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How To Protect The Ocean
Paul Watson is out. Is there a turning of the tide at Sea Shepherd?
For 45 years, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been know for its Direct Action Campaigns that led to controversial means to stop illegal activity in the open sea. The organization was led by Captain Paul Watson, who was the face and the pride of Sea Shepherd. Paul Watson was the youngest co-founder of Greenpeace and left the organization because he wanted to do more than protest illegal wildlife events, he wanted to stop them. His vision to create a fleet of ships to act as an environmental navy was achieved and the organization was known for being a thorn in the side of whalers and illegal fishers all over the world. But now, parts of Paul Watson's organization have turned their backs on him for a path that is more scientific. So the question is, will this ruin the organization or will it make it better? Links to articles: 1) 2) 3) Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: