Froggy the Gator

The Magic Carpets

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Froggy and his friends go on a desert adventure. They ride magic carpets, meet a sphinx, and find a magical crystal. But will they also learn a valuable lesson about kindness? Listen in and find out!

Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

- Welcome back to another episode of your favorite kid's podcast for "Oggy the Gator." And we got some birthdays and jokes to get to folks. So here we go. This joke is from Edward, age five. Very funny if I do say so. Why did the chicken go to the bonkers? Why did the chicken go to the bonkers? Because he wanted to bonk his way there. (laughs) I, I, I, I, you think I get it? All right, nice one Edward, there you go. Thank you for that, thank you for that Edward. Another hilarious one from Declan, also aged five. What did the water bottle say to the plant? I'm going to water you. Hey, because that's what they do, Declan. Bring in the laughs for us today. And we got a couple from Sawyer, age seven, and Phoenix, age five, who are living down in Costa Rica by way of Canada. And Sawyer's joke goes like this. What would you do if you were walking down the road and all your toes fell off? What would you do if you were just walking down the road and all your toes fell off? You'd call the tow truck. (laughs) That one I, that one I definitely get. All right, thank you Sawyer. And then Phoenix's little bro, is Phoenix's joke goes like this. What would you do if you were walking down the street and your legs fell off? That would be a terrible predicament first of all, but the answer to the joke is you would bum around. (laughs) Thank you Phoenix for that one. And a big happy birthday to Grant, who was turning five on August 25th in just a few days. So happy birthday to you, sir. And Grant wrote a joke too. And his goes like this. Why did the peanut talk? Why did the peanut talk? Because it was ambitious. (laughs) Sounds like a good four to five year old joke. I'm very familiar with those. So thank you Grant. And happy early birthday to you, sir. And we got some more birthdays coming up next week, so stay tuned for those. And I'm working on parents, a better system for collecting birthdays. So stand by, I'll let you all know when that's ready. I need like a proper form on the website that actually organizes things a little bit better. It's coming, it's coming. And today's story is very exciting. And it starts right now. Froggy the Gator was at home sitting in his room, surrounded by his favorite toys. His best friends, Mr. Hummus, Wormbird, and Tomato Hedgehog were with him too. And they were all having a lazy afternoon wondering what new adventure they could get into. Suddenly, they heard a noise, a strange whooshing sound coming from under Froggy's bed. What's that, Froggy said, as he jumped up to investigate? I don't know, Mr. Hummus said, peering under the bed. "Maybe it's some kind of secret treasure," Wormbird exclaimed. So Froggy reached under the bed and pulled out an old rolled up carpet. It was colorful with intricate designs woven into it, reds, blues, and golds, and it shimmered in the light. But there was something different about this carpet. It seemed to hum with energy. "Whoa," said Froggy, "where did this thing come from?" As they unrolled the carpet to their surprise, it actually began to float slightly above the ground. But then, to their further surprise, three more carpets appeared, one for each of the kids. They all gasped in amazement. "Oh my goodness," Mr. Hummus exclaimed. "It's not just a magic carpet, it's four magic carpets." So each friend climbed onto their own carpet. Froggy's was kind of reddish brown with a blue edge to it. And Mr. Hummus's was blue in the middle with a cool design and red and gold around the sides. And tomato hedgehogs was red with a gold design around the sides of his. And Wormbirds was light purple in the middle and dark purple around the ends. The carpets lifted all the guys higher and higher, hovering a few feet above the ground in Froggy's room. And then suddenly, they zoomed forward, flying through the open window and into the sky above Gator Grove. The wind whipped past their faces as they soared higher and higher. The trees below them slowly turning in to just tiny green dots. "Oh my goodness," Wormbird said. "This is incredible." As he flapped his bug wings, thinking to himself, "You know, I've never flown without needing my bug wings before. "Where do you think they're taking us?" asked Mr. Hummus, clutching onto his carpet tightly. Froggy's just smiled. "Well, wherever they're going, "it's gonna be an adventure." So they flew up higher and higher on their four magic carpets until they got above the clouds. And then they looked ahead and they saw a vast shimmering desert below. With golden sands stretch as far as the eye could see and in the distance, they spotted an ancient city. It's tall spires and domes gleaming in the sunlight. The carpets gently descended, landing just outside the city gates. As they stepped off, they were greeted by a figure dressed in flowing robes and a turban. He had a long gray beard and wise eyes that twinkled with kindness. "Welcome, travelers," the man said. "I am Sahim, the guardian of the magic carpets. "It seems you've discovered their true power, "but beware, for with great power comes great responsibility." Froggy nodded, "Well, we're ready "for whatever challenges come our way, Sahim." And Sahim just smiled back. "Very well, the magic carpets have brought you here "for a reason. "In this city lies a hidden treasure, "but it's not just gold or jewels. "It is a treasure of wisdom and kindness. "To find it, you must complete three tasks." "We're in," said Mr. Hummus. "What are the tasks?" Sahim gestured toward the city. "First, you must cross the river of reflection "without falling in. "Second, you must solve the riddle of the Sphinx. "And third, you must find the heart of the oasis "hidden deep within the desert." "That sounds like a piece of cake," Froggy said confidently. And the friends climbed back onto their carpets, which carried them to the edge of the river of reflection. The water was crystal clear, and as they looked into it, they could see their own reflections staring back at them. But something was strange. Their reflections didn't just mimic their movements. They seemed to have minds of their own. "This is weird," said Warmburg tilting his head. As they tried to cross, their reflections started to act out, trying to distract and confuse them. Froggy's reflection made hilarious faces, while Mr. Hummus's reflection started dancing around, kinda like a monkey, and Warmburg's reflection just flapped its wings wildly, while Tomato Hedgehog's reflection shut out a bunch of tomatoes from his tomato cannons on his back. "All right, guys, we need to focus," Froggy said. "Let's ignore the distractions of these reflections "and just focus on moving forward." So they slowly inched across the river, ignoring the wild antics of their reflections. It was difficult, but they managed to reach the other side without falling in. "Task one, complete," Froggy cheered. "Next, the carpets flew them to the base "of a giant stone's finks. "It's face was stern and wise, "and it's voice boomed as it spoke. "To pass, you must answer my riddle," the sphinx declared. "Here is your question. "I speak without a mouth, and I hear without ears. "I have no body, but I come alive with wind. "What am I?" The friends all huddled together, thinking as hard as they could. It's something that can speak and hear, but it doesn't have a mouth or ears, Mr. Hummus pondered. "Yeah, yeah, and it comes alive with wind," Wormbird added. "What could that possibly mean?" "I've got it," Froggy exclaimed. "It's an echo, an echo." The sphinx just smiled, and the ground beneath them rumbled as a hidden door opened, revealing the path forward. "You have answered correctly," the sphinx said. "And thus, you may pass." With two tasks down, the guys were feeling pretty confident. The magic carpets whisked them away deeper into the desert. The sun was blazing and the sands seemed to go on forever, but Froggy, Mr. Hummus, Wormbird, and Tomato Hedgehog kept their eyes peeled for any sign of the heart of the oasis. And then finally, they spotted it. A lush, green patch of land in the middle of the desert with a sparkling blue pond at its center. They landed and approached the water where they saw a glowing, heart-shaped crystal resting at the bottom of the water. "This must be it," Froggy said, and as they reached in for the crystal, they heard a voice. "To take the heart of the oasis, you must show an act of kindness." Froggy thought for a moment, "You guys, I know exactly what to do." And he picked up a small, wilted flower from the edge of the pond and placed it gently into the water. He made sure to include the roots and the flower immediately sprang to life, blooming brightly. "Ah," said the voice, "kindness nourishes all. The heart of the oasis is yours." With the crystal in hand, the friends climbed back onto their magic carpets, which carried them back to Sahim. Sahim, the guardian, smiled as they presented him the heart of the oasis. "You have completed all three tasks," Sahim said. "You've proven yourselves worthy of the magic carpets' power. And remember, true treasure lies in wisdom and in kindness." With that, the carpets lifted them back into the sky and before they knew it, they were back in Froggy's room. The adventure was over, but the lessons they learned would stay with them forever. And as they rolled up their magic carpets and placed them back under Froggy's bed, Froggy just laughed and said, "I wonder where they'll take us next time." (gentle music)