
July 22, 2024 - God Is In Your Future

God will always take care of you.

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22 Jul 2024
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Welcome to Prayer Drive. Today's episode will start in just a few moments. But first, let us remind you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. When we pray, make sure you keep your eyes open. And by all means, start the Prayer Drive app before you begin your drive. And now, here's your host, C.E. Line Your Bronner with today's episode. Welcome to Prayer Drive. This is C.E. Line Your Bronner. I'm so happy and excited and delighted to have you join us today. What a wonderful day, a beautiful day, a great day. And I pray you're having a wonderful drive on the way to work, school, or wherever you may be traveling. Well, we are sharing something in John chapter 6. A wonderful account there where Jesus fit the 5,000 men. And as we have said, it could have been 20,000 people. By the time you include women and children, but it's just an outstanding miracle there that Jesus did. And we learned some things that helped us today in our lives. We learned that first of all, Jesus cared for people, you know, and he cares for us. He was concerned that these people needed to eat, that they were hungry, that they were tired, etc. And he didn't want to send them away in that state. He wanted to refresh them. He wanted them to rest. And he wanted them to enjoy a meal and be feel. So God's concerned with our natural needs. I love that. He cares about us. That's why the Bible says over in 1 Peter's, "Cast all your cares on him for he cares for us." When translation says he cares for us watchfully and affectionately. God watches over us, man. And he affectionately cares for us. He loves us so much. Oh, my goodness. God loves us so much. And, you know, so I learned that God really cares for us. And just in that miracle he did with the multiply on the fish and the loaves there in John chapter 6. Second thing I learned is that he tests us. We talked about that last time. He'll test us. So you'll go through trials or challenges or things that happen in life. You might have somebody to try to upset you, but that's merely a test. Just to see how you're going to respond. You know, things happen in life. And they are just simply a test. So make sure you always take time to listen to the Holy Spirit so that you can respond correctly when things happen in life. You know, anything happens. Just make sure that you pass the test. And so you want to take time and that shows our maturity and our growth. Our characters develop when we respond correctly to the challenges of life. You know, when we encounter problems with people or problematic people. Or any situation, you know, we want to respond according to God's Word and according to his spirit. And according to his character, it's a test. The third thing we learn is that when he asks Philip, he already knew what he was going to do about the situation of feeding this multitude of people. Jesus already knew what he was going to do, but he was just simply testing Philip. So I gleaned from that is that, you know, God already knows. He already knows what he's going to do for you. He already knows what he's going to do for you. So he's testing to see if you're going to trust him. He already knows God is never puzzled. He's never ringing his hand. He's never caught off guard. He's never surprised because he already knows. He already knows he sees the end from the beginning. And so he already knows the plans that it has for us. So God's not worried and he wants you to trust him. He's already in your future. God's already there. And he's already made provision for you. He's Jehovah Jireh. That's the God who sees ahead and provides. I want you to know that God already knows. He's already made plans. He's already prepared you. He's prepared for you. Wonderful things. And he already knows what he has for you and what he's going to do in you and through you and for you. Praise God. Let's pray. Father, we just thank you so much. Thank you, Lord, for just sharing these truths with us, Lord, that you care for us affectionately, Lord, that we're always faced with tests. And Lord, we can learn to trust you because you're already in our future and you already have things prepared for us. You're never caught off guard. You're never word or stressed out or surprised by anything. Lord, because you're all knowing. And we just so grateful that we can come to you and call your Father and depend on you and trust in you, Lord. And we are excited because we know that you have good things in store for us. You've already laid up and prepared wonderful, good things for us. And we just release our faith and love in you. And we're just so happy to be in you, Lord, and serve you. And we just thank you for this beautiful day, Lord, and I pray for everyone listening today that you do something special for them and bless them in a special way just because you love them. And you love them so dearly, Lord. In the sense of Jesus, name we pray. Amen. We pray that you've been blessed and encouraged with today's prayer drive, with C. E. Light Your Father. Make sure you connect with us at and share this podcast with a friend so that they may be blessed and encouraged. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes straight ahead, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal GPS. And He will guide you in all truth. We'll see you next time for the next prayer drive with C. E. Light Your Father.