Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Blessings of Open Doors

The Blessings of Open Doors - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
17 Aug 2024
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The Blessings of Open Doors - Morning Prayer

He has done great things. Help me sing it tonight. He has done great things. He's done great things. And he has done great things. Somebody help me bless him on tonight. Sing it, he has done great things. And he has done great things. And he has done great things. Many God you are tonight. He has done great things. He's done great things. And he has done great things. Bless his whole belief. I got to sing that again. He has done great things. And he has done great things. Sing it to the king tonight. He has done great things. We love you Jesus. And he has done great things. Bless his whole belief. Come on and sing bless the Lord on tonight. Come on bless the Lord. Oh my soul. And oh that is within me. Bless his whole belief. Sing it again bless the Lord on my soul. Bless the Lord. Come on chips. Oh my soul. And oh that is within me. Speak to your people on tonight. We talk about the blessings of open doors. Ministry of people on tonight God they came to hear from you. They came to hear from you. Don't let a one of us miss what the Holy Ghost is saying to us on tonight. Strength in us on tonight. Encourage us on tonight. We're going to go into the book of Deuteronomy chapter 32. Verse 11 this wasn't in my notes for tonight but I feel strongly the Holy Ghost want me to start here. And we'll see where the Lord take us with this on tonight. Let's go into it Joss. Deuteronomy chapter 32 I want to read verse 11 and then verse 12. As an eagle stirth up nest. Flutterth over her young. Spreadeth abroad her wings. Takeeth them. Buried them on her wings. I'm talking about Jacob. So the Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him. Let's read the verse 11 again. As an eagle stirs up her nest. As an eagle stirs up her nest. So you have the mama eagle of course first mama eagle gets pregnant. She knows those eggs are coming. There's going to come a moment when she got to release those eggs. Some of these birds are smarter than the humans. Hello somebody. They ain't possibly smashing their eggs. They ain't trying to kill their young. Hello somebody. It's tight but it's right you might as well say man because I'm in the book. Hello somebody. So what they do is they go and they begin to gather. Twigs and sticks and other bird feathers and they begin to even give up some of their own feathers because they got to make the nest nice and comfortable fellas. Come on somebody. Nice and cozy. You understand what I'm saying. And mama eagle that comes the time she lays those eggs and then of course there comes time when those eggs crack and those baby eagles stick their little mouth out. First time seeing the sun first time seeing mama and all they know past the wind. All they know is wow this man. There's these downy feathers. Gosh they feel so good. That's that's they were born in it sister Nikki that this is all they know. So mama goes out and hunts and she brings back some little worms and some stuff and all they doing is and she just drops it in their mouth. I mean they ain't got no work to do. Come on somebody talk to me here. All they got to do is cuddle up on the mama and I mean I mean mama got to do it all for them. But what the Eagles don't realize is as mama is feeding them and regurgitating up food and stuff that she catch for them to eat what they don't realize is they begin into grow. They begin into develop little muscles. They getting a little bigger than they were when they were born. Come on somebody. You listen to me tonight. They grow in man. They grow in and after after several months. And over a yes time who knows those Eagles begin to outgrow the nest. Come on talk back to me here tonight. They begin to they begin to outgrow their nest. I believe somebody on this broadcast tonight. I'm talking to someone who have outgrown all season in your life. It's time for a change. It's time for a shift. It's time to head. Come on somebody into. Come on somebody. It's time to head into a new direction. I'm too much fish for my tank. I got to get out of this tank. I got to go somewhere. can hold me. I gotta go somewhere that can handle me. Someone said I'm about to move in a new, in a new, in a new direction. Someone song. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm growing. My muscles pass away. I am developing some muscles pass the aimy law. Oh yeah, you know. Anyway, okay. Let me behave myself. I'm developing some muscles. My my appetite is changing. Ah, that baby food can do no more. Come on somebody. I'm out growing. No food. The apostle Paul said. When I was a child. I killed like a child. But when I became a man, I put away childless things. I've grown up. Someone open your mouth and say I've grown up. I've grown my whole season. I got to come into something new. I gotta come into something bigger. I gotta come into something better. My understanding has changed. I'm not a baby anymore. I've grown up. So yes. Go read a cut. Now watch this. This is why because the Bible says God led Jacob like a like an eagle deals with a young man. Watch this. Now Mama Eagle is experience because Mama Eagle knew what her mama had to do to get her on her way. So Mama Eagle already knows sister Phyllis. Mama Eagle knows these baby eagles. Yeah, they groaned. They getting big. They got their muscles. But if I don't force these jokers out the nest, they ain't going nowhere. If I don't force their backsides out of this nest, they ain't going to never fly. They're going to always be depending on Mama to do it all. So guess what Mama Eagle. I'm preaching to somebody here because somebody's in this. I made some of a piece of myself happy. Somebody's this. The feathers have been getting yanked from out of somebody's nest. Someone on this broadcast. You are very uncomfortable. People been nasty to you. People been mean to you. The blessings ain't coming from them like they used to. It ain't the people. It ain't the devil. It is God making the situation uncomfortable because God is preparing you. He is getting you ready to fly. Someone's sound. He is preparing me to fly. He is preparing me to fly. He is preparing me to fly. He's getting me ready. Somebody spread your wings. Say I'm getting ready. I'm getting ready. I feel the Holy Ghost tonight. It's been uncomfortable in my life lately. I'm miserable. I'm guess what? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Watch this. So Mama Eagle will start yanking all the feathers, all the cloth, all the pieces of old clothes that made the nest comfortable. Mama Eagle began yanking it out. So half is yanked on. Guess what? Guess what those baby eagles do. They just like us humans. They go to the other side of the nest where there's still some feathers come on somebody because we like comfortability. We love the comfort zone. But Mama said, I'm getting you ready to get up out of here. So Mama goes and begin to tear the nest up on the other side, yank out all the soft feathers, yank out all the clothes. And all there is now is the sharp twigs, my God. And Mama made it nice because Mama remembered how her Mama prepared her to fly. And when the eagles go to the east of the nest, they uncomfortable. They're Lord have mercy. Objects are sticking him in their sight. So they run to the west side of the nest. Objects are sticking him there. They say, well, I got to go north. They go to the north side of the nest and off side, but they're just sticking him there. A lot of birds. They go to the south side. They get him stick with objects there. I come here to tell somebody ain't know where you turn right now. It's going to be comfortable because God is trying to tell you it's time to bust a move. Your tumor fits for your tank. Your tumor's burned for your nest. I'm getting you ready to take you out on a broad. I'm getting you ready to take you out. I'm beyond someone open your mouth. I'd say he's getting me ready. He's preparing me to fly. He's preparing me to go for myself. He's preparing me to get my own face. He's preparing me to get my own stick. He's preparing me how to hunt somebody open your mouth. I said, 20, 23. I'm going to learn how to fly. I'm going to learn. Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready? I'm going to learn how to run. Are you ready? Now, what's this? Mama knows the nest is real uncomfortable now. Mama got him where she wanted him. Lord, help me. I got there. Someone lift your hands and say, I guess God got me where he want me. He got me. He got me back to the corner. Oh, come on somebody. He got me back to the corner. Now, what's this? So, Mama knows the feathers that's on her body is the only comfortable thing baby Eagle can feel. So, Mama sets them right up past the wind. Mama comes and spreads out the little wings and some of the baby Eagle they come and they, and they they lean on Mama. They grab onto Mama and while they're holding on, Mama jumps out the nest and some, I guess someone open him up and said, I feel like God. Just jump out of the nest so I get to hang on tight. Trust in the Lord. Pull my pitch into the night. Trust in the Lord. With all your heart, lay not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. So, baby Eagles, I'll hold it on to Mama. Mama is flying him. She flies him over the ocean. She flies him over the mountains. She flies him nice and hot. She fly him over the trees. She fly him over the forest. Fly him over the houses. Fly him over the candles. And baby Eagles are screaming. Mama, are you trying to kill me? And I feel somebody been praying this week and say, God, I can't take the heat. I gotta get out the kitchen. God, are you trying to kill me? But the Holy Ghost told me to tell you God said, I'm not trying to kill you. I'm getting you ready to fly. Someone spread your wings. Someone spread. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Now, watch this. So Mama Eagle now, she brings them to the nest. They're like a rock in the heart place. And man, sure enough, when Mama lands back in the nest, the baby Eagles say, I can't take the heat. The Eagles say, I don't care. I'm a sticky stuff in here. And I'm glad to be back in my nest, Lord of Mercy. I'm glad to be in the nest. And baby Eagle goes to the corner and try to lay down. And there goes the sticking again. There goes the uncomfortableness again. Baby Eagles say, Lord of Mercy. What am I mean? It's do or die, Lord of Mercy. So Mama said, now I'm gonna set him up real good. I gotta take him one at a time now because I don't want to give him a heart attack. And sure enough, as soon as Mama Eagle gets one of those baby Eagles to hold on, she jumps on him. She dives out of the nest again. Pass the weed. And baby Eagle. Baby Eagle is holding on like Jeff Mann. Just just holding on for their life. Mama, don't let me go. Mama said, that's the whole reason that brought you out here. I'm gonna drop you 20,000 feet. I'm dropping you. Mama, Mama, Mama Eagle shakes the baby Eagle all past the wind. So baby Eagle is headed like she about to plunge into the ground and burst wide open. And whilst baby Eagle is falling, she is fluttering. And help me kale. My baby Eagle is just fluttering. Open fluttering lately. Who am I talking to? You on the job. Cause cause of killing your muscles. He'll prepare you to fly down. All of this is a part of the process. Baby Eagle, my car. She flapping wings. She kicking her feet. She realize I'm getting closer. To the ground. Mama, if you don't do something, I'm gonna burst wide open. And before baby Eagle hits the ground. Here comes Mama Eagle and flies under and catches baby Eagle and takes them back into the nest. Who am I talking to? God's getting you ready. Someone point to yourself, say God's getting me ready. He's getting me ready. He's getting me ready. Lot of mercy. Now watch this. So, so, so as Mama takes those Eagles one at a time, day in and day out, let those baby Eagles know that muscles are getting even stronger. Their feathers are growing. Lord, how mercy. Lord, I dare someone to say all I need now is one more jump. Come on. Someone lift your hands to heaven and say one more jump. God. I dare someone say one more jump. Just one more God. Just one more, one more. So guess what? Mama Eagle, Mama Eagle inspects them. She looks at them. Mama Eagle say they ready. They ready. I'm talking to some, I'm prophesying to somebody. God's telling me to tell you you ready. You ready. You ready. Lord have mercy. And guess what? God's saying, who am I talking to? Someone to open your mouth and say I'm ready. I'm about to run. Lord have mercy. I'm ready. I'm ready. Mama been preparing me. Mama been preparing me. I went to being stick in my back. Mama didn't drop me 30 or 40 times. But on this next one, I believe I'm going to catch on. Yeah, my God. So, Mama sets them up. Baby Eagle crinks for Mama. Mama dimes out the nest. Baby Eagle is holding on. Mama flies several thousand feet. And Mama shakes. Baby Eagle off. But baby Eagle is flopping. Baby Eagle is flopping. Now he's at 5,000 feet. Baby Eagle is still flopping. And when baby Eagle reaches a thousand feet. Baby Eagle stretches on his wing. And he don't begin to drop anymore. He begins to ascend. Baby you say wait a minute. I'm falling no more. I'm going higher. They don't wait on the Lord. Sound. Renew their strength. They summon up with wings and eagles. They will run. I'm not getting weary. They will walk. I'm not feet. So baby Eagle say wait a minute. I'm flying. I'm flying. I'm flying. I thought Mama was trying to kill me. But now I've got a revelation. Mama was teaching me how to fly. I can fly. I guess I'm going to live here and say I believe I can fly. I believe I can fly. So baby Eagle is on the way up there Jeff. Baby Eagle looks down at the ocean. Baby Eagle sees a bunch of small fish. Baby Eagle said I don't need Mama to feed me anymore. I can do for myself. So baby Eagle flies down and grab a fish. Baby Eagle said this is a whole lot better than a regurgitated food. I got my whole fish. Somebody shout I've grown up. I can fly. Someone spread your wings. Someone spread your wings. I can fly. I'm flying. Somebody holler. I'm flying. I'm flying. I'm going higher. I'm going higher. I'm going higher. I'm going higher. I'm going higher. I'm going higher. When God threw you out the nest it was an open door. It looks scary but you got to walk through it. Thought it looked scary but you got to go through it. My God shout yes shout yes someone open your mouth and say walk through the open door. God is open in a door. He been preparing you. He been training you. He been feeding you. He been getting you ready. And now your time has come. Your time is here. Your day is here. Your season is here. The minute you're praying for. The moment you're fasted about. The moment you're sold about. The moment you believe God about. The moment is here. Show us. Show us. Show us. Show us. Show us. Show us. Show us. I ain't afraid of no snakes anymore because I can go to a place where they can't come. That's why the Bible said I gave you power to tread. On serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy and absolutely nothing shot by any means hurt you. Show us. My God. Glory to God. God's not working your life. I say God's not working your life. He's preparing you. That's the Shawn. The Holy Ghost is talking to me. He's talking to me. God, what are you doing in my life? God, what are you doing? He's preparing you to fly. He's trying to kill you. He's not trying to take you out. He's preparing you to fly. God said, trust me. He's saying to you tonight. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. I got you. I got you. Just like the Mother Eagle would not allow her baby to crash into the ground. She swoops down and she catches them. God said he brought Israel out of Egypt. He brought him out on Eagle's wings. God's preparing you. He's not working your life. He's not trying to harm you. So why the Bible says count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations of various kinds for the trying of your faith. Worketh patience. Let patience have its perfect work in you. That you may be complete. Locking nothing. And once those baby eagles learn how to fly, they go out on their own. They go out on their own. They hunt for themselves. And they go and they start their own family. No more standing in the nest. No more standing in the nest. He's preparing you. God's getting ready to take some of you to a place you've never been. For some of you it may not be a geographical location, but it may be a spiritual location. Why God's taking you high in the Holy Spirit, taking you high in the things of God. God's not working your life. Thank you Jesus. God said I got you. God said the process is not designed to kill you, but the process is designed to empower you. To make you more like Jesus. To make you more like the Son of God. The perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, that you would not be a child anymore. It's causing you to grow up. God, some someone live here and say work, work on me Jesus. Work on me Jesus. Work on me Jesus. Work on us tonight. You're preparing us for new direction, God. We surrender. We surrender to the Holy Ghost. Not our will, not our will, not our will. Your will be done, God. Not our will. Not our will. We want your will. Walk through the open door. Walk through the open door. Walk through the open door. The blessing of walking through the open door. Because you walk through an open door. Doesn't mean that everything is going to be smooth sailing. There's trials, there's tribulations behind that open door. But there's a grace. There's a grace there to sustain you. Paul said, Lord, take this thing away from me. Pray three times. Second Corinthians 12, but God answered him. The first nine of second Corinthians 12 and said, my grace is sufficient for you. For my strength is made perfect in the time of weakness. David said, surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I'll dwell in the house of God forever. Even what the devil means for evil. God is going to turn it around and make it work together for you good. Because you love God and your call according to his purpose. We pray strength into your spirit. We pray strength into your mind. We pray strength into your soul. We pray strength into your body tonight. Be strong. Be strong. Be strong. 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We love you and we appreciate you deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. (air whooshing) [BLANK_AUDIO]