The Manic Candice Podcast

Bullet Fragment Trump

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to the Manate Candice podcast. You go Candice, back at it again with a brand new episode of the podcast. And today, this morning, this evening, this afternoon, this very good night, wherever, whenever you're listening, my friends, we're going to discuss the shooting, the past, this past Saturday, this attempted assassination on Donald Trump. We're gonna talk about other things, but first and foremost, holy shit, if you have been living under a rock, under the Earth's crust, then you haven't heard the news that Donald Trump was shot by this 20 year old nerd. So they want us to think, see, here's where it gets weird. Half of my followers on Twitter think that the fucking shooting was fake. No stage. And the other half think it was organic. And a dead man tells no tales. The shooter is dead. They shot him. But he was on the roof clear as day. The Secret Service didn't check out the roof directly across Donald Trump. Nothing just makes sense. And a couple people have died. And people are saying that they're crisis actors. I'm just like, oh my gosh. And when you look at the tape of the shooting happening, go look it up. When you look at the tape, there are people behind him that seem to be expecting something to go down, like a shooting. They seem to be ducking. They seem to be having no survival instinct reaction like running away. The only explanation for that is that they knew about it. So there's a lot of speculation that this was a planned assassination. I mean, it was, but there's more to it. Some people think the Democrats have something to do with it. What do you guys think? Me personally, I don't know what to think. This election has taken me through so many emotions. I just, I can't even begin to just, I don't know, I don't know who I'm gonna vote for. 'Cause you got this certified gangster on one hand and you got this like pile of pudding on the other hand. I don't, I don't know what to do. I don't know who to choose. But I have to vote, you guys. It's an up, this election. This election has been like the debate was a lot. ♪ Hanging on a quiet desperation ♪ ♪ Is the English way the time is gone ♪ ♪ The song is over ♪ ♪ The dive's something more to say ♪ ♪ Wow ♪ This is Pink Floyd. This is time by Pink Floyd. I just want to apologize. It's been a minute since I've been on the podcast. I have been, listen to what I've been doing. I bought a dog, okay? I thought it would be good for me. I thought the dog would be, you know, like a good companion, a good emotional support. Hell, fucking no. I was like cleaning up shit all night. I was like holding it. I was like, oh my God. It just solidified the fact that I don't want to be a mother like at all one day. So like, I spent 800 on the dog. And then she got sick. She got sick, she started pooping blood. And I'm just like, this poor thing. So like, we rushed to the animal VA, VA, R, VA something, animal emergency room in Scottsdale. $200 just to walk in the door. $200 fucking dollars just to walk in the door. And like, you know, she doesn't have Parvo, thank God. And like, so like we just, I was like, I was calling animal shelters. I was like, I can't keep this dog. I was like, I can't keep this dog. I'm sorry. Like I was all Twitter knows all about it. If you don't follow me on Twitter, you're doing yourself a disservice. Please follow me on Twitter and Instagram too. So Twitter is @ManInCandis and Instagram is @MDMakeYou. They're in the links below. But I couldn't take care of the dog 'cause I wasn't attentive. She was annoying the fuck out of me. I just wanted to rip my skin apart, 'cause we bought her a playpen and it was in my room. And like, she was, we were potty training her and she was like, (baby cooing) I'm just like, shut the fuck up. She was just crying, crying. And then my mom was like, she's a baby. She's a baby. She's a baby, everyone in the house. She's a baby. She's like, I know, she's a baby. And then like, once I found out, I was giving her up for adoption. My aunt came in and was like, I'll take the dog. And I was like, thank God. 'Cause like, she's like very, she's a lot more attentive. She's a lot more understanding. She's a lot more patient. 'Cause, you know, she has her own child. And like, not comparing dogs to children, but like, kind of. (gentle music) So I was dealing with that this past weekend and fighting a lot of depression, to be honest. But like, on Saturday, when Trump was shot, I was like, just bullet fragment bitch, bullet fragment. Just bullet fragment, ho. They missed by like, this much. They missed by half an inch. Isn't that fucking crazy? And like, I want to know who put that 20-year-old up to it. Because like, whoever put that 20-year-old up to it, they must have known that like, he was gonna get killed. I wonder if that 20-year-old knew he was gonna get killed too. (gentle music) Shake that ass. (gentle music) What's your guys' take on "Sexy Red"? I love "Sexy Red", but I'm light-skinned. So people will be like, of course you like "Sexy Red", you're not full black, you don't understand the how bad she makes us look. And I'm like, I could care fucking less. This bitch is selling. Got these hoes, man. So, my opinion, you guys, if it was Biden that got shot, I wouldn't be celebrating. And I don't know why people are celebrating Trump getting shot. That should scare you, if you live in America. Because that means we are one step closer to fascism. I mean, we've been here for a while. But if you can don't violence on a party because you don't like them, that's fascism. And the last fascism nation that was very loud and proud about their fascism was Nazi Germany. So we need to watch ourselves like the way, like, imagine if the rules were reversed, what if Biden got shot? How would you feel if like the MAGA people were like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck Biden." Yeah, 'cause like, I mean, like, that would happen. Like, how would you feel? Oh, Canada's a Trump supporter. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying it's not right to have an election and have one of the opponents get shot at, almost killed. Because whoever put the 20-year-old up to it, whether he was a solo actor, whether he was put up to it by the elites of the Democratic Party, which some people are saying. It doesn't matter. That's not how we run things in America, that's not fair. We're not a dictatorship, we're not. We are a democracy. I mean, what's left of a working democracy, but we are a democracy, nonetheless, that's our ideal. ♪ And I'll post it on the stage ♪ ♪ You ain't really jammin' nigga ♪ ♪ We all get sick ♪ ♪ Niggas never jammin' lies ♪ ♪ They ain't jammin' shit ♪ ♪ These bees I be from out on land ♪ ♪ They mad about some dick ♪ (laughing) Sexy Red has 17 million monthly listeners, and I'm one of them. So, if it was Biden, the Democrats wouldn't like it. And they would be the first ones to say that Trump was the one that set it up. Hold up, I like this part. ♪ I miss a fast line through your city, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Talk about my need cause I know that I ain't fuckin' with me ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Make a vibe like I really jammin' for me ♪ So, aside from Trump, they have another debate coming up, and I'm not sure if he's gonna be there or not after what happened. Like, the Secret Service, where were they? I'm questioning everything. Like, what's the point of a Secret Service if they can't look at the roof? You know what I mean? What's the point of the Secret Service if they're not looking up? Look up, that's where it's coming from. Like, I've heard of, like, so many measures that the Secret Service has taken in the past with past candidates. Like, as far as, like, closing down whole apartment complexes that surround the rally. I can't imagine that they just skipped the roof in Pennsylvania. It was an outside rally. It was pretty open. And, like, the shooter had clear aim at Trump's head. So, a lot of people are thinking that, like, maybe this was a warning shot. Warning shot for what? They tried to take this man out through the court system. They tried, well, while he was president, they tried to impeach him, when he got out of the office, they tried to charge him with all, with January 6th, they tried to charge him with false documents, which, yesterday, a judge ruled that they're not gonna charge him with the case of false documents. Or something with documents, either falsifying documents or, like, taking documents. They're not gonna try him in that case. This case was Stormy Daniels. All sorts of types of shit. When I say they, I'm not sure who they are, as far as, like, the Democratic Party or just the party that be, that doesn't like him. Whether it's, like, the backers of the Democratic Party or just independent people who don't like Trump and his policies and don't wanna see him flourish. This is only gonna make people wanna root for him even more, to be honest with you guys. He got shot, he's a convicted felon. A lot of people are agreeing with the sentiment that he took a bullet for this country. And I just wanna say, like, does that scare you that we are gonna face former years of Trump? Like, I ask myself, I'm like, how bad is he gonna get? You know what I mean? 'Cause this guy, he's gonna face two wars. What is he gonna do? Is he gonna continue them? Is he gonna stop them? That's my main issue. Another issue is immigration. What is he gonna do? My focus right now is what the fuck are they gonna do? Biden, Trump, what are they gonna do? 'Cause something needs to be done. Type shit. You know, I've heard rumors that immigrants are getting $10,000. Where's my $10,000? ♪ Just said, wrong, wrong, true, true, touch ♪ ♪ I've got a bad bitch at home ♪ ♪ Who, who, who, touch ♪ ♪ Take that megastad ♪ Um. Quick pause on the political talk. Capped up on my life. I'm moving out in about two weeks. Holy shit. Moving out in two weeks. I still haven't packed. (indistinct chatter) I'm excited. For those of you who don't know, I'm moving to downtown Phoenix. And I couldn't be more excited. I am getting my social life back. I have been in, I have been a hermit. I have been in isolation season. This past couple years that I've been living with my mom. Because like, it's just lame. You know, even though I was like saving money and like, I could actually pay my bills and I actually got a nice job. You know, thank God, knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood. Um. You know, getting back into living on my own is gonna be weird. But I'm glad I chose a magical place. I'm so happy. Um. Update with Daniel, we're not together. I mistook that. I mistook that very hard. I asked him, I'm like, we had a good conversation, but then I asked him, "Why not?" You know, like, "Why don't you, why aren't we together?" He told me, he's like, "Because I'll cheat." And I was like, "No, you did it. You did not just tell me you would fucking cheat." And like, I... I was like, I told him, I was like, "I hope you know that you're fucking trash, honestly. I hope you know that you are worthless piece of shit, hoping though that." Anyway. I wanna talk a little bit about "Download Men." This is gonna be the part two of "Download Men." Because in part one of "Download Men," I, um... Said I was gonna go undercover on Grindr, and I did. And like, the number one way you can tell your "Man is Download" is if you go on... Hold on. I'm gonna go on YouTube. Okay. And then I'm going to play the Grindr sound. Grindr is an app for gay men to find other gay men to hook up with. It's not like a relationship... It's a hookup app. Men have sex, and I have prompted so many men to have sex with me 'cause what I did was I went on Google Images and I found a very fit body 'cause gay men like to be in shape. And I cropped out the face, and I made a profile. And I selected that I was gay, and I was looking for other gay and straight men 'cause I wanted to catch men who were straight, who were on the "Download." So what I did was I made a profile, I matched with men, and I told every guy, every single guy, I told them I was down low that I had a wife and kids. They did not care. So here's the Grindr notification. The number one way you can tell if your man is gay, play this notification on him. It's on YouTube. Click Grindr notification sound. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Every time that noise plays, that means he's got a match or he's got a message on Grindr. I was appalled by how many gay men were so willing to sleep with the "Download Men." And I think it's time we hold gay men who are out accountable for the reason why "Download Men" exists. It's not "Women's Fall." It's not "Anyone's Fall" except men. Men who are down low, go hand in hand with "Men Who Are Out." They go together. That's where the cycle, that's how the cycle continues. I think it's wrong. And I just feel bad for so many girls that have to be out here wondering if their man is cheating and turns out that their man is gay. I think that it's just so fucking foul. I'm seeing it more and more on social media. Every day, a woman comes out like, "My husband, I found out who was gay." There's this girl in TikTok. She talks a lot about how she's married to a gay man. And she's literally married to a gay man. And she still has sex with her gay husband. And the gay husband doesn't want to leave the marriage for some reason. They don't want to get divorced. And for using themselves as content at this point, it's fucking ridiculous. And there's a lot of women who are just asking gay men to help them find out if their man is on the down low. And I think this is a cry for help. This is like an epidemic. That bro-top movement that happened a few years back, I think it's happening again. I think a lot of guys are gay. I think a lot of guys are hiding it. And I think a lot of guys depend on women to feel like men. To feel like a real man. Because why else would you... Oh, and I have heard the sentiment that gay men have an expiration date when they will get married and if they're not married by that time, they will find a woman to settle down with. I find that so fucking offensive. How dare you use me as your plan B? Because no man, you couldn't find a man to be with you. And just how much they have sex and the way they have sex is just disgusting. And you want to bring that in my body? As a woman, I'm disgusted by Don Loman. It's like you want to do all that freak nasty shit. You know, come in your ass, come in your mouth, want to come home and kiss me or come home and fuck me after all that. I'm being fucking real. Because that's what goes on in relationships with Don Loman. Taking a hit of my baby. America is in trouble. I said it, you know what I mean? People are saying we're at the brink of civil war, we're at the brink of civil war. We're at the brink of World War 3. And no one wants to fight it. Pew and like a month ago was like be on high alert America. High alert for what bitch, high alert for what? You act like we don't got the smoke. I'm tired of pewing acting like we don't got the smoke. I'm tired of everyone acting like we don't got the smoke. We got the biggest smoke in the whole entire world. And we're not afraid to use it, okay? So if he wants us to be on high alert, then we need to return that and say, you need to be on high alert bitch. And like we need a strong president. I don't care who it is, you know, at this point put drugs in all of them. You know, put them out there and tell Pew and to shut the fuck up. Because I'm sick and tired of us getting bullied by Russia. Like we're not that bitch. You know what I mean? No through. How dare you tell us be on high alert? Be on high alert for who? You and your whole gang of Kim Jong Un whose missiles don't even work. You and China who's scared to flex. China, China, China's got so many problems they can't even fight a war. And who are going to ask India, India who? They shit in the fucking ocean. Like I, like, I... Not all Indian shit in the ocean. I'm just mad that, like, there's a breaks nation against America. And when are we going to bomb the cartels? I'm just kidding. Feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed. Men are dangerous. I got cussed to fuck out yesterday. I was going to buy something from this guy. And I've changed my mind. I can change my mind. He's like, "You bitch! You fucking bitch! I don't even have my line like you fucking bitch." And I'm just like, "Whoa, you were holding that in for a while." I just wanted to say thank you for all the downloads. I want to preface this month that I'm going to be re-releasing 25 episodes the rest of the month. So I think I'm going to do it from here up until the 23rd. So there's going to be random episodes coming out during the day. There's a lot of new listeners who haven't heard these episodes because I put them on the Patreon, but I take them off the Patreon and put them back on the regular fucking podcast. You guys, I miss you so much. You know, podcasting is really a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it and I feel like I went a couple of days too long and I'm just like, "What?" But I have been having an identity crisis. I look like a dyke right now. I look like a fucking dyke. I've been buying clothes from... Right now I have basketball shorts on and a sweater from Culture Kings. For those of you who don't know what Culture Kings is, this store based in Cali and they have a store in Vegas. That's where I discovered them. All I want to do is be whimsical and read and look pretty all the time. But I look like a gremlin. I look like a fucking gremlin. I want to be on the video for the podcast, but I just think it hasn't been ozempinging like fast enough and like...oh shit. You know, I'm like a realist and the fucking school fit up a local. You know, I know who...I don't know who I'm going to tell you something. It's not that I know who I'm voting for. It's not that I know who I'm voting for or who I'm voting for or who I'm voting for. You know, I think about my life and I think back and I think if I was born in a more stable time, I wonder how I would turn out. I'm glad I wasn't born after 2000 because I would have died of fentanyl. I would. I would have...I wonder how this next debate is going to go. I have some predictions. Biden needs to step apologizing about the shooting. He looks weak. He looks very weak, apologizing about the shooting. He's like, "I don't condone this violence." I'm like, "Shut up. Shut up. Just shut up. Just shhh." Question. If Kamala Harris starts campaigning, which I think she is, would you vote for her? Would you vote for a coconut tree? You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You think you fell out of a coconut tree? She is insane. She's fucking...I know when someone's crazy because I'm crazy. She's insane. If you're not American, please pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for all of us from the north to the west to the south to the east. Pray for us because we need it. All the voodoo, all the... All of it. I don't want to offend anybody by saying what I think I know about voodoo, but all the good juju, all of it. We need all of it. Yeah. Thank you for listening to the Minute Candice podcast, Juko Candice. Back at it again with a brand new episode, and we're going to be bringing back some old episodes. So stay tuned for that. I bid you with do, my friends. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good night. Goodnight, bye-bye