Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters Up North - The Exorcist - Special Guest Scary Zara Mary

2h 31m
Broadcast on:
20 Aug 2024
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It's a perfect night for mystery and horror. The air itself is filled with monsters. Children of the night, what music they need. It's a night, it's a night, it's a night. Well hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep dive episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. I am here a mistress of teramony is Sam and I am joined as always by Dan from Gleta Moveless say hello Dan. That's much to a vulgar display of power carrots. Oh yeah. Let's keep you on a toast. You didn't do this last week. You were kind and just said hello. He just did your part. I found you a wench that you thought you were being serious as well. Oh Dan we're not alone. We're not alone this week. I was going to break into Michael Jackson but I'll speak that with my cold. Thank you so much. Zara's here with us. You can leave now honestly Zara as well. Oh we are joined by. I want to apologize in advance because for the last few weeks I have been wanting to call you Mary all the time. Yeah. And it's so I said to Dan you introduce next week because I'll just end up calling a Mary and looking like a dick. We do. We have scaries are a Mary joining us this week. All right. All right. And tick tock wonder and Instagram. Yeah, that's your official title now. Hang on, let me change my name ones. I have to tell Tony at the bakery that you no longer like go under your name now. Awesome things. So this week we decided to do a well actually hi welcome to the monsters up north podcast and and for everyone. Welcome to a new episode. So this week we're doing not only on my favorite movie of all time. But Zara's favorite movie. It is our favorite movie. Yeah, absolutely. I got that. But there's not dance. I like it. It's up there, but it's not me. I'm one of these people who changes my mind depending on the moon. So like I could watch it when I'm in the mood. I watched it years ago when I when it came out and had the cinema release in. Was it the late 90s? Yeah. Yeah, I went to the cinema to watch it by myself because no one would come with me. So I went to watch it and I have to say that's the only time I've ever checked the back seat of my car before I got in my car to drive home. It's one of those films that stays with you. When you've seen it in the cinema, there's something about it. Seeing it like that compared to seeing it on the TV. The noises that they knew what they were doing with the sound on this film. They really did. Yeah, it's actually there, but not quite there. I'll do the disclaimer and then we'll crap on into this week's episode because I have a lot of shit to see. So everything discussed in today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone. If you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode, please come and join us on our Facebook pages, the discord or the comment section where we can have an open discussion. I bet what we want to have is anyone comment for us and tell us our opinions are wrong because we can all agree to disagree in fandom. So, and let's keep it fun. Keep a kind and keep the toxic behavior out of a nerdism. As you well know, don't be a dick. It's a symbolised version of what I've just said. Yeah, because I'm lazy. Put into smaller captions, but still gets the point across. Don't be a dick. Sue. I've noticed I always start the sentence with Sue, do it at work too. It's very annoying. The Exorcist is the 1973 supernatural horror film directed by William Friedkin from the screenplay by William Peter Bellatti based on the on his 1971 novel, starring Ellen Bernstein, Max von Souden, Jason Miller and Linda Blair. Somewhere between science and superstition, there is another world, the world of darkness as monsters of North brings you the Exorcist. It is again one of those moments where I would love like my voice, I feel like my voice is very cool in that situation and like something needs to happen in the background, some form of like thunder or something. That would have been fucking amazing. I'll put it on if you ask. So that last saying I said that somewhere between science and superstition is one of the taglines. As I tend to end the intro with one of the taglines, I actually have the rest of them. And there's some fucking belters on here like I was very hard pressed to pick which one to go with. And obviously the first one being what an excellent day for an exorcism, which is obviously from the phone. Something almost beyond comprehension is happening to the girl on this street in this house and a man is being sent for as a last resort. The man is the Exorcist. That's a long winded one of it. I really like it though. That's the one from the poster, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, because it's like this man, where is he? That man right there is the Exorcist. The devil, the devil inside. That's all I hear now. Oh, yeah. I don't particularly like the fact that the devil is used in this, in any connotation of this film because it's not the devil that possesses that. And it really annoyed us when I was watching a documentary earlier and they kept referring to the demon as the devil and I'm like, the whole fucking point is that the demon Pezooza is trying to convince you that it is the devil. Because it's a dick. Oh, it really just annoyed the pan suffers. There's a few. There's actually another part of the film that annoyed us as well and I'm going to get into it when we start talking about the film. But the scariest movie of all time is returned in the version you've never seen before. I'm guessing that's the version you watched. I think there was a, there's been two or three cuts, I think, of the film. There's been the original cut, which is the one that doesn't have the spider walk down the stairs. Then they put it in for a, I don't know whether it was called the final cut or like a new cut when it came out. And then you had the directors cut which I think was 2010 so I think there may be more than those three flapping around because obviously every country cut to their standards as well so. Yeah, I'm guess it's one of them. Quick question, which I've just just thought on I had, I had props to bring in, and I forgot them. My book and my DVDs. Have any of you actually read the book. Not for a long time, but you have. Yes. I've read the first chapter. I've not read the book because I don't have time to read the book. I need to read more but I literally, I have this thing if I start to read up all asleep. So I literally can't spend too long on my phone it makes me go to sleep like I get really sleepy because my brain just powers down. It's a dyslexic tree at that and if you, because I'm down dyslexic and it's your brains working all the time. So it makes you more tired, because you haven't to think about everything that it is that you're reading, which is why I'm by the time I've finished like a couple of chapters my eyes are streaming and I've read one chapter and it is literally aborted at a time when I couldn't decide on what I wanted to read. I have moments of I want to read this book, but oh, I don't want to read that one and I'll start a chapter and then I'll put that down and go know that once more interesting and notorious for having bookmarks everywhere in like someone mentioned the shiny and the other day and I instantly saw it on my bookshelf and went, I want to read the shiny now. I've got a bookmark in it. Just like every other one. And so I've read a chapter of about really do want to read it after watching the documentaries I've watched today, because it's the obviously the screenplay and the book are written by the same person. And when he originally sent the script of Friedrich Friedrich, my saying that right freakin freakin, we'll call him freakin right and when he sent it to freakin he had so many nuances and what's the word I'm looking for. I don't like that. I really don't like that you have a book that I will put money on will do amazing if you do it to the book, you don't have to put in all this subtext and subplot we just go with a simple story. And then he went back for a week and read that book page to page every night and wrote down and highlighted every bit of the script the book he wanted in the screenplay. And that's how the eventually came up with the script. And that was really freaking yeah. Yes, I was confused because you've got William Peter Blatty that wrote the book and directed the movie but they both worked together on the film. Yeah, let's call because Linda used to call freakin Billy didn't she so call him Billy that might. I can't even say the word. William actually wrote. It's as an unemployed comedy writer. So he'd already only ever wrote comedy before he wrote this. And as he was unemployed with no money he thought, well I've got lose. And this is what he can say through a certain lens. It's pretty funny. It's pretty funny some of the lines that are in there. Some of the acting in it, not the acting but the actual like physical physicality of it. I mean we husband watched it because I'll watch it every year on Halloween. And we watched it together one year and he could not stop laughing his ass off when someone's smiling to Blair across the face. He thought it was so funny and I was like it's meant to be funny that child is possessed. There was a bit like I know when he wrote the book I read somewhere that he actually went on a game show. William Peter Blatty and he won some money and it was Groucho Marx's game show and he won like $10,000 on the game show. And they asked him what you're going to do with your win and he said I'm going to move to a cabin and write a book was what he said. And we have this so I don't know if this was directly. Involved in this but I thought that was pretty cool because he does mention Groucho Marx in the like the policeman and they talk about movies. So that's cool. I watched a whole video about the psychology of the policeman. What he was doing. And how actually how clever he was and how he never left a conversation with anyone on bad terms, even though he could have quite eat like you. For example he's interaction with Chris, he annoys Chris towards the end of a conversation and instantly turns it around and goes. Can I have an autograph. And he ends on really always ends on really good terms with everyone he speaks to even though just before it he has said something that's ticked them off. Yeah, it was a whole video on his psychology and some of it was a bit like me who cares. Can I be right in saying that the original book was based upon that the exorcism of a young boy in Georgetown itself. Because there was that story wasn't there that went around. I called him. Oh God. It's John it's it's door. And I know now I'm sorry for bringing him up because he's douche. But didn't they go to ventures went to the original house and he tried to do Ouija boards and. I don't know got blind or had sex with a ghost like he normally does I don't know what the freak that man does anymore but like he there was an episode of it and I remember it. Why it's so bold in my brain and I feel like that was when my brain went. This is an extra fake now he's he's amped up some level of like showmanship for this one and. I lost a lot of interest in it because I was quite curious with it to start with because you know everybody's talking about anything I see what this is all about so you start watching it and then you keep watching it. You stay quite faithful and then you don't know why you're watching it anymore and then something comes along and happens and you're like why am I watching it anymore. And that was the turning episode for me where he went to the original existence house in the movie but the one that Rolando lived in. It was it was that one it wasn't the first time he ever slapped eyes on on screen and when what the fuck are you. And at that point he hadn't been possessed or had sex with a ghost or he hadn't banned me off to a young block me on Twitter then so. Honestly I need that on a t-shirt down was blocked by Fabian's on Twitter. Oh, little things keep me going. He's an absolute plunk it does not surprise me in the slightest that he went there. But the book was inspired it was 1949 exorcism performed by a priest named William S. Baldon and it didn't sell very well. The book really it really was a bit piss poet to start with. However, in the 70s I mean a lot of people associate satanic panic with the 80s and 90s. Actually it started in the 70s. Yeah, a couple of cases that I've been listening to today on red handed and that was just sheer coincidence as well I wasn't going out looking for it I just have a list of episodes and this one from the 70s came up and it mentions at the time. The excess was out Rosemary's baby the old man and so it was such a heightened conversation. And someone on the dick cabbage show an audience member had discussed whether the devil existed and the conversation started and then the cases started and that these books sales just went up, up and up and up to when it eventually became New York and New York's time's bestseller. So the satanic panic boosted helped. So, if that was the 70s that would have been the Antondle of a slash James, Jane Mansfield thing where they reckon that they sacrificed a baby so that she can stay young and relevant. Yeah, they didn't. I think the church black didn't aim the San Francisco, I remember rightly that whole bit that the onset of satanic panic was, but then what happened to James absolutely atrocious so it's like, I might be wrong in my ear is though I feel like I'm off. And Jane died in 60s maybe I'm not 100% sure because she was the one who went under the. I've got three aspects of getting Google in front of us and I couldn't decide on which one to go and pick it up. So the same Mansfield went under the the Laurie didn't she just got decapitated. No, she didn't, her hair came off. But yeah, she didn't get she didn't get scalped literally the back of her wig came off. And that's all that James head was completely intact her school, her her head she was, it's, it was a, it was a hair piece that people turned into me and said when it came to work. And this then is why that man. That ran the deathly did really departed deathly tours told me porkies because he had the car in his museum, and he showed me the black light of all the blood down the backside of it and he said, look, this is James mad blood. And he's like, you know, and then was better. He's he's he's already said on one of his videos close I watch them, and that it's, it's not true it was a hair piece. She was never scalped. And I had was not because it was always the thing that James Mansfield's head came rolling off. It didn't. It was very much on her shoulders when she died. Believe you me. I've read it. She died in 1867. So you know, far off. I thought it was the only way it was earlier, I was somewhere in there and told me I remember all that business. He's such a character. He just, he just wanted to get layered and that was in like the most freakiest way as possible. And he was like, yeah, fucking sex magic. Come on. He's honestly the fucking worst. Hey, Craigie. Right. Where are we going? Do you want to know interest and facts? Or should we go into the actual film? What should we, the facts can play alongside it. I don't know how to make decisions. Let's do it. Let's do some interesting facts. Get the juices flowing. Oh gosh. Hello. Where the hell do I start? I got one. Gran the budget for the movie. Oh, this is my fault. The budget for the movie was originally $10 million in 1973. It went over by 12.5 million. So it ended up being in today's terms. It came to about 68 million by today's terms, but in the box office. This is just at the very time, not including anything sales wise from now, but for the time it was worldwide released in the cinemas. It took 441 million across the world, which is the equivalent to. Are you ready? 3.12 billion dollars in 2024, which makes it one of two of the most successful horror movies to ever have been made. The other one is George. So these two movies stand at the highest. Well, I mean, again, we go into George Horra. Well, it's amongst them to be raw. You fucking scared me. So yeah. So, but yeah, 3.12 billion. It's got Deadpool beat basically. Well, it's well on its way, but it's got it beat. So for horror movie made on. It's pretty cool. That is some coin. That is, yeah, I can't even comprehend that kind of money. Well, I've got some alternatives for people who could have potentially been in this film. And some of them. I think this is where I started to bore Anthony earlier was the alternative people who could have been in it. So originally the studio. The studio was very heavily involved to start with by the sounds of it, but then when freaking came on. They kind of took a backseat because he's fucking terrifying. Yeah. So they kind of took a backseat, but initially they wanted Marlon Brando. The star is the role of Father Caris. And or Father Merren. You weren't asked. You'd be a priest, Mr. Brando. And and freaking went and no, I don't think so. I don't think so because it sent because putting him in that position. It's a brand all movie. Yeah. It takes the whole the whole shine off it. And I'm not to say that he wouldn't have been good because. I don't know. Brando has a bit of, but he's still a good out. I still think he's a good actor. I like the good father. I mean, Brando's got his like, but they say it's a brand new movie. He was a man when he was on set. Everything was about him. You know, it was the ego. He never learned his lines. People used to have to stand. They used to have to stand up with all of these like lines on a bloody board. You know, the guy just couldn't be bothered. He just turned up. You paid him. He left. You know, it was bad. As if it was with Brando. Yeah. Next one, Jack Nicholson was up for the role of Father Caris. Again, I could actually see that not been too bad. One one flow over the cook who's next to come out there. So that's why some was a senior like I know. I was just trying to think because I know it's around about that that time I'm going to do this. But again, like I say, my dates are all off at the moment. Oh, oh, it's after 75. Yeah. So the shining was later on as well. Yeah. So what? Oh, maybe. I'm just my brain is just trying to think of films that I remember him from, if that makes sense. So he'd been in at that point. Didn't didn't Friedkin say regarding Nicholson that he thought he was too unholy to play a priest. I mean, he's not wrong, but there must have been something. He literally, I reckon for me, Jack Nicholson, the way I see him when he's not acting in a specific role is he is the devil from the witches of Eastwick. Jack, not only character, that guy, that that's how I feel like Jack is all the time that kind of like lives in excess compliments. People doesn't care if he offends them. He's very much like gets off on calls and a bit of a ruckus and then he leaves is one of these guys that just sits there and rubs his hands together and goes. He's Mr Burns. Yeah, he's Mr Burns just rub his hands together and yeah, but thankfully Jason Miller was. Ready to take the parts or good for him and wasn't on it wasn't until a few year ago. I found out who his son was. In my mind, did not know that. If you didn't know that it's Jason Patrick from a lost boys sister I was. They saw the only one I was looking for. Yeah, that's that's his daddy. I don't want to say this on here but my sister's keeper, which I have seen for more times than I should have. And that really terrible board movie. Did you also know that he's Jason Patrick is also his grandfather is. And I'm sure to. Is his mom's father. So he is a Nepo baby if there ever was. Oh my god, if he is. Oh my god. Wow. Every time I think of Jake Gleason, all I can think of is power. Right. It's not even a Jake Gleason. I think of Joffrey because didn't they name him. Jackie Gleason. Wasn't he cool? Jack Gleason. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I found that out. I thought that was that was really cool because, you know, Nepo babies. I don't have a problem with a baby. Get in, get on with it. You know, we've got some of the best actors because of Nepo babies, you know, so I don't care. Jamie wouldn't have her if it wasn't for Nepo babies. So what a fucking brilliant segue. Because when it came down to looking for a Regan, they put a cast and call out because they just, they weren't, they weren't actually bothered. Names weren't attached. They just sent out a cast and call out. But they also sent the phone call to one Janet Lee and said. Empty your fancy putting Jamie in this movie. She read the script. Now, whether she read the original script or the revised one. Because the original was shocking. If you remember me saying earlier. She didn't like it and said, no, thank you. I'm not passing that on. It then lands in the hands of Linda Blair's agency. Who takes one look at it and goes, I don't like that. We're not passing it on. But it doesn't escape Eleanor Blair. Who then takes a very young Linda down to the studio and says, have my daughter. Then she get the part. Sacrificing her own child. She's also in the movie as well. Yeah. Have my child. Christ, what have I become? Yeah, Eleanor is actually in the film as well. Is she? Yeah. So you know the nurse who walks through the door and says. Oh, she needs to see you. That's Eleanor Blair. That's Linda Blair called her mother. Yeah. My mum would take my face off a fuckhole to her mother. Um, so when it comes to Chris. Chris, Chris, Chris. So when writing Chris. William had one actress just writing nothing to do with movies that wasn't even, you know, that's playing the sky when he's writing it. Um, when he's writing it, he is writing Chris as his very good friend Shirley Maclean. Which I totally get in a way. In a certain way, but, um, oh, actually, before I move on to Chris, there was one of the actress who was considered. For Reagan. And I can't see her. Can I say her name? Denise Nickison. And if you don't know who Denise Nickison is, she is the young girl who played a village. Bora guard in Willy Wonka in the chocolate factory. She was considered for Reagan. Her spend, apparently her parents said the script was just too dark. I mean, you're coming off the back of that chit show and going on to the. But that's my personal opinion. But that's the darkest hell and I don't care. I really, I will fight me on that one. Willy Wonka is a horror movie within itself. It's some dirty old, well, not day, but some old bloke who lives in a bloody mansion that sets out. I think, Oh, kiddies, come to my house. The kiddies come to my house. Yeah, lick my balls. Eat my balls. Yeah. Literally. The undertones in that film are very weird. I love Rob Dahl, but Jesus Christ. You won't crack when you wrote that one. Jesus Christ. Jesus. I had a mouthful of juice there and all I could hear was to see me snows berries in the most Yorkshire accent ever. It's the thing that was very was made for a Yorkshire accent. Oh, it's a bit where they go through the tunnel and there's like all the slaughter of the animals and all stuff. I'm like, if you think that that is not a horror film in some way or another. I hate that film. It's one film there. There's two films I won't do on the Sunday show. Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory is one of them and the other ones are Wizard of Oz. I can't stand them. I don't like them. Are you going to say that? That creeps me out. I didn't see the hype and I know I know my other podcast. I'm going to fucking loves it and probably is going to kill me and probably will make me do it at some point. But yeah, I am not not a fan. Yeah, so Chris going back to Chris and some unusual names. Jane Fonda. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah, nobody, to be honest, I can't see anyone else playing Chris apart from Ellen Bernstein because nobody can pull Jesus Christ off like she can. There's a drinking game in there somewhere mind for how many times she will say for a second Jesus Christ. Wish delivers it and and band across. Okay. And the last one, being the most unusual out of all of them and would have been would have completely changed the tone of the movie. It would have been another brand or situation. We wouldn't be focusing on what you'd just seen who you'd just seen. Audrey Hepburn. And she was a serious candidate. I don't think you didn't really, you saw it in more like rom coms in the 60s and that was her thing. Wasn't it like what we would call rom com now those like little loving with W movies. I don't recall. Off the top of my head. I can't recall anything of her being extra serious. Now this would have. Sully'd have her sweetheart. Yeah, the position. Yeah. So I can see why she didn't take it. But imagine Audrey Hepburn getting a head pushed into Linda Blair's bloody crotch man come on. She is royalty. Goodness. Sorry. I think that was our lean dates and as Zara's met her as well. I think that is a box of frogs that woman. She looks at it. But in the best way. Like it's cute. So cute and ditty. And first you think, gosh, she's really like quite frail looking. Yeah, she's fucking crackers. Absolutely bunkers. You know, every time she's at a show, she'll come up to us, right? She has. Have you got any of me? Have you got any of me? And it's like, takes me a second. You know, you just have that. Oh, God, it's I lean again. You're just in that moment. And I'm like, we somehow have you. I lean is so popular. And it's just, you just get the snap second way just like. She's bad. No, it's the unpredictableness of what she's going to come out with because she bonkers. She'll just say something really strange and you just go. You are right though. That was Lydia who did that part in the film. No one that went that Linda Blair do that. And apart from the crucifixion part. She did do that because it's fully on her face. Because what I noticed today when watching the behind the scenes, Lydia looks very different to how Regan looks while in the mass. I lean Lydia. Where are I getting Lydia from? So you said this beat of Jason. Yes, I lean Sunday. I lean days. I lean. That's the hey, if I'm not getting someone's fucking name wrong. I am not a podcast. I can even see it. It's written in me. No, I can see it in the eye line. I lean. Yeah, her face is very different. I've got that my playlist. I love that song. Her face is very different to Linda's in makeup. So you can clearly tell the difference between the two. So Linda did quite a lot. When I know that the scene that I lean did was the pea soup scene because they had to fashion this weird equipment to go on I lean's face. It's like some sort of plastic perspex kind of like lower jaw situation. So they could hide the. It was the vomit. Comet straw thing to go in. Oh, it's really weird. I saw like drawings of the, the get up and I couldn't visualize it because it was so chaotic. You know, it was just someone who went, we'll do it like this. And then they published it and you're like, what the hell is that? Well, I watched the great Dick Smith. Give a, give an example, and I'm sure how the tubes first time I've seen Dick Smith's face. Is a cute little mom. Do you know how many people were dead in that documentary that I watched today? Everyone. I had to keep pointing it out to Anthos like, Oh God, he's dead. And he's dead. And he's dead. And he died last year. And, yeah. Now, can you understand why I left the room? Yes. And the voice of the Zuzah is done by Mercedes McCambridge, who, my goodness, did she put herself through the ringer. The Freed Consayers on the documentary I'll watch, which by the way is, it's, it's incredibly good. It's called The Fear of God. And it's done by Mark Cammord. It's a BBC documentary. It's on YouTube. Very easy to find. But Mark Cammord, this is. Yeah. But this is Mark Cammord is the biggest exorcist fan. He will argue black and white with you that this is the greatest movie ever made. It's done with the dark hair and it's like slightly quiffy. Yeah, it looks a bit like Mark Lamar. That's the one. Yeah, I know exactly. Because they had a recently on BBC Two, I think it was maybe last year, year before, can't remember. And what must have been last year for the fifth year of the anniversary, they had a whole night dedicated to the exorcist, didn't they? And I remember we were working a show. And I was so happy because I could turn the telly on. And when we were working away, obviously, we have to put up with Council TV, which is your standard TV channels, which all you've got is from four or family, basically, because I can't bear any of this love island nonsense. I'd rather remove my eyes with a spoon. But like there, there was this one channel when I was hopping and it said, Oh, documentary on the excess. So I have seen this, but I don't really remember much about it. I remember the guy. Yes, I have seen it. Oh, he's done this documentary, he's done podcast after podcast interview, after interview, Mark will fight anyone and give you absolute in-depth analysis and reasoning behind why this is the greatest movie ever made. It's not just a case of, it's the greatest horror movie, it's the greatest movie and Friedkin even himself said, this is now on perfect when it comes to movie making. And that will be coming down to the practicality of everything, everything in that film is done practical. The fact that there is very little goofs in it. It's, you know, how back to the future is the most perfect movie ever made, according to sign. Oh, they say. So that is it. This I dare say this would come very close. For movie making, you can think what you like on the actual movie itself, but when it comes down to the making of the movie, it is now on perfect when you have beds that can lift up off the ground and have nothing to say that, you know, that bed is physically lifting off the ground. The reason the spider walk was cut out of the original theater is the theater. Right. Pop me teeth back in and the reason it was removed for originally is because the strings could still be seen. And if Dick Smith said you can still see some aspect of the string, do not use it. So then, you knew what they were doing, but the version now watched, which is the blue ray one that I have a lot of copies of this on DVD, one of them you even have to flip over halfway through to watch the rest of the film. It's that old. Wow. Yeah, it's even got the flippy out. You know, and you've got the, like a black. Cast on it and it pulls up as a cardboard that it's that old, and but the one I watched last night was a 4K one, and they had the spider walking and holy shifted that actually make me. Scares, but it made me go whoo, okay, that would have if that if the originally showed that in the cinema, I feel like there would have been a lot more outrage than I was. Without a nowhere, like, it's really quick as well. But it's perfect all. What all you hear is the. Oh, yeah, before leading up to it and you're like. His obviously they've pre called it with our we've got rats in the loft so I was at that again, you know, like if you're not off on the storyline and then. Everyone like she just looks up and everyone's like, and it was a gymnast, I think, or a contortionist that they had do it. And but they had her in a which is where the the strings were. And she was barely touching the floor, but because her face was covered in blood when she looks at the screen at the end when her heads upside down. That was another reason why they didn't want it because there was all the who have with the rating system that comes with this baby as well like in the UK, it was actually bound in a lot of cinemas. So they had these things called the excesses bus parties where like how British is that a bus will turn out everybody will get on it. They'll go to the cinema showing it and then they'll come over. You know who would have been getting on them buses, though, little ladies, little ladies. I remember watching a documentary on Dethroff. And do you know how many little ladies in the UK when you go and see the film and fucking loved it. Because of a catch on the most side of the cinema and they were like, have you just been to see this movie and they're like, yeah. What's your fucking problem. So yeah, the little ladies back in the day, they like to get the light to get their freak on. I mean, the thing about this film was it. It hit a time when nothing like it had been brought into mainstream media other than, like you say, the news reports and stuff like that, but there was no film that come out. There was anything like this. I think this is where I always go to when I talk about how desensitized I am now as a horror person, you know, especially the the amount Sarah watches and talks about, and you do watch a lot. You get to that point where you want something to give you that initial rush that you felt watching a film. And when you compare every exorcism movie after this, there's only a few that they don't, they don't play, but they, they can sort of, it runs slightly like this way to it. The exorcism of Emily Rose is one of them that I think she plays that part fantastically storylines a bit cat, but she's her portrayal of that is absolutely insane. But like, there's the I love an exorcism movie, right? They're probably up there with my favourite genre because there's something about them that technically it could happen to anybody. You know, it's, yeah, you know, this is the same with them, Stig Marta, you know, the one we've done. I feel them. Oh, get real burn. My goodness. In no way is she religious, but yeah, it happened to her. So there's that whole thing where if you're somebody who believes in something you can't see, and I'm not talking paranormal movies. That's not, that's a whole thing. Yeah. Like religious kind of connotation movies. There's something about them that give me the creeps because if they genuinely have in the Vatican priests that are there to exercise demons. There has to be some history in it. And when you look into the history of exorcisms and how long they've been going for and how the church has like this God squad dedicated to it. And this, like, you know, and they have there are things and rooms and rooms of notes about all these different demons that have been possessing all these people and it's just like, yeah, I want to get my hands on that I want to read that stuff because that's where my brain's like I'm fascinated by religious and religious connotation, don't believe myself but there's something about that whole, it's like a kind of mass hysteria thing, isn't it, you know, anxious like one person, I can guarantee when this film came out. There was loads of cases of exorcism afterwards because you know, I can't count how many times I thought I've had stigma so that's a true story. Genuinely, genuinely thought not long ago I was going through the stigma. You and that crown of thorns like I don't Oh my goodness, the problem is, it started at me feet. So it didn't start in my hands at all it started in me feet. So how I thought I was having a reverse effect I don't know. But yeah, the things I admit on this podcast, and that is one of them. And I love when it comes down to religious religious aspects in horror, I, and especially possession movies, I like the questioning. And I love the fact, especially the question between is a possession or is it mental health. And they do that quite a bit in this, she is she is taken to every doctor she is looked at for everything. It's in her head. It's completely in her head. Let's give her riddling. Let's give her, let's give her something because it's mental health. It's not until they are literally out of every other idea that they turn around and go, you thought about Jordan exorcism before. If I was Chris I'd have getting up in footage I just walked out. Did you hear the story though about Ellen Bernstein she went in 1984 there was a reunion on one of those good morning America programs you know they have. And she was talking about how she went to watch the film when it came out she was working on another film, and she was just curious to see audience reactions. And it was the scene that you're like in that bit that you're talking about how when they do the throat tap. Oh the catheter yeah yeah do wonder why they're an arterial catheter. Why? No idea. I just know what it's called. It was the fact that they put the tap in and the bloods put out and people were going down like a sack of shit in the cinema due to that that scene, because it looks so real, it was the fact that there was no. People who are used to watching special effects there you can see that the misdirection they don't go into her throat all that sort of thing. But as somebody in 1973 who doesn't know what special effects make up ears you know you. As far as you're concerned special effects is a man in the suit and that's where it finishes. And you see that she said she was in the cinema and she saw this woman go down so she ran over to help her and then she realized before this woman come around that she shouldn't be there because the woman would have an absolute meltdown or she. Oh, you're on the ground and she thought oh Christ no and she just said, can someone else please help her. Oh, I would have done it just to see the reaction. And there was two priests on this film to genuine genuine priests, one of them being helped me out. Diah, thank you. And the second one is father Tom burning boom in harm, not spell how we would spell Birmingham but boom he had. He was the technical advisor. The other guy I think he was just a friend of his, I think I would. He did brilliantly. And but yeah he was he was the technical director on this he was actually William Bloody's teacher at school. And he is the one in that bloody in the documentary, because it is it was it bloody freaking that went and did a documentary about an with an exorcist. If it's going to be anyone I would imagine it's going to be bloody because he was the one who was really interested because I watched it. And I remember there was this really old priest and he was talking to him like he really knew him. I remember seeing it and this is what's going to bug me because I didn't look into it but it's it was on Amazon it probably still is on Amazon but it is him any interviews this priest about exorcisms and about like how the movie how close the movie was to any exorcisms that this guy had taken, you know, had done and because he was an exorcist he was a retired exorcist. And, oh God, you know when you have that moment where you don't like you feel like you've made it up. Have you made it up. I possibly like it's real. Yeah. Yeah, you haven't, you haven't a moment. Yeah, he was a technical advisor and the only the only request that he had was you take it seriously. And I found like Rosemary's baby. And the minute I heard that I was like yes, yes my friend let's not turn this into that. What does he mean by that though because I think, pull me a fellow in that movie that the shit she got put through in the name of acting was absolutely atrocious. I mean, I think that's the only way I can look at it is he is the man of God, and the sickness in that movie are quite cartoonish. That's the only thing I can I can pin it on because for me Rosemary's baby is a good religious horror film. And even if it does have that ending that makes me what my pants every time I comes on. It was called the devil and father and morph, a morph, and 2017 and you didn't make it up. And it's freaking went. And then they perform an exercise of one woman, whilst he's there as well. And it's real, it's not not made up is genuine. I watch a lot of them, a lot of trauma, trauma doctors on tiktok, don't ask us why. But it's almost like what they do for people is almost like a kind of exorcism. It's getting, they do like muscle therapy where they use and I don't want to say it's not crystals but it's not stones either it's some form of instrument that they run down muscles and it just, it's like a release mechanism. And it's kind of like getting the trauma out of your system. It's so honestly, I'm not selling it very well at all. But it is. But it is very like when I watch it I'm like, oh, that's that poor person if you like he had the anguish that comes out of them and the release that they're getting from it and it's like, oh, and they'd be made all better by getting rubbed down with some stones. I like it. So that's how the church of exercise people for years. Just got some stones and rub it on them. It's just broke out a couple of those weird massage octopus things that you're going to want to, and we're done. I mean, I don't know if any of you's used the air, the cold crystals for your face where it's like the shape like in a weird shape me like push them up again. I do. And it looked like one of them. And this way I can describe it. So that I'm not a hippie, but I do know what you mean. Well, I am kinder, but I just, I see things on TikTok and go on. I'll have that. Hence the reason why I bought that electric face massage. Sorry. I'm that person, though. You know, when something comes up on TikTok and they're like, and you're going to need this because the sort of revolution that I have just heard revolution and just went, yes. I will have you maybe to wear on TikTok shop. There's a new Tupperware. I'm like, yeah, I'm in there. Give it. Did you did you get the lunchbox with the sections and the knives and forks at the top? And it has chopsticks. Don't know why. I've not got that one, but I've got a huge round one with different sections that you can make removable. Because myself and my friend Rose do videos that are called Tupitos, which show each. We record each other and our Tupperware snacks at the cinema. So now it's a case of we need to one up each other with our Tupperware game. I've actually seen that video. I've seen that video. I'm so used to a southern accent on here and obviously my northern draws that when the Yorkshire accent comes in, I'm like, Oh, listen to it. It's perfect. I'm going up a notch or two and start the endowing, you know, got down the shops. Start cutting out on my teas. Yorkshire. Yeah, proper Yorkshire. Yorkshire pudding. Do it for Yorkshire. Honey. I see I don't like it. Yes, I am from the northeast and you can clearly tell I'm from Sunderland. I'm not from Newcastle, but I don't know. I would die like well enough to be like to start like the only thing I know from Newcastle is work. They say what a lot. Come with work. What like. Instead of us. Yeah. Yeah. And we like to say like a lot. An hour. I think that's just a northern thing in general. Like our down. Oh, and used to call us after years. My dad. One of my dad's and my sister are all in Morley. So I'm used to like every day I hear. You know, Yorkshire accent. It's in my every day. So it's like, it wouldn't, you know, it's part of my life because. Probably Yorkshire and all my friends were from rather than more from Sheffield or from, you know, around there. So I was always the other one out. So I, you know, I live my life being a weird Subler with Northern friends. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, I can't do. I can't do a Geordie accent or, or a Macomache. No, you can sell water or water. Bloody. Bloody. And says when I'm on the phone, he says my Geordie accent comes out and it's fucking impossible because I'm from nowhere near Newcastle at all. But I did call you a southern of the other day of the Azara. I was like, she's, she's southern to me. Yeah, I'm going to say compared to you. Here I am. But technically, you know, it's Dan who's the southern. Yes. She's the wildling. Don't worry about it. She's almost a wildling. Yeah. Yeah. She was like, well, if we're going to have a game of thrones map year or what? No, I'm not a violin. I'm a stark. Yeah, you're near the wall. It's got a lot of limbs and you're near the wall, Adrian's wall. Anything south of that. I said you were a Tully because he just below us. That's fair. I'm a Lannister if we're going by like, I am the same class as Tyrion. No, that's this. These are the kind of conversations we have of it. Trying to figure out where we are on a game of thrones map. Well, we try and get it out before we come on. You don't want to end up saying something like, yeah, I'm the same high as Tyrion Lannister, but you know, you do. You end up saying these things and then they're out there forever. I'll take that one back. Because some fucker will end up clipping it, and I'll always be there. Thanks, Chris. In the super post my head on Bloody Peter. Oh, no. You dick. You said it now. You said it now. Let's go through the movie. It's not the longest, you know, it doesn't feel like the longest of movies when you look at the actual plot of it. Or is that just, but it is quite lengthy? Does that make sense or am I just talking shit or did it just feel like it was long the other night? I think it feels quite long because, like, I always forget about the dig scene at the beginning. I cannot think how many times I've seen this film. And for some reason it always surprises me. Yeah. I got married out in Iraq or wherever. I don't know if you're not in Iraq, but doing that one dig scene and that goes on forever. It feels like I get to the good stuff. You were right. It was. Do you know that only lasts for nine minutes. That whole interaction at the end is nine minutes long. That cannot be right. No. That was one of the things that I read yesterday and I was like, that cannot be right. And I'm not sitting time in it either, but it cannot be right. I still love the fact that Max in this movie is 44. Yep. He's my age in this film. The blood looked like this for the rest of my life. He never aged past. He never got younger or older. How he looked in the exercise was how he looked for the rest of his living days to me. It's like, I can't, I don't know what he looked like without all the late. I can't see it. And because for me, Merrin goes to then start Star Wars and force awakens because I've never seen him in anything else till then. And then he is three I driven in Game of Thrones. Yeah. And that is all I have seen of him. So yes, you're right. To me as well. Father Merrin, back to once the dead dead Max Vaughan. Salden is an old man, but he wasn't. He was a young man and very polite man as well. When Linda Blair has to. I have the soundtrack on me and clearly I've never seen it. Gordon's alive. And only because I'm blessed to every single bloody comic on I ever go to. Oh, I love it. You don't need a microphone. You just hear him shouting Gordon's alive. It's not what I would want him to show to me though. I'm a huge black out of fan and I still stand by black out of one is some of the funniest fucking British comedy ever created. And him just shouting Edna is some of the greatest lines he has ever said. Yeah, I just had to double check because I knew you like as soon as you said, I was like. I'm sure that I better check before I put my mouth, but yeah. Well, I wouldn't know because I'm shit of watching films and I've never seen it. But he was you were right though. Sorry. He was in North. He was in Northern Iraq. Doing his, um, his archaeological, archaeological dig of Hatra. That's what he was thinking. And he. See this, but he always used to confuse me because it's like, did he find Pazooza here? The statue or was it a fragment of it? Was it? I don't. I give it a little bit come a little bit comfort. Oh, for me, it's how. Northern Iraq gets to a little girl playing a Ouija board with Captain Howdy. You know, it's like, I don't know how we're supposed to. So is it because that's not the same demon or is that because they're setting the scene that he brings that demon with him when he comes to exercise her and she's already. Well, he knows it. Well, Pazooza knows Merren because he says Merren's name. And so maybe it is a case of the fact that Merren has found this talisman or whatever it is that he has is brought Pazooza back to, whoa, it's gone. Let's go and find some innocent and fuck shit up. That's what it really wants to do. And Howard finds Regan. It's called movie fucking magic. We don't question, we don't want to question. I think for me, if I was to make a change to this movie in any way, my one change would be that I would like more exposition around the Captain Howdy situation I'd like more to do with that because it feels like it's so glossed over that bit where she just wax out the Ouija board and the mum goes, did I have to use it? She goes, yes, see, and then do you think my mum's pretty, and then it doesn't move again like the initiative you go. Oh, she might, you know, there wasn't enough there to establish the fact that there was something a bit deeper going on. I don't know whether that was the intention or not, but I felt like it was. I get what you mean, because there is another part in here that I wish, we'll get her in a second that I wish was fleshed out a bit more, and me and Anthony, he got an argument over it earlier. And because he's was maybe it's the reason it's not there for it is because it's your imagination and like no, because the storytelling and for not even storytelling for visual sake, it should have been there. And I will get her in a bit, but before all that we meet Chris before we met Regan, and we meet Chris Walkman down the street, going to do her movie, because she's a movie star in the talkies. I can tell she's an actress because the way she reacts to absolutely everything that happens is, honestly, yeah, exactly that. And I think that takes me out of the movie to agree to a degree I think that's why I don't hold this is high, maybe because I find Chris the most annoying character in the whole movie. She, I understand the purpose of being there and I understand the fact they've written her like that. But it's just like, she has moments where things like when Regan wets herself, it's not an issue because oh she's ill takes what it says. But then there's a moment when Regan says something like, go fuck him other or something and she's like, oh my God, and it's like all right now. I can only, I can only imagine and desire to reach the level of dramaticism that comes from that person. I want one day to be able to screech it's directly while I feel like I'm going through the stigma. But yeah, Chris is Chris is an actress actress, and we get to meet her friend Burke Dennings, or I remember the name Burke Dennings. And she's shooting a movie. And as sure as you were seen from the movie where you actually do get to see him, not Marin, what are you. Thanks, you get to see him all smiley he's adorable, by the way. Yeah, he can tell he's really small, literally small. Sorry about how, you know, Kara's mom, she's like a little Italian, like, Demi, Demi, Demi. Hi, Demi. Freaking founder in a restaurant. She was just a lady in a dinner in a restaurant, and he went up to her. Do you want to be in a film? She was like, okay. There's a little nana he found in like a restaurant, and I was like, well, that's pretty cool because it's not like that is the one thing I do appreciate that we're not the one thing many things but one of the big things I do appreciate about this movie is that it didn't go on names names were created through this movie or were slightly they were there but they weren't like stratospheric names to take you out of it so I like the fact that it wasn't kind of the plan you just saw in a restaurant, I went, she'll do. You look odd enough. You look like a nana. Oh, they don't know that. So yeah, once we've been, once we've been on the set, I get a little bit of an insight into Burke. Did you know that during the making of this film now, bear in mind, this is a film that was shot over a year and a bit. But during the production of this film, nine people associated with this movie died. He was one of them, the guy who played Burke Dennis. He, he wrapped his shot up and went home and died quite literally. Was it this is one of all cursed movies, wasn't it, as well. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing is in, in, in the documentary, I'll watch said it, but she was actually it was unbanstein who said this is a movie that spanned out over a year and a bit. Things happen. Yeah. And to see it's a cursed movie. Like one of them, the one of them who's part of that number nine was Max von sounds brother. He died during the production of this. It's the sound guy and guy who refrigerated the room. If you're going to expand it to all those people, then craftsman who made the sandwiches, you know what I mean? Like, that's the kind that it wasn't a kid. Okay, for a number four, please. You've been replaced by Katera number five. It wasn't a case of like, when I think of curse movies, I'm, or even curse programs. I'm looking at. I've just been talking to it about with and because it's just been announced today that five people have been arrested with a murder of murder, the killing of Matthew Perry, and it just took us on this whole conversation and we ended up talking about curses. We were talking about people who go back to drug taken at the level they were when they were an addict, not to when, you know, they've had this over period and. Yeah. Well, Corey, I'm trying to get to where we get to Glee so it doesn't look like I went from that to Glee, but Corey one teeth. Yes, one of them. And then we started talking about Glee and I was like, that's if we're talking about cursed productions, that is what I would class as a curse production because you've got. A few people who've died in a very different circumstances, one drowned saving her son, another drowned through drug overdose, killed, died through drug overdose, another one killed himself because, you know, big massive. Yeah. And there is an episode of true crime and cocktails, which is Laura Nash from Super Stores podcast. Her and her cousin Christy, they do an episode and it's called the Glee curse, and it's been given awards as well, and they talk about everything that happened and we're not just talking about the main characters that died like the fallout that went with Matthew getting accused of all sorts of stuff as well. And just this, this snowball effect that completely affected all of the, all of the cast in one way or another and that to me is cursed cashier number four dying is not exactly where I would put a curse I would say coincidence yes curse. No, maybe not. So, but yeah, Dirk, Dirk, Dirk, as I said that someone knocked at me door, we cut to trying to get in and Burke Denings is one of them. And once we've once we finished up on Chris's set we then swiftly move into her home and see that she's, you know, in this very luxurious house with hired help. And the nicest people you'll ever come across Carl, just love that man, love the fact that he, you know, nearly sparked out their book show because he kept calling him a Nazi. Go on, Carl, tell him. But we, so we get to meet Regan we get to see her life, and we then have the party. At this point she's, she's been going off the rails a little bit hasn't she you know they she started to show signs. Yeah, there was like not aggressive behavior was when she took it. Sorry, when is when she took her to the doctor, the very first of it comes out. He talks up a fag in the middle of the house in the middle of the hospital every time that never ceases to amaze me and I know it happened, but it never ceases to amaze me and it's starting to have a flag in the middle of the hospital talking to Chris. And then he takes her in the room and all the time I'm feeling like he's hitting on her it's not about the kid at all it's like he's being kind of, there's like a lecture in the summer time to at all. And it's just before they go like she sees all the other guys but he says, you know what your daughter said to me. Is that bit that's when you go okay how does a 12 year old know that you know I mean she's around adults so I get this. You might over hear something. I think she's very well protected. It's not like she comes from the north east of England and fuck is just another replacement for and in a conversation. And I imagine she's quite protected so to hear that I love the fact that Chris laughs. Yeah, that she absolutely wets herself. Chris, you just fucking wait. And, but did you notice I don't know if any of you is noticed and it's only because possibly we have the high resolution on my television. And you start to see the cracks in Regan's face as she's starting to become a little unwell. I don't actually look tired and shed like. Yeah, you see the start to see like the, the, the, the skins closed on to change and the lips are starting to change so there is deterioration starting to happen. It's not as severe as what you see later on with all the cuts and everything on our face. But you do start to see tiny and that's just, you know, Dick Smith being. And, and let's put in some tiny little details to show that the signs are starting to come there. And what I'm trying to make sure because I'm literally just going off a bit by bit here and I'm trying to make sure I don't miss anything out. And when, when Chris is in the house, and she can hear the rats upstairs, and she goes into the kitchen, and the lights are starting to flicker on and off. Is that before or after the party. Or before, or watch a few years ago I had this on and Halloween, and I was only in the bedroom watching it. And it's, it was. I don't know if it just became a point of where I was just staring at the telly. And just staring dead at it. And that moment when the lights started to flicker on and off and pursues as facials up on the fucking cougar. I've never seen it before. I levitated out of bed. Even, even when I put it on, and the other day, I was like, you're not going to get scared are you? And I was like, it was one fucking time. One fucking time. Something I just, I know this film inside out back to front. I don't feel that I could walk out the room, come back in and I could repeat you the line that have just been said as I was out the room. But I have never seen that moment where pazoos as facials up on the, on the cougar. That's why I love about the excess, because, like I said before, God knows how many times I've watched this film. And sometimes I'll have it on in the background, but sometimes I will intentionally put it on to watch it and enjoy it. And I'll always pick up on something and go, hang on a minute. I haven't seen that before. Why did that happen? Oh, yeah, just tiny little details. That was one of them. Well, did you know that that makeup there that was used on the pazoos face that you see that flashes up. That is a scratch fold or that is a scrapped makeup that they were going to use for Regan. It's not. It looks like she's got like a balaclava on and this is all you can see and it makes her face look very strange. Like, I don't know. It looked more like fantasy witch without the noise than it did like. It's a great stunt, but it's a great starting point because then the next one turns into a witch. Yeah, really. The kind of makeup. So it's a great progression or point to where you actually get the Regan that you see on the screen. So without it. You don't, you don't really get where because it was just work in progress but freaking like it so much. He was like, well, have that as pazoos face. Well, they, I know they splice it in in one frame on many of an occasion and you can blink and miss it a thousand times and it's done. I think in, I don't know whether it's the one I watched or the one before when they went back and remastered at all. They spliced in for one frame, pazoos. I think in one of the cuts for about 10 times over the period of the film. So you're subliminally being fed that image without even knowing it. And the only time you really get to see it is towards the end for any extended period. So, at that point, you're ready for it when you see it without even knowing you're ready for it. You can introduce to it subliminally up right up until that point. So I think that was like a mind trick, for sure. There is also one other scene and it's not pazoos face. So when Chris is leaving the bedroom after these, she's walked in and it's absolutely freezing just shut all the curtains and everything. And she walks out and she leaves the door open and you see her walk into the horn walk to the stairs. You stay with Chris the entire time as she's taken that walk. You aren't focusing on is where the door frame is. There is a black spot here. Pazoos statue is right there. Yeah. Somebody out of watch some YouTube video of someone putting high resolution on it and it is right. When I watched it, you could make out the lines, you could make out the arm sticking up in the air. And I was like, I wonder why we, I mean, I know this is quite. You know, this is a, this is a problem movie movie. So moments like that, I wouldn't blink twice. Yes, we're going to watch Chris walk from the door to the stairs. Not in a million years do I think there's a fucking statue hiding behind a door. But yeah, big massive statue. And a lot of the pauses that Reagan has in hospital or sitting in bed. Pazoos are pauses, my she's got her arm up in the air. Not quite that. And so because of YouTube video at all this. I do know. I can watch it again. Yeah, I do know there's that whole controversy with the guy that was the radio therapist slash ended up being the mass, the serial killer, the bag murderer or something. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hold on. That was unexpected. Like when that came out, I think it wasn't until he was released from prison or it became more common knowledge you to the internet anyway, but I don't know. It'd be in a thing. I only found out about it about five years ago, I think, maybe most. I've got to see. I've got some. What's it on me? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. It's not funny that he murdered anybody. The fact it was a film critic. He got sentenced to 20 years in prison. However, when he was in prison, he started to brag about other murders that he did six men that he six, six men that he picked up at a gear bar. He started them, dismembered them and placed them in plastic bags. There was, they then primes were true. However, he was never charged with those mergers. And he died in prison in 2003. The whole story revolving around the bag murders was then fictionalized into a movie called The Cruisin, directed by who. Capitalize on it. Why not? Let's be honest. And then that, like, that's happenstance. That's not curse. That's like coincidence that they found this guy, and he was coming on, and he did what he did. It's just like the familiarity as well with the fact that both Ellen and Linda fractured their spines on the set, you know, it's just coincidence. You can see Billy freakin had a hell of a reputation if I remember rightly to doing some really shitty things to get illicit the reactions that he wanted. You didn't trust the actors to do the job that they were being paid for because he didn't like disingenuous reactions he didn't like over a house reactions, you know, spontaneous reactions. So he, there was one story about how he shot a gun next to Jason's head and Jason went absolutely ballistic at him because he walked off the set. And he walked off and there was another one where it was with Ellen where they pull her on the rig. When It's a set it's where Regan, Regan slaps her and she falls backwards on to next to where the window is what when you see Ellen Bernstein bleel across the floor and is screaming and agony. That is genuinely her back shattering because of what they just Wasn't it like, oh, Linda though it was in that harness where she was doing the backwards and forwards backwards and forwards backwards and forwards thing. And obviously they sped it up a little bit but it was to the point of where she fractured us like she fractured her spine, which then caused scoliosis which then caused her to have excruciating. But life. No wonder she's bitter about this film. When she's been like smacking back and forth, she said she's going mother, mother, but you hear her say Billy Billy. Yeah, there's a couple of there's a couple of occasions she shouts Billy because she's trying to get them to stop and the problem is freaking being because in their moments it's perfect to him. He, he leaves them in so you can still hear us saying it and diet at the end of the movie when he's given his, given his best friend the last rights. He wasn't bearing mind I was not an actor and you said yourself earlier for not being an actor he was really good freaking didn't see it that way, and give him a good hard fucking slap. When his hand is shaking as he's given the last rights out it's because he's just being slapped in the face. I had a punch I had a nut at him. I'd have gone all I'd really got all northern on him and I would have later not. Not a lie. Yeah. I'm sure you can get arrested for like slapping a priest I'm sure there's some sort of law somewhere out there like to use or something I don't know. But yeah he was notorious for being an asshole but because of what they were getting out of it. And it wasn't it wasn't the case if he was an asshole all the time. He was just a perfectionist and because of the way that he is on this movie it's the reason you get this movie. Because if you don't and you have a soft touch little the soft touched director, you don't get the shots, it doesn't work. And there's a reason this films fucking immense and then it's because of him and it's incredibly sad that he's no longer with us anymore. He was the one who died last year last year. I'm on the fence about that because I feel like what about that he died last year or been a bit direct special guest. Check on get my Ouija board. And it's the bit where, for me, you're employing actors right actors act that's what they do. If they are not able to elicit the reactions you require then get another actor that can't. They're fucking ever loving but Jesus out of them by firing a gun next to their head. There's one thing for me, he could, you know, he could have killed him he genuinely could have killed him. It was, you know, but the freakin, but the freakin he would have turned around and went, but I didn't. I know that's the kind of attitude you would have gotten from him but I didn't. It's the dietiticalness of it as well is the fact that yes, you made a fantastic film. Yes, it's one of the very few horror movies to ever get Oscar nominations. And we're not just talking about Oscar nominations we're talking about supporting actress lead actress supporting actor you know we're going for the big big news ones. And, you know, there was all that controversy anywhere Linda Blair because it wasn't her voice it was the other ladies voice that Mercedes lady. When they found out she hadn't wholly played the part she shouldn't have actually been nominated because it you're only supposed to be nominated if you play the part as a whole. But yeah so there was that whole thing so she never won that year due to that but they think that she would have won had that not happened. Yeah, that is a lot of shit because that little girl and I want to class her as a little girl because that's what she was at the time of making this film. She, she, you may not be able to hear her, but she said them fucking words. She didn't know what she was kind of saying, but she still said every single word that was on that script that is how you get the voice and the mouth movement as good as you do is because Linda Blair is seeing it. There's a lot of things Linda Blair did in this film that she didn't quite understand what she was doing, but she, but she did the makeup of it. And so when Reagan's gone through a whole lot of them hospital appointments to the point where we eventually get the possession starting to appear at home and the transformation of. It's a young man's face and to where it's. Oh gosh, how would best to describe it. The exorcist as we know it basically the faces we know. I mean you're staring right at me in 3d vision right here so. Yeah so we start to see that now Linda went through so many different transformations with the face alone. First being contact lenses can you remember when we're talking about Lon Chaney what is it that he used for the white lenses again. That's it didn't do that for Linda on this one but they did say the word that was probably the comfortable the most comfortable lenses she had on was the white ones, because they were quite lubricant. And then I was thinking, what does Lon Chaney use for his eyes. And I was I think myself was it eggshells was getting awesome actions. Something to do with egg whites and he practically blind himself with it, like make kind of like a gel out of them and yeah, he was batshit crazy. But a fucking genius. Yeah yeah don't try it at home or kids not advised. And so yeah the contact lenses as much as everyone I think was just contact lenses she had to sit and never. Well she had a reaction to them as well like she did not get on with the contact lenses at all so I think they had to use some sort of numbing drops on her eyes. Yeah. In order to wear the lenses. So she would immediately see a goddamn thing. Wow. And then you've obviously got the actual make up itself. That's on her face and as we have talked about countless amount of times. The piss on with makeup. We love it. It makes films work but the actors really do suffer for the art when it comes down to them. This is heavy makeup, heavy duty makeup as well. There is cuts there is creases there is a lot of molding done in it as well because it completely. The shape of Linda Blair's face just completely changes with the makeup that's on it. And the movement with the spinning head. Yeah the 360 thing. So that's a doll. It doesn't initially start as a doll. It starts as I think it starts as Ellen. And then it changes into Regan. And then it turns into the doll. And as it spins round in the first moment you get of when it comes back around again that's the doll. But then it changes back to Regan again. There's such a moment with this, because you can tell clearly that the doll is staring right at you when the head spins background again that is not a noble human being. If it is. Fuck me. And that doll. I always remember this from a documentary from years ago. That doll was as a tester was taken out and put into a New York cab and just to the cab driver was told to drive around. And the which is occasionally the doll's head would turn and look out the window. And then they would get an indication from the drivers next to them what their reaction was like. And that's how they tested the doll to make sure it was effective. Oh, thank you. I know Dick did a thing with the help me on the stomach that one of them really interested. Yeah. He basically made a latex section of Reagan's stomach that he molded off of her and he some he wrote the words help me on a stomach. And then there was a chemical reaction because he used clean and fluid onto the latex. Like a bubble and then it pushed it up. It pushed it up. But the way they shot it was in reverse for the film. Yeah. So it sort of made this look like scar kind of thing happened like she was coming out from inside. And he, yeah, he basically did something with that and then created more when he realized that worked he had hair dryers going over. What you don't see is the four people that are holding hair over the top of that scene, you know, trying to get the reaction to come up but they used it with like some of the blisters and the pulsating things she had on her face as well. So, Linda's having clean and fluid put on her face. At some point. I mean, I, we love Dick, but yes, you can crop that for a sound bite. I've been careful in what I've seen. I'm not, I'm not in today. We love Dick Smith, and he hasn't just cut off after the Smith part. Not any worse than what I said on Sunday when I said Lee left at Lee size hall in my heart and everyone that everyone didn't hear the heart. But I don't think actually said hard I just said Lee left in Lee size hall. He's not that big. He is a giant but he in 714. Look at what he's talking to me. That is true. And so there's a bit in the film that I mentioned earlier that I felt needed to be a bit more fleshed out and I want your opinions on it. But it's just before all this kicks off before it's, it's where Chris is starting to realize it. Maybe there's something really seriously wrong with Regan and maybe it's because she's killed one of her friends. The, the death of Burke Denings. What really annoys me about this movie is that you don't really get to see Burke before he dies. You only get to see the aftermath Chris actually walks past him when he's dead on the ground because there's a lot of people surrounding him she doesn't I mean, and, and for Chris, she wouldn't look. But it's a great frame of mind she just wants to get home her child sick, but we as an audience don't even know that burgers being in the house. No. So you get the story that you get the detective coming to the door and saying, did you know, birthday instead, she goes on all ridiculous and dramatic, and then her baby or nanny turns around and says, birth was in the house. I stayed here while I had to go and tend to something for Regan. And then the next thing we know he's fallen down the stairs and he's died when a natural fact he was pushed out of the window with his neck turned all the way around and hit the bottom of the deck. But we never see Burke in the house. We never see him there we never have any indication that he's been there and I've just, for me it's just it feels like shitty editing that you've gone from. Someone's dead on the ground to them finding out Burke's dead, and then possibly Regan kicked him out the window there's no indication of any of that happening in that part. And say audience to put two and two together in the head, you literally have to have it spelled out to you, don't you? Yes, thank you, and said I was like, well maybe you've just got to like use your imagination and I won't, I totally get some parts of movies that you do have to use your own imagination. However, he, there's no indication he was actually ever there for us, maybe for them, but we don't see that. So that part really, really annoys us is Burke Denon's death. Because I feel like if this is, if this is the start of the evil that is implanted into Regan, why aren't we fleshing out what what she can do. Before she has even gone fully fledged fucking demonized. How capable she is. Exactly. Oh, so glad to feel the people on my side. When I watch this film, I always feel like I've missed something at that part though it always sort of takes me out and I'm like, Oh, hang on, did I miss that bit, you know. Like you say, the only time it's alluded to that he was ever in the house is by the PA. Yeah, the poor guy for lady that works with Chris, the PA. That's the one. And, and, Oh, I left, I left her with him quickly because I had to learn to it. Okay, well, he's hardly someone I'd leave my child with firstly. Well, that's what Anne said he was saying. Yeah, a lot of choices, but you don't even get to see any of that. You don't know any of that's happened and I just, I feel like it's such a missed opportunity and probably something that is a bit more fleshed out in the book. And I remember reading something about when William was writing it. He didn't want Burke to die in his head, Burke was living and there was nothing, you know, but as he was writing it and going on and he actually had to stop himself and go. I'm going to kill Burke then and stuff here. That's how much he was in this book was that he was literally writing the person as a point of view and was like, Oh my God, he's got to die. It's going to be now. And if that's so pivotal pivotal for him as a writer, how is that for a viewer not to be involved in. Yeah. Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one. It really annoyed us because and I thought of myself last night I'm going to purposely peer very close attention to around the death of Burke Dennins because I want to see what the fuck's going on. And when I realized I haven't missed anything. It's just how the film is. I was quite relieved in myself because I know what my memories like, and I'm like, Oh, you did remember it's okay. Um, so once we have, I mean we have the whole famous crucifix scene. I don't particularly want to go into which because it makes me stomach feel a bit a little bit crazy. And I don't particularly want to see a words that would make me want to blush. All I will say is that that scene, as we all know, was pure shop tactics. That's, you know, it was fingers up at the church. That's what that was. That was, it was. What is the most vile thing we can do without taking it to a sexual, even though it kind of is, it's, it's different. It's not. It's brutal is what a fucking is, I think, for me, you hear a lot of people call it the, the cross masturbation scene and it's like, that's not what it is. There is no, it's mutilation more than masturbation. Yeah, exactly. It's more violent than it is enjoyable because she's unaware of what's going on. You know, in possessions, they technically say that they're in there somewhere and they're watching they're just a spectator of what's happening so her body's been violated in a horrific manner in a brutal way by her own hands. And it's, they, they all said, because it was a crucifix, obviously, that was a thing everybody focused on for the, for the issues, you know, for the reasons why you shouldn't watch this film because it was blasphemous and bloody blah, blah, blah. If there was such things as heaven and hell. Now, if there is, that's fine. If that's what you believe also that's fine. If there are such things as that. Do you not think that they would do something that was the most sacrilegious use of ideology. Yeah, of course they will, of course they're going to call something like that they're going to do something that would make you feel violently sick without questioning everything I mean she's a 12 year old child. And it is, even if, you know, putting it into real perspective, take it away in the movie. I get why they did it. I don't necessarily like it, but it has its place in the film. It has its place. It's the thing that makes you go. She's completely gone now. We're left with something different. We're left with this. We're left with someone who left with a girl who was claiming that the devil. Where in mind, she says the devil is possessing her. And that's what everyone thinks. And a Keras comes into, because the one in exorcism done. What we should really see is a Keras is a psychologist, as well as these priests. So he really tries to fight the whole mental health versus possession. And this is what I love about possession movies is the question and Emily Rose is exactly the same. I know it's not everyone's favorite, but the exorcism with with their Russell crew. There is a lot of talk in the beginning part about the difference between mental health and possession because let's be honest, a lot of exorcisms have been done on the basis of people who have severe mental health. I love the question and being brought into it to where it's all other possibilities. It's all everything's being taken off the table. It's, it's, it's as clear as day. This is a possession. And the minute you say, yeah, you go, yeah, that's mental health can't do that. It's as much as it will try. It cannot make you look like that. And the bit I like about it is when she's first talking to caris caris is in the rain. And she opens the drawer. But they've telekinesis powers and he just sits there again. And then she says what I said earlier about it being a vulgar display of power. And if that was the devil, the devil would be bloody ripping the roof off the house. I imagine. So it's just like there's no way to contain it. But I feel like caris knew that he wasn't dealing with the devil himself. He knew he was dealing with something. And at that point, I love the fact that when the drawer opened, he didn't jump out of his skin. He wasn't like, no, this is real. And I was like, again, prove me wrong. I could have been a flute. Yeah, you know, he was very practically minded about it. And I think that I appreciated more than him calling, you know, falling off his stool and disbelief. You know, like I would do it again, do it again. But this is where he performed. This is where he performs his is for like task to see if it fits an excess is imagine if that's the right way of saying it. And it's really water because it's just water, as is Jodie said water. And yeah, guess the guess the water on her and but she then starts talking in tongues. And very cleverly how they did this is a mixture of Linda Blair's voice, frequent voice, everyone's voice is all amalgamated into this. But the words that you can quite clearly hear is Marin father, Marin. And I think. I know that they played a lot of it as well to make it sound like it was a language that wasn't a language, but I can't imagine a 12 year 14 year old learning Aramaic, you know, something that I would think would be taught in school. You, you, you're asking her to say this, you know, see you next Tuesday word. That's, that's Leslie, do you know what I mean, that's not, that's all for the other languages on the run. And, but when he takes it to a specialist, he says it is an actual language, it's English and obviously when they play it back, it's the words father Marin comes in, and this is, I think that's the, the moment when the exorcism is granted is because Marin's name is brought up the marin has a history of performance and exorcism before. So it would, in the church's head would make sense that Marin, you know, she doesn't know anything about Marin. You can go ahead and do it. And this is where you get the very famous scene. I don't know if you can see on audio because I generally don't know what's cropped in and what's cropped out, but I have the movie poster here. I also have him right here on my mouse, the most famous scene of maximum sound and walking up to the house. It's a beautiful, it's cinematography in the world of cinematography. It was a painting or a photo that already existed and freaking or blackie I can't remember which William it was it was one of them saw it, and they just was so taken aback with how the theory like haunting it was like so simple, it was just stunning. So the man with, I mean, in every version that you will see that is not on the screen the light is beaming out of Regan's room but in the movie it's just to ever so slightly hitting him as he gets out of the car. And instantly my mind does not go to this movie. Of course it's scary movie too. And I think James Woods is about to walk into the house. And it does the same thing when the parties happening and all because when the piano starts to play, I think they're about to start breaking out with shake your ass. Yeah, what they're looking with. Also the woman who's in scary movie too whose players Chris is a little girl from the birds have that and she's also, she's also in which is a research as well. But yeah, and I always think of James Woods is going to walk through the door. And also I'm Liam. Leslie Nelson. Yeah. And then was it repossessed repossessed repossessed. Yeah. Level in a blue dress blue dress blue dress devil with a blue dress on. The bit with James Woods though at the beginning where he's straining and he's taking a dump. I just thought it was like, it's when she spews up and it's nittationally only isn't it. Yeah. And it's when she spews up and he goes fuck this. It's all I can, I just am waiting for Marin to see it but obviously Marin being so stoic as he is that's not going to come out of his mouth. He didn't even like it when Linda Blair was swearing he had to actually, he said cut. When Linda's play starts doing the aim, you know the six clocks in hell max one sound and turn around and went, cut, cut, Billy cut as an ad you can't do that. And he went, I don't, you went, I don't like that. And he was going, you're going to have to get used to it. This is how she talks and he's like, Oh, and you because he was very max was actually probably the most religious out of everyone on set. And so this was, this was very personal to him. And so to hear a little girl senior with the six clocks in hell or you know this sort of socks in hell, dying socks in hell, however you want to say I'm trying to be nice cuz I was here and like not sure how filthy I actually, I think I'm the only personal I have I have said it once, have I've said it on a Sunday or once I've said the word can't fall. I'm sure it's like a four stop to me I say pretty much most days so the fact that I am on my best behavior when I'm recording this. It's more effort than I can. I know that feeling. I mean, to be honest with you, I don't really care it's not really an issue if we say it or not it's only if we say it in the first like minute or so isn't it? Yeah, yeah, I think that's, I think that goes for all swearing the words like within the first few minutes just as long as it's clean we're monetized. But yeah, I mean, to be honest swearing in my in my house is just it's second nature even in front of my parents is one of my most favorite words, and we were we were brought up that swearing isn't its language. So if it's used in the right context and it's not used to fill a sentence, then there's no harm in saying it, but when you start frequently using it like I do here because my dad always says I am foul mouth when I'm on me podcast. I'm no better when I'm there so. And it's just like I say it's we were always brought up but it's just language. I think in 1973 to a 44 year old man who had lived through at that point he would have been in his early teens maybe twenties when the war hit, you know, we were a man of certain manners certain disposition. So I can see why he would find it offensive, you know I can see by anyone did it is it's language that was not used in public. Especially not my 12 year old kid I mean, I think you found the street in some chat. But I think it was a shock, this is you know this isn't his world and children don't speak like this and, but he did he said, that's William. I can't I can't take this no more and he got over it though because he does he this performance of everyone in that room was unbelievable. Um, we get we do get him, Marin die halfway through the exorcism and the power of Christ did not compel him because he died, he died. I have issues with this bit. You knew he wasn't well because you see the exposition in the beginning bits where you seem to take a heart pill he gets a bit more bleed like that. Before we came in, you think, but you're going into this that you have a feeling it might be his swan song, you know, but it's just the way that nothing really happens he just goes to sleep. He's the opening character he's the build up he's the one that this demon is supposed to be afraid of and he just falls asleep and I'm like, okay, no supernatural. Levitations or, or, or, or delusions or, of all the things that these demons that could do, they didn't do a single damn thing to him really just create cells. I feel like Marin's had a relationship with Pazooza longer than what we have been led to believe I think this is their final battle. And that's how that's the impression I got given the, the dig at the beginning. There's obviously something there, especially if Marin is being brought forward. And this is where this was them, it was actually Max's idea to ask for and Reagan's middle name, because the devil doesn't like to be familiarized. And so, the m there's little, little bits like that I'm trying to think because my brain's kind of mush, you can tell the start to get it was certain time. For me, it was just the way he sort of sat there at the corner of the bed and looked like he was praying and then he was dead. I mean, he would have been an icicle, wouldn't he? Let's be honest that that room was 30 degrees. So it was something in science had four refrigerators in it. Yeah, William, freaking went all crazy with the temperature in that room. But again, as he said, if you're making this movie now, you'd be able to do it without having to put any one at risk because you would have a computer who would be able to do the breath where the icy breath coming out, he went, I didn't, I had to improvise. But you can always tell that's like, right, but it's going to say, but it'd be as good, though. No, no, I wouldn't. And I mean, if they were all new what they were going into to a degree that I suppose it's fine. Exactly. It was, it was just a way that sort of Paris comes up and he sort of picks him up and he's like, oh, he's dead, he's done. I could have jumped to. Yeah. But there's such a, there's such a big thing of good versus evil going on with the leading up to it because obviously you've got the power of Christ compels you and all I can hear in my head is join a hell go and does it, does it, and so many things have been taken from this movie, but then the whole bed rise and scene, which is just, oh, it's absolutely beautiful. And the, the still the still shot of Reagan being broken out of the shackles that she has shackles is at the right word restraints. She does the big, like stretch and you've got the pazooza. Oh my god, that looks absolutely fucking stunning. And then you've got Marin dying. The best part about this all scene. All of it from the minute Marin and Paris walk into that room is when she is out of her Australians sitting at the end of the bed with her hands up like this. And she's just looking at them like a normal fucking person. It is the most creepiest yet beautiful thing in the world. It's, it's unsettling to watch her sitting at the end of the bed and just looking all nonchalant and like, what's going on here. He's dead and like giggling away and oh, it's creepy. Some of the first expressions that Linda Blair pulls out though, is already, especially the, the, she does that so well. She's a child, doesn't it? Like her face being so child like, mixed with that horrific makeup is too uncanny for your brain to process it's just, it's almost like a puppet. It's almost like she's gone all like cartoony she muppety style and she's like, oh, but you've got a catch at doing it though, because your eyes not meant to be on her, you're meant to be watching everything else around you and you're not, you're missing out on some great initial expressions from her when she's reacting to them performing this exorcism around her. So once Marin dies, Cara starts to take over and Karen, Cara grabs her and starts shaking and saying, take me, take me, they fucking does. But this is where the good versus evil has a real battle with a mind, because Cara's kinder accepts them in, shoots them back out, and then dives out the window. Take that as you will. He died with him in him. I thought he died with him in him. His eyes change though, because his eyes go from his to the contacts to his again and then he dreams out the window. I thought it was just taking control of the fact that the demon was in him, and he was making it could be. He was making it sure that the demon you can throw by jumping out of the window. It was just by interpretation of before when I looked at it was like it was having like a power like a fight, but you're right, it could be a case of that he's trapped in there to like for one, but it's a demon who's managed to spiritually possess your body, you chucking yourself out the window. Shouldn't really affect that, because it's still going to be fucking lingering. Help me out here, am I being silly. That movie with Denzel Washington time is on your side. Yes it is. And it was a and. Oh, it was transferred by touch with them. Yeah, like every time someone walked past the is there or jumping to someone else, and then they all they had to do is brush or touch or how come blank on the name on it of it. I love that film and it had John Goodman in it as well. And he was a policeman and Denzel Washington. And to me that's how I can sort of see a possession happening. It's just as easy as walking past someone and. Yeah, they, you know, just a little bit of skin on skin contact and boom, it's inside you if you're not, if you're unaware, you're not going to be able to fight. Do you know how many things he's been in? I'm going through a filmography and it just all sorts of them. And I know exactly what you mean, or the minute you said the name. But yeah, do you think that him just jumping out of a window breaks this curse ends this this demon possession or just pazooza just go fuck this I'm going back. No. You're all seem to be looking for the Denzel movie, aren't you? I don't know is my genuine answer to that because I feel like, um, I feel like if. How did it get into Reagan in the first place it had to have been through Captain Howdy, right? Yeah. So the opponent of the Ouija board because the Ouija board is a gateway as my mother keeps pointing out to me when she sees mine. It's a gateway. And if you don't close that gateway, you leave it open to the possibility of something lingering about. Watch which board it explains it really well. Because they say don't they suppose a Ouija board down you have to say goodbye bla bla bla bla to ask them. Well, supposedly it depends I mean, probably everyone I'll have a different answer for it, but you meant to ask permission to go. And then say goodbye. It would have been so funny if you hadn't never gone and checked your forward. And then just halfway through like when we're finishing off gone fallen. But yeah, it the for me. It had to have gone somewhere, but then I suppose we wouldn't be privy to that because they were they were hard. I'm not I didn't watch it because I don't want to put myself through it but the excess to know it sort of. It stays with Linda in a way. It stays with Regan, doesn't it? You know, like watch it. It's it's it's a watchable. She's a teenager in her early twenties in that film and she's gone through some kind of psychotherapy and that's as far as I got. Yeah, once and never again. I don't think that's quite good though. Which one was the third one? Not believers. No. That was the new one. The third one is the one where it's the famous scene in the hospital where it's a really long shot and there's a nurse that's going from door to door. She keeps keeps hearing a noise and she's going from room to room and it's dead boring. It goes on for a good couple of minutes and you kind of get relaxed into it just watching this nurse and then jump scare moment. The camera zooms in on her as she's crossing the hallway and there's someone with a bed sheet over their heads with like. Is this the meme with the. Yeah, horrendous. That sounds familiar. I might have actually seen that now. I feel like I might have seen that. Number three is not bad. Yeah, I've heard it's got the same kind of them. Crassman shift as the first one. It's the try in. Was this one all based in the hospital roughly? Yeah. Yeah, I think I have seen it then. Oh, I probably haven't thought it was Halloween too. But yeah, it's like believer, which was. Can I prove my case and point here? Who made believer? What film company? I don't want. Made that film. I'm with you. I'll try and defend them, but when the break. So when I first initially watched it, I was like, Oh, God. Because you're very much blinded by the fact that Ellen Bernstein's in this movie. And again, it's another one of those. Jamie Lee Curtis moments with Halloween and what they try to do. I kind of get in a Texas chance or again. And what they did. Yeah, yeah. Oh, God, legend, legend actor coming on. And I am kind of blown away by that. I actually liked the position side of it. But apart from that, it was a little bit lackluster. I haven't gone back and watched it again. After like thinking about it, I was like, yeah, I can kind of see everyone's point on it. Was it needed? No, I'm quite happy to see what he does with it. Yeah, I mean, that is something I'd be interested in watching for 100%. Because he's one of these people who I wouldn't necessarily say he saw what. Gligai Ryan, what's his name, did with American Horror Story? Murphy. That's it. American Horror Story. The first three or four were genius works of art that nobody had seen on TV. It died off like I can't even bear to watch the last two or three that have come out. I can't. I can't do it. But the first one really hit me massively because it was so different to anything we'd seen as a TV series. So Mike Flanagan, I feel whether he was influenced by that or not. I don't know. But I feel like there was an element of he took the idea of a horror movie and being able to turn it into many, many parts. But doing it in a way that it's more good up for adults and not young. Yeah. Late teens at early twenties because that's what they're more like now through the horror story, American horror stories. But this Mike Flanagan has a way of making something so horrific and suspenseful at the same time as you empathize in with the villains and the bad characters and the just. And he, I think the reason why I'm like comparing him to Ryan is because they use the same cast members. Mike loves to use his. Yeah. And there's a difference all with them certain people using their wives in all their movies. She can actually act. I love them. What's the name? Kitty? Kitty Segal? Kitty Segal? Yeah, absolutely love that. Ryan Murphy. Cannot write an ending to a TV show. And it's been evident since the second episode of the second series of American horror story. Even Colin, which is one of my favorites, cannot write a fucking and he has a brilliant start, a met middle and an unwatchable end. He has been like that for God knows how long. The only one I can get away with from and I literally have to watch it for one character alone is hotel. And if I can watch Elizabeth Taylor from the from the beginning to the end, I ball my eyes out every, every single time it is one of the most beautiful stories. Mike can do horror. Beautiful from start to end. I know it was a need to watch it again. And obviously he'd like written the script around the post story, but that was, again, unlike anything you've seen executed in such a way that was intelligent. That's the issue. We get Blumhouse, which is a quick, fast, and for your back horror, which doesn't have much storyline doesn't have much content, loads of blood, chips and colors. There's always a stalker and there's always a final girl and blah, blah, you know, boy in standard, it doesn't matter what kind of Blumhouse movie you have, the formula for every movie is roughly the same. But what I love about Mike stuff is it's intelligent, you have to think it's not exceptionally cerebral, you're not sitting there going, what did I just see this is, you know, you're going, oh, right, okay, so that's connected. And the fact that I love Ruth Codd as well Ruth Codd is an underrated actress, and she's freaking hilarious something. Oh, Sydney, you know what, it's watching the telly. What is, what is the one with the priest again what's that one called black mass. Midnight mass. It took me a really, really long time to watch that because it was the whole cat scene. I can't do it. I haven't done it yet and then a cage because I got bored, and I messaged Sammy and I went, fuck me, you need to watch this. I was like, it's a cat all right, you went no, but you'll get over it. It's fine. It's not that bad. I was like, all right, okay. So I did it. And I remember messaging her halfway through going, where's Eddie spaghetti at. I genuinely thought the main guy was what's he called from it. James Ransom. Yeah, I thought it was James when I was waiting for him to come on, I was like, well, where is he? And it's like, it's not him. It's a completely different actor. But that is, I remember listening to somebody review it and say that they are, they were actually one with peace with death. Once they've watched and I totally understood what they meant by the end of it. That is some of the most beautifully heartbreaking. Oh, just gorgeous dialogue. I've got a question for both of you, and I'll go to Zara first. What is your favorite part of the exist, like, as a man of the whole, and who is your favorite character. So there is a scene, and I can't remember if it's in the extended cut or if it's in the normal cut. But it's Keras and Marin, and they're talking about why Reagan, like why this little girl, why has this happened. And I think it might be in the extended cut, and they're just in shock at what they've just seen. And Marin says something along the lines of, I think the point is to make us completely despair. It's to make us seem animal and ugly, a rejection of humanity, the rejection that God could ever possibly love us. And he says that that's the reason why Reagan gets possessed. And I just really like that. That's probably one of my favorite scenes, and it's not one of the shock horror scenes. I love a lot of the shock horror scenes. I love all the possession scenes. I love practical effects. So, but I just love that little moment between the two of them. And then what was your other question? Who's your favorite character? I love Reagan because of the fact that she gets possessed, and because Linda Blair is so young, and as far as child actors go, she's incredible. I think Caris might be my favorite. I love the fact that he sits on both sides of the fence, being a psychologist, but also being a priest. Also having this stuff going on at home with his mother, Reagan, when she's possessed, does the voice of his mother, does the voice of the homeless guy. You know, can you help a poor altar boy out and just, it's his turmoil that we see through a lot of it. And I just think he's a really likable character. And I think the audience kind of sits behind Caris. Yeah. And character wise, I have to agree with Zara. Absolutely, Caris is, he is the, he is the man you are watching go through the turmoil, the reason why another reason, but the, the, the, I can't describe it properly. I want to be the one because I'm going to end embarrassing myself by saying why I don't exist. And I really love Crystal, Chris nail. I absolutely adorn and I'm not talking just Ellen Bernstein's performance of a, I know it's over the top and dramatic but I like my, my dearest, and I love over the time. I mean, I, I desire one day to be as batch of crazy as drunk profit. Do you know what I mean? So I kind of, I'm on that level when it comes down to the drama. But as a character, how she fights for her, how she constant like one, one doctor's opinion was not enough that she had a whole fucking room full of them. And she fought them every step she cut. And she even, when she's talking with Caris, she's still fighting for adults. She's constant. She's the only one who's kind apart from when the priests get involved is on our side. And it's, it's shown mother's love to such a degree of, of beautifulness. I use that word quite a bit. My favorite scene. Um, for Christ, probably is Reagan sitting at the bottom of the bed. Just smiling. Literally just, she's just chilling. She is just, it's just, there's nothing. There's nothing. She's done the little giggle. She's looking over to see what's going on. Like Maris, it's the normality of it. It's so fucking creepy that the, that Reagan's just like, hey, what's happening here? It's going on here. The way she giggles as well. And she's like, so childlike and putting her hands up to her mouth. But it's when she kind of, it's, but after she's done that moment, she's just looking down and she's just, it looks surreal. It's so surreal that this, this demon is sad at the end of the bed going. Hey, I just, I love it. It's, I could not wait for it to come on me big tally last night. The last night, night four. Can't remember when I watched it. I was like, I was in night four. I wish interview the vampire last night. Um, I have a hypothesis right about this film. And it's not popular. I do get, I get completely ripped for this on quite a lot of occasions. But this film is called The Exorcist. You see the image of the, the, you know, um, I just got blank, which is not said his name. Merrin. Merrin. Oh my God. Can tell it's getting late. You see the image of Merrin. And so the film you think is about Merrin. For me, this film is about Regan. It isn't about Merrin. The Exorcist is Fr. Carols. Yes. This whole film is about him. Samian's movie. It's not Regan's. It's not. Um, Merrin's. This is literally all about Damian. The loss of his mother, the loss of his faith, the ability to be able to keep up with an Exorcist in the, in regards to having and doing an actual Exorcism versus him being a psychologist, knowing that he has no other choice than to take the demon and kill himself. Yeah. He does it in such a split second, because he knows that he's got nothing to live for left. Well, he feels like he's got nothing to live for left. So this to me is a story. The Exorcist is carrots. It's not, it's not Merrin. So, I agree. I think that's how I've always seen this film and I've got shot down for it on a lot of occasions. I'm like, why didn't they use carrots in the image. Because, because it's not fucking iconic does it look like a little tiny boxer. So, it was by five for Christ. Look, Max Mancedon is a man of stature. It makes sense. And it's just an image. It's not the story. And I think you two have got an absolutely spot on that Merrin is front and center. I'm barely talking about the best of times. And if you were to remake this film today, and I'm not talking about doing it in exactly the same way like how Billy did it. Yeah, would you cast. Would you cast any of the parts different with today's actors that you know are around today. No. No, no, that's spring to mind. No. Couldn't see anyone else. Don't want to see anyone else. Don't ever want to see them retouch, redo, repurpose, whatever they want to call it to this movie ever again. There's no need. It's being done. The, the, this, there's a reason this movie is so perfect for people. No, I can't, I generally can't see. I couldn't picture anyone. No. Good question, but no, Sarah. No, I'm trying to think of like, especially for Regan's character, like child actors in particular that I've been particularly impressed with in recent years. How he grays later and curry, but, and I'm a little besslin. They're the kids that I feel like will be lined up for the part, whether they would get it or not. I don't know Emma Roberts for some reason springs to mind. She shouldn't. She shouldn't, but she does. The only person I can think of who I was really, really impressed with, and it is another kind of satanic possession film was late night with the devil. The girl that is in there, I found her particularly that smile, unhinged. Yeah, just the way that she tilts her head. I really liked her in that. As a good possession movie, that is something for the list. Have we got any more facts, figures? What do you call it's to do with the exesist? Not really. I mean, I'm, I'm intrigued because, sorry, you talk about a lot of horror movies, obviously, on your socials. Would you, what would you say was your as of today? Obviously, if this is number one, what's your second and third? Top horror films. In any genre, you can genre fight or you can like, whittle it down to just ever, you know, whatever works for you. So, if I was, if I was going to go for my letterboxed for, yeah, off the top of my head, I think they are exist is number one. I think Jaws might be my number two. Love it forever. Um, mid-summer. I know a lot of people hate it. I like a little bit of very, I like a little bit of very as to so I don't like it. Um, similar, similar line, the witch or the vervitch, as my husband calls it. I've never seen it. I do keep meaning to go and put it on because I've heard it's fantastic. Yeah, I do like to live deliciously. Yes. I think they, I think they would be my fault, but I, I love film in general. I guess they happen to talk an awful lot about horror films. I don't post online about non horror films. Um, but yeah, they'd be my top four, I think. Oh, what's your all time favorite monster? Oh. And I'm not just talking universe, so I'm talking across the board. Any kind of monster you can think of. Oh. Um, it would be a Frankenstein's monster. Or it would be, um, they let go. They let go shame. I got him on my arm as well. Like Dracula. They, they'd be my two. I do love. Oh. Off the parry is. My creature. Just just for audio viewers, the flash and the tats at each other, the monster tattoos. And I don't know. Good month. I don't have a monster tattoo yet. But, um, yeah. Uh, what's your summit? Yours is. Yeah. Well, it changes from what I don't know, whatever mood. I mean, it's either, it's always going to be creature creature was our first ever episode. There was a reason creature was our first ever episode is because it's, it's a little love. I don't know all of them. I do have a, I just can't see, but I do have a creature section dedicated right the way up the top here. Um, and then we'll go with. War Larry, Larry, the lurcher, Larry, the lurker even, and then, but then we go, the kill count King himself, Lord Rains. Did you know he killed 123 people in one movie? I've listened to the episode. Yeah, I was, I was very impressed. Did you notice though that it kept changing every time we mentioned this? Yep. It was in the hundreds, though. So it's fine. It was, it was how you want film one film. Listen, right? Yeah. She was an actual genuine born of my listener. And it's not my kel. Oh, my. Can you think of a movie recommendation of something you've seen in the last couple of months, the new must you feel like more people should see. The most recent that springs to mind is long legs, and I know that it's really divisive. I know that it's. It goes down this horrible route that Jaws goes down and is it a horror though? Look, I think it's a horror. I think it's psychological horror. I think it's like crime thriller horror. I think just out of curiosity, go see it. Cause it's slightly butt shit. Cages in it. And I would marry Nick Cage in a heartbeat. I have a Nick Cage tattoo on my back. His collar. So when I moved my shoulder, his hair blows in the way. I'm very jealous right now. I don't think I've ever been more jealous of a tattoo. The fact you've got this collar and Nick Cage. It was like, it was a movie that I used to watch every night. I had it on VHS. And you know those TVs that had the inbuilt VHS. Yeah. And it would just remind itself. And then I'd wake up, play it, and go to sleep with listening to it. So I know every word, word for word. As it goes. And even now when it comes on TV. Yeah, I've got it on DVD. It's a regular watch that and face off. Oh, I like it. So have you seen something recently that you feel like everybody should see? Yeah. I'm still catching up on the year, the year old is the year old. I'll tell you what I am watching at the moment, though. In a view, the vampire, as I mentioned earlier, I started the TV show last night. And I did fall asleep during the second episode, admittedly. But I had had a shit day at work so that the shit in general, should I say, I didn't mind it. I am a big, I am a big and rice fun. I have read an interview with the vampire. I've actually read the majority of the vampire chronicles. And she got the TV show got a few things right that the movie didn't as the book kind of represents them. It's a it's a it's a it's a nice spin on it. It's a. I am not mountainous. But again, I'm only one ever sawed in, but I ain't I ain't minding the fact that Greer Worm is now not becoming Greer Worm. Because he was a dick. You should have died. But hey, I didn't write Game of Thrones. I got one last question. If you could choose one genre of horror movies slasher psychological possession, you know, sub genres you get. Yeah. Which would you say was your either go to or most favorite kind of sub genre. Okay. You got to answer this one too though. Oh god. Okay. And I like a psychological horror. And I also like torture porn. I love hostile. There's something about hostile with the first one that when it came out was so visceral. It was so. I don't know. I think it was just so out there and there was like nothing was off the table. It was all very much like it could possibly happen. You could travel to a country they could steal your passport and next thing you know you wake up and you're being. Bet on for money for people to kill you, you know, it's been that rumor that has been around for God knows how many years that this is a thing that could happen. Oh, don't go there that might happen. So it's something about those, that kind of genre of me. You know, the gour porn thing it's it's very. It's kind of really in a way. It's exaggerated, but I like that. I like psychological because sometimes I like a movie to stay with me after I've watched it. Yeah, because I think if it stays with me, then it was good because I was so much so much so many movies. I watch so much horror I watch so much everything. If something has the ability to keep my brain working after it's finished then they've done their job right to me. Yeah, I get that. I am partial to a girl slasher at the same time as well. So I make up my mind 100% but that's my scale goes all the time but that's where I'm sort of at with mine so. And I'd like a love religious horror so put that to one side, I think probably found footage would be my next one. So started off with like which paranormal activity films I've seen them all. Rec, Hellhouse LLC, grave encounters, anything like that. Have the Kipsey tapes. Yes, I have. That's a weird footage. The chess like anything like that I love and found footage and I think it is because it's so close to reality like it puts you in that frame of mind. I also love Jay horror. So, original ring, duon, dark water. When I had COVID a couple of weeks ago, I watched the original ring, the original grudge, the original dark water and then I straight after I've watched all three of the American remakes and I love the American remakes. They are as much as the Japanese ones, they are such a good remake because they are not. It's not at all the doing is is translating something into Western. And so it's not a that the person I tried out do the literally just trying to make what what some people find difficult with Jay horror into a Westernized version of it. Jennifer Connolly wasn't it in dark water. No. Jessica Alba. Jessica Alba. Yeah, no, I'm thinking of something else but yeah, dark water. Yes, I've seen that one. Yeah, that's the one that's associated with Elise Lambert. No, I'm not going to get into that. Otherwise we're going down a fucking rabbit hole. Yeah, that'll last a fucking lifetime that one. I am exactly the same I'm a found for the chara person and but I can mix up that anthology horror as well and love anthology horror but I feel that's a bit of a cop out answer because it can cover all different varieties of horror so I could get away with anything. Found footage horror is one of my favorites VHS series is amazing but again that is still almost in the anthology era as well as found footage because it's all different stories amalgamated into link together and but I did play which project was where I kicked it off for us. There's a couple I've seen a couple of indie ones I've seen that I can't remember me and I went through a stage of going through found hottage and there was one where it was literally we stayed with a couple in a tent all night. And it was some of the creepiest shit when nothing is happening. Everything is happening in your head. It's fucking bizarre so yeah found footage anthology horror and he doesn't fucking love us and who doesn't love the golden all the ones either ABC's of death is a good anthology one love ABC's. Interesting and ABC's of death to the fact that you get now are we talking about actual death or is this. It's an anthology so there's like they're about two or three minutes aren't they each ABC and they're like each one has been shot and made is literally the alphabet. Oh my gosh okay ABC's of death to the director for the letter B is is it Julian Barrett from the mighty Bush yeah and he does death by badger. I am a bush fan who doesn't love the bush oh my gosh why have I never heard this. Okay that's something to watch all the weekend oh actually it's not I'm going to a quiz. Have you ever been to a club with people we on you. No but I don't know either. Oh my god that's that is our episode. The exorcist will end with it possessed at the end ended with Dan asking you a very serious question. Let's see what the comments say when we've got it live on Monday shall we. No I won't be changing it. Well thank you so much for joining us are just honestly it generally just felt like it was just an episode with like the normal episodes are as just they're just joined like she's always been. Getting in the background. All that Yorkshire lasses are yeah. Good next week what's next week. Say it thrice. I know it's five times isn't it Candyman. Yes bloody Mary's return Candyman's five times. We're doing Candyman because Dan just give it away. Yeah next week we're going back to double feature and we're doing the original Candyman and we're doing Jordan peels. Oh isn't that pretty. My little Luke fright Candyman Jordan. Oh are you all listeners won't be able to see what we're referring to but go watch the bleeding video. I ain't describing it to you. Yeah so we're doing the original doing Jordan peel and double feature. It's a horror character that I don't feel like it's a lot of love. He is iconic. He is up there. Is he a slasher? Is it a slasher? No question. Well Dan's just answered it right there and you shaking your hands. I might do my research and change my mind but at the moment where I stand on it no it's just a scorned man on the love story basically. Well we'll find out next week but this episode is available on YouTube from Monday at eight o'clock the audio for this episode and any other episode associated with nerdy up north is up on a Tuesday. Why? Because I put them there. You can remember to if you're on YouTube like share and subscribe and hit the notification bell so you never miss an episode links for bleeding marvelous nerdy up north, monsters up north, all of Zara's social media pages. I'll wait on down there, down there, down there, down there, down there and um, audio, audio listeners, if you are listening, please give us a reading, I like a heart of whatever, just let us know that you're there, because we feel that you're there, then I let other people know that we're there and more people will come and listen and essentially that's what we want I really, you know, please, and I think that's it. I'll never do these right if I covered it. Links. Next episode. Well, sorry and Dan, if there's nothing else left to say. So goodbye the pair is. Bye the pair of years. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]