The Manic Candice Podcast

How To Be More Attractive

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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- Hello everyone, welcome back to the mannequinist podcast. Season three, episode two, let's get right into it. This is all about how to be more attractive. And I'm not talking about like, oh, I know the secrets of how to be the sexiest woman alive. That's not where I'm coming from. I'm also not gonna bully anyone. You know, I'm not gonna call you ugly or fat or tell you to get plastic surgery. That's not what I'm here to do. I just wanna get that right out of the way in the first minute. But I just wanna come on and say that, you know, I consider myself someone who needs to be really ugly back in the day, not that long ago, maybe like, especially like in my early 20s. But always like in high school, always in middle school, it was just like, I'd never considered myself the slightest bit attractive. I know that's hard to believe based on how I present myself, like on Instagram and my stories or something like that. But it's very true. I was very objectively and through my own experience, felt very and looked very unattractive for various reasons. It's not, it goes beyond just the mirror, like, you know, like weight, height, skin color, hair texture, it goes way beyond that. So what I want to share today is just like, what has, what little changes I've made, or you know, whether purposely or by consequences or just by, by what people have said behind my back. I use that to my advantage because like, there is some truth to that, whether you want to accept it or not, people who talk shit about you, there might be some truth to it. And to ignore that, you, it's just kind of, it kind of robs you of being a better version of yourself, I feel like, but I also feel that you should take insults with a grain of salt at the same time. I don't know, you kind of have to be like a specific type of person to like take, the good out of someone talking shit about you, I don't know. But yeah, take it as like constructive criticism, even though it's not constructive, and it's probably not criticism, it's just insults. - Whatever. - But here are some of the changes that I've made that have helped me receive more attention, sexual attention from everyone. Um, I feel like pretty privilege wasn't a thing for me before, and now it is. It's such a, it's a big difference. And it's, it's a lot more beneficial on the prettier side, I will say. Another thing is just the amount of, um, sexual tension that you bring in any situation, whether you walk into a gas station, whether you are online, whether you are going to the grocery store or driving, everywhere you go, especially when you're dressed up, it's just like, you walk into a room and like, sometimes you are the most attractive person in the room. It's all about proximity. It's like, if you go to a club, you're not gonna be the most attractive person in the room, obviously. But like, if you go to like a nail salon or like your local Walmart or your local QT, you know, like you might be the most attractive person in the room, like, and it just all depends on how you present yourself, but here we go. Number one thing that I noticed right away is that like, my posture wasn't right. Um, and I'm really tall, I'm five, nine and a half, and um, my posture, it looked like I had scoliosis, scoliosis, and like, shut up to everyone with scoliosis, but like, I don't have it, but like my, the soles of my feet are very flat. And I, my mom always tried to get me to wear like, arch support in my vans, in my nikes, and I just, it was very painful. Well done, 'cause I had a flat foot, but like, I thought it was like, I thought it made me like, walk funny, or just like, I don't know, it just made me feel funny, but the funny part is like, no one could see that, it was, no one could see it, you know what I mean? It was under my foot, so I don't know why I was so insecure about it. But like, a lot of things led to me having bad posture. Like, I was insecure about my body, so it's like, I didn't stand in front of a mirror, and I like balanced on my knees for like, since I was like 10 to like, I don't know, like maybe for a good five years, four years, I did that three years. I had shorter friends, so I just, like, I always like, lean to the right, to like appear like, if I was their height, or I bent down inward, just to like, be more on their level. I don't, I don't know, guys. I, there was a lot of things that led to my bad posture, and here we are, I'm 17, and I have back pain. Severe back pain, I mean, when I inhale my ribs crack, when I exhale my ribs crack, it's like, every time I get out of bed, something cracks, every time I lean to the right or the left, everything cracks, my hip cracks, everything, everything just cracks, and like, it took like seven years for me to correct my posture. I'm not fucking joking. And like, to this day, it's like, it's a conscience effort, but it took years for me to like, get it in my head that, hey, you need a stand straight, you need to sit up straight. If you're driving, you need to drive when you're sitting up straight, you know, you need to, it's like, for the longest time, I couldn't do a squat correctly, I couldn't run correctly, so I wasn't exercising correctly, like my form, and all areas of my life was just really, really like wrong, if that makes sense, like my form was just like out of whack and I didn't really know what to do. So, I first got like a personal trainer, because I thought to myself, I'm like, maybe like my back isn't like built for like my weight, so I'm like, that's a fair criticism, so because I was really overweight, so it's like, I started losing weight and then my back got more alleviated from pain, so I started like stretching and twisting, like in a healthy way, and I started learning more about posture and like, you know, what standing feet shoulder width apart means, and just like walking with intention, and like changing my shoes, and just all that type of stuff, like I've noticed that like, my things lay a lot better on your body, so like, first of all, your weight is gonna be proportioned a lot better around your body, you're gonna walk straight, and it's gonna look like you have more confidence, so it's like, people will receive that about you and treat you as if you feel confident about you too, so it's like, people are more likely to say hello, people are more likely to like, like when I say attractive, I don't just mean like, sexual, I mean like, getting attractive from, getting attraction from like, people who do wanna have sex with you, or who do wanna be with you, who like you, there's all different levels, and like, and even with friends, like people who wanna be your friend, because you're pretty, people who wanna be your friend, because they think you're a really good person, but because they think you're a really good person, just because you have this halo effect, because you are pretty, and like, just appear overall, as a good person, I mean, me, better, at least a little better than you probably are, but that's not the point, it's just like, I feel like people in general enjoy more positive attention, and there's nothing wrong with that, I do it all the time, so I just feel like, why, like I wanna share like, what can take you from, being like an average person, no one's checking for you, to like, all of a sudden people are checking for you, and it's like, this isn't even like, the highest it could go, you know what I mean? So, next thing, so first, number one thing is like posture, how is your posture, like are you walking, are you walking funny, are you sitting funny, are you standing funny, like, just check it, and then, you know, like, that could be a root of back problems, and it's also, how are your clothes gonna look, you know what I mean, you can't be frumpy in one area, because you're leaning too far in that area, or you can't walk crazy, because you don't sit right, like, dresses won't look good, anything cute won't look good, lingerie, nothing, nothing can look good if you have shitty posture, that's just, that's just a given. Next is, do your clothes fit, like, hear me out, like, I know what it's like to be a size, like, for me, when I was little, like, before there was like a plus size section, I know, right? Imagine never having a plus size section, so there was no plus size section, so like, the biggest size was like an 11, or a 13, and I was a size nine, and so like, my biggest fear was, like, oh my God, I'm gonna grow out of a size nine, and I was so scared of it, and like, eventually it happened, but I kept, so like, I'm no size 11, right? So I kept wearing a size nine, and like, wondering why I just looked funny, and because I was trying to wear a smaller clothes, so it's like, I know this seems very elementary, but wear clothes that fit, and like, if you are in a weight loss journey, just check yourself from time to time, and like, it's easy to go shopping and grab the size that you've always worn, but maybe you've gone down a size. I've had that experience recently with Winsor. I grabbed this top in a large, and like, I was just like, I could have grabbed like a small, the way it was, how loose it was, and how like, just how it was, and I just was just like, well, you gotta get out of that mindset, so yeah. Um, that's another thing, it's just... I'm not, okay, how do I say this without signing me? It's, I'm segwaying into another section of how to be more attractive, it's just, not only do you ask yourself if your clothes fit, like, are you happy with your weight? Are you happy with your body? Are you happy with your shape? I'm not telling everyone to lose weight or be skinny. I'm not telling anybody to hate their body, I'm not telling anybody to, I'm not giving any weight loss advice or health advice, but are you happy with your body? And take a real, have a real conversation with yourself, what does that mean to you? Like, would you like to be more active? Like, would you, I think, would you like to gain weight? Would you like to lose weight? Would you like to gain muscle? Would you like to be a certain body fat percentage? Like, to have a certain BMI, or I don't know, it's like, do you have any goals for your body, I guess? Like, for me, it's like, I want like a certain shape, it's no longer me being like, oh, I wanna be like thin as hell. Like, I do wanna be thin, but I want like a certain shape. I don't wanna be like, thick, but like, I just, and I also don't wanna like, be weak, I wanna be able to lift stuff, and I wanna be able to like, not have back pain, or shoulder pain, or neck pain, because I have stronger muscles. Like, those are my body goals, and, but like right now, it's like, you have to just be honest with yourself, and ask yourself, like, what does being happy with my body mean? Because if you're not happy with your body right now, I promise you, you are exuding that energy out there, and like, that's going to expel anyone from wanting to be a friend, from wanting to go up to you, and say, hey, I think you're really cute, would you like to get my number, can I have your number? It's going to prevent anyone from coming up to you, and saying like, hey, or, you know, like, looking at you in a sexual way. You're not being looked at sexually, I promise you, if you're not happy with your body, because it's like you wear that shame everywhere you go. Everything I'm going to pick apart is going to seem really shallow, but it's, it's, the world is shallow. You got to understand, like, to appear more attractive, like, it's all about outward appearance. Yes, there are some things that you can do with your personality, but I'm not here to talk about personality. So, 'cause your personality is not going to get you, like, here, I was about to say your personality is not going to get you attention. Here's a bitch with a podcast. Okay, whatever. Oh, I can tell you what, instantly turn someone off. Smoking cigarettes, don't smoke cigarettes, don't smoke weed in front of somebody. It's, I mean, like, I know weed is like acceptable, but like, don't do it. It's like, don't do it. I've noticed that I haven't been complimented on my smile in, like, five years. It's because, like, I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee. Have drink coffee. I need to get my teeth light in. And when you get older, it's like having wider teeth somehow equates to, like, health and good credit and, like, I don't know, and money, but, like, I just, like, get your teeth light in. You know what I mean? They're not that expensive. It's, like, 175, 75, 100 bucks. They're not that expensive, you guys. Even the ones that, like, Walmart, they, they're starting to work better. So, I, I still drink coffee, but I, um, I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, which is good, which is good. So, yeah, stop spooky cigarettes. The way you smell matters. So, if you smell like cigarettes, no one, I promise you, you can be, like, the hottest girl in the room, but no one's going to want to talk to you or get near you because you smell like cigarettes and they can smell it from across the room. Like, it's just, it's just, especially if they see you smoke it, there's something about a pretty girl smoking a cigarette or an attractive man smoking a cigarette. Like, it's not, it's just not good. It doesn't go, it's, like, putting a cigarette inside of a flower. Like, would you do that? I don't, I don't, I don't think so. Um... Pick your perfumes wisely. Someone like me, I will heavy, I will lay on the perfume heavy. I don't care, but, like, some people are really subtle with it. I have not strayed from my personal perfume, and that's something I would recommend. Like, if you, if you, if you like a certain scent, like, stick to it. And, like, people will recognize you as that scent. So, like, just, there's nothing wrong in my eyes by sticking to a certain perfume or a cologne. There's nothing wrong with that. The way you dress, does it, okay, okay. I believe, like, style can come from all areas of time and all areas of, like, trends and all, all types of stuff, as long as you wear it right and it's appropriate for the events or, or the, the season or just, like, with the times, you don't have to always be with, with the latest trends or with the times, but, I mean, at least tie something, is what, I don't know if you guys have ever heard that saying for brides where she should wear something new, something blue, something old, something, something, whatever, but something borrowed or something, something, whatever, but, like, I feel like, with, with, like, putting together an outfit and being fashionable and, like, styling yourself, it should have followed that same concept, you know, something old, something new, something from another trend or whatever. It's just, like, I feel like people should take inspiration on how to dress and be more creative and go beyond, you know, just, like, a polo and jeans, you know? I, I see that a lot. It's like, people, and I understand it's hard. It's like, you get older and you have a family or you're taking care of another part of your family or maybe taking care of you is just hard enough. It's just, like, I know it's just easy to fall into, like, oh, like, jeans, skinkers, this, not, this, not, this, not. But it's like, and I know it's easy for someone, like, who's, like, single and has no kids, like, to say, like, oh, be more fashionable, like, get better clothes in. But, but hear me out, like, I, I like buy clothes from Ross. You know what I mean? No one's gonna know, no one's gonna know. It's like, when you find that one sexy piece from Ross, no one's gonna know. I go to, like, online stores, like, she can't, no one's gonna know. I know a lot of people talk a lot of shit about she and but I'm telling you, they're buying. Why the hell are they so popular? Ask yourself. I feel like they single handedly wiped out forever 21. Like, I guess it's like, I don't know. Another thing, how to be more attractive is your mannerisms. It's like, do you have weird mannerisms? Like, for example, like, when I used to smoke a lot of cigarettes, I used to laugh like this. Like, hold on, I'm like, (coughs) (coughs) Yeah, I used to laugh like that. And like, I... I, like, it was awful, you know what I mean? It was awful, it was really awful. And like, not only is like, your laugh, like, a part of your mannerisms, but like, the way you, like, open your mouth when you laugh, like, do you sit, do you make, like, a weird, like, do you hock-looky, like, like, and like, when you're at a dinner table, do you have good etiquette? That can make you, that could make or break someone's attraction towards you is your etiquette. At dinner, are you with your elbows on the table? Are you eating with your mouth open? Are you talking while you're eating? Put your mouth full? It's just literal literature like that. And back to, like, fashion. Not only does it have to fit, but like, you don't have to be edgy all the time, but like, just be comfortable and be sexy, whatever sexy means to you. If you want to be a whole total slut, be it. Be proud of what you wear. Another thing too is like, have good hygiene overall. I know we talked about basically that, but like, I'm telling you, like, are your nails done? If they're not done, are they trimmed, filed, dirt from under them, out of the way? People notice that, and like, some people find it rude if you don't take the time to groom yourself. Are you shaves and where you think you need to be shaved for whatever is appropriate? Like, someone like me, if I'm going to have sex with someone, I want to shave. I want to shave my armpits. I want to shave, you know, like, my entire body. Like, you know, I want to shave everything. I want to wash my hair, I want to wash my body, I want to wash everything extra, like with the extra wash and the extra rinse, you know, and extra scrub. Everything's going to be clean. It's just like, brushing your teeth, flossing. I can't believe I have to repeat this, but like, I made out with this guy recently, and like, his breath was disgusting. And like, the guy I kissed before that, like, his breath was disgusting. So I'm just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't get it. But yeah, you need to floss, and, don't tolerate any men with bad breath, like, especially if they're like, no, there's no excuse for anyone who, over 10 years old, to have bad breath. I'm sorry, I'll just add it. Ugh, that can make you really unattractive, it's like having bad breath. So like, hygiene should be like on the top of your list. It's hygiene. Are you, are you taking earwax out of your ears? Are you taking lint out of your belly button? I have, I have, like, are you clipping your toenails? And another thing too is like, if you're going to have a company over, is your house clean? Is your house clean, is under your toilet clean? And it's like, is everything clean? If it's not, then there's just like, maybe someone's going to dip out on you. Another thing too, if you're not drinking water, not only are you not going to be attractive at overall, like, anything you do, you can change your makeup, you can change your hair, your style, your mannerisms, your etiquette, the way your posture, you can change all of that, but it's not going to matter if you're not drinking water. And like, men, they notice that, and like, men can attest to this, and I feel like a lot of women who notice this, they can attest to either, but like, men, they notice if you're drinking enough water. They notice through when they give you oral sex, and they notice through whether you're carrying water or not. If they will definitely notice you drinking a lot of coffee, they will notice you drinking, like, sweet drinks, alcohol, all that stuff will just throw off your pH, especially if you're not drinking a lot of water in between. Um, if you wake up, and the first thing you reach for is something other than water, you, like, come on. - No. Like, there was a time where I would reach for coffee and cigarettes before I would reach for water, and like, that was a very dark time in my life. - What? Death, store, and shit? Okay, this next section is less about looks and more about, like, how people, like, behavior. Like, um, so, I would say, for a, for a, for a man, um, what I find attractive, um, and what other, what I've come to, like, observe in, like, other people to find attractive, which does differ from mine. So here's, like, a collective consensus of, you know, what men do to appear more attractive. There's something about, like, a fresh haircut, right? But that exudes a confidence in a man, like, I've seen, like, I've never seen, like, they walk different. They, they, they know that they look good, so they carry themselves different. They're showing off their, their jawline and things like that. Um, what a man, like, is, is listening and, like, has, gives undivided attention. That's really attractive. Um, I don't know where people got this notion that ignoring a woman will make you more attractive. I mean, it does, but, like, I feel like it does to the wrong type of woman, if that makes sense. Like, if a woman thinks that you ignoring her is attractive, she probably isn't the right girl for you. Just saying. Um, yeah. I would say keep the weed smoking to a, a minimum, or a zero. If you're a weed smoker, like, don't let, especially if you're around your crush or if you're around any potential mate, if you're at a club, at a party, don't smoke weed in front of the girls or the boys. Don't, don't do that. Like, it just, it brings your, like, if you were to have, like, a 10-point score, if everyone started out with a 10-point score, it would bring you down to, like, an eight-and-a-half, instantly. Um, the way you talk. Um, and I'm not talking about the tone of your voice or whether it's feminine or, or whatever. I'm talking about, like, if you say the N-word, every other word is, is the N-word? No. No. No, no, no, no. If you text, like, trash, no. Especially if you're, like, a man who has an iPhone, but you're texting someone with green bubbles, like, enough. Enough of that. Like, that's enough. That is enough. That is enough. We know what you're doing. [MUSIC] Hold on. Hold on. Give me a break. Hold on. [MUSIC] I'm so happy that we're in season three. Okay. So, um, basically, don't say the N-word. Every other word. And, like, are you, are you cussing? Well, besides the N-word, like, are you cussing? Like, every other word as well. And, like, the subject matter of what you're talking about. Like, are you sharing too much? See, that's another thing for boys and girls, men and women, that can make you unattractive instantly. It's sharing too much. Like, are you talking about your past trauma when you're a child? Don't stop. Nobody cares. Get a therapist. Like, no one cares. [MUSIC] How you treat other people can make or break someone's attraction towards you, for example. Because if you and your date are out to dinner and the waiter, it's kind of a cunt, kind of a bitch. But, like, are you treating them with the same disrespect? Or are you kind of treating them with respect because you're out to dinner and you're at a restaurant? And do you tip well, despite being treated like shit? Like, it's things like that that show good character. So, if people do pay attention to how you treat other people, especially, like, people in service. I feel like we're crotting into what applies to men and women. At this point, when it comes to, like, behavior that can make or break attraction, because we're not focused on looks so much. So, women, it's not attractive to act crazy, to pull a crazy card. For example, if a guy, if you feel like a guy is ghosting him because he hasn't texted you in two weeks, maybe you should check yourself. One, how well do you know him? Two, do you seem a little desperate wanting a text message like every single day when you barely know someone? So, I feel like pulling the crazy card in a situation like this would involve someone saying, why haven't you texted me? It's been so long. Don't you even like me? And then it's just like, whoa. That's not, that's not cute. Like, you could be like the hottest girl, but if you just pull the crazy card, it's just like, what? Another thing, too, that can make you really unattractive. When it comes to your behavior, it's just being reckless, like doing drugs, being a bad driver, being rude to people, like being, like talking shit about other people is what we're trying to say. Like, behind their backs, like to someone that you find attractive or someone that you like, or just to anyone in general, you don't know if they are trying to find you attractive, but if you would never know if you stopped it from happening, from talking all kinds of shit. And I'm spitting all these out because these are mistakes that I've made. These are things that have caused people to lose interest in me. These are all from experience. Like, I'm not, like all my podcast content is from first-hand experience and I'm not like, I never do research. I never edit anything. Everything is taken in one take. You know, I kind of feel like a rapper. Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit. Yeah. Spotify, if you're listening, you would save so much money. Like, I have no team, I have no microphone. And like, I use instrumental music. Like, I get it online for free. And like, people can't sue us because it's fair use, right? And like, my voice over the track is, like, I'm just trying to say, if you give me a $500 million contract, it would be worth it because you're just paying for me and like, expensive guests. And not so much payroll for a crew, if that makes sense. Sorry guys, I had to slow it out for my deal. I am coming for that deal. I don't know how long it's gonna take, but I'm coming for the deal. I am coming for the deal. We almost have a thousand downloads, you know, we're a little, I think we're like 40 away from 900. And it's not like you guys care, but anyway, we're growing pretty fast. We're growing pretty fast. And I'm very thankful. Thank you so much everyone. Um... Atomic. Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, I had to say that. But... Okay, you're, you're, you're, okay. Here's something that is very new. Are you, are you someone who like... Okay, I think it's very unattractive to be very vocal and very, um... in your face about red pill ideology? From either sex. Like, if, like, I feel like red pill ideology extends to women when it comes to like... hypergamy, just a little bit. Like, I feel like some women see hypergamy in a wrong way. I feel like some women see hypergamy in a way as just to get purses and their hair done and their nails done and their rent paid. I don't think that's what hypergamy is. I feel like hypergamy is marrying into wealth for the sake of your future children and your family. And then the director of your family's name and, like, add wealth into it. Like, it's beyond getting stuff paid for and getting flown out. Um, and with the, with the red pill community for men, I feel like it's, it's, it's a lot of a... I can have one girlfriend and cheat on her with anybody I want. She'll have to accept it. She can't have Instagram. I don't date black women. It's just a whole toxic manosphere over there. And it's just, um... I don't feel like either red pill communities for either sections are good. And I just feel like if you display that, like, first day, bam. Like, how much money do you make, like, if a woman asks that, or like, on the other side, bam. Like, how many men have you been with? Like, it's just like really, like, it turns people off. Ugh. Ugh. Oh. I've, I've missed something from the beginning. I know we talked about posture and, like, having your close fit. How do you walk? This is very important. How do you walk? Y'all, like, do you walk, like, um... Like, like a, like a, like a baby deer? Do you walk like a horse? Do you walk like a pig? Do you walk like a duck? Do you walk like a dog? Like, you have to know, like, how you walk, because you could be the prettiest thing. But if you turn around and you walk, like, a fucking banshee, or you walk like a butcher animal, like, no one... Take me, for example. Like, no one really was checking for me. Why? Because, like, a lot of reasons. But, like, I did one of the reasons that I've heard people talk about me behind my back for was, like, I walked funny. And I'm still scarred to this day, because, like, even though it took me seven years to fix my posture, I don't walk funny anymore, but, like, I still to this day, like, I feel like I walk funny. Um, but before I used to walk, like, with my, with both of my hips, like, tucked under, so it looked like I was trying to, like, squeeze my ass. Cheeks in all the time. And, like, my ass looks really flat, and, like, it was just off the hinges. I mean, it was still flat, but, like, it was just, like... It was, like, I literally broke my hip from standing like that, and, like, fused it to grow inward like that. And it's, like, I had to do so much stretching and so much exercise, and, like, breaking of bones, or cracking of bones not breaking, but, like, just cracking my bones, like, every daily, multiple times a day for years, cracking my fucking bones, to, like, not only sit, sit right, stand right, but to walk right. And, like, walking in hills wouldn't have never been a thing for me, because of the fucking back, because of the hips, the way I walked. It was just, it was just awful. It was awful. I just wanted to go back and say that, sorry. Um, the way you, the way you text, the way you conversate, the way you communicate, is a huge make it or break it in an initial attraction. So, let's say, for example, like, um, you're a boring texture, or all of a sudden, you went from being a fantastic texture to, like, someone who's giving, like, one word, responses. That will kill the mood, like, so, like, if, I feel like, if you're not interested, just say you're not interested. Um, there would save a lot of grief from everyone. It would. Sorry, you can tell, like, did anyone feel that little extra idea? Like, you can tell I'm a little winded. It's all good. It's all good. It's all good. Yes, I'm wounded. Yes, I'm hurt. Okay. I don't want to talk about it, but yes, it is, it is that young man. We're done. We're just, we're just done. And, like, I didn't get any, like, closure, of course, but I'm like, he's a young man. I'm just like, oh, no, no, no. I'm just, like, sitting here, like, you're dumb. You are dumb. But, like, the halo effect is still on me from, like, just the way he smiles and, like, how soft he is. I'm sorry. It's just, like, you get stuck in a daydream. You know what I mean? You're just like, oh. I had to get to a point where, like, once he comes back, I could just be like, and get away, get away. Because, like, these are the games they play, y'all. These are the games that they play. That's one of the podcasts when he comes back. I'm telling you. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you. Another thing, too. It's, like, a lot of people think that buying material things makes you more attractive. It could go either way. And, for me, I think it's attractive if you have it, but don't talk about it. It also depends on what you have. If you're going to be flashy, don't have stuff from popular brands that was popular, like, 15 years ago. So, I'm just going to think it's fake. Like, for example, like, Louis Vuitton wallet with the checkers, the belt buckle, or the belt with the checkers, the Gucci woman's belt. Like, those are all very, like, outdated and just, what do the kids say? The Gen Gen Z? They say chu-ki? It's very chu-ki. Yeah. Those, like, Gucci shoes that try to be dirty, chu-ki. Like, any shoe, any designer shoes like that, that try to be dirty on purpose, those are very chu-ki. Like, why not get your own parents fucking up? I don't understand. I don't understand. Yeah, if you're going to be very materialistic, don't talk about it. It'll make you a lot more attractive. Like, especially if people ask you about it. Like, if people, if people talk and watch you, like, don't talk about your money. Just whatever, whatever you do, don't talk about your money. And, like, how you could avoid if someone, like, asks you a question. If someone's putting you on the spot in front of anybody or, or just in general, if it's just you and them, if someone's putting you on the spot, it's like, how much money do you make, you just laugh, it's really... How much money do you make? And then just walk away. Just walk away. Just walk away. Because, like, someone asking how much money you make, whether they know it or not, is just rude as fuck. It's rude. So, don't be that guy who asks, and don't be that person who tells, okay? That's a bad question. That makes you extremely unattractive, especially if you brag about your stuff, and you talk about how much money you make. It's not good. You're social media presence. Let's talk about this one. If you are too into social media, especially when you're around this person, like, if all you talk about, there's a way to do it, okay? So, someone like me, like, I don't have a lot of followers, but I'm always promoting. I'm always about the podcast. I'm always, like, on my Twitter, you know, with just being extra... I'm always on social media, which is what I'm trying to say, but when I'm with someone I like, or if I'm on a day, or if I'm with my friends, that should be the last thing I'm talking about. That should be the last thing that I am concerned about posting on it shouldn't be a thing, checking it shouldn't be a thing. So, that way it doesn't appear like it's the center of your life, because, like, the more you make your conversation about your social media, like, "Oh, I have this girl on Instagram, or this person on Instagram, or my Instagram post, or I'm going to post it on Instagram, or my Instagram story." Or, like, this happened the other time on Instagram, but it's annoying. It's gross, okay? It literally makes you seem, like, disgusting, like, a disgusting person. Like, I don't know how to explain it, but, like, trying to be, like, a social media person on it, especially with, like, TikTok, like, don't do it. Don't, if you have a good following, or even if you want a good following, or if you're just on it all the time, don't talk about it. Don't bring it up, because you're gonna look dumb. Like, someone like me, like, I would look pretty dumb if I tried to put every single aspect of my date on my Instagram story. Like, how? And, like, if your crush is following you, or you're, like, just be extra aware of what you're posting. Like, seriously. ♪♪ ♪♪ Moment of silence, I really like this song. ♪♪ Hold on, let me take a hit of weed. I'm gonna take a hit of weed really quick. ♪♪ Alright, so let's recap from the beginning. Pastor, how you walk? Does your clothes fit? Are you happy with your body? Do you have body goals to meet? And, like, you should get on them. Um, the way you treat other people, especially in service, the way you, um... ♪♪ Like, your social media presence, there's other things I said, but, like, um, you're etiquette. Um, these are all things, and water, water. These are all things that are gonna, um, make or break some of the attractions, initial attraction towards you. Think about it. It's like, if you go down the street, right, and, like, you see someone attractive, and it's like, you don't know them from a can of pain. You don't know their bad habits. You don't know what makes them unattractive yet, but, like, you... They have this, they have a halo effect. Here we go with the halo effect. Halo effect. Halo effect. I can't shut up about the halo effect. Um... ♪♪ This is why we don't smell pot. I don't know what the fuck I was gonna say. Yeah! Roams the end in the episode. It's been, like, 47 minutes, 47. ♪♪ If there's something in particular, people want to hear for season three, hear me out. I have a few episodes lined up, so let me just share that with you really quick. ♪♪ Oh, I want to talk about an episode from... Just, like, my first boyfriend, like, how that relationship started, and, like, um... Like, I was basically groomed, so there's that, so... There's a lot more pot of the episodes, but I just don't want to go into it. I'm very excited for season three. I'm very excited for any new opportunities to arise from... Anyway, I want to go on tour. That's the new thing. I really want to go visit Chicago, San Jose, LA, Chicago, uh, fucking, uh, Virginia, and, um... No fucking DC, not Virginia, DC. I want to go to DC, and I want to go to DC, and I want to go to... Like, here, here, Phoenix. That's it. You know, guys, I think I'm gonna wrap it up here. There's gonna be more episodes coming out today, May 2nd, 2022. It's almost Mother's Day, Motherfuckers. You have six days to get your mom and gift. What are you gonna get her? Huh? Huh? I hope in the next 24 hours I'm gonna get my fucking taxes. Ugh. Red is due. Everybody. So good morning, good night, and good afternoon. Have a great day. It is 8.08 a.m. I have a doctor's appointment at 10.15. Wish me the best of luck. I love you all. Have a great one. See you next episode on season 3 of the Man in Candice podcast. Goodbye. ♪♪