How To Protect The Ocean

Two new Northern Right Whale calves spotted off the coast of Georgia...but will more be spotted?

Broadcast on:
19 Dec 2022

Northern right whales have been the subject of many conservation conversations over the past couple of months due to the decisions made around lobster and crab pot support for sustainability to protect the endangered species. Northern Right whales are heavily monitored, especially in the winter during their calving season. Two calves were spotted recently off the coast of Georgia providing some hope for the endangered whales in hopes that their numbers rebound, but the population is expected to produce 23 calves per year which have not been achieved in a long time. One theory is that the whales have had to shift their feeding areas north to the Gulf of St. Lawrence to find their preferred food, copepods due to climate change. Will this season be better than those in the past?   Link to articles: 1) 2 Northern Right Whales Spotted Off the Coast of Georgia 2) 13 new Northern Right Whale calves in 2021 3) Northern Right Whale Food Source   Fill out our listener survey:   Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career:   Facebook Group:

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