Froggy the Gator


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Froggy, Mr. Hummus, and Baby the Gator are playing outside when one of Froggy's old forgotten toys surprises them. What kind of adventure will they do on today? Tune in and find out!

Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

welcome back to froggy the gator your favorite kids podcast and we're jumping into the birthdays today a big happy birthday to Rhodes who was turning five on August 22nd what a great year five is Rhodes I hope you have an amazing birthday later this week and a very happy belated birthday to Giuseppe who also just turned five a couple days ago on August 19th happy birthday my friend I hope you had an amazing day celebrating and another happy birthday this one's two another great five-year-old and his name's Isaiah and he's turning five on August 22nd just like just like Rhodes wow you guys have the same birthday Isaiah a happy five-year-old birthday happy birthday to you sir and Isaiah also had a joke why do mushrooms always get invited to parties oh this is a good one are you ready why do mushrooms always get invited to parties because they're such fun guys get it like like fun guy which is the classification in the animal kingdom the type of life on our planet that mushrooms belong to but also they're fun guys like they're fun to hang around with what a pun sir and a bonus joke today comes from hally age six and it goes like this it's a knock knock it's a knock knock everyone knock knock who's there canoe canoe who can you get a plug to stop this leak the canoe is leaking and so canoe sounds like can you very nice hally thank you for that and another bonus joke this one's from Roman who is six years old and this is a doozy folks what do you call New York City with yolk all over it like egg yolk some the whole city's got egg yolk cause a big mess eggs everywhere what do you call New York City with yolk all over it and the answer is New yolk City there you go so he's replaced York in New York with the word yolk Roman very nice very well done sir and our story today is extremely special one of my favorite and recent memory actually and it starts right now one sunny afternoon in Gator Grove Froggy the Gator was playing in his backyard with his little brother baby the Gator and his friend Mr. Hummus they'd already run around pretending to be exploring a jungle but now they were looking for something new and exciting to do and Froggy remembered what daddy the Gator always said adventure is out there if you just know where to look so Froggy decided to look and he started looking around for something fun to do and that's when he saw it an old dusty monster truck toy sitting by the garage it had been there for as long as Froggy could remember he'd walk past it a thousand times but today it seemed different almost as if it was waiting for them hey Mr. Hummus baby the Gator come check this out Froggy said so the three kids gathered around the monster truck it had huge tires shiny chrome and it looked like it could truly crush anything in its path wow Mr. Hummus said this thing's amazing I bet it could crush an entire mountain googoo baby the Gator added but just as Froggy reached out to touch the monster truck something incredible happened the truck's headlights flickered on and a deep rumbling sound came out from its engine whoa Froggy said as he stepped back did you guys see that and the monster trucks engine roared to life and then in a voice as loud as thunder it spoke hey there kids my name's Crusher and I am the toughest monster truck in all of Gator Grove Froggy Mr. Hummus and baby the Gator stood frozen in amazement a talking monster truck this was beyond anything they could have possibly imagined I've been waiting for someone to take me on an adventure Crusher continued are you three up for the challenge Froggy smiled you bet we are googoo gah baby the Gator added and with that Froggy climbed into the driver's seat mr. Hummus hopped into the passenger seat and baby the Gator set in the back in a monster truck car seat that also magically appeared and Crusher revved his engine and they were off the backyard suddenly transformed into a massive monster truck rally this was in their imaginations of course I should just clarify that the grass became muddy tracks and the bushes turned into towering obstacles and Froggy steered Crusher tighter on the corners over ramps through mud pits the tires kicking up dirt everywhere they went and Crusher roared as they sped through the course faster higher he said let's show them what we're made of Froggy laughed as he hit the accelerator sending them flying over a ramp mr. Hummus held tight his eyes wide with excitement this is amazing he shouted over the noise of the engine but as they rounded the final turn something unexpected happened the ground beneath him started to shake and the bushes in front of them parted to reveal a giant mud pit bigger and deeper than anything they'd ever seen oh no Froggy said gripping onto the steering wheel what do we do now and Crusher just growled don't worry kids I've got this with a loud roar he charged Ford his tire spun as he plowed through the mud the pit was deep and for a moment it seemed like they might get stuck the sticky brown mud clung to the tires causing Crusher to slow down until he almost stopped Froggy gripped the steering wheel as tight as he could his heart pounding as Crusher struggled to push forward this is tougher than I thought Froggy exclaimed glancing over at mr. Hummus who was holding on to the side of his seat mr. Hummus just nodded come on Crusher you got this just then baby the gator not to be left out let out an emphatic bobble bobble as if cheering Crusher on with all his might baby the gators enthusiasm and encouragement seemed to be just what Crusher needed because he revved his engine even louder his tires dug deeper into the mud churning and grinding as the truck fought to get traction for a moment it felt like they were stuck for good but Crusher was not gonna give up hang on kids he roared and with a sudden burst of power he lurched Ford spraying mud everywhere all the way over to froggy's house as he pushed through the thickest part of the pit with one final push Crusher surged forward pulling them out of the mud and onto solid ground froggy mr. Hummus and baby the gator all cheered as they crossed the imaginary monster truck finish line covered in mud but smiling wide from ear to ear that was awesome mr. Hummus said high-fiving froggy a goo-goo baby the gator clapped his face beaming with joy and then Crusher's engine rumbled softly as he came to a stop you kids were great out there he said I knew you were up for the challenge thanks Crusher froggy said patting on the dashboard you're the best monster truck we've ever met the Crusher's headlights flickered as if he were smiling anytime kids anytime as the sun began to set froggy mr. Hummus and baby the gator climbed out of Crusher and wave goodbye the monster truck rolled back to his spot by the garage his engine quieting down as he settled in for a rest froggy turned to face his friends what a day huh guys I can't wait to see what adventure we find tomorrow me too mr. Hummus agreed who knows what we'll see it's all out there just waiting to be discovered gaga baby the gator added as they all headed back inside ready to tell mommy the gator and daddy the gator about how that nondescript monster truck by the garage suddenly came to life today and as they all walked away froggy turned back one more time to look at crusher crusher was his regular old dusty monster truck toy self again but froggy knew that in there somewhere crusher was still listening sorry we ignored you for so long old friend he said to crusher but I'm glad we got to play together today froggy began to walk away again and crusher's headlights flickered once more as if to say me to Too froggy, me too. The end.