The Unwritten Rule

Examining Mizzou's running back room post Cody Schrader

We discuss a few Mizzou depth chart moves on defense during fall camp and take a deep dive into the Tigers running back room as they attempt to replace Cody Schrader.

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
19 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Jack, Kenny and Payton dive into storylines from a two-hour open practice, including emerging players at cornerback and on the D-Line. They then take a deep dive into Mizzou's running back room, weighing the options to Tigers have at running back for the 2024 season, including Marcus Carroll, Nate Noel and a few others who could emerge this season. The guys wrap up the show up with Quick Hits: Pete Fairbanks and Nick Bolton.

  • Intro 00:00:00-00:02:12
  • Marquis Gracial to start at DT? 00:02:13-00:08:00
  • New CB option emerging 00:08:01-00:15:45
  • Other updates from fall camp 00:15:46-00:18:00
  • Running back deep dive 00:18:01-00:42:53
Quick Hits
  • "Ken's Sports Shorts" 00:42:54-00:49:16
  • Tigers in the wild 00:49:17-00:55:07
  • Headlines 00:55:08-01:04:10
  • Ratio + Joke 01:04:11-01:10:36
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Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at All lowercase. Go to now to grow your business. No matter what stage you're in, Every team, every topic, everywhere. This is Believe. Hey, unwritten rule fans. You can catch us every Monday and Friday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. Follow us on Twitter @BelieveUnwritten and enjoy the show. On today's episode of the unwritten rule, we did another position group. We looked at running backs. Did the defensive line last week, so go watch that if you missed it on Friday. We did deep dive into the defensive line. Now we're doing running backs. We did actually talk some D-line to start the show, though, because there were a couple of articles that came out from some practices recently. We talked some depth chart stuff, some interesting changes, and maybe some players. We weren't expecting getting runs with the first team, second team, all that stuff on defense. We talked all about that, some stuff, particularly in the corner backroom and on the defensive line. Talking about that start to show, and then we all, Kenny, Peyton, and I, all three of us each brought a take for the running backs, and something that we think is going to happen for that room this season. Some interesting stuff was a good discussion. Just went deep dive into Nate Noel, Marcus Carroll, the rest of the running backroom. Had some divorce Jones talk. Got a little deep cuts for you guys there as well. We did a little deep dive into the running backroom. Put in the comments what you guys think the running back room will look like this year. You think it'll be one guy that takes over? Will it be kind of a two tandem backs? Will there be a guy maybe not named Marcus Carroll, Nate Noel, who emerges? What do you think? We talked all about that, and then went to quick hits, did a quick quiz for Ken's sports shorts, talked some tigers in the wild. Good story out of baseball for our guy, Pete Fairbanks, talked about him, and then we finished with headlines, a lot of football in that section. Good show to start your week. We're taking ever closer to the start of the season, so everything's getting a lot more exciting here as we count down to the start of Mizzou's year. Without further ado, get right into the show. The Unwritten Rule starts right now. Attention. Everybody stop what you're doing. It's time for the Unwritten Rule, a Mizzou Sports Podcast brought to you by the Believe Network. Alongside Peyton Haverman and Kenny Van Doren. Here is your host, Jack Knowlton. Welcome back to the Unwritten Rule. Today is Monday, August 19th. In Peyton Kenny, we've got more little roster movements and depth chart movements. This is the weeds that we, I think, we're getting excited to get into in the couple weeks before the season for Mizzou. We did a deep dive on the D-line last show, and so go listen to that, watch that if you haven't. We got some D-line cleanup to do and some takes we're going to talk about from the defense that we're going to dive into the running backs. We each brought a broad take about the running back room, obviously another one that'll be looked at, scrutinized all year long with how they replace Cody Schrader, so we're going to get to running backs in a second. But there's been some interesting stuff written about the defense that I think we need to revisit before we dive into that. Shadow Callum McCandrew, good friend from Columbia Tribune. We're going to be referencing a couple of his articles a couple of times, but Mizzou held an open practice for a little fan day. I think they did a movie on the field ever. Did you guys ever go to the movie on the field? I never did that when I was a student. No, I didn't either. Anyway, they did that after the practice, but there was some interesting stuff that came out regarding the defense, some stuff about the defensive line at corner, and so I'm just going to pull from Cal's support and then Peyton Kenny, you guys give your takes. Callum wrote a little bit about the first team defense starting on the D line. He's got Mark, he's Graciel, and he wrote another article about Graciel. Looks like he's running with the ones. Obviously we talked last time about Chris McClellan maybe being the guy there along with Kristen Williams, but it looks like Graciel is going to come in and might have that starting spot locked up at the start of the season. What does that say about maybe him? What does it say about Chris McClellan D line room? I mean, makes us look kind of makes our episode, puts it a little old at this point if we're already having Graciel kind of come through, but what do you guys think of that? Mark, he's Graciel might take the starting spot alongside Kristen Williams at D tackle. It was pretty surprising and they came out of this like the fan practice and the full practice, which by the way, I mean that was kind of surprising that DrinkWits actually let the reporters watch the entire and entire Mizzou practice, so that's where this comes from. Markey's Graciel and Nictilot are both apparently running with the ones. The Graciel thing I think is actually very very encouraging. I think that he is a guy that like we mentioned in the last episode. He's a guy that the coaching staff has always raved about like him and Jalen Marshall are two guys that you just constantly heard about, but it was just they were behind four really good D tackles last year in in realist George, Kristen Williams, Jay Jernigan, and Josh Landry. Three of those guys are gone now, so I mean that spot next to that spot next to Williams, we all assumed was going to go to McClellan because he was a big time transfer that everyone that a lot of big schools were after, but hey man, if you got to go out and earn it, and if Graciel is the guy that is kind of come out storming, I mean that's a big deal. I mean that's good for him as a sophomore to be that emphatically kind of have his foothold in the job there, and it's a big I'm sure DrinkWits and the coaching staff are thrilled about it. I mean this was a big time recruit for them. You want to see guys like this be able to kind of develop and come along and take that that role. So I'm actually very encouraged. I don't think it's a huge indictment on Chris McClellan necessarily because we've heard so much about how much the staff likes Graciel. I don't think it's a huge deal that Graciel kind of looks the part now and kind of pass them up on the depth chart because and also it's it'll be like last year you're going to see the top four on the field often like you still saw Josh Landry in realist George were the back ups last year at Detackle and you saw them very very consistently. So it's not a big deal to me. I think it's actually very encouraging for the Detackle room more than anything else that Graciel has been able to do that. Definitely not a bad thing. This is year three for Marquis Graciel and listed as a sophomore but his first year wasn't 2022 and even back then he was traveling with the guy. So we mentioned that in the show where we did a deep dive into the defensive line room. I don't think anyone should take it as a wrong way. You see a guy Chris McClellan who came over from Florida and isn't running with the ones right now. It even takes me back to that 2022 season where DROP wasn't even on the starting line because Christian Williams passed him up because he was just having phenomenal phenomenal play in practice and everything leading up to some of those games and DROP kind of took center stage again and got a starting job back. So it's always going to be rotating especially when you have guys like Chris McClellan and Sterling Webb who are veterans coming into this but always a good thing when the guy that's been in your system for three years has really finally stepped up and he's going to take that job because the defensive tackle development takes a little bit longer than some other guys. A lot of building up at the position in your own weight and in your own size and Graciel is starting to look the part. Yeah I think that's an interesting development and then the twos in that room were then McClellan and then Sterling Webb who was a guy that when I was doing research for our Detackle video or D line video I kind of I kind of liked so that it feels like there's some depth there and like you guys both said like I think all four of them are going to rotate in so it's obviously good. I think overall you know I like your guys's takes they're like it's a good thing that Graciel a guy they've kind of developed in their own system is already starting to emerge when he's been traveling with the team had all that high potential. Kenny I'll go to you first and Peyton mentioned it the other position defensively at corner. Peyton mentioned Nick DeLoch you know Calum's got in this in this little blurb here that he is also spending time with the ones so it's looking like right now it's been Nick DeLoch and Drayde Norwood and Toriano Pride the big transfer from Clemson who I think everyone got excited about has been with the twos what do you think about about that I mean we talked about DeLoch I think Peyton I did a couple of shows ago what do you think about him running with the ones with Drayde Norwood and maybe Pride is that is that a little bit of indictment on the corner or do you like DeLoch maybe you know that he could step in to be a one. I'm also I'll start off it's a little bit weird to see guys that you know I was talking to back in the class of 2023 that are finally stepping up and doing this and Nicholas DeLoch didn't even play in a game last season you received that red shirt and his freshman year and to see him kind of step up it's a little bit of a head scratcher to be honest with you you want to see Toriano Pride the big you know the corner that they got in the transfer portal a position group that needed a lot of experience and depth to come in and he's not running with the ones it's a little bit you know underwhelming a little bit scary about where that kind of goes to the future also it might be just how good Nicholas DeLoch has looked you know of course these things aren't going to be set in stone a couple practices away from week one the same time you know I wouldn't be two you know then a shape about it and just kind of overthinking it you know was just one practice but the same time I think it just talks about how well Nicholas DeLoch has developed and just really just one summer in one year yeah I'm kind of I'm gonna kind of agree with Kenny I think we had when we did discuss this a couple shows ago at Nolton like Nicholas DeLoch did have a ton of buzz behind him I believe Gabe even mentioned it when we had him on the show that Nicholas DeLoch was a name that had kind of been stepping up but it does concern me a little more than Gracie all passing up McClellan for the reason that we had heard like the coaching staff constantly raised about Gracie all before this season so we knew like okay this is a guy that they really like like well if he steps up that's probably a good sign that he's still on track Nicholas DeLoch before this season and I'm not saying it means he's he stings or anything but we hadn't heard a lot about Nick DeLoch before this season he was someone who played sparingly if not not at all I know Kenny mentioned he got the red shadow yeah he didn't play at all so it's going from just not playing at all to all of a sudden being a top two corner on an SEC team that is hoping to make the playoff that's that is a big step up I mean this league this is the best conference in college football bar none this is something that I think is going to probably define how good nazoo season is is how good this corner room is because I think I already was a little bit concerned about how thin it was coming into the year and now seeing your big offseason edition Toriano pride kind of fall behind a guy that didn't play a snap last year that that does concern me a bit I won't lie and I don't think I would call it running with the twos with Toriano pride because the top three corners are going to play more well more than half of the snaps that's just the way football is nowadays you don't run with two corners anymore really so Toriano pride will still play plenty of snaps but I don't I don't love that he has not been able to come into camp and establish himself as not even the number one corner which is what I think I kind of expected but not even maybe the number two guy yeah I wanted to add something on Nicholas to Loach as well is that you know we talk about these guys they are pure athletes I mean there's you can't you can't short them on that kind of stuff but he was a two-way guy like a lot of these guys were in in high school but one of the things that really stood out was his track and field career I mean you look at some of the guys on it that moved a corner maybe they don't always have the best hands but even if 421 receiving arts in a senior year but just pure athlete stance he was a like a jumper in track and field he did six six four on the high jump 22 and a half in long jump in 46 feet four inches in the triple jump so I mean there's just a lot there to kind of be excited about with just a pure athlete standpoint yeah that those those traits could definitely show themselves I mean that does that certainly helps you when like Peyton said you're trying to make up for a lack of experience if you at least have the athleticism to contend maybe that maybe that helps you so interesting yeah maybe maybe a little shaky I mean we were kind of expecting that regardless of who is going to play at corner but seems like Nick to Loach is going to be a name we're going to be hearing quite a bit the other thing I wanted to just ask you guys about just because we've been talking about the D line last time was that defensive end a little bit of a depth question so we're getting kind of in the weeds here but I thought this was interesting with with what Calum said Mizzou had their like Peyton mentioned their open practice where they you know the the journalist got a nice surprise that they got to bring or they got to watch the whole thing Calum made it kind of clear that Zion Young and Johnny Walker are the defensive end starters which which we discussed was going to be obvious with Daris Smith getting out but he mentioned Jekai Lang took some reps with the second team as well as Jalen Brown but he also said that Williams one area was not involved in the in the like I guess defensive drills where they were where they were taking reps with the first team at DN so maybe a little bit interesting I don't know if you want to overs if you want to speculate anything I know Eddie Kelly's a name in that room as well reading that hearing that because of any any quick thoughts on the the DN room still very cool to see Jalen Brown actually get his name in the in the ring there. Williams one area like we said I mean it kind of just feels like he's going to be slow played maybe it could be a red shirt candidate this year I mean who really knows some guys it just takes a lot a bit more time to get in the mix I mean DN is a very tough position to come in and play right away but Jekai Lang Jalen Brown very nice to see those two kind of getting their getting fighting their way into the mix like I think we mentioned last time if you I think if you see any of these guys out there in in those portions I think they're bound to get snaps on the field this year because Mizzou rotated in their DN so much last year but depending on situation I would be surprised if they went away from that this season so good to see Jekai Lang stepping up good to see Jalen Brown a four star freshman kind of butting his way into the mix as well Jekai Lang is another guy kind of like Deloach where he didn't play at all last season another guy from the class of 2023 so that that's a big thing as well I believe Jekai Lang wasn't early in early in early last season I don't know about Deloach but that's a big thing to see guys that are just kind of coming on pretty fast after not seeing any playing time last season yeah I think you're just going to see that across the board like it's you know this this defense was bound to have some holes of talent lost yeah shout out Jalen Brown he didn't go to the Olympics so he had more time to train and prepare for the season so I'm going to make that joke throughout his career so it's just gonna it's just gonna have to be gonna have to be when it is spells at the exact same yeah and I guess we'll see what happens with Juanary um yeah any other final things before we're gonna talk running backs quick things from what from what Calum said um I know Calum did mention at that open practice Daniel blood was kind of uh taking a lot of punt returns uh I think that would actually be very good because it's gonna be hard for Daniel or blood blood to get snaps um on like just with the perceiver course straight up this season I mean obviously it's such a stacked room right now um but I don't want to see Luther Birden out there on punt return anymore quite frankly he's too important and quite frankly has not been too good there um so I think it's cool to see Dan blood getting some run there also he did uh Calum did mention in this article something very interesting Caleb flag the transfer from Houston Baptist who everyone kind of thought Mizzou was just taking on because they got his brother as well he thinks he's uh in the Tigers too deep uh in the secondary which would be very interesting yeah one thing I wanted to add um I'm being on like the injury reports and that was always something I was very interested in but uh Brett North fleet enjoyed on Harris uh two freshman tight ends from last season coming for the second year uh return to practice after missing several days a piece earlier in camp according to Calum they were in green no contact jerseys they opened uh reps for freshmen Ju James Whit Hayford Whit Hayford courses um from the Joplin area uh another thing like Peyton mentioned uh Corey flag but also Caleb flag um appears to be uh Peyton just mentioned that's all right uh but he was also in the green no contact jersey um and then Jimarian Wayne um just still missing some practices yeah he's always heard yeah the tight ends has been interesting because I think North Fleet and Harris have been out for a bit and obviously North Fleet's the clear starter there but it probably helps for June Whit Hayford to get some get some reps under their belt at practice running with the ones so maybe that'll help them long term but we need a big we need a big North Fleet season I miss I miss Brett North Fleet catches in game I'm excited for uh for him to be back all right let's get into the uh the meat and potatoes so to speak of this this episode so we we dove into the the D line room uh obviously because of the dearest Smith injury there's a bunch to talk about just talk about more things that's not going to be a big thing we're flipping to the offensive side of the ball today fellas we're going to talk running backs another room replacing Cody Schrader one of the best running backs college football one of the best most fun Missouri seasons ever uh they have you know some big shoes to fill there and we decided to do this way at this time around we each brought a take for the running back room that we're going to present uh so I guess we get into it do it how do we want to do this anyone want to go first anyone want to share their their take and we can discuss it uh Payton can go first Payton I was gonna say I feel like Kenny is related to a certain running back on the roster so I'm gonna I'm gonna give my take first I'm my take it's going to be that finally after four years of being promised this I think mazoo will finally actually do a true running back by committee room this year I do not think there will be one guy that has about 50 more yards than the rest of the room combined um I really finally think that Marcus Carroll and Nate Noel will actually be splitting the bulk of the carries um it's it uh there has been like a lot of the beat reporters have been saying Nate Noel has probably taken more of the carries with the first team but Marcus Carroll is still getting run um I think they'll both it won't be an even 50-50 maybe but I think that we will see a true tandem and a committee more than we have under drink wits and I think that'll be good for the room uh the running game has really not been a problem under drink wits at all in his time here they've had the top rusher in the SEC uh twice and I mean uh in his first season here drink wits had Larry Roundtree uh also having a very productive season so the running game probably won't be an issue either way but I think finally we'll get the true like just two or three running backs uh splitting carries most of the year I think there isn't a lot of you know trust and Curtis looper to get that done as well you saw it the last couple years where uh you know it's baity gonna step up um and you know it's peak gonna step up and ended up being Cody Schrader that that doesn't happen um a lot the very spoiled last two seasons for mazoo fans at Cody Schrader just come out came out of nowhere to do that um but I do like that uh point Payton and now Jack probably has a rebuttal here in a second but you're replacing nearly 1500 yards uh Cody Schrader averaged six yards for a temp last season it's very hard to replicate especially with two guys they don't have power five experience and you're gonna say to me you know Cody Schrader didn't power five experience until 2022 the same time it's just they're different running backs and I do kind of lean that way and that's where I wanted to build mine off of but before that I'll let Jack uh throw his out there well I I think I can bring mine up I guess I could bring mine up there I'm gonna bring it up now depending on what Kenny's take is but yeah I actually I think I agree and I think my take can still happen you know with with this sort of tandem that it seems like we're promised I think too like the running styles of Marcus Carroll and Nate Noel feels very indicative that they they kind of did this on purpose where you have the kind of like thunder and lightning idea Marcus Carroll's this bigger like kind of power back who still has some speed Nate Noel quicker he reminds me a lot of Tyler Beatty actually I wouldn't watch his sophomore highlights which was his best season of App State uh Nate Noel's and like just that that one cut guy really good open field speed can you know bounce off of tackleers a little bit so I actually I'm gonna not overtly disagree with Peyton's take but I'm gonna I'm gonna offer this as a as it may be a sort of an interesting wrinkle my take that I had I had I had actually was that Nate Noel is gonna break a thousand yards this season and at first when I was starting to form form at that I was like the only way that would happen is if uh he kind of does you know do what Cody Schrader did last year whereby week three or four he's very much the guy he's getting the bulk of the carries Marcus Carroll's kind of just depth guy whatever I actually think that can still happen with a running back tandem and it's I it was because I went and looked back at Nate Noel on App State the one season that Nate Noel broke uh and I'm not saying these teams are necessarily similar but you know it's a case where they had you know other running back options the one season where Nate Noel broke a thousand yards uh App State had a guy named Cameron Peoples who had over 900 rushing yards and like 30 less carries than then Nate Noel so and and there's there's other examples of it too last season he basically split carries with App State's other running back with him in 2022 App State had four running backs with over 70 or 70 rushing attempts in the year like they were they just had a lot of options there and I think Nate Noel especially if he is taking reps with the ones and he's gonna get the bulk of the carries I think he could still maybe not very easily do it but it clips that a thousand yard marker while while Carroll is still having a decent season and it is still kind of that one two instead of the bell cow which is not what I had initially thought but any any thoughts on that wrinkle yeah I think I think it's gonna be really hard yeah in my opinion I'm looking back at the 2022 season it's very different it's very hard to compare these two years but even in that year Cody Schruter the 157 carries and that was the most on the team he had 691 yards on the ground behind him Nate Pete had 95 carries for 400 I think you're having to see a guy that's averaging over five yards per carry and that's gonna be very hard to do when this team has so many you know weapons at quarterback with Brady Cook who can also get it on the ground and then just so many wide receiver options and I just if this team was maybe a little bit more focused on the run game I think it's possible very possible but I'm a little bit leaning if you think both of them are gonna see a good amount of carries I just don't know if there's gonna be the yards there for Nate Noel to eclipse a thousand I would I would kind of modify like a bit of my take in response to yours I do think that Nate Pete and I think Carroll both will eclipse I think they'll both have triple digit carries and I think another running back whether that be Jamal Roberts or Tavoris Jones or maybe Kwan Lacey really is that ready I think one of them will also step up and get a pretty like you see them get a couple like four or five carries a game I feel like it's very hard for Nate Noel to have a thousand yards in that in that kind of scenario I don't think it's impossible but I mean you look at it last year he had 173 carries for 834 yards 4.8 yards a carry is very good like he had you averaged above five every year before that too exactly yes I agree I think that is very good but I don't think I simply don't think he'll get the volume of carries he needs to get a thousand yards I think he'll be good I think he'll be that good change of pace back that one cut guy that is able to break off a home run a home run carry every once in a while and that's all Mizu really needs him to be I would say I think Nate Noel will probably finish closer to the 700 or 800 yard mark I also remember to it is a totally different league and it's sometimes hard to compare sure yeah you guys are going to break out in that sense and keep going back to Cody Schrader I mean how did he do it so that anyone can prove us wrong and that's where I kind of want to build mine off of you haven't seen a young running back really step up in this room under the drink what's era and I think you kind of looked at it where there's guys that have transferred in Cody Schrader Nate Pete and I have Nate Noel and Marcus Carroll and this is where I kind of look at it's Boris Jones is in year three and I agree with Peyton that there are options there that they're they're going to do a lot of splits you know who's going to get the carries between Carroll and Noel and I think to Boris Jones this might be the year that he kind of steps up in that regard to be honest with you I have not read or seen much of anything about Lacey Roberts or Jones that's really just you know jumping off the page from these these practices or just in general this offseason but one thing that really stood out to me in March when they first opened camp and first opened to the media they talked about to Boris Jones and and Jamal Roberts is that both of them were just kind of like sponges around Cody Schrader and one of the things that Curtis Luper said is like maybe it's like durosmosis or something like that that's one of his quotes that they learned a lot from Cody Schrader and then when I was doing my research on to Boris Jones just recently I noticed that he quotes we did a video of ours about Cody Schrader not too long ago so there's definitely you know a lot of you know respect towards what Cody Schrader accomplished and we made a lot of jokes you know maybe to Boris Jones was going to finally hit the transfer portal and go to UTEP he is from El Paso you know he was a very highly regarded running back in the state of Texas at the same time he stood around they call him team man he's had his kind of you know injuries in the past I think there was like maybe a shoulder injury at one point in his freshman season but last year there was just no options there's no opportunities when you had one of the best running backs in all the power five football ahead of you but this season I think there's somebody that's going to slip in there and we've heard the last couple years guys like Taj Butz, BJ Harris have stepped up on the depth chart is the second option you'll even see probably on the first week this could just going to say or or or between maybe a couple guys at the running back position but I think Boris Jones will probably get some carries I also liked what Jamal Roberts did maybe just hearing what he did last year in those practices he didn't really see him on the field but you know I mean he's a speed guy he didn't he didn't enroll early in the class of 2023 he stayed back finished out his track career in St. Louis as well so there's a lot there to be excited about in the Kwan Lacey freshman coming in this year and there's been a lot of buzz around him a good amount of buzz that is so I think there's going to be one of those guys that kind of steps up and gets a little bit of those carries wouldn't be surprised if we see a handful of them on special teams as well it's where kind of divorce Jones was seen a little bit in his freshman season what's a what's a good year for divorce Jones then like because I'm hearing you know we're that we don't think there's like a ton of carries to split between Nate Noel and Marcus Carroll and like obviously he doesn't need a lot of divorce Jones doesn't need a lot of carries is that third back to like be impactful but what's a good what's a good year look like for him like I maybe numbers well I don't know oh that is a good question um to me I kind of want to look this up too I believe that Marcus Carroll and Nate Noel will be out of eligibility after the season yeah so that kind of puts you into you know who's going to step up after that are you gonna hit you probably gonna have to hit the transfer portal again we know that you need experience coming into that position if you're going to continue to start continue winning depending on how this next season ends we want a guy that's probably going to eclipse I mean I think you want him to hit that 100 yard mark maybe get into the end zone a couple times get active maybe in the passing game as well out in the flat or just something over the middle it's pretty short so I think there's opportunities there maybe especially early on in these first four games of the season see how he's kind of acclimated in year three after a handful of practices a couple summers with this um with this team but I think something in that 100 to 150 is something I want to see from Taurus Jones and that I'm very bullish of the guy um I liked what I saw my friend when he was a freshman um things just haven't really fallen his way I haven't been many opportunities but for a team that you know probably wants to see some depth and not have to you know go full transfer portal next season at this position I think you want to see him kind of step up and be a guy that they they want to lean on in 2025 I think you bring up an excellent point there with Carol and Noel being out of eligibility this year you really want that I think that's more reason to turn this into a bit of a committee because you really want to see at least something of what you have in one of Jones Roberts or Lacey so I think that kind of increases the likelihood you get more tandem more tandem action or more committee action just because you need to to identify guys for the future I'm not and you mentioned like how App State divvied up their carries I went and looked up the 2023 rushing stats for um for App State so Nate Noel got the bulk of the carries 173 yards 830 or 173 attempts rather 834 yards uh second guy Kanye Roberts 123 carries for 696 yards they had a third guy who was their quarterback Joey Agar had 81 carries but then you had a third and fourth back who each eclipse 50 carries like you mentioned um I think that is something you really I think mazoo could do I really think you see obvious I think Carol and Noel each will will not a 50/50 split but they they're the two you see that most of the carries I think uh maybe it's Tavoris Jones or maybe it's Jamal Roberts or Cohen Lacey I don't think mazoo will do it with four guys but I think you're gonna get a third guy that rotates in there and if that is Tavoris Jones I think you have to aim higher than a hundred to 150 yards I'd like to see him maybe reach that 250 to 300 uh yard mark and like you mentioned Kenny get in the end zone a few times I think if they can have him or Roberts or Lacey if they can get that out of one of those guys I think they'll feel good about one of those three being their feature back next year yeah I just find it you know that is a good a good number to shoot for as well I was just kind of comparing it to 2022 as well um that season Cody Schrader ran for roughly 708 peak was 400 on the dot so I was trying to find a number in that range where someone could slip in for some yards because we saw Vijay Harris we saw Taj Butz um Elijah Young a couple of times that season and really none of those guys I mean none of them stuck um none of them fit in this the equation kind of moving forward and ended up transferring so that's something you just want to see Tavoris Jones um pick up a couple opportunities in the passing game and running game um wanting to stick around because you don't really want to have to do this all over again I was again at the unofficial depth chart as well and it does say Marcus Caro and Nate Noel um are out of eligibility this season after the season to Horace Jones is in 2026 go ahead Ben oh I was just gonna say and I would say like with Schrader and Pete like having that having those numbers that was actually easily the worst the run game has been under drinklets uh because I mean the old line in 2022 I mean there's no way around it sucked it was so so bad I mean there were just injuries that just poor performance across the board really from everyone outside of like Jovan Foster um it was a bad year and I do think now with a more beefed up old line I think everyone kind of agrees the old line is one of the premier spots on this team I think if you were to run more of that tandem like if you put that rushing attack like of Schrader and Pete and kind of split the carries these same way this season I think you see their numbers go way up uh can I throw another wrinkle in here too like I feel like we're talking about all these running backs Brady Cook also runs the football a ton for right that's gonna be a thing to consider for sure he's been their leading rush he's been their second leading rusher every year since 2022 I think um or secondly yeah second leading rusher because Kenny I was trying to find a comparable season um for like what we could see from Tavares Jones I thought this one was interesting 2021 uh Mizzou second leading rusher that year that was when that was when Tyler Beatty broke the SEC record but the second leading rusher was Elijah Young's 37 carries 162 yards in touchdown average 4.4 yards carry yeah you know if you see that that means one of carol or noel probably really took off I mean 37 carries from your second running back is yeah absurd but I'm saying I'm saying you have that but it's the third you know that's what Jones maybe does is the third guy right okay that would make sense yeah and then some sort of combo of them does it it's so interesting it is it was very fun like looking up stuff for this how incredibly spoiled Mizzou has been for the last six seasons at running back can you call it like round tree onward pretty much I mean you've got three guys who I think are in their top 10 in career rushing yards with round tree Beatty and and Cody Schrader you'd Beatty break you'd Brady Beatty break the record for Mizzou single season rushing yards of 2021 like I don't know it's just it kind of it kind of feels like and pain that's why I want to disagree almost it like it does feel every year we go in and we're like all right a bit tandem it'll be tandem and this feel you're probably feels like the strongest and yet somehow one of these guys sometimes just finds a way to kind of pull away and take over the carries it's super weird well in the the one time it really felt like oh there's going to be like I think last year even people came into the year thinking like like drink which was even saying as much like we kind of want to get Nate Pete more involved but I mean Schrader just kind of became this undeniable phenomena the year before I mean everyone kind of was expecting a bit of a tandem but I remember thinking it was between Nate Pete and Elijah Young and that obviously didn't happen with Nate Pete fumbling kind of against Auburn just kind of sent his season in a spiral uh Cody Schrader again just kind of became undeniable um I will say even pre uh round tree I mean Mizzou had guys like hands bro uh they had a few years before that they had like three different running backs they'd use the downing yeah definitely Dawson downing for sure armed forces both uh fumbler most notably um but I do think this year uh they've almost set it up like more so than any anytime else like there's just defined roles for each running back on this roster it feels like I only had one thing to add um going back to like the Brady cooking image and really then you brought up as well is that the offense that drink which kind of has rolled with the last couple years he got he's mentioned before that the offense for the for Mizzou requires a quarterback to pick up two first downs with his legs and I think that's something that he's kind of looked for and a lot of his quarterbacks kind of moving forward is you know who can scramble and get me ten yards get me to the first down marker without throwing the ball without taking a sack uh so that's something that's kind of contributed to a lot of Brady Cook's success yeah I think you I mean you can even throw like Luther Burden into the mix on these like sweeps and the things he does out of the backfield like it's going to be really really interesting it could just be a massive committee and I Jones will have a thousand yards season so Voris Jones becomes uh the new uh Cody Schrader only this time he's a four star um I will say also like I no matter what happens I mean even if you have uh Noel and Carol kind of step up as the two leading rushes and to Voris Jones or Jamal Roberts or Kwan Lacey or maybe someone else like I don't know Austin Dendy or someone like that just comes out of nowhere and kind of steps up to us the third back I would fully expect Brady Cook to still be the third leading rusher on the team this year just because like Kenny said they still are going to want him to use his legs he's going to scramble it's a strength of this and he should keep using it um I still kind of want to hope that they use Luther Burden out of the backfield I think it's a super cool wrinkle that they need to use a little more often I would say um but I I don't really have a ton of faith that they're going to do that my last question what's what's their floor as a tandem Noel and Carol is it like collectively they give Mizzou like 800 yards or is that really bad that would be I mean even in 2021 uh or 2022 rather when you had a really rather bad rushing attack I mean Cody Schrader had 700 yards and eight peat had 400 so I think the floor is probably around that like yeah those two combined for 1200 1300 yards I would say that's probably the floor you're looking at with these two all right there you go I go thinking Marcus Allen and Bo Jackson uh there's the floor the floor 90s Raiders Mark Ingram and uh who is it with Mark Ingram led the Thunder Lightning Alabama not Kenyon Drake um you mean Alvin Kamara yes like in New Orleans yes yeah that would uh that would be that would be something wouldn't sorry I misspoke Tony Dorr set and hurtful Walker oh there you go oh that's a good one yeah no that's more modest um what's been I was Taylor and Reese Jones drew they could be a real um they could be a real D'Angelo Williams Jonathan Stewart oh wow is do we have any modern ones of these like what's the last good NFL running back do it D'Angelo Williams and uh Jonathan Stewart were like late 2000s um I mean Ingram Kamara was like within the last decade yeah that's that's it Fred Taylor and Reese Jones drew is 2007 okay yeah you don't get that anymore until Cody Schrader and Christian McCaffrey combined more in college than you do yeah the strats didn't you do otherwise there you go uh all right there's some there's some takes in the running back room we'll see we'll see how it goes we'll see if uh any of our premonitions kind of come true kind of feels like Peyton's the most realistic but I'm rooting for Kenny's the hardest I would like a big to forest Jones season that would be fun um before we go to quick hits we have one more fun thing we want to touch on it was picture day uh Eli drink wits and the Missouri Tigers took their photo they quote tweeted uh Gus Melzon drinking Gus Melzon have had a little little thing uh Gus Melzon tweeted he's obviously the coach at UCF now new record 20 minutes 15 seconds hurry up no huddled team pictures drink wits absolutely botting him on the quote tweet the 2024 mazoo football Tigers he tweets new record of 17 minutes of 43 seconds and much more symmetrical than Gus Melzon's photo good job drink they do look very symmetrical I I am uh aesthetically pleased by this photo not that photo yeah maybe the reason Gus Melzon took two and a half minutes longer was because he was on the phone with cave and bugs oh yeah sorry there's some funny there's some funny people in this photo come with guys made some funny faces I couldn't find Brandon Jones in this photo by the way I looked everywhere I couldn't find them maybe you're sick what do we think of the drink stash too Kenny uh drink stash looks like a uh a former Wichita State football coach that went overseas to coach at last it looks great yeah I'm sorry drink that looks bad uh it's time to go um yeah it does not look the best but oh god I can't even imagine what the other fan base is in the SEC would think can you stop zooming in on Drake Heismeyer please thank you I don't need to see that any other photo highlights someone else was making a funny face but I forget who it was uh Trojón Greco was he like looked there he is right there Kenny if you can yeah you're right on him there he is how's that a funny photo he's just smiling no he was like we can't really see from this vantage point also the people that are listening and not on the youtube are gonna have no idea what we're talking about yeah this is great podcasting yeah we're staring at a photo this is like we should play Geogueser on the podcast and it's just that screaming like that's played jersey should play like one of those drawing games dictionary dictionary there you go all right that's picture day drink drink what's did better UCF may be getting the recruits but drink what's takes those fast photos so yeah so who's the real winner yeah who's the real winner there all right we will stop doing that Kenny stop zooming in on Eric Link close slowly move on let's let's end this segment come on all right we'll end the segment I'm ending the segment all right we'll uh kick to ourselves finish off the show quick it Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business Shopify is there to help you grow Shopify helps you sell everywhere from their all-in-one e-commerce platform to their in-person POS system Shopify's got you covered Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the internet's best converting checkout 36 percent better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms and sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify Magic your AI powered all-star what I love about Shopify is how no matter how big you want to grow Shopify gives you everything you need to take control and take your business to the next level Shopify powers 10 percent of all e-commerce in the U.S. and Shopify is the global force behind all birds Rothy's and Brooklyn and millions of other 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born kicker began his career as a Tampa Bay Ray or Tampa Bay Buccaneers from 1999 to 2004 and helped them win a Super Bowl you let him finish the question um the joke answer dude i don't know the bucks have had so many bad kickers like i'm gonna know the one that won them a Super Bowl this isn't the this isn't the answer but who was the guy for the buccaneers who um like killed the turtle the kicker never Florida State River to a guile yeah yeah just had the Florida State yeah sorry River to a while i think he killed the turtle it was like really bad i have no idea i know it's not him i know it's not him but do you have any other options for part of guile was probably like four when this guy was flying um i've never heard of whoever it is probably Louie Skola yeah okay yes Roberto a guile uh NBA year after becoming the number one overall pick Anthony Bennett got sent in a trade to this western conference team in 2014 it's the Minnesota Timberwolves yeah with Wiggins right yep for love uh NHL this eastern conference team won the Stanley Cup during the lockout shortened 1995 season then missed the postseason entirely the next season oh this feels like it could be no the islanders i think won it i thought it was the islanders it could be the islanders oh for it i was thinking it was maybe the 80s i wouldn't be able to tell you otherwise yes there's always a rangers one in 1994 that's all i know oh so won the Stanley Cup during the lockout and then missed the postseason that feels like i that feels like a jersey or new york team thing to do i would just say the islanders i don't i couldn't tell you yeah it wasn't okay geography just guess Roberto a while if you'd darn geography uh murphy's bow gallatin and lebanon are all cities located in this us state Tennessee some Missouri listeners like i said yeah lebanon lebanon mo uh celebrity mashup oh god uh it's Miley Cyrus is one of them no i believe is it is Miley Cyrus the one no she's good hair she doesn't think that's what i'm saying uh i have no i thought it was black widow earthly idea scarlet joe scarjos shoot it could be could be scarjo i think it's scarjo yeah go go go scar so is this i have no idea who that dude is though like i've seen him before it's gotta be like that's more than me tom holland no are you kidding me let's do it i mean we have no other guess no he's old looking rott hurlman was going to be my other guess but i i don't think that's right either beginning in 1984 where's the beef was a slogan used in commercials by what major fast food chain Wendy's yeah what's in the box correct her head uh television a successor to jersey shore and as a counterpart to cmt's party down south mtv aired this reality show from 2017 to 2021 oh it's like new absolutely no idea yeah i'm not i'm not an mtv guy any of the mtv still aired tv shows ridiculousness milf manner movies based on the Pulitzer prize winning play of the same name erl street Julia roberts and eronda mcgregor is this a star wars even new mcgregor starred in this 2013 dramedy come on kenny you should know this oh man i dramaties oh i thought you loved dramaties like rom crops oh that's what it is sorry the neighbors no no i can name you like four things you and mcgregor's in and three of them are star wars it's not devil wars prada i don't know i'm gonna say this is a tack of the clones meryl street played meryl street was um uh duke who and julia roberts was pat me yeah there you go i don't know kenny are you cheating i'm looking it up because i've never heard of this movie before i looked it up i don't know what it is what is it it's impossible not being impossible that's close enough to it that one that wouldn't happen for us just kidding i think it's jack and the giant slayer sure sure yeah never never heard of that one you're just gonna give us credit for this oh it's not even on there so it's not that movie okay well you settle jack it guess guess full metal jacket that's great great same same same series i just saw pop up it it's just funny because it's not at all like what that movie is music this is uh when i was in third grade here you go kenny yep uh one i don't know if i should finish it uh because i could draw my uncle was and i kept my room straight i told my mom tears rushing down my face oh thank you for the opening letters to what 2012 maclimor and ryan lewis song and that is you guys i don't know this i don't remember the title because it's that i don't remember the title i know to love yourself i'm not can't change even if i even if i tried same love same love i did it on here there it is double dip no no i don't we're not gonna get any of those all right okay what was the football one one if all one was uh oh i did not know that oh martina gromatica i didn't know who that was i would have never guessed that but that's fun nhl new jersey devil i told you were dancing around it yeah celebrity mashup uh miley sirens you're right and james came out oh that's okay with james and james cameron okay dog i've never heard of the mashore the mashore oh no i have heard it now watch that every day oh i have heard of it was the answer here august those age county said a movie question never heard of that film never heard of it i've heard of star wars though you and all right we'll try to do better next time good ken's more charts all right tigers in the wild next and we're back to kenny uh kind of a serious tigers in the wild we've talked about deep fairy banks and how much we love them uh if you want to come on the show feet uh dms are open uh but this is really cool uh very strikeout he tallies the season feet fairbanks and his wife lydia are donating 100 dollars to a cause near and dear to their hearts um and that cause is for turner syndrome uh their daughter elis passed away um from turner syndrome or those who don't know it mostly affects uh only affects females and results when one of the ex chromosomes is missing or partially missing so you know very saddening for their family but it's pretty awesome that they're doing a hundred dollars for every strikeouts uh turn to the turner syndrome foundation um this kind of something that's kind of going around right now because it's a player's weekend and so a lot of the guys are um showing a little showing out a little bit more for the causes and things that they believe in things that they get back to so um just really special day really cool weekend uh for p fairbanks that's a very very cool cause i did not know this story um with his family at all uh but i mean good for him for turning uh for doing something good uh just something good coming out of that tragedy uh good for beat fairbanks um also it helps that he strikes just about everybody out so he'll be donating plenty plenty of bucks yeah that's a great cause i also did not know the story and yeah pizza pizza a dear uh a person we use on the show a lot in the very you know a goofy dude in the in the interviews but it's you know nice to nice to promote his cause good uh good tigers in the wild can he's got to tweet up if you're watching on the youtube you go donate uh as well so MLD tweeted it you can also read this there we go we retweeted it go to the unwritten rule i also love that you said if he wants to come on the show our dms are open like he has to reach out to us to come on our show yeah feels a little bit i don't think we're there so i know we're intimidating peat but yeah um we're actually very nice all right my tiger in the wild um is going to be Darius Mizzou Darius Robinson uh he had a very very good we didn't talk about this because it was after uh when we recorded the show but he had a very good uh week one in the pre-season you can go catch a breakdown from brian baldinger um he broke down the film of Darius in his week one performance it was great um and it was so good that apparently the cardinals have seen enough uh the tweet here from bowbrack who is a reporter on the cardinals uh Darius Robinson must have shown the cardinals enough in the preseason opener and the joint practice he's not playing the night that's right he did not play in the cardinal second preseason game uh they've seen enough from him uh he did have a very good week one uh so very glad to see uh that he's he's turning up in camp apparently so uh good for Darius Robinson i don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone uh that he is tearing it up in camp right now hell yeah Darius not surprised bowbrack yeah i was thinking about that too bowbrack that's a good uh brack it's a good name also um i thought i saw somewhere i think ns rake star got hurt but i think he's okay that's good i didn't not that he got hurt but that he's okay obviously kenia will type in and do some deductive detective work it's very well yeah he like he like went on twitter he said he was i think he said he was fine afterward he tweeted one pride just to see if the hashtag worked surprise it's not one of his one of his tweets is the latest that man on twitter religiously that's a good gif husband girl dad ns rick straw jr's jr glorious fans ns rick straw burner accounts uh yeah i don't i think he's fired looked up an article and said he was okay i just remember hearing that um my tiger in the wild we're going back to baseball uh i'm going to give it to Trevor austin who's in uh a little bit of rival territory right now with the the faithful woodpeckers down in single a he's playing very well uh had a has a pretty good batting average it's not helping that my uh computer's not loading the stats there we go uh 4070 sitting ops 981 pretty sure both of those numbers are very good so they're like unsustainably good yeah he's doing very well that's my fault can he anything that yeah can he's your he's your player he's off to a nice start uh you'd get paid for the Astros at single a one of the first guys they got uh assigned post draft so very good star for Trevor austin um they have him listed as a shortstop and look at some of the fielding he's been playing all around the infield hasn't even played shortstop yet so two games a third two games a second one at first and then uh eight innings in left field top 30 appearance in his future he keeps this up he'll be able to sneak into the back end nice yeah shout Trevor austin and he's in fayetteville he's doing it in fayetteville so a little bit of a it's fayetteville north carolina oh is it is oh yeah that's why i didn't comprehend what you're holding i didn't understand what you were saying at first until just now when i was like oh he means the razorbacks yeah no i thought it was in fayette no no this is the carolina league well uh so it's in north carolina you know what i i'm not really i don't really feel like an idiot you guys know i don't know my league baseball you guys should have frankly you guys should have been on that earlier correct to be before there isn't so i just feel well my brain was always like oh well there's me he's talking about fayetteville north carolina i was trying to think like are they rivals with like the brewer single a affiliate as like you're trying to think what you meant but oh they are and yeah well he's doing well his on base percentages what does that say five sixty eight or is it just five hundred five okay i couldn't really see with the glass dog there it is that's better the zero with the line turret does make it a little love music i'll give you that all right moving on absolutely that was a train wreck at the end of that head head head headlines to finish the show kenny what's your headline my headline this is from pro football talk on nbc but uh recently nick bolton returned back to practice he was dealing with an elbow injury now he has this really cool brace on his elbow and he looks like jj watt so i think this is just awesome if you're watching on the youtube a photo from harreld our cunts who's in uh can't say reporter very cool um overall coming back um we know how good nick bolton is but now he looks like jj watt out there uh it's gonna be even more terrifying robo bolton it's more drunk on defense oh yeah it's an important year for him for him because i believe this the last year of his rookie deal if i'm not mistaken i could be wrong um so could be a contract you're coming up uh but either way can he just like the grond phrase given that guy i like from like three days ago yeah nick bolton uh good to see him back yeah credit to him i it's it's been very fun watching him uh just be really really good especially for kansas super bowl performance it's a fun story i think mazoo tweeted about him uh uh after the super bowl when it's just him and mohomes drunk out of their minds uh on the stage and it's really i'm gonna get a big old embassy do you remember when mazoo when he had the scoop and score in the super bowl when mazoo tweeted that looks familiar and a drill of drag this scoop and score practice that was awesome that was it was it was pretty funny that it was uh paying you are correct according to spow track uh he will be a um unrestricted free agent next year yeah so pay day unrestricted contract here expect some big things to be a free agent but it hasn't listed as a ufa so i just i know i know it's the same thing it's just this funny to hear that i don't feel like i don't ever hear people say unrestricted free agent football i heard he's signing a max with the nix next year nick bolton noted hooper uh what who what do we got next headline patent here at my headline is going to be uh just kind of a cool thing uh preseason football can be very mundane a lot of the times but the cowboys just decided to let brandon arbery who kind of took the league by storm last year uh he nailed a here you can see here from taut archer on espn brandon arbery fires up cowboys with a 66 yard field goal in pre-season win pretty self-explanatory he had a 66 yarder with room to spare mind you um and uh he did this at about the same time that espn u was airing another 60 plus yard field goal uh that was made so kind of a cool coincidence there um but yeah brandon arbery i mean he wasn't even a football player until a couple years ago um he's now pro he's now arguably as good as anyone else in the league uh that 66 yarder by the way um it would have equaled the nfl record that juston tucker set uh in 2021 where and he don't that one like that had to hit the crossbar this brandon arbery made it dude that thing was good from like 70 that thing was the guy thing was there was a good kick they did say if you scroll further down here kenny um they were almost let him try a 72 yarder but john fassel the cowboys uh special teams coordinator was like no we don't need to do that it's wild we're gonna add kenny i think they should have uh put the placeholder just a yard back like even further back just to attempt it i mean what do you have to lose you know i mean maybe i can move from 66 it is pretty crazy and i'm a kicker guy you guys know this but like it is pretty crazy watching them kick against air and they can just hit it from like 75 when there's no defense it's insane um quick cowboys take are the cowboys how the cowboys gonna do this here they'll probably win the division because it's a very weak division no eagles uh no i think the eagles are kind of imploding i like it can he supervise our land super bowl okay yeah kenny is a cowboys fan we do everyone knows this how good is day actually probably the best quarterback of all time he had all the weapons that um patreon moms had he'd have the same amount of super bowls yeah save your worthy exactly keteries tony i agree so they've linked up on a throw patreon moms did a behind the back pass too yeah try harding in the free season it's not even cool anymore it's like i saw that clip and i went whatever it's awesome i like did not care i was like whatever dude yeah above the team the industry and he's entertaining us behind the back throw like whatever dude okay kenny's kenny's being excited about the play just to openly troll it's awesome it didn't it's he did it so's dubin mahinti no one else can do that in the NFL it's not even mahinti at two forty one p.m on a monday on a dashboard port center can just go look at that behind the back pat your my homes toying with them yeah that's one of them um all right my headline i'm going to the world of soccer because our boys are back by our labor kuzin uh they won the dfl supercup which is a it's like it it takes the team that finished first and league against team of finish and second uh as a little trophy to start the season so yeah it's new season obviously by our labor kuzin won the boondis league of last year and they beat uh strutgart on penalties to win their first trophy the year so we're back off and running um kabi alonzo yeah chabi alonzo's still there he did not leave in the off season so yeah take that live our pool i'm i'm a little nervous because like i would tell kenny all the time it was so crazy how good they did last year and they shouldn't have ever done that good last year and now i feel like our our expectations or y'all's expectations are going to be in the sea at the ceiling i don't know how they'll do we're going we're going undefeated again yeah why would we lose this here tracos undefeated victor bonnet base i think victor bonnet face i believe did score the first goal in this game oh it says right there yeah good job martin terrier martin terrier they signed this you're red cars yeah well he's bored it's not a goal no it's not a goal but it's a red red car that they take away your goal if you get a red car he didn't get a goal lad what does the red card mean why does it say he scored in the 37th it doesn't it's saying that he got a red card okay i'm not following now uh they actually they signed that guy this summer he's french he's very helpful he sucks apparently no he's actually pretty good but he did get a red card which is not great yeah um i love rocker i think the rest of their team's mostly the same they they sat a bunch of players in this game too a lot of stars didn't play why just because it is a trophy but like they see a lot of them like came in like they subverts and they sub yeah yeah that's our king why do we like florian is he good it's yes one of the one of the best players the best player in the team yeah very good he's also younger he's also younger than all three of us by about two years three years for me in a month yeah so that that thought what do you want for your birthday kenny i don't so remember a day nothing don't get me anything don't go by anything all right that's all i have to be the review of a joke or anything oh wait did i have a ratio i did have a ratio got the world um oh it got deleted oh no no oh yeah the original post got deleted oh yeah the ratio of the week well this tweet the tweet that i was using for it said i'm here i mean you're an indiana fan you wouldn't expect you to understand um i don't even remember what the original tweet was about me neither i do what was it the guy was uh he said like people shouldn't be complaining if there's a wedding on a saturday or sunday or wall yes oh how did where do you guys stand on that debate i think it's absurd that people actually get mad if people have fall weddings on a weekend yeah i'll be people not realize you can stream every game you ever wants on your phone just stream it at that dinner man it's really not a big deal i have two things yeah i can comprehend if you are it's different for the people like people like us that might be working in that industry so maybe they're just like a little bit like you know head scratcher you know like you know if i'm part of the wedding you know but it's not my wedding it's theirs you know it's their thing you shouldn't be getting mad about it um also at the same time maybe you're playing in the game that could be a tough one uh don't get to go to it uh but at the same time grow up i think it i think you just man it's just it's just not your it's not your wedding like i just don't get like people get upset about it and they just want to be football guys that's the whole thing they just want to have like their whole like mantra and aura being like that oh i love football i don't do anything for football um you know it's just one game the end of the day you're not in college anymore sorry bro of uh 20 years that i've known forever and consider my lifelong best friend i can't go to your wedding i have to watch four and eight troy play three and seven orkin saw state on one of my tv's why is a team that's only played 12 game 10 games playing a team that's played 12 uh troy played in hawaii uh so they get the extra game rule uh i think you guys didn't explain why they would absolutely not go they had their bi-weeks already troy has their bi-weeks at the end of the season that's unfortunate you guys are soft i would not never go to a wedding between uh august and june or january so i'm just kidding i i like to i like to um make fun of people who like the guy who deleted this post who get mad at people who say they do this because like it's obviously like a joke if your best friend of 20 years is getting married you're gonna go to their wedding like but people think that people actually do that maybe there are some that do but yeah i mean i don't know if my friend is a real friend they just won't have their wedding at that time kindly informing the son i'll never have that i'm not going to his wedding because mazoo is is playing uh mary state on august 29th exactly no i i would not ever ditch a wedding for well okay no there's no okay i would literally i would miss a super bowl sunday fairs calibally i'm super bowl i'll i'll watch it on my phone i have no problem watching june go to the game every morning i'm not going to the super bowl what if it's like your second cousin you've never met him like that's a little different like if it's like a cousin or like a family member you've never met sure like then fine but like this is like not what most of these people argue about i don't i'm trying to get the crazy i didn't of course i wouldn't do it yeah and that guy's soft for deleting his tweet yeah leave it up if you're gonna if you're gonna yes he's in the replies he was in the replies like replying to other people fred red dead fred that's like you're kind of fun stay on it man anyways oh he's a mason min fan uh she's um correct anybody in the mood for a joke no i think we're in the mood for a joke this one comes from our favorite tv series the today's show uh guys guys guys guys guys what do lawyers where to work don't overthink it it's a very easy answer what do lawyers where to work suit and ties no yeah like usually they're lawsuits they do not wear business cut yes yes there you go kenny lawsuits they wear lawsuits that was good that was good all right that'll do it good show we you will get a good joke you didn't really have much for reaction i noticed she's like my joke all right we will come back on friday did not like the joke pateness gone i think you guys kicked me out accidentally you like the joke did you like the joke kenny we'll be back friday uh we're gonna do another position group breakdown maybe some more camp updates obviously kenny's just left chat so with that enjoy your week we'll see you guys friday seasons almost here get excited goodbye so so so so