
July 1, 2024 - Joy Filled Part 8

Smile and brighten someone's day.

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01 Jul 2024
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Welcome to Prayer Drive. Today's episode will start in just a few moments. But first, let us remind you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. When we pray, make sure you keep your eyes open. And by all means, start the Prayer Drive app before you begin your drive. And now, here's your host, C.E.Lide Your Bronner, with today's episode. Welcome to Prayer Drive. This is C.E. Lines Your Bronner. I'm so happy and excited and delighted to have you join us today. I pray you're having a wonderful drive on the way to work school or wherever you may be traveling. Well, man, I'm still talking about joy and I am full of joy and you are full of joy. And Jesus' joy is in us. Praise God. I was reading the script for him in Second John. This is Second John just before the book of Revelation, the book of Second John. And he said, "Walk in truth, walk in love and be full of joy." I like that. I like that. In other words, walk in the Word, man, walk in love and be full of joy. And that's the way you live. That's good instruction for living. Walk in His Word, walk in love and be full of joy. Praise God. Proverbs 17, 22 says, "That a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." You ever wonder why arthritis is so rampant and osteoporosis and all these brutal bones and stiffness of bones? Well, that's because a broken spirit dries up the bone. So you want to get rid of arthritis and you want to guard yourself from osteoporosis and all it may be full of joy and be full of joy. A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bone. So that means that a joyful spirit moisturizes the bone. So if you want to add more flexibility to all your bones and joints and so forth, be full of joy. Be full of joy. It actually affects your physical body. Praise God. You know, I read a study that said, "One minute of laughter, boost your immune system for 24 hours. One minute of anger decreases your immune system for four to five hours." So man, just laughing, boost your immune system and cause so many wonderful benefits in the body and in the mind and in the spirit. So that's why Jesus wanted us to be full of joy. Proverbs 15, 15 says, "For the despondent every day brings trouble. For the happy heart, life is a continual feast regardless of the circumstances." Man, isn't that good? Praise God. We have a continual feast when we have a happy heart. We're just feasting and we're always happy. Regardless of the circumstances, our joy is not based on what's happening around us. Our joy is based on what's happening in us and is Jesus's joy. As long as we are attached to divine, we are the branches and as long as we're attached to divine, his joy flows in us and fills us up, man, and we're able to rejoice and have joy in all circumstances. Praise God. Let's pray. Father, we just love you and praise you and give you things. Thank you for your joy. Thank you for your goodness. Thank you for your love and all of life, Lord. I just pray you bless everyone today in a special way, Lord, and let them feel you join your presence, Lord. Be a blessing to others. We are so grateful to be in your kingdom, Lord, to be able to share this joy in the world, to be a light in an dark place, Lord, to be joy in the middle of sadness. And we're just grateful for your supernatural joy and delight in our lives, increase it above and beyond measure in new and just a new and a fresh refreshing way. And it's in Jesus' name. We pray. Amen. We pray that you've been blessed and encouraged with today's prayer drive, with C. Elijah. Make sure you connect with us at and share this podcast with a friend so that they may be blessed and encouraged. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes straight ahead, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal GPS, and He will guide you in all truth. We'll see you next time for the next prayer drive with C. Elijah. Father.