Scott Ritter Extra: Ask the Inspector

Ask the Inspector Ep. 180

Scott Ritter answers questions from the audience with host Jeff Norman most Friday nights at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET/1 AM GMT and most Tuesdays at noon PT/3PM ET/8PM GMT.

Submit your question in advance and donate to Waging Peace, Scott's campaign for nuclear disarmament, at

Opening music by Ed Kliman, Brian Pothier and ShortBusMusic

1h 7m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] All units proceed to your post assignment. All units proceed to your post assignment. Scottie's on fire. [MUSIC] Yeah, baby. It's episode 180 of Ask the Inspector on July 23, 2024. Chef Norman and Scott Ritter with you as we are every Tuesday for the lightning round. We do it for one hour. Scott answers every question in three minutes or less. Please join us also Friday night for the loquacious version. Two glorious hours of world-class geopolitical analysis from the favorite weapons inspector. And there go the dogs. Today Scott is the first time we are streaming to VK in Russia. So I would like to say, "Preet" to our friends in Russia. You all know who Scott is. He is, as I said, our world-class geopolitical analyst, world-famous, former UN weapons inspector. You may not know me though, so I'd like to introduce myself. I am America's sweetheart and I am here for the eye candy. Eye candy. So for those of you who aren't you here, pour the eye candy, then apply it. We have other talent out there that is eye candy or are you the eye candy? I meant the latter and I didn't say it very well. So I should apologize because I'm already making it difficult for our Russian friends by using an American expression they may not be familiar with. Confused the dogs. We're just basically here to make noise in the background. All right, a very rough start, but we will get smoother as we go on. Things are in turmoil. I mean, this is like a microcosm of our nation now. We currently have a president who's missing an action in which is to say we don't really have any president. Nobody knows who's in charge. He supposedly issued a letter that he supposedly signed when he supposedly knew what he was doing. We haven't heard from him, we haven't seen him, we haven't heard from his wife. This, you know, it's actually not a joke. You know me, in addition to being eye candy, I'm known to utter a humorous remark every now and then, it's pretty ridiculous that we don't know what's going on with Biden. What do you think about that? It's extraordinarily ridiculous. I mean, this has been a tough couple weeks for American democracy. You know, yesterday we had a secret hearing with the head of the Secret Service testifying for Congress. These dogs are driving crazy. I've got no help here and there's FedEx cars driving by and a guy showing up at the door and the dogs are fighting over a bone. Well, presumably the delivery people will eventually move on, right? That's the idea, except that the dog upstairs is seeing shadows now. And so he's once awoken will continue to bark until silenced. The other two have found, I think maybe they made peace. Nope, they're at war. They're fighting over a bone. The culprit is the head of security who is here to keep me safe, unlike the Secret Service, who apparently can't keep Donald Trump safe. And they testified yesterday, the most embarrassing testimony imaginable. If you weren't a conspiracy theorist before that testimony, you came out of that testimony convinced that the Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, colluded to kill Donald Trump. That's the only conclusion that can logically be reached, given the absolute dearth of answers that were provided. This reeks of cover up this reeks of, you know, and the interesting thing is, who's left to investigate them? We're talking about the FBI, the National Security Division, the Secret Service, and the Department of Homeland Security, who's left to investigate. So they're covering something up. Do you think Director Cheetil is herself in on it, or is she being pressured by who's ever on it to just give those dopey and non-committal answers? You see the difference that I'm getting at? First of all, she's the director. If she wasn't in on it, she'd answer the questions, honestly. She's the liar. I wish I was there or advising some of them because, you know, the one where there's a who was in charge. Oh, it was a collegium of people holding hands and seeing who can buy up. No, you see, you are required by federal law to implement the incident command system. That's what you do. That's what everybody does in the federal government, which means that the Butler event was an incident, and there's an incident commander who signs the incident plan. You know who he is or she, and you're opting not to tell us because you don't want people asking questions because this should have been a successful hit. And it failed, and now you are left cleaning it up and you're incompetent. So we have that, which is a huge deal in and of itself, which should dominate everything. But then we follow up with a coup, so we have an assassination that's being run, I believe, by elements of the three top security domestic security established in the United States, including the one responsible for defending the President of the United States. And now we have a soft coup, literally a coup, a coup d'état has taken place, the Commander in Chief of the United States, the President of the United States, has been pressured into not running for reelection. And then he has said over and over again, I will stay in until the end, I will stay in until he's not, and who did it, what what no transparency whatsoever suddenly Kamala Harris, who couldn't survive a primary. And if this, you know, if this was supposed to be, you know, her turn, then the President should lived up to his word is promised that he was a one term President, step aside, pass it off to, and then she would have to survive a, a primary challenge. He couldn't, she wouldn't have gotten out of the first round in a primary challenge. So they didn't primary here because they know that they can't happen. She now falls in. They, they miraculously she raised $100 million in one day. Everybody's just falling over backwards to give her the big bomb CNN and MSNBC couldn't have written, I mean she walks on water, her name isn't Kamala it's Jesus. In this day and age, you can identify as a male, and, and she walks on water. But this isn't how democracy works. There was a primary 15 million Americans, whether you, if you're a Republican, you don't, you know, they're Democrats, you know, I don't care. No, the process is 15 million Americans did a primary. And Joe Biden is supposed to be the guy. If he can't be the guy because of health or whatever, then he can't be President. It's that simple. Right, you can't have it both ways. You can't have it both ways. You can't say that he's, he can't, because they're not saying he couldn't last four years. They're saying he couldn't last four days. He couldn't finish his Vegas trip. He couldn't do anything. He's that out of it. And so why couldn't he couldn't announce that he's not running. That's right. How hard, how hard is that to, to snap a picture of him signing that letter or something? Well, I mean, it didn't, you know, I have, I have forged a number of documents in my life, just for fun. I have to tell you that that was the worst forgery of Joe Biden signature I've seen in a long time. Well, maybe that's why there's no picture of it. It doesn't meet any of the requirements for, you know, signature replication. But, so now what are they holding him hostage? Are they holding Jill hostage? Are they pressure? Are they saying they'll pay you a lot of money to keep quiet? What the hell's going on? These are all fair questions that aren't being answered because Democrats don't want their, they're out there creating this whole new reality for Americans to go. Oh, this is normal. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing that happened in the last couple of weeks is normal. You don't think this we've had assassination attempts on presidents before. None that, none like this, none like this, none of this. You know what else got this might be another opportunity to do what Dennis Kucinich won't say, which is, let's remind folks that ordinary people deserve some blame too because about half the country is just shrugging at this as if it's perfectly fine. There really should be an uproar from everybody. Well, you know, the same uproar we saw in the Congress over the Secret Service Director's abysmal testimony. And, you know, I never thought I would have seen Nancy Mase, did you see her? With her slightly between PG and R-rated language. But, you know, AOC is on the same page as Bobert. That's her name, the Colorado girl. Yeah. The one who has fun at the theater. Hey, look, you know, she's an adult, but she does not hurt her business. Just probably not smart to do it in a theater with an infrared camera. But, you know, I never, I don't want to get into it, but the hypocrisy of people calling her out on that is just stunning. Yeah, I mean, that was, I think that was meant to, for people to look a sconce at her, but that made me like her more. That's a story, actually. It seems like a fun girl. Because she's sexualized. I like her because she's as human as everybody else. You know, that's what I mean. Yeah, it's like, who among us, yeah, I can, I can guarantee it. You know, she's un, she's un, she's unburdened by her past. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. Well, that's, that's Jesus speaking. This should become the gospel of common of apparently because she is. Anyways, this is a bad time for American democracy, a very bad time when we actually needed American democracy to be clicking on all cylinders. We're literally, this is, it's verging on the frightening. And there's, there's two reasons because, because of what we just described, but you just hit the nail on the head because of the passivity of the American public. The, the ability of the American public to go, oh yeah. How the Mets doing? We got, we got football. That HBO show on the. Well, a lot of them, but actually a lot of them are paying attention, but they're applauding Kamala anything but the orange man bad guy, you know. Well, yeah, there we go. I think that's most people are paying attention, actually, but. I disagree with the most people. I, I don't think we should. Yeah, social media is misleading because that's not necessarily. Yeah, I mean, a tweet that gets, you know, 30,000 likes is not most people. That's just a tweet that got 30,000 likes. Most people don't even know what the hell's going on. Most people are figuring out how to buy groceries this week. Most people, you know, are doing whatever they do in summertime. Most people have no clue what happened. I can guarantee you right now, I can take most people and run them through the most rudimentary test of these two events, the assassination attempt, and other give them 10 softball questions and make 70% passing. And most people would fail. All right, well, the good news is we're streaming to vk so. Hey, welcome to American democracy. Beautiful thing. Breathe yet, breathe yet. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? All right, let's take some questions from our beloved audience. She could be president. As I said, Scott answers every question in three minutes or less. And let's get to the first one from Adrian in the Netherlands. If Israel uses nuclear bombs in Yemen and or Lebanon with Iran and or Pakistan retaliate sooner or later, or would Iran just then start producing nuclear bombs. Look, I don't want to get into the specifics because I don't know, but I, my assessment is that if Israel is a big 300 if Israel uses nuclear weapons anywhere. Israel will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust delivered by a Muslim state. There's my answer. Well, that was Breville Quinn's personified. Hello, Russia, Breville Quinn. We use words like that all the time here in the United States. We're Americans if we can. Because we have a thasaurosis. Next question comes from Jason. But we can say it. Jason G. in Texas. Why does Putin support Netanyahu when Israel is clearly a USA ally? Jewish population Jewish population Jewish population Jewish population. There's your answer. A lot of Jews from Russia and the former Soviet Union live in Israel. They have family connections back. There's connectivity between the two and you know, there's an economic there's a social and there's a political element. So that's why I wouldn't say he supports Netanyahu. I would say that he has to, you know, weigh the Netanyahu or the Israel factor accordingly into what's in Russia's best interests. And there's a lot of things that have to be balanced out that deal with Jewish population Jewish population Jewish population. Breville Quinn. Again. Our audience, our Russian audience will be the only Russians who know the word. When I was in Russia, I was taught a word by my Marine commander, Colonel George Connell, who I love to death. Unfortunately, we had to bury him in Arlington a couple of years ago. But he taught me a word. Umo pomratchitsaloy. Mind bending. Umo pomratchitsaloy. And I have used that word over and over and over again. And all right, Sarah, which in place semantics, you know what I mean. And so the Russians was like, wow, you're so advanced in your language because you know Umo pomratchitsaloy. No, I also know Snoke's about the Nupaden. But doesn't mean that I know anything about Russian. What's the word that we use? Breville Quinn's? Breville Quinn's. Yeah, I mean, so we have a whole bunch of Russians right now running around using Breville Quinn's. We go, well, you guys know English pretty well. I mean, we taught them the wrong word. We got to teach them better, man. You got to do better. Yulana, what do you think of Scott's pronunciation? Is he nailing it or what? Okay, Yulana. Dead air is great on podcasts. She's shaking her head. Yes. Okay. Next question. Well, let's take a phone call. Why don't we? If you're in Russia, I'm sure it's easy for you to call us here in the US. And hold on the phone. I think we had somebody here. Hold it. No, we don't have them holding anymore. Let's go to another question. By the way, the way it works is you can submit your questions in advance at And we also take live questions over the phone as well as from the social media channels. And you can leave a voicemail message too. Rune Larson and Denmark, a lot of evidence by audio forensics seems to indicate that Matthew Crooks wasn't the only shooter at the Trump rally. The first three shots seem to be fired by someone else from a different weapon. And the quick five in succession was from Matthew according to Rune Larson. Director Cheetel wouldn't say how many shell casings they found on the roof of the infamous sloped roof building that would have settled it. What's your view? This is going to become the building seven of the assassination attempt in sanity personified. Look, there's a lot of people. There's the open source intelligence community out there who have gathered audio recordings and they're doing their forensic analysis. It's all crap. Okay, first of all, what's the quality of the recording? We don't know any of the parameters. Maybe they know the parameters. Why are you looking for a second shooter? What are you looking for in a second shooter? Why do you think a second shooter exists? Knock it off. Okay, we know what happened. A dude bear crawled up, took eight shots at the president, and got killed. If there was a second shooter, the president would be freaking dead. That's the whole purpose of the second shooter, is to make up for the failings of the first shooter. Don't come at me with the audio recordings unless you know what the hell you're talking about. I actually have a little bit of experience in this. We used audio detection devices to pinpoint enemy artillery systems. We know about the quality of the sound, how to place it, how to do the analysis of it, and we know what can go wrong. We also did other work with audio devices. I mean, funky stuff like trying to recreate sounds in a room going off the vibration window. Sophisticated stuff with a lot of computers. I'm telling you right now that unless somebody can come right out and say, this is exactly how it's recorded. These are all the factors into it. I've factored everything out, and this is indisputable evidence based upon a body of data that weeds out any potential. Knock it off. Don't come at me with building seven-type stupidity. OK, and now all the World Trade Center people are going to... What do you mean building seven-steppinity? That building was brought down. No, it wasn't. It came down because of a fire. And the shooter hired eight shots. They found eight casings. You know, this is basic stuff, guys. So, next week the FBI will come out and go, we only found six casings. I'm just sitting here. I'm not going down the rabbit hole of, you know, Internet-based, OSINT audio forensic analysis. I'm not going down that rabbit hole, OK? So, last night without any fanfare, we streamed our initial episode of the feedback loop, a new podcast we're doing. So, I did it with Ryan and Wiley, and I got into a conversation with Wiley afterwards in which I referred to 9/11 cooks as 9/11 cooks. And she scolded me for calling them cooks, and I tried three times to tell her why. I think they're cooks, but I was unsuccessful. So, hopefully in the future, I'll have that opportunity. I mean, I'm not supposed to read comments, but Resistance 100 with a beautiful little red triangle next to his name. You know, I mean, I love the fact that, you know, he can say with absolute effort. No, you don't know what happened, Scott. You always dismiss conspiracies when they have been proven many times. Give me one, and I'm not going to use the word, we're going to bleed out. Example, Resistance 100. Right now, you're on the spot, asshole. I can't do this, I apologize. Right now, Mr. Resistance 100, I respect your position. I respect your right to say it, but give me one example. Right now, you went on my show, and you put this comment up there for everybody to read. Right now, I'm calling you out. And if you can't do it, get the hell out of here. All right, I'm fed up with this nonsense. I've been putting it up with it. Oh, Scott, don't you know that on his planet, on his planet, the word always means building seven. Yeah, building seven, but he can't be, you know, what's. Yeah, no threat. All right. Let us let us know if we hear better from that. Sir, whatever his name one, I apologize, ladies. I'm my, my, my patients would probably be canceled this show today, but I'm trying to come in with good humor. But I am sorry. Were you having a bad, were you having a bad day already prior to that? Not a, I wouldn't call it a bad day. I would just call it. No, it's just, it's what's going on in America. And then I keep doing these interviews. And I'm just frustrated by the absurdity of the situation, the seriousness of the situation of the fact that my country is totally out of control right now, totally out of control. It's very frustrating for me. Yeah, then I want to come on and talking about it keeps it in your brain too. That's very natural. I'm not talking about it. Yeah. This damn device here blowing up with, you know, interviews, interviews, interview requests. And this is an important time. So you want to meet them. But then, you know, you just go down the, you just start chasing these theories and all, just, you know, the frustrating thing is we don't know. I mean, I'll give that to whatever his name was 100. We don't know. I don't know. Do you know? Does anybody know? Nobody knows. That was the frustration of the Secret Service Director's testimony. She knows, but she's not telling anybody, you know. So, yeah. So I, let's go to a voicemail message. Here's a, I have a voicemail message from a guy named Ray. And he also doesn't agree with you. This is about something else. But this guy expressed himself in a respectful way. So I don't think you'll object to this. Let's just hear what he has to say. So going down the rabbit toll of thought out who JD Vance is. I couldn't help but notice the similarities of the agent Zelensky saga. The total amazing, unbelievable stories. And, you know, the grinning and funding by oligarchs, in this case, Peter Teal of Murder Incorporated. And that doesn't pluck her up the butthole. I'd go follow Whitney Webb. And in fact, you should have her on your show. She's quite brilliant. But long story short, I can't tell where JD Vance ends. And Peter Teal begins. No way this guy's a populist. This guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing, in my opinion. And I'm getting real big dick chaney vibes out of this guy. What say you just want to just curious? Thanks. Well, how do I begin to respond to that? I can't, I can't sit here and say I disagree with what he's saying. But JD Vance is one of these, you know, shake and bake. You know, out of nowhere game changing people. He's the white Barack Obama, you know, came from nowhere. Who is he? What has he done? How does he deserve to be Vice President of the United States? I made an observation a couple weeks ago when people threw out some names there who would be the best Vice President pick for Donald Trump. And I answered the question. I said Donald Trump should pick JD Vance because the other two were governors who are establishment Republicans. JD Vance is not an establishment Republican. He may be an establishment something else, but he's, you know, he portrays himself as MAGA. Now people be out there and say he's fake MAGA, Peter Thiel, all that stuff. I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying he portrays himself. Politics is oftentimes so much more about perception than it is about reality. Politicians are always trying to, you know, pull the rabbit out of the hat, put the smoke in your eyes, you know, diversion, etc. JD Vance needs to be investigated to hella. That's our job as the American public. If this guy isn't qualified to be President, then he shouldn't be Vice President. If Donald Trump picked this guy to be his Vice President, it turns out that he's a Dick Cheney in waiting. That's sort of a strike against, you know, Donald Trump. And then you have to ask yourself, what's going to replace him? Kamala Harris. And then you have to do the waiting factors or we have to get enough people to say, "Are K juniors our guy? Are you going to jump ship?" or, "Giel Steins our person. We're going to jump ship." You know, but, you know, JD Vance must be investigated. He has a, you know, hillbilly, elegiza, is a cool story. But I agree with you. I think the transition that these people make, you know, he went to an Ivy League. All right. That affects you. You meet people. He then started working his whip, clerked for somebody, got to meet people when you clerked for that judge. You got to do things and then he gets, he does some investment, meets some people. Money comes his way. He's made a senator. He didn't become a senator because he's Mr. Populist. He became a senator because a lot of people with a lot of influence wrote big checks. That's how you become a senator in America. Find me a genuine populist senator. A guy that really is or a guy or a gal that's really a man or woman of the people, the soul of the earth. You're not going to find it. You know, I'm not buying into the JD Vance story. I simply made an observation that of the three candidates named people, he was the one that was the most logical pick for Donald Trump to extend the legacy of MAGA in a post-Trump environment. But I'm not sitting here saying that JD Vance is, you know, the best thing since sliced bread. He needs to be investigated. And I'm all with you. And if he stinks, act accordingly. All right, and Ray isn't the only person who suggested that we invite Whitney Webb on. And so we are going to invite her. Let me just deal with resistance 100. You know, the funny thing, pal, I don't know who you are. Don't know anything about you. Jeff has been around for a while with me. And one of the reasons why we call you 911 kooks, kooks, is that you're crazier than batshit. You're dumber than dirt. All right, if you're going to come up and say, you literally see nothing wrong with the official 911 story, that means you don't know a damn thing about me. You haven't read anything that I've written or listened to, anything I've said. You're stupid beyond belief. And I should really just leave it there because let me share some people's sources. I'm going to watch my language because I promised people that I wouldn't say, what the hell do you know about the people that I've met and the sources that I've read? Did I not sit in on a number of 911 gatherings? You know, I was back there with the original investing. I don't know who you are. You some punk that just, you know, emerged down nowhere. You an old head that's been around for a while. If you've been around for a while, then I should know your name because I was on the original OG people standing up saying 911 stinks. I just don't buy into bullshit. So I don't buy into building seven. And I do accept that 19 guys did awful things with four airplanes. There's a lot of people out there that don't believe that. That's their business. The forensics go the way they go. But if you are implying that I buy into the 911 Commission report, I have always said that report is insufficient. And I've always said, as long as that report's insufficient, it leaves the door open for the conspiracy theories that the best thing that could have been done is to be honest about it from the beginning, put everything out on the table and let the chips fall where they might, but it got politicized. And now they got politicized. Like I said, it opens the door for people to come up with conspiracy theories. But you don't know anything about me. You don't know anything about my background. You don't know anything about. I mean, I got to watch my language. You know, one of the first books that came out about 911. I'm questioning that you stupid son of a bitch. So get the F out of my chat. Get off this program because you're too dumb to live. I know. I've gone. I've gone into. There I go. I told you, I'm having a bad day, but this is me off because the implication is this. Hey, and next we're not going to entertain this stuff. You tell me how to build a doc, you genius, you physicist, you know, building engineer, you structural genius. Next. All right. I'll just add one thing. New York City firefighters have said what happened. So they know what happened. They were there. I know I'm spoken to the chief who watched the crack in the building who called the collapse. And you dirty little stupid building seven ignoramuses don't know anything about that. Or you're trying to dismiss it because you've come up with nano thermite particles. Next. All right. I was starting to say that we are going to invite Whitney before Scott went into a rare rant. If you're watching us on VK for the first time, this is rare. It almost has never happened. I was starting to say that Whitney Webb, we will be inviting her to come on. So you'll be seeing her soon. And if not, it's only because she declined the invitation, but we're going to go for it. That must be codamed for Siri. Miss McMinus is Siri who's saying, don't take the bait. Oh, yes, she's she's she's a very nice person. She's one of our regulars. Raised in the USA. Why do you keep insisting Hezbollah is winning in the current conflict. Hezbollah lost over 700 soldiers and nine commanders. Whereas Israel lost only 24. Israel also has way more soldiers and supplies than Hezbollah. You are getting challenged left and right today, Scott. Again, raise. I mean, there's certain assumptions that are built in that question and imply that you know a thing or two about the military, but clearly you don't because you wouldn't have asked that question. If you did know and think about military because you know that wars and extension of politics by other means. And so if you're going to sit there and look at the. I can't comment on the things I agree with you, because I'm not supposed to comment. Elena enough with the building seven because that was 22 years ago or something like that. And these cooks haven't gotten anybody to buy their story so they don't deserve this much attention. Anyway, let me start. Let me start the clock again. That's okay, because this will be. Wars politics, baby, if you don't know that you don't understand war. If you think that Hezbollah isn't one, you think Israel, why hasn't Israel gone into southern Lebanon right now tick tick tick tick play the jeopardy theme song, please, because they know they'll lose now if Israel knows they're going to lose. Maybe you should take the hint to. There you go. I mean, I'm waiting for your answer. Raise, it's not going to come because, you know, you don't know what you're talking about. You're looking at dead bodies. First of all, question the hell out of your numbers where you get in your numbers. And that, but the other thing is even if your numbers are right. Why is Israel saying they have no tanks. I can't answer that question, can you? Why are they saying they have no ammunition? Why do you think they're saying that their troops are exhausted? Why do you think the IDF saying to Netanyahu don't go in to Lebanon will get our butts kicked, because it's all true. And why? Because Hezbollah, as part of the resistance, remember Hezbollah is not operating in a bubble. It's a supporting operation of the main effort, which is in Gaza, which is consuming all of Israel's resources. It's just the way it is, man. You know, I've been doing this for a while, and I'm very confident with my assessment. Now, if you have a resume that suggests that you are as equally experienced as I am, that you know more than I do, please send it to us. I'll look at it and then I'll re-examine your question. Right now, when I just look at your question, it seems to be that you're just asking a provocative question to appear as if you know something that clearly you don't, because I'm telling you right now that the entire Israeli Defense Force disagrees with you. All right, and make sure if you submit a resume, you let us know what your pronouns are. That's very important, because we're all about DEO. Let's take a phone call. Hey there, you're on live with our favorite weapons inspector. Please lower your computer. Are you there? Yes, hey, hang on, sir. Well, I got a lot of personal problems. What's on your mind? Yeah, I just want to ask, do you think Netanyahu after he comes to America and speak in front of the Congress over here in Washington, D.C.? Do you think that's actually given him the green light to go ahead and jump to the front and attack more on Yemen and Syria or probably South Lebanon or even Beirut, or he might go even crazier and attack Iran or not? And actually, thank you for what you do. I'm really a big fan. I follow you, Mr. Scott, everywhere. I listen to every, almost every time you come out on YouTube or any platform, I listen to you all the time. And you'll have my support with anything you want to do, hopefully in the future. Hopefully you should run for something in the Congress, man, because you are really, really, really, really respected and you know a lot more than any average person in the country. Well, thank you very much for your support because I'm a Palestinian American too. And it's really humble for me to hear you saying the truth all the time. All we need actually is the truth to be out there. We don't need to be in favor. We only need the truth out there. That's all we need. Thank you so much. Well, thank you. I'll say, you know, what you're calling truth, I call an assessment. I, you know, I encourage people, even though today I'm in a bad. But I encourage people actually to push back. It's, it's the right thing to do there. If I put a set of facts out there and people disagree with the facts, push back. I, I'm, except for 9/11 building seven theories. It's just isn't the form. We're not here. I'm not here to talk about 9/11. It's not my thing. All right. I did that for a long time after it first happened. I did that a whole lot. And I'm tired of it. And you all can sit there and use your time the way you want to use your time. Never bring it up in here again. In Yelena, let's just make that a flat out rule that we don't flash any 9/11 conspiracy theory stuff down here. And I'll never read the comments again, although that's a lie to that. I read them as I was speaking, but what can I say? I'm an intelligence officer. I just have to collect information. But on your question, I don't think Israel is militarily capable. I mean, it doesn't matter if the U.S. Congress green lights or something. You know, that's not what he's here for. Netanyahu will make the decision about military things. It has to be done in concert with the Israeli Defense Force. And the Israeli Defense Force has said we can't have a full-scale war with Hezbollah and we can't have a full-scale war with Iran. They may be able to escalate things in Yemen. They have to be careful in Syria because they might cross one of those red lines. He came here to be wrapped in the American flag so that he can go back and politically tell the Israeli people that America supports him. And these difficult times, even though he hasn't won the war in Gaza, even though he hasn't freed the houses, even though he hasn't solved the Hezbollah problem, even though he keeps shutting off the ships, even though he's a failure of a human being and a leader, America loves him because the Israelis are so addicted to the concept of American love that that will somehow sustain him politically. So that's all this is. He's supposed to show up and he's going to get a million and a half standing ovations and he's going to be the Jewish Winston Churchill and he's going to be lauded and everything. And then he's going to go back and he's going to tell the Israeli people you can't abandon me because America loves me. That's purely what this is. The United States isn't greenlining military operations. We've already told him don't do it and his military people have told him don't do it, which creates a political problem for him. He's he's he has a new political problem because Kamala ain't showing up to the apparently to the to the event. I think Kamala's playing the Palestinian card. I think Kamala's going to try and be trying to woo and win back Michigan and Wisconsin and all this kind of stuff. So we'll see. That's interesting. Next question comes from Maria, his Spanish Suiza in Geneva. How come the Soviet Union didn't demand that the US withdraw all US bases from West Germany before allowing the reunification. That's a good question, but you make demands based upon the position of strength. I mean, if you're going to demand something, you have to have a plan. So if the demands aren't met, there will be consequences. At that point in time, Gorbachev was in the midst of a failing, failing pair of strike a policy. And his economy was collapsing around his ears and he desperately was trying to woo the West to invest in the failing communist enterprise that was the Soviet Union. So the last thing he needed to do was to suddenly play hardball about a historical inevitability. When the Berlin Wall came down, Germany was going to be reunified. If there was a country that was less enthusiastic about it, then the Soviet Union was the United States. We weren't ready for it. We were like, what the heck's going on here. So he had a very weak hand and he didn't want to push it. And he was hoping that by conceding this being reasonable about this, et cetera, that the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, would open up the floodgates and let the money flow in. But Bush didn't do that. Bush held back. It was a fail. It was bad policy on the part of Gorbachev, a bad gamble. He should have played, in retrospect, played hardball, but he had been lured into believing by Ronald Reagan that the United States was ready to provide all of this assistance. Reagan went away. George H.W. Bush came in and Bush had different plans. Jack Matlock was the ambassador at the time and he was begging Bush to hurry up, do your review and start getting this stuff flowing in because Gorbachev's falling apart here. So the Union's falling apart. If you don't get the aid in there, it's going to be a collapse. We didn't get the aid in time. There was a collapse. But he didn't play hardball because he was hoping that by being seen as reasonable, he would get the money he needed to survive. What's that big, long question? I think we should get a longer question and cover our faces completely. I mean, why do you see any of our faces? Well, that's okay. They just saw my eyes. They saw it. But what was that question? Is this from a gentleman in Russia? I don't know. Elena, was that a good question? Is that why you... Nikolay and from Russia, when the Soviet Union collapsed, our information model values were destroyed. After that, we took your information while being applied to the Russian Federation. Now, we know your language, your culture, and we have the American dream, our own house, car, and wife. What will happen to you now? I mean, the United States with the... In the lack of freedom movement. Don't worry. I will be able to move. It's not a lack of freedom of a moment. It's just a temporary hiccup. I've sprained my ankle, but I'll repair my torn ACL, and I'll be moving. They're talking about my passport being taken away. It's interesting. I did an interview. It's going to be on the Ask the Inspector tomorrow. Not Ask the Inspector. I'm sorry. This is not really a show. Yeah. Yeah. Tomorrow, we talked about American politics. It was different because normally I interview Russians about Russia and know that. But this time, I wanted to get the Russian perspective about what was happening in the United States, and that was one of the interesting thematics that came out. Was that the United States today reminds a lot of Russians of the Soviet Union during Perestroika, when the Soviet Union was collapsing. The institutions were failing. And I was stunned when I heard that because I don't think people have realized that I'm an American yet. I think on Twitter, they're confused when I actually say I'm not only an American, but I'm a damn proud American who loves my country and will fight for my country and fight for American institutions. I believe in democracy. I believe in the power of the vote. That really pissed a lot of people off to pretend that I, I mean, the vote doesn't matter. The voting participating in the vote means you're genocidal. Well, that was the beginning of my anger. But the point is, I'm a very proud American. So I might be blind sometimes to legitimate criticism. And I was taken aback by that. And I've been reflecting on this question prompted it. Are we in an advanced stage of societal collapse? Are people like me blind to my loyalty to America and my hope, my dream, my passion that the Constitution actually stands for something? When around me, the evidence shows that it doesn't. Are we on the verge of societal collapse? And that would scare the hell out of me because the Russians know what it means. The Russians lived through it. They lived through their nation, literally collapsing around them. Today we look at Russia and we tend to forget the price they paid. There's America in that direction. Sometimes you need an outsider to provoke you with a provocative question like that. And it's something I'm going to be reflecting on a little bit harder. Because I tend to paper over what's happening in the United States and just say, "Oh, this is business as usual. We've always had contested elections. We've always had this, that and the other thing." But when you have an outsider who's lived through it saying, "Nana, you guys are literally going through what we went through under Parastroika." It's an eye opener. I can't say that 100% agree with that right now, but the question is provocative enough and we live in interesting enough times that I do think it needs to be pursued. Next question is from Derek in the UK. "Will Turkey's intention to join BRICS have ramifications for NATO?" How can it not? If you look at the growth of NATO, NATO is the military arm of a larger political enterprise that has an economic component called the G7. The European Union is the political component. These three things have developed side by side. They're one in the same in terms of policy. This is why you see when the EU does something, the G7 rubber stamps that NATO comes in. Those three things are basically the rubber. I missed that. If Turkey jumps to BRICS, I think that's because Turkey's making a strategic decision that its alignment to Europe and alignment to the West is over, that they're realigning to Eurasia. When that happens, the vacuum will suck them right in the vortex. It's a more powerful economic institution. It's on the cusp of becoming a more powerful political institution. People aren't basically picking up on Modi's visit to Russia. That hug was huge. Now what you see is people who previously were saying China and India are going to go at it. Russia can't unite them. There's some interesting articles coming out from sources that normally take the China and India will never work together saying, "It looks like China and India are starting to work together." And if that happens in Russian, I'm telling you, in October when those three leaders sit around to table together, that's an accumulation of political, economic, and military power that NATO and the EU and the United States can't match. And Turkey is on the fence. And which way do I want to go? I think they're making that decision. It's not just going to suck Turkey. It's going to suck everybody in. Europe is falling apart. It may suck Serbia and it may suck Hungary and it may suck Slovakia and it may end up sucking in Bulgaria. And once it does that, you're just going to see Europe hit the total collapse of Europe. So yeah, I think there's ramifications. Was that hug as significant as our hug at the airport, Scott? No, it was not as significant. Our hug literally changed the world because from that hug came after the inspector. Okay. Good answer. Zach, in Ryan's house, Utah, why does Russia threaten nuclear warfare when they know they can defeat an out-produced NATO conventionally? Why bring up the issue of nuclear weapons at all? Well, Zach, I mean, it's a good question. I got in trouble. I was getting trouble with my mouth apparently, but I went on a reportify Alex White. He does the show. He's a Canadian based in China and it comes at things from a very positive outlook to China. I'm not here to denigrate China. I think China's doing great, etc. But he had a guest, Carl Zaw, who denigrated American military power and I had to remind him that America could still take China off the map today. Right now, we want to. There's not a nation in the world that we can't take off the map. That's nuclear weapons. And we have a tremendous amount of conventional military power. Politically, we get restrained on this, but if we ever took the shackles off and fired everything we have, you're not going to have a good day. You're going to have a very bad day. Russia knows this. That's why Russia's not trying to provoke a larger fight with NATO. It's not saying that Russia's going to lose, but the price Russia would pay is horrific. Russia talks about nuclear weapons, because nuclear weapons are deterrent, deterrent against irresponsible behavior. And when the West commits to a program of the strategic defeat of Russia using Ukraine as the vehicle to achieve that, and they go all in. Remember, they've gone all in. This ain't, this is Texas Holders. They're not sitting there with a pile of chips and they're doing very conservative betting. They've gone all in. They put everything on Ukraine. And they're losing. It comes down to, from the calculations of the Russians, that the next logical step for NATO is to put NATO in on the pot, too, because the goal here is to take Russia back to the 1991 borders. Now they're saying 2022, they'll accept 2014 Crimea, but they won't accept the four new territories. What the hell do you think? When Russia says that you threaten the existential survival of Russia, that means that the loss of any Russian territory is existential threat to all of Russia. And so the idea that Russia is going to give up Zaporrhija, Carisón, Dungeski, Lugonski is absurd, but that's the position of the West. How do you deter the Western taking that step by telling them what the outcome will be, nuclear weapons. So it's not irresponsibly behavior on the part of Russia. It's what a declaratory nuclear policy is supposed to achieve. It's supposed to have a deterrent effect. Hopefully the West wakes up to it. But I don't say I know Yelena popped up a question about intermediate range nuclear missiles. So if Jeff allows the reset of the clock, I'll quick touch that one with some prevalence. Okay. How do you feel about the return of MR and increase Mr Europe. This is the most destabilizing thing ever. You know, I have said and I'm finishing up a sub stack that I was hoping to have for Jeff today but didn't another reason why I'm in a sour mood because I wanted to have that article out today. But it touches upon this. In 2026, we lose the new start treaty. It's not going to be revived. It's impossible to negotiate a new treaty vehicle. Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris is inclined to negotiate a new treaty vehicle. It's going to expire. And what it does, the Biden administration, which is advised by the same national security officials who will advise a Kamala Harris administration, has said that they're looking at the expansion of America's strategic nuclear capabilities without limitations. So the arms race is back on. Now that's interesting because we're trying to do an arms race. We can't build anything. The sentinel missile is billions of dollars over. It's going to be a trillion dollar system that's not going to work to be 21 such as a bomber. And the new submarine isn't going to be doing much, you know, but we're going to go into an arms race with the Russians who have put out new submarines new missiles, advanced hypersonic missiles, etc. We're going to deploy intermediate nuclear forces back into Europe. This will be the Mark 70 missile launch system with the SM six short range missile and the ground launch cruise missile nuclear capable. This will 1,800 mile range. Then they're going to put in the, they've got the the Aegis ashore that has both of those and then they're going to put in the new US Army dark eagle system it's a two stage intermediate range system that fires a hypersonic reintrivial conventional not nuclear but it doesn't matter the precision of it the velocity of it means that when it hits it's going to destroy. It's a perfect decapitation weapon meaning that they fire it they could kill Putin they could kill Russian leadership decapitate within minutes of launch. So how the Russians responding their breathing life back into what's called the RS 20 RS 56 maybe 26 RS 26 rubbish I think it is a system that was getting ready to be fielded in 2015. But the Russians pulled it back for obvious reasons because it has the potential being an ICBM and an intermediate range missile they want to some reserving case United States pulled out of the INF Treaty which we did. They haven't put into production but they can put into production at both kens the factory that I worked at they can crank out you know 60 to 80 these a year. They're ready to go now they don't have to design them they don't have to test it they've all been tested. They carry three avant-garde hypersonic reentry vehicles we're going to go back to where we were in the 1980s with Persians and SS 20s but now it's going to be dark eagle and rubbish. And all it takes is one mistake one miscalculation one misjudgment and there's going to be a fire and then we have a nuclear war and all life ends I'm predicting nuclear war in twenty twenty six unless we do something to change. Enough said. All right let's move on to the next question from moose in Canada was July 13 the first lapse in security by the secret service or is his security always this bad. And is this just the first time someone has made an attempt on Trump. Well I mean you know the secret service keeps there's a reason why they call the secret service they don't publicize too much. But we know in the past Trump has been pulled off the stage in the past we know this. Trump has arrived someplace with the you know with the Trump airplane in the background when he was first running for president and they came in and they took him off the stage because there was a guy in the crowd with a gun. So it's a gun bam gone. And he's been pulled off the stage and other occasions to you know this time I mean the delay eight shots fired. He goes down and there's a delay delay and then they go on top of them. They're just sitting there for what a minute and some odd he's not moving. When he gets up they have the midget you know DEI hires or you know struggling to protect his groin while he's sitting there pumping his fist in the air. Total body emerged I mean. I think this was a deliberate I mean I'm in this one of those cases where they're going to have to prove me wrong. I think this is a deliberate setup for Trump to be killed. Everything screams at this such wide deviation from what's supposed to be established practice and what president shows the Secret Service is capable of doing what Donald Trump. Everything about this was wrong. It was set up basically for him to be Epstein and that's just a reference to what happened to you know the guy who ran the Jeffrey Epstein ran the island Epstein's island infamous for its underage girls and things of that nature. You know they swapped out the guards turned off the cameras and nobody saw anything as he was murdered. I think that this is this weeks of the same local police being given task that they aren't qualified to do showing an absolute indifference leaving you know a building a roof open for someone to come up communications breaking down. You see a guy on the roof nobody shouting gun nobody's doing anything letting him go up on the stage while this is unfolding not having adequate protection around him. It stinks. All right this is what happened in 2016 in Las Vegas when Trump was running for president the first time. Moments after Donald Trump took the stage in a rally at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas last weekend. A young man approached a police officer stationed at the event and asked for an autograph. According to police a plan to assassinate Trump was underway. Without warning the man went for the officer's gun trying to take it away only to be quickly subdued. We love our police. The arrest caused little commotion but authorities now say Michael Sanford 19 allegedly told the Secret Service this was an attempt to shoot and kill Trump. A complaint obtained by ABC News claims Sanford who had a British driver's license had been planning to murder Trump for about a year. Sanford allegedly told the Secret Service he had driven from California to Vegas last Friday specifically to attack Trump after seeing news reports that he would be there. A day later Sanford allegedly went to this Vegas gun range to learn how to shoot. People forget that they really do and there were other ones too like I said there was an outdoor one up by his airplane where the Secret Service actually jumped on him and got him off the stage. Yeah well I mean I don't know that they weren't all assassination attempts but. By the way while we're at it great. This is the one I think you're talking about where somebody yelled gun but I think they never found the gun though. But I mean run your clock right now run your clock. How fast they get them off that stage. That's not a real someone seconds yeah I mean. And that's the suspicion of a gun. Right. Yeah. And then he came back on one stage. What he could have done in Butler. Get him off the stage. Resolve whatever it is to resolve. Determine whether or not it's safe to continue and go on. No they didn't do any of that. All right let's finish with an international phone call I fear it's mark in Ireland but I have such a bad memory I was for I always forget what his number is even though I've got a caller ID right in front of me. Hey you're on with our favorite weapons inspector what's on your mind. Are you doing Scott he came up. I was not he's not saying. Oh sorry Jeff love you too. One of the things I noticed that it's a very unfortunate happened America there between Biden and Trump but people forgot about Thomas Massey said there just before Trump got shot about the Congress and the number of people who had committed certain type of crime. And then before that with the interview we took a Carlson they talked about the babysitters. And so it's like I'm not put a put a t-shirt out there with give the APAC babysitter the pink slip nuts basically the P 45 in Ireland which is a firing somebody and put them on the fire watch list. Get to the question mark get to the question. Oh yeah. Well would you interview somebody from Iran especially Jewish person who lives there and ask them out in the concentration camp did they get shot and killed. Just curious because now I believe that around the monsters sort of destroy Israel but yet there's what 1000 Jewish people live in there. Yeah of course. I mean we'd have to talk about the practicalities of it the timing language. Do they speak English do we need a translator. What exactly are we going to talk about for you know for a period of time but in theory it's it's not a it's not something I would say I would never do that. You know there's a lot of conspiracy going up about Massey and what he talked about the APAC babysitters look it's well known I used to go when I was going knocking on doors trying to stop a war in Iraq. I was burdock by an APAC team and I would go in and they would just follow me and I'd go in and I'd knock on the door to open it up go in and talk to the representative. And as soon as I left the APAC team came in to remind them of who pays their bills and do and they burdock me all over the place. And I knew them my name I knew who they knew I because they used to love me APAC used to invite me to speak at their APAC convention I wisely didn't take that they were offering good money. The APAC was offering speakers to I mean the amount of money I turned down my wife continues to say you should have sold out. But you know that's what APAC does so the fact you know this conspiracy that Massey was has been penalized for saying so all of Washington DC knows about this it's not a secret everybody knows about it. And that's just what APAC is people choose not to talk about it you know Massey is different because he did talk about it but the idea that he he released some sort of great dark secret of Washington DC is absurd. That every single one of these congressmen representatives they have a APAC has a staff of people who has a list of their congressmen and senators who they burdock. And that's just the way it is man I wish we could stop it I'd love to call them foreign agents but until we have a seismic change in American politics which we can't have unless we vote. If options are you know pro-Jewish pro-Israel candidate a and pro-Israel candidate b. I'll leave this this is why if you think American democracy begins on the morning of November 5th it ends when the polls are closed you know nothing about American democracy. And how it's supposed to work American democracy needs to happen every single day. Every single day you need to be fighting for the issues of believing you need to be fighting for the candidates that best represent your issues you need to be confronting local you know Democrat Republican Party chairs to get the right to the people and it's a constant struggle that most Americans opt out of and then they think that I'm doing the great American service by voting on election day. If that's when you first get engaged you've already failed because you're choosing people that have been selected by other people. You need to get involved in the selection process and you need to get involved in elevating your issues and fighting for your issues. And when it doesn't work that way, but at least it shows that you're engaged and you have a chance you have a fighting chance. But as Teddy Roosevelt famously said if the man in the ring. If you're not in the ring fighting you're not in the fight. You know you may get beat up you may be battered but you are in the damn ring. All these other people who just show up at the polls in November they never step foot in the ring they never trained they weren't in the fight. Okay that will do it for this episode of Ask the Inspector our premier episode on VK I look forward to hearing what the reaction was there. That's Vidanya that's goodbye does Vidanya does Vidanya. Bingo do you have to say now but when you're ready to go you wave and you say does Vidanya. All right and I want to thank you Laina who coached me before we started and helped me with the pronunciation of the word for hello which I already forgot. Oh preview preview join us Friday night for ask the inspector to our version 8 p.m. Eastern time also the Scott Ritter show tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Eastern time you can see it at Scott and various social media channels. Scott will be speaking in New York City on August 4th and Poughkeepsie on August 10th signing his book. And if you can't make it to either one of those events go to Scott and we are selling copies of his autograph book there as well as a lot of other great merchandise including this smart looking hat. And we have a new coin coming soon and we'll be talking about that in the coming weeks. Thank you Scott thanks to our beloved audience we appreciate it and we will see you on Friday. Like this got a quick question Jeff before you go out. Yes sir. As people know Jeff and I have not just a friendship but we have a professional relationship. You know this this is work for us. And Jeff just sent me a payment a check. For a certain amount of money it's not a lot of money but it's it's my share of what we did this month. Was it written in Russian Jeff, did Vladimir Putin have to counter sign it? Well no and there was no currency exchange behind the scenes either it was strictly US currency every step of the way. Again that just because I'm in that kind of mood today I mean I'm just I'm really just don't like people. But the free Matt games Scott gets a lot of checks written in Russian I hope that was a joke but I see that you're on X and I will hunt you down and destroy you. Because it's stupidity you have no basis in that it's ridiculous but I'm just in that kind of mood today so I'm sorry it's the marine in me. I really shouldn't have done the show without Siri here to throw cold water on me on occasion. But it just irritated me because these are stupid people who inject their stupidity into what's supposed to be a serious show discussing serious issues. And it just shows you know gets I like that word to think that guy has to be British because that or pay no attention. I think I'm sure that's a disparaging term I can tell by that you don't want to be a gift. Just like if you're an officer in the British Army you don't want to be a Rupert. All right I'll take that. All right one more time Scott what's the word for goodbye in Russian. Dos Vidanya. Thanks everybody and thanks to our beloved audience except for Mark in Ireland. [Music] [Applause]