V1 Church

Leviticus 11-15 | Holiness: A Journey Through Leviticus - Week 2 | Pastor Mike Signorelli

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12 Aug 2024
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Leviticus 11-15 | Holiness: A Journey Through Leviticus Week 2 | Pastor Mike Signorelli

(upbeat music) - We're gonna be in Leviticus chapter 11. And I'm gonna just read, we could read this together starting with verse one. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron. So let me just stop there. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron. So this is God directly speaking to the leaders of Israel. Say to the Israelites, of all the animals that live on land, these are the ones that you may eat. You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud. Verse four says, there are some that only chew the cud or only have a divided hoof. And but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof. And it is ceremonially unclean for you. The high racks, though it chews the cud, may not have a divided hoof and it is unclean for you. The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof and it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud and it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses for they are unclean for you. So this is God Almighty showing us such a high level of concern about what we actually eat as a people. And this is going back to Israel. And so obviously we're mainly Gentiles here in this church. And there's some implications for this. I want to help you understand like why God would give this to the Jewish people and what it means for us. But I want to start by saying, you know, we had a group of men that accepted Jesus over the course of this event. And they were all here. And before they gave their life to Christ, I asked them, will you commit to reading your Bible every day? And they all said, yes. And I said, would you commit to praying every single day? And they all said, yes. Then I said, if you were going to become a Christian and receive the blood of Jesus to wash you from your sins, do you also commit to tell other people about Jesus and lead them to him and then actually make disciples? And they all said, yes. And now we have to take them on a journey of living that out. And so, but after that moment, now that happened yesterday. Now there's this moment where, and some of you remember your salvation moment and then the emotion of it wears off. And then you wake up the next day and you realize, oh no, I still have the capacity to sin. You know that moment where you're like, I thought that I did away with this. Like why I'm about to mess up. I'm about to sin, or maybe I did and I feel so guilty. How could I go from the stage where I was giving my life to Christ and then retreat back to these old patterns? And so we've really got to understand this because even though the blood of Jesus washes us from our sins, we still have the capacity to go back to sin. And so when we look at the book of Leviticus, it's almost as if God is speaking to Moses and Aaron and giving them these very basic fundamental laws and rules and regulations for every aspect of their life. And the best way I can compare it is like anybody wave at me across all campuses if you have children. How many have children? Okay, man, that's most of you. Wow, here in Indiana, good job guys. I'm proud of you. You did it. So the thing about having children though is it's like the way that you treat your child is hey, you can ride your bike up until this point but you can't go any further. You know, it's like very, very basic. And then if you have two daughters in New York City, you say you cannot ride your bike at all because I have this citizen app and I can see how many people live in our neighborhood that I wish didn't live in our neighborhood. And so there's rules and there's regulations about how we set things up. And Leviticus, it is almost every single aspect of their life. It's what they eat and then it's like clean and unclean concerning their hygiene, it's purification and childbirth. And so, and let me break this down if you're taking notes. So chapter 11, this is what we're gonna try to deal with in the next 20 minutes. Chapter 11 is the laws about the clean and unclean animals and what they can eat. And for us Christians, we don't really even think about that. We don't really, I mean, we're like, well, I don't think God wants me to be unhealthy but we don't look at a menu and think like, is this clean or unclean? Can I eat this or not eat this? But that was a very normal thing for the Jewish people and still to this day, if you go to a place that says it's kosher, it's because they are trying to abide by the Levitical dietary laws that we have. And okay, so stay with me. Then chapter 12, so when we go to the next chapter, it deals with purification and after childbirth. And this whole process for purification after childbirth. And then when you go to chapter 13 and 14, it talks about the regulations, about skin diseases and even like contaminated houses. So think about this, but the thing I wanted to start with in chapter 11 is it's God speaking into these things. So this is not Moses making it up. He didn't just have a leadership meeting with Aaron and say, hey, what do we think is reasonable? And it was God saying, okay, you're an ancient people surrounded by all of these pagans and all of these polytheistic religions where they worship many other gods and they're the way that they discern sexual relations and how they are interacting with each other, the way that they look at marriage, the way that they, you are going to be distinctly different and every aspect of your life, I'm going to govern it and I'm going to give you order. So that's the main thing that I wanted to break down in the intro here. Now, chapter 15, and I don't know if we're going to have time to fully get into this, but it deals with bodily discharges. And I hope you had your breakfast already. But it's crazy to think about the fact that bodily, there's an entire chapter of the Bible that deals with what God thinks about all of the ways, I know this is gross, that your body can discharge. But it goes to show you the intentionality of God and how much he cares. So before we really go into chapter 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, the main overarching idea that I want to give all of you for this global Bible study that we're doing is that God does care. He cares about every single thing that you eat and drink. He cares about your skin. He cares about your bodily discharges. He cares about everything. And I think like the heart of Leviticus is that God cares about the physical realm just as much as he cares about the spiritual realm and how he cares about the spiritual realm actually reveals the physical realm and how he cares about the physical realm reveals how he cares about the spiritual realm. These are inseparable. Is that makes sense? Like are you with me? These are inseparable because a lot of Christians don't have this revelation on the character and the attribute of God. And it's almost like Christians sometimes act like we're only spirits and all the worship and I'm having this spiritual experience in my physical body. But really what I see in the scripture is that God cares about both and they're intermingling the entire time, okay? So let's go down and break this down a little bit more. So now I just read you eight verses of the 11th chapter of clean and unclean. And it talks about a split hoof and an unsplit and what is reasonable to eat. When you go to verse nine, it says of all the creatures living in the water and the seas and the streams, you may eat anything that has fins and scales, but all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales, whether among all the swarming things and among all the other living creatures in the water, you are to regard as unclean. And since you are to regard them as unclean, you must not eat their meat and you must regard their carcasses as unclean. So anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you. Then he goes on to talk about the birds. Then he goes on to talk about the insects. I'm just kind of skipping forward. Is that all right with you? And then verse 24 says, "You will make yourselves unclean by these." Whoever touches these carcasses will be unclean until the evening. So this is a, let me make a distinction. unclean is not the same as sin. What it's simply saying is if you touch these carcasses, there's a duration of time before you can enter back into like the assembly and come in close proximity. So the biggest concept that I want to give you now is the old covenant temple. Like, so the temple, and this is very important. So you have the holy of holies, which only the high priest could enter. And there was a very strict rules and regulations concerning how he's interacting with the presence of God, okay? And so in that place, then you have the inner courts and then you have the outer courts. Then beyond that geographic destination of the temple, you have the general population. And so there's outward all the way to inward, okay? And so there's different, so the animals and the insects, they're all living and thriving on planet Earth outwardly. But then there's a, there's a, the best way I can explain this is like, God is making a separation between like the, the, the holy of holies, the inner courts and the outer courts and from outward in. And he's, he's almost like filtering things. And that's the best way that you can kind of understand the concept here. And so there's, and so it's, it's not, there's nothing wrong with that thing existing. It's just that you cannot place that thing inside of you. Okay? So it's like, there's gotta be a separation. And, and when you make that separation, you understand that. And so he's, he's kind of, and then, but then the crazier thing is that it was actually gonna take medical sciences hundreds and hundreds of years to catch up to the concepts that the Jewish people had that caused them to actually excel in their time. So now let me pivot into that. This is chapter 12. So let's go to chapter 12. So there's this purification after child, childbirth. And then the Lord said to Moses, say to the Israelites, a woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Just as she is unclean during her monthly period. Now this again, remember, I've already said there's a difference between sin and unclean. So there's two different concepts. It's not saying that a woman menstruating is sinful. It's just there was a category of unclean and there was a separation period that would happen. So in verse three, it says on the eighth day, the boys to be circumcised. Then the woman must wait 33 days to be purified from her bleeding and she must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over. If she gives birth to a daughter for two weeks, the woman will be unclean as during her period. Then she must wait 66 days to be purified from her bleeding. And then when the days of her purification for her son or daughter are over, she is to bring to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting a year old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a dove for a sin offering. And he shall offer before the Lord to make atonement for her. And then she will be ceremonially clean from her flow of blood. And these are the regulations from the woman, or for the woman who gives birth to a boy or a girl. But if she cannot afford a lamb, she is to bring two doves or two young pigeons, one for a burnt offering of the other one is sin offering. In this way, the priest will make atonement for her and she will be clean. Okay, so I know right now you're just like, "What in the world? "What kind of church is this?" Even the visitors are like, "What in the world did I just tune into?" So let me break this down. Remember, we do not have the advent of modern plumbing. And so as a result of not having the advent of modern plumbing, these categories of clean and unclean were actually for their saving because it was dramatically reducing or eliminating the probability of sickness and disease because of bacterial growth or infection through virus. And so even, of course, we talk about circumcision, circumcision, although not necessary in our modern times was a benefit to them to practice this because it dramatically eliminated the probability of there being infections. And so a lot of what you're reading, and this is why the Israelites are an ancient marvel is because this is a time before scientists understood germs. So there was no microscopic. You know how right now it's like somebody sneezes on your neck and you're like, "Oh, Lord Jesus, please save me "from what I want to do to them." Have you ever had that moment where you're like, "Lord, please, I need all the fruits of the Spirit." Or you know, somebody coughs in your direction and you feel that wind hit you and you're just like, "Oh, Lord Jesus, please, "I want to kick them in the face just to repay." So it's because you were taught in school that there are these microscopic germs and that things can be transmitted that way. And because you believe that, even though you probably never looked in a microscope and saw it yourself, but because science knows this to be true, it really dramatically changes the way that we live as a people. But this is where it's really crazy to think about, and this is why I believe, not just as a pastor, but as a Christian, that the Levitical Order really proves that Moses and Aaron did hear from God because the things that they were installing to lead tens of thousands of people in the children of Israel, this really proved that because there was no way they understood the science, the implication of the science of what was being installed. And so that had to prove, so let me give you another one. Now let's go on to the next. This is chapter 13. Regulations about defiling skin diseases. So now we're gonna move to the next. So the Lord said to Moses and Aaron. So remember, each chapter is starting with the Lord said to Moses and Aaron. When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a shiny spot on their skin that may be a defiling skin disease, they must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest. And the priest is to examine the sore in the skin. And if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it's a defiling skin disease. When the priest examines the person, he shall pronounce them ceremonially unclean. And then it says if the shiny spot on the skin is white but does not appear to be more than skin deep and the hair is not to be turned white, the priest is to isolate the affected person for seven days. But again, okay, that right there is mind blowing because quarantine was not a practice among any of these other ancient people. So the idea that they heard from God that said, "Hey, come to Aaron the priest." 'Cause they didn't have urgent care. They didn't have hospital systems. So the fact that God said, "Hey, if somebody has a skin condition, "bring him to Aaron and his sons and they're to examine it. "And if it meets certain criteria, "take them and separate them for seven days." Which again, they did not understand viruses. So this was God saying, "I am gonna protect you and I am gonna provision your life "and I'm gonna install order that causes you as a people "to excel and multiply and thrive in a time "when other civilizations were being devastated "by disease and sickness." Isn't that amazing? Okay, so that's why partly, I wanted to go through the book of Leviticus because the Bible says that Jesus, now this is when I'm gonna pivot now to my outro. And I won't do a four closed Pentecostal outro. Because I want you to come back next week to continue to go through the book of Leviticus. But the Bible says that Jesus did not come to break the law but to actually fulfill it. So does that mean that Pastor Mike, now we have to look and clean and unclean and there's things that we can and cannot eat? Well, I just wanna submit to you and then we're gonna look at the New Testament here in a few moments that it was more of the principle of what God was doing. And so when we talk about these concepts, we really have to ask ourselves like, how literal are some of these things and how do we transpose them into our modern life? Because when you look at, okay, so now, okay, so we did that. I think for the sake of time, you guys are all right without me going really deep into bodily discharges. (congregation laughing) Okay, you want me to do that? Okay, let's go to chapter, so we're gonna go to chapter 15, but then go to Mark chapter seven and you can keep one finger and one part of the Bible, one and the other. So Leviticus chapter 15, and then we're gonna go to Mark chapter seven and I'm gonna try to prove a point because actually what I'm teaching right now is very controversial. And I know that there's gonna be people who don't like me who are going to watch this sermon and probably make a lot of videos about me and about how I'm dumb and I'm ignorant of the word and I'm not theologically trained because they don't agree with me because this is very hotly debated what I'm telling you right now, but I'm gonna make a point. So just stay with, well, let's talk about bodily discharges before I do that. So we're gonna go to Mark chapter seven, verse 14, but we're actually gonna be in Leviticus chapter 15 first. So it says, "The Lord said to Moses and to Aaron, speak to the Israelites and say to them." So again, you see that verbiage. When any man has an unusual bodily discharge, can you imagine those pastoral meetings? Pastor Harvey, I need to meet with you. Yet what is it, son? I have an unusual bodily discharge. Okay, let's examine it. (laughing) Welcome to our August series. For those of you who are new to V one church, I love going really deep into the scriptures in the month of August, it's kind of something different. But it says such a discharge is unclean, whether it continues flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring about uncleanness. Any bed that the man with the discharge lies on will be unclean and anything he sits on will be unclean. Anyone who touches his bed must wash their clothes and bathe with water and they will be unclean until evening whoever sits on anything that the man with the clothes or discharge sat on must wash their clothes and bathe with water and they will be unclean until the evening. Whoever touches the man has a discharge, must wash their clothes and bathe with water and they will be unclean until evening. If the man with the discharge spits on anyone who is clean, they must wash their clothes and bathe it with water and they will be unclean until the evening. Everything the man sits on when writing will be unclean and whoever touches any of the things that are under him will be unclean until the evening. I mean, and you can go on and on and on and on. And so even verse 12 is hilarious. A clay pot that the man touches must be broken and any wooden article is to be rinsed with water. Now, and then it goes on to talk about a seven days from a ceremonial cleaning, but it. Oh, wow. (audience laughing) I've never had emotional music play behind my bodily discharge chapter of, son, I know your seat is unclean. (audience laughing) I know we had to break your favorite clay pot and you love that clay pot, but. (laughing) Why do I actually feel the anointing in the presence of God right now? (audience laughing) You know why? 'Cause God cares. That's the message of the book of Leviticus. God cares. I know that sounds so crazy to like scream, preach that as my house or off a discharges, but God cares about every aspect of our life and then he placed Aaron and his sons, which were the Levites. So now you understand Leviticus, Levites. They were mediators, man, I got chills all over me now. They were mediators between God and man, and you would come to them and say, "I have an unusual discharge." And then the Levites would say, God cares about that thing that happened and he has a whole plan for it. And here's the plan. And then you would feel loved by Aaron and the priests and you would feel loved by God because nothing you went through did not have a plan. Does this make sense now? So it's like, and so I got chills all over me because it's like when you read the book of Leviticus, it's almost as if God's saying, "Everything you encounter I care about, "every way your body can hurt." I mean, there's a whole thing about being bald and it says, well, if you know, try to figure out if it's what the source of baldness is and if they're just bald 'cause they're bald, that's okay. But if they're bald because there's some other reason, let's, you know, whatever. And it's almost, so imagine you're like, "I'm losing my hair." Which really for men is like a devastating thing when they go through that. And some guys, you know, it really hurts their ego and they struggle with it. And I know this sounds crazy, but there's probably men at our church that are having an identity crisis about their hair and, you know, like, I don't feel like myself. I'm being serious right now. But then you would go to the priest and say, "Hey, I'm worried." And they would be examining you and they'd say, "No, listen, you know, "you just have male pattern baldness "and you're gonna be a stud, you know?" By the way, you know, you don't worry about it. That's just, you know, whatever. You really love it, you know, but then sometimes it's like, "Oh, no, there's another condition here "and we're gonna help you with this." I feel like crying over this, that's so weird. But there was like such a, it was such a community. And it was like, there was this coming together of vulnerability. And there was no real secrets because you were dealing with this stuff. It was like, "Hey, I need to talk to you. "I'm worried about this. "My hairline's going back there." You know this, and the priest's like, "No, come on, let's do this together." It was, "Hey, I gotta talk to you, man. "I woke up and there was this discharge in my bed." And then it didn't stop. That's a crazy thing to tell somebody. But, you know, it was like, it brought a peace to their life to know that God cares about all everything I go through. And then God placed people in leadership over me to help me go through these things with them. And God always had a plan. So the reason why I've been so excited to teach the book of Leviticus to you is because it shows you an aspect of God and God's leaders that I think is needed in today's world. Because, no, thank you, Holy Ghost. Try doing that on YouTube. I think Leviticus is more important now than ever before because what we want from YouTube is sermons without servants. What we want from YouTube is we wanna delete the modern-day Levites, and we don't want Harvey to know about our discharge. We, no, seriously, what YouTube is is, I'm gonna get information disconnected from the infrastructure. So it's like, this is the heart of God is that God installed leaders and infrastructure and community and knowing each other and coming together. And this is why we just announced that Evan Wilson is the new campus pastor of our V1 Global online. (audience cheering) This is why we just announced that Randall and Mary are the new campus pastors of New Jersey. As they're, come on. (audience cheering) Because it has to be more than just getting information. There has to be this, God's placed these new Levites in the new covenant, and they're gonna know me and I'm gonna be known by them, and we're gonna share life together. And God has a plan for everything we're going through, but I need biblical wisdom. Okay, now let's go. I got you a few more minutes. Okay, so Mark chapter seven. I can't believe I'm pulling this off, praise God. I was scared to preach today, I'll be honest. This is tough. Mark chapter seven, verse 14. And Jesus called the crowd to him and said, listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside of a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it's what comes out of a person that defiles them. Now you know why Jesus got killed by his own people. Because they spent their entire life having to learn hundreds and hundreds of rules and regulations about what they can and cannot eat. Then here comes Jesus saying, by the way, I'm the Messiah and there's nothing that is on the outside that can defile you. They're like, what are you talking about, man? I had to break a clay pot because I had a discharge that made me unclean. I had to wash my sheets. You're talking, I'm not defiled because of that. I'm not unclean. And he was like, no, it's what's inside that makes you unclean. So this is the revelation of it. What happened as the protection of God got perverted and distorted into legalism and people got more concerned with following those laws than knowing the God that gave them to Moses and Aaron. And they got messed up where they forgot the reasoning behind it. So what Jesus is trying to do is to help them understand, yeah, of course, then this is what I meant by the paradox of him not breaking the law but fulfilling it. It's that he preserves the principle even if some of the other things are not necessary in our daily lives. Are y'all with me still? But then he goes a step deeper and he was like, it's the inside, why? Because I need to change you from the inside out because you can follow all this but still not know me. So now let's go to Acts chapter 10. So we're in Mark chapter seven verse 14. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, then we go to Acts. Acts chapter 10. We're gonna pray here in a moment. And it is Acts chapter 10 verse, Acts chapter 10 verse nine. Yeah, praise God. About noon the following day as they were on the journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray and he became hungry and he wanted something to eat and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance and he saw heaven open and saw like a large sheep being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals as well as reptiles and birds. That's Leviticus chapter 11, 12, 13, 4, 8. It's like he's seeing this unfold in front of him and it contains all kinds of footed animals, reptiles and birds. And then a voice said, get up, Peter, kill and eat. Surely not, not Lord. I have never eaten anything impure or unclean. I've always done the Levitical order. I've always done it. And then the voice spoke to him a second time and said, do not call anything impure that God has made clean. This happened three times. Now you remember how Peter denied Christ three times? Don't you see a pattern? Now he's coming to him again through the Holy Ghost and three times this happens to Peter. And you know what the revelation of three is? Is Peter was stubborn? That's the revelation. He was stuck on stupid. And God was like, I've got to tell you three times 'cause you're not getting it because Peter, you're in the wrong covenant. You don't have a full revelation of the freedom that people have access to. And it says, while Peter was wondering about the, wondering about the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found out where Simon's house was and they stopped at the gate. And they called out asking if Simon was known as Peter was staying there. And while Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Lord said to him, Simon, three men are looking for you. Get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them for I have sent them. Peter went down and sent to the men. I'm the only one, or I'm the one that you're looking for. Why have you come? Then the men said, we have come from Cornelius the centurion. He is a righteous and God-fairy man who is respected by all the Jewish people. A holy angel told him to ask you to come to our house and hear what you have to say. And then Peter invited the men to the house to be his guest. Now, let's end on this. Peter was a Jew. And even though he accepted Jesus Christ, he was still living in that old covenant. And what God was trying to say was clean and unclean is a revelation about Jesus being the bridge to bring Gentile non-Jewish people into the promise of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And so because Peter so deeply had these categories in his mind, the Lord had to give him an open vision to say, Peter, delete those categories out of your mind because I wanna save the entire world, not just the Jewish people, and I wanna do it through the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach. And so that was the revelation. That was the revelation. But see, in the centurion, and you go on and you read about Cornelius, but what is the revelation of this in our mind is even as Christians, we have categories. Even as Christians, we think we know who's in and who's out, who's really saved and who's not saved. Oh, I'm team Vlad, I'm team Mike, I'm team Dega, I'm team this, no, I'm gospel coalition, no, I'm Baptist, no, I'm Presbyterian, no, I'm Methodist, I'm more Tim Keller, I'm more this, and the Lord say, you know, it's crazy. It's like, oh no, those people, we're not like them, we're not this, and I feel like what God wants to say is, look at yourself. It's what's inside that's defiling you. Pay attention, and that's why I feel like we need to take Leviticus and the Book of Mark and the Book of Acts, and that needs to be the message for this generation, is stop looking at everybody else and say, God, there's something in me that's defiling me. And while I'm so caught up on what I consume, it's actually what's already in me that needs to be transformed. So would you stand to your feet with me as we come to close on this? (gentle music) Colossians chapter two, verse 16, warns against legalism in the matters of food and drink, okay? So this is why it's very, very important for you to understand Paul's teaching on clean and unclean. It actually emphasizes your conscience and faith as well. There's so much more we can get into, Romans chapter 14. But what I really wanted you to understand in all of this, and this is why I'm gonna end with this picture of communion, because it's mind-blowing. Now Jesus says, (laughs) to Jewish people, 12 Jewish disciples, this is what he says. This is my body that was broken for you. This is my blood that was spilled for you. And what he's saying is, as you take this in, me, then from the inside, you will be transformed. And then no longer will it be external motivating factors, but this resurrection power will be at work inside of you. And then what will happen is, 'cause hey, you are what you eat. You are what you eat. And so just like in the book Leviticus, it said, don't eat anything unclean or you become unclean. What then he begins to say is, this is my body that's broken. This is my blood. And so when you partake of me, you become like me. And then as you become like me, I transform you from inside out. And instead of you ingesting something unclean and becoming unclean, you take the only thing that was ever totally clean, which is me, Jesus. And then I begin to make you clean. It's the revelation of communion. Now, I wanna go all the way back full circle. We're gonna pray this thing out. Remember when I talked about the moment of salvation and how you wake up the next day and you say, "Wow, I can't believe I still have the propensity to sin?" How many times do you eat in your lifetime? So he says for as often as you do this, who do this in remembrance of me? Oh yeah, you confessed me one time, but you must consume me every single day. You must partake of me. You must, because you're being transformed, which is the initial moment of salvation, but then the process of sanctification over time. And as you are sanctified, you become more and more and more like him through the consumption of him every single day. Y'all, I'm about to pray this thing out. So if you wanna step now into communion with God, and if you wanna say, "God, I get it, "I wanna receive what you have for me on a daily basis, "and I wanna be transformed from the inside out, "and I wanna delete all these boundaries "and all these factions I've made, "and Lord, I wanna start taking this journey "to look at me." Would you just lift your hands so we can pray together? Say this with me, say, "Heavenly Father, "I receive your sacrifice, wash me with your blood. "I will commit to daily consuming you, "change me from the inside out. "By your sacrifice, take me on a journey "of sanctification, holiness, "that only you can do, and I receive it now. "In Jesus' name, amen. "Can somebody put your hands together "and just celebrate what Jesus did." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)