How To Protect The Ocean

Ocean's Mystery: Orcas Sinking Boats off the Coast of Spain - Unraveling the Enigma

Broadcast on:
24 May 2023

I discuss the unusual behavior of a sub pod of critically endangered orcas off the coast of Spain. Since 2020, these orcas have been ramming sailboats, causing damage and even sinking vessels in 3 cases. The motive behind these events remains a mystery, but some theories suggest that the noise from boat engines or a traumatic event involving the orcas may be triggering this behavior. I talk about the various interactions between orcas and boats worldwide, emphasizing that orcas have not harmed humans in the wild. However, the recent incidents in Spain have raised concerns for both boat safety and the welfare of the orcas. To protect both parties, there may be a ban on certain boat types in the area. I will update you on any new events or policies that come from these events.

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