FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 8-20-24

Broadcast on:
20 Aug 2024
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[music] We'll go back to the JetPort show and if I'm talking about those 6'5" they just stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Real quick on programming note, I did not mention what you typically do on the second segment in the third hour. Coming up on the program, Marjorie Clark from News Talk 93.1 in Montgomery and Congressman Jerry Carl will be with us at a guest to be named later. Please tune in for that. Joining us now from, I guess, Washington, D.C., or Ravy, Northern, Virginia, somewhere. I'm at the Republican Party Chairman John Wall. Chairman, good morning, are you? I am doing well. It's good to be on this show from Reagan International Airport as I'm about to get out of the swamp and fly home. So my wife and I lived about a half mile from where you are right now in Arlington, could walk to the airport back when we lived in D.C., but every time I go to D.C., I love the history. I love our county fathers and this concept that America was found in about, I'll tell you, it's bittersweet because what we've seen, but we've taken that birthright, our inheritance of freedom and liberty, and then you see what happens to it and just how people ignore this grand American experiment. So every time I have a tug of emotion, it's just so deep and so profound. So I can only imagine living here that had to be the same feeling for you. Well, tell you what, it kind of struck me, he didn't really have an understanding of it. We were up there a week ago, my three-year-old and I, and obviously this is where your mommy and daddy used to live. Yeah, we went to Nat's game and then we went to the National Mall and like, these are just like buildings to him and we got our picture made in front of him, but it's like, I used to like, when I lived up there, you're like, well, you must have like, you know, just, just really immersed, no, you took it for granted. Like, you took it for granted, driving by the Jefferson Memorial to Washington Monument every day, like it was just, that's just where all the tourists go, but you're right. I mean, taking my three-year-old up there, it kind of like humbles you a little bit. No, you know, especially, yeah, especially for children, you know, that's really what's most of the fake is the American dream for the future. And that's why I try to explain, you know, that these socialist trends, as I'm watching the DNC, which I actually am not watching much of it, the clip coming out, but as I'm watching this, I'm like, the understanding of what it means to be America and this concept of freedom and liberty and that we, the individual, see the people know how to run our lives better than government does, and just how good intentions often lead to too much government. So on both sides of the aisle, I'm not going to defend Republicans are clearly, but it's unbelievable how the Democrats are just completely forgotten. What, what, what made America special and they literally want to take it back and put it in the same model that Europe, which we escaped in our county fathers escape so many years ago. Well, they, they almost like deify government. We talk about this all the time. That's their higher power, but it's not just that, John. It's, it's like they. And look, the January six should not have happened. That was, it was not even, that just a tactical error, but criminal. But the reaction to it was like they, the symbolism of these buildings is what we revere as Americans. And it's not that it's what goes on in them, right? It's the, it's not the buildings themselves. That's absolutely right. And, and they forgot a fundamental concept of, I don't know how many I heard, you know, like the sacred temple of democracy. Well, who owns that building? Is it not a, the public, we, the people? So it's actually the people's house. You know, we used to call the capital, the school house, and it really is. And I'm not going to defend, you know, like he said, criminal acts, I'm not going to defend anything, but what I don't like is the double standard where you've had the media praising and, and saying, you know, the summer of love, where you had people rioting, burning down buildings, breaking windows, destroying property, that that was somehow a peaceful process. And then you saw something that was not even reached the same level of destruction, just in a different location, but because of the political divide, all of a sudden that became wrong. And I think for me, that double standard is what it's most infuriating about this situation in January 6th. I mean, I want to see consistency. Yeah, it's, it's, it wouldn't want to tell you, Chairman, is this it's, you know, you're right. That was, there's no defense of that, but the reaction to it. And you're right, because it was, I think all of it was political, political one side. It kind of tells you this, I'll go, I'll go past reaction. I think that is what Dave, those that's what that's what inside it. They like to see Donald Trump and cited it. I disagree. He was the mainstream media who inside of January 6th. Let's be very, very clear. They told people it was okay to riot for a job cost. Look at what they look at, look at how the system went into work, though, going after prosecuting in just the courts in that, that DC circuit, the Department of Justice, the machinery really became laser focused on getting these guys. And that tells you, like the, the systems out of whack, because what they should have, I mean, the way that they put everything into that basket to go after these guys, where they let a lot of stuff slide in America, guys. But this, they wouldn't make an example out of these people. And a lot of it had to do with their political stripes and wanting to have that chilling effect on the rest of the public. They really do think, Chairman, Republicans and conservatives at any moment are going to come out of the hills and revolt like it's Fort Sumter or something. No, look, that's exactly right. And we saw the same thing with Donald Trump with the court case in New York, where the VA had actually ran, he ran on a platform of not prosecuting crime, allowing people to steal things and not profit keeping them. And then all of a sudden, he found the time and he found the family, he found the man hours to go after Donald Trump. And it's very discontinuous. It's obviously double standard. And look, I think it is very, very plain. These are a type of political prisoners. And that is, that is very concerning for a free society. And, and you know what, I believe we're constitution or public, but even if we were a democracy, these are chilling things for democracy. Like this is not how the political process is supposed to work. You don't use the power government to silence or to have a double standard with people you disagree with politically. Be careful with the democracy stuff, Chairman. You might upset the scribes over there at APR. They might. Yeah, that's right. That's right. No, if you don't listen to me, I will stand bold in this. I do not care what anyone says we were founded as and we remain a constitutional republic and not a democracy. And there is a fundamental difference between those two forms of government. Yeah. And they will, these people like that, you don't challenge their authority on this or you'll get written about Bill Brit's website. Nobody wants that, do they? Correct. Look, and you will get accused of being a conspiracy theorist and a enemy of democracy. And to that, I say, well, I will not claim the title enemy of democracy, but I will claim the title of champion of our constitutional rights and our republic. Yeah. I don't think you had anything to correct there. They just, like I said, it counters their narrative and their very, very elementary school understanding of how the country works. That's right. It's a lack of fundamental understanding of the principles and the style of government that our county called the setup and why those principles and that format is important. It is, it is a very critical thing and an educated electorate or an educated or educated officials are an enemy to the elite being able to do whatever they want, because it is, it is information that wins the argument. Chairman, you said you weren't watching much of it, but the DNC, I, and I know, like, here, here, here, you got the Republican Party chairman and right wing talk show 18, 19 Breitbart guy saying, the DNC was terrible, but I didn't think the last night went well at all for those guys. I'm a little concerned about how Obama may do. I think he may pull him to get back together and get them going in the right direction. But that first night, and it was way too long. They cut acts out of it. The speeches were very strange. They didn't seem to have a consistent message. Like, I thought Republicans played it really, really safe in Milwaukee. And the idea there was, well, we're going to contrast a dumpster fire that will be the DNC, but this one, we all thought Biden was going to be the nominee. I don't think this first night at all really went well for them, especially the way they did Biden at the end and his speech was just kind of kind of crazy. I tend to agree. I was kind of shocked how far they ran over time. Like, for those who don't understand the process, like, this, this, like, the Republican convention, this is a time event. Like, there's certain things you work with at the network to make sure you're starting at the right time, you're finishing at the right time, and they open them to run over like they did. Especially on a night where you have the fitting president of the United States of America, who's giving his address, talking to be honest, very unorganized. And, and I agree with you, I think the content was kind of funny. Like, there wasn't a lot of, I didn't hear them talking to the American people about the issues that are affecting the American people. The only thing I saw that gave me kind of an idea of what they're playing for, Chairman, was the UAW guy, Sean Fane, and I think they really are worried about losing those blue collar voters and those rust belt states because that's where the so-called blue wall is. But like, what other than that? And he's a lunatic, he's a left-wing lunatic. He's just dining off his UAW credentials. But what did you, I mean, what did they give last night in terms of like, hey, I'm working for the working guy? It just, it was a bunch of like kind of social issue policy, especially with the abortion stuff that was a play for the base, which you would assume would already kind of be in their back pocket. Yeah, well, look guys, ironically, we talked about, we just talked about the two issues that they really are going to run on. You're going to see the January 6th, the defenders of democracy, and then you're going to see abortion, reproductive rights, and what we're going to call it. Those are going to be, that's completely all they can run on, because they cannot run on the economy. They cannot run on policy. They cannot run on the border. They cannot run on education. And I think that's why they're losing those blue-collar workers you talked about. The average, everyday American, the middle class, the Democrat party has abandoned them. They don't care about them. They don't, their policies are destroying the middle class of America. They're destroying the American dream and their opportunities to succeed economically. And then at the same time, they're indoctrinating their children in school. And these middle class families, these parents who are working hard just to put food in the table, are coming home and they're seeing what their children are being taught. And it's directly opposed to things they believe in. And these core moral values and American values that are middle class, the blue-collar workers, the people of America, fundamentally have a problem with it. And I think that's why, that's why the Democrats are in trouble. Well, I guess maybe they'll turn it around, but like the first night is an indicator. If this is what it felt like to me, you talked about the choreography and the timing and everything that goes into these conventions, it's very scripted. But it felt like what they were trying to do, Chairman, was, okay, they had a plan for when Biden was a nominee, and now they just totally threw that out. And they came up with their own plan, and they weren't able to get it together like they needed to in time for the Chicago event. Well, and don't forget, we're dealing with their leader is Kamala Harris, who is the same person that has been managed in our southern border for the last three and a half years. So perhaps we should not be surprised. Well, I guess said it'll be interesting to turn it around tonight. I mean, who was really, even if you are a Democrat delegate, were you really wanting to see Hillary Clinton last night? Was that like on your bingo card? Well, I can't wait to see this speech from Hillary. They canceled what James Taylor, and then the, I guess the kind of crowning moment was putting Joe Biden in almost midnight. And on the East Coast, where Georgia, Pennsylvania, I mean, they wanted to hide him from mainstream viewing. Once again, I feel literally, you'll compassion towards Joe Biden, not on a political level, but on a human level. That was an insult to the city president, United States, America, who, by all accounts, has given his life to the Democrat party. And, and the disrespect you're showing towards him, if I was a Democrat voter, I would actually get upset about that. So I think, I think you're right. This is, this is a shocking situation. He will imagine a Republican convention that put Donald Trump on at midnight. I had him speaking. I don't know. There's no word for it. I like how fast, if you go against the Democrat elite, how fast you become useless to them, how fast you just keep you out. And you're just picking the curve. And I don't know, it's going to be interesting the next few nights. I am fascinated by what carrots are still going to do, how it first needs going to be, because she really has not had a lot of public appearances since becoming their nominee. Last thing, we'll get out on this. I, look, they're, they're playing the abortion card really hard. They got, you see the reproductive freedom, manners and all of that on the screen. I think it just gets back to this. The abortion issue, they keep trotting that out, but that's, that's, it looks to me like playing for somebody they've already got. I think they're making a tactical error here because like whatever you think of abortion and, and you know, both sides have their point of view. But most people will acknowledge that there are, there are moral questions or ethical questions about a boring, a fetus. You can't just ignore those. And it's like what they're doing there with the hot dogs and the, if you get an abortion, you get free hot dog or something, just kind of bizarre behavior. The average American sees that and maybe they believe that abortion should be legal, but they're not like, it's not something to celebrate as a badge of honor. They're making a mistake by going in that direction, I think. I, I tend to agree. And, and there's, there's some numbers to back that up as well. And it comes down to this. Whatever you're feeling on it, it's just, it's legitimate, legitimate political debate. But like when there's life again, and if life begins, it has a right to be dependent and protected because life is precious, human life is precious, not the bottom line. And most Americans do understand that there, there are situations where this is not okay. There is a right to life. There is, there is an ability, a protection that's needed to defend innocent. And 76% of Americans believe that abortion is a tragedy. Whether they want it legal or not, they know that it's a tragedy, they know that it's a very solemn thing and it's a, it's a sad thing. And so I think Republicans seem to capitalize that when, when they're in defense, we need to talk about abortion. We need to talk about why we do believe, like whether you disagree with us or not, we're genuine. Like we want to defend life. We want to protect people because that's what we do. We protect people, protect their rights or protect their freedoms. But I'll tell you, we actually have this stronger social issue. And I want to see Republicans across this country last on to parental rights, protecting our children from the wolf policies because that's more intense. Right. In polling than abortion is. So you're absolutely right. We have the stronger social issue. We need to use it because they're overplaying theirs. Chair, we're going to leave it there. We do appreciate your time. Hopefully we can talk again soon. Not only the pleasure to be in the show. Chairman John Wall, ladies and gentlemen of the Alabama Republican Party. We'll be right back. This is FFTF Talk, 1-0-6-5. 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