How To Protect The Ocean

US Government allowing Oil & Gas industry to operate in endangered whale's habitat in the Gulf of Mexico

Broadcast on:
16 Jan 2023

When a government tells its people that it is opening up its coasts to oil and gas leasing like the Trump Administration did from 2016-2020, there are quite a few things that happen behind the scenes that we don't realize until it is too late and it is difficult to fix the changes (or they get ignored). For example, The Trump administration opened up a swath of habitat along the shelf break on the Northern Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas development. The same swath is the habitat of a critically endangered whale called the Gulf of Mexico whale (Rice's whale). You would think that the Biden administration would take the area away from the oil and gas industry; however, the National Marine Fisheries Service did not do anything to change the rule. This example proves that the laws and regulations are very difficult to change for the better   Link to article:   Fill out our listener survey:   Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career:   Facebook Group:

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