
July 15, 2024 - Wise Learner

Become a wise learner today!

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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Welcome to Prayer Drive. Today's episode will start in just a few moments. But first, let us remind you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. When we pray, make sure you keep your eyes open. And by all means, start the Prayer Drive app before you begin your drive. And now, here's your host, C Elide your Bronner with today's episode. Welcome to Prayer Drive. This is C Elide your Bronner and I'm so happy and excited and delighted to have you join us today. What a beautiful day. Wonderful day. God is good. Life is good. And actually life is good because God is good. Pray is good. When I pray that you're happy and full of joy on your way to work school or wherever you may be traveling today. I want to share a thought out of the Book of Proverbs. I want to read a couple of verses. Verse chapter 1 says that a wise man will hear and will increase learning. So wise man will hear and will increase learning. So wise a wise man will continue to learn. Also, Proverbs chapter 9 says something very similar. It says give instruction to a wise man and he will yet be wiser. Teach a just man and he will increase in learning. So I just love this characteristic of wise people. Wise people continue learning. Wise people are eager to learn. They're always trying to learn something new every day. They're constantly in learn mode. And I think that's a wonderful quality to adopt in our lives is to be custom learners. Always learning something new. Always growing, always developing because you know the more we know the more we can do the more we can help others. And so you can only do what you know. So the more we know the more we can do and the greater blessing that we can become. Man, it's so much fun. I was also reading the book called Age Smart. And it teaches you how to age smart beyond midlife and beyond. So after you, you know, after you pass 50 and as you get older and older, it teaches you how to age smart so that you don't just fade away into oblivion and become useless and, you know, sedentary and rocking away your life in a nursing home or whatever. It teaches you how to stay active and how to stay engaged in life, how to still be useful and purposeful and enjoy every moment of life. But one of the keys I found in the book is that you have to continue to learn. You have to maintain your great sense of curiosity. You have to always be interested in learning something new, trying new things, learning new things. I've written about some very famous people who were just tremendous in their older years. For instance, Jimmy Carter and about his life was very interesting that he started after he finished his presidency and so forth and worked on some major things. He started oil painting. He learned how to, you know, do oil painting and he now sells his paintings. He also learned how to make handcrafted wooden furniture. And so he makes those and sells those and he donates money to charity and so forth because he doesn't need it. But he's constantly learning and growing. I love that. So he became an oil painter. He handcrafts wooden furniture, but he just wanted to keep himself learning and growing, sharpening his skills. And so that's what the Bible says that a wise person does. And so we want to learn. We want to grow. You know, life is so fun when you make it a fun adventure and you can live to be 100 years old and older if you incorporate learning and trying new things and constantly maintaining your curiosity and just growing and developing as a person and you become a greater benefit to others. Praise God. Let's pray. Father, we just thank you so much for just the truth of your word. Thank you for teaching us to be continual learners, Lord, to learn new things and constantly improve ourselves so that we can be a greater blessing in the earth and also so that we can live life with fun and full of adventure and we're enjoying life even over to past 100 years of age, Lord, that we can be effective and we can be useful and helpful and we can be vibrant and full of energy and joy and live life to the fullest as you intend. We thank you so much for that, Lord. I just pray for everyone listening today. Bless them in a special way, Father. We just love you and praise you for being God in our lives. Bring our Heavenly Father, being so good to us. And it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. We pray that you've been blessed and encouraged with today's prayer drive with C. Elijah Brouder. Make sure you connect with us at and share this podcast with a friend so that they may be blessed and encouraged. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes straight ahead, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal GPS and He will guide you in all truth. We'll see you next time for the next prayer drive with C. Elijah Brouder.