Mac on sports

2024 NFL preview

Broadcast on:
19 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

NFL season preview 

Caleb Williams hype 

Is this the year for Dallas to get over the hump?

Can the Lions repeat?

AFC is loaded once again

On today's episode of Mack on Sports, we talk about my NFL preview. We just did a college football hot take. You guys seem to really enjoy that show. We're in the football spirit. We're going to talk some NFL takes going into this season and who I think is going to overachieve, who I think is going to underachieve. And maybe an MVP that not a lot of people are expecting that could ruffle some feathers, but there's a real value shot on this pick. I think it's a great show. Sit back and enjoy. We are another day, another week to the start of football season. We are right there. Let's ride. [Music] What is going on guys? Happy August. The 19th we are officially on the countdown of college football week zero. Next Saturday, about six days from now, whenever you guys are listening to this, we have Florida State and Georgia Tech out in Ireland of all places to open up our NFL or college football season on week zero. College game day crew is going to be on your television next weekend. We've made it. Now look, a lot of you guys may not classify week zero as a college football week that is going to gather your attention and that's totally fine. You know, I'm going to watch the Nevada SMU game on Saturday night at seven on CBS like it's the Super Bowl. It's just that feeling of having football back on your television. It's just a feeling that can't be reciprocated and it's one of the greatest feelings in the world. This is the week that pumpkin spice latte comes back out. And a lot of you know when pumpkin spice is here, that means football is here. And it is here and it is something to really, really, really get excited about and cherish it. You know, we are about to go from, as you all know, college basketball is kind of my like heart and soul. I love college football. I love the NFL college basketball is my heart and soul. But you know, what's great about college football? Coming into this Saturday, upcoming, and we are going to really kind of more talk about it on Thursday's show. But as of right now, let's talk about it here too. It's something to really be excited about because from August 24th, this upcoming Saturday, you have one work week here to get to week zero and then you have football on your television from August 24th and college basketball. So you're going to have a legitimate sporting event when I classify legitimate, I classify college football NFL and then college basketball. You're going to have the NBA and that's going to run until June and that's great too. But college athletics is kind of just the most fun thing to watch in the world and college basketball is a special sport too. College football NFL and college basketball will be on your television. From this upcoming Saturday, August 24th, all the way until April. So give yourself a pat on the back. You have made it. Now, like I just kind of alluded to, a lot of you guys may not classify week zero as an actual week, right? Not a lot of people are going to want to sit through SM univada. I get that, I get that, but it is better than nothing. And we do actually have a really good game and we're going to talk about it on Thursday, just like I said, but Georgia Tech Florida State is actually a really good game. Florida State 11 and a half point favorite. We're going to save it for Thursday, but it's something that we have got to give our self credit for. Look, it is not easy. It is not easy at all to get through the offseason. You're going to hear me if you've stuck with my podcast for three to four years. By the way, I think we just celebrated our four year anniversary here close too. So let's give myself a pat on the back and proud of myself to continue to do this on a weekly basis. I try not to miss shows. I try to give you guys the most content, the best content that I possibly can and do research and I do hope that it keeps bringing you back and listening. And I do hope you guys to really enjoy this show because I do put a lot of effort into it and I do love doing this and I would do this for free for the rest of my life. You know, little thing about me is, yeah, I graduated in May from college. I am still looking for a full time job. I don't know what my future holds. I would love it to be sports radio, but I don't know if that's what God's plan is for me. But I can tell you if I do not end up getting a radio job off the bat, this podcast is not going anywhere. There are some stuff with athletics, I can say that I am kind of in the process of talking to and potentially do have a full time job lined up. And if that does come, we will talk about on the podcast, but I do not plan on this podcast going anywhere. I continue to love getting in front of a microphone twice a week, giving you guys my thoughts. And I absolutely love it. And I would do it for free for the rest of my life, getting paid as a bonus. But being able to talk sports is an absolute lifeline dream. And giving myself a platform that I have created is something I do not take for granted. So I do appreciate you guys coming back, listening to this show on a weekly basis. I do appreciate that. And the relationships that has brought me along the way. And it's something I would never take for granted. So give yourself a pat on the back though, because like I said, you have heard my podcast and we've mentioned this is not a shot at majorly baseball, but 182 baseball games is a lot to get through. You know, baseball is going to have their shine to shine late April, opening weekend. That's exciting. Then you get to mid season in July, you have the all star break, people are going to talk about that. That's exciting. And then you're going to get to the playoffs in September and October. And that is where you're going to start talking about it again. It's hard though, because you need a sport. And when you do not have the World Cup, it's tough to talk about sports in the summer. The World Cup is a national audience that is something that people are interested in. And that gives us time to pass the time by until we get to football season. But look, once the NBA finals and the Stanley Cup finals are over, in mid June, you go from mid June, all the way to September, without a sport that gets you excited on a weekly basis. There are some people that love majorly baseball and that's their passion more so than college football or the NFL fair play to you. But the majority of people that listen to this podcast and that I know personally, are going to let us sleep, breathe and die for football. It's the greatest, greatest sport on earth. It is a special thing. It is a special thing. And it's not easy to get through these dog days of August. That's why they call it in baseball, because it's tough. So to get through mid June to September, that's a tough two and a half month stretch of sports that really don't pique your interest that can give you something to really get excited for, right? And that's nothing against baseball. It's nothing at all. It's just an 182 game season is a long time. There's nothing that can compare to football in the fall. That is something that brings people together. That is something that brings people in conversation, a water cooler conversation at work, something that people relate on, something that you literally are looking forward to for your entire week, your Monday through Friday when you are at your job, that you are working your way just to be able to get to that Saturday and Sunday to just wind down and relax and just enjoy football on your screen or be with your buddies and just enjoy it. There's nothing like it. But from August 24th, all the way to April, we're set. We are set. So give yourself a round of applause. You have made it. We are on the clock four week zero, Georgia Tech, Florida State in Ireland. We're going to get into a breaking down of that on Thursday show. But what this show entails is we talked about a college football show last show. That's some hot takes. Colorado is not going to be good. Texas, probably the hottest take I had. Texas missing the playoff. Do I think that's going to happen? I'm not sold on it, but you know what? You got to have hot takes some time and that's a hot take. We're going to see how they kind of adapt to SEC football. It's another level in the SEC, especially from the big 12. The big 12 to the SEC is like a massive, massive step up. And that's no disrespect that I am trying to say to the big 12, but they are just not on the SEC's level. So let's see what Texas is made of. Let's see what Texas is made of. They have the returning pieces to do it. But I think they've been broken down by some injuries and training camp. And as the season goes on, you're going to have more injuries. That's what football is. I don't want anybody injured, but it's just a realization of what football is. Injuries are going to happen. And it sucks, but it's true. Now, we're going to do an NFL show here today. And we're going to talk about some teams that I think are going to be must see TV and some teams that I'm not really sold on that maybe a couple other people are. And a long shot MVP that I actually think might not be as long shot as people think. He's most I wouldn't say hate a guy in the NFL. I think it's the team that he plays for is what brings him to hate, but a guy that is a legitimate football player that if you play for any organization will probably get the respect that he deserves. I'm not saying he's going to win MVP, but we're going to get there. And I just think it's a good value pick if you are a sports better, something that you may want to kind of sprinkle some money on, just sports betting advice, take it or leave it. But we're going to open up with over the weekend. Once again, it was the Caleb Williams show. Caleb Williams is taking the National Football League by storm. I don't care if it's a couple drives. I don't care if it's a little bit of, you know, backups that he's going against. He's electrifying. And once you're electrifying, you're going to start building a name for yourself. And that's exactly what Caleb Williams is done in Chicago. He's played two preseason games, but he has brought an energy back to Chicago that hasn't been there in quite some time. Yes, you can make the argument that they just went through this with Justin Fields. People thought Justin Fields was the savior. People thought Justin Fields was the future. That's a very valid take. If you want to say that about why you should pump the brakes on Caleb Williams, I understand that. Now, Justin Fields was great at Ohio State. I'm not saying he wasn't. He was a very highly thought of guy going into the NFL draft. But he wasn't as highly thought of as Caleb Williams. Caleb Williams is a guy that is a franchise quarterback. Caleb Williams is a guy that can lead you and your team to a deep playoff run and can sprinkle themselves into a Super Bowl, potentially, here and there. Now, by no means do I think the Bears are anywhere close to that. No. Could they get themselves into the playoffs? I don't think it's crazy. I think their division's really good, but they play one of the worst schedules in the NFL. Now, DJ Moore, Electric, Roma Duesay, that guy's going to be a really, really good rookie. But we all know the Chicago Bears have the rookie of the year and that's Caleb Williams. Caleb Williams is going to be must see TV. And that is why the Chicago Bears have a good amount of national televised games and prime time this year, because they know the NFL as a market knows Caleb Williams is going to draw attention. And he's in a good sports town in Chicago, a sports town that is kind of dying for something to happen that can get them excited again. I mean, you look at Chicago, the Bulls have been horrible for a long time. The Cubs haven't been relevant since their world series and selling Rizzo and Brian to can terrace selling all those guys. Harvey Baez, they've not been relevant for a while. The Cubs have not been in the playoffs for who knows how long the white Sox are the laughing stock in the major leagues. They're on pace to be one of the worst teams ever in major league baseball history. The Chicago Blackhawks, they got Connor Bernard, they got nobody else. They have not been relevant since the Patrick Keynes Stanley Cup days in the Bears. The Bears have only made the playoffs once in the recent years. And that was a Cody Parky double doink. And that was a pretty heartbreaking, probably the most heartbreaking loss in Chicago's sports history and quite some time. That was a while ago. That was a while ago. Chicago sports have not been anything relevant for a long time. And all they're hoping for is Caleb Williams to be that guy that brings them an energy about them. When you look at the Chicago Bears team, they do not have a ton of talent, but they have playmakers. I just said DJ Moore's a guy that's going to be good. Do they have a run game? No, no, they do not. But he is going to be in the spotlight from day one. And he is going to make the Chicago Bears 18 that is talked about. Like I said, they have one of the worst schedules in all of the National Football League. This is a Chicago Bears team. When you go and look at them, look, they could make the playoffs. They could make the playoffs. And I look at that schedule and I'm not really high on the Chicago Bears as a whole. But when I do think of the Chicago Bears, I think of them as a team that could surprise a lot of people. And I know going from the first pick to the playoffs is a lot to ask for. But when you go look at this Bears team, they have a schedule that is very manageable, very manageable. And I think you can make an argument that they could sneak into the playoffs. Now, personally, I don't think that is going to happen. I still think the Bears have a little bit of pieces that I have to build up on. But Caleb Williams is going to be rookie of the year. The Chicago Bears might be one of the most fun offenses to watch because of Caleb Williams, and they're going to be must see TV. They are going to be must see TV. So that's what I have to look at when I look at my Bears preview. That's going to be a really, really fun team. I think when you're looking at a team that is also going to surprise a lot of people, I think you have to look at it as probably I want to say once again, I think it's going to be the Dallas Cowboys. And as crazy as that is, I'm going to say it. And I believe every word I say about this. The Cowboys have been one of the best NFL teams in the past seasons, but you would never know it because the media wants to destroy them. And somewhat, you can make arguments why they deserve to get hate because they don't win in the postseason. People don't care about what you do in the regular season. They care about what you do in the postseason. And the Dallas Cowboys have not been good in the postseason. They had a horrible, horrible off season, which once again proves why the media should jump onto them. Jerry Jones said that he is all in. It doesn't necessarily mean he is all in. It's just what does it does it sound good to the media? Is it a good headline that's going to get me talked about? That's how Jerry Jones speaks. Am I selling tickets and am I selling them at a high, you know, high price line? Am I getting merchandise sold? Am I getting tickets sold? Am I getting primetime games where the audience are going to watch us on a weekly basis? That's all Jerry cares about. Does he care about winning? No, because his all in is a different meaning that what my all in would be my all in would be going on free agency, given high end contracts to high end star players and not having Ezekiel Elliott as you're starting running back. Now, I'm not as low on the Cowboys as everybody else's. I've been through 22 years of this franchise. I'm the most pessimistic guy that there is when it comes to this team. I don't buy into the height because I know it's a circus show and I know that they will find a self there's find a way to shoot themselves into the foot every single year in the playoffs. But when I do look at the Dallas Cowboys they didn't really have a great off season. They're rookie draft class and I mean this whole you are looking at a draft class on paper that is not great. Throughout training camp and without pre-season and through pre-season I'm going to call my shot right now and five years you are going to look at this you're going to look at this draft class as a top three to five draft class in the National Football League from the 2024 draft class. They did nothing in the off season and free agency that was remotely worth the talk about and it caused concern to the fan base. They sure as hell hit on all their draft picks. Tyler Guten will be an all pro and he will be a pro bowler for years to come. Left tackle a lot of people made a laughing stock about that pick probably wasn't going to be a great you know tackle moving him from the right tackle to the left tackle position in the NFL is kind of asking for disaster. He has been unbelievable. Marcia Nealon defensive end from western Michigan that guy's going to play the National Football League for 10 to 15 years long career he's going to be an absolute star. Cooper Bebe third round pick out of Kansas State might find himself being a day one starter on that offensive line and has been unbelievable in training camp and pre-season. The Dallas Cowboys are going to have a top five offensive line in the NFL. When they get CD lamb back they have arguably the best wide receiver in the NFL. Dak Prescott just talked about a little MVP sprinkle. I don't think it's crazy to say that he may go and do it. He's on a contract here. He is going to make the Dallas Cowboys give him 60 million a year and he deserves it. But when we look at last year Dak Prescott was absolutely unbelievable. But yet the media won't tell you that. Now he's only plus 1800. He's only plus 1800 and that's kind of crazy to me. You know guys like my homes are in front of them that's fair. But Josh Allen's in front of them. CJ Strauss in front of them. Joe Burroughs in front of them. Jordan Love is in front of them. Hertz Rogers Lamar Brock Purdy is in front of Dak Prescott. When I look at Dak Prescott, Dak Prescott is sitting at number 10 best odds. I would sprinkle money on Dak Prescott to win MVP. He has a high powered offense. He has a top five offensive line in football. His defense is rejuvenated bringing in Mike Zimmer. The Dallas Cowboys are going to make a playoff. They're going to make the playoffs this year. And if they are going to make the playoffs, which I think they will, Dak Prescott's going to be the guy that's going to be the leader, you know, leader of this team. When I look at the last three seasons, the Cowboys are 35 and 15. But they get treated like they're coming off of a five and 12 season by the media every single year. This is a year where Mike McCarthy is legitimately coaching for his job. Everything has to be ran to perfection. Every detail. You're looking at a guy in CD lamb coming off of a hundred and thirty five catch, one thousand seven hundred and thirty five yard season. They are a phenomenal, phenomenal team. And I think you're looking at a Cowboys team that is going to truly, truly, truly surprise a lot of people. I think the Cowboys break the record or break the curse of no NFC East team winning two seasons back to back in a row since like early 2000s. That's the thing in the NFC East. You don't win the division two years in a row. That changes this year with the Dallas Cowboys. I'm really, really high on them, which is weird because I am usually very pessimistic. I think the Jones do a terrible way. They run this football team. I think it's a circus show. You've heard me say before. And over the four years I've done this podcast, I hope that you do have a respect for my, you know, transparency about this franchise, where I give it to it straight. There is no bias involved. It is a, I'm going to give it to you straight and I'm going to call out the Dallas Cowboys when I need to. And I've done that plenty of times over the four years. And over the years, I've not been as high on this team as I am this year. But I think the Dallas Cowboys are going to be a legitimate, legitimate team this year that is going to make a deep postseason run. And why we're at it, we're going to throw out bold, bold takes, right? We did it in the college football show. It's only right that we do it again in the NFL show. This is the first time in my lifetime. In 22 years, the Dallas Cowboys are going to go to the NFC championship. Not saying they're going to go to the Super Bowl. I still think San Francisco is the team to be out of the NFC. I think this year, the Dallas Cowboys find their magic and make a deep run into the postseason. Hot takes. You're not going to see anybody else say that. Like I said, I hope you over the four years, I hope you understand and give me your, you know, you respect my word because I give it to you straight about this Cowboys team or anything that I need to talk about, I will give you my full honest thoughts about it. And I think the Dallas Cowboys are going to make the NFC championship for the first time in my lifetime. I think it's going to be a really, really, really, really good year. And let's just go back to that Dak MVP to sprinkle on for a sec. I don't really think it's crazy. I think it's maybe time for the media to start respecting Dak Prescott as a whole. I think it's time to, you know, don't disrespect them anymore. You look at the last 50 starts between Patrick Mahomes and Dak Prescott. Patrick Mahomes is a better total QBR. Dak Prescott has a 68 completion percentage, Mahomes has 67. They both have 105 touchdowns thrown in their last 50 starts. Dak has thrown 38 picks. And you want to remember when everybody made fun of them because he had the year where he couldn't stop throwing picks? Yeah, well, Mahomes has thrown 39. He's thrown more than Dak in the last 50 starts that they've had crazy, but you won't hear the media say that. And by no means is Dak Prescott, Patrick Mahomes, hell no, but their numbers are super eerily similar. They are so, so, so similar, but you won't hear anybody talk about that. That is why I'm here to say at plus 1800, I think it's a little disrespectful to see some of those guys ahead of them on that list. Not going to name names, but I'm just saying, I think it's a, he was close to it last year, almost did. And I think this is going to be the year Dak Prescott. I think he's entering his prime, and I think he is going to continue to shine. And I think the Dallas Cowboys are a really good football team. Surprising. You asked me a couple of weeks ago, probably wouldn't give you that answer, but I believe there is something there. And I think this draft class is phenomenal. Top five offensive line unit in the league, they can do big things for you. I think they're going to be really, really good. I think they're going to be really good. When I look at the Detroit Lions here, I'm actually seeing a team that's going to take a step back. They've had a painful NFC championship loss. It's unfortunate for them. They couldn't get over the hump. Now, they did attack their weaknesses in the off season. So that is great. Dan Campbell is a great football coach. I respect Dan Campbell. There was a lot of pressure on the lines this season. And I think last season was a fun ride. And I think when you kind of looked at it, people were rallying behind Detroit because they've not been good for a very, very long time. But I don't know if the Detroit Lions are going to be able to build off of that. I still think they have one of the better offensive lines in the league. I think, you know, Saint Brown is one of the better receivers in the league and Laporta, they have a lot of targets. Now, Gibbs getting injured in training camp hurts. That's a big loss for Detroit for the time being their run game is not going to be as consistent. Maybe I don't know. Their defense is going to be a struggle though. And that's secondary. And that's what concerns me with Detroit. I think Detroit takes a step back. I think Detroit is going to struggle. And I don't think Detroit is going to be as good as what they were last year. You look at the Detroit Lions as well, they have to play a first play schedule. That's really tough to do in the National Football League. They open up with Matthew Stafford coming back to Detroit on Sunday night football. That was a team that they took out of the playoffs last year. The Rams are going to be a better team this year. You know, Cooper Cup, healthy, Pooka Nakua healthy. Aaron Donald did retire, but I think the LA Rams are going to be fun. But that's a great game. But they have a very, very tough first place type of schedule when you go and look at the Detroit Lions this year. And that division is tough. I don't know who's coming out of it. When you look at it, the Lions were a team that went to the NFC Championship last year that have high expectations this year. The Green Bay Packers got better, gave Jordan love the long extension. They expect Jordan love to continue to play into his own and boss him into a unbelievable franchise quarterback. You look at the Minnesota Vikings, they are not going to be great. You know, losing JJ McCarthy, that really hurts. But it's still a competent football team that is going to make a life hard on you. And then you go and look at you have the Lions, you have the Vikings, you have the Packers, and you have the Bears. You look at the Bears. Caleb Williams, this guy's going to be a lecture fun. They have such an easy schedule where it looks like the Bears could potentially play themselves late in the year into a postseason berth. Who's going to win that division? I don't know. But when you look at last year and you look at what the Lions did, they got to play the Bears and Bears were a laughing stock. That's two free wins. They played the Vikings. The Vikings weren't that great. You know, Kirk goes down with the injury and they went through Joshua Dobbs, they went through Hall. They wasn't a great year. You know, Mullins, Nick Mullins got some snaps at quarterback. The Lions are going to take care of business there, right? So it's a different year in the NFC North. And I expect it to be a harder road for the Detroit Lions. And I think that division is going to beat up on one another. And I think it's going to be a close division for the entire year. So you look at the Kansas City Chiefs once again, you have to talk about them. They are your Super Bowl defending champs. And I think they're even better this season. I don't know how they do it, but they continue to find ways to get better. Having Xavier worthy drop to the Kansas City Chiefs in the first round is something that just should not happen. Because that is going to be an absolute star of a player in the National Football League for years to come. And what we've known about my homes is he does not need elite wide receiver playmaking to get in my Super Bowl. Yes, having Tyree kill was very nice. It made his life a hell of a lot easier. Having Travis Kelsey makes his life a hell of a lot easier. But he finds ways to make guys play above their caliber of what they can play. And it makes Kansas City just not much harder to beat. I think the Kansas City Chiefs are a team that is looking to get back to a Super Bowl. I don't know if they will. I think the AFC is really good this year. And we'll have to see what injuries happen. Houston Texans, we didn't expect them to be great last year, but CJ Stroud took that team by storm and you know, took over. I think Cleveland is really good. They have a very, very, very good defensive line, defensive unit. That's going to keep them in a lot of football games, getting Nick Chubback early in the NFL season will be massive for the Cleveland Browns. They have a decent offensive line. Cleveland's going to be really good. Baltimore with Lamar Jackson, they were knocking on the door last year, couldn't get it done. They're trying to still get over that hump. I think this is a year Baltimore could could finally get over that hump and get themselves into a Super Bowl. I think Lamar is close. He just hasn't cracked it yet, but he's there and then you have Buffalo. You know, Buffalo is ridiculous. Josh Allen, this bills team, you're always going to get a classic every time that they match up with the Chiefs. You know that they're the same as Baltimore. They're trying to get over that hump, but they've not been able to do it yet. Ball or Buffalo is going to be really good as well. Now, yeah, they lost Stefan Diggs. It's a big loss for Buffalo. He goes to Houston, a team that they will be competing against on a playoff seating. Giving CJ Stroud, another weapon is a deadly weapon for the Houston Texans because that is going to be a fun connection between Stroud and Diggs. Buffalo took a step back in free agency. They're losing Diggs, but they still have Josh Allen. Josh Allen is a guy that can get Buffalo there. I think the AFC is a tight, tight, tight conference. I didn't even mention the Cincinnati Bengals. They're there. If Joe Burrow can manage to stay healthy, they're going to be really, really good, especially in that division. It's a tough one between them in Baltimore. I think it's a two team race there. Yes, Pittsburgh has Justin Fields. Yes, they have Russell Wilson. I still think they have ways to go. If they can find a way to pull off the Iyuk trade from San Francisco, that's a deadly acquire, great weapon for them. That can get them maybe in some conversation to win the division, but they got Cleveland too. It's a division of death. I think those teams all beat up on each other throughout the course of the year, where I don't know who's going to come out of that division. Similar to what I think about the NFC North with Green Bay, Minnesota, Chicago and Detroit. I think it's going to be a really tight year though. It's going to be a really fun National Football League season this year. I think you're going to see a lot of teams. Here's the thing about the NFL. You don't know. I was listening to Matthew Stafford interview and he made a good point. You don't know. You look at your schedule. That's a win. That's a loss. That's a loss. That's a win. You don't know. Not in the National Football League. Any given Sunday you can lose. That's just how this league is. And, you know, Stafford made a good point. Nobody really thought about the Texans coming into last season. But C.J. Stroud took that team by Storm and not only got them to the playoffs, but won a playoff game too, and got them a top four seed in the AFC. You don't know. You don't know what you're going to get out of the NFL. And these prediction games are just a best estimate. But we don't know. Do we think the Philadelphia Eagles were going to be a team that would not win the division last year and lose in the first round of the playoffs to Baker Mayfield and the Buccaneers who are just barely 500 because nobody wanted to win the NFC South last year. Right? The NFL is a hard league to predict. We can give our predictions. We can give our estimates. But we have no idea. We have no idea about the NFL. It's exciting. But it's truly something we have no idea on what is going to happen. So, yeah, I think though we are in for a fun year, right? I talked about it on the college football podcast. I think it's going to be the most fun, electrifying college football season since '06. I think we're going to get a really fun NFL season here this year as well. I think the quarterback play is at an elite level. I think you have multiple multiple teams, multiple teams that can go out and win the Super Bowl this year. Last year was kind of out of the NFC. It was really just San Francisco. You kind of took seriously. I don't really think anybody else was a threat going into that playoff. But coming into the season, I think once again, the NFC has San Francisco as a team. But I think they're going to be tough or matched with a couple teams this year. I think there are some teams in the NFC that can now equal out to San Francisco's ability, especially if Brandon IU gets traded. I think the NFC opens up a little bit. And I think the AFC is a good four to five teams that can find themselves in the Super Bowl this year. Truly so. When you look at the AFC, I mean, you have the Chiefs. You have the Ravens. You have the Bengals and the Bills. I think those are the teams I'd probably take the most serious, those four teams. And you can't even forget about the Jets getting Aaron Rodgers healthy again. So I mean, they're right there. You look at the NFC. I think you have the Niners. I think you have the Eagles, the Cowboys. You could throw in Detroit too. I mean, I personally think Detroit takes a step back. I still think they get to the playoffs, but that division is much tougher. But I mean, really, it's wide open as could be. And that is what makes the NFL so fun. It is going to be a fun year of football, and it is going to be a year of randomness where three Sundays away from Scott Hanson coming to our TV and Red Zone. We're all always there. It's an exciting time. Each day gets closer to a day. We get to enjoy football. And we're almost there. But that's going to do it in this episode of The Mac on Sports Podcast. I love you guys so incredibly much. And I will see you on Thursday. Peace out. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]