Jesse Kelly Show

Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

Broadcast on:
17 Aug 2024
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Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I? Never win and tell well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary vgw group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply? Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked doctor Jesse Friday And we're gonna get back to all the other questions here in a few in case you're just now joining us We're discussing cultural pendulums and why in our country it hasn't worked like a pendulum It only goes left. It's worked like a ratchet It'll go to far to the left anytime. There's a cultural movement to the left Every single Democrat top to bottom will jump on and yank it left anytime. There's any kind of a significant pushback Dragging things back to the right half the right will be trying to pull it to the right the other half They're what I like to call the hall monitor, right? They will step in whoa not like that. Oh, it's too far Whoa, hold on. Whoa, what here's I wanted to give you a couple examples of what I was talking about you remember the Hamas protests on college campus. They got really really really really really big there for a while They've since died off They're what I like to call the hall monitor, right? They will step in whoa not like that. Well, it's too far Whoa, hold on. Whoa, what here's I wanted to give you a couple examples of what I was talking about You remember the the Hamas protests on college campus. They got really really really really really big there for a while They've since died off now, but they got really big Do you happen to remember that one campus? Maybe it's fine if you don't it's not gonna matter But they were attacking the American flag. They were tearing down American flags and putting up Palestine flags and things like that And there was a group of frat bros. This was in North Carolina. I believe I remember right There was a group of frat bros just a bunch of young dudes got together and said no You cannot touch the flag and they held the flag up off the ground and no you stay away There was an in a federal ban on grocery price gouging she announced plans to provide a $6,000 tax cut to families with newborn children and a $25,000 subsidy for first-time home buyers in Raleigh I'm Lisa Taylor president Biden says his administration is closer than it's ever been to striking a ceasefire Dealing Gaza. He told reporters in the Oval Office. However, there's still work to do on an agreement that Understandably some people looked at that and thought is that racist is that is that you are you would quit? Is it because she's black? Are you calling her a monkey and remember? There's a lot of racist examples of that in the country. So that's one of those things that would create obvious angst and anger and people I hope that's not what he's doing One, I don't know the kid and I don't know what he was doing. I took it as just that she's huge Yeah, that's how I took it. But who knows maybe maybe it did maybe he did mean it in a horrible racist way Now I'm not asking you and would never ask you to defend an action like that and I wouldn't either But as soon as that video came out You saw a person after person after person after person Immediately jump on that kid and said no not like this. We can't do it like this. That's the wrong Way, you shouldn't do it. No And maybe you're sitting there right now and I understand this and saying yeah We should speak out against that. We can't have that happen. I understand what you're saying But what I'm saying is When a movement is pulling back to the right Everyone who participated Anticipates in it they ain't gonna be saints every action they take Isn't gonna be good some actions are gonna be horrible Some will be great. Some will be horrible. Some will be despicable. Some will be things you love some will be things You really kind of make you feel icky However, if you dedicate yourself to hall monitoring the swing back to the right the overall effect of it is It never goes back to the right. Think of it this way think of it this way Think of it as a Tug of war that'll be the best way to put you know what tug of war is so all the communists are on the other side and They're all pulling left all of them are pulling left as hard as they possibly can We have just as many people on our side. We're pulling back right as hard as we possibly can What if you're sitting there and you're on the rope and you're pulling right and You notice the guy in front of you. He has some sort of mechanical device He's smuggled in he attaches it to the rope. He's cheating and it's giving him extra pull You can ignore this and try to win or you can stop step aside Not look at Marty Marty's cheating. We can't win this way. This isn't the right way and I'd be getting three or four more people I won't be part of this. This is cheating. That's not who we are Well, okay Maybe you did the right thing there. Maybe you didn't but you're definitely going to lose the tug of war if If you are dedicated to hall monitoring the right, you're going to lose the tug of war That is why it's not a pendulum We we have not been able to shake this hall monitor Syndrome on the right. We simply don't you know, there are a lot of people on the right Actually, I'm thinking to someone right now. I'm not going to name them, but There's there's this dude. I'm thinking of on the right. He's kind of an independent journalist type and He viciously attacks Anyone on the left and oftentimes in kind of gross ways and kind of personal ways Say I discovered this guy cheated on his taxes 12 years ago, and I'm exposing it on mine Did you name the dirt? He will dig it up. He will expose it now. I don't do that. I don't like that It's not who I am not getting involved in that in fact this guy I'll be honest with you. I think he's awful. I would never have a beer with him He's never going to be on my team. I'm never gonna have him on the show It's nothing. I would ever promote ever. I think this human being is awful in every way however He's pulling the pendulum to the right You need people who aren't saints to win Cultural movements the communists have always understood this very very very well Why do you think they're so accommodating to the nutball violent freak animals who occupy the Democrat base and show up at these events? Why do you think Democrats are so afraid of offending them and Tifa is a? Terrorist organization who has murdered multiple people assaults Vandalism Joe Biden was asked in a debate against Donald Trump about and Tifa Joe Biden practically denied their very existence. Remember what he said? Oh and Tifa is just an idea now If that was the right that would have been a perfect opportunity to of course home monitor the well I'm really not comfortable with this group and these acts of violence and I'm just not comfortable And I just don't like it and that's not who we are He would never dream of doing that because he understands if you're a filthy communist Revolutionary you need animals like antifa to hurt people you want hurt murder people you want murdered Intimidate people you want intimidated they know Icky people are Necessary I've told you the story before one of the greatest Marines I ever served with in my life if I was going back to combat tomorrow Which no one's gonna send old fat Jesse back to combat But if I was going back to combat tomorrow and you told me I had one human being I could take back into combat with me. It wouldn't even be a debate who I took It would be no there would be no debate at all. Oh that guy. He's coming with me He was a beast in battle all he wanted to do was kill the enemy That's all you wanted to do not announce a fear not anything you put that guy in war. He was in heaven. He loved it He was a terrible human being You couldn't go out with him without getting arrested fighting people Disaster he was in almost every other part of his life. He was a terrible human being Oh, man. Do I thank God every day he was in my platoon and more? You need people you need people who are Icky sometimes and We've never gotten comfortable with that on the right and I am not saying We need to do the things they do on the left with the looting and the murder and the violence and the illegal things I'm really not saying that at all but so many people on the right have dedicated themselves to policing the right instead of going after the left or Pulling the right further right Instead of doing any of those things They want to make sure everything's stunned the right way. I don't like that. That's uncomfortable I'm uncomfortable. This makes me uncomfortable now. We have to do it the right way. Well Okay, we can't ever pull the culture back right then. That's how we're gonna do it. All right. All right, that's enough of that What a great song choice Chris, it's just getting us all fired up for the weekend, baby That's what Howard Dean thinks about all that now Let's think it is these asked dr. Jesse questions because there's so many goings and I'm running out of time So Oracle do you think Trump has changed since the attempt on his life? Yes now, I don't know specifically how he's changed But I'll tell you something. I'm impressed by I'm seriously impressed that he's still doing rallies My mom just went to one in Montana. He's out there doing rallies all the time. So picture this You go to a rally and you almost get your head blown off. You get shot in the ear If you get up at the next rally Tell me you're not looking around Tell me you're not nervous Tell me you're not gonna be a little bit apprehensive about the next bullet coming your way and he's still out there doing rallies But I am sure it affected him. I have no doubt about it. You come within two inches of dying It affects you in what way? I don't know, but y'all I'm sure it is dear future king of all media To your devoted listeners, let's have some fun is more than just a catchphrase It's really the heartbeat of your show and while you and your audience have a blast for three hours It's interesting to think about how syndicated radio was still big business Yeah, of course it is so I find it refreshing to see your sincere and personal support for great sponsors like chalk and preborn and That a world-famous radio host can practice what he preaches pause. That's an insistence on our part on the show That is something we have demanded if I don't like it. I don't believe in it I don't use it that I don't tell you about it and we have been so blessed I cannot believe how blessed we are that we get to choose our own advertisers and dump them if they anger us or Or do something wrong? I'm not gonna name any specifics. I wouldn't do that We had an advertiser and I got a couple emails from people and they said hey this advertiser did us wrong Dug into it looked valid. Boom gone. You're fired. You're gone. I we've had advertisers. It just make me mad for You're fired. There's a line to get into the show. They don't like it. Go pound Sam We're really really blessed by the show's success and the ones we have means so much to us So yeah, I'd like that you I'd like that you know that and yeah the companies like this that they made a lot to me Anyway without necessarily naming brand names Are there any products or services that have prompted you to say man? I wish that company would advertise on the show perhaps your favorite fruit fruit body wash I get you guys or maybe a company that makes gloves for men with small hands. All right, all right Who do I wish would advertise for the show? Well You should you should know that the Red Lobster thing is not a bit It's not a radio bit like if you ever run into Jewish producer Chris. You can ask him. I love Red Lobster When I was a kid we didn't go out to eat a lot and When we did if that was an option that that was that was mecca for me I wanted to go to Red Lobster and I was an adult. I Love going to Red Lobster. I think it's delicious. I enjoy it. It's just I love Red Lobster. That would be one I would do I guess I would have to check into their business practices a little bit first, but I love Red Lobster You know what? Here's a brilliant one. I'll tell you one you want an embarrassing one But I'll give it to you about to give them a free ad right here about to give them a free ad you ready for it so Someone said something of people online They were saying something about mouth tape at night how you tape your mouth, okay? You tape your mouth Chris. This is a thing that makes let me explain Chris is very confused You want to breathe for health reasons you really want to breathe through your nose in through your nose out through your mouth That's really how your body processes things best you have nose hairs and things like that to filter out things Like I'm not trying to be your health coach, but in general we all know that in general You want to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. That is what's healthiest for you. Okay, you with me So there is now a new thing out there where they'll People will tape put a piece of tape over their mouths at night. It's special mouth tape. Please. I'm not asking you to do this special mouth tape to prevent you from mouth breathing at night to make your nose breathe and they will oftentimes do this in conjunction with a tape strip that you put on your nose like it goes over your nostril And it kind of it expand would not kind of it expand your nostrils So you breathe easier at night if you and so you put on mouth tape you put that on Someone said something about mouth tape And I was making an inappropriate joke online. I said Oh wow, as I didn't want to know if I can find this on sale Looking for something nice to get my wife for the mouth tape because I was doing like a man when we didn't talk too much I was just doing a joke So this company what a marketing thing this company called hostage tape It's the name of the company. No, I kid at chris. I kid you not there they exist hostage tape They apparently got a hold of this and they realized you I have a show what not it's not about this for brilliant marketing They tracked out my address, which is kind of creepy and they sent me mouth tape and the nose strip tapes It's this company hostage tape Okay, I haven't used the mouth tape and I really won't that's something I'm not gonna do um I'm officially a customer for the nose things Because you know your allergies can get bad in these things when you put that on at night Even if you have a stuffy nose, it's like oxygen is piped into your brain. It's Amazing. How about that for a free ad? You're welcome hostage tape. How did you have a promo code? Hey hostage tape. Send me another free batch. You're welcome, but it's true. That's one. This stuff's amazing. Now. What were you saying, chris? Yes, it helps with snoring. Yes Yeah, I know People dudes wake themselves up. I've done it before too If I don't if I don't put it on the white, I'm now 43 after we're hostage taped a bit The wife will say where's your nose tape thick? It's that great. There you go. How about that? All right, we have more. Hang on We are going to miss hunter by an aren't we chris? That is a good point That song goes out to hunter. It is the jessie kelly show Remember if you miss any part of the show you can download on an i-heart spotify itunes All right, i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit this one thing from today before I get back to the ask dr. jessie question, so Democrats came out today, and this is a headline from politico Why dem lawmakers are giving a Harris on policy proposals And what they essentially are saying if you dig into the article i'm not going to do it They're saying to themselves. Well, we'll figure out the policy after we win the election I want to remind you of this Always keep in mind The communist will demand You define things you have to be specific he will demand it He will probe you asking questions even though he doesn't care about your answer Why it slows you down it keeps you distracted he will demand you define everything he himself He'll define you'll define nothing absolutely nothing Everything is vague everything is meaningless. Everything is member obama hope and change What's what's dome running on now joy? There's even a bunch of articles out today the joy campaign We're running on joy member mouse cultural revolution Millions of young chinese people murdering raping pillaging china killing political leaders killing teachers digging up graves doing it in the name of what Well, mouth told them they needed to get rid of the four old's What were the four old's it's the four old's campaign it's a real thing go look it up. What were they? Old habits old ideas old customs and old culture Okay What does that mean? What's an old habit? What's what's old customs old culture? It's very vague Yeah, that's the point it means Whatever mouse wants it to mean at any given moment So if he wants to define you As being an old habit an old idea look at this guy. Look at chris He's promoting old customs Well, I can sick the dogs on chris promoting old customs, which I guess in chris's case is true But it look at that He will demand you define everything to slow you down to bog you down to distract you He himself will define Nothing And democrats obviously because they're all communist now. They run with this Masterfully, it's all emotion. It's all hope. It's all change is that there's nothing specific There's nothing tangible at all. It's a bunch of this today We're trying to find out from the attendees. What kamala Harris's greatest accomplishment has been at vp Um, I mean honestly, I'm not too into politics. I'm just here for the vibe Becoming the first female vice president just becoming the vp is the best accomplishment. Yeah, absolutely being a good person Yeah She's I mean, she's she's she's just listen to this listen to this godly good. What does that even mean? Being a good person What? I don't know She seems really good for women Harris is she's she's good for women What does that mean? Good for well, it's not defined there with the energy. She has a lot of enthusiasm So it's important to get by enthusiasm. What is kamala is like top accomplishment you think Um I can't say anything right now Um, give me a second Her top, um Like contributions to policy or policy as vp I wasn't in on the policy making just his decisions with president biden So I don't know my favorite policies. Oh my gosh See, I wish they would tell us more about that because I honestly don't know At a rally doesn't even know So I know she's done some good work with immigration even though they say opposites. What do they say? Well, what is it? She's the she's the border star That all these immigrants are coming over Now you know why they run on vague things like hope change joy Because as I pointed out in the very beginning of the show They understand there are enough dumb down cult members That it might be enough to win an election all right back to the emails jesse Because of all the anti-Jewish hate Don't you think the jewish uh the jewish will not that's what he called? So he called you people chris the jewish don't you think the jewish will not vote the left will not vote for the left I've said this Let me just reinforce this again Everyone's different individuals are different with different motivations And we like to try to uh put people in you know This specific category based on certain things the country you're from the color of your skin your religion And so people will say well white people do this or black people do that Christians do this and republicans do that and jews do this jews are not some hive mind singular voting block There are jews jewish people all over the spectrum in this country far far to the right Far far to the left in the middle Orthodox jews jews who are more just traditional but not practicing jews jews who Are on fire for israel. Maybe they even put israel above america jews who just have an affinity for israel jews who don't care about israel at all israel never crosses their mind The whole place could burn and fall into the sea there's not One jew you know, there's not one jewish mind on how they're going to vote Are some jewish people in america going to vote against democrats because of things they've seen the obvious Anti- jewish sentiment running through the democrat party of course there will be some Will there be some who don't care about that at all and frankly don't care about jews? There'll be some of those too. There's not Everything's a percentage game. There's not a there's not an all encompassing thing like boom That's gonna happen now black people are voting republican Well, black people aren't one gigantic hive mind voting block either have different motivations they're different people dear Dear oracle and menu whisper my brother and I metayo and lucas We want to know what the menu whisper's favorite food was when you were a young child anti-communist like we are We're trying to give our parents some new ideas to cook for us. We can only eat schnitzel and happy meals so often Thank you uncle oracle All right, we got to give we got to give these little anti-communists some help. Sorry boys you ready buckle up You know what mom used to make me when I was a kid A rare don't shake your head chris a rare delicacy And actually I made myself one the other day my wife was mortified But let me tell you what kids delicious simple and delicious you ready for this A bacon sandwich. Don't don't worry. You don't need lettuce and tomato. That's disgusting. Don't you dare eat any vegetables? You simply make some bacon well, obviously have your parents make some bacon. I don't want you messing with bacon and bacon grease Have your parents make some bacon mayo Both sides of the bread shut up about the mayonnaise chris mayo on two sides of the bread and you don't need anything else throw the bacon on there mayo bread A delicious bacon sandwich. I know it's simple. I know it's white trash I'm white trash you young men probably are not but I am it hits every single time what chris Okay, that okay, I actually can't kill you for that chris said replace the mayo bread with garlic bread No mayonnaise Well, you know don't try to appeal to the things you know. I love chris. You can't bring up garlic bread I know I said it's better than bacon. Don't use my words against me. Anyway I just had an idea you could use garlic bread and use that for your bacon sandwich So young men there you go bacon sandwiches just like uncle jesse used to get from his mom She would make it for me when I was sick and I got to stay home And she'd let me watch the dukes of hazard and mary tyler more And she'd let me watch the war documentaries and I'd give this little tray and I could sit in front of the tv So I wasn't wanted to watch tv often and I could watch the dukes of hazard and eat my bacon sandwich With a she'd put a couple little Doritos on my tray too, and it was delicious. I love you mom. Thank you We have one more segment. I'll get to as many emails as I can. Hang on It is the jesse kelly show on Friday final segment of the jesse kelly show on an ass doctor jesse friday And I still have a bunch. I did not get to i'm gonna get to as many as I can in a moment Remember you can still email me jesse at jesse kelly show dot com I need to do something before we get to the emails. I didn't get to You know, we've had jewish producer chris and producer michael here for a long time sadly Michael is leaving us today is producer michaels last day. No, he's not getting fired or anything like that He is moving on. I don't want to say specifically what he's doing, but he has Ambitions he's gonna move on and do other things. He wants to wants to succeed. He wants to he wants to go he wants to go make it big out there and I Am gonna miss him. He's always welcome back here anytime he wants so Say a prayer if you wouldn't mind for producer michael as he goes off on an adventure And now chris and I are We're gonna have to go try to find some kind of replacement that isn't a total and complete friggin moron I'm sure chris you know We're gonna get the biggest idiot in the history of the world that it probably be like 10 different producers now We'll have to fire this guy and fire this guy and fire this guy Just get used to a conga line of producers coming through here They they're just gonna be a bunch of dirt balls. I can tell I can tell it's gonna be dirt ball after dirt ball after dirt ball The first one would probably be an undercover commie you watch you watch so we're gonna have to go find somebody anyway michael Sayonara my friend and best of luck to you go knock them dead. All right now I know what you're thinking Shouldn't we do something nice for michael? He's leaving us shouldn't we do something nice and I agree. We should do something nice for michael. So here it is There is a huge my pillow a sale right now michael For 1998 you can purchase a queen size premium my pillow to take to your next life in your next career and that's the kind of gift I think you should give for yourself. I'm not obviously not gonna buy it for you But somebody should also a mattress topper They have mattress toppers for as low as 69 98 right now michael Find someone who cares enough about you to purchase a mattress topper for you That is my gift to you letting you know that if you go to my and click on the radio list Or special square and use the promo code jessie You can get these incredible deals on my pillow products or look I know we have a phone in there at your last day you'll be able to make free long distance calls 80845 0 5 4 4 Michael just tell him your former employer jessie told you to call that is my gift to you my friend Congratulations, don't spend it all in one place and now Here's a headline Emails we didn't get to you Showgun samurai, what are your thoughts on this idea? You say america does not have the stomach for mass deportations so illegals are here to stay Seeing as how kamala stole trump's no taxes on tip strategy Should republicans steal the communist plan and be the ones to grant amnesty to convert illegals to our side What's say you his name is thomas thomas. I I understand what you're saying I understand the strategy behind it But what do what have we talked about many times before about the what is the necessary element for a nation? What is the necessary element if enough of your people have it You'll be fine if your nation lacks it. You don't have a chance. What is it? patriotism patriotism That is the necessary element It's what we're lacking. It's part of the reason we're hurting You're trying to enlist people who came here for a variety of reasons I'm not talking about the legal immigrant who busted his butt to try to earn american citizenship I'm not talking about that at all. You're talking about people who came over here for a $100 visa card in a free hotel room and a job picking strawberries You're not going to enlist that person to your cause that person is now and always will be a Natural democrat because democrats hate america that person doesn't care about america It's a match made in heaven. You can give them citizenship You can give them amnesty all you want they'll say gracias and go vote for democrats Every single time for those you who don't speak mexican That means thank you. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that Jesse as a u_s_m_c brother, how would you feel if jd Vance wore his dress blues to the vp debate with governor walls that would be sick What a power move that would be don't shake your head chris and look it's probably You know i'm all about winning at any cost It's probably not fair to walls To wear the uniform that just has chicks throwing themselves at you Everyone knows marine core dress blues are by far By far the best looking of any of the uniforms in the united states armed service It's almost it's almost not right to go wear those by some useless sack like tim walls because honestly if they'd have to jd Vance we need extra security just from the women jessie Why don't republicans talk about all the people murdered by democrats preventing doctors from treating covid with ivermectin Or hydroccy chloroquine how in the world could republicans Possibly blast away like they should at democrats for the things done during covid when republicans were doing those things Just like democrats were during covid How many press conferences did i play you the audio of on this show of united states senators? We're all vaccinated here republican senators well i've i've already got my vaccine I'm wearing my mask. It's not as if republicans were somehow pushing back on the covid insanity and covid tyranny Republicans were oftentimes the co-authors of it and at best Most of them just flat out went along with it with the exception of some like thomas massy and ram paul I don't know what you're doing in kentucky, but apparently you're doing it right with the exception of some of these guys Most republicans were little brain dead lemmings just like the democrats were jessie Hey jarhead leg is what he says happy national airborne day this 16th of august praying each day for our troops This is my favorite part. He signs it First sergeant retired master rated parachutist Master rated you don't know what that means chris you couldn't figure that out on your own This dude has spent his career jumping out of airplanes And teaching others how to jump out of airplanes in the in the army what chris Yes, he's nuts. This is an insane person and the exact kind of person you would want to go to war for you and I love that we have all these studs who listen to the show There's all these studs like this. I ain't just have a retired master sergeant. I eat my couch every morning I love the show. I love it. I think it's so freaking cool that we have all these beasts who listen to the show First sergeant or no i'm sorry master sergeant appreciate you very much And i'm also very glad I never had to meet you when I was in the service because I never had to jump out of a plane And I never wanted to jump out of a plane What I do want is you to have a lovely weekend go ensure your family and your community Okay, round two name something that's not boring laundry Ooh a book club computer solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry. We were looking for chumba casino That's right chumba has over a hundred casino style games going today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba Nobody's necessary. Don't worry about it. Bye. Bye. Bye. See you website for details