The Manic Candice Podcast

Reporting From Downtown Phoenix

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

- Really? In this day and age, you want to have a signature that's almost like a fucking logo. Those are the people who know how to brand themselves and watch shit. - Yeah, see? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I always thought that way. It's good that you thought that way. - Like Nyla, Lee, or whatever, she has a good signature. - I was at, um, Pure Leaf, and then I saw Nyla stand for Timeless. - Yeah. - That's cool, right? - That is cool. - I think that's so dope. I want to do that one day, but like, I don't know. Like I was saying earlier, I want to get back in the scene. - Yeah. - I feel like living not near here has a toll on you. - Mm-hmm. - In some times? - Yeah, I mean, I feel like depending on the city that you live in, like, there's certain opportunities or certain things that you have more access to, just because you're in the area and like, people know you're there. Like, oh, they don't know the canvases in Phoenix. So she could do this kind of event or that event that's going around in the area. Or, yeah, it's like, then you're known as like, I am a Phoenix artist. Like, I've seen people before, they say that and they don't live in Phoenix. They don't do it, but they say that they're a Phoenix artist. I feel like once you're actually live here, we have a studio here. Now you're actually a Phoenix artist. - Right, right. - Whatever that means. - Whatever that means. You know, I think back to when I was fucking 20, 21, 22, 23, no, 21, going to 22. I lived at Roosevelt Point up the street. - Oh, okay. - And then I was just like, I'm going to become a Phoenix artist, whatever that meant. But I knew that it would be real because I was living here. - Yeah, exactly. - Does that make sense, like? - Yeah. - Real? - It would feel real to you. - Yeah. - Because it's like, you're making art and you're living in Phoenix, and like, whatever that experience is, like, you're legitimately, you're there, you know what I mean? - Oh, what? - You give me a... - Yeah. - I'll take a hit. - Yeah. - Yeah, thanks. Appreciate it. - Yeah, of course. - A little hair, but like... - I don't know. - Yeah, I don't want to like... - If I don't glue my fucking hair into this... - No. - [laughs] - My fucking hair, it looks so bad. I had to like... - Tell her, hit it, and then tell them what you did. - Okay, so I'll tell them my fucking story of being a clumsy idiot here. - Reporting live from my new studio apartment, it's so posh and white. Thank you for coming on the "Man in Candice" podcast. It's such sort of... - It's shiny, too. - It is very shiny. - It's white and shiny in here. - Hope I don't... I'm not gonna ruin it because I... I paid too much for it. My last studio that I was in... Let's just go, hold on. Let me... I feel like this is the beginning of a Joe Rogan podcast. - Yeah, right. Joe starts saying, "Hey, do you want to take it out of the bowl?" - "Hey, Duncan." - "Hey, Duncan. Yeah, Duncan. Take it out of this." - I love the episode with Duncan, yeah. - You know what? He does that because his tolerance is like so high. He knows, like, he's not gonna ever say anything, like... not off-script, but out of character for who he is. - Right. - You know what I mean? Because I can't be... - Because like, when podcasting, everything is off-script. - Yeah. - Everything you're saying is off-script. Like, there's no script here except that one on the fridge. - But there's things that you probably... - Like, I will never let out my full politics on this fucking podcast. Are you crazy? - Yeah, well, politics is fucked. - Politics is fucked, but like, I just feel like everyone has a right to their own opinions at the end of the day. And if you want to share all of them, then you can share all of them, but like, I have a podcast. I don't want to... my last thing... my last thing I want to be is a decisive or divisive podcast. Like, like a political show? - Oh, God. You don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. Like, especially like... like, that's what I shy away from. - Well, it's all... it's all madness. - Like, the whole trans discussion? - Okay. - Like, I discussed it a little bit when it was really in our faces a couple years ago. - Uh, the way the media was pushing... - Yeah, the way the media was pushing trans. And it wasn't really trans people themselves. It was just the media. - You know what? It's interesting. It's like that with politics, too. - Yeah, right. - It's the same thing. - It's the same thing. And like, this listener... She probably still listens, but like, she looks like, "I'll never listen to you again because your views on trans people are trash." - I'll see. I don't know. - I love that. - So I was just like... so I was just like... - We're going straight into the deep end. - Yeah, so I was just like... I will never talk about anything decisive ever again. - Yeah. - You know, I don't want to lose listeners, but at the same time, I'm real. And I spoke about the Trump assassination attempt. What do you think about that? We could really get deep into why I think about that, but what do you think about that? - Oh, my God. Like, I don't want to talk about politics or... but let's go straight into it. - I have my own kind of views on it. - Yeah. - As far as... I think it was crazy. I think when you start looking into... - I'm probably going to get on hitting this. - Here you go. - When you start looking into... what happened? - Trump almost gets shot. It nicks his ear. One guy gets killed in the audience. His ear... I've seen pictures of it now. He doesn't have a bandage on it anymore. I've gotten paper cuts all lasted a month. I've never been... I've never had a bullet. What do you call that? - Brace me. - Just like, braise me? He was bleeding on that day, which means that there was a wound. Now, is there some type of super-secret medicine, like, ointment that they could put on your ear that we don't have privy to? - They have access to way more better drugs than we have. Like, we have oral, they have meth. - Yeah. - Like, they have access to so much more, like, new tropics. Like, how much drugs do you think they're shooting at Biden before he goes out anywhere on camera? - I think... you want to know my opinion on that? - Well, after shooting. - Okay. So, Trump, you know, is one of these guys. He's a very divisive character. And he's gotten... the way that the media reports about him is one way or the other. And the people who support him... I'm not saying I support him or I don't support him, but the people who... you could probably... if you know me, you know where I'm coming from anyway. - Yeah. - So, I'm not really going to get into that. But the people who do support him, though, they're very... they're conditioned to the style in which he communicates with them. And that style of communicating is almost like a standard comedian. - It really is! - It's still under very... you can say whatever you want, because not everything you say, that's going to be taken seriously. Because you're a guy that doesn't need to say anything, because we know that you're going to get in there. And his whole thing is he's going to look out for everybody else. He's going to bring the gas down. He's not going to get any wars. He's going to do all these different things that are like promises to his followers. So, he could say anything at this point, because there already know where he's coming from. The thing that he also has done, I've seen too, is like, you know, I think anyone who supports him, as long as they're not the neo-Nazi ones, or like the super racist ones, or like the people like that who support him too, as long as they're not those people, they would say, "Yeah, he's a crazy guy. He says crazy stuff." But he did this, and he did that. And maybe his personality's a little kooky, but I'm going to follow him. I look at the world a lot differently than your regular person. And that's why you're on the podcast. Yeah. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. I don't know if it's -- No, you should be like, "Yeah." You should. You know what? I look at a lot of, like, it doesn't take much. If you're going to say that you're a leader, or you're going to say that you're going to be in charge of millions of people, and you're going to be responsible for this huge machine that's all over the world and all this stuff that we give the keys to every four years, apparently. If you're going to be that person, like, I do believe that you have to have a certain way of presenting yourself in a certain track record, and there's just certain things where you need to be morally a good person. Right. You know what I mean? Because morals go a long way when you're dealing with very serious situations. Joking every now and again is good, but when everything is like your followers looking at it going, whatever, at least he's going to get in there and do this, this and this. Yeah. Okay, but you're dealing with somebody like that. At the same time, Biden wasn't all there. Biden wasn't -- I'm not going to sit here and talk all this crap about Trump, because Biden was out of it. I mean, I think everybody can admit what he saw. The whole time he was just like, what got from what got from me is he called Putin -- no, he called to Linsky, Putin. I mean, he -- And then he called Putin, Mr. President. Yeah. There was something that happened to him with his whole, like, swift aging, and I saw it. And I saw it right before he started to run for president. He was -- Look at this. You looked fucked up. Two years before he even talked about running for president -- because he got in to take Bernie out. Yeah. Right? I mean, as a label, Bernie is a communist. Let's remind this for you. Nobody wanted Bernie, because everyone thought Bernie was right. A communist, a socialist. Well, he had a big following. He did, but like, no one's serious, like I'm talking about. He already stole it from his ass. I know, but I'm talking about the young people. Yeah. They create a lot of hype, you know what I mean? Especially around election time. And when I say young, I mean 18 to 25. Yeah. I'm 29. I'll be 29 on Saturday. Okay. Oh, well, hey, happy birthday. Thank you. Yeah. That's awesome. I know. Thanks. I'm gonna have to get you a gift. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. But yeah, like the young people, 18 to 25, like I was talking about, they create a lot of hype. And now with Kamala Harris coming along, she's co-signing all of these memes. And I don't believe it's just on accident that overnight all these memes got all popular and viral on these platforms. I think it's a part of her campaign. I believe that she's, I mean, I'm on also streaming TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and it's everywhere. All these Kamala memes, like, fill out the coconut tree. Ha! You know? And then like remixes of her and like Charlie XCX. Charlie XCX has like the number one party album right now. The number one electronic album. That's out. And I've been listening to it. The whole world's listening to it could have been plugged in. You know what I mean? Because it has to be. But like, plus it's fun. But like, I don't want to miss out. But like, anyways, I love you, Charlie. Um, and a happy birthday, Charlie. It was a little Friday. I mean, it was a little Friday. Yeah, it was a little Friday last Friday Saturday. Yeah. Leo's. Um, so I was just looking at those memes and I was just shaking my head and I was just like, "Are you guys gonna vote because you guys think it's funny? Are you guys gonna vote because you're afraid of this guy who four years ago you guys were probably not even paying attention to what the fuck he's done? I mean, eight years ago. Like, I judge, I'm gonna judge Trump of what he's done. I could give a fuck about who, what he said 10 years ago, 25 years ago. I know he's been held to the fire for these things. He's been convicted of 34 felonies. He lied about how he touched money about that prostitute. You know what I mean? He's not a, he's not a good person. I know that. But when it's up against an administrative, do I want four more years of this? And where was Kamala the last four years? She has no track record of being with Leard. I'm sorry, Pence. Um, who else? Before him? Um, before Pence. Yeah. Uh, Biden. Was it Biden? Biden was the vice president of Trump. Yeah, and then before that it was Cheney. Cheney got shit done, but I'm scared of Cheney. Yeah, look at Paolo Burton. I'm not, I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I didn't say that by the way. Yeah, no. But like, I remember growing up that they were at least active. I didn't care, you know what I mean? Kamala's been in the office. Everything she comes out was when there's a black event. And like, I don't appreciate that. I don't like, as a black person, I don't appreciate that. As a black person, I didn't appreciate Meghan Miss Dalian on the rally doing twerking. At a rally? Are you serious? Did you see that? I need to show you that. Because this is why I need like a producer and like someone to pull videos and stuff. Yeah. As we're talking and Google shit. We'll get there. But like, yeah, she was twerking. She was performing a TikTok viral song. It was, I don't know if you've heard it. You probably have. But like, it's um, the one where she's um, I'm not going to say it, but it's just a Japanese one. Where she's, she's, she's with the Japanese rapper. Very popular rapper from Japan or Japanese or whatever. Forgot it all, I'm sorry, but like, it's very popular. And there's a dance to it. And she was doing a dance. She was twerking to other songs too that were popular for it. And like, as a black person, I'm like, I don't appreciate it. And then I saw a commercial of um, a very popular Indian actress in America. I forgot her name, but um, she's with Kamala. And I'm like, so what are you today? Are you Indian? Or are you black? Because as a mixed person myself, you can't put on a hat one day. And then put on another hat one day. But in front of people that you can make, you can try to make it look like that. But like, there's, there's biracial people all over the country. And they're looking at that and looking at this message. Like, what the fuck, like, what the fuck? Are you trying to appeal to our, to our what? Appeal to what? Yeah. She's not the best. I mean, she's always kind of been in the background. Yeah. You know what I mean? For me? The where I've come out with? Because I don't know about the twerking or anything like that. Where I've come from. She's always just been in the shadows. Yeah. And we've kind of been looking at Biden. And then she kind of pops out. I'll be honest, the interviews that I've seen with her, it's like, I guess there, there is a certain amount of showmanship that a politician needs when they're talking. And when they're presenting themselves, you don't want to walk away as going, that's, that doesn't feel what you call that real. That doesn't feel like somebody who's being honest. But it's, it's just one of those things where they're all politicians. Yeah. They're all like coming from a place where at the end of the day, the corporations are paying them off. So she raised like, I think over nine, like $17 million, she has more money than that, by the way. But it is like overnight. And like, people on her valley where I saw in the crowd were just young and dumb, in my opinion, were not young and dumb. I shouldn't say young and dumb, but just young and pander too. Young and manipulated. Young and I remember, I remember being like that when I was their age, when I was 18. I remember like, but I don't know if Obama was the right guy at the end of the day. Yeah. You know what I mean? I don't know that because I was brainwashed. I feel like I was all, I was all about change. I voted for him because he was black. Let's be honest. Well, I mean, I'll tell you, we've had a bad track or track record recently. Yeah. You know what I mean? They found Clinton on, he was on, what's his name? Epstein's List. Let's talk about that. I mean, you know what I mean? And the captain. Everybody just brings it up. He just, oh, 26 flights, whatever. Whatever. Meanwhile, Epstein, you know, has a little accident. And then he has a whole thing with his secretary when she was 23. So what's, what's, what's, what's a far stretch of the mind to think that he wasn't fucking 14-year-olds, 15-year-olds? I'm not saying he is, but. He's on that flight list. He, he like going there, he like going to that island. And I don't know about you. I have 26 flights. The most place I've ever gone was the visit of my brother, me in California. And I went there four times. Within like 10 years. I think I've-- I'm not rich though, I'm a president. Right. But at the same time, 26 times is-- Is a lot. Something there. Maybe it wasn't, maybe there's something we don't know about. Maybe there was really good ice cream or something. What fixed me out is that the island on it has a replica of the temple of Israel. Yeah, something. I mean, well, yeah, I'm not going to talk about Assad. You think that there's some type of connection there? Hell yeah! Yeah. I feel like there's like some type of deals going on. Like, I feel like there was some type of like, "Okay, this is what's going to happen for real." 'Cause like, what is in those bitch? I feel like-- Yeah. I mean, holy shit. [laughs] [laughs] Oh, man. I think I might-- I was going to initially in the very beginning, describing my fingers got glued together. Oh, yeah. Can I go back to that? Yeah, let's go back to that. 'Cause I just fucking-- I'll take it there. Well, you know what? I'll say this. For myself, I'm on the side of just people not getting killed. There's people out there that are bad people that are trying to kill like people. I get that. I will say this. I will say this. I will say this. Israel has every right to defend itself. If someone came in our land and did that to us and we didn't do anything, how do we respond? How do we respond last time? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know that. But it's just-- Yeah. It's a horrible. It's a horrible. So like, for us to like, expect them not to do anything. I feel like it's really unrealistic. It's unfair and like to the people that die like that. There was young people in the crowd. I empathize with that. I really do. As people. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, you were killed. Like, your family members were killed. Your babies were killed. Like-- Oh, yeah. It's horrible. I believe that. Like, you know, I believe that. There's people who are saying that the attack didn't happen on October 7th. There's a lot of like hate. But like, at the same time as an American, I look at the money. I look at where it's going. I look at my day to day. I look at my check at the end of the week. I look at my deductions. I look at where that 125 is going. That federal tax every week. How much money is that? That is $500 a month. That's $6,000 a year. That I'm paying. Yeah. So I look at those things as an American. Like, I want to break it down like that. Like, I don't sound so ignorant. You know? Mm-hmm. I hear you're saying like, you want less tax money being taken out of your-- Yeah. That's what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah, I want more money to spend. Like, I understand that money needs to be allocated amongst the poor and amongst public service and amongst, you know, things that taxes need to be paid for. But it doesn't amount to six grand a year. And like-- That's a lot of money. And then I can't even get a little mortgage rate. I'll take the price. Yeah, I know. The price is fair. Okay? That's the price. But you want to charge me at a rate of, like, what? 6.8 right now? You know what? In China, if you're a current businessman, don't they just kill you? Like, don't they have a trial? It's like, if you're doing something wrong as a business person in China, like, you were selling toxic candy to-- just something where, like, you were negligent to, like, the way that you were putting this business together and it, like, harmed people and you're just something I'm like, you were just neglected. It's like prison years. I think. I could have sworn back in the day. I remember something of a trial. Does it depend on which province of China? I think they're also-- I love China. I love Xi Jinping. Whoa, where'd that come from? Because I don't want to be for China. This podcast has no be for China. Okay. My favorite podcast is just the same thing, like, Tim. Oh, really? Oh, okay. Oh, it's like a thing. It's the same. Okay, I see. China's great. Xi Jinping, you know, they call him Winnie the Pooh for a reason. I love you Xi Jinping, Mommy and Daddy. But, um, yeah, fucking aim. I had a buddy who lived in China for four years. But I wonder if it depends on the province. Like, you know what I mean? Like, do they have their own rules? Or is it, like, is the government over all the provinces? Well, you know what? Think of back on it this case that happened with this business. It must have been really negligent because now I think about it. I had a buddy that-- when he lived there, he said that-- I don't know why he said it. Like, he didn't give me any facts, but he just said, yeah, all the business people on China are corrupt. So they killed-- He's like, they all are. So they killed-- I wonder what happened. So it's, like, here. Yeah. Now I'm joking. Well, I-- could you imagine if, like, the government acted, like, other governments? Like, can you imagine if Biden started assassinating his opponents? Like Saddam Hussein or something? Yeah. Saddam Hussein, we became leader. Like, weird. He was, like, these fools right here in the first three roads. Yeah. I respect you in a lot. But, like, he's been president for a long, long time. And how does that happen? Every time he comes up for a reelection, and that other guy, or no one wants to run, or, like, pfft. He's just a fucking-- No, I know. He's a-- he's an O.G. And, like, no, no vault. From KGB, I mean, you know. That guy-- I think it's named the vault, Mavani. Oh, the guy that died over? Yeah. He, um-- I think-- I think there's two of them that died recently. But the one I'm talking about is, um-- He was on, like, a Russian show, or something like that? Mm, I don't know. No, no, no. He was, like, then he lit up opposition to Putin. Well, yeah. That's obviously the thing. Yeah, Mavani. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. Kurt-- Kurt Novani? Yeah, and then-- Kurt Cobain Novani? Yeah, and then-- Fucking-- Ian Bullock was playing, allegedly. There's been other shit where I've heard-- Fuck, can you get your door opened up on a-- dude's just pop you right there, and, like, walk off. It's, like, just middle of the day. You're fucking pfft, pfft, pfft. Oh, no. And they don't even run away. It's like they walk away, like, it's-- you know, when you have, uh, that kind of power, you know, think about-- that's what-- that's what it would look like if you think about, like, let's say you become president, and, like, they go-- Candace, you can take anybody-- [laughter] You can take out your own fucking brother, if you wanted to. You know what? Just legal. Just fuck-- do what-- you could fucking do whatever the fuck you please, because-- I would-- I wouldn't take anyone out, but I would trap a few people down, and I'd start an investigation. Just for fun. Well, what if you found out some horrible shit about it when you come? You're, like-- Well, if I was president-- if I was president, first of all, we're going to revisit the criminal justice system, we're going to revisit that whole system, and I want death penalties for pedophiles. I want that shit to stop. I want that shit to stop, David. Like, I want that shit to stop. Where the number one consumer of child porn, the country, and, like, the demand for it is, like, created by us, and-- That's fucking created, yeah. And, like, South East Asia, like, Laos, Philippines. That shit proves me, yeah. Like, they're producing this shit, because it's, like, kind of, like, legal over there, and it's, like, really fucked up how Americans get their child porn, and then they're sharing it, and then they're printing it, and then they're sharing it, and then they're printing it, and then they're saving it, and then they're-- Fuck. And they're-- What's his name from Subway? Um... Jared something? Jared-- Jared, um, something? Yeah. Fogle? Was that it? I think it was Fogle. Yeah. Yeah, I mean-- Yeah. Honestly, I hope that we can get news every week where they go, and Jared Fogle got beat up again. Like, Jared Fogle got jumped again in prison. Yeah. Like, 'cause it's, like, there needs to be something out there to, like-- 'Cause, like-- There's fucking dudes-- There's dudes out there, 'cause I've seen those shows on YouTube. There's a million of 'em. There's a million of 'em. There's no, like, fucking-- There's no real-- Like, I feel like it takes death, for things to, like, click for people. You know what I'm saying? I feel like, especially when it comes to an addiction, especially 'cause, like, what this child formed, what it is, it's an addiction. And that's why it's so hard, and that's why it's so prevalent. It's an addiction-- I think it's a-- It's a sick addiction. Something's wrong with 'em. No, something is wrong with 'em. Yeah. But they're addicted to it. Think about how somebody-- Yeah, they are. Those dudes are. Yeah, those dudes are. Regular pornography. They're addicted to that child pornography, and they're addicted to that sub-porter. They're addicted to that way of thought. They're addicted to, like, their Reddit. They're addicted to, like, hiding. They're very, like-- Yeah, it's fucking creepy. Like, I know, I'm so-- You're right, though. They are, like-- The reason why I know all about this, 'cause my mother supervised-- Half her defendant is actually supervised, about 50 to 65% were child molesters. That is an include-- 65%. Yeah, it didn't include, like, the adult rapists. These were just child offenders. You know what's messed up, too? They let 'em out early. When they get arrested, they let 'em out. They let 'em out. They let 'em out, and, like, they-- You could go re-offends. My mom's supervision. That's exactly why-- That's when they brought her in. Because my mom would be the one to supervise. She'd be like, "Okay, the judge said you can be released on these terms that you're gonna be released to my supervision, so we're gonna take out that computer. I'm gonna be visiting your house every Saturday. There's gonna be nothing. And every day, my mom would issue warrants from home, because they would violate something on their supervision. This was not probation. This was, like, while you're on trial. Like, you couldn't fuck up. So, like, if you fucked up during the pretrial phase, based on her mom's report, based on her supervision with you, then my mom wasn't easy. She hated your guts. Oh, for sure, yeah. You know what I mean? She hated your guts. And, like, she would, like, bring it home with her and, like, be a bad mood off every Saturday, because she went in those kinds of problems. Oh, that shit. Every Saturday, she was in a bad fucking mood, because, like, she came home and she was like, "I saw Disney movies. I saw Teddy bears." Oh, yeah. I just... That... is the fucking craziest shit. I'm nervous around children, because... I've... I've seen so much of these predator fucking shows that... Now, I fucking... You may as well send every fucking guy as a fucking pedophile. You know what I mean? So, when I'm around kids, I'm like, "Hi." Like, I don't even want to fucking be near. No, I... Get the fucking... I'm like, "Hey, little kid." No, I'm nice. I'm honestly nice to children. And I'm like, "Hi, and stuff." But I'm not gonna... I'm not, like, looking noogies when I was a kid. But I used to pick me up. Yeah. I'm just fucking beard into my fucking face, 'cause it hurt, just to be a dick. I would never do that. The only way I would do it is if I had my own child. I would never be picking... Even a fucking relative's child. I'm just... I'm just fucking like... It doesn't... 'Cause there's so many of these motherfuckers out there. 'Cause... I'm not like your mom who went through the... You know, she's a professional judge. All this stuff. Has this history... You know, way too much than I would ever want to fucking experience. You know what I mean? Right. And she didn't... She didn't know that going in. Yeah. You know what I mean? Sure, yeah. You wouldn't expect that, but... But she held it down. She retired, like, January. Yeah. Congratulations. I remember that. Oh, you're... What is it? She... Oh, fuck, I forgot. Sorry. It's okay. Hi. But, yeah. I mean, it was just fucking child predators are crazy. Oh, yeah. I didn't have the experience. I've watched so much of those shows. One thing I found, it doesn't matter if it's a fucking 90-something year old fucking pedophile to a fucking dude in his 20s to a nerdy looking guy in his 30s to the one thing they all have in common is what you just fucking said. It's this weird internet. They're in all this fucking chat. They're in all this shit. Like, whenever these dudes are interviewing, they'll be like, "Well, you want this app and that app?" Shit, I've never even fucking heard of. Right. And it's like, it could be a 96-year-old man. You would think he doesn't even know how to fucking use a typewriter. And he's like, "Yeah, I was on that app texting." How the fuck is this guy touching 100 years old on a fucking phone? Because all of them, you're right. There's a sickness to where, in their mind, even if they're almost 100 years old, they're going to go... They're going to, like, get in with the new age and be like, "If it's going to get me closer to my perversion, my fucking, the thing that's fucked up with me, I'll fucking learn how to use this phone and these apps and all these fucking bullshit. I mean, it gets fucking deep. Yeah. And when I'm president, you know, I'm 2024. 28? 24. You're going to run the next time? You should run. I don't know, I don't know, I'm 20, I'm 1034. 34, okay, yeah. I'll be eligible. I'll be eligible. I'll be eligible? Oh, yeah. You're going to be a certain age, yeah. Yeah, P35. To run. So, yeah. Prison. I mean, death. Death. All of them. All of them. I would say it's a very least cast ratio, but I can't disagree. They're already castrated. I can't disagree. They're already castrated. They're already castrated. Yeah. And they're on. And registering on December. That's not enough. Megan's law is not enough. It's not enough. Everything we've done is not enough. The FBI, I think they're all perverted now because they've been watching it. So it's like, what are they then? Whoa, shit. That's a different take on that I haven't heard before. You're like, FBI in investigating them. Are now fucked up. See, if I was in a position- I think they're involved somehow. I can fucking do it. And I think individually not as a unit, but I think individually, there are some bad actors in the FBI. It could be like a whole department. It could be like five of them. Row. But they are probably taking it or like dealing it or letting people off or like baiting people or just like doing weird shit with it. Because why is it still here? After 25 years of like hard fucking, you know, my mom's been in her career for 25 years. And after 25 years, then no, 28, after 28 years of technology being introduced. You know, DNA, you know, like the forensic, the computer forensics, like all that shit. I have a degree in this shit. Yeah. And it's just like, after all that, you know what I mean? I could feel by just your anger that you've lived through this. You know, the means that it is? 95% of people who are molested as a child turn into monsters. 95. Wow. You know something scary? What? When I was a kid, I had a fucking friend named Jamie when I was a fucking preschool. Fucking little red-headed kid. I'm like, every other friend I remember from when I was that young, except for him. When I was in preschool, so before kindergarten, I don't know what I mean. But, yeah, I don't know. Was that four or five years old? That's fucking young. Something like that. But, um, I was at this, I used to go to his house and play. And one time you told me, "Hey, do you want to go into the restroom and play the naked, get naked game?" Oh my God. And I'm sitting there fucking playing super Nintendo. And at that age, I didn't fucking know, but I just knew I fucked myself. Okay, getting naked. I'm like, "Fuck that. I'm playing a game." I was like, "No, I'm going to play that." He's like, "Okay, well, I'm going to play it." And he got naked. And once again, when you're that young, you're like, "I'm still playing the game. I'm not even paying attention because I don't fucking care." I never saw him again because my mom was talking to his mom. And she was like, "We had to call the fucking cops." Because Jamie's fucking babysitter was fucking molesting him. And I fucking could have been there on a day when Jamie's fucking babysitter was the fucking there. Which is a scary thing. Because you know what I mean? That's how these grooming situations happen. It's the babysitter. And the babysitter could be something else. I hate to make it by myself. Which I think I'm like, "But me!" But I'm all right. But you're absolutely right. First of all, I'm sorry that this happened to him and that was happening to you. But fuck, these men, they wait for opportunities like that. Or they create them. If someone is having a baby in the family, that's their opportunity. It's almost sad to say that a lot of, especially a lot of African American girls are molested by someone in their family. Yeah. That's fucking horrible. Wow. You know, I've known of a lot of women in my personal life who have told me stories. Yeah. And it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. And it's a fucking shame. Yeah. Across all races, it's a lot of the mom's boyfriend, too. Okay. That a lot of guys, they prey on single moms. Yeah. They prey on single moms. Yeah. They prey on single moms and they prey on whoever is having a baby in the family. Yeah. What you see in a lot of those shows, when those predators, they're talking of a decoy. But the convo's like, "They're getting into... Who's... What's your mom do? What's your... And there's certain situations where, yeah, they talk about this dude's plan is to try to get the mom single when they get with the mom. So now I have easier access to this child. It's fucking... Or they become teachers? Insane. Or they become fucking priests? Or priests? There's something there where you're just like, yo, Sunday school. You know what I mean? Like, you're going to be around children. So I mean, it is rampant. And I think that what you were saying earlier about, you know, why isn't it still happening? Where's this corruption coming from? Is the whole as a system? I wouldn't say all of FBI, all of any government organization is completely corrupt, but there's little pockets of... That's what I was saying. Like, there has to be. There has to be. Because I was saying, like, it's like... Maybe three or four guys. And maybe they're not perfect, but the money. Think about the money. I don't know, specifically. Child. I don't know what they're getting into. Do you know what they're getting into? It's rather than like, probably letting... Is child human trafficking? They're doing the right thing. You should have high levels. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly about Epstein. Think about... Like, why wouldn't the FBI be involved in some freak shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I hear. You know what? You know what? I think... This is the thing about human beings. And you know what that is, Candice? What? You want to be in a position of power, and you need to be over them, right? Like, a lot of people think like that. Like, the sociopaths that are naturally addicted to trying to just one over everybody. And those are the ones that end up in the spots. Yeah, they end up in the spots of the FBI. They end up in politics. They end up as politicians. They end up as CEOs. Candice, have you ever worked for a company? Have you ever been in a group of people just outside of work? Even where you see those overdoers? And it's just like, you can... I worked with one. I worked with one at Vanguard and it was doing... You know what I'm saying, bitch? It's just they know how to walk that walk to fucking get to the fucking point where they need to be. They know how to do in front of the right people. They know how to befriend the right people right off the bat. Be the fucking cool person. Be the nice fucking person that everybody fucking loves. And then off the side. And then when no one's looking. You're fucking weaving around like a fucking little sneaky snake. Yeah. To get to the fucking top. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. And they don't give a shit. Like, how you... You know, it's not about doing the right thing. I mean, like, what's going to progress me to the top of that... Right. And like, you don't owe anybody your loyalty in a workplace. I get that. But at the same time, you owe people your respect. And there's a way to like, get to the top. Well, not having to like, shit on people on your way there. Yeah. But at the same time, or you don't have to be so manipulative. Yeah. You know? Yeah. I've been in work situations where I was around guys. Where I was around a guy one time where he said... He said some shit that just like eluded to where he was kind of like... He was a white dude. And I was like... Oh, you're fucking kind of like a prejudiced person just against like... What'd he say? I didn't say that to him. I didn't say that to him, but he somehow... I forgot the comment he made, but it just kind of made me think like... Oh, he's like a young bigot, dude. You know what I mean? Do some have some white people in your... Well, David's white. But that dude climbed the ranks in the company. Okay. Because he kissed the... But he had to change his personality. And he found... Within a couple days, he was acting like a different person. And it was that mentality that he used to raise the top. But there's like the first two days I met him. First impressions last, you know what I mean? And I remember that first impression just being like... Yo, this dude, but he was fucking smart. Oh, you're taking this. Thank you though. Yeah. But like, I... Has... In general, has any white person come up to you and like says something racist? Thinking that you were gonna agree? It is very rare. But it has happened, but it's like... I can count on one hand in my whole life. It's not common. It's very, it's very uncommon. It's not a normal thing that happens. Because you gotta think, a racist person's really taking a leap. I mean, I'm white, but they're really taking a leap if they're just like... Yeah, he looks white. Let me just throw this his way and fucking... But no, it's like a racist, like... Like a couple, two, three times, maybe four times, like some fucking... Some dude I don't know in a bar, just some shit. You know what I mean? Where you're out in the open and you're like... A situation where you're around new people and you just hear that shit and you're like... Oh, I knew what the fuck. Yeah. And I know in every situation I've just been like... You know. I've always been the friend that... Before 2016, everyone was saying nigga. Everyone was saying nigga. Everyone was like, nigga this, nigga that. The white girl down the street was saying nigga. Everyone was saying nigga, nigga around me, like the Mexicans, everybody. And like after 2016, I don't know what happened after that. Everyone's so conscious. Everyone's not saying it in their videos, like when the song is on it and it says nigga. Like I'm just like, oh, so what happened? So I'm like, what happened? You know, like what happened? I don't want to say nigga no more. So I think it's just so funny because it's like now, like as a mixed person, I've always felt unsafe to like call it out because I've felt... And I've always felt like I'm not black enough to be like, don't say that in front of me. But like once I realize in context how it looks to like let someone say that in front of me, no matter what context it is, they're talking to each other or like calling me that or calling their friend that and endearing terms and how they like, before 2016, they were like really saying it like that. I think people are on me in college, but like nowadays it's like... Is it the same bro? Yeah, yeah. And like nowadays, nowadays it's like, there's more of an awareness among college age people. They're like, oh, I shouldn't be saying that. And then I'm just like, where the fuck did that come from? Yeah, wow. And I thought it's a good thing, but like I just like, I'm just like, it was really annoying. I grew up with kids that said that, and it mostly wasn't the white kids, but it was like, it could be kids of like... What do you call it? Italian, Italian, Italian, Mexican friends. The most? I had a lot of Arab friends? Yeah, I do a couple white guys that said it, but you know, I always grew up with friends of all different races. Yeah, there was like... And they would sit in my black friends in care. Yeah. Because I know that they weren't coming from a place of like... Well, I just... What do you call that? I feel like nowadays, like... I never fucking said it. If you say it in front of a black person, even if it's like... If a black person is in the room and you're saying it and you're not black, I feel like it's racist. Yeah. No matter what they want to do. That's why I've never said it. Yeah. Yeah, I've never fucking done that 'cause it's just like, that's not my lingo. And I'm not gonna go out of my way. How does it feel to like... Being told, like, you're not allowed to say that. Like, does that make you feel some type of way? Like, is that as a white person, not as David, but as a white person? Not even as like a white male. It's like the N word with a hard R. Both of them. Oh, and with an A. With the A, N-E-R, and society saying that you can't say that. I never cared. Okay. I never got into my speech pattern at any point in my life. Okay. I always used to do it. I always used this. I always used this. I always wanted to ask the white person to point a view on this. I never started saying it. You know what I mean? Yeah. So there's never been a point where I've been like, man, I miss it. No. Or you can't say it, whatever. I never... Yeah. In my regular way of talking to people, never had felt like I needed to say it. I always saw that in some white men and women, that the fact that someone is saying... Like society is saying, you can't say the N word. And they kind of take it as, well, I have the right to free speech. Like, you can't tell me that. Like, how do you rectify that? You just... You kind of look at it like it's just some... There's people out there fucking idiots. Mm-hmm. And they're just fucking, you know, idiots. I mean, and you just have to go, fucking not even gonna waste my fucking time with that idiot. 'Cause some people are so stupid that you'll be loin' yourself to give a fuck about whatever drama they're doing. You know what I mean? Yeah. They're gonna get themselves in trouble. You know what I mean? They just let them fucking... Like, they've got these different racist people I've seen on the news recently. And it's like, an incident with like 12 people, but of course there's news, and of course we see it across the country. And it's in some, whatever, what... You name, you know, some of the southern state, you know what I mean? Like, it's in a place where you're like, uh, yeah, I guess that I expect five neo-Nazis or whatever to show up to some random... But the whole fucking world sees it. And because the whole world sees a situation with like, 30, 40 people in this one day, it's like, oh, it's huge. And it's like, they're out there, but it's mostly like, the prison stuff. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, those dudes that are showing up that are just like, protesting, I just feel like... Probably every town in city, it's like, you know, everybody has their little, you know, their club or whatever that they're frickin'. But I don't think it's a, it's not a majority. I think it's like, a small group of people, I don't think, compared to the mass amount of people that be against that. Yeah. You know what I mean? 'Cause at the end of the day, there's a mass amount of people who would be against like, "Hey, we're gonna be the Nazis taking on me." Yeah. Like, no, fuck that. Yeah, right, right. So, sometimes I forget that we're not completely racist. We're not racist free. Racism free in America. I don't think we ever will be. But, like, I just feel like, we are farther than the textbooks portrayed, I feel like. Um. Like, I feel like... Eventually... I feel like, today's textbooks are just like, civil rights back then. How it was like, really hard. And like, how they... Even 'til this day, there's always like, a court case that has something to do with like, something back then that got... overturned or is being revisited. It kind of reminds you like, "Wow, like, shit back then, I was really fucked up." And today, it's not perfect still, it's still fucked up like that lady that killed the police. She was black. Oh, yeah. She had a boiling pot of water. I didn't see the whole thing, but I just saw that this dude... I watched it. He was in her house. And she's boiling some water. And this dude was just like... Hand on gun. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, dude. I don't know why. You got a frickin' bee. And this is obvious. This is why he's getting fucking charged. It's like, common sense tells you. Um. Persons coming at you. If they don't have a fucking gun or a knife, let's pull the fucking taser up. I'm not saying you should've fucking tasted it. I'm not saying you should've even been in there. I'm not even saying that... The whole situation was completely... It is completely bullshit. It is bullshit because they were asking for her ID, which is why she was like... Yeah. It's bullshit. Yeah. He should've never been there in a fucking first place. But even on his fucking side... Why not pull a fucking taser? Pullin' a gun out. You just fucking kill this woman. And then you're in 100% the wrong. Like, open together. At least if she was tazed, we'd still rest him and still throw him in fucking jail. He was lying. He was lying on the call. And he'd be like... He'd be like... He came in with the boiling pot of water. What the fuck? Yeah. Even if he tasted it, we'd throw him in prison and calm a piece of shit because that's what he'd be. But he pulls a gun. To me, that tells me. Oh, it was... What the fuck are... There's something that's wrong with his head to pull a fucking gun. Was he in the wrong? He was 100% the wrong. And to pull a fucking gun like that. There's... And there's a lot of situations like this. I'm not gonna name names or... But this shit happens a lot. And it's happened too many times. And I feel like, unfortunately... This is my opinion again. You know, the movement, the Black Lives Matter movement, that unfortunately has been questioned and hasn't been answering those questions. To my knowledge. Yeah. I mean, the money has gone to the leader. Yeah, I know. It's gone. There's been some shadiness where the money has gone and how the money has... I'm not saying nothing has gone to the family or the victims of who the movement is for. Yeah. But I just feel like with every movement, everything good. Climate change is like the movement for its awareness. Yeah. I feel like it gets hijacked by interests. Like the Black Lives Matter movement. Yeah. And the... It gets hijacked by corporations and it gets hijacked by like people who want to exploit it for their side of the election. Shady people, what we were saying earlier, it's like there's those crazies that get to the top. Yeah. And then what they're there. Let me just siphon... What they're there. It's like they forget about what they said about Black Lives Matter. They forget about what they said about climate change. They forget about what they said about what they were going to do by liberation. They forget about other policies that they got. Voting for it. And this happens again and again and again and again and again. I'm not saying it's one person. But it happens a lot. And I'm just... I don't know. How do you feel about voting the way we vote? Like, do you think you need to be updated? Like digitally? Uh... We're gonna have to paint a painting of she voting by the way. Yeah. I don't feel about voting to be outdated. Yeah. I think that they should send a drone to your house and you open the door and it scanned your iris. And if you're willing to sign the waiver, it'll actually take a little bit of your blood, too, to check your DNA to confirm. And then it's gonna ask you 10 security questions that are from your public records. Oh my god. And you have to do something to do that correctly. For something in here, I had to do that. Fuck that. They have to... They have to know that. They have to know where they used to work. They know where you told this shit. What car are you first, like, drove, ever? You took out a loan. What was your dog's name in 1990? Why? Or you see, I'm old. What was your dog's name in 2010 or whatever, you know? And you're like, "Which dog?" And you're like, "Ah shit, what the fuck?" Because they know you have a dog because you, you know, you have your dog registered and shit. So there's names in there like, "Dude, it's just... Yeah, it's crazy times. What was the question again? Sorry. Should we change what we wrote? Like, how do you feel about it? Oh. Like, do you think that going to a voting station, like a school, or like a DMV or something, I don't know if they do that with a DMV, but like, at a school or something, for example, and standing in line and getting a paper or going to a kiosk, do you think that's outdated in our society? Um, I think it all comes down to whether or not we can rely on the technology and all that stuff to count the vote correctly. Right. I think that all the polls that we fucking see between the presidents, I think it's all bullshit. None of it matters. Like, I don't really... Honestly, everything... Why didn't we try on this? And I'm like, fuck that. I don't even... I can't live in a world. Yeah. Oh my God, you know. Shit, he's doing it all and chucked it. Oh shit, no, this is, you know, like, I can't live in this world of like, who's ahead? Who's ahead? Who's winning? Who's got the most points? Who scored the most touched? Who's golden? You know what I mean? Yeah. It's turning into this game that never fucking ends. It's a media. And it's a media that drives us all fucking insane. I think everybody in 2023 was like... Taking a big breath, 'cause you're like, here comes 2024, 'cause there's gonna be crazy ass campaigns and who the fuck knows, dude. I feel like they were late in it. I feel like when it was Hillary and Bernie and Trump, I feel like there was a lot of... I was in college. Mm-hmm. And like, there was a lot of... I was in it. Yeah. I was in it. 'Cause I wanted to burn into it. We were. I wanted to burn into it at first. Me too. I really wanted to win, 'cause everything he was saying was like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." And then... So I was really watching, and then he didn't win, and so I kind of checked out, but once... You know, I'll admit, I was really scared of Trump, but I didn't know about Hillary's policies back then. I didn't know about her history. I didn't know about her shady history. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I didn't know about the Clinton shady history. And then I didn't know that there was a whole generation of people that lived through Clinton and Hillary before, and was like, "We're not going back to that." And I... I couldn't respect that. Yeah. At the time. You know? Mm-hmm. Now I can't. But like, at the time, I was just like... Once... I was just like, "Anybody but him, anybody with Trump." And then once I experienced it, in my head, it wasn't that bad. Yeah. In my fucking head. But like, to a lot of people, that's not their experience. And I... I empathize with that. Mm-hmm. It wasn't their experience with him. Yeah. Me, I couldn't have cared less what the fuck he did every other week. As long as, you know, he didn't embarrass me, and as long as fucking we weren't like, in wars and shit. Now we're in fucking... It's like my Trump. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I don't fucking know. I mean, I just... Yeah, I would say that... You have to freaking just... Everybody has their different way of looking at it. I mean, nothing's fucking perfect in politics. You know what I mean? When it comes to all that stuff, everything that they do, it's like, each one of them has their own... I'm going to be dissatisfied with every one of them. Whoever wins this election, I'm not going to be happy about it. I'm not going to be like, "Whoo-hoo!" You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, I'm not going to be like, "Oh, my God. I'm so relieved. Oh, my God." I feel like the Democratic Party was robbed of a candidate who they really wanted from four years ago. Yeah. I feel like that... I feel bad about that. I really do. And I feel like, is Kamala... If Kamala was given a fair shot this round, would she have made it thus this far? Did she just do it because she is a Vice President? I mean, no one wanted to vote on someone else. You know? Yes. Has it ever happened before? And we're doing this based off previous actions. You know what I mean? That would make sense, but I don't know if this has happened before. And, you know, especially like so close to the so months. Months, not a year. Months. She has months to campaign, and that's kind of not fair to her. Yeah. She has months to campaign. And, like, I don't like the whole assassination thing. That's not cool. Yeah, that was crazy. And, like, I feel kind of scared. I'm like, are we there as a country? Really? Yeah. Really? We're not giving fair shots to people anymore. No, pun intended. We're not giving fair shots to people anymore. Like, I know you guys hate them, you know? We're breaking our shot. Yeah. J.N.P. was shot, but, like, we don't do it a lot. Yeah. You know? The whole thing to me was, it was crazy. There was a lot going on during that time. If you look at that video, there's a link in the background. Everybody's fucking ducking. She just doesn't even flinch. And, as soon as it happens, she pulls her fucking phone out. And, she's, like, smiling. Yeah. And, what the fuck was that? Why didn't she flinch? She didn't flinch. Everybody in the crowd goes like this. Ooh, and ducks. 'Cause I hear that gunshot. They all go, "Ooh." You see, like, 30 people go, "Ooh." And duck. And she just doesn't move. And was like, "Ooh, pulls her fucking camera phone out." What the fuck was that? I can't believe it was fucking-- That's something weird is there. I feel like he was allowed to happen. I'll say that. I feel like he wasn't supposed to miss. I feel like he was supposed to shoot him. I feel like there's a narrative set up for the next day. Like, "Oh, rest in peace." Oh, wow. I feel like I can't believe anything. There you go. I feel like I can't believe anything. The technology in place. The AI in place. The history. Everything you look at, you just have to go. I'm getting part of the story. I may not be getting the whole story. Right. Every fucking thing. Maybe they're giving me 10% of the information. Like, it's not a lie what they're saying, but they're not giving you. The whole-- The whole fucking story. Oh, yeah. Trump is shot. Trump got hit. This whole thing was just like-- And they had to say that because it was public. Insane. Yeah. And it's just like, rest in peace, you know, to the guy you got shot. You know, it's horrible. He was 20. Young. And brave, I guess, to do something like that. Well, he didn't always gonna get shot. You had to have known you're gonna get shot. That was it. You had to-- You had to have known this was a suicide mission. You had to have known that. Oh, you talking about the dude that shot him? Yeah. You had-- you can't be that dumb. If you think that you're-- Oh, yeah. You think you're just gonna get arrested? We knew. No, that fucking dude. No. The kid that shot him knew for sure that he was gonna get killed. There's no way. Yeah. There's no way he thought that. He was gonna live that. But-- I mean, like-- He's shot on a roof. They took so long for him to do it. People were making TikToks with him in it. I saw videos of the guy going, look, look. There's a kid on the roof with the rifle. Yeah. And they're like, where's the secret service? Get the secret service. Like, shouldn't they be everywhere? When I-- I think I saw him. I saw the fucking president. I saw the fucking president. Video. He wasn't doing anything. In, like, back in the day, I saw Bill Clinton when he was president. We went to, like, he was at some church. I went with my mom. Oh, you saw him? I saw him. Like, I was within feet of him. Oh my god. Ten feet. He came walking by outside. We all fucking saw him. There was secret service fucking everywhere. And you could tell they had the fake arm. Like, someone would be walking just their hands straight. And there's just, like, an arm that's like this. And you just know. That dude is just, like, holding a fucking oozy with his reel. And he's just waving and just, just fucking cap somebody. Like, there's shit. Why-- how did that change from the '90s when a sea of fucking secret service started everywhere when the fucking presence around to now? It's like, you know, a kid's crawling up on a roof. Well, do you think it's because it's a candy and not a president? Or is it, like-- I don't know. It doesn't matter. Because I feel like Obama gets secret service to this day, I feel like. Oh, well, they all get secret service to the one they die. Oh, okay. Yeah, if you've been a president, they can-- like, Trump has secret service right now. You right. Because he was once a president. Like, even Jimmy Carter probably has secret service. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. How crazy would that be to live a life where, um, everywhere you go, like, there's this dude staying in you. They got fucking guns. You know what I mean? That's gnarly. That is gnarly. Like, my mom. Because you're a figurehead. You can't-- you can't be fucking off. Bro, you represent-- No. There can be nothing happening to you, because you represent so much to America, that it'd be like, how do you let that happen to a fucking president? So we protect you like a Jew-- they protect you like a Jew, if you think-- except for now, when he gets fucking shot. But, you know, he didn't get killed. So it was just-- it was one of those shots where, you know, he's pointing over to a screen configuration and fucking zinger, and I fucking saw-- I saw a slowdown where the bullet just-- there's-- you can see the tracer of a fucking bullet. It's just crazy. I saw what-- It's crazy to think that it got that fucking close. I saw a breakdown of where, if he didn't move like that, move his head, he would have probably gotten shot at the head. Yeah. So like, I-- I thought it was crazy. I feel like we split in a parallel universe. I feel like one universe, he's dead. This is the universe where he's not. Probably. Well, if you believe in the multiverse-- That's what I believe in. It takes strength to your, like, every possibility. Okay, and before we go, let's talk about this really quick. So, I believe that when we go to sleep, and this is-- this is not on-- Don't think-- This is what we should have been talking about the whole time. Don't think of it as-- Don't think of it as-- No, this is good. This is good. My number one episodes are about from. Oh, my God. You're like, I'm talking about politics here. By the way, Joe Kamala voting the, like, dude. You helped, you helped me good. You helped me good. You know, this is current. You know what I mean? This is what people are talking about. This is what they want to hear. Like, you go on your YouTube, and you click on the ones that are covering what's going on right now. Sure. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's not exactly, like, their debased themselves, but, like, what people are saying about it, or, like, what people's opinions are. It's like, we have-- you have-- There's a way I want to talk about what you use, like, you have-- you be rationality of things. I'm very emotional. Oh, okay. Thank you. You know? And, like, I feel like my listeners are 50/50, you know? It's like-- and I feel like they can appreciate each side. They want to hear each side. I feel like people are not having a discourse, at least a lot of, like, discourse between, like, your friends, you know, about what's going on because it matters, you know? It's going to affect us in the next four to eight years, so-- Yeah. I know. It's crazy to think about-- I know, like, just fast forward in December. What the fuck? Fast forward? What's December look like? There's my question to you. Well, my mom still has her Christmas tree up. That's what it looks like. I hope it's still cold here. Yeah. Well, David, thank you for coming on the podcast. No problem. We're all universes, I believe in it. But when we go to sleep, we wake up. Everything's the same. Except one little detail. It could be that the right light switch is off. And that's it. And the entire universe. Uh, I see, yeah. Just one small-- One small detail. And you don't notice it. Maybe this chip right here was never there when I wake up tomorrow. You're one less eyebrow hair. The shit that I wouldn't notice, but it takes that one weird glitch. It takes that one fuck up in the universe. I feel like there's time travelers. Yeah. But I feel like, in order for time you ripple to fix yourselves from then going backwards and shit, I feel like, what just happened? Yeah. I think you're probably right. I feel like in order for the universe to, like, time you turn them on to fix itself, like, what just happened on accident? Like, I feel like it was a side thing. Because, like, people-- It's just universes, parallel universes intersecting somehow, like, in a weird way. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm sure that happens. I'm sure that's possible. And I feel like that's why we age. Oh, well, how does that do with aging, though? Like, the way we age, we're in a certain way. But we go from young to old. Why? Why does nature do that? Like, start you off all fresh and full of energy. Yeah. We grow like a plant, and we buy like a plant, if we don't have an accident. Yeah. You're saying we should just live forever? Yeah. I feel like eventually we're going to put our bodies in, like, some silicone base form. Yeah. And we're going to live forever. I watch a guy, I listen to a guy who is big into UFO experiences. And he goes to all the conferences. He, like, interviews a lady that said that she flies, UFOs. And, like, she knows all this stuff. Like, it's deep. It gets fucking deep. And, like, the amount of stuff that he has fucking said, well, were you just saying anything? Um, about silicone base life forms? Yeah. It was just, it's just, like, it's unbelievable the kind of stuff that people say that's up there, man. And anything's possible. I mean, I believe in, um, here's a big question. Do you live in Bigfoot? Oh, my God. You know, like, a lot of natives believe in Bigfoot because they say they've seen it. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. For sure. Um, and I wouldn't doubt it. I feel like whatever Bigfoot is, they have a huge advantage when it comes to hiding from us. We, we will never know what that is because that's why it's an advantage. Mm-hmm. I think he's an interdimensional. That's what I'm saying. I feel like if he goes behind a cape, he does a little dance. And, like, you know, the cave opens. Or, like, he fucking dissolves in it then there. Or, like, he just, like, what if, what if he's a creature? Like, Jeepers creepers that only feeds every 23 years. And that's why we don't see him a lot. Yeah. We know the average and they saw it. What? I thought that, you know, they had their, they had the hairy guy too. I forgot what they call them in, uh, when they have originates in Australia. But they said that there's fucking, like, there's some Bigfoot that are just, like, animal, kind of, like, they have family units. They're smart. They're doing their own thing. You know what I mean? Just leaving them alone. They're living out there in the forest, whatever. And then he said there's another kind of Bigfoot that's more, even more spiritual, kind of. And it's fucking, and they're fucking evil. And I'm like, that's fucking gnarly. I forgot what they fucking called them. But I'm like, yo, there's different shit. I mean, you ever heard of David Politis? No. Missing 411? He has so many different stories about missing people. No, I've heard his podcast. Oh, the fuck is that? Doesn't he have, like, um, something about the forest with missing people? There's, like, within the last, like, I want to say it could be even more than 10 years. I forgot the exact date. But there's, like, within around the last 10 years, there's, like, 70,000, 69,000 people missing in Alaska. Like, there's just numbers to where it's not fucking, what's going on? You know what I mean? David Politis talks about it. He can't get the records. He went to the National Forest people who have the records for all shit that's happening, like, out there. And they go, we'll give it to him for, like, $3 million, $4 million. And he's, like, I'm not going to, because who doesn't if they even give it to him. He could write that check. And they're, like, in here's one record from one. You know what I mean? Right. Or they, they could get stopped by the government or something. They could be, like, they could be, like, they knew that that number would stop. But it's, like, but it doesn't matter because he gets reports from around the country constantly from the past and present. And the majority of the stories are, like, people go out there and you're going to get a kick like this because there's a lot of info to it. People go out there. They disappear. Mostly men and mostly white men with Germanic descent. Germanic descent. Yeah. That's what he said. So I could be fucking, like, dis-disappeared. But, like, it's mostly that. And it's, it's fucking just crazy shit. In Alaska, at least. They think it's, like, alien. No, in America. I know, but, like, in Alaska, at least. Or America? Yeah, what? What majority do you think is, like, Bigfoot and majority think is, um, alien? I am no clue. I feel like majority is alien. I feel like, I feel like we are a firmies paradox. Okay, yeah. We're just a little experiment here. Yeah, I feel like the hard, whoever, whoever's on the outside, like, we describe them as angels or, like, God or whatever. God and his angels. Yeah. Who are they? What are they doing, exactly, on a day-to-day basis? And if they're watching, and if they're watching, what are they watching for? What are they looking for? Who are they looking at? I'm looking at us individually as a whole. Are they making sure the nukes don't go off? Like, what are they looking for? Are they making sure we go past a certain point of evolution? Are they pushing us there somehow? Like, I don't... Yeah. And why are you abducting people? Is it to, like, if you have these superpowers, why do you have to abduct people? Oh, yeah. No, I don't know. Well, you know, I think there's all different types of shit. Like, if you think about it, are some of them abductions? You never know. Could they be? Possibly. It's probably... Is it a lot? Are you saying it's horseshit? Like, what do you mean? No, I'm thinking that some of the problems there is a percentage that is some type of negative alien. Are they all negative? Probably not. Like, think about this. And people, there's good and bad. There's good and bad with, like, different personalities, I think, on every level to where, if you're talking about the universe, full of all these different planets where there's possible all these aliens and some have probably been coming here for a long time, there's got to be a lot of different kinds. Are some of them friendly to us? Probably not. Are some of them friendly to us? Probably you. There's probably a song. It's probably both. And there's probably some in between who don't, just whatever. It's not that they fucking everything against anything. They're just, like, doing whatever. You know what I mean? What do you feel about the thought of it being us from another dimension or another time? I think it's a possibility. I think that's a possibility. I think that, I don't know how high of a possibility that is. But is there going to be a time where, you know, apparently some of these aliens, the most prevalent one that's visiting here, is the gray alien and there's different from what I've heard, like good ones and bad ones. And there's ones where it's just like, they came from a planet that was depleted and they basically needed, they need to, like, change their DNA to be able to, like, survive longer because their evolution got to a certain point where it's like, now it's like, it's digressing. So you're saying they might be living in us? And? Yeah. And they always talk of, if you've ever seen any of those shows, they always talk about hybrids. They're making hybrid baby aliens. This is what they say. I'm not saying it's fucking true, but that's what they say. That's not all aliens. That's not all aliens. They would invade and, you know, like, how would, and if you were studying humans with our, how we react to things, think about it. It's like, what if they're, like, testing stuff, like, dropping shit? And our reactions are coming out to ghosts. You know what I mean? Yeah. And, like, how, how, what if they just, like, dropped in, they're, like, dropping in, just to see how we would react, how we're shooting it down, how we're, like, videotaping it, making sure it's real, verifying all these sources, you know, like, really, like, like, visiting them and see what their story is afterwards. Like, how would they freak out? Like, you know, I think that based on that evidence, how we responded, I feel like, if they were to want to, like, use our bodies or use this as energy or something, or, like, take something from our planet or something, they would come like us. I feel like. I think some probably. I feel like these alien abductions with the bodies and to study the body. Yeah. And to, like, remake the body. I think that we are on a certain dimension compared to them. And they're fucking traveling. Like, what you were talking earlier about multi-dimensions? Mm-hmm. There are millions, hundreds of millions of years more advanced than we are at this point in time right now. I feel like you can't be in this third dimension without a body. There's something going on there, but I think that they come from fucking different dimensions is what I'm saying. I think that they're, because there's different stories of, like, sometimes when they see these things, like, they'll leave, like, a weird, like, snowy, kind of, like, silky, white, kind of fucking stuff that, like, kind of lays around, and then it'll disappear. It's like, there's all different types of just, like, crazy phenomenon that fucking happens around them. You know? And, um, it's just, it's anyone's guess as to, like, what it could be, but I think that they're, they're just traveling fucking through different dimensions, and fucking, portals, and all over the fucking place. Because even people that get abducted are talking about, like, how it felt surreal. Of course, if you're, if you fucking saw what you're seeing and feel surreal, but, like, everybody really says, like, it felt, like, you were on a different kind of fucking, like, plane. Sometimes when you take pictures of these UFOs, it doesn't fucking come out, right? Come on, come on. And then we have, like, at least up to date, we have the most advanced... Yeah. Cameras. That shit's crazy. Yeah. You know, like, how many have we seen where it's, like, just a couple of lights? That shit's probably connected, and it was, like, a whole ship. And think about this, Candace. This is a fucking trip, but I've always thought about this. If you had the ability to travel back and forth through time, nobody would know when you would have got here. Nobody would know. You could seemingly be here forever because you just showed up. You could go back in time to win the fucking humanity first. So it's like, who knows how long they've been here. And that's trying to be, like, that's me being paranoid. But at the same time, like, if you think about time travel, which, if they could go in a dimensional, why can't they travel back in time? Even Einstein said that's a fucking possibility. I believe Einstein probably would be right. Yeah. That's my dying wish, honestly, is to travel time. I want to travel. I don't want, I'm not saying I want to be live my life from beginning to end. I just want to say, I want to pop back in on August 10th, 2000, when my mom threw me that big birthday party. Maybe I want to invisibly pop in on the corner and just watch from afar. Can I do that? What? What if you can go back and, and like, you show up and like, they can see you and you freak, you freak your past self out. How crazy would that be? I'd wait. You just like, hey, like, they look at you and you can just doubt because it's like, wait, that's fucking me. It has to be a day home. It has to be a day home. You'd be like, what the fuck? It'd be a day home. Especially if you spoke. Like, have you said something to them? There's gotta be more. Wait, what the fuck? There's gotta be rules to this shit. There's got to be. They would be calling you a cryptid. They'd be like, I saw this cryptid that looked just like me. You know what a cryptid or a cryptid is? A creature that is supernatural? Yeah. Yeah. It's that shit. Yeah. That's what big, bigfoots are cryptid. Mmm. I was gonna have a cryptid art show too, but I got, I don't know, there's just too much stuff going on in my life to where I needed it. I was like, you know, I don't have time to like, really put that together right now, you know? I feel that. It's a lot. I mean, like, you gotta promote, you gotta like, ask people to like, do stuff? Yeah, it's just, you know, they're doing stuff for you and it's just like, there's a lot of variables involved and there's like, it takes time. And it takes like, you know, I'm not saying I'm never gonna do it again. I'll probably put together an art show and something like that in the future for sure, but just right now with everything going on in my life, you know? Been doing this fabrication thing and whatever, so it's like, it's a lot for me. Mmm. I feel it. Was there anything else you want to talk about? I'm good. I'm good. Very good. Well, it's paint. We're gonna paint Shiba. We've been meaning to do this for a while, but let's get to it. Thanks for coming out the podcast. Yeah. Well, you know, thank you very much. Yeah. All right. Good night, everybody. Have a good evening. Good morning, wherever and whatever you're listening. Bye-bye.