(upbeat music) - What is up everybody? - Hello live. - Welcome to the tasting room and we are live at Stu's Place on his birthday of all fucking days. - Happy birthday motherfucker. - Happy birthday, turning 52, so. - Yeah. (laughs) - I know, if I don't look like it like you do. I got the Graham oldie. Shit, I don't have any grip. What the fuck? - Yeah, you do have a look. - It's a fucking ginger. - Yeah, that's what happens. They don't turn gray in. - He's got gray, it's in his beard, it's in the bottom. - They turn blue on-- - Oh, hair. - You got someone on your side, I got the fucking stripe and Chase is fucking 10 years old, so we don't know. 12 years from sucking too much dip. - Fuck you, come beard. - To be fair, I am getting grayed. (laughs) - Gray cubes? - Crystal cubes. (laughs) - Now, she keeps telling me to fucking wax it or fuck 'em, huh? - No, she keeps like brushing my hair. - Try to get it, all right, get the root out. - Your dick is looking very distinguished. (laughs) - I've got, you know, the stripes. (laughs) - So for the taste of the episode that we're doing, the topic, Stu picked this and it goes well with our Cornetta Flavors trilogy that we're doing, we are doing the top five British actors. - Yes. - And I'm gonna let Stu go first and seize the birthday boy. - Thank you. All right, so, so many goddamn British actors. So many fucking British actors. So it was difficult for me to narrow it down. You're going by, like, good acting, you're not just going by your favorite, you're just going by acting. - No, I'm going by amazing acting. People that can embody a role and you just believe them. All right, you're not seeing, like, Patrick Stewart on what's something that was discussed. And I love Patrick Stewart. I absolutely do, but he's always Patrick Stewart. I see him, he's Patrick Stewart. He's Patrick Stewart as Professor X. He's Patrick Stewart as John Luke. He's Patrick Stewart. - Yeah. - So to start the list, I got Anthony Hopkins. - Yeah, I'm sorry, yeah, yeah. - He's always, I mean, probably his best role to date is San Solan, so that is probably his best. I liked him in The Edge. - Yeah? - The Edge is really a dollar always. - Yeah, that's a great movie. - Have you seen him in Red 2? - Yes. - No, Red 2, I haven't seen the Red movies, remember? - What the fuck? - You already found him. - You guys already got on me about that. Yeah, I remember I saw, I heard Malcolm, which is very good in him. - Yeah, he's hilarious in that. - Oh, Malcolm is just fantastic. - Yeah, he always is. Next to my God is Edre Selba. - Yes, he is. - I almost had him on there. - He's amazing. - Eli was amazing. - Were they trying to get him to be the next Bond at one point? - Yes. - But that didn't, that fell through? - And now he's like, yeah, I'm too old for this shit. - I've heard that that Aaron Douda is actually the, is he actually Bond or is that confirmed? - I believe that's confirmed. The dude who was a quick silver and kick ass. - Kick ass, yeah. - What? - Yeah, he might be the new Bond, but he was great in, what's the train movie with Brad Pitt? Runaway train? - Oh, no, bullet train, bullet train. He was great in that. Like, I can see him as Bond actually. I think it might work. - So, next on the list would be Gary Oldman. - Yeah. - All right. - Very good, amazing. - Oh. - And he's such a method actor too. He's like Daniel Day-Lewis. - That sucks you right now. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, that's great. Although you hated him in Bram Soaker's Dracula. - I did. - I fuckin' did. (laughing) - We all have one, you know. (laughing) - Next was a Serbing Ben Kingsley. - Yes. - I'm gonna come down there. - Come down there. (laughing) Kingsley. - I really liked him. - Did you like him in Iron Man 3? - Yes, I loved him. - I was a mannerant, I was a fake mannerant. - Yes. - Yes, it was amazing. I enjoyed every fuckin' part of it. Especially when he was revealed to me. - I'm going dramatic. - I was the actor. - I'm going dramatic though. (laughing) - He was great Schindler's List. - Yes. - He was amazing at Schindler's List. - Stan Kingsley and Ryan Reynolds, what the fuck was it? Were they like, transplanted? - Yes, yes, yes. - We're at Kingsley. - Oh, that was a good one. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that was a good one. - That's something to do with age or something like that. - Yeah, yeah. - He was also great in a Sopranos episode. - Remember when Mike, fuck, I forgot his name. I can't believe it. Christopher went over to Hollywood with-- - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. - And he was trying to stay away from them because they were trying to, and then he-- - That's a funny episode from the Sopranos. Little lot of cameo he did in there. - And then to round it out, just 'cause I wanted somebody more comedic, and John Cleese. - Yeah, yeah, that's a no. - Anything he fuckin' does makes me fuckin' laugh. I love John Cleese so much, and-- - He was great at tonight, and holy grail. - He was great at everything. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Fish called Wanda, everything like that. - I even liked him in rat race. - Yeah. - I don't make anything in rat race. - Funny in rat race, yeah. - So, but yeah, that rounds out my list. - That's a good list. - Very nice. - All right, I'll go next. So my top five, my number one. This is my number one. I always do number one first instead of doing his last finale, but Daniel Day-Lewis, to me, is one of my ultimate favorite actors. He is a method actor, gang's New York, last Mohicans, Lincoln. I mean, he's good in just about anything he's done. The one, the Irish one, the road, what is it? You know, the one where he's actually got, was it all the revolution in Ireland? - Was it the road? - No, no, it's not the road. That's, I forgot what it was. In the name of the father. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - He was really good in that, he was good in that, fuck, he was even good in that movie about dressmaking from, you know, you don't know what I'm talking about. - And in Cobbler, or whatever. It was where he played at Cobbler. - Yeah, yeah, but it's actually a really crazy movie, but you know, whatever, what a thought, that it was, feel like a chick flick, but it was actually a very good story. And I enjoyed that one, but Daniel Day-Lewis, I'm gonna go with Patrick Stewart as my number two, 'cause I like Patrick Stewart. I, Picard, fucking Logan, he was great in Logan. He's always been greatest professor Xavier, but I even loved him as a villain in conspiracy theory. He was great in that. He was also in Dune. He was in that, fucking movie with the Space Vampires. He was actually in that too, I forget what it's called. - Life Force? - Yes, yeah, he was in that, he was in that. Also an Excalibur, he was an Excalibur also. He was the father of good of here. - I just grabbed one of the copy of that, the VHS off of my little fucking movie, man. - BAC did a great episode on that. I think me and you were both guests on that one. That was a good one. My next one is gonna be, I'm gonna go a female here, Kate Winslet. Kate Winslet is an amazing actress. - She's phenomenal. - I really liked her in Jobs with the movie about Steve Jobs. Thought he, actually, is it called Steve Jobs, or is it called Jobs? - Jobs. - Is it Jobs? - Yeah. - 'Cause there's two Steve Jobs movies. - Yes. - There's one with, what's his name from the '70s show? - Aston Dutcher. - Yeah, and that one was okay. But the Steve Jobs movie, I thought the dialogue, 'cause it's an Aaron Sorkin' written movie. Great movie, but Kate Winslet was amazing in that. She was also good in the reader. She was getting Titanic. I mean, she's good in a lot of movies. Revolutionary Road with Leonardo Caprio. That's a very good drama right there. But Kate Winslet is a great actress, so I'm gonna go with that. Kenneth Brawl. - Yeah, it's. - Kenneth Brawl is an amazing actor. All right, he is also a director. He directed Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and was also acted in it. He was in-- - Mary Shelley's? - Huh? Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. - I didn't say Shelley's. - It just sounded weird. - There you go, right there. - Oh, okay, yep. Yeah, he also directed the first four movie. He directed one of the movie with the mystery, the Who Done It movie. - The Knives Out? - No, not Knives Out. It was a different one. The Orrin Express or something like that. - The Orrin Express. - Yeah, I think he's the inspector. - Such a classic fucking tale to be redone. - Yeah. - Honestly, that's a good one. - I liked him in the Valkyrie movie, too. He was good in Valkyrie. - Valkyrie, it was fantastic. - But yeah, he's a great actor. I really enjoy him. I wasn't gonna change mine to Gary Oldman, but I'm gonna go ahead and keep this. Bill Nye. - Yes. - I think Bill Nye is a great British actor. - I love what he does. - I love what he does. - I love what he does. - I love his songs, I really do. - Bill Nye, this is amazing. - He's very smart and very intelligent. - What's funny is though, is that he knows how to throw his accent. - It makes him well, yeah. - But him as Davey Jones is amazing. And he's also in all three of these movies that we're doing for our next episode. And yeah, man, he-- - Oh, I loved him in-- - He was in Harry Potter, too. - He was in Harry Potter. - Very briefly. - Honestly, one of my favorite roles for him was, oh, shit, Celine as the-- - Underworld. - Yeah, Underworld. - That's right, he wasn't-- - He was a man. - He was very good at that. - Was he else in Notting Hill or something like that? He was in one of those cavities? - I think so. - He's in every fucking group. - He was everywhere. That is a ubiquitous actor. - It's a Christmas movie. It's a holiday movie that he's in. - Oh, the one that your wife loves so much. - Uh-huh. - I don't know, it's just his speaking pattern. It's so-- - Love actually, yeah, yeah. - It's so-- - It is, yeah. - It's a signature, and just, a lot of speaking patterns like that, you're like, what the fuck, and it'll take you out of it, but for whatever reason, he's able to just throw it, and you're like, oh, I am invested in every word this man is saying. - Oh, for him, it's DeeDee Jones. - Yes, his-- - Just-- - Do you feel-- - Death. - Yes. - Death. - Death. - Yes, he's great. Bill Nye, so that is my list for my top five British actors. I'm gonna get up. - I'm gonna be in an upcoming fan request. - Snatch? - Nope, Hitchhiker's gone. - Oh, hell yeah. - Oh, shit. I love that one. - He's the voice of the robot. - Yeah. - I thought it was Alan Rickman. - Alan Rickman, you're talking about the big one. - Oh, no, no, no, he's one of the-- - Yeah, no. - The ones on the planet. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He was like an embassy guy or something like that. - Alan Rickman is the voice of the-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, you're right, you're right. - No, but Bill Nye is in-- - Bill Nye, the science guy. - Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill! Alright, I'm gonna hand it off to Ragnar. What are your top five British actors? - Fuck if I know. - Well, I'm gonna start this off with Kate Beckinsale. - Yeah? - Yeah. - She was amazing at Underworld. - She's hot in Underworld. - See, that's a problem. That she's so hot, I can't remember her acting. - I can. - She's probably really good, but it-- - She had to be a good actress. - Only bad acting she did was a Pearl Harbor. - Well, yeah, it was a bad fucking movie. - Her acting was fine, the movie. - I fucking suck. - The only thing I liked about the movie is that I thought the body sequence was done really well. - That was done really well. - But other than the fucking love story and the story between it, they were trying to make a Titanic during World War II, basically, and it turned out horrible. - They were trying to make a World War II history flick for ladies, which I admire the attempt. But God damn it, you just killed it. - Yeah, yeah. What, you found some other movies that she's in? - No, no, I'm so on Bill Nye. He has 173 acting credits on IMDB. - That's it? - 173 acting credits. - He is the British Samuel Jackson. - Holy shit, holy fuck, dude. - I didn't realize that. - This man isn't fucking everything. - He's a good fucking actor. I love him as a dad and Sean of the dead. I thought he was great as the stepfather. I thought he was really good in that. - Rolling to... - Tom Hardy. - Yeah? - Very good. - I had Gary Oldman online, but you already got him. - He does a great job. - I liked him in the Revenant as the guy that Leonardo Caprio was going against. He was doing the revenge. I thought he was great in that. He was good. - And that was before he was super big too, and he had a great job. - Oh yeah, no, he's... - He's good in, obviously, Venom. - Oh yeah. - But... - I think that's his breakout. - Also the fucking villain in Star Trek Nemesis. - Oh, he did great in Legend. - He was there too. - He's good in frigging piggy blinders as well. - Oh yeah. - The other one. He was good in Mad Max. - What the fuck was the other one that he did? - Oh, Taboo. - I feel like Ron would remember that. - Fuck not. - I knew that joke was coming up. - I knew that joke was coming up. - He says that he has all of them on his bookshelf. It is little movie collection and shit, but he doesn't. - I do. - No, you don't, 'cause you don't have this one. - No, I don't have that one, say. But I have the original Taboo. I got one through four now. It's like one, two, and three, in one blue, and then four, yeah. (laughing) - I love that he just took us through how to count. - Like he was looking at a good prosthetic. - God, damn. - Oh man, it's hilarious that you were just... - I know I handle this dick. - That you're so proud of. (laughing) - That's a butt chase. (laughing) - No, you're right the first time I'm gonna win. - Oh, that's a win. - Oh, fuck. (laughing) - What's your next one? - This is fantastic. (laughing) Ian McShane, actually. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Sweargion, man. - He is very good, dude. - He was the best as Al Sweargion from Deadwood, but of course-- - It's fucking far fast. That was the name. Hitchhiker's guy. - Okay, yeah, thank you. - But also, you're talking about the John Wick series. - No, I'm talking about all of them. - Blackbeard, he was great as Blackbeard. - Even though I'm not a fan of that. - Ian McShane is phenomenal. - Yeah, he, what did he actually-- - Neil Gaiman's American Gods. - Never heard of that. - Yeah. - Oh, he did his good. - He played Wednesday, who is Odin. He was like-- - Kung Fu Panda 2. - I really hope so. - Or four. - It'd be the voice. - And then, he was good also, and we are Marshall. - Yes, with the sequel to the Future of the, the one with Wesley Snipes. Death Race. Do, do, do, do, do. He's been in a fucked, oh my god, damn movies. - Oh yeah. - Hold on. - Right. - Hold on. - What, what movie did you just say he was in? - We are Marshall. - And what did you say it was? - Oh shit, we are Marshall's a sports movie. US Marshall. - He said it was a sequel to the Future of it. - Okay. - I'm doing US Marshall's. - You, I'm right. - I didn't say you could think of that. - I didn't say you could think of that. - I didn't say you could think of that. - I didn't say a thing, but I'm sitting here thinking-- - I'm not talking about it. - You know how to play out of your moron, it's both Marshall. I got mixed up with US Marshall, sorry. - No, there you go. - And you know, the fact that they went and had made so many great films, you know, Penny Marshall. I mean, it's all the same, right? Marshall, yeah, you know, you guys, whatever. And the rap career is amazing. - Did you? - Did you forget, right? - Yeah. - You didn't forget about Sarah, did you? - Yeah, yeah, he did. - That's just rude. (laughing) - And then this one here, he always gets a, he always gets screwed over, but Sean Bean. - Yeah, yeah, he always dies, he gets screwed over, dude. - I think that's his, that's his shtick. - Oh, to die? - He's in either a movie or a TV show for a little while, and then boom. - Wasn't even, he was in Patriot. He was a villain in Patriot games, right? - Yeah. - And he was also in... - I think that was his fucking longest... - No, the Martian with Batman, the one where he stuck on the planet, he's in that one's not the whole movie. - Huh? - He's in that movie, too. He's like the assistant director of NASA, and he gets fired because he lets the guys know. He's in that one, he was also in a gold amount, wasn't he? - He's died in 24 separate films and TV shows. - Really? - It can make up approximately a quarter of his on-screen filmography. Yep, Ned Stark, 25 at the time, he is dying. - He did such a great job in that role. - Oh, Ned Stark, yeah. - Everybody thought that he was gonna be like the big character because he's on the fucking poster. We're like, I already had some friends that I showed him to Game of Thrones, and they watch Game of Thrones, and he's like, "Man, I really enjoy this character." Yeah, you're gonna enjoy it. - George RR Martin is a phenomenal writer. - Yeah, and he finishes all the two books. - Yeah, and he didn't die on Silent Hill either. - Was he in Silent Hill? - Yeah. - Wow, he's been a wuss and sister. - But the math of franchise is he's dead. James Bond. - Yeah? - Dead. That's why satellite. Lord of the Rings, dead. Game of Thrones, dead. - All right. - Yep. - So it was gonna be a big bunch of theories. - He's dying. - Oh, that's a little late. - But you know what, it's a good pick. - Yeah, it's even Martian. I knew he was in that one. - And then, man, I'm torn between this one. - But, I'm gonna go with Jason Statham. - Okay. - Oh, yeah. - He's fun. - He's a fan. - He's a fan. - He's a fan so far, you know? - Yeah. - He's had a good range. - He has, he has. He's one of those, I think he's just one of those actors that it's fun to just watch him on screen. - Yeah. - I enjoyed him in the transporter. - He's today's-- - All the transporter films are fucking great. - He's today's white Jackie Chan. - Yeah. - Yeah, you could say that, I guess. - 'Cause he has the comedy. He has the martial arts ability. He does his own stunts because of that. He, you can actually see that translate on screen really nicely because he already has those skills. - Yeah. - And, I think he does a great job with it. - I think his, my favorite role of his is Snatch. When he's always with his buddy and he says, "We gotta get this done." Before he's Germans get here. That line that keeps going throughout the whole movie, he was great in Snatch. And he was also in Lockstalk and Two Barrels. He's in a lot of Guy Ritchie movies, I believe. But, no, that's a good pick. Very good pick. Also, he's in Your Expendables, of course, so. All right. We're gonna go ahead and end it with Chase on your top four British actors. Do you have anybody on our list? Or you got everything new here? - Just go with it. - David Tennant. - I'll go with that. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay. - David fucking Tennant. - He was one of the doctor who's of the new who. - He also played Matt. - Is he the one that in House of the Dragon? - No. - Okay. - No, that's Matt's name. - That's, yeah. - 'Cause I know he does nothing. - Matt Smith is also good, but he doesn't have a range that Tennant does. He also played Bad Samaritan. - Did he play the do? No, did he play the do that had the weird tongue thing and Harry Potter? - Yes. - Okay, I know what you're talking about. Okay. - I'm trying to figure out if Tennant's allowed. - Why? - Is he Australian? - Oh. - No, you see, I know this wasn't an issue because when I went top British actors, Sean Connery showed up in there and he's Scottish. - Yeah. - 'Cause I really wanted to do Sean Connery. - No, you're right. - Yeah, but problem is-- - United Kingdom? - No, they're not, if you're-- - But you did say British, so-- - Yeah, so it's, they're not, you can't have Scotland, Scottish or Irish in there. - Dear David Tennant-- - They're David Tennant. You're David Tennant. - My greatest apologies, I don't want to sully that for you. You are not British, Jesus Christ, that's my bad. It's cool, so-- - You have four more. - I have a backup. - Yeah, four more. - And that would be Henry Cavill. - No, that's a good one. - He puts so much-- - Yeah. - He's a good guy, he's a good guy. - He's a good guy. - He's a good guy. - He's a good guy. - When they, yeah, when they put him into roles that have big lore, that have a big fandom, especially in "The Witcher," is his big, the biggest example, he does a great job of making sure the studio stays on track to what it should be, and it's fan service. And that's what these movies should be. - Yeah. - Michael Caine. - Yeah, yes, yes, he almost went on my list, but I like that he's in a lot of Christopher Nolan films, but I didn't really, I don't, believe it or not, I don't care for him as Alfred in "The Dark Knight" trilogy. - And that's fine. - I thought he was okay. - But he has so many other roles that he's always been fantastic. - I don't know, you're loud, you know, that's fine. I actually enjoyed what's his name from the Batman versus Superman. Jeremy Irons, I didn't even think about him. - Yeah. - Aw, fuck, I should have put him instead of Bill and I. - My favorite Alfred though was from Keaton's Batman. - Oh yeah, he's great. - Yeah, that's my favorite. - I think it's like Tim Gu or something like that. Something Gu. I remember that. - Gu. - It's like G-O-U-G-H or something like that. - Go? - Maybe it's go-off? - All right, it's not go-off. It's like G-O-G-H-W. Look it up, I don't fucking know. - I don't, I doubt it for now. - I doubt it for now. - I doubt it for now. Maybe it's go, but it's like G-O-U-G-H or something like that. Maybe I'm- - But next we'll be Gary Oldman. - Okay, Gary Oldman, of course. - We already know why. You and McGregor. - Yeah, he's a good one. - He's Scottish. - Is he Scottish as well? - Yes, he's Scottish, he's a Highlander. He even said that when he was doing the making of Phantom Menace and everything else 'cause he had the long hair and- - Oh yeah, okay. - He's Scottish. I mean, he's a great actor, trust me 'cause he was also on the list on British actors where Sean Conner was like- - Yeah. - I wanted to pick him and was like, nah, he's Scottish, it won't work. - So in place of that, I will go with I'm Watson. - No, no, no, no, she's British. - In the roles that she has been in, no, you don't have to count Harry Potter. I know that's- - I think she retired in acting though. - Yeah, she has. She has retired, but the roles that she has been in, she's done a phenomenal job. - She has, yeah. - Absolutely stellar performance. - Isn't she in their wallflower? - Yeah, she's in Perks being a wallflower. - Yeah, which is one of your favorite movies. - Great job, yeah. - She was great and this is the end. - Yeah, yeah. - She was a little carrier that she had this is the end. - And then finally, James McAvoy. - See, he's a good one. - In Split, I've never seen such a breadth of acting. - And how quickly he was able to not just their voice, but everything, the meaner, everything. - There's a movie, there's a movie that she's in with Rosario Dawson or- - Rosario. - Rosario Dawson. - You ever heard of it, where they are trying to steal like a painting or something like that? It actually has James McAvoy in it and her, it's directed by Danny Boyle, who did the train spotting and all that? - It's sounding familiar, but I'm not placing it in my head. - It's actually a really good movie. It's actually a really good persona. - And by the way, the actor's name is- - Michael Gough. - Yeah. - Is it Gough? - It's either Gough or Go, like G-O-U-G. - So depending on how you pronounce. - That's another phenomenal acting that Bill Nye did, was in the Doctor Who episode with Van Gogh. - Bill Nye was in Doctor Who? - Yeah, he was an art curator. - Doctor Black was actually so awesome. - He was an art curator and the doctor went back in time to Van Gogh, and it found him in his deepest dire straits of depression and could not leave him there. So he brought him back to present time to a Van Gogh exhibit and he's just standing there watching people look at all his art and he walks up to Doctor Black, was it? And he goes, "How would you describe Van Gogh?" And he just goes on this, quite possibly the most incredible innovative painter of our time, he, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and Van Gogh is just sitting there listening to him, not like eye contact 'cause he doesn't realize it's him, obviously. - The greatest emotional and for dick sucking, you can imagine that happening. - He's just sitting there. - No, that is absolutely how you would describe it, but Van Gogh is sitting there and he just starts crying and it's this honestly the most heart-wrenching, feel-good scene I've ever seen. - The way the folk would talk about Jesus, the way this guy was talking about Van Gogh. - That's a lot of dick-sucking. - That's what I'm saying. - It was, it was so emotional, you were like, "Oh my God, I had an incredible, powerful scene." - Van Gogh was like suicidal and shit like that thing and he's like a piece of shit worthless fucker. Even if the cell was painting for a beer, all right? - And so Van Gogh, he goes, "Thank you!" And he, you know, wraps him in a hug and Dr. Black is sitting up, Bill Nye. He's like, "What the fuck are you doing with this guy?" And the doctor's like, "Don't worry about him, "he's just a very good friend." He's very familiar with the works, we appreciate it. He's like, kind of looks at him, like, there's no fucking way. - Yeah, 'cause you see some of the self portraits, you know, like when you go to it and... - Trance. (all laughing) Trance is the Jane McAvoy one that I was talking about. Trance, you've never seen that one? - Who was that? - I don't think so. - Trance. - Oh, okay, 'cause you said you were talking about his sister, Jane. - No, that's, it's just, it's a really... - He was. - I'm surprised he didn't do that. (all laughing) - You guys, whatever. - That's a Jane McAvoy. I was like, "I don't think he'd appreciate that." - Probably didn't do that right, or something like that. - He never does. - He never does. - He never does. - He never does. - All right? (all laughing) - Well, then again, in a split, he did a great job. - He did. (all laughing) - Split, it was good in. The movie after that, Mr. Glass was weak. It was interesting. - I was surprised by that. - But I really... - It was cool to see all of them there. - McAvoy, Jackson, Willis, all of them interacting with each other. - Yeah, I still haven't got past the first 30 minutes of that movie. I've tried to watch it three different times. - It's nowhere near. - Warren, good at split. - No one's split is good at split. - And I'm breakable. - So here's the thing. I saw Split probably three or four weeks after my separation from my ex who actually had disassociated identity disorder. - Yeah. - And with the exception of the very commonly portrayed stigma of an alter personality being violent, he did a phenomenal job of enacting the very subtle changes that just changed the entire character of the person when they go through a switch. I was very impressed with it. So yeah, I've always been a big fan of that movie because of how well he portrayed it. - Well, I will say this. This was a very wide variety of actors. I thought other than Gary Omen, it looks like he was almost like gonna be multiple on everybody. But so far, everybody came out with really good ones and everybody had something close to being different. So I think this was a good topic to tell you the truth. - Oh yeah, phenomenal. - I really would love you to do the actor, I mean, do the topic of top five like British movies, not British comedies, but you can do British movies. I think that would be a, there's so many great ones. - Define what a British movie is it a movie that's set in Britain and it's a movie directed or written by a British person. - I'd say set in Britain have British actors, basically like-- - It's a set in, there's a lot of movies-- - It is set casting British characters, I don't-- - You can technically put Harry Potter in the fucking mix if you wanted to. - I don't consider the actors-- - He has a name, you know? - What? - He's talking about the Harry Potter films. - No, Harry Potter. He has a name. - Yeah, Harry Potter. - 'Cause he's talking about the film universe, not the actor. (laughing) - Not the movie. (laughing) - It's all good British films. - But yeah, if I was gonna say, what defines a British film is I don't have to say that the actors have to be British, but the characters, the vast majority of them have to be British. Like Paul, it's set in America, but it's British characters and it's phenomenal. - Yeah. - So-- - Okay. - All right, all right, guys. Well, that's the-- - That'd be up to the individual then. - Yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - That is the end of our tasting room episode right here. So we're gonna go ahead and we will see you guys next time. And seriously, this was fun. It's recording at Stu's Place. Actually, do you wanna go ahead and do one of your shots for your birthday shot? - I'm good with that. - Let's go ahead and do, pick one of your-- - All right, let's go ahead and do the one, that token who unfortunately not able to be here, got from me, uncle nearest 1884. - Okay. - So, little history of uncle nearest continues the remarkable legacy of Tennessee distilling legend nearest Green, the first known African American master distiller each small batch is curated by his great, great granddaughter, Whiskey Magazine's 2021 master blender of the year, Victoria Edie Butler, utilizing the process of maple charcoal, mellowing that nearest helped perfect over 100, sorry, I've seen the word nearest and I said, "Dude's fucking name." - Rob, you okay? - No, I'm lying. I'm like, "Stop me." - This can't be the word fucking nearest. It doesn't make sense, motherfucker's name, all right? That nearest helped perfect over 180 years ago, 1884, delivers a whiskey that is as smooth as it is complex. - Yep, all right, let's try that out. - And also, it is 93 proof. - Yeah, cool, wow, okay. - So, it is-- - And you're doing a half shot chase, right? - Yep. - You can just fill that halfway then you barely getting any, so that works. - So, you can get the taste. - One day when we start making money off of this podcast, if ever, that would be super cool, if you guys could share it with your friends, so we could do that, 'cause we're broke. - That's me. - We'll get you that for your birthday. (laughing) - Wow. - Work must be good. (laughing) - That'd be fun. (laughing) - Right? - Fun. - I saw a picture of it when you showed over to Ragnar. - I walked up, I rolled up to Wawa the other day, on the way home, and I step out and I hear this brub, brub, brub, brub, brub. I look around, I'm like, "What the fuck is that coming from?" Is this fucking 2010 Chevy Caprice? That this guy's got cammed out. Fucking, I'm like, "What the hell is in that?" - Happy 42 birthday, Stu. - Thank you, Barry. - Happy birthday, bro. - He's even-- - Telling you you're young now. Go on, you're Chase. - Had the sweet start to it, but then a very cloying finish to it. It's almost like a nickel copper. - Honestly, I would say this exemplifies what American bourbon is. - I totally disagree with that. - In generic form. - The beginning started good and it wasn't good. No, it starts out with all the potential in the world and then just shits in your mouth. - And you knocked out of the park with a whole copper taste? - Yeah, that's very-- - Yeah, I can see that. - It's not even because it's strong or something. It's like a burning hit. - No. - No. - It said it's 93, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, so it's very dull. - Yeah, it's just surprising how quickly does that 90 degree turn off. - I apologize. I mean, Hillbilly Whiskey. - Okay, okay. - It's what I mean. - It's what I mean. - It's what I mean. - I'm straight to themselves. - I'll go ahead and start. I'll give it a three quarters of thumb. - I realized the fault in the word, which I used to, I was like, all right, let's-- - I'm gonna disagree with you. We got a lot of great fucking whiskey here. - Yeah, great whiskey. - I mean, I mean what people imagine, all everybody up in Appalachia drinking. It's probably that. - There you go. What do you give it? - I'm gonna give it a two thumbs up. I don't mind it. I actually, I thoroughly enjoy the uncle and nearest. - All right. - Right or? - Half. - Half of them. - I agree with wrong or half. - Honestly, you know what I think should go in that? Fucking gunpowder. - Like, you want to put gunpowder in there. - You know exactly what I'm talking about. Back to work, I wouldn't drink that. - I'll stick this. - This might be one though. - You never drank gunpowder? - Might be better. - I don't want to eat gunpowder. So, over ice or chilled, I think. - I'm fine. - I don't want my drink on some rocks, dude. - Yeah. - I think water or whiskey rocks. - No, it won't be fine. - Water or water it down. - No, that's what I'm saying. - So, a vacuum drops of water might open it up. - That's what I'm saying. - If you would water, but realize you're a whiskey rock, you're just basically getting a cold flavor, but-- - You were shot at by water sometimes in rations. - Yeah. - Back in World War I. - I don't know what to open it up. - English soldiers, they were barred from drinking when they were on duty, but they found out that if you disassemble your cartridge and you take the cordite out and you chew on it, it'll get you drunk. And they would do this on a pretty common schedule. - Yeah, so you run out of ammo? - They had three different fucking soldiers. Their heads just randomly fucking exploded. - The fuck? (laughing) - Well-- - It's good stuff. - Yeah. - That is the end of our taste from episode. Happy birthday, Stu. - Thank you. - And we will see you guys next time. Later. - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening to our bonus episode for season four of The Tasting Yo. If you like our show, please leave a five star rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Guys, this helps out enormously. Give us a follow on Instagram @barrelhflixpodcast. If you would like to send us a special film request, please contact us via Instagram and we will give you a personal shout out on the show. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Our podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Buzzsprout, Google Podcasts, Audible, Pocketcast, Spotify, Castbox, iHeartRadio and Pandora. Make sure you check out Barrow AIDS Chicks, our spinoff show where you get the girl's perspective. Subscribe to our Patreon for uncut video and early access to our podcast. Special thanks to Carl Casey at Whitebat Audio on YouTube for his awesome music. This guy fucking rocks, check him out. Want to give a shout out to Sammy, one of our guest hosts on the show who does our amazing album artwork. Thank you, Sammy. Our podcast only exists because of listeners like you. To find other great shows, head over to deluxeeditionnetwork.com. Hope you join us for our next episode. Later, guys. (rock music)
Send us a Text Message.In this conversation, the hosts discuss their top five British actors. They mention actors like Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, Gary Oldman, Kate Winslet, and Daniel Day-Lewis. They also celebrate Stews birthday!!! They also talk about the roles these actors have played and their acting abilities. The conversation ends with a whiskey tasting and the hosts giving their ratings. Support the Show.Subscribe to our YOUTUBE Channel to watch video versions of our showhttps:...