How To Protect The Ocean

Shark graveyard discovered in the Indian Ocean

Broadcast on:
12 Dec 2022

If a shark dies in the ocean, where do we find its remains? Well, there could be many answers to that question, but for many sharks, you could find their teeth in one place that we know. A deep-sea graveyard was discovered off some islands in the Indian Ocean by the ocean research arm of Australia, the CSIRO. The discovery contained teeth of various shark species ranging from mako sharks to the relatives of the now-extinct megalodon shark. Although scientists don't yet know why this graveyard was in this location, they look forward to diving into the shark teeth to find out. The latest research find from the same ship discovered a new deep-sea shark species, the stripey hornshark.   Link to article:   Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career:   Facebook Group:

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