Jesse Kelly Show

How Bad Our Country Is Divided

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17 Aug 2024
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Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumbak has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumbak Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law. Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply. It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. And we have so much. We have to get too still. I want to begin with this one right here. Dr. Jesse, I need your help. My friend believes what she hears on the mainstream media. We very rarely talk politics because she gets so hostile. But I courageously mentioned her to where that Donald Trump wants to eliminate taxes on social security benefits. She immediately told me he wants to do away with social security. How do we educate Norma when she won't search out anything besides ABC, CBS, et cetera? Her name is Deborah. Well, I mean, Deborah wrote the email. It's not Deborah. Who's the not ball? It goes back to what we mentioned in the beginning of the show. You probably can't save her. I'm not telling you not to try. But I am telling you, do not beat your head against the wall. Do not cost yourself contentment and happiness, trying to wake up the drones, the norms, the normas, the brain dead people in society. She doesn't want to learn new information. She doesn't want to fight out things and understand there's an aspect to this. It goes back to the cult thing. In case you missed the first hour, I'm not going to recap it. Go download a podcast. It's all free. I heart Spotify. iTunes go download it. But it goes back to the cult mentality as well. We've discussed this before. If you're a human being, let's just use this email as an example. If you're a human being who believes Donald Trump is going to eliminate social security. If that's your belief, well, that's not the only completely nonsensical false thing you believe. You believe a lot of false things. If you believe that you almost undoubtedly believe the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. If you believe that you believe Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win his first election. If you believe that, you believe a ton of lies. Now, here's, here's why it's hard to wake people up from the cult. If you are able to destroy any one, any single one of the lies they believe, it's not like you just shot down one thing they believe you have effectively destroyed their entire belief system. This goes beyond just communist drones. You will see this a lot with a lot of older Americans now. It's also, there's a generational thing and that's not meant at all to be insulting to older people, but this is what I mean. If you're a human being, let's say, let's say you're a dude right now listening to the sound of my voice. And maybe you, maybe you went to Harvard. You graduated from Harvard back in the 70s and from Harvard, you, you wanted to serve your country. You wanted to protect the innocent. You went from Harvard and you applied and got in to the FBI. And you worked for after Harvard, 25, 30 years fighting crime in the FBI. Right? Harvard FBI, fast forward to the year 2024. Harvard, by any measure, is now a disgusting, despicable communist institution with endless affiliations to communist China, communist activism on their campus. They stop smart kids from getting in now and try to DEI a bunch of different minorities into it. Otherwise, Harvard would be all Asian and they just described, they were going to discriminate against Asians. No, no more Asians. Harvard's a disgusting place now. The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will cause a civil war in this country. They are so evil. I've said that many times they will. That Federal Bureau of Investigation is now an evil, secret state police agency that is attacking law-abiding American citizens because it's a weaponized tool of the Democrat party, their main mission now is to arrest and intimidate Republicans. That is what the FBI is now. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the 70-year-old Harvard graduate, retired FBI agent on what I just said. How does he take that? How does he take that? He's understandably and justifiably proud of that Harvard diploma. He has framed over his desk at home. This guy, he still wears his FBI hat around. He has the gold watch they gave him when he retired from the FBI. He has that on display in his living room. He has FBI memorabilia in his home. He is understandably and justifiably proud, proud of the country he lives in or of his service to these institutions. Now, try to have a conversation with that guy about how evil and destructive these institutions have become. Even if he's a Republican or on the right, the chances are very, very strong. He will react in a hostile manner. He's going to react in some way negatively to you because so much of his life has been based on a huge part of his resume is those institutions. If you take that away from him, if he has to accept that the FBI is now the checker in evil secret state police agency, it's not as if he just has to accept that one simple obvious truth for him. You're trying to gut his life's work. You're trying to pull on the threads of the entire fabric of his life. And that guy, that guy would rather stay in the, in, in a lie. He would rather stay in his world of make believe then allow you or me to pull on that thread and destroy everything his life has been based on. You're going to run into that with so many Americans. If an American citizen has to accept, has to accept the fact that his doctor is actually a weapons grade moron and a servant of the insurance company, if the average citizen has to accept that he's going to have to own more of his health going forward than he did before, because the medical industry is in the toilet, that's asking too much of a lot of people. They've always been able to go to the doctor and get good advice or get a prescription to this. Yes, there are still amazing doctors and nurses out there, but there's so much filth now in the medical institutions. And when you throw in the insurance industry and the ties to that, the chances you're sitting in front of an idiot who actually is just there to take orders for the insurance company are very strong today. You ask someone, especially if they've lived in a normal country for long enough, you ask them to accept that truth, they won't, because accepting that truth, it means taking apart their entire life. It's not a simple truth. And that again, I want to point out that was not an indictment of older people. And it wasn't a praise of younger people. It's simply how long you've existed in a system or underneath an institution will oftentimes influence how easy it is for you to accept the institution has turned evil. Look, we were just talking about Trump and sitting down with the media, but I have criticized this in the past and I will in the future. Trump will sit down with Maggie Haberman from the New York Times and give her exclusive access to him for 24 48 hours. Haberman will then go take that time and she'll just destroy Trump in the New York Times. He brought John Carl with ABC down to Marlago for two days because Carl was writing a book on Trump. Of course, Carl was horrible to Trump while he was in office and the book he wrote on Trump made Trump look like the antichrist. How could Trump give someone like that time? Why would you give time to the New York Times to ABC with Trump's almost 80 years old? On some level, it's hard to shake that feeling of wanting to be accepted and praised by institutions that have been traditional in your life. It's hard if you are going to run into that no matter your age, you're going to see a lot of that out there now. A lot of it. All right. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday to get your questions emailed in. We're still here. We're live Jesse at Jesse Kelly Let's do it. Jesse, around this time in 2020, we couldn't find toilet paper. Now we can't afford toilet paper. I love your show. I appreciate the humor you bring in the middle of our misery. I believe humor is a stress reliever and it's always important to maintain some mental clarity. Do you think that one reason the system is trying so hard to make everyone offended by everything? Do you think that is one of the reasons the system is trying so hard to make everyone offended by everything and always attacked the First Amendment? His name is Jim Bob. Okay. So why are people offended by everything? Why does the system want that? Well, what do, what do I call communism? What do I define communism as? You know this by now, you know it by now. What do I say? What is it? It's the religion of the malcontent, the religion of the malcontent, all right? Any place communism is ever taking hold. They have used the angry people in that society, whoever those people were in the Soviet Union, what was the urban poor in China with the rural poor in Spain? It was totally different in America. It's been totally different, just different malcontent groups. But here's what society, whoever those people were in the Soviet Union, it was the urban poor in China with the rural poor in Spain. It was totally different in America. It's been totally different, just different malcontent groups. But here's why the communists, let me put it this way. Remember when Donald Trump was president, George Floyd died and the Black Lives Matter protests and all that Black Lives Matter activism kicked off. And obviously you remember this and you remember American cities being put to the torch. It was riots. It was murder. It was awful. And on top of that, you remember all the relentless activism from corporate America. Whitey socks. And you remember all that. Well, here's something in the Black Lives Matter protests and all that Black Lives Matter activism kicked off. And you obviously you remember this and you remember American cities being put to the torch. It was riots. It was murder. It was awful. And on top of that, you remember all the relentless activism from corporate America. Whitey socks. And you remember all that. Well, here's something else you may remember from that Donald Trump was president. This was obviously not a Republican sessions following strong earnings from Walmart and a better than expected report on retail sales. That's using some concerns about inflation and whether the economy may tip into a recession. The Dow is on track for its best week of the year while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq are on pace for their best since last November in focus today data on housing and consumer sentiment. Vice President Kamala Harris will propose offering as much as $25,000. American Social Security information could be compromised. Tammy Trujillo has details. Reports say hackers stole information from national public data, a company that collects personal info for use in background checks and tried to sell it. But when there were no buyers posted it online for free, the group claims to have nearly three. Rally. Any minute because that bitterness comes out of you and the more bitter you are, the more malcontented you are, the more likely you are to just want to burn everything down around you. Okay? You with me? So along those lines, people being offended by everything today, that was done on purpose. How can you convince a society, the wealthiest society in the history of mankind, smartphones, air conditioning, clean water, great healthcare, cars, I drove the work today in a climate controlled pod, listening to a World War II podcast. That's the best life you can have, right? So how do you convince a country of 330 million people to become communists? You have to convince them their life sucks America sucks men suck white people suck. For destroying the planet, you should be allowed to slaughter your baby. You have to create malcontents. The reason the Black Lives Matter protests didn't hurt Donald Trump or didn't help Donald Trump and didn't hurt Joe Biden is because it created more division, more anger, more angst and anger angst. The condition of being a malcontent is the fertile soil in which communism grows. Happy, content people have never and will never accept communism in mass and has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever happened and it never will happen. The only people who would ever sign on to such a sick destructive religion are angry, bitter people who want to hurt something. And that old, very, very cheesy saying is a hundred percent true. Hurt people hurt people. Communism is the religion of the malcontent. So if you're a communist, how do you make sure your numbers go up? You need more foot soldiers. You need more troops. What do you do? Create more malcontents. They're not trying to fix any poverty, trying to create more poverty, not trying to fix any racial division, they're trying to create more racial division. That's why we're far more divided racially now than we were before Barack Obama took over. You think that's an accident? I think the first black president got elected and now black people and white people hate each other more. You think that's an accident? No, they did all that on purpose. The more we hate each other, the more divided we are, the more angry we are, the easier it is for them to win elections. That is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday, name me a better day than this. Name me a time. Name me a time. You know what I'm going to miss? I was thinking about this a little bit earlier. When Joe's no longer president was, I mean, he was no longer president. He hasn't really been. I'm going to miss the not a joke, not a joke. Joe loves that line when he tells huge lies. It became, you could tell if you watch him speak for any length of time, it became kind of a natural reflex for him because Joe is used to saying these gigantic, easily verifiable lies and people in the crowd would react. They would, they would snicker, you know, look, remember that, remember this right here? He's joking. It was hard to hear, but he's sitting in front of a group of polls, Polish people. They were he was doing some kind of activism. Then of course, he had to pretend like he came from a Polish neighborhood memory. He gave that speech pertaining to, like he came from a black neighborhood, a speech pertaining like he came from a Jewish neighborhood. He's come from every neighborhood. And every time he would tell one of these big lies, he would always say, not a joke. Yeah. I too was an astronaut after I got my football scholarship, not a joke. I'm going to miss that. That always made me laugh. The only thing he did that made me laugh more than that is how he would lose his train of thought routinely and just think he could cover it up by saying anyway. So I was sitting there talking to Chris before the show and we were discussing it. Anyway, it was the best, dear best-selling author. All right. I like this guy. Please make a renewed push for your best-selling book, the anti-communist manifesto. I think it may be the most important book of our time that needs to be read to wake up Norman Norma. You know, that is probably, it's probably something I should do more of on the show. I did write a book. I'm not writing another one. I didn't want to write that one. It was just a subject I was so passionate about that I did it. I wanted it to be something that was historical, as you can imagine, teach people some history of all this communist filth. I wanted it to have action items in it. Don't just tell people what's wrong, tell people what to do and I'm glad I became this big national bestseller and stuff like that. I don't like promoting it all the time. It was fun promoting it at the time because it annoyed Chris. So I would always be anti-communist manifesto, which can be purchased at That's really what made it fun. It kind of seems gross to promote it all the time now. Does that what Chris? Does that make sense what? Oh, that's brilliant. See, that's why you keep Jewish producer Chris around. He said I should release a new version only instead of the burger recipe in the back. The last page of my book is my world famous burger recipe. Out of that, add my world famous smoked queso recipe to it and make it the only change in the whole book. Oh, it would be hilarious. It would be hilarious. If you read that book and I love it that kids and adults can understand it. That's because I'm stupid and I put things very stupidly, but I try to, you know, I'm not highly educated. I speak normal like a normal person. So if it helps you understand the history of where we're at, why we're at where we're at, things we need to do to change it, I am glad that was always what I wanted. If you've wanted to read it and you didn't want to buy it, maybe you can't afford it. And go borrow it from someone. I don't, I don't need a bunch of books sales. I wrote it to help. I didn't write it to make a bunch of money. I didn't write it because I wanted to be an author. I still don't want to be an author. I'm not going to be a freaking author. I hate writing. I wrote it so you can enjoy it. Then maybe laugh a little through some zingers in there. You can afford it. Buy it. Buy it from somebody. I think it might help. It might help. He said, my question is, does your name have any story or history or significance to your parents or was it a random choice? We're thinking, we're thinking ahead in case you wanted to go tranny. You wouldn't have to change your name. Just kidding. You know, it's not nice. His name is Mike. The only things I know about the significance of my name is Jesse. That's my first name. It was named after Jesse James. So that tells you what kind of parents I had to. I don't tell people my middle name. I have never really cared for my middle name when I was young. I should say when I was young, I didn't care for my middle name. Now it's obviously now that now that I'm world famous, Chris. Now it's just easy to find. My middle name is Nolan, Jesse Nolan Kelly. My father was an athlete. My dad is a big guy, but an athlete he had, he played college basketball on a scholarship. But he had football scholarship offers too, just one of those athletes and because God has a sense of humor, I was never very good at sports. And that's of course what my dad wanted. Sorry, dad. He was an athlete, Nolan was named after Nolan Ryan, the baseball pitcher. So Jesse James, Nolan Ryan, there you have my name, Jesse Nolan Kelly. Don't tell anyone. That's my middle name. Jesse. I'm not sure if you remember, but a few years back, I emailed and emailed in, terrified about my newly pregnant wife getting the jab. We'd followed the instructions of the doctor. My wife had to get the Vax because that's what the doctor recommended. At the time you'd been going over a lot of terrifying stuff about the pregnant women in the jab. I asked for your prayers and at the time you read my email live on the show. Well, thanks for the prayers and all the prayers of those who may have been listening because now we are raising the cutest little girl on the planet. How about that? She's happy, healthy and the biggest blessing of our lives. Thank you, my brother. Now for my question. You were talking the other day about that lame duck wish, that lame duck comedian loser Stephen Colbert and his interview with some chick on CNN. Isn't the scariest part of that whole thing? The fact that these commies all know how biased the media is and have no shame in laughing about it on national TV. Your thoughts in case you missed that, Stephen Colbert, that guy who was a late night comedy show that's not funny, he sat down with Caitlin Collins that call me from CNN and this was the exchange. It's kind of been this moment where he has not been able to coalesce around a single attack line. I know you guys are objective over there that you just report the news as it is. Oh, I know. CNN makes it. I know that's supposed to be a lab like I wasn't supposed to be, but I guess it is. You hear the crowd laughing. Ah ha ha, you're not, but of course they're okay with it. I'm going to emphasize this point again. I use the, I use the example of a wolf pack one time. I think I'll come back to that because wolf packs are so cool and that's really the only reason. But a wolf pack, it really is, it's a killing machine, a pack of wolves. Anyone from out west will know this. That's why they wiped out the livestock and it's, anyway, I'm not going to go off on that. Wolf packs are killing machines. They are smart. They are fast. They are big. They are strong. They are coordinated and the strength of the wolf pack, not that an individual wolf isn't strong, but the strength of a wolf pack is in its pack together, coordinated attacks, things like that. Okay. I want you to think about the communists in that way and I want you to think about it like this. If a wolf in a wolf pack decides he doesn't want to be part of the pack anymore. In fact, they're hunting elk in Montana and they're on a coordinated attack and wolves will do. I mean, sick things like blocking. I mean, they, they really, really are advanced, really smart. And one wolf decides he doesn't want to be part of that pack and he just takes off on his own. Maybe he runs off early and scares the elk away. That wolf, that wolf will very likely be killed by the pack. Now, I'm only using that as an analogy. That's how the communist thinks about his view of the world and what needs to be done. He's part of a pack. The pack must stay together. The pack must move as one at all times. We have to do what we're told at all times. And if someone strays from that, if someone chooses to do his or her or her own thing, it doesn't just endanger them, him or her doing their own thing. It endangers the entire pack. So the people who choose to be part of the pack, they're the good guys and everyone who leaves, they're the enemy and they're trying to kill everyone. And that's how they justify in their minds the bias, the violence, the everything they justify it as they're the only true good people. The people who oppose them are evil and what can't you do to a Nazi. That's how it works that way. They know CNN's bias. They want it that way. There's an audience for that wild to think about, but it's true. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Do not forget if you miss any part of the show. You can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes. If you prefer a more visual version of all this, remember they simulcast the show on the first TV and there's going to be a new thing right now. Apparently this YouTube channel, I have a YouTube channel. What Chris, I knew about, I knew I had it. I just didn't, wasn't very involved in it or setting it up. I knew it was there. Shut up, Chris. Anyway, it's about to start growing. A little videos, long videos, short videos, videos of various things on there. If you want to subscribe to that, you can, I think it is if you want to go tune into that. Jesse, I've heard it said politics are like a pendulum swing. If it gets too far right, it'll swing back towards the center. Likewise if it goes too far left, it'll come back to the center. If Kamala/Walls get cheating in, will the pendulum ever come back? His name is GC. So that's not necessarily true. Yes, societies do seek a balance, but here's why the pendulum has never really swung back to the right. And don't get me wrong, the American people from time to time will be so sick of Democrats in their dirty, communist ways that they'll go out and vote for a Republican. But then culturally, at least, government spending-wise, in all the real relevant ways, the pendulum doesn't really swing back. It's been described as a cultural ratchet instead of a pendulum, you know, a ratchet, the tool that only turns one direction, won't turn the other way, a cultural ratchet. But why is that? Well, we've discussed that before. People on the right, I'm just going to describe you, I'll describe myself. I want to live in a peaceful society where people aren't screaming at each other, where government is out of my way. I want taxes low, regulations low, I want my borders secure, I want my military strong, I want the dollar sound, I want, I want, I want normal things for my country, right? So what am I seeking out? I'm seeking out normalcy. I want to live in a normal place, okay? With me there? The communist, the communist is trying to destroy everything at any cost, because remember, the communist is fighting a revolution. Everything is evil, America's evil, white people are evil, Christians are evil, men are evil. This is evil. That's evil. This is evil. And he's on a mission against all this evil darkness. So he just destroys everything he possibly can. Everything he can as fast as he can, he destroys it, he'll destroy the economy, relationships. You name it, the comedy destroys it. Now, when there is an opportunity to yank the culture to the left, every single Democrat in the country, top to bottom, politicians down to the street animals, they will hop on to that pendulum and yank it as far to the left as humanly possible. You know, we talked about it earlier, let's use this one, the George Floyd protests. Did you see, let me ask you, I really want to know, did you see a single elected Democrat or forget about the politicians? Did you know of a single Democrat in your life who spoke out against all that blatant anti-white racism, destruction of property, murder, not, I'm really, I'm genuinely asking you. Chris, do you know anyone? No one didn't. No one did you not one now. Let's talk about why it's not a pendulum because eventually people do get tired of that. And so it starts to swing back the other way. Use the right normal people like you because we seek out normalcy. We don't see ourselves as revolutionaries, which we should now, but we don't because we don't see ourselves as revolutionaries. We just kind of want everything to be normal. Once that pendulum starts to swing back the other way, the instinct of people on the right is to actually try to slow it down so it doesn't go too far. Whoa, not too far. Oh, okay. Don't say it like that. Don't be mean. Okay. That's too far. Wait. That's mean. We're going to be like them. You will immediately see half of the right instead of grabbing on to it and lifting their feet up so they can swing it as far back to the right as possible. You'll immediately reach up and grab it and try to slow it down. Whoa, not that far. Slow down. Whoa, not like that. That's not that's not right. That's rude. I'm not comfortable and in some cases, maybe that's okay. Some cases it's not, but the overall 30,000 foot view effect of that. If you're looking at that, we only go left. If every single scumbag Democrat pulls the culture to the left as hard and fast as they possibly can, every chance they get. And only half the right tries to swing it back and the other half tries to slow it down. The end result is it never actually goes back to the right. We can never possibly course correct that way. Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked steward from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at now and live the and live the Live the Live the Live the