Lighthouse Baptist Church


7/21/2024 11 AM Pastor Dan Utley

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21 Jul 2024
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Thank you for listening to this message preached at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Schenectady, New York. We hope this message is a blessing to you. Please like us on Facebook and visit our website, if you would like to partner with us in reaching our city and our world you can give by clicking this link

[ Music ] >> Thank you for listening to this message brought to you by the Audio Ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church. It's connected in New York. For more great content, please visit us at Now let's open our hearts and minds to the Word of God. [ Music ] >> After one is where we're going to be this morning, Titus chapter one. And Titus chapter one, we're continuing our series, Titus, Proper Protocols. This morning, we're going to talk about this topic. Dealing with doubters. Dealing with doubters is what we're going to talk about this morning. And I do want to let you know, as we have passed out tracks, guess what happens? People start to doubt, right? So I actually got a very interesting letter. That's right here from one of the people in our community that said some very interesting things. Very much doubting what we said on our fire. And so we pray, because if you're going to write up a letter and send it to a church, God's obviously working, right? I mean, he didn't just write it, he typed it, typed it up, sent it off to us, spent the 4 billion dollars to cost to send a letter in these days, sent it to us. And so obviously God is working. And that's how I look at it, and so pray for us as we have opportunity to maybe even reach out to him. I don't know where he lives, but I pray that God will use even what he already read. Even though he sent the fire back, that God will use what he already read, to kind of begin to make him doubt what he believes. Because what he says in his letter is very heartbreaking and it's very hard to hear. And just be praying for him if you could. I won't say his name, but just pray for that man that wrote that letter to us. Titus chapter one, we're going to read verses 10 through 16. And then we're going to read verse number one of Titus two. So I encourage you, please stand out of respect for the reading of God's word this morning. That'll be the last time you stand. I know Mike was like, hey, for the last time stand with me. And I'm like, oh, no, well, technically it's not. This will be the last time you stand until the invitation at the end. And that'll be the real last time. And then you'll leave. Okay, I know you're not following. It's okay. Titus one verses 10 through 16, and then verse number one of Titus two. So it says this, "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, whose subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy loakers' sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said the creations are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth. And under the pure, all things are pure. But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. And even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God, but in works they deny him. Being abomitable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Now look at verse number one of Titus two. But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. As we talk about this this morning, I encourage you to say, okay God, what do you have for me? Maybe I'm a doubter this morning. Maybe I don't really believe God's word. Ask God to open up your eyes this morning. If you are someone who actually believes, great. Let's ask God to speak to our hearts this morning. Can we do that? Let's pray. Heavenly Father, what we are so grateful for your word, Lord, we're thankful for the opportunity that once again, we have to open it up in Titus. But I ask that you'd use this message in our lives so that we'd apply the truths that we find here in this passage to our lives. But help us as we deal with doubters, or there are so many people that doubt your word, that don't believe the things that we know are true. But I ask that you would give us grace, or that you'd give us really wisdom as we deal with them as well. And what I ask is that you would work in a mighty way in our lives. You pray that it's all in the wonderful, precious, holy name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen, thank you, you may be seated. All right, so here's what we're gonna do. Okay, we're gonna talk about this. And you go, well, I'm not a doubter. So can I just like pack up and leave? No, don't, okay? Don't do that. Because I think as we share our faith, we will find doubters. Walked in this morning, and there was another door hanger hanging on our door, was one of ours that we sent out with a whole bunch of pages kind of closed pin to it. Guess what, church? Can I tell you something? As we reach out in our community, we will face doubters. We will face people that say, hey, I don't believe what you're saying. And maybe they even say, well, you're a liar because what you're saying isn't truth. Can I tell you something? Let God be true and every man a liar. We are going to base, well, we share on the word of God, okay? And so with that in mind this morning, dealing with doubters, I think one of the things we have to understand as we deal with doubters, guess what we have to know, the truth, okay? And so let's dive in this morning. Point number one that this morning if you're taking notes is this, talkers, okay? Just the word talkers, okay? What about these talkers? There are a lot of people that as you share your faith, they will just talk, all right? Remember one guy we were doing a fair outreach back in Clyde. And I was talking to this guy and he was a doubter. And all he did was talk for a very long time. If he really didn't have anything to say, everything that he said was very much unbiblical. But he was just a talker. He was just empty words. I think what he was really trying to do was distract the other people that were coming into the tent so we could share the gospel. And so I kind of fell on the sword and I'm like, okay, I'll talk to this guy. You know, this other guy that we were with, am I getting a ring, is there a ring here? Can you turn me down just a little bit back there, guys? All right, so there was another person that talked to him first and then they said, oh, one of our system pastors is here. How about you talk to him, great. You know, like, as a pastor, oh great. You're sending me the trouble guy, right? As I start talking to him and it's very clear, this guy, you know, he's an agnostic. He doesn't believe, he's going to be very belligerent in what he says. And so what I said was in my heart, I didn't say this out loud, God letting me just distract him as he shares the gospel to somebody else. And that was what was happening. All he did was talk and he talked for a very long time. After kind of the end of the story, I'm like, obviously, we're not going to get anywhere. So have a great day, you know, okay. And then after that, you know, you start thinking about verses that you could have shared, that you wish you would have shared, you know, anybody else that happened to, like as you witnessed, you're like, oh, wow, I wish I would have shared that one. Duh, that would have been a good one. But as I was, I think I was talking to Travis, you kind of, you talk to people and you're like, wow, I wish I would have done this. I wish I would have done that. And you just learn, you learn new ways to kind of deal with people. And so you may be a little feared. But anyway, we're good actually to the point now, that was just an illustration that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Okay, talkers. First of all, let's look at their speech. What is their speech? If they're talkers, and all they do is just blab, let's look at verse number 10 here of Titus chapter one. What is their talk? So this is it, for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision. When you talk about a vain talker, it is an empty boaster of knowledge. Rights and particular privileges, all noise. It is empty parade and no work. I wonder if you know people that just, that's them, right? They just want people to know how smart they are. You're gonna meet those people. They like to make you feel like you're dumb. They like to make themselves look great. It's really a matter of what? Try. All they want is for them to look great and for you to look dumb. That happened a lot in college, for me. There's a lot of people that were very knowledgeable and I'm much more of a practical guy, and so they're like debating stuff, and I'm like, I'll just go pass out a track. You know, that was me. And so sometimes you find these people that are just boasters of their knowledge, empty boasters of knowledge, really not gaining anything, they're just talking. Look what it says next. And deceivers. If you remember in Titus, in the verses we looked earlier, if you look at nine, eight, seven, those kind of verses in Titus 1, what do you see? You see the qualifications of a pastor. So as he kind of talks about this, he goes, hey, I'm giving you the qualifications Titus because you need to start setting up elders and pastors in these cities. But then he goes, hey, remember, there's a lot of people that are unruly, they are vain, they're empty boasters of knowledge, and deceivers, deceivers of the souls of men. Can I tell you something this morning, and I want you to take this to heart, there are many people that claim to be preachers of the gospel that are really deceivers of men. Anybody, you know what I'm saying? You may watch them on TV and you look at your Bible and you go, what you are saying, what the Bible says, they ain't matching up, buddy. They are deceivers of the souls of men. We gotta be aware of this church. There's many people, and even this letter that I got from this man, he is a deceiver of men. Look what it says next, especially they of the circumcision, who is that? Who is the circumcision that he's talking about? Any guesses? The Jews, right? If you were paying attention in Sunday school and hopefully you came, we've been talking about this for weeks now, circumcision, the Jews, man. People that should know better, right? God's people, they should know better, but they deceive the souls of men. Look at verse number 11, let's look at their effect. Okay, what happens here? Whose mouths must be stopped? Whose overt whole houses teaching things, which they ought not, for filthy luke's sake? Their mouths must be stopped. We must put a stop to the false doctrine. Now, of course, Titus is a pastor. I'm not expecting you to call out these pastors and be like, hey, you're evil, okay? But he's talking to a pastor. Hey, these mouths must be stopped. We must share the truth. 'Cause that's where real freedom comes, right? But look what he says, who subvert whole houses. They turn whole Christian families from the faith. There's a lot of YouTube videos you can watch. A lot of YouTube pastors that are completely erroneous. They speak nothing but error. They have turned whole families against the faith. Kind of along that note, they attribute to the broad way what belongs only to the straight gate. Of course, talking about Jesus. And now he says, you know, the straight gate and the broad, the narrow way and the broad way. Ministring to disorderly passions and promising salvation to the proselytes, though not saved from their sins. Remember, this is error. Paul, writing to Titus, is declaring, hey, there is error. There are doubters. There are people that are not sharing the truth. Again, church, I want to say this to you. If you don't know the truth, you can. And I encourage you, read God's word on a daily basis. Sometimes we think showing up to Sunday school, Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night is enough. You and I say to that, what if you only ate four times this week? How would you do? It tell you something. We would all look very different, right? I would be a lot skinnier. Again, you can fill in the blanks for yourself. We would all look very different. And how can we think, as in Christianity, in our life, that I can just be spoon-fed by my pastor and think that we're really gonna grow? My son Josiah and my daughter, Michaela, eat us out of house and home. Anybody else? It was like 9.30 at night last night. The kids are like, I'm angry. And I'm like, what on earth? And they're like trying to find ships and they're digging through the fridge and they're finding like leftover bread or whatever. And they're like just digging everywhere. Why? Because they're growing. Church, if you're not hungry, there's a problem. You're not growing. And you've got to read this book and you've got to know what God says. If we're gonna approach and we're gonna share the gospel and we're gonna be talking to hopefully hundreds of kids this week, we've got to know the truth. They're gonna doubt. They're not gonna know. So we've got to know. And I've got to share the truth. How can you detect error by knowing the truth? How can you detect a false prophet by knowing the truth? How can you know by you knowing the truth? Be a discerning Christian. One that says, wait a second. What they're saying is not matching up with what I know God's word says. But for you to get there, guess what you have to do? You've got to know what God's word says. 'Cause they'll sound good. And then you go, wait a minute. Oh, is that? And you can subvert. They can draw your whole house away from what is real truth. You know what I'm saying? We've got to know the truth. Look what he says. Continuing on to version 11. Teaching things which they ought not. Obviously error, right? Teaching the things that they shouldn't be teaching. They sound good, but they're not right. Look at what? Look at the reason. Look at the reason behind what they're doing. Look what it says for filthy, luchar's sake. They did these things. They subverted whole houses. They were speaking error. They were doing these vain talks for what purpose? Money. Do you remember a few weeks ago? I think maybe last week I can remember. We'll go back to verse number seven of Titus one. In Titus, in chapter one, we see God's qualifications for a pastor. And in verse number seven it says this, for a bishop must be blameless as a steward of God, not self will, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, what is that last statement? Not given to filthy, luchar. The reason that Paul gave Titus these qualifications was to disqualify these very people that he's talking about. They did all of this for financial gain. Can you believe that some pastors on TV are about one thing, money? Hey, if you give, then God will bless you. Well, God can bless you, but it's not always financially. I firmly believe that as you give to a church, God can bless you, but it's not always finances. Sometimes it's your tires go a little longer. Maybe your gas tank goes a little longer. Man, that'd be great. Maybe your clothes lasts a little longer. Maybe you don't get in that accident that could have happened to you. So often we're like, well, God, I gave, and where am I? I'm not seeing all these blessings. Well, his blessings are not always seen. But they often will say, hey, you give, God will give 10 fold, wait a minute, wait a minute, what on earth do you find that? Why? Because they want money. That's why they do what they do. One guy, I don't remember who he is, and I'm saying I don't care. He was talking about his massive mansion and how great it is. Why? Because everything he did was for one reason, money. Money. Continuing on, let's look here. So first of all, our first point is morning, talkers. They're empty speech, they're empty boasters of knowledge, they're deceivers, they subvert whole houses, all of those things. Let's continue on in point number two. This one's real short, okay, this FYI. The third one is real long, so we'll make up, okay? Number two, this morning, they're testimony. What is their testimony? Remember, Titus was called to the island of Crete. And so with his statement in verse number 12, it really speaks of what he is facing. Godus says, "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, 'The creations are always liars. 'Evil beasts, slow bellies.'" What on earth is he talking about here? "Hey, these are the people, Titus, you are minister too." One of their very own says, "Hey, these are, they're always liars, or evil beasts, they're slow bellies." Do you catch this? They're always liars. This was a defining characteristic of the culture that God called Titus to. Can I tell you something? I see that in ours too. Don't you? They're always liars. They lie about everything. They're always liars. There's a defining characteristic. Evil beasts. It means that they are unrestrained in indulgence of wild and ferocious passions. You know what that means? They do whatever they want to do. Do we see that in our culture? Yeah. They do whatever they want, don't they? Well, this is right. I think this is right to me. Wait a minute. That's not what we should be basing what is right or wrong on, right? They're unrestrained in their indulgences of wild and ferocious passions. This last one may hit a little closer to home to us. Slow bellies. That doesn't mean they're like, their bellies really slow in doing things. It means that they are lazy gluttons. Do you see that in our culture? You don't believe me. We can all go to United Buffet after this and we can watch. That sounds really good to me, right? Lazy gluttons. This is the characteristic. These are the characteristics of the culture that Titus was called to. Can I tell you something? In our culture, there's a lot of defining characteristics too. Right? But here's the truth. God's word can and will change lives. Change lives. One of the greatest verses I think in scripture is the one where it lists all these massive sins and then it says, "But such were some of you, "but you're washed, but you're sanctified." What that means? You used to live this way and now you're not. Because of the power of the gospel. In church, we can say our culture is terrible and it is. But that's not an excuse for our inactivity. We have got to share the gospel. We've got 5,000 door hangers. Mike told me this. Could be completely honest with you. I was in a little rush in ordering them because we ran out of door hangers, the first ones. So I was like, I was typing it all up and there was a couple like, the period was one extra space over and then I forgot to put a period up here. I was like, fine. I was driving back home. I think after outreach, Mike calls me. I'm like, Mike's calling me. What's going on? They're talking on the phone. He's like, hey, Pastor, I got to tell you something. I go, great. You know, whenever somebody calls you and they say, Pastor, I need to tell you something and you're like, what happened? You know, and he says, you know those door hangers that you bought 5,000 of? And I said, yes. He said, it says our service time's at 6 p.m. on Sunday night. It's not. I got to figure out a way to fix it. But here's the truth, church. Those door hangers can still make an impact and they will. We were walking around, we're passing out stuff on Thursday. There's a guy standing outside and he said, hey, what you doing? What you giving out? I said, oh, we're just inviting people to church. And he's like, okay, they took it. I pray you read this, right? Other people were not so nice. Okay, Jim and Jenny were like, hey, they said there's no soliciting in this neighborhood. I said, was there a sign? And they said, no. Okay, then we're going to continue to do it. And we're going to share the gospel and we're going to do it. Why? Because it's what God has called us to do. We're not allowed, we're not allowed as Christians just to sit back and go, well, our world's terrible. No, it's always, can I say something to you? This is just a, I'm going to step away from the pulpit here for a second. It has always been terrible. I think the apostle Paul was like, everything was like, awesome for the apostle Paul. No, he was stoned, he was beaten, he was left for dead, he was shipwrecked, he was eventually beheaded. Everything wasn't awesome for the apostle Paul. Do you think like everything has always been awesome in America? No, back in the 1860s and earlier there was slavery where human beings were being sold. Not everything's been awesome. The world has always been dark. That's what I'm trying to say. And we have to shine the light. But you look at our world and go, wow, God's judgment is coming. You know what we need to do? We need to be preaching God's word until it does. And when it comes, we need to continue to preach God's word. That is the truth. Why? Because they need to hear it. And it's not going to be easy and it's never been easy, but that's what we are called to do. So what is, okay, that was point number two, okay? Real short, point number three this morning. It's one word again, truth. So what is the truth? If we've seen these talkers, these empty vain talkers, we've seen the testimony of the area, what is the truth? Look what it says here. No, I want you to understand. We're gonna look at our response. What does God call us to do? Look at Titus chapter one, verse number 13. Titus one, verse number 13. This witness is true. What I just said about the creations, the people that you have been called to is true. Look what he says next, wherefore. Because of that statement, we rebuke them sharply, that they may be in this, maybe sound in the faith. We rebuke them, it carries this idea. Our conviction that there is something evil, it implies our conviction that there is something evil, or some fault in whom is, in him, who is rebuked. That's the idea. So there is a fault going on, and I'm going to say, hey, there is a problem going on. Can't say, that's not always easy to do, is it? See a problem in your brother? It's not always easy to go, hey, there's a problem, right? Anybody? Never happened to you? It's not easy to say, hey, there's something going on that's not right. It's not an easy conversation. But Paul is very clear that when it comes to error, we are to rebuke them sharply. Stand firm on God's word. Once again, you have to know God's word to do this. What's the purpose? Why should I rebuke them sharply? It's not just because I want to make them look dumb, or make them look like a heathen. The point is what? That they may be sound in the faith. That's the goal. The goal is not to make them feel bad and leave the church. The goal is that they may be sound in the faith. Why? If they are sound in the faith, they'll make a difference in the world. Remember, it's not about you. The Christian life is never about you. It's about using what God has given you to impact those around you. And pretty soon, probably I think not this Sunday night, but probably the next Sunday night, we're gonna start talking about ways that we need to be involved in our body. We're talking about are you a disciple? Now it's time for us to do something with that. So we're gonna start talking about that. So I encourage you to start coming to Sunday night. Yeah, a little selfless plug, okay? Come to Sunday night. It's actually at five o'clock. Don't pay attention to the flyer. Okay, verse number 14 of Titus chapter one, it says, "Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the faith." Fables. So I kind of was curious, what on earth is he talking about fables? You know, there's a lot of weird stories. What's he talking about? These were composed of frivolous and unfounded stories, which they regarded as of great importance, the Jewish kind of culture in Greek and Roman culture, and which they seem to have desired to incorporate with the teachings of Christianity. Paul, who'd been brought up amidst these superstitions, saw it once how they would tend to draw off the mind from the truth and would corrupt the true religion. One of the most successful arts of the adversary of souls has been to mingle fable with truth. When he cannot overthrow the truth by direct opposition to neutralize it by mingling with it much that is false and frivolous. Do you see what's saying here? So often the world and false teachers and false people who don't believe, who are doubters, will mingle a little bit of truth with a whole lot of error. Well, yeah, God says that we are to love people, yes. But wait a second, what the world says about loving others is not what the Bible teaches. Can we disagree that what the world says? Well, love is really just saying, yeah, do whatever you want, that's okay. That is not biblical. Biblically, me loving someone, I will love someone enough to share the truth with them. That is true love, but the world will mingle truth, which God does say for us to love the world, right? But then to mingle that with the massive amounts of error. Again, church, the way that you detect this error is by knowing what God really says. We've got to be people of the book more than anything. We've got to be loud where this is allowed and quiet where it's quiet. We've got to know God's word, not what I say about God's word, what you know God's word says. Continue on. So he gives not just this, you know, our response. Hey, rebuke them sharply. Don't give heed to Jewish fables, these mixing of truth and error in commandments of men that turn from the truth. But look at what he says, our reminder. Titus 1, verse number 15, it says unto the pure, all things are pure. This is in reference to the keeping of the Jewish laws. Remember, these were the very people that were deceiving people. Under the pure, all things are pure. If you really know God as your savior, guess what, you're clean, you're pure. You know him, you're living for him. You're doing what is right, that's his expectation. Look what he says. He's continuing on in the next verse. I'm watching verse number 15. But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. But even their mind and conscience is defiled. We cannot expect the unredeemed to act redeemed, okay? I'm not expecting the world to dress up and act like us and talk like us. They will act like they are unsaved, why? Because they are. We've got to understand that once they go down that path and they are unsaved, every bit of them is defiled. Their mind, their conscience is defiled. Have you ever tried to share the truth with somebody and it's like, there's nothing going on. And you're like, but I shared it really clear. And like, you're like, man, that was the greatest definition I could ever give from a biblical perspective. I'm gonna look at it like you have four heads, why? Their mind is defiled. Scripture in another passage says that they cannot see. They are blind to the truth. They cannot see it. You share the gospel with somebody and you get all the through it and you're like, oh yes, that was awesome. Man, I shared all these verses. It was great. Oh, they were paying attention. And at the very end they're like, eh, why? They are blind to the truth. Their mind and their conscience is defiled. And you can have the greatest approach in sharing the gospel. But if they don't respond to the work of the Holy Spirit, they will remain blind. I never shared the gospel with somebody and it's like, you know, it's a family member and you shared it and you shared it and you shared it and they just remain blind to the truth. Has that ever happened to you? They should be happening to us. We're doing it. They're blind to the truth because their mind and their conscience is defiled. Look what it says in verse number 16. They profess that they know God, but in works, they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient and at every good work, reprobate. Can I say this? I'm gonna make this statement. God does not just want your words. He wants your heart. You can profess that you know God, but you can deny Him in your works. It's not just about what you say or how you look when you come to church. God doesn't just want outward obedience. He wants your heart to be affected. And church can tell you something you are capable of doing terrible things today. Just because you know God as your savior does not mean that you are incapable of doing wrong. What keeps you from wrong is not just professing with your mouth, but living it in your heart. Knowing that you're actually staying right with God, that you're doing what he expects. We see that. So the first part, we see their profession. They profess that they know God. And then look at what it says, they're denial, but in works, they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient and at every good work, reprobate. I think this verse, we've got to understand that they denied Him by their works, what they did. Go to James chapter two this morning. We're almost done. James chapter two, verse number 18. I want you to understand that the book of James has been a, it's a wonderful book. It's very practical for your Christian life. People have called it the Proverbs of the New Testament because it is just that practical. But there's a part of James that people struggle with. And it's James chapter two. They struggle with it because it talks about faith without, you know, faith without works is dead being alone. Well, wait a second, aren't we saved by faith? We are. But let's look at what it says here. And I want us to read verses 14 down to verse number 18. It says this. "For what does it profit my brethren, "though a man say he hath faith and have not works, "can faith save him?" Look at the illustration that he gives to the statement. "If a brother or sister be naked "and destitute of daily food, "and one of you say unto them to part in peace, "be ye warmed and filled, "now, withstanding ye give them not those things "that are needful to the body, "what doth it profit? "Even so faith, if it hath not works, "is dead being alone. "Yea, a man may say thou hast faith and I have works. "Show me thy faith without thy works, "and I'll show thee my faith by my works." You know what that's talking about? Your works are meant to be an outward manifestation of an inward change. Your works are meant to declare to everyone that you are different, that there has been a radical, massive change in your life. But if I say, hey, I have faith and I live just like everybody else, where's the profit of that? How does that help? If David came in, and he's not wearing any clothes, and he's obviously starving for that. And Travis goes, hey, hope you find food. I hope you find some clothes. How did that help David? Does it help him at all? No, that's a nice statement to say, hey, I hope you find something. Man, I hope life turns around. But really the illustration is, Travis has piles and piles of food sitting in his car. And that's what David needs. And they're wearing the exact same clothes. They wear the same size, and he's got piles of clothes in his car. And he goes, hey, I hope you find what you need. And reality, Travis has got everything he needs right now. He's got clothes, he's got food. And he says, hey, be warmed and filled. Hey, church, here's the truth, and I want you to get this. We need to stop complaining about the world, and their problems, and start really making a difference. You know what I'm saying? We need to stop saying, world, you're living like the world, duh, they're the world. And start saying, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna really make a difference. I encourage you, be involved in what's happening with Capitol City Rescue Mission, bring in school supplies. But I can't really do a lot, do something. Bring in a bag of pencils, bringing something. Well, I can't do the backpacks, those are 20 bucks. Can you bring a couple folders? Be involved. We can't say, hey, world, I hope you find what you need. And God's blessed us to a point where we can help, and we go, eh, I don't really wanna be inconvenienced. That's what James is talking about. And we have a ministry, a great ministry, just 20, 30 minutes away from here, that's trying to impact our community. And we have a chance to help. We need to be involved. Eventually, I've been saying this for like three weeks, I'm gonna call Percy Jones, and we're gonna talk about how we can be more involved. Why? Because it's not just about words, we gotta get involved, we gotta do something. Look at what it says in verse number one, and this is where we're gonna end. Look what he says in verse number one of Titus two. So he's talked about all this error, and what's going on in these false teachers, these people that are teaching error. And he comes down to this conclusion in verse number one, but, you see it? Are you there yet? But, speak thou the things which we come sound doctrine. Hey, you're pointing out all these errors, and yes, you should re-breathe them sharply, and yes, you need to do things, and then he goes, wait a second, let's make it personal. You speak the things which are sound doctrine. You know God's word, and you share it with others. That's what God wants us to do. Yes, there are doubters, and yes, there will be people, and I doubt that this is the last letter we'll get, or the last phone call, or the last whatever, we'll get as we share the gospel. There's gonna be doubters. But can I just say something? We need to speak the truth. 'Cause that's where they'll find freedom, right? That's where they'll find hope. That's where they'll find grace. That's what will change their life, not just for this life, but for eternity. Church, God has called us, regardless of your age, regardless of where you are, to speak the truth, to speak sound doctrine. Church, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna encourage everyone to please stand and close your eyes, we're gonna have a time of invitation. The world will doubt, the world will continue to doubt. What are you going to do about it? You gonna sit and complain? Or are we gonna share the truth? You have spent so encouragement, it's such an encouragement to me. How many people come out to outreach every single Saturday? It's been incredible. Let's not stop. I want more people to come. By the way, you've been asking me about the map. The map is like, all I gotta do is pay the guy and he's gonna print it. I've just gotta figure out whether I wanted to get a shift or him to bring it. That's what I gotta debate now. But it's almost there. And we're gonna see our community. And it's gonna affect your heart. The church, can I just encourage you tonight, or this morning, whatever time it is, to say, okay, God, we live in a world that doubts, help me to not doubt, and God help me to reach them with the truth. Nobody looking around, we're gonna do business with God. As the intranalist plays, lest do business with him, the ought be, whatever these things are called, the altar is open. You don't have to come up here, though. There's nothing special about these little benches. Do business with God this morning. (gentle music) - We hope that message was an encouragement to you. To stay up to date with us, please follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and LBC's Connective. If you would like more information on how heaven can be your home, please visit (gentle music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)