
July 17, 2024 - It's A Test

Get ready for a test today. A promotion must be around the next corner.

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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Welcome to Prayer Drive. Today's episode will start in just a few moments. But first, let us remind you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. When we pray, make sure you keep your eyes open. And by all means, start the Prayer Drive app before you begin your drive. And now, here's your host, C.E. Ligeor Bronner, with today's episode. Welcome to Prayer Drive. This is C.E. Ligeor Bronner, and I'm so happy and excited and delighted to have you join us today. What a beautiful day, a wonderful day, and I pray you're having a wonderful drive on the way to work, school, or wherever you may be traveling. What I want to share a thought today out of the Gospel of John chapter six, and this is where I just want to share this account where Jesus decides to take care of all of these people who came out to spend time with him. A scripture records us about 5,000 people, 5,000 men, rather than not counting women and children, so if you conservatively add the women and children, this could possibly be a crowd of 20,000 people or more. But anyway, as the time has lingered on, the day has drawn on, and these people now need something to eat, and so Jesus, all the scripture says that Jesus already knew what he was going to do, but he asked one of his disciples. He asked Philip, he said, "Philip, where can we buy food sufficient enough to feed these people? How can we feed these people?" And so he asked Philip to test him. He didn't ask him to find out. He asked him to actually, as a test, he wanted to know what was in Philip's mind and heart, and he wanted to know where his faith was located, so he wanted to locate Philip, so he asked him the question, as a test, and I want you to know that God also tests us. God wants to know how we're going to respond in certain situations. Every day is a test, life is a test, and so you will find yourself, you know, you may be stuck in traffic. That's a test. Someone may cut in front of you in traffic. That's a test. There'll be times, and I've had this happen to me, but there'll be times you may be on a crowded parking lot, looking for a parking spot, and then as soon as you locate one, I mean, you're just about to go in and somebody'll dart in there and park in your spot before you can get in. That's a test. We test it all the time, but God is always monitoring our reaction. He's monitoring our reaction to these tests. He's monitoring our reactions to challenges, and he's always checking our faith. He's always checking how to see how we're going to respond to life's challenges, and so I just wanted to let you know that you have some tests today, but I want you to be on the lookout for them, and I want you to pass them with flying colors. So if you have someone who's irritating, make sure you respond in a godly way. If you have someone that's short temperate with you today, just remember that's simply a test, and you pass that test with flying colors. Show them love anyway. If you see some paper on the ground, stop and pick it up. Put it in the trash. That's a test. So God's always testing us to test our character. He's always testing our faith. He's always testing our obedience. He's always testing our attitude, and so things happen in life, but they are merely a test. Praise God. Let's pray. Father, I just love you and praise you. Thank you so much, Lord, for causing us to grow and develop and to deepen our character. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity. Each day is a test. We have each day. We have an opportunity to trust you. We have an opportunity to love people, and we have an opportunity to deepen our character. We ask you to help us, Lord, and help us to make good decisions, good choices, daily to represent you well in the earth, help us to be godly-minded, and righteous-minded, and word-minded, and to live as you live, as you would want us to live, and to operate in our maturity as we have grown in you, Lord. We just thank you for the Holy Spirit, and lead us and guide us, Lord, and we make a deliberate effort, and we make a deliberate decision to follow the prompting and the leading of the Holy Spirit to always do what's right, always follow your will in your word, and your wisdom by the Holy Spirit and by their knowing. And he said, "Jesus, name we pray." Amen. We pray that you've been blessed and encouraged with today's prayer drive, with C.E. Like your brother. Make sure you connect with us at and share this podcast with a friend so that they may be blessed and encouraged. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel, your eye straight ahead, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal GPS, and he will guide you in all truth. We'll see you next time for the next prayer drive with C.E. Like your brother.