How To Protect The Ocean

How to bring diversity and inclusion to your workplace with Christie Mazzeo-Pfoertner

Broadcast on:
03 Mar 2023

We have heard the experts tell us time and time again that diversity and inclusion is critical for protecting the ocean and the planet. But many organizations, governments, and private companies often fail to implement policies within the workplace to foster a better environment and work culture that could lead to better conservation. I was recently contacted by a listener to tell me about a mistake that I made in referencing the terms equality and equity. The conversation developed into a great exchange of ideas that lead to this interview about implementing diversity and inclusion training and policies in the workplace. Christie Mazzeo-Pfoertner works for the New York Department of State and tells you how she personally got involved in becoming more aware of diversity and inclusion, which led to her volunteering to be on a working group for the department. We are going to talk about her journey in this episode.   The Black Agenda: Melinda Epler (Podcast, Book):   Fill out our listener survey:   Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career:   Facebook Group:

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