Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

A Complete Turnaround

A Complete Turnaround - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
18 Aug 2024
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A Complete Turnaround - Morning Prayer

Hallelujah you want you have won the victory thank you Holy Ghost Hallelujah you have won it all for me There could not hold you down You are the resun king You've seen it in majesty You are the resun king Come on and sing it Hallelujah Hallelujah you have won the victory Come on and sing it to the king church Hallelujah you have won it all for me There could not hold you down You are the resun king You've seen it in majesty You are the resun king By His strikes, by His stripes, come on worship Him We are healed, by His nail pairs hands were free By His blood where was claimed Now we have the victory The power of sin The power of sin is broken Jesus of the king in all Thank you Holy Ghost He has won a freedom Jesus has won it all Sing it with me church Hallelujah you have won the victory Father God In the name of Jesus we thank you for your wonderful people Continue to strengthen them Continue to work in their lives Continue to bring them into that awareness That you are always there You said I'll never leave you nor forsake you I'll be with you even under the end Give somebody that assurance That peace, that comfort That whatever they have to face in this life Whatever they are going through right now They do not have to do it alone Because you are right there In the name of Jesus Christ we pray Somebody say amen glory to God Amen welcome to this morning prayer broadcast As we continue our series You are never alone And on this morning we are talking about A complete turnaround A complete turnaround In the book of Matthew 28 verse 1-10 And we'll continue tomorrow as well One of the most powerful Passage of Scriptures in the whole Bible Because it has everything to do With the resurrection of the Lord Jesus You know Christianity Hinges on the death The burial And the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ That's why so much people are trying to Say all this is false Give me a break What they are trying to do is up in Christianity It ain't happening He rose from the dead on the third day You listen into me He lives Matthew 28 beginning at verse 1 The Bible says In the end of the Sabbath As it began to dawn toward The first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene And the other Mary To see the supplicor Now remember these ladies Another gospel recalls that On their way to the supplicor To look to go on and to go on Do certain rituals with the Body of Jesus with the spices and everything That's what they did They were wondering and they said One to another Who will take away the stone They were wondering because they didn't have the power They didn't have the man power to do it Plus the governor Had his seal Or the king had his seal On that stone That means no one had permission to move it You can be killed Amen? On the spot If you were trying to Break the seal On something that the governor put a seal on Or the king You can lose your life So they were one by Dad Faith They were going anyway I'm telling you I just loved a whole Scenario surrounding the death In the jail and resurrection of Christ They had faith That some way somehow God would make a way For that stone to be moved Because they asked, they said One to another Who will take away the stone They say, "Ah, let's just keep going Can somebody say I'm going to keep going I don't know who's going to move the stone But I'm going to put my trust in God Because he has a way of making a way Where there seems to be no way Amen? And so There was a great earthquake A great earthquake For the angel of the Lord descended From heaven And came and rolled back the stone From the door And sat on it Before they got there The angel came down From out of heaven There was a great earthquake And he rolled the stone away And didn't sat on top of it And he rolled the stone away And didn't sat on top of it Like, I dare you I dare you, Solis, to do something About what I just did Lord of mercy, I just loved this whole thing Watch this, his countenance Was like lightning And his ramen, his clothes Was white as snow And for fair of him The keepers, this is to produce Just the gods, Solis Did shake and became his dead man Did corruption fell to the ground? Complete turnaround, I love it Because just 24 hours ago It was the disciples Shaking in their boots It was the disciples bewildered Confused Frustrated Frightened out of their wits and Not knowing what was going to happen With them now that Jesus had been Crucified, and now, today was the third day They were still in hiding And now the Holy Ghost, I'm going to give you a dose of your own medicine That angel came down out of heaven And there was a great earthquake I know those soldiers must have shook out of their shoes Come on, somebody God turned it around It was their time to be afraid They were just rejoicing three days ago Now they shaking in their boots Hey, glory to God The Holy Ghost knows how to turn it around He's turning it around for somebody He's going to give the enemy a taste of his own medicine Now you're listening to me Now they're shaking And they collapsed to the ground And fellas dead man Helpless under the power of God Wow And the angel answered and said unto the women I mean he took care of Solis Who will take away the stone Who's going to take care of these body gods God said I got it I got it, you wondering about this You wondering about that God said Just keep walking my faith By the time you get there You'll notice I already taken every stool And every demonic obstacle Every soldier out of your way In the name of Jesus And the angel answered and said Under the women Fair not you For I know that you seek Jesus Which was crucified He is not here For he is risen As he said Praise God He is risen as he said Come and see the place Where the Lord lay And go quickly Don't hesitate Go quickly and tell his disciples That he is risen From the dead And behold he goes before you Into Galilee There shall you see him Low I have told you Ladies They looking on the ground in amazement The solis are on the ground Knocked out cold When that angel showed up There was an earthquake And those men collapsed As dead men Those women tipped torn Over their bodies They weren't dead but they were just out God knows how to lay Your enemies out Knocked them right out of your way Nothing can stand In the way of God's plans And I mean absolutely Nothing can stand In the way of God's plans Go quickly and tell his disciples That he is risen And they departed quickly From the sublica With fair and great joy And dead run To bring his disciples Word complete turn around And as they went To tell his disciples Behold Jesus met them Saying all hell And they came And held him by the feet And they worshiped him Then said Jesus under them Be not afraid The angel you can tell They got their words from God The angel told them Be not afraid now Jesus telling them directly Be not afraid Go tell my brethren That they go into Galilee And there Shall they see me A complete turn around A complete turn around I believe the Lord wants to give you A complete turn around In your situation Father in the name of Which are wonderful people And we pray For a complete turn around From losing to winning From being the victim To being the victor From trials to triumph From sickness to health From poverty to wealth God From being out of loss To having cleaner actions From divorce to divine unity From weakness From discouragement to encouragement In the name Of Jesus Christ We pray Somebody say amen To support the work of God The preaching of the gospel Visit us online right now At You can also give Through the ministry PayPal account That addresses Forward slash Shawnpinda ministries You can also give Through the ministry PayPal account Many of you have downloaded To shawnpinda ministries Amen, you can give Through that app as well You can also give Through the ministry ZEL account The ministry ZEL email Address is info At You can also give Through the ministry Cash up account That address is The dollar sign Shawnpinda ministries That address is At shawnpinda ministries You can also text To give all you have to do Text the letters SPM to the number four-five 888 and a legal automatically Be sent to you You can also give By mailing your donations Into the ministry Just remember to make your Checks and money orders Out to shawn 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070 Never forget Me and my beautiful white Past Amy, we love you We appreciate you And thank you Our wonderful partners In viewing your audience For your support And your prayers God bless you See you again On tomorrow morning On another Morning Prayer broadcast The end [MUSIC PLAYING]