FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 8-20-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
20 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porte Show. >> I don't think I've done it this way. [MUSIC] >> Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porte Show on a femme talk, 106-5. They should be with us on this Tuesday morning we made it to Tuesday. Now you're all thrilled about that. 2513430106 is the text line. You need to be in touch with the program. All you got to do is text me. And I will, whatever I can offer in response, so you'll get. Coming up on the program today, we'll kick it off here just a little bit with Paul DeMarco, one of our regulars here at the column. Also, you can read it around different publications. Scott Bunch with the Tressel Tribune in the 10 o'clock hour. We're wrapping up back on a normal routine here, Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall. I guess I should text him letting him know he's due. But he'll be on, hopefully, in that 11 o'clock hour. So by all means, stay tuned for that. Well, the Democrat National Convention last night, did you watch? You did. I mean, you were up really late. Now, I don't think it went well for these guys. I don't know how much this matters in terms of the race. And I, you know, you looked at this and Kamala Harris is sort of getting her. She got some momentum. It feels like it's waiting right now. I don't think they're using the D and C like they need to. They're not using the this convention where they have it was only the first night. But I thought it was kind of a not a great first night for them at all last night. Just a bunch of weird speeches. Everything was delayed. The media starting to sour on the Democrats, the logistical nightmare of it. But probably like the thing that really sticks out. Well, a couple of things. I mean, canceling James Taylor. The star power got pushed aside. It's James Taylor since he really is still a star. I don't know. He gets if you're going for that seventies, hippie, dippy, trippy, whatever. Though silver ponytail, maybe James Taylor is right up your alley. But the Biden's might be pushed so late was bizarre. And trying to frame this, this, this convention as some sort of like festive joyous occasion. I didn't get that vibe at all. Did anybody say, did it seem happy? It just seemed what Democrats have been for the last eight years now, nine years now, angry, angry about Trump, cult figure, convicted, felon, twice MP, angry at Trump, bad orange man. But this is just the same old, same old, the policy in the proposals are very spotty. He had the goofball, UAW guy, Sean Fane, who got his butt handed to him in Mercedes. They're really worried about the working class voters. But the Biden speech was just over the top. It's just not good. And it was so dishonest, waving to the wheel of Joe sides around. They don't love Joe. That is absolute rubbish. But they'll have the media telling you it was, it was fantastic. You can compare the two conventions and you could say Republicans are ranting against them and America in the Clyde. Well, last night was not a, it did not have the markings of a festive, even Bill Clinton era. Sort of political event or Obama, like the Obama hope. So first night, I now maybe it goes different these next few nights, but the first night of his indication, they need a course correction. They can't go till midnight Eastern time and Joe Biden was speaking. It's almost one o'clock in the morning Eastern time. What, what states are in the Eastern time zone? I mean, I guess Pennsylvania, Georgia. They can't, they can't do that. They can't have that happen again. They can't have their keynote speaker. Their keynote speakers the next few nights, Obama or Bill, well, Bill Clinton's probably sometime earlier. Walt's and Harris speaking at 1130 PM Eastern time. They got to, they got to move that trade along their part. Some of the things that were supposed to be the AOC thing would have been fine if she hadn't trotted out the, the phony accent. I mean, it's right up, it's right on, right on target with their messaging. The abortion stories, the, the, you know, the, this woman would die, you know, first, no one, I don't think undecided voters are being really, I mean, you know, where I am on this whole abortion discussion. But I don't think undecided voters are being swayed by these little, no, me no, like downplay them as sob stories. But that's a base play, guys. That is that those stories are the kind of things you see it like the million woman march who are people who are going to like vote Democrat always anyway. Because I think, but the, some of the, the Republican quote, unquote, position on abortion right now, and it's very disappointing. I mean, it's, it's just, there will be exceptions. Donald Trump has said it himself. And those cases, they trotted out on that stage last night, would not have been the abortion would not have been forbidden. Let's also this. I mean, like, you're in Kentucky. Just go, you know, if you, whatever, there's a, there's always a state you could travel to. I don't know that that really works the way they wanted it to either. I mean, that doesn't move the needle. It was a, it was a time in the convention last night. For the base. Anybody else watched last night? Let me know what you think. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. How many of you actually made it to buy the speech? I mean, I'm curious to hear that. Is it way too late? Now, we have some people on the ground there that are working for Breitbart, and they were telling me this that the protesters, the pro palestinian anti-Israel protesters had actually breached one of the walls. And that had forced everything to be shut down and it slowed everything down. Now, what's that by? I mean, there's all kinds of weird kooky theories. But it also like made it harder for the, uh, the precious members of the media to get to their, to get to their posts to cover this, uh, this, this abnormality last night. So the convention may not matter at all. None of this stuff may be important. But by the time we get to election day, like who's released the one at a convention was pretty bad. I'm going to have to vote for the Republican. I mean, that's not really a thing. But I do think they needed to get some momentum coming out of this convention. So anyway, point B is this like, this first night was not good. Hillary was shrill. I mean, Hillary did not get elected president. I think the country has moved on from her. I don't know why she keeps getting airtime. I would look for Obama to kind of pull the rabbit out of that, right? Oh, Obama scares me. I mean, he always will be the, the gold standard for Democrat party politicians. Just be glad we don't have to run against him anymore as Republicans. But, uh, the chaos ensues in Chicago. I thought there was like another one of these kind of deplorable moments last night. There's a lot to pick at with Biden speech, but like does the country take him seriously enough to like really criticize him? So you look at, you look at Joe Biden and you see this phony display of affection on the floor of that convention. We love Joe. We know you don't because you ran him off of the ticket, but he's, you know, he's not well after eight p.m. But boy, he was, he was angry and fired up last night. I think he kind of took his anger that was aimed at like a lot of the Democrat establishment to just repurposed it. Michelle Obama, who's excited about that? This is the worst greatest hits album, by the way. Just, uh, Ted Kennedy, if he were alive, or happened to Chris died. I didn't do something he'd do with threats. But, yeah, how much is going to be on the line for Harris's speech on Thursday? That's, it's just some of this is trying too hard and now look right, we talk radio boy area. You nothing they can do. They can't do anything right. But I'm telling you last night, I don't think was great. I don't think it was good. I think it was bad. I thought the Republican convention left a lot on the table. They played it safe. They, I mean, you know, Colco get or something kid rock, but Republicans played it safe because they were looking down and they were, I guess, still assuming Biden would be the nominee. They were looking downfield thinking that this convention would be a disaster. And it hasn't been quite that disaster. Well, they have a new nominee number one, but number two, the protests have been, um, I don't know, downplayed by the media. The people talking about 1968 all over again, but it seems like they got that, that sort of under control, but they're not going to get the big bang for the buck. One might expect historically that is coming out of this convention. Doesn't look like that. I just, now, who's the, like, you look at, like, oh, for it, Obama was sort of the up and comer and you can look at these conventions. And there's always this moment you'll always remember. They look at it like 88, the caucus and the Bill Clinton moment where he spoke way too long. It became president for years later. When we have, we'll Democrats have that moment because they're, they typically use this as a stage, a staging for the next four years. And I don't, I don't really see anything here yet. But it's only the first night. Text like two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Let us know what you thought of the convention. You stay up late watching that. We gotta get a break it here. We will return. This is the Jeff Force show. I've been talking one, oh, six, five. I know I need my wrist, but I'm a no-stay about not sleep on day in my wrist. Hey, yes, we are, big chickens. Yes, we are, hill racers. People get out of our way, wherever we go. Coming to your life like I do every night from the heart of your rainy old. I play a little sand and I play a lot of play and a few old. Ching some. There's open everybody. I'm ready to land. I can love this just true way. Welcome back to the Jeff Force show. If I'm talking one, oh, six, five, eight, you're sticking around on this Tuesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six is the text line. Paul DeMarco coming up in the next segment. So please stay tuned for that. We'll hit some of these text real quick before we get to that next segment. LV writes this. It doesn't really matter how late the Democrats go in their convention because most of them don't have to go to work the next day. Anyway, well, but still, what else is on? I get, I mean, maybe they, they were like, hey, where is, where is our Jimmy Kimmel or whatever? What's the, what do the kids watch now today? I mean, Stephen Colbert seems, seems insufferable. Jimmy Fallon or whatever. The late night shows were, they weren't on because they had Joe Biden on yelling at them. Maybe that was to play there, but you're right. I just, I don't think you're undecided, especially on the East coast, West coast, maybe, but they seem to have the three Pacific time zone states already nailed down. What would hope? Buddy over and over. I heard the words reproductive freedom since when is abortion part of reproduction? I don't look, I get it. Abortion is going to be something they are going to really, really focus on and they're really going to play that up. And it worked for them in 2022. I don't think that means that Republicans or conservatives, I should say are wrong on the issue, but I will say this, they are blowing right past any kind of philosophical or moral implications of abortion. They are totally, totally like devoid of acknowledging that this is, this isn't that simple, that that is a boarding a human being. There are some ethical questions and they just blow past that and put all the emphasis on the, uh, the woman's seeking the abortion and like this, this is, you know, a discussion to have and you could argue either side. I don't think the other side's right, but they have a valid argument. You can't just, I mean, I don't, the Democrats are overreaching here with that. Most people see abortion as maybe a necessary evil, something that's odious, but you have to go through in some circumstances. They're not going to, they're not going to be celebrating it. The Planned Parenthood clinic near the DNC is like giving free hot dogs away for those who come in and have an abortion. You get, it's not, they're totally going about this wrong. It's not a badge of honor. It's not something you need to be celebrating in your political platform. Okay. The end of the discussion about reproductive freedom and the horrors of all of that, if you need to, but the way they are going about it, as if it's some kind of high glory to go and have an abortion is a mistake. It is speaking to the wrong people. They have the people who are cheering that on already nailed down. To tip, Jeff, I haven't watched any of the convention. Don't plan on either. It's, it's a comic relief, Tim, and, and it's cut on every channel, unfortunately. Jason. Now that they've removed Joe, it appeared that they gave his state of duty that are all back to them. But he's not good in a back and forth. He, he has to be telepromptered up. He did. He had his little, there's good people on both sides moment last night with those, those Palestinian protesters. And apparently, Jason, that was all script. Michael, is the DNC really going to have speeches or Stalin, Mal, Paul, bottle Wednesday via whole gram? Or is that just a rumor? Is there like any communist that like, when I was coming up during the Cold War, my gosh, and in the love affair from a kale Gorbachev and then later on a little bit for Castro. Democrats love some communist. The media do that is, I guess, too. The Jeff Moore Show on a Vib talk. One of six five. Oh, there you go. I hear you singing in the wire. I can hear you through the white. And the witch's all I love. You're still on the line. We'll get back to the Jeff Moore Show on a Vib talk. One of those six five. They just stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Text line. Once again, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, you need to be in touch with the program, all you got to do is text me. Joining us now, the aforementioned Paul DeMarco on the line. Paul, good morning. How are you? Good morning, Jeff. Hope you and your listeners well on this Tuesday morning. Good. Well, thank you for making time for us. Let's kick it off here. You've been watching, I assume, a little bit of this DNC. What do you think of it? You know, I was kind of in and out and I did say it for Joe Biden. I did watch AOC and just laughed. And then, isn't it funny, her, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, all trying to adopt a little bit of a sudden accent? I know. Should we take that as a compliment? I don't know what to make of all of that. The these accents, I mean, like, who is, does it feel good to talk that way? Whoa, what are you doing? I guess they just really love the South. I guess we'll just take it as a compliment. They all want to talk like that. Well, I don't know who that is for and who's buying it. Like they've never seen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speak before. And I thought their speech would have been okay. I guess we've never really seen her speak speak. So maybe that's just her voice. I mean, usually it's in some kind of like, you know, studio sitting or split screen or whatever. I don't know. But that that last night, I don't think it was a, I thought it was pretty, pretty miserable experience. I mean, I mean, here I am right when you talk radio boy, Paul, but they, they need to re I mean, I think they've lost a momentum now thing just kind of going back the other way. And this is going to go back and forth back and forth. But I they're not really making the most of this convention. It seems to be too much of a base play right now. Well, again, look, what's, what's going to happen in Pennsylvania? So what are they doing in Pennsylvania? What are they doing for the folks in Pennsylvania? I don't think try not Hillary Clinton help Pennsylvania and then I guess Joe Biden who claims to be what Scranton Pennsylvania and I mean, just claims to be the principal. They put him at 1130 at night. And you said it 1130 on Thursday night, the balloons will have already fallen. Won't they? I mean, we'll come here to be speaking. I don't know. I mean, well, so my understanding, Paul, we got people there that tell me this that they had a security breach. And that's really, and it really delayed a lot of things. I don't know. I mean, it seemed like they were flowing pretty well, right? That they were going and going and going and going. But I looking at it just just it doesn't seem it just I felt the Republicans looked a lot on the table with their convention. But with their convention, I thought they were just playing a safe because they expected this to be a dumpster fire and they wanted to compare and contrast with this. I don't it's not very coherent to me. Like what's the theme here other than Trump bad, natural bad? Well, I mean, if you're bringing Hillary Clinton and did I read they're going to bring Bill Clinton back out? They are Obama and I understand, you know, that but now I also read that is Josh appear going to speak or not going to speak? I don't know. People getting back to Pennsylvania. I mean, that's what this I mean, if they're tailoring this, I mean, obviously, they they want to say we're really moderate even though we know the the policies are not moderate by offering, you know, abortions and vasectomies, which just hold another story at the convention. But yeah, are they telling this toward California? They're going to tell it towards Pennsylvania. How is Hillary and Bill? I don't think when Pennsylvania. I'll say the I'll say this, Paul, the UAW guy, Sean Fain, last night, I think by like highlighting him, putting him right in the middle of prime time. And I think this is so misguided because I don't think the average blue collar voter or whatever is like really up on UAW. And this guy is a blow hard to the highest magnitude. But the the placement of him tells me that that's that's sort of where they're looking. It's the same thing the Republicans did. I thought was a mistake with the Teamsters guy in prime time. He went all way too long. But that there's a little bit of that there. They're trying to make part of the portfolio. Well, and and having the the teachers union president who is always just so radical, again, that's not going to get you the independent voters in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin or Nevada or Arizona, if that's the play. So I guess they are playing for their base. They got to but but does any of this matter when when really you see some of the stuff we're dealing with it here in our state where they're trying to go register prisoners at the prison? You know, you got West Allen thing. You've got the folks who are not citizens who maybe on the voter rolls. You know, we could go on and on the federal government. They're using that as a voter registration machine. So it's kind of back to where we were before, you know, what kind of election are we going to have in November and everybody needs to have their piece of cues and watch what's going on? Yeah, well, you know, the the focus being on the like the national politics right now. And you're always like looking for this like Alabama angle, at least I am. The delegates seems to be pretty hot controversy. I don't this whole thing is weird to me because number one of the nominee and what Bruce Pearl called a pitching change with Biden to Harris, but like the how they how they are even selecting the delegates. I mean, we know how the Algop did R and C delegates. I mean, there's a process and everything. These guys, it just looks like they picked a bunch of names and full them up to Chicago to nominate whoever they want. I mean, like this is not this is not like a historically how this is done, right? Well, you make a good point because it's really interesting for your listeners. So you've got Terry representative Terry, who's heading to delegation. I've got I guess you've got some more figures who's running for that congressional district, that new congressional district. They're part of the delegation. And you've got the national party saying, ignore Alabama, you got to you got to watch what they're doing down there. So you've got this rule pulled back between the national party and local party. Does that have any effect that the you know, the division in the Democratic party? Will that have any push back when it comes to raising money to the national party getting involved? Or is that just going to be a completely separate how we got to win this seat, regardless of how dysfunctional the Alabama Democratic party is? Yeah, there's there's always like always do weird like what's in it for me angle with that, you know, but but I kind of watch it this last night. And they usually lean in heavy on, you know, Alabama and its legacy. I guess that's still to come. I don't know the the national politics of this. Is it? This is what they need to win that second congressional district seat. And I, you know, people are got questions going into this about all the election integrity stuff. I get it. But I feel like if that's really truly a swing district, like you got to wonder what the average swing voter and whatever, you know, the Phoenix City or our untilman's corner, you're voting thought of what they saw last night. Is the excitement we've seen where the polling is and obviously there was going to be a challenge. Does it surprise anybody that there was a poll change after they went from Biden to Kamala Harris? Of course not because, you know, they knew that Joe Biden after that debate, which I think is why they put him up that early, couldn't do it. But, you know, six, seven, eight, nine months ago, they were talking about pulling Kamala Harris from the ticket. So once we get past this convention and we get into Labor Day, when people are really paying attention, get people get kids back in school and vacation, people start paying attention. I mean, is there going to be that how much excitement is it going to be for Kamala Harris outside of California, outside of, you know, New York City and places like that, when you get out, how much excitement is it going to be for that ticket? Well, I feel like you're right. The time for this race is stabilized because everything is so emotionally, there's all this emotional underpinning going. They let down a bind in the new hope of Kamala and these wild fluctuations. But I think you're right. Once these conventions are out of the way, then we're going to look at going at September, mid September-ish. And that's what we're looking at as far as like this thing. Maybe there will be a gradual switch swing or whatever. But the swings are so wild right now. These states and these polls and the polls aren't consistent. I think things settle down in September. And that's where these campaigns, both both Harris and both Trump really got to like that's when they hunkered down. And I think October, I mean, it's still winnable if you're down, but the momentum is a little harder to generate going into November. Well, let me tell you, the most fascinating aspect of this race has in the past week has not been the convention. It's Kamala Harris having this speech on policy. And she's already being accused of, you know, Marxism and communism and pulling out all this economic voodoo policy. And even folks on CNN and Washington Post criticizing her about price control, I was kind of shocked that again, they saw it for what it's worth, a bunch of gibberish that it's going to make things worse, not better. I don't think she could get it through Congress. But the fact that she's pushing this garbage is really fascinating. And even some of the far left media said, no, that ain't going to work. The policy has been a little thin. And how long is this last? And even with the what somebody described the two policy proposals, the 25 grand for the housing and the the price controls, as you mentioned, they're kind of gimmick populist things. I any wonder, like, why are they so hesitant to put her in front of the cameras for an interview, all these different things, all these different questions. I think they're just still coaching her up a little bit. I think they're still, I don't think she was ever really a policy expert. She's very, she checks all the boxes and puts on an okay political show what she really needs to, as she did in 2019 and 2020. But this is Paul, this is like, this is not something you typically see, right, for somebody who is running for president. In with the debate, I mean, talk about a debate that was going to be watching to see the two of them and, you know, how, how will Donald Trump handle her? Will it be more like he handled Joe Biden or with a Hillary Clinton, just, you know, really going on to the offense? So that will be fascinating to watch when we get the one or two debates. We do get between the two of them. Joined by Paul DeMarco, he is a columnist for the Trussle Tribune and also a regular on this program. And I guess the other question would be this. You look at the other side of the equation. I don't, I don't think Trump is really making too many mistakes. I mean, our side will, will, will quibble with him for going after Brian Kemp or whatever, which I, I don't think that stuff matters. But like it's the, it's, it's pretty steady even, even though the numbers are going back and forth. He is the, he, he, he, he, he says outlandish things, but he's always done that. He is pretty much consistent in that. Well, you know what you're getting with Donald Trump, but the good news is that they can talk about all this. Oh, democracy, democracy, democracy. Look what he did the past four years, the Abraham Accords in the Middle East, where we had those first ever treaties with Middle Eastern countries, where you had true peace in the Middle East. You look at his foreign policy, you look at what he did with the border, you look at the economy, which is what everybody's going to be talking about and comparing food prices and energy prices where there are now. I mean, you've got to keep on reminding folks, that's what you're going to get in a second Trump term, which you got the first term. And hopefully he and his surrogates can keep on getting out there over and over and over again and saying that. Well, do you think, I mean, what do you, what do you make of that though? Do you think he's, I mean, what could he do different that he, I, other than some of the rhetoric people would like to see maybe omitted, but I'd not. I think that's exaggerated concern, but I think they're playing this about like they, they should, according to the textbook. Her policy or Joe Biden's policy, so he just over and over mind, here's what they, they've done the past four years. Here's what I did. The old, you know, I really believe in where you better all four years, that mantra really plays as strong as it's ever played in politics. And that's why he and everybody out on the campaign trail for him need to just remind folks, especially, and it was James Carbel, they liked the economy too, but it was, the Democrats have talked about the economy issue. And more than ever, if you just, you take it on the DSI, just look at the policy. It's, it's such a winning campaign to just look at the policies that have happened the past four years. And you put the, I think you put the, put the personalities aside and you just look at the policies. How do you lose on just talking about how poor this administration has moved this country for the past four years or moved it backwards, actually? It's just winning. So just over and over hammering those issues, over and over and over and over. That's how he should win this campaign. It's not about his personality, it's about how bad the past four years, because it was George Wallace that people are going out there voting against people not necessarily voting for somebody. Yeah. Well, the Democrats are hung up on aesthetics and I just think there's a reality of the economic situation. They're, they're, they're anticipating, they expect the media just to give them cover, but people are going to be like, Hey, though, like I get when I go to the grocery store and everything's high and this price control thing, if you're old enough to remember, it doesn't work. So they got, they got a lot. I don't know, like they got to start somewhere and they hadn't even really started down that path of whatever policy route they're going to take. Well, bring it down to this second congressional district, you know, and you put the folks who are going to vote straight R and vote straight D, I think in 2020, with like 67% of voters, voter straight ticket. So let's go find that other 33%. What is going to be a defining issue? Well, if they're having trouble when they go to the grocery store and filling up gas and paying their utility bills, isn't that the issue that's going to make them shift? Do I want to put a Democrat or Republican in Congress? And aren't they going to say, based on all that, those 33% who do not vote straight ticket aren't they going to lean and vote Republican in that congressional seat as they will in the presidential race? I would think so, but we'll see. Paul, we got to leave it there, but thanks for making time for us and we'll do this again soon. All right. Hope you and your listeners have a great day. Paul DeMarco, ladies and gentlemen, @Paul_DeMarco if you want to give him a follow, we'll be right back. This is FM Talk, 10065. Welcome back to the Jumpboard Show. FM Talk, 10065, thank you for being with us on this Tuesday morning. 2513430106 is the text line. Keep them coming guys. We get to a bunch of them in the next hour. As I said, Paul and I, if you were heard Paul DeMarco and I talking about it, but this morning on morning Joe and this was sort of the vibe. Obviously, state media is going to be very thrilled with the last night no matter what happens. The only time I've ever seen state media really, really acknowledged the reality of their situation is after the Trump Biden debate. And they, I think for some of them Biden's decline was a surprise. I think for a lot of them, they thought that they knew he was in the climb and thought he could rally and get through a debate with Trump. And then probably the people closest to were like, well, so what we want, we already have the nomination. Anything can happen. So it doesn't really matter what he does out there on the stage. But the reality last night of just sort of the boot of the room, I mean, I guess it has seen angry because they're angry too. But it wasn't as Scarborough on morning Joe's more talking about it being like this joyous occasion. It wasn't, it wasn't the Barack Obama 2004 convention speech. It wasn't Barack Obama, but getting these minds full of much excited to see him speak between two columns like he's Julius Caesar or something. It just wasn't that at all. Um, and it's aesthetics for a party that's so, so invested in appearances, aesthetics, the cover of the book, et cetera, is that the look they needed? Does it make, does it make the younger voter look at that? Hey, I want to be a part of that. That's those are my people. Those are the kind of people I identify with because as crazy as that sounds, that's what matters to democratic party politics. So we'll be right back. This is a bit talk with those six five. From Buck's pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think I've done it this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show enough to talk with us. It's five. Text slide. It would be a touch of the show. 2513430106, hour number two now officially underway. Still come on the program here in about 30 minutes. Scott Butcher, Bob, the trust will tribute regular on this program and staunch defender of the Taco Casa, which celebrated 60 years of E. coli earlier this week. Let's see here. Also in the program today, Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall will be with us against thoughts on the DNC. Just kind of right now, but given you my reaction to it, the media, I'm really, I shouldn't be, but I just the media just is laughable at this point. The difference is they're not. I've noticed something since the whole weird Jamie Vance. He's just weird that they did not quite as scripted anymore. They're just sending out good vibes about everything Democrats to me. I just, how does this happen? I did the media in this country become so lost. And all these little cub reporters out there who are working for the TV stations or the the failing newspaper, they just, they just, this is what they saw Rachel Biden last night. Yeah, how could you just lie to us Donald Trump and Republicans? As if every Republican meeting is a clan rally or something. It's just not reality. But I don't know. I'm in this profession. I know these people. I think some of these journalists who are left of center get it. That they really do have the courage in their convictions. They like the, the, the evolution of like a Matt Taibi or a Glenn Greenwald who were far left anti-war bush haters in, you know, 15, 20 years ago are now like regulars on Tucker Carlson's podcast or Elon Musk or whatever. I guess we get so complacent with watching the news. As soon as a lot of you out there, some of you probably think I'm too far left the center, which is insane. But you just, you just come to accept it as the world we live in. Well, if you don't like the liberal media, you got Fox news. What's that about? It's not about what your preference is. It's just about a consistent narrative that isn't really benefiting one side or the other. Yet it's all the coverage is steeped in this conventional wisdom that the Democrat party puts out there. They're the experts. They don't want you read the New York Times. They're the ones that listen to NPR. They're the ones who have the degree from whatever, you know, pseudo elite, northeastern college. And those of us out there, the state schooler are the probably in their mind. It's more like trailer park dwelling, a non sophisticated Trump flag guy. Let's see what we got there. The people who that are who are giving free abortions, was second to me, aren't the same people who don't want you to walk across the beach. For fear, you might get upset that the turtle that might lay some eggs. I don't think they're really thinking about that. I, you know, what it is, a name texture with this whole free hot dog, vasectomy, abortion. It's just a middle finger to the right there. Sure. Have your reproductive freedom and believe that. I mean, like, look, I'm just going to disagree with you. If you think that abortion on demand, elective abortion on demand ought to be legal in America. That you're not. I mean, like, I don't think it will ever fully resolve this until our higher elite institutions make that declaration for us. This, this is fights going to go on and on and on. But you have to acknowledge abortion is a serious thing. It's not a fun. It's not like singing the take me out to the ball game in the seventh inning, you know, like the way the Democrats and the institutional left are making it out to be right now. It's serious. Well, you got this and this. I don't know how much traction this will get, but you got Tim Walts, the Democrat nominee for vice president lying about his wife's IVF treatment to try it to. I mean, just just all of that, like, they're trying way too hard. And like the stuff is not going to come back to haunt them. And they've textured. Oh, wow. Don't forget about trucks, love for Putin and Kim Jong-un. I'll certainly forget. So what? Do you rather you would you rather the do you rather the president of the United States be at war with Vladimir Putin? Look, we could we could play this game. We could play Joe Biden. It was love for whoever's lead the Palestinians and whoever's running the show in Iran. We really can. The obsession the whole Biden, Obama years had with a peace deal for Iran. The Ivy League or the Republican get it. It's not true. I mean, yeah, that is true. But that's not what I said. What I said was the pseudo elite schools. I'm not talking about Ivy League. Ooh, Springfield College or. Did you ever watch an animal house? That kind of college. Like did quite get into Cornell. But went to Williams and studied like, I don't know, like late American literature or something and an is an expert on the world. Smith's. You know, those those are the schools. Boston University even. The pseudo elite school schools because I will acknowledge like Ivy Leaguers. Now I it took me living in Washington DC for a while to learn that Ivy Leaguers aren't all what they are built up to be. But for the most part, they're not stupid people either. If you made it through an Ivy League college and you got to the plumba, I mean, there is something there. They're just not as impressive. Uh, Greg writes homeowners and church prices on top of the other stuff. And a texture we don't have price increases during a recession only during a recession over the expanding economy. You can have inflation during a recession. The economy can stop growing, but the economy can contract when the value of dollar goes down. That's not true. And a texture a little bit. I watched last night look like a bunch of overweight people he baskets a french fries. I missed that. Summer del Tony wasn't that sweet. They told Joe Biden last night. Thank you, Joe. Now get the eff out. Yes. Uh, this is named, um, Jenny Scott Jennings will see an end. Sit it perfectly. The Democrats were forcing Joe Biden to give his whole career eulogy last night. Uh, Jason, Jeff, I thought Kentucky governor Beshear was a middle of the road commonsist Democrat that exists. They spent his entire speech promoting abortion ridiculous. They said not sophisticated Trump flag guy. Can that be my new name? Yeah, the throwing trailer park, but that's their, that's their perception of you is like the, you don't, you think high living is, uh, being the king of your own double Y trailer with the polyester curtains and a redwood deck? Yes, I just stole that. Um, but, but that's the point. Like they, they have such, these people have such a, especially the state of Alabama, but in general, any red state, such a negative view. And these are the elite of the elite that you see on TV. Now, some of these people had to convention. I mean, they, they, they did the, the, like five Democrats on North Dakota or whatever, but the way the media talk, this is what they never, they have no desire to go to Texas. How many people have I, how many people have any of you out there who spent time outside of this state? When you tell them you're from Alabama, think that you guys have your sundown towns and your, you're, you're just, you're, you're racist and you know, you don't like Mexicans or whatever the stereotype is. They think the exaggerated stereotype is really something that that's the reality because I, I've seen it all my life. Uh, Democrat mantra, this from an unnamed texture, you're going to believe me or you're lying eyes, but it's even better than that. It's like, you got to believe me or you're lying, you know, no, no, it's like, you really, really want to believe me, not your eyes. Everything is great in America right now. You want to believe that you, you, you do believe that. This isn't a game. Either you believe that or you're with them. You believe that the economy is going gangbusters right now and that Joe Biden is delivered for you or you're with Trump and you're a deplorable and you're a magnet and you're whatever. Roger. Keep your friends close, but your enemy's closer. Toothless Bama, Hakeem lied constantly with him claiming inflation reduction acted chips acted created jobs. This was a green new deal and there should have been no jobs into the chips act until cut 15,000 jobs last week. Toothless Bama adds, you can tell Hakeem Jeffries is a, Obama want to be a speech cadence. What is it about the Democrats? They show up in the South and they talk like a catcher boy in Boston and everywhere it ends with an R they are frauds. Well, I don't understand, and Republicans do it too, but Democrats put such an emphasis on the aesthetics on it's not really the substance. It's the style. And where Trump presented a problem was he had a style that appeals to a lot of people, whether you like it or not. It's appealing to people. When I saw last night, here's what it looked like. And this is my theory. I don't think last night was good at all. I thought it was just not very well organized. I think Biden had a whole format for this convention. And as soon as Kamala takes over, as soon as she's a nominee, they ditch whatever it was Biden was trying to do, which is probably by economics or something. I don't know what it was. And they try to engineer something with reproductive freedom or whatever, all these talking points that they typically use. And they just weren't ready for it yet. They had a month to prepare, but they just couldn't get the job done. And that's what it looked like to me. This hastily contrived show, if you will, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What I've been talking about. More, much more than this. I did it my way. Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew. When I look back to the Jeff Moore showed up and talk 1065, they just stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Text slide 251340106 keep them coming. These two texts here, Martin, Trump understands the idea of keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer. Trump doesn't handle Harris. It doesn't have a clue. You don't wonder like who's going to be really running the country. I think I guys, it just seemed like to me, I pull those. He's on her way out. Hocking Jeffries or maybe some, the Czech Schumer or is Czech Schumer been the last couple of weeks. Tony, I understand why a lot of these ultra rich conservative type people don't pull their money together, try to buy out some of these liberal media stations. They tried. The problem is, Tony, that you can't, they can't go dollar for dollar against corporate money. I mean, they can just corporations can just pull way more money. And right now in America, corporate America has been castigated here. I mean, they're told, hey, we're going to go communist. And what we do probably, you're going to want to be on our side. You're going to want protection. I mean, there's sort of an extortion vibe there. I don't know. Like you look at these corporations and it's a business decision. Yeah, your conservatives could get power, but they'll generally leave us alone. Democrats, liberals believe in more state authority and they can look at Wall Street and they could come after our wealth. Well, we better, we better pony up here. And that gets to their political contributions and that gets to the idea that, you know, they're, they're, some of their properties have to really promote a liberal viewpoint. I mean, so obvious. And that's, that's the problem. I think there are exceptions. Like Fox News is owned by an Australian guy. Our now is his, his, his heirs. But typically, I think there's a lot of that. Also, I just just institutional institutions, elite educated tend to be a little more socially liberal that they don't. And I know this gets into a little bit of religion and faith here, but they don't. That's not something they value as their, as their church, as their religious life. So when you take that component out of the equation, I think your moral compass leans a little more left. Yeah, sure. You give to charity, even, or you care about the environment, let's say you can't have a moral compass and not be agnostic or atheist or whatever. Sure, you can. But what you think is right, what's wrong, it changes. And I think so much of the culture has been secularized, including some of these, some of these institutions at the very top politics, Hollywood, marketing, high finance, investments, you know, Wall Street, the corporate boardroom. You don't have very many Chick-fil-A's or Hobby Lobby's anymore. Chick-fil-A, I mean, it's not even a thing anymore, really. You have different ownership. Obama and Holder are already behind the curtain giving advice. I think Eric Holder is a big player here. I don't know if Obama has a sway. He does. I don't think Obama is as engaged as a lot of people think he is dirt digger. Democrats want to limit one business. This kid charge people for things. Why not go after all the university church students for their education? The government was student loans, so Biden can forgive the debt so we can pay more people. People pay more taxes. It's interesting that they're willing to put price controls on everything except themselves. The higher ed, you know, dirt digger, the reason the higher ed is you're right, the student loans and the availability of financing that make college so unaffordable or make the price higher, but it's, I would say, unaffordable. It's already all Roy is affordable because there's always financing available, depending on your circumstances. Let's get a break here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show. What if we talk? What if six, five? [Music] [Music] Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show. What if we talk? What if it's six, five? They should stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Would it be a touch with the show? All you do is text me. I see him piling up over there. 2513430106. I always appreciate the feedback, even if it is not very flattering for yours truly, but we will take any criticisms under advisement. I still come on a program by an hour from now. Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wallace will make sure that you stick around for that. Joining us now on the line, he is the publisher of the Trustful Tribune, regular on this program and fanboy for the E. Cole Iberrito at Otaku Casa at a location somewhere around the Tuscaloosa area. Scott Butch or Scott, good morning. How are you? Well, I wasn't doing fine until you just used Tuscalo Casa on their 50th birthday, Jeff, the 50th birthday. If you would have used them like that, I just don't understand. That's quite a run of like just stomach pains and foodborne illnesses for 50 years. That's impressive. Now, I think the introduction probably to some of my Auburn friends in Tuscaloosa and unlike Lake County, Tuscaloosa County is actually very diverse and we have some Auburn folks there. I need to introduce you to some Auburn folks who grew up there because I know that the Auburn folks that just had an exclusive Lake County, it's hard for you to understand a tradition that stood 50 years and I get that. It was something unknown to you, scary. And Auburn hadn't had great luck with tradition. I mean, can we just be honest about that? The War Eagle Dinner Club, Summer Club, you know, it's faded away. Harry, Savannah Beach Club, the Ivory Tubbs, do you need? What was the place the eatery in Auburn named after the toilet? Was it Santa plush? Is that what it was? It didn't, of course, obviously the oaks, all big operation hadn't had the best luck. You know, it was because it was a year. Well, you're deranged Alabama trail park, Alabama fans went down there with some some heavy duty pesticides or something. I cannot believe that an Auburn grant elected for a story and that's such been such a matter. I just can't believe that. Well, I think we can point fingers all you want, but I mean, I'll put I'll put Mama Goldberg's up against Taco Casa any day. Well, you know what? I'm kind of with you on that. Mama Goldberg's well-known knock off of Solomon's deli in Tuscaloosa, which preceded it by about two months. Solomon's was was just a pinnacle of a great eatery until it was knocked out by Taco Casa, but you guys did get Solomon's light in and Mama Goldberg's and it survived. See, you got a little something there. See, like, if you're really like the true bamor, you would be talking about Dreamland barbecue or art. I don't, our spot's so overrated. I think that's just a anti-dreamland play that likes to do. I think it speaks to the tradition rich Tuscaloosa that we literally take Dreamland for granted, which is possible. We take it to granted. Well, I don't know. But you got Chuck. You all got Chuck's barbecue over there in Opelika with the mustard slop. I mean, Chuck's is one of my favorites, but that's Opelika. I'm not surprised. Opelika is different. It's not Auburn. It's like Northport. Well, I will say this. My wife is from Opelika, as you know, grew up there. Her father was a huge, huge, huge fan of Chuck's barbecue and actually sent me there for the mustard slop. And I make fun of it, but I also love it. I'm not a connoisseur of the mustard slop. I usually get a barbecue places because they offer meat, which is really where Chuck's kind of wins. Well, yeah, maybe they do it different. Maybe they go to Dreamland for the sides or wherever. I don't. Maybe you're like a Jim and Nick's guy or something. I'm pretty sure they're just reselling Dreamland. Maybe that's Portugal. Dreamland is their host. Oh, well, well, whatever you want to want to claim there. You know, story that's sticking to it. Now, Scott, you were a regular fixture on the Auburn football sidelines for all those years, helping behind enemy lines. You know what? I actually was on the sideline for the 93 armbold, I believe was. Auburn was a client of mine for a while. Auburn football was. And, you know, as much as it pains me to say, I kind of fell in love with place. Love going down, love visiting. The campus was far more beautiful than I thought it would be. And I will say, I was treated great by the Auburn folks. So, yeah, I did have a great relationship down there. And that game was blacked out. You do do, I think. Well, I think Auburn's probably had a few probation since then, so it wouldn't be the most recent Auburn probation, but wasn't on television. So, getting to stand on the Auburn sideline, despite the fact that I said to Alabama, get their tails beat, was still a pretty big deal to be able to sideline for an iron boat. We really want to go into NCAA probation's there, Scott. Well, I mean, I'm just, you know, I'm just tallying up the totals. I think they'll tell me the world, didn't they? I'm sure it's more like SMU or something, really. But we got more probation. We got national championships. No, we know that's not true. Y'all didn't have to make any of them up. You want to talk about Gene Stallings, or I'm old out to remember that stuff. But rather not. I'm not the stallings fan. It's Alabama fans are. I don't dislike the man, but I'm not the fan. See, he is my favorite Alabama coach by far. Of course he got Alabama probation. Of course he was. No, I mean, I'd rather have like some of the clients you had pre-saben for sure. But I mean, if we're just talking wins and losses here, I'm heading in that direction. You give me give me Sheila any day. But no, it's still steam. Gene Stallings is kind of an honorable guy. You. Well, I think he is an honorable guy, but the violation type of known as Washington. I do not think he or our AD at the time who the Ingram handled it very well at all. They still love. They still love who the Ingram. I mean, they built like a statue for him. How about putting Tony? Who the Ingram was a guy who like he took away the weird, the rapper jammer, you know, hammer or go to hell, whatever. He took away all the like, fun cheers. He came from Florida State and this is the way we ought to do things like he wasn't exactly. Actually, I do remember some of that dirty senior, but I thought Steve Sloane, Steve Sloane was the one that tried to kill Reverend Jim. No, it was a pretty serious hoodie anger. I just remember listening to Birmingham Sports Talk when I was during that time and gosh, you had the usual like Jim from Tuscaloosa types, just just crowing about that. And boy, I mean, you're bringing up Jim for Tuscaloosa. That's that's painful. And since I actually know his family, I'm going to probably just leave. Shane from center point or whatever. I mean, like, oh, well, because you remember the knock Scott and we were spending a lot of time on football here. Well, the knock was because Spurrier came into the league and a little bit of Terry Benton too, but it was just this wide open spread offense. Installing was so wedded to the throwback like, you know, just cram it down your throat. And he had a success with that. I mean, he had won, but everybody wanted the the funding gun or whatever it was of the era. Installing just wouldn't do that until until until the iron bowl. And I forget what year was, but for any kitchens, they decided to open up the offense and then stalling to resigns after the game. But that was always, it was always Hootie Ingram and Gene stalling through the villains because they wouldn't do what Steve Spurrier and Bobby bound and these other coaches around the country were doing what their offenses. Well, you, you saw that up pretty well, stalling really was a three, three yards in a cloud of dust guy and had always been that way. And you went on defense and, and that's just kind of the way stalling operated when he, when he came to Alabama as the head coach. And you're right, man, Spurrier comes in and, you know, at that point, Alabama, despite the bag, the bear been gone while Alabama was still the elephant in the room. No pun intended in terms of SEC football. But the Spurrier comes in and there's a new king in town and lit it up with that funding gun stuff. And then Bowden gets hit over and he's throwing it all over the field. And, and now you're kind of getting to one of the things about stalling that, that I'm not fond of and wasn't fond of at the time. Some point Homer Smith was brought back to be the offense coordinator in Alabama. He had been the office coordinator under Bill Corey and Homer Smith was, was brilliant. I mean, just absolutely brilliant. Off in a great offensive line. And I think our fullback was already received for one year with, with, it was Kevin Turner, I believe, with a 20 yardage receiving coming out of the, coming out of the fullback position. Stalling's, in my opinion, really resented the attention that Homer Smith died for running that offense. And he really resented the attention Bill Oliver got on the defensive side of the ball. And, and I believe Stalling's had a little bit of an ego problem. He wanted, he wanted those guys getting that attention out of there, despite the fact that they were the driving force that brought him his biggest wins. Well, Bill Oliver, man, and into the coup at him winding up being Bowden's defensive coordinator. Yeah, you were, but that was, that was the recording band or coaches leading since that was the, that was the political scandal of the day, man. You remember that? It was wild. It was wild. You got your defensive coordinator in there, recorded Terry Bowden, very coaching meetings and said that the recordings over the Bobby Louder, who was, who was promising Oliver, you just stay there. You're going to be six head coach. And I mean, it, it was over. I had a lot of friends during that time. And I think that was when frustration with Bobby Louder really began to just pull up. And I think primarily because Auburn fans just didn't know what I was going to do next and I was getting tired of it. So remember, Bill Oliver, Tuberville tried to keep him someday. We got to ask Tuberville about old brother Bill, but I love to hear that story. Yeah, because, because he, he remember like, Terry Bowden was, was kind of stuck with a lot of die guys Wayne Hall. Yeah. And then he never got, he never got his own people, but that was a coup. Like that was the version of Robert Bentley, like with the Mr. Steppen down. I mean, this state was just like, it was just beside itself when Bill Oliver left Husker, Luca for Auburn in my opinion, Terry Bowden at Auburn and Mike Sheila at Tuscaloosa were both hired by the separate universities for the same exact reason. We need a band aid to get us through this probationary period. And then we'll, we'll get everything on the right have somebody that can just kind of get us through it. I think both of them were hired with the full intention that they'd be temporary hires. She was trying to play right into the hand and he wasn't terrible in yet. I think you had a 10 win season at some point. But, but he was a band aid and when it was time to rip off the band aid and go get saving, Alabama was able to do that. Alton on the other hand, what do you do? Win 93. I mean, you know, carries over into the 94 season, but when it fell apart, man, it was, it was just in spectacular fashion. But the guy goes in there and did what, what nobody did hard and really expected to do and goes on a huge winning streak. It was undefeated 93, like I said, 20 straight games into, into 94. And suddenly, he becomes a little problematic for Auburn to get out of there. But only for a short period, eventually handed them all the gasoline they dated to Bernie. They had to like the 96 Auburn, Georgia game on and it was like Amy and Craig just running all over the place and not really throwing the ball to anybody. And I just like, my God, what a, what an awful time. Hey, real quick, we, we wasted a good, a good 15 minutes there on football. Well, the ALGOP is very happy. We talked to it for 30 minutes. Hey, I got a question for you. And we had Danny Garrett on yesterday. I don't know if this is on your radar and what does it want to be yet? The, this idea that they want to change the formula for local school systems and the money they get from the, I'm very, very wary of it. And you're, you're publishing a community that probably like, you know, it would have to be very cautious, a very skeptical of anything the legislature wants to do there. Have you thought much about this? Oh, I, I'm almost obsessed over it. I, I will say, and I've got a lot to learn. I still got a lot to learn, a lot to feed. I've not seen the proposed bill yet because I don't think one exists. And it's in our reserve judgment till I see that. So many things to touch on here. I'm sorry, we waited till the end, but I will tell you that Representative Garrett reached out before all this, before all this was even public, and they were talking about it. I think they had the first initial meeting or about to have it. And, and what he shared with me is, you know, we've got issues with how we're funding schools. We're, we're following an old, outdated model, same handful of states still do this. And, and he was looking at things like special needs and how some systems, some specific schools within certain systems have a very high population of special needs students. Well, the cost on educating special needs students is approximately 10 times higher than the average students. So, but, but funding, state funding is done on the ADM, the average daily membership or average daily attendance for a better word. And, and it doesn't take into account what percentage of those students might be special needs and what are general study students, what, what ones may be taking AP. Does this school have higher numbers taking AP during AP class? So, there's a lot of things that they want to look at. Now, I asked specifically, because next week, Trustful goes to the polls to vote on whether or not we will back out at the law property taxes for schools. As you know, Jeff, there's been a formula in place for decades in Alabama, where cities like Mountain Brook and Bestavia, who paid those are the two highest local tax school systems in Alabama. In other words, their citizens paid more for their local schools than any other school system in the state of Alabama. And they are actually penalized because they're paying more. Yeah, I just, I agree. I, I, I, I, that's my worry. That was my worry with the school. Like, here you are in this high taxation situation, because you, you go along with the taxes, because you want a better school system in the states. Well, you don't, you don't need this much money. We're going to give it over here. I, I, I find it very odious. But hey, Scott, we got to get out of here with a little log. For some reason, we talked about football in the 90s, but thanks for making time. All right, Scott, but your ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk, 106 five. He said, you don't have to call me mister, mister. The whole world called behind. He said, look and laugh at you in Jackson. And I'll be dancing on a pony king. Let me drown town like the scalded. How would you tell that between your village? Yeah, go to Jackson. You big talking man. We're back to the Jet Force show it up and talk with those six five. They just stick it with us on this Tuesday morning, despite our detour into 1990s, Auburn, Alabama football. It was something about watching it back then when Alabama was kind of on a least eight level playing field with Auburn. And it was, it was so, it was so, it was so be league because the a league was like Florida State Miami, University of Florida, Notre Dame to some degree. But that's, you know, that's how our conversations on the phone, Scott and I go sometimes. We sit out like, Hey, let's talk about this tomorrow. And then we don't talk about it at all. I'll see here when I got a text here, bumping up, but uh, last time I went to Dreamline, Tuscaloosa, they reheated the ribs in the microwave oven. Archibalds for me. Really, I didn't even know they had electricity at the Dreamland and Tuscaloosa. Hey, have you ever been out there? I mean, it's, it looks like the building could collapse at any moment, but uh, maybe, maybe I haven't been looking close enough. But however, uh, I, the probably Archibalds, it felt like it's a play and I, I, this is my sense of it. It just seemed a little pretentious for what it was. Like, Hey, we are Archibalds. And it really not a, I mean, it's really supposed to be kind of a rib shack, but you walk in and they kind of order for you. And this is what you want. And I don't need that. I could go somewhere else, white table calls and tell me what, you know, the special is two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, is the text line. Uh, coming up here shortly, we'll hit more on the DNC. It's something to fall out, I think from that. And the very sad departure, Joe Biden, even if you don't like him, what's going on now is sad. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk for those six, five from Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between. An insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show. What if we talk about those six, five out number three, which begins right now six minutes after the hour to come on the program. John Walsh, Chairman of the Alabama, I mean, yeah, the Alabama Republican Party calling us from an undisclosed location today. I'm sure we'll hear here in about a half hour about what's going on there. So please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, text me to five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, sixty propaganda. It's just off the charts here. Keep looking at, uh, people looking at CNN and MSNBC and I, I'm not, I shouldn't like get any, uh, fill any emotional impulse, but it's, um, Democrat unity on display is Biden passes torch to Harris. Uh, and then there's a on MSNBC right now, they're downplaying any, any hard feelings Biden has for any hard feelings that Biden has for, uh, the Democratic Party and the way they handled the nomination that he had earned. So, uh, do we believe this? No, of course we don't. And even their own reporting on CNN with David Axelrod and others acknowledges this because at the time when the, the push was underway to get Biden to move on, it was those guys who were saying, well, it's really Biden's inner circle that is telling him he can win this or they're, they're keeping him shut out from the media. They're keeping them shut out from other voices. They're keeping him away from the speaker or the former speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and they're to blame. They're not giving him a true assessment that he is going to lose and needs to step aside. This was their own people saying this and Biden was getting irritated with it. And now, now you look at the way they have, they're contradicting all that on, on CNN that did this with some sort of, uh, a unity play, some kind of joyous occasion of the passing of the torch, the, uh, one generation to the next brotherhood. No one believes you. I don't think the people in that room in Chicago believe that anybody excited about Barack Obama, we will, uh, we will, uh, let me know. Two five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, why has it John Wall been arrested for voter fraud to tear justice system exclamation point? Well, it was John Wall eligible to vote. So it's just not, it's not voter fraud. If he had walked in and voted for uh, Jeff poor at the polling, that that's voter fraud. He, he, he cast a ballot. You may disagree with the, the, the, the photo ID and what, uh, constituted a government issued ID at the time. But it's not voter fraud. So why haven't you been arrested for sending dumb text? David, wait till, wait till Sean showed us in for us to share stuff. Cause this is, I'll tell you how this works, David. Even if you, you, you don't participate in this program anymore, that text is going to get buried down at the bottom of the list. And Sean might not see it. So don't send stuff for the next program during my program. Not, not because I have territorial, but because that's how you will get, you will get ignored. Damn Yankee just too did what's up with Biden. So, uh, his speaking slide, it was really late to begin with. It was almost as if, Hey, let's have him late when everyone's gone to bed. So we don't have to relive the Biden fiasco of June. Okay. The, what, what ended up happening, uh, was that they pushed this even later. He spoke almost an hour late. And the thing is, I mean, you know, you have four time zones. The central time zone in Chicago, he was speaking at like 10, 10, 30 on into midnight or all into 11, but, but Eastern time, I mean, who's staying up to watch Joe Biden speak in Easter times? I want to get to be at work and get up at six or whatever to go to work. Probably not very many people. And it was almost the thinking was that they were kind of hiding Biden at their own Democrat convention. That's a controversy. And then if you did stay up for the speech, it wasn't exactly like all soaring oratory. It was like, it was, it was a slurry version of his state of the union address that he was heralded for. That wound up being all about Katie Britt instead of Joe Biden. Jason, Kelly will be speaking at the RNC opening on airport Boulevard tomorrow. I believe so. I can get you some details on that. But yeah, I do think she will. She's supposed to have her own headquarters. What is that? That's a pine brook shopping center. What would always every election cycle? There is some sort of Republican headquarters going on there. If you've been around Mobile and interested in Republican party politics, that's that's always been. It's like a tradition, right? But yeah, I do believe she is. I'll try to get some specifics on that. Shomari figures speaking at the DNC. Now, like I get it. I'm conservative media, the 1819 news guy, not very many Democrat consultants or Democrat. Political figures really are going to look at our audience as a place where they need to tap into and get votes. They don't really talk to us beyond that. And I keep up with Al.coms and the APRs aside from the John and Sharp story last week. I mean, like, has anyone seen much of Shomari figures? Is he out and about? Dobson is everywhere. She has been everywhere. So she decided to run for this seat going back like a year. Yeah, I was like a year ago. I remember going to events and seeing or obviously seeing Senator Brubaker and others. But she's been at all of these events and not really not really seeing figures around as much. And it felt that way like the Republican votes here in the second congressional district, which is a weird district. The lines are like right in Tillman's corner, all the way to the Georgia line in Phoenix city, spanning two time zones, by the way, that he's spending most of his time in Montgomery in the northern parts of the district. He's spending, but he is a mobile guy, our mobile county guy. And maybe mama is going to bring home the mobile vote. So maybe figures. I mean, when we know about her, she, she, she ran against Pete Reeve. I mean, she had all the establishment political establishment types really pulling for her. I drove by places that were very, over the years, I had been come to know them as Republicans and there's a Vivian figure sign stuck out in front of their business that you know who I'm talking about out there if you're still listening. And you're just like, well, what the heck happened to see, but will she be able to bring those votes in for the mobile vote and for her son? And while he's trying to win the black belt and he's trying to win, I guess is what maybe Russell make in Montgomery County, Brown's Butler. Michael says Miss Dobson has been impressed with her grand game seeing her random parish fries during Lent was when I decided to vote for her. Yeah, I mean, like, really, she's got that Katie Britt work ethic. Paul, I think violence will be assured and it won't be anything subdued like the J six capital tourist. I don't know, that didn't really work though, Paul. The, the, the January six stuff, that was sort of that what you would think would be like kind of the, the, the pinnacle, right? That would be the moment when in people, it would get people's attention. That's like, it's not just like ransacking a post office or something. And it really backfired on Republicans. They, they, they treat the capital building with almost this, this deity-like reverence. But what do you expect from much of Democrats who do put government as their higher power? The sacred hollow grounds of the US capital and you are smashing windows and like, okay, like, they shouldn't have done that. But this is our capital. This is our democracy. This was a coup, which I still understand why you would take over the legislative branch. If you're staging a coup, but they overreached on that and it did backfire Republicans and what a good look. It was a dark time, 2021, that they were trying to like, it was just impeaching, impeaching Trump and all these, like, like shamelessly political prosecutions earlier like a moral logarade that was deemed to be unconstitutional. All of those things and like, it just, it was a dark time. Biden's passing made up like, like very Orwellian bills, like the inflation reduction act, which we knew wasn't going to work. None of that. And then things kind of go on and you see that people are like, Hey, I don't think this Biden stuff's really working out. But again, back to your point, Paul, and that's not going to work. Like guys, they think that you're going to see political violence from where they were betterly able to muster up enough people to get the posse up to go to J six. Okay. It's a very common talks about this. And he's right. The real true believers showed up in Washington, DC. Most Americans will just put their head down. And most conservative Republican voting Americans will accept the loss if it comes to that. And they will just go about their day. And it's, you know, we'll get them the next election. It won't be. We're not going to have a second J six situation again. I just, Paul, I totally reject that. Also now it feels like if come on Harris were to win, it's much easier to accept than if Joe Biden wins who clearly the fix would have been in because there was no way possible. We'll see. I mean, there's cheap by mail and all these voting means two five one three four three zero one zero six. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk about a six five. I never made a single person cold. But I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. Somebody take me home through those out of them. We'll go back to the Jet Force showed up and talk with a six five on a textures as figures by a landslide based on what based on what Shamari figures is any, I guess, no one's seen Shamari figures. He showed up on national television. He showed up in a couple of local clips. And you did this. The assumption is this that Kamala Harris will win the second congressional district by a landslide. I'm going to tell you guys what matters is Trump versus Harris in that second congressional district, which if Trump wins that district, there's there's no possibility here. And Trump gets voters out and people don't just show up to vote Trump. They just hit straight Republican and they go home. Also, what kind of mood will Joe read be in that day? Well, he mobile will will Shamari figures be able to pay off Joe Reed and his out his Democrat conference or whatever it's called to get out the vote. Well, that was that's been the problem in the past for Democrats. So we'll be a landslide. I think that race goes either way within a margin of five points either way. Oh, dirt-digger, these younger generation don't understand. We are probably a democracy that is why they don't let them have Pledge of Allegiance in schools no more or they would know. Right. They have a different pledge. I think they're dirt-digger. It's like I pledge allegiance to the green energy flag of the global nations of the world. A two to corporations for which they stand. One planet under transgenderism indivisible for communism for all, something like that. I named texture. I think it was the violence that we watched in tons of cities, allowing burning looters, etc. And nothing was done that motivated the J six group to think that they could do the same plus to hatred for Nancy. Yeah, I think so too. And I honestly believe this. I think the capital police kind of wanted this situation. They wanted it to get out of control. But in addition to that, some of the capital beliefs that were just trying to do their job and maintain a situation were there was a little bit of a chilling effect from that because you look at all those those those incidents, right? And the police were the enemy. The police were the villain in the news reports. It was heavy-handed policing in Ferguson or whatever it was. They blamed the police. It was George Floyd. Remember the whole? That's what triggered a lot of that summer. And I think some of the capital police well, I don't want to be the villain here. And we're just going to let this sort of proceed as needed. Pat. Probably based on voter turnout and the amount of Trump haters, I could see figures winning by 10 to 15. I know way because I think Pat, you can say the Trump hatred out there. But I think all the Trump haters who are Republicans would cast a ballot for Dobson and cast a ballot for Harris. I'm not so sure you have a lot of Trump voters who would cast a ballot for or a lot of Trump voters who would cast a ballot for Shamari figures. But I could see like the Queen Hill years in the world or Cameron Smith or whoever voting for Harris over Trump are undervoting that presidential race, but voting for Dobson for sure. But there's nobody out there who's going to cast a ballot for Trump that's going to vote for Shamari figures. If you are, let me know. I mean, you're a fascinating but individual, that's the case. But I, Pat, I think that goes the other way. I think that I think Dobson will outperform Trump in the second congressional district slightly. But the bulk of Trump's vote, the bulk of Dobson's votes are going to be because of Trump's coattails. This is always the argument. I never understood Dale Jackson trying to make a couple of weeks ago was like, well, all these Republicans in these states, they outperformed Trump. But you're just assuming that all those votes that they had gotten would have been there, even if Trump wasn't on the ballot. Trump has coattails. It's a game of addition. Trump is the foundation for your run. And whatever you could build upon that is just the extra cream on the top that might put you over the edge. Let's get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porchold. If I'm talking about 065. Living on the road, my friend was gonna keep you free and clean. [Music] Come back to the Jeff Porchold show and if I'm talking about 065. They should stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Real quick on programming note. I did not mention, as you typically do, on the the second segments in the third hour. Coming up on the program to Marjoe Clark from Newstalk 93-1 in Montgomery. And Congressman Jerry Carl will be with us at a guest to be named later. So please tune in for that. Joining us now from, I guess, Washington, D.C., or Raby, Northern, Virginia, somewhere. Almond Republican Party Chairman John Wall. Chairman, good morning. Are you? I am doing well. It's good to be on the show from from the Reagan International Airport as I'm about to get out of the swamp and fly home. So my wife and I lived about a half mile from where you are right now in Arlington. Could walk to the airport back when, back when we lived in D.C. But, you know, and I love every time I go to D.C. I love the history. I love, you know, this our county fathers and this concept that America was found in about, I'll tell you, it's bittersweet. Because what we've seen, what we've taken that birthright are uncertain of freedom and liberty. And then you see what's happened to it and just how people ignore this grand American experiment. And so every time I have a tug of emotion that's just so deep and so profound. So I can only imagine living here that had to be the same feeling for you. Well, I'll tell you what, it kind of struck me and he didn't really, he didn't really have an understanding of it. We were up there a week ago by my three year old and I and, you know, obviously this is where your mommy and daddy used to live. And we went to Nat's game and then we went to the National Mall and like, these are just like buildings to him and we got our picture made in front of him. But it's like, I used to like, when I lived up there, you're like, well, you must are like, you know, just just really immersive. No, you took it for granted. Like you take it for granted, driving by the Jefferson Memorial to Washington Monument every day. Like it was just, that's just where all the tourists go. But you're right. I mean, taking my my three year old up there, it kind of like humbles you a little bit. No, you know, especially for children, you know, that's really what most of the American dream for the future. And that's why I try to explain you that the socialist trends, as I'm watching the DNC, which I actually am not watching much of it, the clip coming out. But as I'm watching this, I'm like, the understanding of what it means to be America. And it's this concept of freedom and liberty and that that we, the individuals, the people know how to run our lives better than government does. And just how good intentions often lead to govern too much government go on both sides of the aisle. I'm not going to defend Republicans are clearly, but it's unbelievable how the Democrats are completely forgotten. Completely forgotten what what made America special. And they literally want to take it back and put it in the same model that Europe and which we escaped. Our county fathers escaped so many years ago. Well, they they almost like deify government. We talk about this all the time, and that's their higher power. But it's not just that, John, it's it's like a and look, January six should not have happened. That was it was not even not just a tactical error, but criminal. But the reaction to it was like the the symbolism of these buildings is what we revere as Americans. And it's not that it's what what goes on in them, right? It's the it's not the buildings themselves. That's absolutely right. And they forgot a fundamental concept. I don't know how many I heard, you know, like the sacred temple of democracy. Well, who owns that building? Is it not the public? We the people? So it's actually the people's house, you know, we used to call this the capital of a schoolhouse. And it really is. And I'm not going to defend, you know, like you said, criminal acts, I'm not going to defend anything. But what I don't like is the double standard, where you've had the media praising and saying, you know, the summer of love, where you had people rioting, burning down buildings, breaking windows, destroying property, that that was somehow a peaceful process. And then you saw something that was not even reached the same level of destruction, just in a different location of because of the political divide, all of a sudden that became wrong. And I think for me, that double standard is what is most infuriating about this is recent January 6th. I mean, I want to see consistency. Yeah, it's, it's what I want to tell you, Chairman, is this it's, you know, you're right, that that was there's no defense of that. But the reaction to it. And you're right, because it was, I think all of those political political one side, it kind of tells you this. I'll go, I'll go pass reaction. I think that is what Dave, those that's what that's what inside it. They like to see Donald Trump inside of it. I disagree. He was the mainstream media who inside of January 6th. Let's be very, very clear. They told people it was okay to riot for a Jeff cost. But what they got what they got the fruit of what they thought. Look at what they look at, look at how the system went into work though, going after prosecuting just the courts in that, that DC circuit, the department of justice, the machinery really became laser focused on getting these guys. And that tells you like the systems out of whack because what they should have, I mean, the way that they put everything into that basket to go after these guys really let a lot of stuff slide in America guys. But this, they wouldn't make an example out of these people. And a lot of it had to do with their political stripes and wanting to have that chilling effect on the rest of the public. They really do think Chairman, Republicans and conservatives at any moment are going to come out of the hills and revolt like it's Fort Sumter or something. No, look, that's exactly right. And we saw the same thing with Donald Trump with the court case in New York where the DA had actually ran, he ran on a platform of not prosecuting crime, allowing people to steal things and not prosecute them. And then all of a sudden he found the time and he found the family to attend the man hours to go after Donald Trump. And it's very discontinuous. It's obviously double standard. And look, I think it is very, very plain. These are a type of political bitterness. And that is very concerning for a brief advice. And, you know what, I believe we're Constitution or public, but even if we were democracy, these are chilling things for democracy. This is not how the political process is supposed to work. You don't use the power government to silence or to have a double standard with people you disagree with politically. Be careful with the democracy stuff, Chairman. You might upset the the scribes over there at APR. They might. Yeah, that's right. That's right. No, to those listening, I will stand bold in this. I do not hear what anyone says. We were founded as and we remain a constitutional republic and not a democracy. And there is a fundamental difference between those two forms of government. Yeah. And they will. These people you don't challenge their authority on this or you'll get written about Bill Brit's website. Nobody wants that. Do they? That's right. Good. Look, and you will get accused of being a conspiracy theorist and a enemy of democracy. And to that, I say, well, I will not claim the title enemy of democracy, but I will claim the title of champion of our constitutional rights and our republic. Yeah, I don't think you you had any anything to correct there. They just, like I said, it go counters their narrative and their very, very elementary school understanding of how the of the country works. That's right. It's a lack of fundamental understanding of the principles and the style of government that our county called the set up and why those principles and that format is important. It is a very critical thing and an educated electorate or an educated or educated officials are an enemy to the elite being able to do whatever they want because it is it is information that wins the argument. Chairman, you said you weren't watching much of it, but the DNC I I and I know like here here you got the Republican Party chairman and right wing talk show 18, 19 bright bar guy saying the DNC was terrible, but I didn't think the last night went well at all for those guys. I'm a little concerned about how Obama may do. I think he may pull him to get back together and get them going in the right direction. But that first night and it was way too long. They cut acts out of it. The speeches were very strange. They didn't seem to have a consistent message. Like I thought Republicans played it really, really safe in Milwaukee. And the idea there was, well, we're going to contrast the dumpster fire that will be the DNC, but this one we all thought mine was going to be the nominee. I don't think this first night at all really went well for them, especially the way they did Biden at the end and his speech was just kind of kind of crazy. I tend to agree. I would kind of shock how far they ran over time. Those who don't understand the process, like this, the warranty like the Republican mentioned, this is a timed event. Like there's certain things you work with that the network to make sure you're starting at the right time, you're finishing at the right time and they'll open them to run over like they did. Especially on a night when you have a fitting president United States of America who's giving his address. Talking to be honest, I'm very unorganized. And I agree with you. I think the content was kind of funny. Like there wasn't a lot of, I didn't hear them talking to the American people about the cases that are affecting the American people. Well, the only that's what a good conviction to be about. The only thing I saw that gave me kind of an idea of what they're playing for chairman was the UAW guy, Sean Fane. And I think they really are worried about losing those blue collar voters and those rust belt states because that's where the so-called blue wall is. But like, well, what other than that? And he's a lunatic. He's a left-wing lunatic. He's just dining off his UAW credentials. But what did you, I mean, what did they give last night in terms of like, Hey, I'm working for the working guy. It's just, it was a bunch of like kind of social issue policy, especially with the abortion stuff, that was a play for the base, which you would assume would already kind of be in their back pocket. Yeah, we'll look at it. Ironically, we talked about, we can get talked about the two issues that they really are going to run on. You're going to see the January 6th, the defenders of democracy. And then you're going to see abortion reproductive rights, and we're going to call it. Those are going to be, that's probably all they can run on because they cannot run on the economy. They cannot run on policy. They cannot run on the border. They cannot run on education. And I think that's why they're losing those blue collar workers you talked about. The average, everyday American, the middle class, the Democrats party has abandoned them. They don't care about them. They don't, their policies are destroying the middle class. They're destroying the American dream and their opportunities to succeed economically. And then at the same time, they're indoctrinating their children in school. And these middle class families, these parents who are working hard just to put food on the table, are coming home and they're seeing what their children are being taught. And it's directly opposed to things they believe in. And they see core moral values and American values that are middle class. The blue collar workers, the people of America, fundamental, I have a problem with that. I think that's why that's why the Democrats are in trouble. Well, I guess maybe they'll turn it around. But like the first night as an indicator, if this is what it felt like to me, you talked about the choreography and the timing and everything that goes into these conventions, it's very scripted. But it felt like what they were trying to do, Chairman, was, okay, they had a plan for when Biden was a nominee. And now they just totally threw that out. And they came up with their own plan. And they weren't able quite, they weren't quite able to get it together like they needed to in time for the Chicago event. Well, and don't forget, we're dealing with your leader is Kamala Harris, who is the same person that has been managing our southern border for the last three and a half years. So perhaps we should not be surprised. Well, I guess said it'll be interesting to turn it around tonight. I mean, like who was really even if you are a Democrat delegate, were you really wanting to see Hillary Clinton last night? Was that like on your bingo card? Well, I can't wait to see the speech from Hillary. They canceled what James Taylor and then the, I guess the kind of crowning moment was putting Joe Biden in almost midnight. And on the East Coast, where Georgia of Pennsylvania, I mean, they wanted to hide him from mainstream viewing. Once again, I feel literally, you'll compassion towards Joe Biden, not on a political level, but on a human level. That was an insult to the city president, United States, America, who by all accounts has given his life to the Democrat party. And the disrespect you're showing towards him, if I was a Democrat voter, I would actually get said about that. So I think, I think you're right. This is, this is a shocking situation. You imagine your Republican convention that put Donald Trump on at midnight. I had him speaking. I don't know. There's no word for it. I like how fast if you go against the Democrat elite, how fast you become useless to them, how fast you just keep you out, and you just pick the curve. And I don't know, it's going to be interesting the next few nights. I am fascinated by what carrots are still going to do, how it's going to be. Because she really has not had a lot of public appearances since becoming their nominee. Last thing we'll get out on this, I look, they're playing the abortion card really hard. They got, you see the reproductive freedom manners and all of that on the screen. I think it just gets back to this. The abortion issue, they keep trotting that out, but that's, that's, that looks to me like playing for somebody they've already got. I think they're making a tactical error here because like whatever you think of abortion, and you know, both sides have their point of view, but most people will acknowledge that there are, there are moral questions or ethical questions about a boring, a fetus, you can't just ignore those. And it's like what they're doing there with the hot dogs and the, if you get an abortion, you get free hot dog or something, just just kind of bizarre behavior. The average American sees that, and maybe they believe that abortion should be legal, but they're not like, it's not something to celebrate as a badge of honor. They're making a mistake by going in that direction, I think. I, I tend to agree. And, and there's, there's some numbers to back that up as well. And it comes down to this, whatever you're peering on it is, this is a legitimate, legitimate political debate, but like when there's life again, and if life begins, it has a right to be dependent and protected because life is precious. Human life is precious, that's the bottom line. And most Americans do understand that there, there are situations where this is not okay. There, there is a right to life, there is, there is an ability, a protection that's needed to defend innocent. And 76% of Americans believe that abortion is a tragedy, whether they want it legal or not, they know that it's a tragedy, they know that it's a very solemn thing. And it's a, it's a sad thing. And so I think Republicans seem to capitalize that when, when they're in defense, we need to talk about abortion. We need to talk about why we do believe, like whether you disagree with us or not, we're genuine, like we want to defend life. We want to protect people because that's what we do. We protect people, protect our rights or protect our freedoms. But I'll tell you, we actually have this stronger social issue. And I, I want to see Republicans across this country last on to parental rights, protecting our children from the woke policy, because that's more intense, right? In polling than abortion is. So you're obviously right. We have the stronger social issue. We need to use it because they're overplaying theirs. Chair, we got to leave it there. We do appreciate your time. Hopefully we could talk again soon. Now, always a pleasure to be on the show. Chairman John Wall, ladies and gentlemen of the Alabama Republican Party, we'll be right back. This is FFT Talk, one of six five. Welcome back to the jump before showing up. I'm talking about those six five nature sticking around on what's left of this Tuesday morning Wednesday show. We got Joey Clark coming and cognizant Jerry Carl so please tune in for that squirrel. One last text here. People like my parents so care about socioeconomic matters. What is buying into the project 2025 stuff. The other one is so far up in the enough fluid bubble disconnected from the schools is somehow unaware of the links of the gender agenda. It's just that's the New York Times crossword puzzle working crowd. It's just no better than you. And they're going to vote for, they're not going to vote for the Volgarian Trump anyway. Come up here shortly. Midday Mobile. Sean, what you got today? Hey Jeff. Yeah, coming up next next hour. It's a Bobo County Sheriff Paul Burch. Your chance to ask the sheriff at 3430106. You got questions for the sheriff. This is your monthly chance to do just that. Ask the sheriff. Also out of a two April Marie Fogel joins us lots more on the plane on today's midday mobile. All right. You guys need to stay tuned for that. Put a little along with the chairman there now last segment. So we got a wrap at this. I will try to do better tomorrow. Sorry. Once again, Phyllis, I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jeff Port showing up and talk one oh six five. Lasted miles the hardest one to say. This is where the cowboy rides away. [Music]