How To Protect The Ocean

Ocean Talk Friday

Broadcast on:
27 May 2016

Welcome back to another Ocean Talk Friday with myself, Andrew Lewin, and Nathan Johnson. There were some great, powerful stories out this week that we just had to talk about. Here they are:

  1. Study finds 5% of organizations get majority of the Funding and it hasn't been affective;
  2. Cephalopod populations have been on the rise since the 1950s in the face of a changing Ocean;
  3. A brewing company designed a six pack ring that is edible and can save the Ocean Animals that eat it; and,
  4. Mexican Cartels are smuggling cocaine in the swim bladders of the endangered totoaba fish. The fish is caught using gill nets that also catch the nearly extinct vaquita (less than 100 individuals left). 

Listen to the podcast to find out all the details. 

10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean: