Leader - The Characteristics of a Leader

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20 Aug 2024
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What makes a leader?
Is a leader born, born with those natural leadership qualities, or is a leader made, made by experience, trial and error?
A leader surely is one who steps up, steps forward, takes charge, one who recognizes the opportunity to provide direction, encouragement.
A leader is surely one who is not afraid to make decisions, take risks, and in extreme cases, be willing to risk life and limb for what he or she believes is right.
A pastor, for example, takes charge. He speaks with voice strong, courageous, especially when those words come from the Lord who has promised to those who love him:
A leader should surely have perfected the art of:
Surely for the Christian, one should listen for the direction, the guidance, the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The meaning of the words is then magnified, and they contain the wisdom of the Lord rather than that of a man.
A leader is strong, courageous, not afraid. A real leader knows that God has not given him or her the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. That loving, sound mind, divinely created, is perhaps the strongest evidence of a real leader.
A mother is a real leader, the captain of the children which God has given her. She trains them, this female leader does, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. She instructs, disciplines, sets standards and values, and by her words and actions, cultivates love and respect not only for her, but for all women, for all humankind.
The values she conveys are strong Christian values, clear standards of right and wrong, and no one in the household in which she is THE LEADER deviates from those standards. She lives those standards by example. She shows her faith by her deeds
and her words always have value and meaning. No household, no husband or wife relationship, no father or mother at work can be all that they can be without the leadership of a mother, a true, loving, god-fearing mother.
A true leader is creative. A plumber analyzes a problem and fixes a toilet. Every true blue collar person at work is creative, a leader, a problem solver, a fixer, taking charge of that situation and making it right. Fixing a broken toilet is leadership at work and that God-given ability can translate to every part of that man or woman’s life. Plumbers are leaders. Carpenters are leaders. Mechanics are leaders. Daycare workers are leaders. Doctors and nurses are leaders. They possess those God-given qualities which can translate to all of life in so many ways.
It should be the task of every man and woman to understand themselves, to analyze their strengths, capabilities, creativity, and understand all the ways in life, everyday life, how they make decisions, take charge, fix problems, and lead. Every single individual God created possesses significant leadership qualities and no one, no matter their calling, career, or life’s work, should ever be disrespected, and perhaps more importantly, never disrespect themselves.
A true leader is loyal. Faithful is he or she in everything.
A true leader is honest. Integrity rules their every thought, word, and deed.
A true leader is positive, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. In a negative, often evil world, the positive, make-it-right attitude, approach and conduct proves to all that this man or woman is in fact a true leader.
We are all born with those characteristics. They are inherent, God-given. Unfortunately, so few are recognized or ever developed. But they can be by the experiences of life, from the challenges, the difficulties, the problems which every human being will face. The true character of every person will be challenged in so many ways as life goes on. Our courage and commitment will be challenged. That is especially so if we are spiritually minded, Christian at heart, standing tall and uncompromising for the Lord Jesus Christ we love. Leaders are always at work in little things not just large. Real leaders make leadership decisions in every aspect of life, every day in every way. They follow the example of their Lord, who promised, as our shepherd, that he would lead us in the paths of righteousness, that we would fear no evil, that goodness and mercy would follow us all the days of our lives, and that we should live by those promises.
That very same leader from Nazareth promised that He would guide us with his eye upon us, and in every life situation, bring out the best in us. Trust that, ask for that, believe in that.
You, everyone, were given these strong leadership qualities. You can be a leader in these paths of righteousness and make every person an opportunity in your life better. Believe in yourself. Bring out the best in you, always. Pray for His wisdom, strength, and courage. And you will be all

The Crawford Stand with the President of Crawford Media Group, Don Crawford. Politicians lie, or do they ever? And all of them do. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth all the time, do you? Boy, if you do, I sure don't. I don't. It is as though for one to become a politician is for that candidate or elected official to embrace the lie, to compromise, to sell the soul, to play the game, the political game. Politicians deceive. They will do or say virtually anything to get elected and then get reelected. So much of we the people have come to expect that and worse accept that. We do our best to determine facts and truth and we make our decisions to vote so often on the basis of faulty facts, the best alternatives, knowing that trust, ultimate trust in the candidate, the person, the platform, the promises are anything but certain once that candidate gets in office and takes power and becomes a member in good standing of the political class. A class of individuals who regard themselves as better than us, and titled, and almost always without accountability. It's a sad day in America as we look at anything political. At least that's my take, that's my view. What's yours? What do you think about elections 2024? Probably the most important in American history, but those elections do now draw near this very November federal, state and local which will determine the future of America. And that future is not decades or even years away. Our freedoms, our way of life, our constitutional guarantees, our very own bill of rights have never been more in danger. And what is really sad is that even as these forces of evil and anti-democracy and totalitarianism, as they march on, we the people, the citizens, the voters seem really unaware of those ultimate consequences, even indifferent, falsely believing that nothing so aggressive, so fundamental, so revolutionary, so awful could ever happen to our great country and our way of life. And the freedoms, not only that we enjoy now, but really take for granted. We should not be praying, God bless America. We should be praying, God help America. And words and warnings seem to do little good. The indifference of we the people, the lack of involvement, real sacrificial involvement, the toleration of the lie and flat-out evil is incredibly alarming. We heed not the mourning of founding father Benjamin Franklin that this republic of ours, this America, this democracy can only last if we the people can keep it, if we the people can keep it. But the sacrifice, the real sacrifice, the involvement, the constant attention to the political process and the holding of wrong doers and unfaithful politicians accountable are demanding courses of action which we the people seem unwilling to take. America teeters on the brink not only of change, radical change, but even outright destruction when those who take power fully exercise that power and reveal who they really are, and what they think, and what they intend for our beloved America. I guarantee you, you will never really know what Donald Trump fully and completely thinks, and you will never really know what Kamala Harris really knows and really thinks. We the people are much more responsible for commitment well beyond our vote, well beyond our vote. Our vote 2024 begins the journey and then comes accountability and follow-up and demand and contact and devoting a significant and meaningful portion of one's life, your life and mind to the protection of those freedoms and the citizenship we now take for granted. All my beloved friends, look at how many politicians have changed course once elected. They tell us they are evolving in their thinking, what that really means is compromising, and considering different points of view, developing new definitions of fairness and equity, and in fact learning the full meaning of diversity and equity and inclusion, oh, help us. And so much of which really means simply a reversal of position or the coming out of the real beliefs and positions of the candidate, and that is the beginning of living the life of the political lie, living the life of the political lie. It is then that so much of America does nothing. Nothing. It talks, it complains, it watches, and it listens to media, most of which is liberal, radical, and vows that things political in 2028 will be different. The America of 2028 will be radically changed from the America of 2024, big time. These are not words of pessimism or despair. I am a very positive person, but they are words and warnings of reality. They are words of challenge, asking all of us who care about America to stand up for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and to hold our elected officials, those who ask for our trust and confidence to the very highest possible standards as they make critical decisions affecting our lives. Us, we the people, candidate Donald Trump, already begins to change his beliefs and positions and water some down, and even his former promises. Many believe that Trump is the only conservative alternative. Well, I guess so. Maybe so. But Trump has signaled that he is not the president he once was in 2016. Just signaled that. And so far without major change, but having created enough of political and cultural differences which may be precursors of more aggressive position change to come. So my fellow Americans, watch what he says and watch what he does most carefully so that you know the real Donald Trump that you may vote for in November. Ah, and Kamala Harris. She is a flat out, deeply rooted liberal in many ways, a radical liberal, woke, and already her fawning media begin the cover up, the reinterpretation of her record as politician and district attorney, and find ways to compensate for her total inexperience and perhaps considerable inabilities at the presidential level. Do you think she is competent to be president of the United States of you and me? The Democrat lie has already begun, and we the people will be asked to vote for a largely recreated Kamala Harris. Whether Trump or Harris or Senate or House candidates, get ready, my fellow Americans, for the lie. So much you will hear and see which is not the truth. The whole truth are nothing but the truth. But, but vote you must. For this election, like almost all others before it, is a vote for the better candidate. Not necessarily the really right one or the best one, the better candidate. Which one do you think is better to be president of the United States, Harris or Trump? My fellow Americans, truth is the truth, the whole truth, leaving nothing out and nothing but the truth, adding nothing in. Politicians are masters in adding and subtracting fact and adding theory so as to make up their own version of the truth, anything which accomplishes their ultimate objectives. And that's power. And that is why so many political experts say that American democracy is ultimately doomed. Do you believe that? Do you? Will you let that happen for yourself, your friends, your family, your children, your grandchildren? Will you let that happen? Will you let the forces of evil take over the greatest nation in the history of mankind? Will you? Or will you do what is necessary to protect, preserve and defend this great country in which you are privileged to live? Will you? Will you? President Thomas Jefferson said that the preservation of democracy requires the shedding of patriotic blood from time to time. I wonder if that time is now or coming soon. So many millions, so many millions have died protecting America and its democracy and its freedoms and now may be the time for more. What do you think? Well, let me ask this. What are you willing to give this great America in which you are privileged to live? And as you make that incredibly important decision, and perhaps even as much so, your voting decision for all of election 2024, what price, I ask, what price are you willing to pay? The views expressed here on the Crawford Stand are those of the Speaker, and Don Crawford would love to know. He needs to know what you think about elections 2024 and what's at stake. Tell him in your email to Stand@ When you write, be sure to tell Mr. Crawford on what station you hear the stand. His email address again is Stand@ When you want to review what you hear, go to our website Remember, too, you can hear the entire Crawford Stand each week by going online to The Crawford Stand is a public affairs presentation of Crawford Media Group and this station. Serving God and Country. I'm Bill McCormick.