
Blake Lively’s Personality Destroys Modern Feminism | Candace Ep 48

The DNC gets weird, Rabbi Shmuley files an FBI complaint on me, and Blake Lively shows what's wrong with feminism.

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20 Aug 2024
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The DNC gets weird, Rabbi Shmuley files an FBI complaint on me, and Blake Lively shows what's wrong with feminism.

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All right, guys, well, I am very pleased to announce that it's finally over. It's finally dead and over because of Blake Lively, the actress. She has personally come down and ended modern feminism for me. And she did this by just being a modern feminist, also known as just generally being unbearable in today's world. We're going to talk about that. Plus, we have Rabbi Schmulie. Yes, my friend or foe. He's back in the news because he's apparently filed. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding, guys. And an FBI report against me. I'm going to go to prison for a very long time. And in other funny news, the DNC happened. Let's talk about that. That's what we have coming up on Candace. All right, so if you've been a follower of the show, a follower of me, you know that there are about a million and 12 reasons why I hate modern feminism. So you get against it the entire time, every little modern feminist movie that comes around. It just feels fluffy. It's like air. I mean, my general thesis is that what modern feminism party is, pardon is, is an army of spoiled brats who have never lived through anything at all in their entire lives. And so they sort of create this fantasy that they're a part of some cosmic struggle. I'm a modern feminist, and I'm struggling against this or that. And if I'm trying to be a bit more thoughtful about why they do that, why you have these individuals who have literally perfect lives and they feel this need to problematize their perfect lives, I think it's because inside of everybody, there is this human need to believe that you have triumphed over some adversity, over some obstacle in your life. So what happens when your life is perfect? It becomes very difficult to satisfy that need. Da, da, da, modern feminism is born. And of course, I know you guys hate me for this because so many people love her and that's fine. You can love her. You can bop her music. But I believe the icon of that sort of feminism is, in fact, Taylor Swift. No doubt about that. And so it is kind of saying something that her best friend is Blake Lively and she is currently under a media assault because suddenly people are realizing that she's maybe not a nice person at all. So I'm going to run you through the background of what's going on and why it matters. Most and foremost, to start with Blake Lively herself, she grew up incredibly wealthy and a very well-to-do neighborhood, as they say. Both of her parents were actors. Also one of them doubled as a director, the other one doubled as a talent manager. She basically says that she grew up on set. So she's had this sort of LA fabulous life. She's got a famous sister who I actually like her movies better. I remember Teen Witch, like, you know, that movie from a long time ago. That was her sister, Robin Lively, that starred in that. So her life is great. Her life has been amazing forever. And she's currently on tour right now promoting her new movie, which is entitled It Ends With Us. And people are learning via various interviews that she and her co-star, a guy named Justin Baldani, actually sort of maybe hate each other. And this is also coming out because of some leaks that have drawn attention to this apparent rift. TMZ reported that Blake Lively has told people that there were multiple reasons that Justin Baldani made her feel uncomfortable, it's a feminist buzzword, uncomfortable on set of It Ends With Us. What do you think he did, Justin? He would say something mean to her while sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that there was this scene that they had to film, right? And in the scene, Justin has to lift Blake into the air. And apparently Justin has a history of back problems. So before he lifted Blake, he went on to his set. He met with his on set trainer, pardoned, and asked how much does Blake weigh? Because he's back issues, so he's just trying to figure out like if he lifts her, is he going to re-injure his back? Now, he didn't go up and ask her this. He just asked his trainer, which would have been the appropriate person to ask that question, so he could figure out how to train and to protect his back from any injury. Well, Blake later found out about Justin's comment and he, she felt that he completely fat-shamed her. Sorry, that tension was just in the air. How dare you try to protect your own back? You just go into it, lift me, and see what happens. And if you got to get a surgery and go on pills after that for pain, oh, well too bad. I want to be clear here, Blake, beefing with her co-stars is a very common thing over the years for people that grew up on Gossip Girl. That was kind of where she had her big break, so to speak. You'll recall that her and her co-star late in Meister, despite the back that they were on screen, best friends, actually off screen were not friends at all. And it was because allegedly Blake Lively had a difficult personality, which was reinforced when actor Army Hammer notoriously got fired from the Gossip Girl team after playing the role of Blake Lively's love interest, because he referred to her while they were apparently filming this dinner scene. He allegedly referred to her in front of the entire cast, just said that she was a massive bitch. And so they fired him. They were just like, yeah, you can't speak to like that. That's probably fair, you can't really speak to somebody like that, it's not fair. Anyways, but was he trying to say something? Maybe then it was reported that in her movie A Simple Favor, where she starred alongside Anna Kendrick, that they were also not friends, and that basically the directors and producers of the film had to tell them to pretend to be friends for the press events, because it was coming across that these two obviously don't like each other, and they still are not friends. Okay, so I just wanted to give you that general background, is that she's kind of known to not get along with people. Now, the reason for that, if you're a feminist, you go, oh, maybe she's just standing up for herself, because that's what she has told people in interviews. She's opened up about the fact that she struggles for equality. All of the struggles that she faces on behalf of trying to stand up as a woman. Here's a direct quote. She said, "As a woman, you're afraid of a label that you may acquire by demanding fair treatment for yourself, that you know that you've earned." And when she means that she's struggling for fair treatment in another interview, she wants opened up that she's raising her daughter with the right idea. She has a young daughter, and her and Ryan Reynolds, also an actor, decided in their household to refer to bugs as she and her instead of he and him. I'm being 100% legitimate there. They had decided to refer to bugs as he and her, because she and her, because you obviously could see how a little girl could then think, I don't know, are all bugs guys, and that's not the right idea, so they've decided to engender all of the bugs as she and her. And I'm just wondering, is that good feminism? I don't know, because in my house, we kind of squish bugs, so maybe she's just thinking she's just got to stomp on a woman to get ahead, because her family has told her to refer to bugs as she and her. And so that's what I mean when I just say just a general background of modern feminism, and just being unbearable. Like that, if I was at someone's house and they were like, "Please refer to the bugs as she and her," I just would be like, "I don't really think I want to do that, or be here." And so it's happened, and now you get to watch this, because a lot of that is innuendo, you're placing things together. People are saying she's not nice, but of course nobody's going to come out in Hollywood and outright say that she's awful, but you're not going to be able to watch her in an interview, because what's happened is that this Norwegian journalist named Kirsty Flaw has come out and said, "You know, a lot of people have been speaking about this behind the scenes, and I want to say that Blake Lively was so awful to me when I've interviewed her that she made me want to reconsider my career for asking her basic questions." So here's just the first part of that interview. It's Blake Lively alongside her co-star, in 2016, her co-star's name is Parker Posey, and they were filming this 1930 period drama, and Kirsty just wanted to ask Blake Lively a question about, you know, first and foremost, like Lively was pregnant while she was filming this, so she opens up with just like a nice compliment about her cute little bump. Take a listen. First of all, congrats on your little bump. Congrats on your little bump. What about my bump? You've got two nice ones. And these? They are kind of bumps, aren't they? No. No. Not bumps. The lovely lady lumps. Check it out. Thank you. Thank you. Are you like the movie? Are you a Woody Allen fan? I love most of his movies, and this one was so like visually amazing. Yeah, it's gorgeous. So that's just the start. It's going to get so much worse, but I just want to let you know that she's already kind of like, "Oh, why are you asking me about my bump? Like how dare you do that as if this woman meant any harm in it? Just like it. She looks cute. She has a bump." But you know, this was in 2016. I would say that Modern Feminism peaked in 2016, like women were just doing things. You know, it was like Hillary Clinton was running for president and losing, but people were all about like, you know, me too movement, the way men speak to women, why women have to even be women. And so you could see that like a woman just going in there and saying something about her pregnancy would instantly offend her. And then she did something way worse, the journalist. She asked her about the costumes. Like a listen. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, we're hearing digital. No one wants to talk about the clothes, but I wonder if they would ask the men about the clothes. I would. I would. I'd love. Jesse's. He's something, you know, person I'm saying, his wardrobe is beautiful. I know. For his wardrobe was gorgeous. He's so great. He's so great. He's so great. And I would wish men more than I would see pants on pants. Ladies and gentlemen, that is your brain on feminism. I can't even explain this. Like I can't even. It's a very good question to ask when you are shooting a 1930 period drama because people dressed fabulously. And so anytime you're doing something that dives into the past, I'm always fascinated with the costume design. Case in point, probably most notorious is Peaky Blinders. I absolutely loved that series and Killian Murphy and the way the boys dressed and stood. In a second, I would have asked Killian Murphy about the costume design onset. So I thought, of course, there's got to be somewhere out there because Killian Murphy is known to kind of play a lot of these period dramas of people asking him questions about what he wears. And would you believe this guy's there is? So that's your brain on modern feminism. You get asked the question, you're immediately offended because, of course, they would never ask this to a man. The woman's like, you know, I would, I would ask that to a guy because like, yeah, that makes sense. Here's your brain when you don't suffer from that and you're just a guy and you just think logically and try to, I guess, come up with the answer, take a listen to him being asked about his outfits for Oppenheimer. There's a moment in the movie that I really love when we see Oppenheimer and he's wearing this army uniform and someone says to him, like, what, this isn't you. You're a scientist. Why are you wearing that? And I think it really highlights how clothing can help us unlock and harness ourselves in who we are. So for you guys with the costumes in this film, how did it help in unlocking these characters and finding out who they were for you? That's a great question. He, after that moment in the film, and if you remember, he kind of, in our story, he puts on the hat and picks up the pipe and it's him kind of creating this persona, it's him kind of self-athologizing and we work very closely with our wonderful custom designer to design the clothes and particularly I wanted to get his kind of, his silhouette, you know, because he was very fragile, he was very, very slim and wanted to get that silhouette right. There you have it, guys. He just answered the question because, of course, people are going to be interested. It's kind of a thing that's known that Kelly and Murphy kind of kills it in these outfits and you are drawn. When you are watching film, there's an element of that that's so beautiful. When you see them stepping into another decade and the way that they dress and how a simple hat can add so much depth to a scene and, again, that is why I loved Peaky Blinders so much. I just, I even loved the way they stood. Like, I would just be asking a question like, "Hey, why did you stand like that?" But you see, this is the stuff that men don't suffer from and ironically, she's trying not her hardest in that interview, not to be a woman when she's asked that question. Like, "You can't ask me about pregnancy. You can't ask me about outfits." And in reality, her reacting like that, she leans into the oldest and truest stereotype about women. Over-emotional. We just can't think clearly. We're just so emotional. Without the question, she doesn't even actually answer it and instead just makes another woman feel like absolute crap for asking a question that she should have just answered. And so this woman came out and said, "Yeah, I almost literally quit my job because, by the way, that wasn't the only time that she had interviewed her. She interviewed her for also a simple favor. She was similarly rude. And I think that in her modern feminist mind, she thinks that when she's being rude, she's taking a stance for women. And she's not. Do you want to know why? Because the majority of women, the overwhelming majority, as in like everybody, like the 99.9% of women, have real struggles in their lives. They're not playing dress up, right? They don't have to think that the biggest struggle they're going to go through in the day is going to be somebody asking a question about whether or not they like to wearing the outfits while they were playing pretend. What a wonderful blessing your life is. If you wake up and you're like, "This is the struggle that I face. She's going to ask me whether or not I liked playing pretend when I wore that outfit." So she probably touches it. Everything in her life. And so to see this backlash against by climbing, I don't have an issue against her personally. I think it's great that her and Ryan Reynolds put their family first in a lot of ways. And she seems like she's a great mother and a great wife. But I'm grateful that she's going through this because it's making a lot of people question what, in fact, modern feminism has become. And this is it. It's whiny, it's bratty, and it needs to end. So to that, I say thank you to Blake Lively. All right, guys. I want to throw it to one of the sponsors of the show, Native Path, finding an honest doctor who isn't following in the footsteps of Big Pharma, which I hate can feel impossible. That's why millions of men and women have turned to Native Path's vast selection of high-quality nutrition products. Native Path was created by a Texas doctor of physical therapy who discovered how poor nutrition was linked to many of the health issues his patients were dealing with on a daily basis. Their original collagen peptides include a unique protein that naturally declines with age and has proven to significantly increase bone strength and soothe joint pain. 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It actually hasn't ended. I shouldn't say it lasted two years. It began for two years after they were kind of wanting me to say something about Kanye West who was my friend. I don't believe in publicly throwing your friends under the bus. And he was basically like, "You will do this," or else, and they were like, "We're coming for you. We're literally coming for you, and we're going to harass you until you lose your job." So I'm going to show you just a compilation of their clips over the years of the stuff that they said to me. Literally the only reason for this was because I wouldn't throw Kanye West under the bus two years ago. So take a listen. Candace Owens is gripped with a poisonous, almost pathological hatred of Jews. It's actually become very serious. It's actually almost frightening. When you see a woman like Candace Owens, blood-wibing the Jewish people's--I'm like Candace Owens is the reason for antisemitism goes by the date. There is something really, truly wrong with Candace Owens that you guys know that I dislike liars and antisemites more than anything in a whole entire world. And here, we have a combination of both. Candace Owens simply will not stop defending Kanye West. It's like an obsession if she's unable to genuinely and authentically condemn what Kanye said. It says a lot about her. "If you come for us, we'll come back at you with everything that we have. I have heard from hundreds of you who feel so backstabbed and betrayed and disappointed in Candace Owens and others, who defended, who enabled and encouraged Kanye West to continue spreading lies and venom and medieval Jewish hatred." Candace Owens posted a picture of my face and my name and my account to her over 4 million followers yesterday, many of whom are violence, crazies and unhinged. You really went after Candace Owens today, why? That's a sliver of which he actually deserves. She is such a liar. She is an antisemite. She hates Jews. She has a thing with Jews. It's incredible, isn't it? Like weird. Well, Jews are being attacked around the world. She finds it really necessary to spend her time, use her platform to defend and protect Kanye West. While she talks crap about... Kanye West is not just an antisemite. He's a Hitler lover. That's a different love really all together. Literally. Literally. She is abominable. I actually am disgusted by her because she hates Israel. We are coming for you, Candace, on social media, on Instagram, on Facebook, on Twitter. And if you apologize, please stop defending Kanye, we will come for you. Hi, everybody. Poor Ms. Day of Celebration. We feel bad for Candace Owens that she lost her job, so I figure with her image of what Jews are supposed to look like, why not these validators? I am dressed up as a Candace Owens Jew. You know, this is not a Christian child, it's Jewish, but if it would be, I got my Christian blood. Mmm. Spicy. Delicious. I got my Jewish nose. I have filth, because some Jews are all filth. And more than anything else, what does Amy have? Money! I don't know, guys. Well, I want to be very clear. Jews are not filth. Rabbi Schmooly is in fact filth, and if that is going to inspire an FBI report, because I say he's filth, and I am just going to maintain that opinion until the day I die, I guess I got to get visited by the FBI. I don't know if there's an knock-knock who's there. Excuse me. Did you not allow Rabbi Schmooly to just attack you for two years on check? Who do you think you are? I mean, it's just, okay, is this why we're going to the police? It's like, I'm going to the FBI, what? I'm going to the FBI. Just him and his Hagg daughter are just, they really are just a study. You know, when we speak about radical Zionism and the picture of that, it's these two. Obviously, they do tremendous harm to the Jewish community. I mean, and I know, I want to be clear, there are virtually no people in the Jewish community that think that his brand is good for them. You've heard people on the show, whether Zionist or not, say that they obviously recognize that he is unhinged, and he's unhinged while at the same time insisting that I am unhinged. But yeah, they reported that he went to the FBI to file a complaint against me because I am saying that he and his daughter are trying to murder me. Yeah, no, I didn't say that, but he thinks that I've said that. And he said also because I insinuated that he killed Michael Jackson. I have literally no idea what he's talking about, but I don't, I want him to just do what he and his Hagg daughter feel needs to be done. I think their relationship is very strange. I've said that. I think it's weird to sell sex products with your father. And I think it's weird that they just won't step into the background, you know, if you, if he actually cares about the plight of Jewish people, he should probably realize that he's not the best spokesperson because people all around the world of all races and all religions pretty much accept the fact that Rabbi Schmooly is just unwell, you know, just a mentally unwell individual and he needs a little more than maybe just some rest at a hospital, you know, just a little bit of rest. You know, take a break. Do the thing of celebrities say when they say they're suffering from exhaustion and you can take his little outfit with him if he'd like to. Yeah, I just had to say that because I thought it was absolutely hilarious that he's actually gone to the FBI to report me. He's like, he will support Israel and say something about Kanye West or else we're going to the FBI, totally normal mainstream stuff, you guys. All right. Speaking of totally normal mainstream stuff, let's talk about the D and C last night. They had their convention, the Democrats had their convention and I mean, it went about as expected, I would say, and by as expected, I mean that Donald Trump got a bump in the polls. That's a fact Donald Trump got a bump in the poll. Strangest moment for me was just seeing people cry when Joe Biden walked out. I don't know. It was like a tear as if he like was coming back from war. They were chanting his name. I'll just show you a very brief clip here of Nancy Pelosi. I think she's saying something in her eyes when she doesn't really want to join this chant, but take a look. We loved Joe. Okay. She's like, I don't love him that much. I don't know. Literally, there are people crying when he walked out. I mean, it was like somebody was back from the dead, totally weird, well, actually not weird. He is kind of back from the dead. I get it now. I actually changed my position on that. I get why some people were crying because it does feel a little bit like he's back from the dead. But, you know, it's just really interesting to kind of see that and just wonder like what it is that people are crying over. And I also want to show you this clip of the issues that they decided to take on before we get to that. I do want to thank PureTalk. I'm going to give you guys a little wireless hack that can cut your cell phone bill in half every single month. And you guys know that that is simply switching to PureTalk. PureTalk is a cell phone company that I use and it only charges you for data that you actually want. And for just $25 a month, you can get unlimited talk, text, and five gigs of data plus a mobile hotspot. Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile want you to believe that you need unlimited data so that they can overcharge it. But the fact is that most of you are buying way more data than you will ever need. Do you know what you can do with five-year gig of data? You can browse the internet for 135 hours, stream 1,000 songs, or watch 10 hours of Candace Owens video. That's the pitch. So, stop overpaying for wireless and get 5G coverage with PureTalk. Switching is very easy. There's no contract, no activation fee, and you even get to keep your phone number. So, head to Again, that is, and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month with PureTalk. Okay, back to the DNC, because I'm sure so many of you guys did not actually watch it. But here are the issues, and they just are so theatrical. Speaking of course about Project 2025, and I think, by the way, this was actually a moment. I thought it was powerful. Take a listen. I'm Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow, and this is Project 2025. Tonight, I want to tell you about just one aspect of Project 2025. It's planned to turn Donald Trump into a dictator. Okay, right here, on page 535, it says, quote, "Reissue Trump's Schedule F Executive Order to Permit Discharge of Non-Performing Employees." Now, that doesn't sound that scary, right? And here's what it actually means in plain English. If Donald Trump gets back into the White House, he's going to fire civil servants, like intelligence officers, engineers, and even federal prosecutors if he decides that they don't serve his personal agenda. And that, my friends, is likely why people decided to support Trump, because I think that's kind of the point. I think we do want to fire people in government. I think the whole goal here is to decrease the burden that Americans are facing because of our high taxes, because all the Democrats do, they pretend that there's been a boost in jobs. They're like, "Oh, we've added 100,000 more jobs in government. We've added it in the IRS, and now they are going to sit there and nickel and dime every hard-working American who's just trying to get by and feed their family, and why don't we fire those people and instead stop spending our money overseas on all of these senseless wars that never seem to end and don't serve any of our interests." I think that is one of the best parts about Project 2025. And by the way, I was happy to see actually one of the writers at the Babylon Bee, Joel Berry tweeted this morning, like, "I actually finally looked through Project 2025, and isn't this what we want?" Yes. Yes. That is a good thing. There's nothing wrong with it other than the fact that we have allowed the script to be set by Democrats who are operating, I think, with low information, or they generally do want to be taxed into oblivion. I mean, what is the appeal here? I think genuinely Project 2025 is scary for people who don't want to get up and go to work and do anything and simply want governments to just give them handouts. They just want that $300 COVID check to roll in every couple of weeks, and they have no sense of purpose. Then I would say, "Do not vote for Donald Trump, do not vote for Republicans. Their mission is to actually have people who want to work be rewarded for that work by decreasing the tax burden." But for the rest of us, that sounds pretty good. So I think that prop that she was holding, which just looked extraordinarily goofy, and everything that she was saying, people at home who are Democrats are going, "Wait, what's wrong with that? I think that's something that I can get behind because you know what? We are not living in the best economic climate," which brings me to American financing. I know that everyone is getting stressed because of your monthly income. It just doesn't seem to be covering the bills anymore. You're not alone. Most Americans feel this way. Everything's getting more expensive. People are reaching more and more for credit cards to cover basics, like childcare, insurance, power, and food. It is tough if you're feeling this way. You should call my friends at American financing. They are helping hardworking Americans just like you tap into their home equity to pay off their high interest and even create some additional savings to be ready for whatever life throws your way. With interest rates dropping on a company like American financing, that never charges any upfront or hidden fees is the perfect partner to help you get into better financial shape. Their consultants are saving homeowners an average of $800 a month. Waiting is not an option. Call today. You may delay two mortgage payments if you do. The number is 800-795-1210, again, that's 800-795-1210, or if you want to make it easy, you can visit you guys. Let me jump into the chat. I get into this chat. I'm going to read a couple of super chats and then just read the live chat. I just see somebody wrote transitioning. What is going on? Oh, thank you. That was a good ad transition. Thank you. That was a good ad transition transitioning like Bruce Jenner. I get it, haha. This person says the MK Ultra team gave me a house. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to get into some of these super chats. This person writes not a question. I just want to say I love you, Candice. Thank you, Savage. And that quick says my favorite description of Rabbi Schmulie's daughter is a hag. Yeah, I mean, I just think like she's got a face for radio. I don't know. I just think I wouldn't be on camera that much if that's what I looked like and speaking like such a little witch, you know, like, "I'm going to get her. I'm going to get her." If she doesn't say something about Kanye, like for two years, it's kind of weird. It's giving a little obsessed. It's giving a little neurotic to say the least. This person, RM and L, writes, "Watching from work, I love what you do, Candice. Keep it up, same from T. May Dinger as well." Thank you guys for all these super chats. Jody writes, "McMorrow is a disgrace to Michigan." McMorrow, by the way, is the name of the senator who just spoke and with the big prop and said that Project 2025 was something to be feared. Right along with Whitmer, this person aptly describes as "Witchmer," another hag. Dean Voltaire says Biden's mortician did a good job on his makeup, though, seemed life-like. Yes. That's why I'm saying that's why they were crying. I'm like, "This magician of a makeup artist has brought our president back from the dead." I think he's also got some injections going on. Holly Motto writes, "Bassum Yusef, account canceled on Twitter, Israel official account commenting by." I mean, I got to just know who's wearing the Israel official account. I don't know. I just feel like given the PR crisis that they're facing, maybe leaning out of we control America, I feel like that's what they're signaling when they say, "Goodbye," or whatever. If we control stuff, it would probably just be advisable. Hiring me for PR, I can just be, "Hey, it's just not advisable right now," that we should just maybe not be saying "LL by Bassum Yusef." Now, if I want to be clear, I don't know if Bassum was suspended or if he deleted his account, which is why I didn't comment on that. I don't know if it has been confirmed whether or not he deleted his account. For those who are not aware, perhaps, of who Bassum Yusef is, he is an Egyptian pro-Palestinian voice who initially went viral in an interview with Piers Morgan. I think he did a very good job in a very calm way of explaining the Palestinian side of a debate, and since then, he's sort of been this, I guess, shot into the role as a spokesperson for what's going on into Palestine. In Palestine, his wife, my understanding, is Palestinian, so that is why he said that. It's Archie writes, "I just want to say your work isn't going without return. So many people are having their eyes opened. I know and I say virtually every episode. I just want to thank you guys because despite the fires from everything that happened this weekend, more people signed up for our locals' page, went to and gave and supported because I almost think now the media is just in an echo chamber, like they write the articles for themselves. So they kind of pass it around. It's like, "You know, the New York Post is running for Daily Mail," and they're like, "Yes, we've got this person," but they are completely out of touch with the American people. They have no idea. They cannot predict which way culture is going. And I have faced these fires storms before for being really just ahead of the curve. I mean, I think the first one, which was the most, maybe not the most vicious, but the first one I recall was the Me Too One. I mean, Republicans and Democrats were in locks up on Me Too. And you go back and I was the first one to tweet, like, "This is ridiculous movement," and got canceled, and people were saying, "Charlie Kirk, you better not have forever on the stage." Again, she supports rape. People were crying at turning point being like, "I can't work for this organization if she supports rape." That seemed dramatic thesis, and the media, she supports rape. Like, why would I support rape? I just think that there's obviously something wrong with the Me Too movement when you can condemn men who are not able to go through the system and prove their innocence and they're just being socially lynched. And then, of course, the world caught up, and then I think the second time I ripped a hole in the universe was when I said, "I don't support Black Lives Matter." And my goodness, people were, "How could you as a Black person ever say this?" And that was only quadrupled when I said that the George Floyd thing, the story that was being told. The idea was like, "Yes, this is it," the George Floyd narrative, and then I just went on Facebook and ripped a hole through that narrative. And people were upset, and again, the public was angry. I mean, the media was angry, but the public had never been more on my side, and the donations poured in, and they were like the lone voice to stand against this. And so the media has just become a mob that speaks to itself, you know? And I think the majority of people are rational. They are not believing these narratives. The cancel culture is a culture that has come to its natural end. You know, you don't get to just call people racist because you don't want to listen to why a Black person might not support Black Lives Matter. You don't get to call the woman a self-hating misogynist because you don't want to listen for the very sensible reasons why a woman might feel that the Me Too movement actually will do more harm in the end, as I felt. And you don't get the right to call somebody anti-Semitic because they are pointing to the fact that Israel is harboring pedophiles, you know, and it's not appropriate. And it feels as though we are not allowed to say anything even on a topic of pedophilia about Israel without having the entire mainstream media come down on us. And we, I think, especially as Americans, all across the world just need to remember that the media is not God. It's not, right? And the media does not get to set the tone for what it is that we listen to. They're not bigger than us. They don't exist without us. So they can yellow journalism themselves to sleep every single night. You know, Rabbi Schmooley and his daughter and the New York, whatever, and every single mainstream media outlet can say whatever they want because they no longer reflect how the people feel. What the people feel is that we are tired of being subjected to what is so obviously a global power, a power in which always renders American freedom somehow less free every time we are made to subject ourselves to it. And I feel just incredibly grateful and incredibly blessed that you guys have been on this journey, the way that the show has changed. And I just want you guys to know that I wake up every day and I say a prayer of gratitude for all of you all around the world for continuing to stay with me and for just being, I guess, so impervious to the media bullet, which I think that we all are at this moment. And when you guys have still some special stuff coming out this week, tomorrow we are going to discuss the USS Liberty because I finally got around to watching a little documentary on it. And it is so much worse than anything. I mean, just the patriot in me was just screaming as I was going through this. I didn't realize it and I want to apologize ahead of time to the USS Liberty survivors that I'm this late to ever commenting on it. And then we have a couple of other surprises this week, which we'll be coming along, which we'll probably hear about tomorrow. Anyways, go to if you want to support the show, plus get the book list. And just grateful for you guys, always, we'll see you tomorrow. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]