Timeline Earth

WW 2 - Paypal Mafia

Broadcast on:
19 Aug 2024
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seat down let me tell you about the Internet thank you bird for bringing us into this episode we it's been a little while since we've done Wilder West but for those that haven't caught up I can't imagine that you haven't it's not like I've been putting out a lot of content I know they're last I think the concept that we have where I have decided on is that this is going to be more like the old-school TLE or old-school VAG cast days where it's just you and me and we're free-forming a little bit about topics that are a little bit more outside of the scope of what we want to do in a main show more in the Wilder West yeah I can be an anarchist for these if you need me to I can get back in and don't know I'll dip back in and go back into that attitude cool so the the the there has been a lot of stuff on the on the dashboard here in the last two months that has been just sending up red flags I mean my my spidey senses are tingling it's it's my my robber Baron radar is is pinging obviously as we've talked about on the main show we've got what what you know we're terming or I don't know who came up who came up with a term the PayPal mafia oh I that's none of us none of us okay that's not for quite a while well I guess that that's a subset of what I would more broadly be calling the robber barons of the new age they there has been so in the last two months we have gotten the JD Vance vice president vice presidential pick on the Trump ticket that clearly he is a teal acolyte you know he would be one of these robber barons he's you know probably the captain of the PayPal mafia or interestingly enough can I give you that I didn't realize this until I just googled it there is a Wikipedia page for PayPal mafia really that does a fairly good job of summarizing more or less what it is and who's affiliated with it look move yourself over to that page it is essentially it refers to a group of PayPal employees and founders who have since founded or developed additional technology companies based in Silicon Valley Tesla Inc. LinkedIn Palantier SpaceX a firm slide Kiva YouTube Yelp yammer most of them are Stanford graduates I didn't realize that that's pretty interesting or University of Illinois Urbana Champaign I've never heard of that University the fact that I've never heard of it makes me think it's probably a smaller coven than I even thought that's a pretty big public school because oh for is it okay yeah it's like a one of the flagship Illinois schools I believe it's pretty big for civil engineering so it's it's those two schools primarily and it refers to Peter teal Elon Musk David Sacks read Hoffman Chad Hurley just these are names that I'm recognizing key through a boy you pan yeah it's mostly paper it's actually entirely that list is entirely former PayPal people who have succeeded in this way so yeah there you go that's the long and short summary of what the PayPal mafia is doesn't indicate who came up with the name which I'm surprised about yeah it says the this group of PayPal alumni became so prolific that the term PayPal mafia was coined the term gained even wider exposure what a 2007 article in Fortune magazine used the phrase okay so this has been around for a long time 2007 okay yeah it doesn't say it but it doesn't yeah okay because it started being talked about by the New York Times in 2006 there's another article in here about Silicon Valley yeah been around for a long time yeah I guess so longer than I thought that means that they've had almost 20 years to build this up like right yeah like we're talking about like 15 16 years of extremely hard work yeah now can I one more question before you take it anywhere you want something that I have not developed an opinion on other than individuals within this are these guys I understand the the obvious answer to this question is it doesn't matter they are the part of the you know future history that will be written are these guys are friends are they are enemies is it indifferent if it is indifferent why do we care you know I tend to focus on trends more than I do individual people so I don't you know that is what I'm specifically asking you because I have my individual opinions about Teal Musk enemy friend but as a movement mm-hmm is this friendly towards us or is this antagonistic towards us or the third I think it could open up options for us I think it will serve to disrupt a lot of the things that we don't like so I that seems like a workable yeah that seems so I probably should have said that is it a workable scenario I think it's a little bit bad for us in that I think it's a workable scenario they okay this is an improvement I'm basically speak about this kind of stuff positively also speak about this stuff and it with an open I will say that I am I am vaguely rooting for that not even vaguely rooting for these guys I'm rooting for these guys with several big asterisks you know you are rooting for these guys I assume in the sense that who they are going up against is an enemy of yours yes exactly right any of my enemy is my friend is is what your take on this is sure and and you know to the degree and you know their enemy also bothers me whereas these guys I mean you can make some arguments about like you know collecting data and stuff like that but at the end of the day I don't use LinkedIn right like I don't use a lot of the a lot of the stuff that I don't have a Tesla I don't you know I avoid a lot of a lot of the their stuff and outside of what you could say like scraping my data on searches and stuff like that and a fine whatever that's gonna happen no matter what probably so you could have a Tesla you're not ideologically opposed to something like that yeah yeah right I think it's a big thing with a lot of people trying to figure out if these people are friendly or faux towards us is they see their products you know they see what they create and they're they go I don't like that or yeah you know they associate it with the other Silicon Valley types the this group is a different kind of Silicon Valley guy I believe that to be the case yeah yeah but but again for me it doesn't matter the outcomes matter the the trends matter I don't I don't care about any of these individual people I mean and and there's gonna be bad with the good I'm not gonna sit here and you know argue with somebody over sure whether Elon Musk is good or bad that's just a dumb shit is spend your time you know but anyway so these guys have apparently looks like they've been they've been you know boiling underneath underneath the surface of of of American zeitgeist for quite some time they've been working on this for 20 years 25 years and especially if you go back all the way to when you know I guess Musk and and teal were with PayPal 99 or 2000 mm-hmm when it was X yeah when it was X and so now it they they have built an empire and now they are trying to pull levers of power very publicly and they that the one of the bigger acts of that was you know as we discussed on the main show getting JD Vance and the vice presidency behind Donald Trump or the the hopeful vice presidency I think that's that that is a surprisingly big move I mean that guy's 39 right and they just they just bought his way in as my understanding of that is my understanding as well I think he I think it is very possible that JD had a talking to not long ago when he was calling Trump Hitler yeah and they said okay we can't be doing that because you're gonna need to be in with one of these two candidates and because you and because you are JD Vance and not a Democrat you know pick for VP you won't they won't pick you so we need to pick one side yeah it seems like they rehabilitated JD Vance which you can do which is fine yeah I don't I yeah people yeah there are aspersions that are cast against JD Vance largely from the Groipers and others that he was a never Trumper guy and and that means he's always a never Trumper guy and I'm very much with you like this is a low level of conversation right it's it's whether or not you know their individual fruits align whether the ends that both of them have publicly and repeatedly stated they seek a line and that's really what matters and I think in this case we for those who are skeptical of Vance what you're looking at is what is the group that has spent 20 years that has backed him the whole time and put him into this spot just two years after he entered politics you understand how obvious that is you know you mean like yes you understand how clear and obvious how hard they want this guy and I'm surprised the left has them focused on it more it is shocking it is shocking it is it is a he has been in politics for two years as a senator before that he yeah he was a graduated among a lot of these guys I believe you graduated from Harvard it's a businessman he wrote a book about about his life in Appalachia but basically like moving away from his life in Appalachia that's why people know this guy and that guy is now gonna be the vice president it's very clear that the influences behind him are extremely interested so view what those influences wants to get done does that align not what J.D. Vance said about Trump a year and a half ago yeah it was just a line yeah who cares right yeah and and when you say they're interest here are you speaking about J.D. Vance and Trump's interests do they know I'm speaking about the people who are who are backing J.D. Vance to be in that position and the Trump people those two groups because J.D. is an individual doesn't you know he's just a guy who will pull the lever yeah right yeah yeah he he might as well just be a yeah he's a medium I mean he's a I his thoughts don't matter I mean he's he's an owned by Trump's a medium to by the right yeah I'm he's a medium with Israeli interests and big business old money interests and that's that that's what I was saying on TLE there's kind of a handshake going on yeah between two groups of like Trump represents like Koch universe and the PayPal Mafia is a different universe and I don't dislike either those two universes in terms of like where they wanted to go the Koch brothers were like giving libertarians a lot of money for a long time yeah I'm okay with that so it and that's what I was saying on the TLE it's like a handshake between these two factions both of whom have always opposed this like neoliberal regime that has been in power since Obama like really strongly been in power since Obama and obviously before that yeah yeah yeah no this is this is a this has the potential to be a big turn a big change in in slope of the arc you know of of really you know of American history as you and I remember it I mean you know I don't you know even Bill Clinton and Bush were obviously kind of you know they were it's same same stuff right you know and so I don't know in America but that doesn't that hasn't been playing by the about the same rule book a rule book for for you know my entire conscious life so this is really exciting for me just as a you know and as an observer as like how does this how does this play out so one thing that I wanted to kick it off I for well first of all you know we went through June and July and Elon Musk is just peppering peppering politicians both here and in Europe and in Venezuela with with like you know he'll he'll quote tweet something be like oh wow look at this you know and just really really getting a lot of engagement on malfeasance abroad and malfeasance at home and and generating a lot of looks and a lot of interest in these you know perhaps sketchy actions this this actually culminated I screenshot this this happen let's see a couple days ago but the I don't know if you remember this bird but Elon Musk let's see okay so let's see okay so I guess the EU Elon Musk had tweeted something or or a series of some things and the EU got really upset about this this is like last week do you remember this I yes I believe so I'm kind of getting my wires crossed with the UK stuff yeah it may be tied up but no no it's not I don't know if it's explicitly tied up with that but anyway so the Financial Times tweets this is a couple days ago the European Commission has denied that its internal market commissioner had approval from Ursula von der Land to send the letter oh yeah they sent this letter like basically like a cease and desist to to Elon Mosse why did yes and yeah isn't this what he responded with like a meme like shocked my balls or something yes yes yeah well you responded with the the picture of that dude from that dude from Tropic Thunder less gross men or whatever he's supposed to mimic the producer from the major except I can't really guys name but yeah where he's like go fuck your face or something like that yeah something like that yeah so I just realizing on coin market cap Elon balls coin is being solved good grief so anyway so yeah he they send him like this long letter admonishing his actions yada yada and he basically told him to fuck off then so then I'll read the street from the Financial Times European Commission is denied that its internal market commissioner had approval from Ursula von der Land to send the letter with one EU official saying theory has his own mind and a way of working and thinking so then somebody else quote tweets this and says within the last 24 hours one theory Breton EU commissioner and chief regulator sends a threatening letter to Elon Musk to musk responds by telling him to literally fuck your own face three the EU Commission distances itself from Britain kind of clarifies where the power lies really interesting stuff really interesting for if for you wanted to just tell him to pound sand and they back off it's pretty pretty crazy I mean they of course they they obviously don't really have a whole lot of explicit power over I mean they're in a different legal jurisdiction but he operates there as a company so I thought that was fascinating yeah you would think now this may be ignorant but you would think the EU would like what what what actions could the EU ultimately take I mean could they they can block IPs from yeah acts like is that yeah we're going to the why do they care I don't think I don't know if Europeans even use X prompt a lot what if they do oh yeah I mean obviously enough of them do that we see some of the crazy shit that comes out of that continent yeah but yeah wouldn't you just ban X like do they not have the power to do is it just too expensive is that what they're I think it would be tremendously unpopular I think they would rather not be an option because they don't want to explicitly have to ban it because it would be super super unpopular you leaders do is unpopular not not to be too blunt about it I do wonder why they have I mean look at what's happening in the UK yeah everything they do is unpopular these yeah but the only reason we know about it only thing the only reason we know about what's happening in the UK is because of X no I absolutely agree what I'm saying is why when they want to ban X I mean it seems like that is exactly what that I think you know I don't know I don't know I don't know the answer to that but I wonder if it's it's just this got out of hand too quick because now if they ban X then it's obvious that they're trying to cover up what the hell is actually going on in the UK you know what I mean well yeah but they arrest people in the UK for not having licenses for and watching television yeah well it is littered they call it they call it prison island they call it prison island for a reason right really I I don't know enough honestly I don't know enough to give you an honest answer as to why the UK would not just outright ban Twitter would that actually have significant repercussions would people really take to the streets and protest about that I don't think in the UK they would but I am a known hater so I really don't know it anyway that's it's crazy to me yeah you could probably just use it pay for VPN you know you got to have a license for that and the license got a license for that lots of those okay so anyway so there's been this antagonism going on abroad that's that's been creating just all sorts of of of ripples and then we have what I really want to talk about which I think we're going to look back as a turning point in American history we have Donald Trump going on to X and only X this last Monday for an interview along like kind of a long form interview with no real hours structure I mean I'm sure they had some idea of what they're gonna talk about but if there was no official structure to it a long form interview with Elon Musk and I don't know how many views that ended up getting but it was a lot it was probably way more than a presidential debate would have gotten and and this is really strange it it taken in context of the last you know forever of presidential elections you know we have a situation now where Kamala Harris isn't really doing a whole lot of public events Joe Biden certainly isn't though he's more or less out of the picture at this point and it doesn't look like Donald Trump is too keen on going into the to the public media like the mainstream media the last time he the last time he did I think was that like he went on like some like thing about like minority women you remember that that that panel or something oh wow yeah I sure did like a month ago that was when I turned yeah that was when I turned on it yeah it's it's it's wild when I realized the people running that campaign are against him oh on Trump yes yeah that's when I I personally realize that because why would you ever do anything like that you're not gonna get the black women vote it's ridiculous that you would do that I wonder if that is part of what's going on here I mean think what do you think the motivations were for yes I think Elon Musk is rehabilitating Donald Trump's image a hundred thousand percent I don't think it's just that that that is absolutely correct as well but I I think that Elon Musk in combination with Donald Trump are turning the corner and edging out all of the mainstream media what if Trump of course I'm I'm not gonna do a debate on CNN I'll do something on spaces I'll do something on X but I'm not doing it on CNN I mean or or or something similar to this I mean he has the capability of reaching and all the Americans he needs to reach in my opinion to to win I mean I I you know you need nothing to except for an internet connection to watch him and listen to a long-form interview and you know I'm not political science guy but that there's nothing it doesn't seem to me there's anything that he's gonna gain by going into an away game you know on CNN or ABC that he you know against Kamala Harris who they're gonna give the you know the soft balls mm-hmm what's to gain by doing that and what if he just ignores the mainstream media we're at a point where they don't matter certainly I think that's absolutely right I think that's absolutely right I mean he bought a media platform and he is using it as a media platform at this at this point they are competition for him not just irrelevant they are his competition so I think he's incentivized I mean in a fiduciary sense to ignore his company his his his rivals in this industry right and I don't certainly don't think Kamala Harris would ever take a debate on X yeah but she hasn't what if they what if they invite her on what if they turn the whole thing on its head oh she'll say no yes she'll of course of course I'm just I'm just saying like that would be really fun to watch where they're saying yes we're where they're saying you know why aren't you accepting our our proposals for an interview or a debate over here on CNN and he's like well I've got a bigger audience over on X and I we've invited Kamala Harris sure why don't you come over here just turn the whole thing on its head it's just gonna be very jarring I don't know if you listen to the whole space but I believe at one point in the space he had mentioned that yeah at the very beginning of the space when it opened when he opened it up I believe he's talking about yeah at the very beginning of the space he was talking about why he was doing this space and that element of it I cannot remember but he had mentioned that he had invited Kamala Harris to do a space and look and continues to invite Kamala Harris to do this place I don't remember if he went beyond that but got she would be terrible in that format well he's she would be terrible in that format but also Elon Musk would make it terrible for her in this format because he didn't interview Donald Trump in an adversarial way right well he's openly endorsing him that's right like we were saying he is not only openly endorsed him but this was a again even though he lined it up at the very beginning of the conversation talking about neutrality and how he wanted to give Donald Trump a platform because he is one of the two perspective candidates it was really a Donald Trump had two hours to talk to the American people and that's all that it was and Elon Musk didn't offer any challenges and I didn't expect him to didn't offer any challenges or anything like that this was a you know Ross Pro buying time on national television sort of a moment right yeah that that's what this was an attempt to do and I think it succeeded some numbers from it I got from grok over one million people were listening consistently to it live wow end up okay five million people listened to it if you're cautious with the data at its peak that's big over one billion views of the content related to the space over one billion views and obviously a fairly active listener engagement the there was a post that suggested 95 million views for a 95 million views for the shared post of the interview if you'll recall Elon Musk and Donald Trump posted that they were going to be doing the interview back on 95 million views it's you know and so that's before the event so it was a huge event and I don't know how many Americans that would count right but it's it's a lot overall sure it is and obviously the game here is not just about America at least for Elon Musk it's not just about America yeah yeah it's it was really remarkable and it was really refreshing just to hear along for and you know I guess to some degree wasn't really an interview it was it was exposure to Scott disguised as an interview but at times it was interviewee you know Elon Musk would would chime in with some specific questions but he more or less let Trump kind of run with it but it was trying to talk about immigration desperately they feel yeah he's he was talking about yeah the assassination attempt for like 30 minutes and you could just hear Elon I was like and so what about immigration and he was a beautiful crowd in Butler yeah yep yep they are they are they obviously haven't talked enough behind the scenes they were not what it actually is that yeah what it actually is that they need to be discussing Elon seems to be very clear about what the average American wants to hear not I don't mind regaling the assassination stuff but yeah significant but another I mean can I also mention a fairly shocking thing here so part of Wilder West is discussing this interplay between legacy systems and these new systems that are rising up in the robber barons who control them let's talk about the Pinkerton's okay in this conversation in the post that originally had announced and hosted the space the top five comments underneath the space were all from Nick Fuentes and they were all part of Nick Fuentes's Groipur War II platform Nick Fuentes is organizing his Groipur's not to vote for anybody unless certain aspects are met in the Donald Trump campaign one of them is fired the two people running it one of them is a promise no immigration whatever they are cut ties to the Adelson family whatever the number of the things are so we talk about the the Pinkerton's or the enforcement squad that sits beneath the Baron who is legally distinct from the Baron who is not if they behave in a bad way going to be federally charged with the actions that his Pinkerton's take more effective than any police force that is to say the Republican parties antigen factor which is like you know their news stations their radio guys like Charlie Kirk that's who that's their loyal attack dogs but then there are the Pinkerton's who are the paid help the skull crushers more available than any police force and and sometimes it seems like above the law or the rules of play car what do you think about if we're talking about these guys using robber Baron terminology what do you think about the influence of the Pinkerton's and I don't just mean Groipur's but any such populist movement influential populist movement their relationship to the robber barons and the cycle away from the legacy system Wow I don't think I had to explicitly put that together in my mind so I'm very interested in this this idea so you're saying that the outside of and I like I think Charlie Kirk is not or that class of people are not exactly legacy but they're also not exactly like well they are loyal to the legacy to Israel they're loyal to neo conservatism that those that stuff so you're saying that those are the federal agents who enforce the rules versus the Pinkerton's I like this I like so okay so when you say so what exactly are they are you thinking that are these idea enforcers are these physical enforcers or what how these are these are bludgens okay literal sense they do exactly what the Pinkerton's did they go in they hurt people and everybody breaks strike or in this case does what they say Wow and there's more of them and they're more vociferous more violent than the federal agents and they are more capable of getting things done seemingly because they are a like guerrilla force that gets hired in to beat people up and then their contracts over and they are gone by the time people have to come in and like what happened here that is why the proipers seem to be doing and it's not just a groiper's but I thought about this in the terms of the groiper's there are other groups like this on the right I think Alex Jones represents a large bludgeon himself yeah yeah so there are other people in this as well but but that's the main they're like information goons that's right that because in in this day and age the way you beat people up is it is through emotional terrorism yeah and so that is the modern weapon of the Pinkerton's in this online robber baron system is that instead of physical violence and strike breaking they employ emotionally terroristic tactics in order to magnify their presence so that those concerned with popular opinion are see a distorted illusion of size or power and give in because there aren't many groiper's but if you look at the top five tweets underneath this massive space they're all from him and they all outline a platform of of what he wants the Trump campaign to do just today it came out from disclosed TV which half accurate but I sourced it and I found other similar people talking about this surrounding the campaign Donald Trump is currently looking to replace the positions of Christopher Lasavita and Susan Wiles his two campaign manager that was one of the planks that Nick outlined underneath the spaces tweet wow now you could say it's a coincidence you could say that Nick was seeing something similar to what Donald Trump was seeing and others were seeing because it wasn't just Nick who came up with this idea I mean we've been talking about it for a while a lot of people are noticing this Trump campaign thing is kind of taking a downslide again like the it's just the where's the fire who are we appealing to for me it was after the African-American women's conference thing or whatever it was where I was like this makes no sense there's no strategy behind this it could only serve to make him look bad the purpose of a system is what it does that's what the campaign looks like it's doing right now is trying to make Donald Trump look bad now he's looking into firing those so if you go back to the Pinkerton's analogy in this case the the legacy guys and Donald Trump is still very much one of them though he is kind of the handshake and breakout figure is are being pressured to act by private gloon squads who come in and enforce a transition into greater power over the legacy system by a new system and they are Pinkerton's in that they are legally distinct from the robber Baron Elon Musk they are legally distinct they are a separate group it is just that that separate group has so happens to be breaking strikes in a way that it opens up power for the robber Baron to come back in what was gained by the current trajectory of Donald Trump's campaign nothing it's going badly Elon Musk and many others want Donald Trump in power how do they do that well they have to shift the current structure of the campaign right now they have to get that done and guys like Charlie Kirk and guys and I've been watching on X guys like Charlie Kirk Laurel Loomer you know these like Trump agents who are really agents for you know this like new neo-conservative deep-state thing they beef with daily wire people but at the end of the day they all agree on what's going on here Jack Passobia these are all like Trump homers and not national populists like what Elon Musk is they're just Trump homers so anything Trump does any campaign he sets up is perfectly good the action that the groiper's take serves the national populist it actually gives Donald Trump a chance to win through a platform that has been outlined so what do you think about that what do you think about if there's a robber Baron who wants to get his way what do you think about the new tactics of violence which have to be emotional terrorism rather than actually employing goon squads to do physical violence to break up the Trump campaign as currently is yeah no that I this has got my gears turned into my brain so is your position that the that the goon squads are explicitly working for the PayPal mafia and that means breaking up existing stale or legacy systems within the Trump campaign is that the I agree with the second half of that so I just want to be very clear Nick has come out against a PayPal mafia very strongly a very much an enemy of all of the guys that we outlined maybe not as much Elon Musk but certainly teal why what is his deal with them we could go we could do an hour on why there's a rift between them we could summarize it with JD Vance's fat is what we'll summarize it with just to make it short but they so they've been beefing so I want to be very clear here it is not that the growers and Fuentes are working explicitly for the robber Baron or his group it is that they work explicitly against the second part what you said they work explicitly against the immune system that is preventing movement from the legacy system into the new system the growers can have any ideological reason as to why they act that they want and I think the growers would say it's because we love Donald Trump we want to see him win and we love him that is why we're doing this that is not why Elon Musk wants Donald Trump to win that is not why the PayPal mafia wants Donald Trump to win they work towards the same ends but Elon Musk can't be an emotional terrorist he's the robber Baron it's not his place he's the guy who manufactures consent the terrorists the emotional terrorists are the ones who come in and they break up people who can be broken up in this case which you know they obviously I know that one someone would be tempted to say well wouldn't the strikers really be the Democrats because isn't that the difference between the employees and the the Pinkertons is that they really are on different size no in this case we're talking about an internal war going on yes right and it just so happens to be that the whoever wins that war also determines number one whether or not Donald Trump becomes the president because it's his game to win you know Kamala Harris is really not an appealing candidate all that stuff is Astro Turf it's it's really his game to win so that's the difference is I don't want to imply motive on the Pinkertons I only want to emphasize similarity in results gotcha yeah no I like that I like that a lot so you're in Grand Summary we have power players within the broader GOP scope we can we can call this the more legacy ish Trump or or or the more legacy organ no you're you're right to put those two things together because remember Trump was absorbed by the neoconservatives and his last presidency he did become legacy yeah okay so we've got the legacy Trump section and then we have the in the the PayPal mafia influence that is trying to break its way into full control or at least majority control of that GOP idea or or or thing that's right we and we have the you know the the Pinkertons which are these you know online emotional terrorist groups that are trying to break up a lot of the legacy institutions that they perceive are going or legacy ideas and people within that structure that's right that they perceive are trying to hold back the Trump from winning or it's right even not trying to hold back but will hold back Trump from winning that's right so let me let me cannot I know it will differentiate one more thing so people know the difference between so like let's talk about Susan Wiles for instance she is Donald Trump's campaign manager the grippers want her to be fired and the grippers want her to be fired because they believe she's going to lose Donald Trump this election Elon Musk wants Donald Trump to be the president so if if someone is going to lose them the election and frankly anybody could see that Susan Wiles is gonna lose Donald Trump the election this is not it wouldn't take a lot of effort from Elon Musk to put this one together either especially not if he listens to guys like Nick by the way I don't know if people consider things like that yeah the both of these groups want Donald Trump to win one of the groups well both of the groups I think have recognized one of who the problems is now legacy why is Susan Wiles the legacy well Susan Wiles is legacy for Elon Musk because Susan Wiles is an establishmentarian who has repeatedly supported nationalistic plans to undermine people like Elon Musk people within the PayPal mafia she is she is a representative of an older group of GOP this neo conservative and socially basically doesn't care about social and political causes the grippers wants to remove Susan Wiles because Susan Wiles has repeatedly explicated that she wants to take the GOP move away from its traditional demographics and appeal more to incoming minority groups to black Americans something that the grippers many of them being I guess white advocates would be the most charitable word something that they hate so these two messages happen to come together to mean Susan Wiles has got to go one way or another Susan Wiles is going to lose the election for Donald Trump because she's incompetent or because she really supports a party that approves of things outside of the GOP demographic which makes her a Democrat in a de facto sense makes her a Democrat in the same way that we talk about how Donald Trump is really a Democrat all of his friends are Democrats everybody who he what he desperately wants Democrat media to like him we know all of these things with Donald Trump but because those are his individual preferences nobody really cares it's about the movement behind him getting done what it wants to get done doesn't matter what Donald Trump wants he is a medium we're already talked about this so I that's the explication that I want to make is the robber baron and Pinkerton's are recognizable as such only by the goal they want to achieve and since it's we already know what Elon Musk's goals are people who align with those goals no matter what their ideology is if they are breaking up the legacy institutions are emotionally terrorizing the people or ideas within them so that they are shake and free that is a benefit to both of those groups even if they don't see it that way amongst one another the robber baron is not going down I am sure that many robber barons employed the Pinkerton's under the understanding that the Pinkerton's were going to break the strike in a peaceful way and the Pinkerton's when they're actually on the ground there beat the shit out of people and the robber baron guy is nonetheless are and the Pinkerton's get their money and that is that is the that is the relationship that I think you need to consider between these two is they don't actually need to be ideologically aligned at all they only need to be ideologically oppositional to whatever the current legacy system is and in this case in talking about a conflict within the GOP we are talking about the legacy GOP that's a whole to me that's the whole environment of it is that make sense yeah I like it I really like that that's a great structure to look at going forward we're really gonna keep up with this the Grover car car camping Grover the Grover by proxy Grover Grover approving yeah Grover adjacent a Grover biodiversity supporter they must exist in the environment yeah things have to get done in the violence has always worked and unfortunately or fortunately now it has to be digitized it's it's you get physical anymore so the war is fought partially by these are the you know Nazi death squad grunts that the Ukrainian tired to fight the Russians and it may not be the entire Ukrainian military is made up of them but the Ukrainian military knows about them and lets them do what they need to do because they're really good at fighting the enemy I love it I love it that's good well that's really like that's that's kind of where we're at I guess I we'll see we'll see where this goes the thing you know are there is there anything that you're gonna be explicitly looking for in the coming days I mean obviously we have the DNC my my contention on on the main show is that I'm in a holding pattern on judging much of anything as far as the Trump campaign goes until after the DNC because who knows what's gonna happen there absolutely the sentencing of Donald Trump I think is what you want to wait for what's going on there so September 16 is or when early voting in Pennsylvania begins okay and September 18 is the day that it is most likely that Donald Trump will be sentenced for the crimes relating to the document falsification falsification of the documents so judge Juan Mershan I think is his name great name is most likely going to reject Donald Trump's appeal number one to immunity number because of what the Supreme Court said and number two for Mershan to recuse himself even though his daughter is involved somehow in this legal in this in the legal proceedings so okay he's not gonna do either of those things and that means that Donald Trump is going to be sentenced which will make Donald Trump illegally a convicted felon okay that is that is what they are waiting for and that is even after the DNC that is the moment that that we are locking in because early voting has begun two days beforehand and the convicted felon thing is what they've all wanted they've all wanted to be able to call him a convicted felon I think it's actually gonna put wind under Donald Trump's sales but we can talk about this on maybe on a TLE when I've had more time to think about it but that is what I am keeping my eye on that that's what I think you you you may start to feel like you can judge things by the DNC but really it's gonna be the Trump conviction I think is the last big thing unless we get an October surprise that's the last big thing in the saga before people start locking in their votes so it's gonna be around that as far as what I'm keeping my eye on for Wilder West in particular I'm we haven't talked yet about the war state and whether or not we can call that a legacy system related to like cryptocurrencies and the breaking away from the US dollar a lot of what is going on in Venezuela or what potentially could happen in Venezuela is what I am paying attention to I've seen a lot of parallels in how the the Defense Department and the Department of State have behaved in terms of Venezuela and what they did in the lead up to toppling Gaddafi's regime toppling Hussein's regime and toppling there's one other person I've been doing the research on but that that's what I've been keeping my eye on I think I'd like to get into the possibility of the fault of the war state in moving away from the legacy systems okay yeah like that where you thinking about Liberia yes Charles Johnson yeah yep cool man well we got a lot of stuff to keep an eye on I think I guess the next checkpoints DNC then the so is there a chance that he could go to jail on the sub in September no no no just that he is sentenced and therefore okay I tweeted about this and this is sort of where my brand this is my thesis the actions taken against Donald Trump will neither come to fruition with jail time nor and that is because he will appeal nor because the Harris camp nor provide the Harris camp with a significant boon because calling Donald Trump a convicted felon is not changing anybody's vote if anything it puts wind under Donald Trump sale they mean to unlock the coveted convicted felon rhetoric against Donald J Trump that they've been angling for and this saga of law fair is specifically aimed to benefit the democratic media complex not the Harris team specifically Harris is concerned with winning the short game that is becoming the president and this doesn't really change those factors the democratic media complex is concerned with winning the long game calling Donald Trump a convicted felon whether or not he becomes the president they they can now cycle back to their last five years of content like every time Sean Hannity does when it's still to this day where he pulls up January 6 video clips they can cycle back all the way to that and now they have the ability to remanufacture content we were right our president is a convicted felon America is becoming an authoritarian hellscape 2028 that's the game they're playing okay yeah yeah oh but good we snore so all right well let's uh let's do do we do we have anything else or do we want to close this one out we'll we'll get back at it as soon as something big comes up in the we'll get back in the world yeah okay and a lot seems to be happening so cool do you have the music to take us out I sure do adios gay lords