Wednesday Up Late

Top Fives

Glenn and Chloe return to inspire9 to discuss their top five comedies, sci-fi, action and drama movies. Let us know your top fives in the comments.

Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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Glenn and Chloe return to inspire9 to discuss their top five comedies, sci-fi, action and drama movies. Let us know your top fives in the comments. 

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Yeah. It's been a bit of time. Yeah. Yeah. It's been a minute since we've been in the studio, so it's nice to come back. It has an interesting trip in I can tell you, so I live - we both live over an hour away from where we are right now. Yeah, from the studio, yeah. That's how long it takes to get here. From opposite ends, too, won't you? Yeah, literally opposite ends. And in that entire trip in, I had a girl sitting behind me that will spoke from go to I, right? From one end to the other. She spoke the whole time, but she wanted everybody to know her opinions. Nobody - nobody asked her. So the start of every sentence was, I believe blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I reckon, blah, blah, blah. I'm thinking, you know, you hear about attacks on the trains and violence on the train lines. That's what it is. That's what it instigates. You almost turned into a Karen. Oh, man. Oh, yeah. So, you know, that's my trip. And how was yours? 40 fans, 40 fans everywhere. I counted 33 lemon trees on my trip. It's just so weird to see on a train, so many lemon trees. Steer it backyards a lot. This is not interesting. Let's just move it on. If we introduce the show, probably like we are in the bottom line. This is, as you saw the intro of the show, this is a workup. It's a place that if you're a business or a freelancer and you need it at work space in the city, this is a good one to ride. It's a good one. It's super cute. It's super cute in here. Super professional. It's an awesome space. Hey, the question, why do they have answer you? Well, there's their first mistake, but, you know, so I took my husband out on a little date last weekend. It was his birthday on Monday, and I started... Happy birthday, now. Happy birthday, honey. Yeah, I decided to take him out on a little date and we went to the movies. This is a rarity. A very, very real rarity. We'll say that five times fast. We went and saw Deadpool. Ah, there we go. And Wolverine. And Wolverine, obviously. Well, I have not seen it. You haven't? No, I've got no interest in it to begin with, but I'm happy with it. Well, no, because the screening for that one was during my time on my leave, so I handled that to someone else. I'm sure you're like, damn. Yeah, look, I'm going to enjoy it. I know that when I watch it, right, because I do like the Deadpool movies, but I'm just not into the dead. So I can wait until this hits the streaming platform. Yeah, you can. I didn't enjoy the plot whatsoever. I thought the plot, sorry, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, the plot was shit. When it comes to Deadpool, it hardly matters, does it? Well, that's my next point, right? So the plot means it's just a background, okay? And it's just a background for Ryan Reynolds to play. Yes. Yes. And play, he does. And it's full of little quips and cameos and background things. And it was awesome. It was great. Okay, cool. I really, really enjoyed it. What did Matt think? Matt really liked it as well. He's not a laugher at the movies. He'll sit in a movie and he'll think something's funny, but he will not laugh once. It's really unsettling, whereas I was giggling like a little girl throughout the entire thing. So I really, really enjoyed it. Plot was dog shit. Were you giggling because your hand was in your popcorn? Was that... No, no popcorn. We stopped ourselves on sushi before we went in. That's not movie food? No, but it was delicious. Ah, okay. I've got a little gift for you. Just, I thought, you know, you told me that you were not in the best moods coming in today. And in light of recent events, I thought you were. You deserve a little gift. So, there you go. Oh my god! Let's just cover up those grays. You had to go and remind me, didn't you? You had to go and remind me. This is going in my hair tonight. I was going to get you an all gray one. I thought, "Just go with it. Just go with it." Oh my god. But I figured that's the color of the shot. It is. There we go. So I thought... Watermelon burst. I'm gonna burst something in a minute. Oh my god. They've multiplied since we've chatted, by the way. It's really unsettling. Really? Oh, so you're just getting older by the hair. Oh, oh yeah. Welcome to the club. It's where we're at. Fucking hell. We've got an interesting show. This episode, we're not playing games or anything like that. We're just going to run through genres and then list what we think are our favorite of the genre. So, top five comedies, sci-fi, things like that. And then at the end of each one, I'll actually go into like, if you've got an Empire magazine or the Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone magazine, and see what they declared the best, but the number one, and see how close we get to them. This was really fucking hard for me. One of them was hard for me. It was so hard for me to narrow down. And then one of them was hard for me to choose anything. And I bet you know which one that is. But yeah, this was a really tricky one for me. The problem too is I found that as I'm choosing them, it was pretty easy for me. Like, I know what comedies I like, for example. But then I'm like, once I've decided on my definitive fire, stop thinking. Because then after the fact that I think it was much funnier, you know, that I like more. I had to do that. I had to be like, "No, this is what you've chosen." Cut it off, Chloe. Yeah. Cut it off. Alright, so we start with comedies. Yeah. Have you got your list? I do have my list. Let's do it. Let's go through it. You want me to go first or do you want to go first? Yeah, I mean, we'll go take it in turns, I reckon. So, I guess I'm not my trusty. I don't even think these are in a particular order for me. I think I can pretend they're going from five to one, but they're just kind of just five groups together. Just how they are. Okay, yeah. So, yeah, mine aren't in any particular order, like this is my favourite. I'm very secretive there, you like. I am. I can't leave seeing my notes. It gets eyes off my notes. So, yeah, mine aren't the same. Mine aren't not in any particular order. So, you just want me to rattle them off? Yeah, let's kick off with comedy. Okay, comedy. So, first of all, I've got dodgeball. I knew you'd go dodgeball, which is the reason I didn't choose it. Oh, really? You're going to chose in it if you wanted to. I would never choose dodgeball. So, obviously dodgeball, and then I have anchor man. Okay, so you just go through all of your stuff. We're going to bounce one between the other. Go, go for it. We've got anchor man next. Yeah. Okay, well, my first one I've decided was playing Strains and Automobiles. Yeah, I knew you'd have that on your list. Well, because it's one of the best. Okay, yeah. And simply, that's the only reason. Okay, yeah. It's a movie that I laugh out loud every time. I discover new things. And that every time. And it really times it the heartstrings every time. Like, you can't get to the end of that movie without, if not crying, welling up, choking up, really feeling for that movie. Someone was talking about the ending of that movie with John Candy sitting in the car. Oh, yeah, there's a couple of moments. And the beautiful thing about that film is when the emotional anchor drops right at the end, you reflect back on what you've seen, and then you start welling up at things you saw and didn't pick up on. Sure, yeah. John here just lit us those moments all the way through the film. So the end of it is like, four sucker punch. Yeah. I love it. So that's my number one. And you already went with them. And come in. Thank you. And do you want to elaborate on that? Yeah, that's like a pretty, this is so weird to say, but it's such a special movie to me because of my mum. We have a real bond over that movie. We'll call each other and we'll quote that movie and like, hang up and like, that's our conversation. We'll send each other just like little messages every now and then, just with quotes from the movie. It's just something that we've always kind of watched together and loved together. So it's pretty special to me. And it just makes me fucking laugh every time. There's not just one quote in that movie that makes you remember it. There's a million and I love that. Yeah, and it's that emotional connection that you have to it that makes that money important. Absolutely. Quite often that's where the favourites and best differentiates like you've got some kind of connection to it. So my next one's Airplane. AKA Flying High, if you're in Australia and you're old, like I am, we know it as Flying High, but the word with Airplane. Zucker Brothers, it's the first commercial movie they made because they had done the Kentucky Fried movie, which is also that that was almost in there. Almost in there? Yeah, okay. And then they followed Airplane up with Top Secret, which could have also been in there. Like they are just, they pioneered, Pioneer's probably not the right word, they perfected the spoof, the movie spoof, because Mel Brooks had already done it. And they took the airport series of movies, the disaster movies that have come out, there's a couple of other movies they riff off as well. And they just turn it on its head and make it fucking hilarious. And they're just classics, you know what I mean? There's nothing in there that's not hilarious. And it's one of those movies, particularly if you came up with, they were raised with these movies at the time, they're the stuff of Play School comedy gold. Yeah. You're in the, you're in the, the yard at school, and you just quoted what they do. And, and yeah, do it. Love those. Zucker Brothers for the win, comedy-wise. Nice, very good. My next one is Step Brothers. So I'm going for another World Feral One. Very contemporary. Well, these are the, these are the movies that I grew up with. Of course. You know, so you- This is where the age difference comes in. Right. You are catching up though, as the headline- I'm catch, I'm good. Shut the fuck up. Like, you had those as you, you were growing up, and then these are the ones that I had that I had growing up. So- How about weight? Oh, well, no. Okay. We can all like different things at different places. And look, Robin Hood Men in Thieves almost made it onto my- Daytime. Yeah, that one. Okay. Maybe time. Taking them out Brooks. That almost made it onto my list, which is before my time. But Step Brothers is just- I don't, I don't even know how to describe it. Like the chemistry between Will Ferrell and- John C. Riley. Yeah, John C. Riley is just magical, and the way they bounce off each other is just wonderful. And I love- I think I particularly love it more because I've seen John C. Riley do his more dramatic stuff. And he was a dramatic actor before any of this. Exactly right. And then seeing him be able to do this all rounder, I'm just like, yeah, no, you're perfect. And as much as I love him, I kind of feel like he almost ruined it for himself by doing a lot more comedy afterwards. Like, I feel like if this had to be like a flash in the pan moment for him, like comedy, and then back to drama, would have been all more powerful, like I'm a resident. But it's great, it's great film. You could be right. But yeah, I think just that comedy duo. That's- I would rank that top five Will Ferrell movie. Yeah, so would I. Yeah, it's a grower as well. You watch it the first time, it's funny. You watch it the second time, it's very funny. And the third time it's hilarious. It just keeps getting funnier. And I think as you get older as well, and you can kind of relate to some of the characters a little bit more also, it's just so ridiculous and wonderful. 100%. So my next one is way before my time. So this is a Peter Sellers movie called The Party. It's from the '60s, I can't remember what year, maybe '65, '66, to Blake Edward's movie, the guy that made the pig pants movie. And this is- the best way to describe it is the, I guess, the foundation for Mr. Bean. So Mr. Bean took each dick from this. And it's set in Hollywood and Peter Sellers, and this is where it would never get made today, because Peter Sellers plays a sort of a Hindu Indian guy. He's an actor trying to break it into the Hollywood system, but he's a club. So everything he does just turns to shit. And he gets, in the opening moments, he gets banished from Hollywood forever. Right? And the executive at the studio is on the phone to his secretary saying, "Never, never invite this guy again." And the secretary is, "What's his name? What's his name?" And he goes, "Harendu, whatever it is." And so she writes his name down, and you realize she's accidentally written his name down on an invitation list to a party. So he gets invited accidentally to the biggest Hollywood party of the year, and the entire movie is him at that party. Winning people over with his kindness, but then also destroying the place with every kind of mistake he can make. That's wonderful. Yeah, you would love it. And when I say it's like, it would never get made today because of the cultural appropriation. He is essentially blackface, because he's painted to make himself look like an Indian, but it does not misrepresent the culture. Like it is very much, you love this guy. Like, you're not looking this guy saying, "I hate him because of the Indian." You're like, "That makes him all the more endearing." Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's kind of a movie that does track kind of wealth and doesn't get thrown under that cancel bus. Yeah, okay. Yeah, the party. The party. Yeah, it's great feeling. Party! All right, I couldn't decide for the next one. I couldn't pick between the two. I think I have a preference, but it's basically 50/50 between Ace Ventura 1 and Ace Ventura 2. I mean, I've got an answer for that, but I can understand the dilemma. Yeah, so Ace Ventura 2 was the first one I actually saw before I saw the original Ace Ventura, which is why, you know, it holds a special place in my heart. You can never go past, you know, Jim Carrey being birthed out the arse of a rhino. You just can't. And just sitting in the car screaming, "Oh, you, Judy Judy Bangdang!" to my kids while they scream at me to stop. But yeah, I just, Jim Carrey is one of those people who will forever make me laugh, whether it's why I lie at Ace Ventura. It doesn't matter what he does. He makes me laugh. He can always turn it upside down. For me, if I'm having a shit day. So he, Ace Ventura 1 and Ace Ventura 2, definitely. Two very different movies as well. Two extremely different, which is why I couldn't choose between the two. You can see that the styles have changed between the first one and the second one, which is really, really hard. Because the first one's almost a parody of the detective genre. The second one is a lampoon of other movies, like, you know, the carry-on type of shtick. So good though, both of them are so good. I do prefer the first one. I think it's much more clever. It is. It is a little bit more clever. But canceled. It's been canceled. So I'm so sorry. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. There's no winky. It's gonna be kind of, kinds of time like, oh my god. Yeah, so I couldn't choose between the two. All right, I'll let you have that. My next one is Annie Hall, which is Woody Allen. It's the movie that really kicked off modern rom-cons. So we had romantic comedies, like, as you know, you love some like it hot and things like that. That's sort of a rom-comy kind of thing. But Annie Hall contemporised it, put it into the now and lots of pop-caught references. So it's built upon dialogue. It's him and her have lots of conversations. Well, it's just funny moments in the kitchen. It's a very realistic depiction of a romantic sort of entanglement to begin with. Yeah. And we wouldn't have Not In Hill and Forward isn't a funeral if it wasn't for Annie Hall. Wow, okay. So if you love a rom-com, go for it. No matter what you think of Woody Allen, just go with the movie for its own merits. It's fucking, yeah. It's one of those ones that, you know, people are going to shame me for, but I haven't seen him. And, you know, it makes it on every single list everywhere. Yeah, it's not. It's like a top comedy, so. And it's very much if you've seen, when Harry met Sally, that is pretty much a roof of Annie Hall, like almost the same. Right, okay. And what Woody Allen did because he's in it. He pioneered that break in the fourth wall and talking to the audience. So he'll be in a movie line talking to Annie Hall and she'll have an opinion he doesn't agree with. And he turns to the cameras like, "You believe?" You know, like, it's fantastic. It's good stuff. Right, yeah. And you tend, I tend to agree with Woody Allen's opinions when it comes to the movies in that film. Like, you know, she doesn't know much about movies. And he's like, "Tendre Boulaywood." Whoa, all right. I might have to have a look at that. Yeah, 100%. All right, so my last one is. Also has Will Ferrell in it. And I really didn't realize that until now. Can I have a guess? Go for it. You won't get it. Can I guess three guesses? Okay, you can have three guesses. Night of the Rock 3. No. Okay. Superstar. No. Okay. Ooh. Mother of Spruce of Thal. And... No. No. The producers. Oh. But... Man, there's a real Mel Brooks thing going on here. Yeah, I obviously have a style. But yeah. Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Will Ferrell in there, playing Hitler. See, this is interesting because a movie that almost made my top five with the original producers. Really? Because I reckon that's one of the great comedies. Once again, that's a generational difference here. Yeah, it's so good. Although I reckon we're kind of the same generation, but we're at the opposite ends of like, whether they meet. I mean, we're not that far apart. I mean, you've had a little bit longer to, you know, get acquainted with a lot longer. But yeah, no, the producers. It's just, you know, it's just one of those movies that sticks with you. So catchy. So wonderful. So pretty, Uma Thurman. Yeah. Springtime for Hitler and Germany. And like, you sing that around the house and people think you're not. So it's just, it's fun. I'm almost ashamed I didn't have Mel Brooks in there at all. Young Frankenstein was another one almost crept in. Because that's just perfection. Yeah. So my final one is a Mighty Wind, which is the Christopher Guest movie, the ensemble improv movie. If you've seen movies like Spinal Tap, or Waiting for Guffman, things like that. And Mighty Wind is the one all about folk music. And it's one of those movies I can quote any time of the day. I just love it. The ensemble's probably the best they've ever been. And just, yeah, pure hilarity. So I think that's his best film. I feel like I've seen that, but not like a really long time ago. Didn't you recently do a bit of a Christopher Guest dive? Yes, I did. Yes. So speaking of, we go to the Rolling Stones number one, comedy more time, best in show. Really? It's just the dog show one. Yeah, I don't, I don't disagree with that. And he's in that with two left feet. No, it's Eugene Levy has two left feet, which is the funniest thing I've ever seen. As I get older, I appreciate Eugene Levy more and more. He's so glad. I'm really, really glad I'm kind of for, like I'm discovering him for myself now. Because I feel like when American Pie and all that kind of stuff, like that's who Eugene Levy was for me. Now that I'm older, I'm discovering him in like, what about Gohhen? Yep, and further down the rabbit hole, you go back to vacation for Paradise. There's movies from the 70s, 80s, you know. Yeah, I just feel like I'm in for a ride. You had a big throw. You had a big throw. Like there's a whole generation of know him as the throw guy with the, the eyebrows were as big as the thrower. Yeah, he's so wonderful. So that wraps up comedies. And we're next moving on to sci-fi. Is this the one you had trouble with or? No. Okay, then I know what it was. You had trouble with it. Yep. Okay. Science fiction movies, as we move forward, the genre is sort of getting broader, like as in what constitutes... Right, and you can mix and match different types of things. So I just went for me, I just... Well, we thought it was obviously sci-fi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's got a tech or a futuristic kind of kind of... Kind of, yeah. All right, so I'll start this one. I went with the obvious, I think, is 2001 of Space Odyssey. Kubrick's film that if it wasn't for that film, we wouldn't have Spielberg making his type of films and a whole generation of other filmmakers. I think that's the Francis Hordkopler, George Lucas, who wouldn't have their movies if it wasn't. 2001. And I saw that film I've sent out so many times that I went to an anniversary screening on the big screen. And it's the only time in a film I've ever found nauseous. Oh. Because the screen is... Like, he... If you've ever seen the film, it's so broad in scope. And everything moves so slowly. Yeah, okay. That when it goes like that, you feel like the whole cinema is shifting with it. Yeah. And I had to close my eye with my... This is... The motion sickness was real. Yeah, that's like what I vomited in my husband. His husband's hat. And we were at the planetarium in San Francisco. And I was just nearly pregnant. And like, yeah, it... I'd know exactly how you felt. But I did vomit into his hat. So why I bring this? Yeah. Just in case. Yeah. And I hide his grace. So my first one is pretty obvious. The desk hives my grades. Yeah. I feel like my first one is pretty obvious. And that's the fifth element. Of course. I do that rewatching once or twice a year. Yeah. It's perfect. 100% constitutes a sci-fi. A 100% represents you. It makes perfect sense. It's perfect. Yeah. It's literally one of the perfect sci-fi films. For me. Did you see the relatively recent Luke Besson movie, "The Larium", I think it was cool? No. That is almost like a companion to that one. Really? You might like that one. Maybe. I wasn't huge on it. But when I was watching, I'm thinking Chloe all of this. It's almost like a part two. Yeah, okay. Interesting. All right. So my next one is alien. Ridley's but alien. 1979. And alien Romulus has just come out at the cinemas, which is pretty good. This one also crosses into horror. So it could be one of the great horrors at all time. But it's terrifying. I watched it again three nights ago with my son, because I don't think he'd ever seen it. So we whacked on the 4K terrifying. It is scary now that well, then it's all practical, atmospheric. It's a lead female kicking ass. Like one of the earlier examples of that. So yeah, just a near perfect film, if not perfect. Nice. Nice. All right. My next one, again, pretty obvious. Back to the future. Yeah, comedy. Which way does that go? Well, that's exactly right. But back to the future. I, you know, we've gone through this before, but I do think that number three does like ease in there to probably my favorite one, which is I found controversial. It's very controversial. People don't agree a lot about the third one. I love it. They, a lot of people treat the third one the way they treat godfather three, in that it doesn't belong. Right. I'm in your camp with that one. I remember that was the first one I saw theatrically. And therefore it struck a chord with me. And I just love the story. I love the makes sense to go there. Yeah, absolutely. And it's fun. Who doesn't love a Western? And it's really like right throughout the whole theme and story of it is HG Wells. Well, no, Jules Verne. The author, sci-fi author. That document Brown sort of idolizes. And he's the author of... Now I'm thinking, was it Jules Verne or HG Wells or did the time machine? Might be HG Wells. Nevertheless, Jules Verne is all about voyage to the bottom of the sea and stuff like that. Oh, okay, right. And that is what I love about it because it's very steampunk in its milk and that's very Jules Verne. Yeah, I'm on board with number three. I think the first one's the best, but... I do still put the first one as the best, but number three closely follows that. What a lot of people don't know is the first movie was never made to have sequels. Even though it says at the end to be continued, that was just a throwaway joke. Like because it's time travel, right? But it was never as supposed to have sequels. And then they did two and three back-to-back, rather than at the same time. But it's the perfect movie to have sequels, you know? Like you can go absolutely anywhere with that type of thing. I didn't particularly love the second one. It got a little dark for me. The second one gets better more and more as you watch it. Yeah, okay. It's definitely an odd one. I didn't love my re-watching of it. Yeah, I do love it. I love them all. And whenever I watch them, it's all three or bust. I watch them all back-to-back. I rarely do one at a time. My parents, this is a funny story. It's not funny, it's an interesting story. My parents were on the set of Back to the Future two and three. Oh, wow. When they were at Universal Studios back in the late '80s, they did the Backlot tour, which stopped for about 15 minutes to watch a film in production and that was that. Well, back in the early '90s, like as in 1990, early 1990, my mother was also on that set at Warner Bros with tiny little baby Chloe in her tummy. So you've been there too? So I have. You were probably on the same tour with my parents. She likes to talk about it a lot because obviously, Michael J. Fox was her love growing up. She was obsessed. She's also six foot. So that never would have worked out. Little Alex P. Keaton was not going to be going. Well, I mean, yeah, short guys. We're up to meet. So close in Canada for the third kind. Uh-huh. So good. It's Bill Berg. And there's three, I think there's three versions of this film you can watch. And I think the first director's kind of thing is the best one. If I'm getting my director's culture out, there's a special edition director's part of the actual part. Oh my god. I know. It's a good movie. Just leave it. It is a great movie. It's so atmospheric. And when people say movies have Spielbergian qualities, that's the movie I think. Oh, yeah. You can pin this Spielbergian sort of tone with that and ET, which I think they both were spawned from the same script. Oh, yeah. Thank you. You mentioned that before. And Poltergeist, I think, came from that as well. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. Interesting. Very interesting. All right. My next one, Donnie Darko. Cool. Yeah. Another one I actually had to watch this in school for some sort of project that we were doing. And I kind of just fell in love with it. But DVD, it was on reruns, loved it. My mother loved it. So we would watch it together and tell each other to go back to China, bitch, which is very inappropriate now that I look back on it. But it was just something that we used to say to each other. Chloe loves to push that envelope on the show whenever she can. Any opportunities. It's me that likes to do that. Yeah. But also, I just love-- Black fights? [LAUGHS] I love the-- Minstrel. I love moving on. What's your next one? [LAUGHING] Secretation. [LAUGHING] What do you love? Don't trigger my water fountain blend. What do you love? I just-- I love how deep and-- I love how deep it gets. I love how you can interpret it so many different ways. And I think that was why we studied it in school, just to see each person's different interpretation of it. Um, and I absolutely fucking despise Patrick Swayze in this movie. And it kills me. Would you say there's an element of comedy in there? [LAUGHS] In Donnie Darko? Yeah. Someone. Yeah. Black comedy. Yeah? Mm-hmm. OK. All right. My next-- Talking about pushing moments, I'm going to push you over. My next one's the Abyss. James Cameron movie, I think, is James Cameron's best movie. I've been quite vocal about it on social media lately. And I watched that again with my son. And there's two versions. You've got a theatrical cut, then Director's Cut. The Director's Cut's called the Special Edition. And I said to my son, like, you can watch whichever one you want. I said that the Special Edition's the better one. It's three hours, as opposed to two and a half. Right. And so he put the theatrical one. But I'm going to save myself some time. Right. And I watched it with him. And we got to the final act. Mm-hmm. Nothing made sense. At all. And I said, it goes, I don't understand what's happening. And I said, you know what? I don't either. Like I've seen this movie a hundred times. I said, flip it over to the other version. And we did. And suddenly, everything made sense. Yeah. So why would a studio remove the context of the film and deliver something that just absolutely makes no sense? That makes no sense. Yeah. I mean, they're a business. That'll make sense about business. [LAUGHS] Anyway. Obviously, I had to go with Star Wars. And it's a new hope. It's a new hope or bust for me. That is the best Star Wars movie. No one can contend that. Everyone will contend that. And I'll say the Empire Strikes Back is the best. No. They will. Well, they can. But, you know, just enjoy being wrong. A new hope is where it all began and where, you know, it was the best. So, you know. Yep. I mean, even from a young age, I loved. Loved. Loved it. And I don't know why. I think I do enjoy sci-fi. But, like, I don't know. It's so good. It's so good. It's based up. Yeah. It's just so good. It is good. That whole first trilogy is fantastic. You can't go past classic. Speaking of classics, so the last one on my list would be the Day the Earth stood still, which is from the 1950s. It's that Cold War era sci-fi stuff that Hollywood did because everyone was afraid of a new war and the nuclear, sort of, race to arms and all that kind of stuff. And it's just a beautiful film. It moves to the lightning pace. And similar to the abyss or the abyss, it's similar to this. It has a full warning to mankind. Like, you know, if you go down the path, you're going at each other's throats, nuclear, you know, all that kind of stuff, then the rest of the universe is not going to be on your side and they will obliterate. They're like, you know, we're a peaceful universe, presuming that the universe is peaceful. You're like, you know, what are you doing to yourselves? We can't have this, so we're going to just completely, if you don't sort yourself out, we're going to completely eradicate you. Yeah. It's a great film. Of course, we're going too far far away. It's not so peaceful. So, you know. Well, that is true. I mean, good point. I take everything back. Thank you very much. So, are we out to your last one? Yeah, my last one is one that I forgot how good it was until I did a re-watch, and that's total recall. Great one. It's so good. The island with the three boobs gets me every time. Okay, can we just stop there for a minute? So everyone says how great the lady with the three boobs is. We talk about this on Good Movie Monday a lot. Yeah. My old buddy, Albert Pune, the director. He's the first to do the three-titted woman. Well, let's just put it out there. He made a movie called Vicious Lips that had a lady with three tits. And he was originally hired to direct total recall. And he left the project under... And they stole his idea. And they stole his idea. Oh my gosh. And if you watch Vicious Lips, which was made first, you'll still see the lady with the three tits. Wow. I just need to say, though, like, two's fine. Two's plenty. Well, it makes it... We don't watch any more, like, that's enough. You know, we only have two hands, right? But that's... But that'll be... You know, the classic... Yeah, you can't do that. No, three makes that all the more... Oh, like a xylophone? Yeah, kind of. Yeah, kind of. And all the right buttons. That's not a lot. Oh my God. But yes, total recall. It's so good. It's great. I really... I don't have much more to say about it, other than just like, you re-watch it. And it's still great. It's Paul Berroven, the director, who did Robocoplin and showed girls and things like that. But it's all practical. Miniatures. I know. I think that's why I love it so much as well. Yeah. Quaid opens up. Do you keep on out yet? Yeah. Do you know... I mean, do you watch Breaking Bad? No. Never mind. I've never watched Breaking Bad. Well... Hit me about that in the comments. Let's go. For the people playing at home, you may already know the guy that has the clip face in total recall. Well, they call him clip face. Okay. He's Hank from Breaking Bad. He's Hank from Breaking Bad. That's why he's always robbing his head. Still can't find that spot. All right. Let's go on to the next one. Until you want the Rolling Stone number one? Oh, yes. Sorry, Eric. What do you reckon? So far. I think it's going to be like 2,000 lines of space, obviously. It is. Yeah. Yeah. And when you watch it, you'll probably understand why. Yeah. All right. All right. Good enough. Action. Yep. Take it away. Isn't it? No, that's what the next genre is. It's action. Yeah. Yep. Take it away. Oh, I thought you said like... I thought you... Nope. Cool. As you were. Action. Action. I got something to do. Yeah. Um, all right. So I had... Terminator 2, obviously. And that could have gone into the sci-fi or the action category. I chose to put it in the action category. And, um, category. Category, yeah. Because I feel like there's just that little bit more action than sci-fi. Because obviously you've got the terminators, obviously. I'll pay it. I'll pay it. A lot of guns, a lot of car chases, all that kind of stuff. And that truck chasing the motorbike in the waterways, it's... I can't. It's beautiful. It's iconic. It's wonderful. It's heart racing. You know, the terminator's spoiler alert. The terminator's, um, dying at the end. And he's going down into the lava stuff with his tharma. Beautiful. Like, tear jerking. Arnold Schwarzenegger trying to learn how to smile as the terminator. Wonderful staff. I will pay it. I prefer the original. But I'm in the minority when it comes to that. Right, my first one. This is a very hard category. This is one that you have to stop when you've got your five and not think about any other movie because you're going to end up rearranging. Yeah. So I just started with die hard. Because die hard. Like, it's one of the greatest action films of all time. It's probably an action movie we reference more than many others. Yeah. It's probably the action movie we reference when we talk about action movies. Yeah, it's one of my go-to-use obviously. Yeah, you're quite often like in reviews or taglines. You know, it's the new die hard or it's a new blah, blah, blah. Like, it's just... It's great in every single way. Led to a franchise, but you can never beat that. The original. I do like the fourth or fifth one. Because it's just the one. Yeah. Yeah. So 99% of die hard fans out there will probably disagree with it. That's okay. It's all right. I didn't watch it for the plot. So my next one is, funnily enough, die hard. Because obviously. Because of everything we just said. Yeah. So we can go back to another one of yours. Temple of June. Oh, good one. Yeah. This is an interesting one. Not the last crusade. Well, no. Okay. So we're getting into back to the... And we're getting into back to the future territory there, right? Hang on. Raiders are worth it. Raiders, raiders, raiders. Because when people say they don't think that... Back to the future, three is the best. Uh-huh. Yeah. They say the same about last crusade. Right. But now that we've had... I know, I know, I know. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the Dollar Destiny, then the original trilogy. Masterpiece of... But one thing that's been quite interesting in the last, maybe 10 years, is that from everyone saying that raiders was the best. Mm-hmm. Suddenly Temple of June is coming up as the favourite. It's spiky. It's on a lot of... The popularity is there. A lot of lists is like one of the... As the best Indiana Jones. It's the prequel. It takes place right before raiders of the Lost Ark. Is that the one with River Phoenix in it? No, that's the last crusade. Oh, that's the last crusade. Yeah. This is the one with K-cap Shore and little, um, little Goonies guy. Oh, um... Go and say... Short round. And what's his real name? Key. Key. I can't remember. He's last name. Okay. Yep. Yes, him. Key. Short round. Short round. That up. That up. Have you heard his story? Have you heard about his childhood growing up and becoming friends with, you know, Richard Donner and all that kind of stuff? I may have. You want to tell it? Yeah. You should really go and find there's a YouTube clip or something about him and he speaks about his journey from, like, when he left China and came to the States. It is heartbreaking. Mm-hmm. It is beautiful. He is the most amazing kind human being and he has just a wonderful story. Cool. So you're not going to tell it. You have to go and find it. Yeah, absolutely. I can't remember it. Yeah, I can remember it. Do the work, people. Do the work. Well, doing the work would be listening to a podcast like this to find out. Yeah. And I just said... How long before it's time to listen? A step in stones, people. Step in stones. My next one. Anyway, a temple of doom is fucking great. Oh, yeah, sorry. Go on. That's fine. As you were. Bad boys. But the original. Okay. I don't love Marissa Tamay. I don't love her. But I reckon Bad Boys was... It's Michael Bay, yeah. It's one of my first Michael Bay films that I watched. I had it on DVD and I used to listen on my stepdad's surround sound when we had, like, the big speakers fucking taking over half the lounge room. And loved it. Loved it. The action got my heart pumping. This is the first one of all the moves you've chosen I can't be on board with. Okay. Yeah, but that's going to happen. Will Smith was hard. Yeah. It was good. I really like it. I still like it to this day. So many better buddy comp moves. Anyway. Well, for sure. But you're saying I have to pick mine. I know. But that's okay. It is. Thank you. This is what we do. We disagree. Yeah. This could be sci-fi. Escape from New York. Oh, okay. Yeah. But I'm lumping it in with action. It's because it's fantastic. John Carpenter, Kurt Russell. Kurt Russell. Yeah. What to say once again, so many great practical effects. Even like the digital effects are kind of practical because they're sort of laid on the film and the camera going through and all that stuff. And it inspired an entire sort of genre. There's been a lot of movies like it since. Including your mate, Luke Prasan, who did the Fifth Element. And he got sued for making a movie with Clive Pierce that was actually escape from New York. And ripped off completely. Successfully sued, I believe. Shouldn't go on board with that. Yeah. My next one is Roadhouse. Wow, wasn't expecting it. Boji. I loved that movie. I know you did. I am frothan to go back and watch it. You only recently watched it. Recently, yeah. That's cool. It's made it. This is another Swayze film that I don't know. He's just perfection. He's just great at everything that he does. Dead, sorry. But yeah, it was, you know, you hear about people going through the house. You know, oh my god, Roadhouse is so good and blah blah blah. And I kind of didn't have high expectations for it. And it just knocked my teeth out. Just like Patrick Swayze would in Roadhouse. The finale of that films is the best. It's so good. It's brutal. So good. Yeah, the best. Shots fired, literally. Yeah, 100 percent. Wonderful. Ah, one second. Where are we? I've lost all my notes. Action. There we are. So the next one. Once again, like I guess the original, which I am going with is action. But from here, it kind of goes sci-fi in the franchise. And that would be Mad Max. Oh, OK. Original Mad Max. Well, giantly, I watched Furio again last night with my wife. Because that's just had a home entertainment release. It's good stuff. I was going to put Fury Road on mine. Because I watched that because you recommended it. Not expecting to like it whatsoever. And it was fucking awesome. So Fury Road, hang on, how's that? No, what's the newest one that's not in cinemas, but the one before that? That's that Fury Road? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm going to jump the gun here and just tell you. Like, Rolling Stone listed that. That's the greatest action film of all time. Really? Yes, they did. Fury Road. And when I saw Fury Road, I also thought, this is the greatest action movie of all time, right? It's just, it's perfectly orchestrated. Like, every single action sequence means something. Yeah. And we watched Furio so last night. And because that is the prequel to Fury Road. And it ends at the moment. Fury Road starts. So you watched all one movie. It's fantastic. Like, I think you'll love that too. I think I would too. Like, I wasn't going to give it a chance. And I'm so fucking glad that I did because it was, it was so good. And I had like, bad, bad COVID when I watched that as well. And I just wasn't loving live. Yeah. And it just made me so happy. I couldn't just lumped Mad Max as a franchise in as this, but I'm going with the original. The original changed the game. Like we said, a movie that was made on a shoestring by a bunch of people that have never made a film before. Maybe some short films. All shot on the back roads of Melbourne and near where you live. It's just perfect. I can watch it any day of the week. A little bit of a spoiler here, but there's some wonderful Mad Max vibes in Deadpool as well that I think you'll like as well. Excellent there. And my last one. If this is only a recent watch for me as well. Speed. Awesome. So good. Yeah. I'm glad you put that in there. I haven't watched Speed too, Jess yet. That's okay. You know, Sandy Bulkin Keanu. Jeff Daniels. Yeah. Yep. Wonderful. Yeah, it's a great film. That just gets better with age, I think. It hasn't aged badly at all. No, I don't think so. Not at all. That jump is pretty sus though, isn't it? Like the way it's... Oh look, I'm moving past that. I'm jumping it just like the bus jumped that bridge. Very realistic style. So okay, yeah, Fury Road, best action film. I can see that and I am not going to disagree. Okay, can I say my last one? Yes, absolutely. Okay, fantastic. I was just making a conversation. First blood, Rambo, the first Rambo. Oh, okay. So the first blood, everyone has a misconception that, if you've never seen any Rambo film, do you have a misconception that it's just, you know, archery, explosions, muscle, the first one is none of that. Yeah, okay. The first one is a Vietnam bet who is returning to America and is in the hometown of his best mate from the war who has asked him to go, home after the war in the telefamily, blah, blah, blah. But he can't get far into town without the local sheriff trying to kick him out. It's like, you don't belong here, you know, that kind of stuff. And so the cops run fully arrested and he's not even big and muscly in this one. Like he's quite scrawny in sliders. Well, he's been at war. And so he gets arrested and brutalised in the prison. Really bad by David Crusoe. He's one of the ones that really does it. It's a black bastard. It's a great joke. Anyone that's paying attention. Ahhh. Yeah. Rambo escapes the prison, flees into the hills and then is manhunt. Oh, very Ted Bundy. He puts his, um, what? That's what Ted Bundy did. He did. It's true. He said Rambo puts his army smarts to the test and sets up booby traps for them. Mm, okay. Fantastic movie. It's really fucking great. With the most heart wrench infinale ever. Would you consider staying on this to loan package for a minute? Would you consider Rocky an action film? Yep. Okay. It's drama. The first ones are very much a drama film. Yep. But the franchise quickly becomes an action. Action. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But no, you can put them in. I couldn't lump them. I just couldn't figure out when I'm up them. That's all. I mean, this is what we're up to now, right? We're up to drama. And this is the problem is that so many movies qualify as drama. Whether they're action, comedy, whatever. Like drama is such a broad thing. So I struggled here too. I struggled really. Well, let's bring the show to a close with this one. Yeah. Want to go first? I just realized how fucking long this episode is. Because it's just prattling on. All right. Let's fly through it. I had, as my first one, remember the Titans. What? Okay. Cool. It's so good. It's pretty good. It's a wonderful movie. Again, it doesn't age badly whatsoever. It's very dramatic. He's in a car accident. It's very sad. He's in a hospital. That's a good one. It's a good one. It's just one of those four movies. He could play footballs. It's one of those four-wheeler movies, isn't it? Yeah, but it's very dramatic. Well, that was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, who is the action king of Hollywood. I went with Boys in the Hood, my first one, which I think John Singleton made that when he was 26 years old, the director. Ice Cube had come fresh out of NWA. It was, I think, the Rodney King incident had just happened. So it was a very topical movie. Racial relations in America were at an all-time high. Some would say they are higher now than they were then. And it's just life in the hood and how gross and dangerous and, yeah, and how much it sucks to be living there. Yeah. Fantastic. I had Delma and Louise. Yeah, really. It's got nice. Yeah. Delma and Louise, I remember watching this with my friend in my bedroom. She kind of wasn't as into movies as I was, and this had always been on my list that I wanted to watch. Yeah. And then my mum backed me up by saying, no, it's a really good movie. So we watched that together. She didn't get it. I on the other hand loved it. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. It's a really good one. Great finale. Hated, hated the finale. Hated it. I did not want that to happen. I had, I helped hands. I understood why it happened. But I was like, no. In a very dramatic sense. Well, in the director's cut, let me draw a bridge. I was like, perfect. Perfect. I'll watch that one next. Yeah, it's actually the back to the future bridge. It opens up. The trains behind them. And then Gemma Louise, too, is in the wild west. It's interesting. It's fantastic. I'd watch that. So Godfather is my next one. And that goes without saying that if you're a cinephile, you've seen it. You know what I'm talking about? It's just a perfect, perfect film. And I would in, I guess, conjunction with that, recommend the offer, which is the TV show on Paramount Plus, which is all about the making of, which has Miles Teller and who's that actress? Never mind, keep going. Next one, Godfather. I had Goodwill hunting. Again, how do you like their apples? I was about to say that. I was going to say, you were breaking. I was going to say, how do you like their apples? Many drivers, wonderful. And, you know, the big break from that Damon and Ben Affleck, which rightfully so, because I think they're going on to have like super amazing success. Does this movie, big question, does this movie, having seen it, make you appreciate your husband's farts and you sleep a lot more? No, okay. Never will. Honey, I love you, but I don't love that. Get a CPAP mark. It's the best. It's like scuba diving under the end of your dinner. You can breathe fresh air and trap them. Thanks. Okay, so I'm going to flip this around, because I think I'm anticipating where you're going. Rompastompa, popped on with, which I think is one of Australia's great dramas. It's a really, you would love it being that it's all about skinheads and, you know, racial issues and things like that. Great. And you're from the west and it's all takes place on the west. I'm going to go fucking west side on you in a minute. So you just prove it from my point. Got to stomp you. Amazing film. Gave the world Russell Crowe and when Russell Crowe was just absolutely perfect. But he was probably the best actor we've produced by New Zealand's produced. We still claim him, right? Have you seen the original Rompastompa? No. Add it to your list. It's a hard watch, but it's a fucking great watch. Okay. All right, interesting. I had Billie Elliott as my next one. It's not like any movies that I can sort of relate to. It's kind of, it's like a standalone type of thing, but, you know, it's this poor kid just wants to be fucking noticed. You know, as we all do when we're children and he's just not who they want him to be and he's fighting for himself in a time where his dad's trying to fight for himself, you know, to actually work and support his family and just, you know, heartbreak every single time. But it's also a really special movie because I used to watch it with my sisters a lot. You have something to say or? No, I love it. Billie Elliott. I also, I also named my dog, Billie for Billie Elliott. Love it. Yeah. Love it. Is that where your name just heard a name from too? Yes. Exactly. Yeah, I decided on that from that movie. All right, how about you just skip straight to your last one? And we'll talk about it together because I bet it's my last one. Dead Poet Society? She's going to kick herself in a minute, people. All right, go on. Dead Poet Society is another one that my mother introduced me to. Okay, cool. Yep. Excellent. Great film, not the best film. I know you don't like it. I know, I like it, but. But I love Robin Williams when he's doing comedy. I love him even more when he's being, you know, dramatic as well. I think he does it so, so well. And he, you know, I miss him. Okay. Well, I think we've really gotten to know you on this episode. Have you? And what you really like and what you really don't like. So I'm just going to jump in and say, stand by me is, you know, one of the great dramas of all time. She doesn't think so. What else? What, I'm not even going to ask you what she thinks of it. Otherwise, you will put it in your phone. You should never ask me when I think of it. So that's the thing. I didn't know how to categorize that movie. That's clearly a drama. Is it? Yeah, 100%. Okay. Yeah. I've got the benefit of having owned a video store and working video store. So I know it's on the roof and categorize it. See, I don't. Someone comes in and goes, where stand by me? Over in the drama section. Yeah. Yeah. Well, then I would put it in there. But if you were to scroll Netflix, it would be in the drama section. Would it? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Whereas I don't have Netflix. I think I'm the only person in Australia who doesn't have Netflix. But, you know, I only watched it just the other day. Fuck, it just gets better. I'm interested, though. Like, where would you, I'm an hour about putting that in a category. Um, in like, see, I can't even say kids' movies because they say, fuck, so many times I'm not kidding. And they're looking for a corpse. Um, adventure? I don't know. Okay. But that's a pretty good answer. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. We'll leave it at that. I'm glad I... You're shaming me. No. You're shaming me. I'm not shaming you at all. I'm going to go off and cry. I'm going to go west side on his ass. All right. Don't forget to come with some pink hair in the next episode. Yeah. Here's watch. Um, interesting episode. What was the... Oh, who's... Rollers don't? Who's choose trying to pass off now? I disagree so strongly with Rollers don't selection. And it's... It's like Sophie's choice, I think. No, it's very, very predictable. Shawshack Redemption. Oh, yeah. I guess. Well, the way people describe that is like one of the great films of all time and never really rings true to me. Like, I don't understand how that's classed as one of the greats of all time. It's a good movie. It's a great movie. But... I know a lot of people that that's their favourite. It just doesn't help say that. It's not up against so many fucking other dramas, but... Interesting. Yep. All right. Thanks for watching everybody. Yeah, thank you. What else to say? Don't forget to jump on our social medias as well. Facebook, YouTube, TikTok. You'll find us everywhere. We can click the little tab and take your straight out late. It's the whole archive. You can see the development of my grays over time and dealing with Glenn. They just get worse and worse and worse. So, thank you for joining us. And... It's the reason we have this backdrop just so she blends in. See you next week. You bitch. [laughter]