? Tear division. Have one here. Radio. Radio. On channel 11. Command from Charlie division. Yes, this building is fully occupied. Command okay also. Tear one of your readers or a tablet. Tear one division. Tear one division. Tear one division. You're building occupied. Bravo division from command. Have you make contact with Latter four? Okay. You're building meetings. I'm going to now. And you're 16. Delta division. There's two and a half. Two flowing two and a half lines up here. So one of them to the roof. Welcome one division. There's one to the end of building. Proceeded to the northwest corner to the stairwell that has access to the roof. There's a 16. All units from command rehab. And the area. The intersection of. Okay. Ready one. We're tailboard a ladder for. Alpha side. First you want Bravo and Charlie. Your locations. First off from Charlie division are going to need a three rotation. Negative. Okay. We're going to need a three rotation. We're going to stop Charlie division. We're going to stop. Go ahead. Did you report the command post for a face of a. Oh, permanent. I'm away. Thank you from command. Command from Charlie division. What were my additional resources? Bravo one from command. You are broken. Sounds like you're saying that there's no extension to the Bravo one exposure. And you have no rooftop access. We are giving you engine to. We're going to pull a ladder for. For aerial access. A touch base of the ladder for officer on whether you want to respond back to. Or another ladder pipe. Bravo division. Okay. Bravo one. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. Command division. We're going to need a two rotation. Command division. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. 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We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. We're going to need a two rotation. Division Charlie from ladder six. We're ready to flow water from our aerial master's stream. It looks like we got firefighters on the roof. There's 25 apparatus okay. There's 25 CB. Go to the direct channel. Engine 25 apparatus from engine 25, team B. Let's shut down the blitz. From an division delta, that elevated stream is being effective at protecting a delta exposure. Command on from Charlie Division. Notice I all companies not come down the slides of the building. They're going to have to come to the Charlie exposure building, not via the slides of the fire building. That's affirmative Charlie Division. We're adding that report to the exposure building. It's in 25. Your discharge number two. Discharge two. Charge discharge two into 25. Discharge command and happy additional three engines respond to the intersection of summit and how all the reports to Charlie Division. The exposure building. Rescue one number four from rescue one number two. Rescue OV from rescue driver. Meet me on how well. This is a disaster command. Give me three additional engines. One, two, one, two, and an apparatus again. One, two, one. One, two, and drive a rescue one. Can you direct this stream to the Bravo Charlie corner? Engine twenty-five apparatus. From into twenty-five PMD. Ready on that with extended attack. Twenty-five okay water cover. Engine twenty-two from latter ten apparatus. We need you to increase that pressure. Command okay. Did you say you've had a line or you're requesting? Transvision alpha. Need a hose line to the alpha side to work on the Bravo exposure. Engine twenty-two from latter ten apparatus. Can you give us another twenty PSI? Twenty PSI. latter ten drive up rescue one. If you could take your latter flight and hit the Charlie Delta corner. Rescue one from latter ten apparatus. Can you direct this stream to the Charlie Delta corner? We'll direct the Charlie Delta corner. All units from command. We need all units in the Charlie Division to move into the Charlie exposure building. Okay. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. 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We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. We need all units in the Charlie Delta corner. Command, Division 3. Division 3 has been withdrawn. We still have hose lines up here. You want us to withdraw the hose lines? That's affirmative. We're going to get those hose lines out of the building. All units for command orders given. Battalion 5 will be Delta exposure provision with bladder 3 to engine 8. 51 from decision C. We're at G1. Can you direct a company to bring a hose line out of access to the roof of that building for a hose line from defensive operations? Okay. Which company? We need all units in 25. Division Charlie from command. Division 25 will hand line for the Charlie exposure roof. Division 3 for command confirming that you receive the transmission when I was dropping the building. I go defensive. Charlie 1 exposure building. You can remain in condition. All units from command. Emergency traffic. We're going to withdraw from the building. Repeat. All units from command. We're going to withdraw from the building. In transition to the defensive staff line for a car. Command. Division 3. Cockroft is rolling for our backing all units to the stairway. We're going to be trying to advance from there. Charlie division from command. You may update. Okay, on your progress. We've got water from the dry exposure. The communication with Division 3. You know, if everybody press to put water in on work war from the Charlie exposure without having a closing line. Man, okay. What is the status of fire from Charlie division? We have an emergency alert from ladder 3. Command or hit. This bathroom command. That's a confirmed accidental trip. The center of ladder 3. That's a command hose. We're going to set this radio. Okay, command confirmed accidental trip. Engine 5. For measure 25, that's around. It's supposed to have length in diameter of the hose line. You hooked up. 300 feet extended. Engine 3/4. Water coming. Command from Charlie division. We're just by discharge that two and a half to the Charlie side. Division 3, when you're ready for water from the Charlie side. Emergency traffic. Emergency traffic. Command from unit. Command on stage the base. The browser can't outsource me. There were just reporting here. Engine 25 apparatus from agent 5. You can charge our line discharge number 4. Water pin. Alpha. From command. Command, okay. Reporting heavy smoke. Low needs. We have access to the clock law to get water on the fire. We're opening ceilings right now. Engine 3 from command. I'm still getting a body of fire on the Charlie side. Keeping Elkin on your progress. Division 3. Heavy smoke. Building. Holding ceiling. Hitting the top glass fire. Need a second line. I also have a 10 alpha. Water 10 alpha. From division 3. What is your message? Command. I have a ladder of fence between the building. Engine 22 is going to be in the other building. Okay. Command from Charlie division. What crew did you send to the Charlie division building with rescue 1 with a hand line because they haven't arrived. At this time, we're going to line up from engine 5 on the Bravo side to charge to rescue 1 because no line is made into them yet. Engine 22 is on the way. There's no access in the alley. So we're coming back around. Okay. So division, Charlie, you should have engine 22 and engine 5 working on your task and that line along with rescue 1. You need additional resources? Division 3. The ladder fence is alpha. Air size is alpha. Water 10 alpha repeat. Engine 25 after it. Bravo. Ready for water. Engine 25 after it's water coming. Division 3. The ladder fence is alpha. Air is now 3,000. Command division 3. Private smoke. The ladder fence coming from the top left into a temporary unit. The primary search is for 1, 2, 3, and a plant. Command, okay. Primary search 1, 2, and 3 complete. I'm going to need an LCAM from you on division. Have you been able to make the top floor? Command, I'm on the top floor. Water is smoke. No heat. Fire coming down from the top left in a couple of units. Command, okay. Can you update me on the air status of water 10 and ladder 1? I was totally going to repeat. Division 3 from command, can you update me on the air status of ladder 1, team alpha, and ladder 10? Ladder 1, and 10 alpha teams on floor 3 with division 3. Division 3, division Charlie. Have your fifth go to 10/11. Rescue 1 from command, team alpha. Rescue. Confirming, are you able to get a line in the Charlie 1 exposure building, a flow water onto the roof of the main fire building? Affirmative. We'll may start on the top floor. We could probably take two lines. Command, okay. Command, okay. Division 3 from command. I'm second of ladder 10, roof for a group. I'm second, okay. Command from ladder 10, TV. Ladder 10, TV has a strict use of roofs. Would you like us to get up on the roof of different top operations? Command, 2, left, building division 3. Scott ladder 10 alpha. With engines 2 and 5, come on. Command, okay. Battalion 2, from command. Ladder 1, team alpha. Ladder 1, team alpha. Floor 3, 3, complete. There is no access to floor 4 in here. Command, we're ladder 1 from command. Are you recording there's no access to the top floor from the interior? Engage, farewell. So it's a floor of 1, 2, and 3. Had you 20 years of ladder 10 enough for that? It wasn't just that line? All units, engine 6, ladder 4 will be rest. Command, rescue 1 alpha. I'm in the Charlie 1 exposure. No obvious fire in the Charlie 1 exposure. I do have a heavy fire condition in the clock lock of the main fire building. Command, okay, heavy fire condition in the clock lock. Division 3 from command. Okay, Charlie, closure. I'm planning to continue to help with that issue. Okay, division or Charlie closure building. You have power flat. You have a range for that exposure building. Good. If you want, then you go down the block to act the exposure on the Charlie 5 and bring a hose line up. That's farewell. They'll have direct access. So we added from Charlie division. Rescue 1 is across the alley. They have direct access. We should take a hose up in that exposure on the Charlie side. Otherwise the hose access is not good. Thank you, 22 from Letterton apparatus. All units from command and emergency traffic. The exclusion zone on the back here on the Charlie side. Do not use the Charlie side there for the fire started. We'll do a mobile radio traffic. We will have engine 10, engine 5, correction engine 2 on a line before 3 engine 5, and the client 6 have been assigned to the Charlie 1 division. Correction engine 5 and the client 6 have been assigned to the Charlie 1, a closure building. The client 6, assuming Charlie division, I have engine 25 and a 2 1/2 on the shelter side. The exterior stairs back here are non-useable. We've got a partial roof flaps and down on the stairs. The fire definitely has roofed out of floor 4. I have visible complaints from the roof in the corner. I'll do it for the corner. That's okay. All units, orders given. The telling zone is up. It's been okay. On the basement from the exterior, there's no fire in the basement. The man from Lonerton, King Alpha, primary search for 1, complete with the exception of one room on the Charlie side. We have Lonerton closed, low need for 1. From the stairwell to the basement, off floor 1. We have eyes on the basement from the exterior. The man, okay. Fire is through the roof. Charlie knows the corner. The man from Lonerton, you do not have any fire extension onto floor 2. When is Charlie? Looks like the fire has gotten into floor 3 as definitely shows from the roof. We'll need a next line probably to floor 3. Okay. The man who's at Charlie, next line can be an instance recorder. Fire is knocked now. We still have fire burning in this exit stair. All emergency traffic. I'll use the advice. The Charlie side stair is unsafe to operate on. The man rescue on Alpha. It does appear I have fire showing through the roof in the Charlie Delta corner. All units. Order is given. Agent 2 reports, you can start it with a line. All units orders given. Rescue on to Bravo, Charlie, softening the structure and a ladder in the building. That's right. Agent 25 apparatus from the two and a half. Let's pump it down. We have the front door of the primary building. We have the front door of the primary building. We have the front door of the front door of the primary building. The building is opened up. Ladder 1. Team Alpha. And Ladder 10 and Team Alpha are searching for one. Oh, yes. That may be one more tool for man. The client's people keep problems. It's Charlie's vision of course. That just can't operate as water supply established. That may be one of those. They will exit. Agent 25 Team Bravo. Agent 25 ran out of water. Water is coming. You'll have water in less than 20 seconds. Agent 25 apparatus. I'm ready for water. I have apparatus. Agent 10, are you ready for water? Just give in Ladder 1. This is a force for entry. I am search. Oh, yes. This is going to be a low-rise fog in effect. Low-rise fog. Agent 10, after you get entry into the main floor, give me a report on conditions interior. Agent 2's out on a hydrant. Ladder 1's that second truck. Team 2 is up front in the choice side. I don't think you have access on the choice side. We're going to come up front for now. Agent 10, let's get a hose line to floor 1 of the primary building. What's force for entry is complete. Agent 10, we need help with the supply for entry 25. Agent 25 needs the supply. The floor is given. Ladder 10. Force for entry. Front door. We need a chainsaw. Director dressed 1737 Belmont. Agent 25 apparatus. I need a supply. Basic to complete. Multiple 2 1/2 fire. Escalating into this. To his fire, it looks like in a derelict structure. Three-story. Less basement. Fire on floor stories. Exposure building also starting. I've got fire on four floors on the Charlie side of a three-story plus basement. With an exposure across the alley that's also starting to go. Let's get the first line to the Charlie side. We also have let's say corner power lines in the back there at all. Thank you. Let's start at 211. Ladder 10 is at first truck split. Team Alpha interior. Team Bravo exterior duty. This matching 25 is out of correctly. I guess a 1737 Belmont Avenue. We've got to work and fire on the Charlie side of low rise. I'm both that fit. Okay, I'm going to come in. We're on a hydrant. I'll walk in there. Head is 25 out. Head also in Belmont Avenue. We're tying two out. We have a working fire on the Charlie side of low rise. Okay, staff panel. I'll show you a response. Captain responding. We have a report of smoke and flames from the apartment next to this address, not clear on the exact address. - 125 full response, 1741, Bill Mona Avenue.