Jesse Kelly Show

Political Brainwashing

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17 Aug 2024
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All that, including how I got my name and so much more coming up tonight on the world-famous Jesse Kelly Show. I want to begin here. I want to begin here. In fact, I'm going to combine two of these because the answer is very, very similar. I'll do the first one. Dear Dr. Jesse, I think you don't even have to go to college to be corrupted by communist ideology. I love my sister. I'm sad. She chose to believe in it. He's kind to her, but she's lost her mind. He said, "I have a question. I've been called a creep by liberal white women several times, and for some reason that we're just eats away in the back of my mind. I was wondering what makes conservative dudes creepy to liberal white women." Okay. So hang on to that. Set that aside for a minute. What makes conservative dudes creepy to liberal white women? Next one. Dr. Jesse, can we talk about voting for a candidate versus voting against one? No one voted for Biden. They voted against Trump. I suspect it will be the same this November. How do we overcome this mentality in the voting, in the voting booth? Well, let's have a long talk about this because we have to understand programming and how programming works, why programming works. All right. So we've been talking all week, we don't have to go into it again about the ongoing decades long project to dumb down Americans. Americans do not understand basic civics. They don't at all make the connection between government spending and the cost of eggs. They just, they're so dumb down by this point in time. They don't understand certain things. But why, why in the world would the communists want that? Why would they want people who are so stupid? Well, let's talk about stupid people. I have a friend. I'm not going to give out his name. We were teenagers high school. We were seniors in high school and we had to leave town for some sports tournament we were going to and he's an idiot. Just a moron. I don't know a better way to describe it and I'm, I love the guy, but he's a moron. He's just not very smart. He doesn't doesn't know anything, he just has a very low IQ. And because of that, of course, because we were young and stupid and cruel, we took advantage of it. And at one point we paid him $5 to strip down naked and run through the hotel. We paid him to streak through the hotel. Now a logical thinking person would say, hold on, I'm going to get busted for this. The arrest, the fine alone would make the $5 completely ridiculous, let alone the humiliation of having to talk to your parents. Anyone at any kind of an IQ level would say to themselves, wait, no, that's dumb. Not even close to worth it. I'm not doing that. He took the $5 close went off and off he went without a minute of hesitation. Dumb people are programmable people, people who don't think and don't want to think. They are programmable people. Just think of them. I've, I've used the example before, like robots or computers. They are so dumb down and demoralized, they're programmable. And look, how many times do we talk about how I want to learn how to think better? I want you to learn how to think better. I want to know how to think about stories. I don't want you just to tune in to figure out what I have to say about a story. I want us all myself included to get better at figuring out the why, figuring out the big pictures. So the second you see a story. You automatically come to your own conclusions because you understand you've thought through it. That's what I want for me. It's what I want for you. It's what I want for all of us. We want to be thinkers. They don't share that. But back to what we were talking about, dumb down, demoralized. You know, the communists do something that we roll our eyes at that's very, very, very effective on people like this. And it's going to come back to answering these questions. Why do liberal white women think conservative dudes are creepy? Why do so many people vote against Trump instead of for something? When the communists say things like this, you will roll your eyes, scoff. I do the same thing. Roll my eyes. Oh gosh. Here we go. When they say things like this, think of this. Every at a time in Ku Klux Klan has been involved. They've worked. They've worked hoods. They're not identified under his presidency. They came out those woods with no hoods, knowing they had an ally. That's how I read it. They had an ally in the White House and he stepped up for them. You rolled your eyes. I rolled my eyes. That's ridiculous. Trump was on the side of the KKK. Trump, there's nothing in Trump's history to show he has a racist bone in his body. In fact, you could make the argument and many do that Trump spends way, way too much time trying to prove he's not a racist. It's ridiculous, of course, ridiculous that Trump part of the KKK. It's absurd. You roll your eyes. I roll my eyes. I say things like this. Mark my words. If he wins this nomination, I mean, excuse me, this election, watch what happens. It's a dangerous, genuine danger to American security. The things you roll your eyes at, the things you scoff at, the things I scoff at. They work. They work on a dumbed down, demoralized society. This is honest to God, crossed my heart and hoped to die. This is a conversation I had last night. I was with a group of dudes and there was a Democrat, not a friend in acquaintance, not my friend, a friend of a friend, a Democrat came in there and he started talking about a speech Trump gave yesterday. Of course, the communists can't help themselves. We can't just enjoy ourselves as dude. He asked to make it political, no one was talking politics, but he had to do it. And he said, did you see that speech Trump gave yesterday? That's how here we go. I'm going to try to be quiet, you know, try to remain calm, but of course I was being polite. I said, yeah, yeah. I cut parts of it. Talked about it. Man, it's so crazy. That guy's insane. I don't know how anyone can vote against that or vote for that. I said, Oh, okay, which, which parts? Well, he just sounded crazy, sounded like a nut job. I said, Oh, I, I know, I heard, I heard you the first time. Which part sounded crazy? Well, when he's talking about immigration, okay, what did he say? Which part was crazy? Well, the guys just nuts, he had nothing, did nothing at all. And then finally someone said, so you're going to vote for Harris? Oh, gosh. Yeah. Did you see, did you see she came out for price controls today? That's standard communism, price controls. It'll cause starvation, poverty. It's horrific. Did you see that today? What she said that today? Yeah, she said that. Well, I'm going to vote for her anyway. Okay. So you're going to vote for, you're going to vote for communism. You're going to vote for a communist. Well, that, look, that stuff's not going to be implemented. Trump is crazy. Now I know you're frustrated right now just listening to this conversation. I will tell you, I had to excuse myself not long after this. I was off work. When I'm off work, I don't like to talk politics like this. And I could feel my blood pressure. I could feel the vein inside of my head getting ready to freaking burst. And I've been around these people before, but that was how the conversation went based on nothing, no specifics, no details at all. The whole Trump is a Nazi, but they do this to every Republican, honestly. Bush is a Nazi. Trump's a Nazi. We roll our eyes of it. That's ridiculous. He's not like Hitler. What are you talking about? But they do it because it works. Once you have dumbed down enough people in a society, once you've done that, then you can tell them anything and get them to move on things. They will vote for things that make no sense. They will vote against things that make no sense unless you think, no matter which side of the aisle you're on, unless you think and process through things, left, right, middle, moderate. I don't give a crap of what we're talking for what we're talking about now, unless you stop process, think who's saying what? Why are they saying what? How is it possible? What is the motivation behind this? What is the greater thing at work? Unless you are a thinker, you have no chance at all. You're done. You will get eaten up by this system. Why do liberal white women think conservative dudes are creepy? Because they've been told that it has nothing to do with reality or logic. They've been told that. Why do people crawl across the mile of broken glass to vote against Donald Trump? Because they've been told he's a Nazi. He's Hitler. He's the end of democracy. He's okay. Okay. Are any of these things based in any part of reality? No, but you don't need reality when you've dumbed down the sheep to the point we've done down. Dumb down the sheep. That is why. Let's move on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Right now we're going over. There were a couple of emails about, hey, why do liberal white women think dudes on the right are creepy? Why do why do Democrats? Why do they vote against Trump? That's their main motivation. It's not for Biden. It's not for dome. It's against Trump. Why? Why? Why do they call Nazi Hitler? Okay. Okay. Why do they use those things? And I was explaining. I'm explaining. That's why you dumb down a society because dumb down people who don't think and don't want to think are more easily programmable. Have you ever seen a documentary on cults on any one of the various cults, Jim Jones, you know, any one of the various cults? If you have, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, allow me just to explain, you know what a cult is. I'm not going to insult your intelligence, but when they make these documentaries, they're of course talking about the cult and the cult leader and where they were and the crazy things they did, but the people they're interviewing during these documentaries are always former cult members. And when you watch these interviews with any depth at all, you'll find the former cult members almost universally. There are two things about the former cult members. One, they're thinkers. Why would you leave? You were part of a cult, but you left being a cult. It's very powerful and they'll almost always, almost every time they'll say something along the lines of, I started to think about this or this didn't make sense to me or I didn't understand. That's a human being got caught up in something bad, but their mind was still working. They were still processing information and watching thinking about things. I didn't get it. That's one of the things you will see almost universally and to almost universally they will discuss how afraid they were of their fellow cult members when they were trying or thinking about breaking away and oftentimes justifiably so. Now think about that. What if I start a creepy cult, the call of Jesse, that sounds awesome. What Chris, the call of Jesse, Chris won't join. Don't worry. You can join it. Chris won't be there. And, okay, we gather, where do we gather? I've got a shack. I've got a shack in Texas on a couple pieces of property. That's where we go worship me or whatever we do in our weird cult. Now if you're part of the call to Jesse, of course we have our meetups and we roast marshmallows and we worship Jesse. But why would it bother you if someone's going to leave the cult? Why should that bother you at all? They'll just go do their own thing and then they'll be gone. But it does. The thinkers who try to think and break away. They are treated with hostility by the people who don't want to think and they don't want to be reminded that they're not thinkers and they don't want anyone to break away. That is a huge part of the communist mentality you see out there. It's not just that they're not thinkers. It's that they don't want to think and they're angry that you do angry. It's why your liberal Aunt Peggy reacts angrily when you start using facts and logic to break down the insane things she believes. She doesn't want to think and she doesn't want you to make her think and she doesn't want you to think. Why can't you just just shut up and just just do what you're told. I'm going to play this again. This is this is we played it last night. Credit to TP USA. They're the ones who did it. They went to a Kamala Harris rally and started asking her voters. Why her? Why her? Why are you here? You could be doing anything. Why are you here? Listen to the call. Today we're trying to find out from the attendees what Kamala Harris's greatest accomplishment has been at a VP. Um, I mean, honestly, I'm not too into politics. I'm just here for the vibe becoming the first female vice president. Just becoming the VP is the best accomplishment. Yeah, absolutely. Being a good person. Being a good person. Yeah. Um, she's, I mean, she's, she's, she's, I don't know, she seems really good for women. Harris is there with the energy. She has a lot of enthusiasm. So it's important to get behind her. What is Kamala's like top accomplishment you think? Um, I can't say anything right now. Um, I'll, I'll stop it there. I could, it goes on for another minute. I played it last night. I don't need to do the whole thing. It's hard to accept your dealing with really cult members. You really are. And like last night, maybe I did wrong by leaving that group and I was discussing that conversation I was having with the Democrat who randomly came in and of course had to start running his mouth. Maybe I did wrong by leaving, but my general philosophy when it comes to this stuff has been this. I've had so many experiences where I will talk to one of these people and I will, even when I remain calm, which I try to do most of the time and I walk them through things logically and talk to them. Most of the time it doesn't even make a dent. You know, 90% of the cult, 95% of the cult, they want to stay in the cult and they will never leave. I'm not saying the Libra went Peggy in your life can't be saved and you shouldn't try. But I should have the part of the reason I walked away. Part of the reason I walked away is can't save them. That's, they don't want to think. They don't want to know they're programmed. That's safe. That's what they want out of life. All right. Speaking of programmed, you hear that lady right there who just said, come all is good for women. What does that mean? Of course it means nothing. That's not good for women to be raped by the illegal immigrants they pour into this country on purpose. That's not good. How's it good for women? What's she talking about? It is the Jesse Kelly song coming back with a Caitlyn Jenner tune on a Friday. Remember, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly It is, of course, an asked Dr. Jesse Friday and I don't want to focus on this from an historic perspective where one of the most unaffordable time periods that there's been in the, in the, certainly in the post 2000 time period. Well, that's inspiring. Hey, Jesse, need your advice. I know you've touched on this before, but I need more specific advice. My husband and I have received periodic questions from friends and family about having kids. I've always wanted to be a mother. My husband was totally on board for having kids once we got married. Now the time is here. We find ourselves very hesitant. I would like to stay at home with the kids since childcare is very expensive and hard to come by in our area. However, if I stay at home, it means cutting our income in half. We'd more than likely have to move back in with my mother to make it work. As much as I want kids, I'm not sure if I want to move back home and cut our income. Also our children can grow up in a continuously deteriorating America. Should we have kids? If so, should I quit my job and stay at home with them or continue to work and try to provide a better life for them? I just don't know what to do. You know what the greatest, greatest thing in life is on this planet, I should say. It's having a family structure, a family who loves you. If you are a child listening to the sound of my voice right now, and I know we have a bunch of kids who listen, and I love that, and you have two parents, you have a mom and a dad, they're still together and they're raising you. If you are a child listening to the sound of my voice and you are being raised in a loving two parent home, I have no doubt your parents make you angry. I certainly make my kids angry from time to time. You're exasperated, maybe you're ready to leave, allow me to explain something to you. You are, I'll just talk about privilege. You are the most privileged human being on earth. Every single metric points to the fact a man and woman getting married, staying married and raising their kids, set their children up for success. Now, stay with me here. Let's expand that a little bit more. As you mentioned, moving in with your mother, right? So what? I, as I watched, you mentioned the deteriorating America, and I agree with you. Obviously, we're looking around us at things, deteriorating culturally, economically, things are deteriorating. But that is more of a reason to start a family, not less of a reason. And brighten your home, brighten your day. They teach you how to be less selfish, less focused on yourself. You will guide them. You will watch them grow. You will screw up. I certainly do. They will screw up. But the family unit, you growing your family unit, even if it means moving back in with your mother, it's everything. It's more important than the next paycheck. It's more important than having your own house, or a bigger house, or a swimming pool, or a Lexus, first-class tickets. It's everything. As society deteriorates around us, we must become more clannish, for lack of a better way to put it. I realize when you say clannish, people think about the KKK and not with the hoods, Chris. I mean, we have to focus on our community, our clan, our organization, our family group. First, grow your family as things deteriorate. Don't shortchange yourself, one, on the joys of life, on reproducing, on raising kids. And this society needs your kids. They need you. This society, I raise my sons, and I'm the furthest thing away from a great father. Let me clarify. I love my boys. I have so many flaws and things that I know I'm passing down to them. I don't want to, but when I'm doing right, I raise my boys. I try to raise them with the knowledge this country's going to need them. This country's going to need young men who have their heads on straight, polite, young men who intend to find a woman, marry her, make babies with her, provide for protector. This country needs young men like that. And vice versa, young women, this country needs wonderful young women who who want to be mothers, who want to care for homes, care for men, support, be a team. This country needs more of that, not less as things devolve around us. We need to be expanding our families, not shrinking our families, because whatever comes, maybe we will continue to just disintegrate and go downhill as a culture, as a nation. And the history of the world kind of points to that being the most likely outcome when you're a nation and you hit that peak and you start going down. It's very, very, very, very difficult to reverse that historically. That's hard to find. So maybe as a country, as a 50 state nation, maybe that's the direction we're going. But no matter what, whether we rebound or whether we just drive this car at 100 miles an hour, right off the cliff, a strong, big, loving family will only help. And I understand it means sacrifices. I totally get it. And I have been there, I have my wife and I, with two kids under three, with two kids under three, I had to work out of town for construction, I was doing construction. We had to live in an extended stay hotel with two children under three years old. Has it, have you ever been around two toddler boys before? You come home after work, there's not a lazy boy recliner waiting for you or anything like that. You're in an extended stay hotel, trying to entertain yourselves and your kids in about 400 square feet. I have been there, bearing in the candle at both ends. And you know what? To this day, we don't live in that anymore. We own a home now, been blessed enough to own a home now. We don't look back on those days and think, gosh, that really sucked. We didn't even have the money, we didn't have the space, we couldn't do it. We look back on those days, we laugh. We look back on them fondly. You know how women have to take pictures and videos of everything. My wife will pull up old videos of us in that stupid little hotel room and we will laugh and we'll show them to the boys and look how we used to live. I know you don't remember it. Go start a family. You young men, go find a dime. Don't you dare marry a Democrat, show ruin the rest of your life, find a dime who loves you, wants to support you, care for you and wants to be a mother and you put a ring on her freaking finger and you marry her and you go make a bunch of babies with her. You dimes out there. I don't care how old you are. Whatever mind, please be of age. I mean, whether you're 18 or 70, I don't care what you are. Go find a man who wants to provide for you, treat you right and protect you and if he offers to put a ring on your finger, you say freaking yes and you get married and go start cranking out some babies and I to this day, I have never ever once had an email to the show and we get thousands and thousands more than I could ever sift through. I have never once had an email to this show saying, Jesse, I had kids and I regret it. Jesse, we were going to stop at one, but we had an extra and man, I wish I hadn't done that. Jesse, we had five. We should have stopped at three. I've never had one of those emails in my life. Instead, it's people like me. I stopped at two. I wish I hadn't. Whether it's an extended stay hotel or living with your mother, go forth and multiply, make babies. All right. All right. Everyone doesn't think Trump should be sitting down for interviews. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show only in this first hour. We of course have more than two hours to go. Remember if you miss us or want to talk to me, you can email the show Jesse at provided the email isn't too long, too boring, or you're not whining about advertising that I will actually see the email. So fire away Jesse at dear balding bull. I hear that people. I hear people saying Trump shouldn't keep sitting down for interviews every week with people who hate him, especially when Kamala has hasn't sat down with anyone. I think he asked who he has to because it's almost impossible to get norm and normas to see just how evil the communists really are. Let's say you, well, first, let me just say this. It's campaign season and politics in sports share this in common. People who have zero or very little experience in them will not only think their experts. They will lecture people who are experts. If you go to a sports game and you probably do this when you watch sports, look, I'm pointing fingers at myself. You know how I used to be a rabid New York Giants fan. You know how many times I've screamed at my television that the coach ran the wrong play. I've never played a down a football in my life. I was basically a twig in high school. I've never even had shoulder pads on my body and I would yell at the television that the football coach who played for his entire younger life and then has coached it for 35 years didn't know what he was doing. It's a very natural human response in the exact same thing happens when it comes to politics. People asked me about the worst thing about running for office. You remember, for you new listeners, I ran for Congress twice in Arizona. I lost twice, but I ran for Congress twice in Arizona. That was actually it was after I got out of the Marines. It was my first ever political involvement. I'd never been political and people asked me the worst part about running for office. Was it the knocking on doors? Was it asking people for money or the travel? What was it? By far, by far, the worst thing about running for office for me. I don't want to say for other people was the advice. It was so absurd. We used to gather as a campaign staff at the end of every day or I would talk to my wife about it at the end of every day and we would laugh about it. Every one you meet, every single person you meet who's involved in politics knows exactly how to run your campaign, what you should be doing, what you shouldn't be doing. You ask him at all, what's your political involvement? Well, I handed out Barry Goldwater pins in 1864. One guy, I'll never forget this and I'll never forget this in my entire life. In fact, I hope he's listening right now just so he knows I've never forgotten how ridiculous this human being is. So you're running for office, you have to, your time is precious. You have to be seeing voters. You have to be doing voter outreach. You have to be raising money. You have to, and anyone even on the outside would know that you only have so many hours in the day. Well, this guy is very wealthy, gentlemen, insisted, insisted that he needed to sit down with me for a lunch. Yeah, but I just, I want to sit down with Jesse for a lunch. And so talk to the campaign staff about it. He seemed like a genuine guy and we're thinking this is going to be a campaign donation, at least on the back of this, he's going to donate five minutes into this lunch. He drops this on me. I'm not going to donate or anything like that to your campaign. I don't donate to anyone politically, but I used to do advertising back in the 60s and I have some great ideas for what you can do on your campaign. And he sat there for an hour from his 1960s advertising days and scolded me on everything I needed to be doing and shouldn't be doing on my campaign. Just the, what's that word you people use, Chris Hutzpah, did I say that right? The the gall, the how entitled are you. That's how people are. And that's how people get when it comes to presidential campaigns. I have no problem criticizing a campaign. If I see something I don't like, I have no problem praising a campaign. If I see things I like Donald Trump, you know, you know, I have issues with Trump, but I've been very, very vocal about that. And I always will. And if he's elected president, it's not going to be a big Trump butt kissing show. It's simply not going to try to hold him to account and get some things squared away. But Donald Trump has already been elected president of the United States of America. You very clearly, at least on some level, knows how to campaign. We're in the period of time where people get desperate. This, I know this is where this comes from, comes from people will get desperate that they want to win. Are we losing the poll numbers look bad in in our desperation? People look at whoever's running. This time it happens to be Trump was like, he can't be doing this. He shouldn't be doing that. I would never do that. It's very tempting. I try to not do a ton of that. He's running from what I can tell. He's running a pretty solid campaign. He is on message. He's out there doing rallies, getting the voters out. J.D. Vance has been busting his butt out there being on message. When Trump had that debate with Biden, he stayed calm and he stayed on message. Inflation, immigration, inflation, immigration, inflation, immigration, it was over and over and over and over and over again, which is smart. Does that mean I've loved every little thing? Of course not. I have a social media post blasting Joe Rogan or Brian Kemp doesn't gain Trump a single vote. Doesn't matter if you hate Joe Rogan or hate Brian Kemp, that's idiotic and should never be done. But that's also nitpicky stuff and it's kind of who Trump is. Overall, I think he's run a solid campaign. Should he be doing all the interviews he's doing? Well, look, I have a different philosophy than him on this. I think you should treat your enemies as if they're enemies. Trump disagrees. And to be honest, he's the one who's been elected president. I haven't maybe he's right on that. I believe you set yourself up for failure by constantly sitting down for hostile interviews. We are trying to reach independence though. Remember, the portion of the campaign that was meant for you is over. It ended as soon as he became the nominee. It ended when the primary ended. He's not talking to you anymore. And frankly, he shouldn't shouldn't talk to me either trying to talk to Norman Norma. And sadly, they still watch ABC. So there, that's my thoughts on it. All right, we still have two hours left. We have to talk about, well, mainstream media things, people being offended by everything. I'm going to talk to you first about violence. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. Luckyland, you can play over 100 casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today.