The B.R.O.S

Episode 053: Esther: Comedy or Tragedy?

Happy New Year to The BROS, and we celebrate in style with a recreated intro and a story that Bill has been waiting a long time to share with the others. Thank you to everyone who has watched or listened to us this year and we hope you are ready for another terrific year in the Backroom Of The Sanctuary!   If you enjoyed this episode or want to ask about being on an episode, send feedback at or to  Check out the video on our Facebook page

1h 42m
Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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Happy New Year to The BROS, and we celebrate in style with a recreated intro and a story that Bill has been waiting a long time to share with the others. Thank you to everyone who has watched or listened to us this year and we hope you are ready for another terrific year in the Backroom Of The Sanctuary!


If you enjoyed this episode or want to ask about being on an episode, send feedback at or to 

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Hey everybody, this is Bill Turner from the Bros podcast, coming back at you to tell you Happy New Year and Happy Birthday. Now, you may be asking yourself, "Wait a second, it's the middle of August," depending on when you listen to this. Why is this saying Happy New Year? Well, that's because this is a brand new year of the Bros podcast and it is the birthday of the Bros. is the first episode of our new year and it's one I've been super excited about. So, I have some interesting ideas when it comes to what Bible stories are really funny and what's not. A shout out to the Jeptha episode we talked about. This one I think I nailed it. I think this might be the funniest book of the Bible, the funniest story of the Bible. The funniest, it's up there with any story you pick out as the most comedic when it comes to all of the details that we get into. And so for that, in that comedic spirit, I decided to put together a little intro with some of our most comedic clips that we remember from the last year, all right? And get ready. There's a sneak peek of the episode you're about to listen to right at the end. If you want to see video of this episode, make sure to check it out on Facebook. If you're already watching the video, thank you guys so much. We appreciate it. We appreciate all the support we got on Facebook because I'll be honest, that's where a lot of the work goes into and I've spent a lot of work on this episode. I spend a lot of time trying to make it perfect. I think I nailed it. We're going to find out. But without further ado, hey guys, welcome back to the bros, we are host Jose, Bill and John. Absolutely. Oh, you just got Bible, bro. So let me just flunk somebody, some random dude, that might be the best book you know. Oh my goodness. My name is actually my name is really good. When he broke the bread, did I think he stayed the same? Yeah, it's like he broke off the end, the heel, what do you want to call the end, and the heel is still there. Yeah. Sometimes everybody heel that is like, oh yeah, that disciple was so mad. Why didn't you meet me? That's an unlimited heel. Hold on. Let me break the bread in the middle there. That's the worst part of the heel. Yeah. People like no one eats the heel anymore. Yeah. It used to be. All heel. 2,000 people had heel, and that's it, they had the back of the fish, the fish, heel. Yeah, he healed the same heel. He healed the same heel. He healed the lame. Oh, I got another fan. I believe that this was the first recorded instance of a piñata. I don't know, that they weren't earlier, but for the first of all, you ruined piñatas for me. Make haste, yes, and take the apparel, yes, and the horse, as though I said, and do even so to mourn the kind of the jewel. Hey guys, welcome back to the bros, we're in the back room of the sanctuary where the conversation happens where your host Jose, Bill, and John, and we are in the room today. Absolutely, we're glad to be here. We are having a fun time. If you hear some noise, the air conditioner will never stop going until it did this after it. And it might occasionally rain in thunderstorm because it is raining in thunderstorm when we're recording this. Yeah, it's Florida in July, it's just Florida in July, that's a good way to say it. Hey, you see Bill and John here today, they were gone in youth camps and all that such. We've seen previous episodes where we're just me and Trister Lee and me and Sister Zenda. I was going to call it Granny. I don't know why I was going to call it, but she's Granny anyway, she's Granny to us. But you've seen us doing episodes and you've missed Bill and John for a little while, but they're back. You know, they're here, they have some things to share, they're going to do another episode maybe. We'll see how that works. I had 2 weeks of not talking to this, here we go, information here, but today I think we're going to have Bill do a little bit of a rundown of a story. Yes, this is what I'm very excited about. I'm excited about this. Because it's such a good story and I know I said that Jeptha was a funny story in the Bible. I was wrong. I'm on the wrong side of history here. Do we need to revisit that? No, basically I said there are stories in the Bible that are funny. Yeah. As I revisit it. There are stories in the Bible that are funny that are just funny and I said like Jeptha, which is not a funny story. No, not that. No one tore me up in the comments because we didn't get any, but I think that story is not funny. There was a part of it that could have been, like I made it work, but it was a horrible story. So now I've got to redeem myself and find an actually funny story. I think the way that you presented it though from a comedian's mind point of view could have been absolutely funny. I mean, look, look, look, look, look at any situation right now. What comedians make funny nowadays, you know, a random story that you would have never thought would have been funny and they flip it and make it into a funny scenario. I think that's what you're finding humor out of tragedy. There you go. Yeah. Well, when somebody said they said that you either have a tragedy or a comedy, you know, and when you're writing a book, there's only two genres as tragedy and comedy and either one or the other, you know. I remember seeing that somewhere. Which one is the Bible, comedy? I think I think the tragedy is the thing. The Bible is 66 books put into one, so it's like some are more comedic than others. Let's flex it. Honestly. Yeah. He just said that. I think that's the only thing I'm going to say the whole episode. Ladies, I don't read. I have a read just one book. I've read 66. Which book? If you had to put one book out there that was a comedy, that's one would, no, it's not Esther. But which one book would you put as a comedy? It's a good question. Hold on. A good question. A song of Solomon. That one's retracted from the record. That's for funny purposes. Which one is a comedy? Which one would you say is a comedy? I couldn't say too much of a comedy. It's not, yeah, it's weird. Okay. What makes a comedy and what makes a tragedy, right? Nobody dies in some of the song of Solomon, so. No, does that make comedy or tragedy? No, but death is tragic. So it's just marking that one off the list. Job is boring. All right. The main difference of comedy and tragedy are two genres of literature that traces their origins back to the ancient Greece. In simple terms, the main difference between comedy and tragedy is that comedy is a human story with a happy ending while a tragedy is a serious story with a sad ending. So the difference is how it ends. So maybe the Bible is a comedy. Maybe. Everybody dies in the end. I mean, if I die in the beginning, but in the end we have a happy ending. True. No, I feel like if the Bible or anything would be considered a drama. Yeah, I think any book that has to be a comedy, like the most comedic is probably like First Second Seamill, First Second Picture, like one of those that just has one of those weird stories here. Like, that's really funny. Yeah. I don't know, though. There's a lot of options there. Jonah is definitely funnier. Oh, Jonah is definitely a comedy. I mean, not really. Was it a happy ending? They got to... Exodus is actually pretty funny. I brought it online. Just like Moses reaction to everything is pretty good. The Israelites, the way they reacted to everything. Yeah. Just having a million people reacting to you is just going to create sick comedy. They're going into wilderness 40 days, over 40 years, following a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud, you know? Yeah, right. Setting up camp, tearing down camp. Oh, that'll be a lot of work. I see. No, you have 40,000 people. You didn't do Ruth, right? With Netta? You didn't... Ruth was Netta? No. I think we talked about Ruth. We didn't... Yeah, we didn't do... Okay, good. Because I'm never doing that. No. It's just like I'm never talking about that. That was the other thing we were talking about that in the Sense of the Valentine's Day episode. Yeah. Yeah. Glad I missed that. That's a horror story. That's not even like... That's a scary book for a man. That would be a tragedy, right? You were a guy like you... Not for us. Yeah. You just like are sleeping in your bed. No, wake up. There's someone like... Wake up. Somebody's laying at my feet that broke into my home. That's it like other way around. That's an arrestable offense. After Dave Dave Dave. Yeah. That's like... If it was a lady that'd be like, "Oh, good luck. You got the girl." She's like, "You don't find you out." But it's like now that would be so weird if you're like, "So you want to marry me?" And his response is like even funnier because he's like, "Well, I can't marry a... Because there's somebody who's closer related to you, so I got to check with him first." Wait a minute. Oh man. That's a fact. Yeah. What's still? It's crazy. What do you say? A king? A king? Yeah. You have to be close to kin. I don't know. Keep it up, I guess. The Jews were weird about that when it comes to the Israelites and the Jewish people in general. They have a... Let me say this. They have a smart policy here. I'll keep the brief. If your mother is Jewish, you're Jewish. If your father is Jewish, not Jewish. What? Like if you have a non-Jewish mother, you're not Jewish. So your father... Yeah. No, their father doesn't make difference. Your mother doesn't make difference. Your mother makes a difference. Right. And there's a very good reason for that because they understood the principle of human morality and that you might not be the dead. So you can say anybody's your dead and you know who the mom is. That's not where I thought that was going to go. Moripovich is... Oh, man. There's a reason Moripovich is not like you are the mother, just like everybody knows. Where would that come into play? Yeah. You had to... Oh, you know what? I know what it would be at. You gave your child up for adoption and try to find them and you said that's the mother. Yeah. That would be the only way. So they didn't want people trying to get into the club by saying, "Oh, I'm Jewish. 'Cause this guy and whatever." Yeah. So my mother is the one. But your mother has to be Jewish. So that's an interesting thing. But they take that very seriously about being... So I think that's where some of that kinship stuff comes in. Yeah. It is very weird now, but it wasn't even weird then. So if she were to marry into non-ajoo or what would you call that? If one... Like... I don't know. That's a good question. I was like... Wouldn't it make the kids Jewish? No. Are we at? We need to build a point of build. There's a process... If the father isn't Jewish... If the father isn't Jewish... Or you have to. But you... Right. That's what I think it is. I think there's a process where you can become Jewish, but it's not like you don't have to do that process if your mother was probably not. Wouldn't you have to like... Yeah. Do you have to do the ritual, right? Yeah, I believe so. And then you get to wear one of those funny hats, which is a yamaka. I like those things. I was thinking about a dirt bike, but okay. There we go. Or piano. Oh, yeah. The anos. Yeah. So, yeah. And now that we've talked about Ruth, we'll never talk about it again, because I really... I don't like romantic stories. Nah. Not romantic. Nah. It's just like the funny part of the story is when the father and brothers die. That's the funny, like the father and sons die. And then... And she tells her dad. The mom is like, "I'm so sad. My name is now sad. My name is now bitter, and I'm leaving." Yeah. He's like, "Yeah. Goodbye. I'm leaving now, and my name is sad." And then the daughters came up and said, "No, don't leave. We'll go with you." And then she's like, "No." And then Oprah's just like, "Okay." Let's see. So, wait, you could change your name based on how you feel? Apparently. Or what you think you are. Call me better. What a great opening to a movie, by the way, but with that, just hilarious that you can just go... What a whole new me to call me a cat. Taxi. Yeah. Wait. No. I think that's hilarious that you, you know, because there's definitely people who should do that now. Yeah. You know, like... You ever talked to somebody and you didn't know they were upset about something? Oh. And then you opened it in a bad direction. Do you like... Yes. You're having a good time this week, or like my husband just died, and it's like, "Oh, you're not..." No, I literally had that moment at work one day, and it was not the best moment. It's not great. So, like, if they opened with, "My name is bitter, and I am sad," then you'd be like, "All right. Fair enough. So, I'll let you do your work alone, you know? It's just funny to me that I wish more people would do that, didn't be like, "This is... My name is to my circumstances right now, and that would help me a lot." What would my name... Never mind. Never mind. Oh. Oh. Only. Oh, whoa. The press now. Oh. Mine would be fat or something like that. I don't know. What would my name be? Annoying. What? I can't get myself a name, I guess. She did, though. She was just like, "I'm bitter." Yeah. Well, I mean, that's how she felt, so... It's true. What a sad story. But that's my favorite part of the story. After that, it's just like, "I am." No. Whatever. It doesn't even... It doesn't even like the story of Ruth. He likes the... The story of a big black... His name on a chili, and I think his name is. Anyhow... The lyrics that I do know that. Here we go. So this is not that story. And you might be saying to yourself, "Now, wait a minute. You said you hate romantic stories. Why are you telling the story of Esther? Because there is hardly any romance and plenty of funny. There's a lot of funny things that happen. So Esther was appointed a queen, right? Over that man. Yes, that's correct. But to be appointed a queen, there had to be a vacancy. And that's where the story begins. We just had this fun school lesson about this at my church. Really? Here we go. Oh, great. This is the story of the vacancy of the queen's here. Now, it came to pass in the days of a hassariress. See that one more time? I'm not even joking. That's how Granny says it. And I think that's how it's actually said. But I always heard a hassariress. Yes, let's go to the Bible. Hassariress. Share what scripture you're leading out of. Hassariress. No, it's like a hassariress. Never mind. I don't have a hassariress. Reading an ester, right? Yes. A-H-A-S-U-E-R-U-S. Yeah, it's a hassariress. Sorry, Granny. All right, what chapter? Chapter one, the first one. Are you going to read the whole thing? No, I'm just going to skip it through the first chapter first. Okay. It's given through, but I'm just giving details. Now, it came to pass the hass in the days of a hassariress. This is a hassariress which reigned from India even to Ethiopia on over 120. Man, I'm bad. Over a hundred and seven. Slow it down. I got a lot to get through. Over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces. That in those days when the king of hassariress sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shuxi and the palace. In the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants. The power of Persia and media. Sorry, it's all media and thought of windows media player. The nobles and princes of the provinces being before him. Blah, blah, blah. It's just like he's rich and he's a cool guy. And when these days were expired, the king made a feast and, wait, hold up. I'm so sorry. He made a feast many days, even a hundred and four score days. So 180 days he had a feast. Then it continues. And when these days were expired, the king made a feast unto all the people. And all the people that were in the present in Shuxi and the palace. Seven days. So he had a hundred and eighty day feast across the entire country. And then he was like, now we have the after party. And went to the palace a seven day feast. This is a hundred and eighty business days. A hundred and eighty days. No, total days. I don't know. And it's only the third year of his reign. That's a bit early to have like the greatest guy ever party. Well, the honor, excellent majesty, even in a hundred and four score days. Eighty days. Yeah. That's so long. It's like half a year of party. Okay. He had to be popular after that. Yeah, I know. He made a feast. And then he just went to the palace. He's like, all right. Everybody had the palace. It's been a long, 180 days. But I think we got a little bit more left. And as I have a feast for seven days. Oh, I wear it. White, green and blue hangings, fastened of cords of fine linen. It's basically telling how rich he is. The vessels that were drinking in gold. And the drinking was according to the law. None did compel for sure the king had appointed to all the officers of his house. They should do according to every man's pleasure. I think that just means they could drink as much as they want. And that was legal now. Also, Vasti, the queen, made a feast for all the women in the royal house. There's not only one feast going on after the 188 feasts. There's two going on at the same time. They separated by gender and had a man's feast and a woman's feast. That's kind of like, I guess, traditional now. I guess, yeah. Kind of like a bachelor and bachelor party, I guess. Yeah, I was going to call the women's party a potluck. Wow. Oh my goodness. Can you elaborate a little bit? No, thank you. Go check out the roost. He's going and having a party. Hey, just so you know, one of these episodes later on is going to be the roast of John Hugh. Oh, dear. The comments, probably. Oh, yeah. So anyhow... I thought that was just a going theme. So they're just drinking? Oh, yeah. That's pretty good. So they're drinking as much as they want. And there's no stop for seven days. On the seventh day. That's poisoning. Yeah, it's very bad. On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was married with mine, that's an understatement. Because, not only has it been a seven day feast, it was partying for 180 days before that. It's across the whole province. And you have to have those little like cups and glasses. So he's guessing? He's been hammered for like three months. I'm guessing that this is going to lead to him having liver poisoning and die. You would think, but apparently the wine is not as strong as it is now. Because on the seventh day, when the heart of the king was married with mine, he commanded me, human, mister, harbona, bigsah, and a bag, zephyr, carcass. Hey, can you tell me what script you're at? We're on verse 10 of chapter one. Yeah. Now those names are not pronounced like that. I'll guarantee it. They all have bags. These funniest names you have in this story. Me, human, bista, harbona, bigtah, it's like the dwarves. It's like the seven dwarves where they just the names sometimes rhyme for no reason. And a bigtah and a bagtah. It's way too good. Bista, bigtah and a bagtah is my favorite comedy trio. Not Dr. She's writing this month. Oh my goodness, dude. That's hilarious. Zephyr and carcass. Me, human, and carcass, that was pretty funny. The seven chamber lanes that served in the present of a hazardous the king. So, he commanded those seven hilariously named individuals to bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal to show the people in the princess of beauty for she was fair to look on. So this is what we call in the business little trophy presentation. I am shocked that he was able to talk. Well, well said, the wine was not as strong as it was. I mean, those might not have been their actual names. I might have been what he called them after a month of drinking. Yeah, bista, bista, bista, bista, bista, bista, bista, bista. So, this is the quarter. Obviously, the worst situation for a hot lady to walk into. Just all these guys, just very strong. And he's going to walk out. Look at all that cheese. Look at what I got. So she very reasonably said, but the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlands. Therefore was the king very raw. I would imagine so. Were the chamberlands also drinking? I don't know. What was it just the princes? I'm not sure about that. I'm sure they have had. I'm sure it's a party. You can't have anything. I don't think they had drunk as hardly as a king. Even the chamberlands are kind of swaying in the middle. So the king told me that you need to put your crown on and walk in. Like it's doing a red carpet. And the one guy in the back is just giggling the whole time. Like they keep saying something that's like, you know, double the toddler. They keep like laughing like you put your crown on and you're going to examine your beauty. Like the law law. So yeah. So then the king is very mad and his anger burned in him. Then said the king to the wise men which knew the times. For so was the king's manner towards all that new law and judgment. Oh my goodness. More. Oh. Okay. The seven prince of pretty man. Okay. So he just basically asked these guys, we're all smart. What should we do into the queen Vashti according to law because she has not performed the commandment of the king of Hasteris by the chamberlands. And Mooken answered before the king and the princes. Vashti the queen has not done wrong to the king only, but also to all the princes and all the people that are in all the provinces of the king of Hasteris. For this deed of the queen shall come abroad unto all women so that they shall despise their husbands and their eyes when it shall be reported. And so they had a moment where they had the worst thing that could happen to a man. Your wife stops listening to you and so they all were terrified. Yeah. She's giving him the cold shoulder for trying to put her on a pedestal but in the wrong reason. In the wrong setting. It was a horrible place to go out. You're trying to show off your wife to a bunch of drunk men. I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, but we had this as a Sunday school lesson. And one of our brothers stood up and talked about how Vashti was the beginning of the feminist movement and was in the wrong. And everybody in the church was like, ah, no, why is it then you might be able to answer my question. Why is it that I have an image of a bunch of Vikings? Wait, wait, wait, why do I have a picture of a bunch of Vikings with a bunch of these big pictures of beer or wine and they're just drinking and drinking and then the wife is just in her chamber and the king of the Vikings is asking for her wife to come down so that all of his friend Vikings can see how beautiful his wife is. And she's just you're just a bunch of drunks. Yeah. I mean, why is that because they've been drinking for seven days, that's crazy. It's so insane. One, it's so insane that that person said that that's the takeaway. That was and like that was not even a full paragraph of this little school lesson and the rest of it was about Esther and he talked for like 15 minutes. I love that choice. It's so fun. You know, it wasn't even it was it was he married? Yes. Not for long. His wife is sitting next to him. Oh, she didn't speak up, you didn't say anything. No. Yeah. Time to take him. Anyway. That is funny. That is very funny. So anyhow, basically I'm going to run through the first chapter because it's a lot to get to. But the slidesman was just like all our wives will stop listening if the queen does it. And so to lead by example, they're like, we should get her out of here. Mm. Yeah. I didn't know a queen was fireable, but yeah. And and yeah, that led the king, give her royal estate unto another that is better than she. Yeah. They were just like, get her out of here and give her spot to somebody else. We need to go. And so then when the king's decree, which he shall make, shall we publish throughout his empire in parentheses, for it is great. I love that little caveat. It's like, yeah, that's because the second guy who was slightly more drunk was trying to make it better. Yeah. Throughout all his empire, for it is great. All the wives shall give to their husbands on are both to great and small. I have a feeling whoever thought of this was probably having marital trauma. Yeah. And it was just like, she's starting to talk back. Well, part of part of part of his marital problems could have been the fact that he's been partying for a hundred and eighty seven days. That's true. That's very true. Well, you know, I'm even home in a hundred and eighty seven days. You're not going to believe this. I'm a wise man. I have to be right next to him when he's partying. You don't understand. Okay. And this. Sorry. Mike drop. Jumped out of my skid and they're saying, please, the king and the princess and the king did, according to the word of Mmukin. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You can. Sure. I'll do anything. I'll do Mmukin. So then he sent letters, blah-blah-blah. So there we go. That's the end of the party. So they fired the queen. The queen is gone. He's like, get out of here. I know you're hot, but it doesn't matter if you don't listen. So get out of here. And so then she leaves. Imagine imagine the king thinking about everybody else not listening to him. If the queen won't. Yeah. How much rebellion will happen in this kingdom? I want to know how different this story would have been if he tried to fire and she said no. Ooh. What did it have worked? No. What would he have just, like, she says no and he turns around to the wiseman like, what? I think, was that a blow dart? No, I was trying to do a head-shopping sound, but I can't really do it. Oh, I thought you made a blow dart shot. Yeah. I really, I wasn't expecting it. Again, Vikings are my mom. So anyhow, whatever tribe that is, this is a very, this is chapter two in chapter two, you see them try to cover over being blackout drunk here. After these things, when the wrath of King Ahesrius was appeased, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what was decreed against her. So after he's like, he woke up and was like, wait a second. Oh no. Where's my wife? I'm sure I had a wife when this party started. Oh, yes. She didn't listen to me. So I threw her out of the palace. How long do you think he slept after this party? Okay. So I don't know. I've seen people that get hung over and- Yeah, but this was a, this was at least seven days of drinking. I don't know if it was seven days straight. A friend of mine, I don't know if it's just gonna be true to that scenario, but a friend of mine said that they, they remember what they, what they drank so much. In one day, they were drunk and all of a sudden, they weren't drunk. They just kept on drinking. So I don't know. I drink so much that you, that you drink yourself sober. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know about that stuff. You, you, you circle the globe and then you, you're so drunk, you come back to being sober. But the, the, the, the alcohol, the wine has no effect on you at that point. It's like- Literally run out of the clock. You run out of the clock and it starts again. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Let me know. Kill yourself. True. Um, then said the king serviced admitted, ministered unto him, let there be fair young virgin soft for the king. Uh, blah, blah, blah. They basically set up like purges got talent or it's just like, the purges got bachelor, I guess, and just put up the, the, the bachelor for these, these ladies. I don't know if the king could be considered a bachelor. Well, he was because that's what he had to do. So he had, um, they had this long process, um, but, but then there's a new thing and, uh, new introduction to a character here. Now in Shushi and the Palace, there was a certain Jew whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimi, the son of Kishabingamanite. I don't know why the Bible always gives us the genealogy. Um, just- It's important. It's important. I mean, it's not just in case, it's important, I mean, for what? You might know him. You might be, you know, in the way, oh, how was, how was Esther, how was Esther, um, related to Jesus? I don't think she is. What? I don't know whether. That was Ruth. Ruth is, hold on. Ruth is. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. The harlot from, I gotta look this up. Right. I said it already. I just study. Yeah. Right. What town is she? What city was she from? Jericho. Yeah. Thanks. I asked her. Oh, you're more resort. I asked her. Is a direct descendant of Jesse and who is King David's? Oh, okay. I'm- But that doesn't mean Mordecai is. Uh-huh. Yeah, it is. It's him. Okay. What? Mordecai is a cousin. Okay. You happy to what? Bill? I'm happy to take DL on this one and be wrong. I mean, I thought- I don't know. I don't know. I'm just saying that all of it's important because it's going to all come down to you. The- the fact of the matter that Jesus is going to be- I think one of these stories is the type of Jesus. Yeah. Um, so anyhow, this guy with the long genealogy of Mordecai, a certain Jew, um, he'd been carried away into captivity and he brought up Hadassah, that is Esther. His uncle's daughter. She had neither father nor mother and the maid was very beautiful who Mordecai, when her father and mother were dead, took for his own daughter. Okay. Did you know that Amani's name was going to be Hadassah? That is interesting. Yeah. And just like this, she changed your name. I think it was like, um, it's like Paul and Saul. But I think it was in this case, I have an idea that maybe it was like a stage name. So she wasn't a media like, that's a Jew. Yeah. You know, and then it- that's how she got past the rigorous security of being there. Is there like, we got to give you a stage name. Yeah. Esther. And they're like, all right, that's pretty cool. And they never mention Hadassah again in this entire book. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so Mordecai has taken her in as his own. And obviously Esther being fair and beautiful was one of the ones who was in the, uh, great talent show as previously mentioned, um, uh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So hold on, I'm trying to see what needs to be read here. Okay. So obviously, um, she found favor from the guy who was in charge of all the women in, in charge of their process. And so he would like give her favors and different things, but Esther had not shown her people nor her kindred for Mordecai had charged her that she should not show it. So very smartly, Mordecai's like, yo, they don't like Jews that much. So why don't you hide behind your Esther name and, uh, and, and, you know, kind of don't tell anybody that you're Jewish. And I'm sure she didn't understand completely, but she was like, all right, whatever I'll do what you say, Mordecai. So she did it. And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women's house to know how Esther did and what should become of her. Very good. So he's very, uh, cared and concerned. So anyhow, uh, they ever made the turn was go in after that she had been 12 months. So they had six months of oil of Murr for purification and six months with sweet odors. And with other things for the purifying of the women, I don't even care. There's 13, by the way, one day, first 13 by the way. I'm sorry. Two. Yeah. Really love. Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Now 13 and desk came ever made out of the king who whatsoever she desired was given her to go with her out of the house to the women and under the king's house whatsoever. She desired was given her like what? Like a guitar. I thought like earrings and props is like give me this bowling pin. I'm going to be doing maybe as an actual talent, so that would be funny. It was just an actual talent show. You leave it brain. They leave it very open to interpretation here in the evening. She went on the Mars. She returned under the second house of the women to sorry, I just saw a name there. She on the Mars, she returned into the second house of the women to the custody of Shazgaz. No, no, I'm sorry, Shazgaz. Shazgaz? Yeah. Probably that is. I don't know. Shazgaz. I don't know. The king's Chamberlain, which kept the concubine, she came in unto the king no more except the king delighted in her and that she were called by name. Okay, so that was just like, yeah, so you just have like a, I guess a bingo situation. He's just like, oh, this part and then they call, but you have to have a memorable name, I would guess. Like there's, there's three Mariums and he's just like, any of them, I don't remember the last name, I don't know, but anyhow, Miriam H. Now, when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abba Hill, the uncle of Mordecai, okay, oh, the other cousins, I forgot about that, sorry, I got confused. So does that mean that it's? She required nothing but what, hey, guy, the king's Chamberlain appointed. Okay, so she didn't have any-- She didn't have any props. She was like, I don't know how to play guitar or juggle. I guess I'll just go in with these bokeh flowers or something, I don't know. Just battered her eyelashes when she got there. Yeah, right. And the king loved Esther by all the women and she obtained grace and favor and a sight more than all the virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Ashti. Boom, that should be the end of the story right there, that's like a perfect chapter one, chapter two, boom, queen gone, queen replaced. It's a perfect situation. He actually likes her better than Ashti and he's like, oh, the second time's a charm, I guess. And so then he makes a great feast as if he hadn't done enough. Oh, great, here we go again. When Esther's feast, that's pretty cool, you get a feast named after you, he made a release to the provinces and gave gifts according to the state of the king. How long was this party? It doesn't say, but you know, so Mordecai's sitting in the king's gate and Esther still is not shown, you know, her kindred nor her people. And so in those days, while Mordecai sat in the king's gate, two of the king's chamberlands big, thin and terish of those which kept the door were robbed and sought to lay hand on the king Ahasarus. And the thing was known to Mordecai who told him unto Esther the king and Esther certified the king thereof in Mordecai's name. And when in his position was made of this matter, it was found out and therefore they were both hanged on a tree. And it was written in the book of the chronicles before the king. Okay, so little death plot to kill the king, Mordecai was like, what are they talking about? And then he told, you know, told, told Esther and Esther's like, by the way, some people were trying to kill you. You might want to check this out. And they did. And they were like, Oh, these guys are definitely going to do it. And then they hanged them. And then they wrote it down. They're like, Mordecai said this, Esther said this, they got hanged and then all good. And that's an important plot point for later. That's the end of chapter two. Everything looks good. Mordecai's doing well. Esther's doing well, but seems like there's not really any, you know, really any villains or any struggles or any rising against yet. After these things, did King Ahasurius point Haman, the son of Hamadof of the Aggagans? I'm sorry. All the names are really funny right now. They are really funny right now and advanced him instead of seat above all the princes that were with him. This is a very quick rise to power. This is immediate. He's above everybody else has not been mentioned up to this point. Yeah, it's not really good for the size of his head. And all the King's servants that were in the King's. And all the King's men. [laughter] But that's the other good things that, speaking of the size of his head, that's so funny. And all the King's servants that were in the King's gate bowed and reverent Haman, them he did not hate. For the King had so commanded concerning him. So the King said, you guys have to bow down the Haman because he's such a cool dude. I love this guy. You're going to love this guy. And I'm doing a tremendous project. It's a great guy you've got to bow down just tell you. I love the fact that you've got yourself in that. I keep doing it. I just like, that's something Trump would say. This guy you've got to bow down because he's so great. He's such a terrific guy. We love this guy all around. Make sure to bow down if you don't, there'll be something bad waiting for you. But some warning guy bowed not nor did him reverents. Man, he didn't even get one of these things. No, he just stayed straight ahead. He was like, no, he probably looked him right in the eyes, too. What are you going to do about it? You want me? What you going to do, Bob? Yeah. Then the King's servants, which were in the King's Gate, wow, every time they say that, send him to Mordecai. It was just in case you forgot where this was happening. Yeah, no. On the wall. Next to the gate. Yeah, he's just like, it's such a good rhythm. It's like, then the King's servants, which were in the King's Gate, send him to Mordecai. Why transgress us now? The King's commandment. Dr. Seuss, thought you were going to run. Yeah, I know. I couldn't figure anything. Now, it came to pass when they spake daily. So every day, they're like, dude, just bow down. He's really mad. His eyebrow was twitching the last time you did it. The horse, he was grabbing the horse really tight. I think he's really upset. Just about our one time, that'll help, and then he can-- Yeah, every time, man. Every third time. Every third time, he's giving a little head nod to be like. Yeah, yeah, right. So it came to pass when they spake daily onto him, and he hearkened not onto them, that they told Haman to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand for. He had told them that he was a Jew. It's another one. Oh. So Haman didn't know. Haman wasn't like that. He was busy basking in the glory of everybody bowing down. And then they were kind of like, hey, so this kind of Mordecai isn't bowing down to you, but he said he was a Jew, and you know what that meant? Like, he's not supposed to bow down, and Haman's like, what? And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath, and he thought, scorned to lehans on Mordecai alone, for they had showed him the people of Mordecai, where for Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasarius, even the people of Mordecai. So he's like, ah, I could kill Mordecai, but wait a minute, he's doing it because he's a Jew. I just kill the Jews. That'll fix it. The guy with an agent, his name to do that actually was the first time there was a second. The sequel. Anyhow, um, I was trying to figure out a way to make that joke. Yeah. There we go. Um, and that is such a drastic step by the way, he's like, this guy didn't bow to me. I'm going to kill everybody. Yeah. Well, because he's like, I'm sure that he only, he didn't even know about Mordecai. So he was like everywhere I go, there's going to be these Jews not bowing to me. You know, it's. But everybody else is bowing, who cares? It's like, when you're in power, it's like always the one that sticks out to you. You're like, I hate that. So anyhow, there's a long, long thing that just says basically during this month, you listen. Yeah. Before him. The count, the counts cast lots, uh, basically to say what day something should happen. And Heyman said in the King Ahasarius, there's a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people and all the provinces of thy kingdom and their laws are diverse from all people. Neither keep they do the King's laws. Well, what'd you go? This is verse number eight, okay, King's laws neither keep they the King's laws. Therefore, it is not for the King's prophet to suffer them. If it pleased the King, let it be written that they may be destroyed and I will pay 10,000 talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge of the business to bring it unto the King's treasuries. So he basically lied a little bit where he's like, these guys don't even respect you. They're not following your laws. There's no reason why they should be living in your kingdom if they're not going to respect you for this. So let me just law and then everybody benefits because like every government, they benefit from war prophets hearing. He's like, we're just going to get more money if we do this and we'll pay people. Everybody gets paid. The economy goes up. You know, we don't have people taking your things that don't even respect you and it's you know, a huge deal. It's crazy that we're still doing that today. The king took. Sorry, this is what a fur looks like. So that's cool. So that's the lots that are casting. It's the lots are casting. You might as well show that to the cameras so they can see. Yeah, yeah. Right. We can definitely see that. And the king took his right. We'll throw a picture up in a video later. More work for Bill. More work for Bill. For 40 minutes. Sorry. I'll keep going. You don't actually have to do that. I'm not going to. And the king took his right. He's honest about it. I can just look up a picture at nice like you look over the casting lots tool or whatever I don't know. It's just literally just that. Yeah. That's true. And the king took his right. His casting logs. That's true. So the king took his ring from his hand and gave it unto Haman the son of Hamadaph of the Agagite, the Jews enemy. By the way, this is an important plot detail. It almost feels like there's throwing shade in his dead too. They are for a very good reason. Okay. You remember when Saul as in the king of Israel had to go and there was there was a group of people that were coming against him that said we're going to we'll let you live. We won't harm you as long as you take out the right eye. Yeah, exactly. Oh, that's these people and then and then Saul was the savior of that time, right? Where he delivered them. Those people were the Agagites and Agag was that king. And so they were enemies of the Jews from that point. Where she went now? Verse 11. Okay. Thanks. So so he that is a very important detail that he was an Agagite. So he had a natural hatred for the Jews, where he's like, oh, that's why. That's another reason why I wanted to kill them. And the king said on the Haman, the silver is given to the people also to do with him as Seemeth good to thee. So he's probably still basking in his Esther party. He just had his, you know, he's in a good mood. He doesn't want to deal with any of this. So he said, Heyman, you're smart. I trust you do whatever you need to. It'll be taken care of. He didn't want to do paperwork. Yeah. Because like it's like he didn't have a problem with the Jews. It was Haman's thing. So he's like, just go through it. He just he just did it via Zoom. You know, I got to go back. I got to get back to my book. And so anyhow, they sent out all the letters to all the provinces and everybody. So you could just go and kill Jews. There's like the perds, but only for Jews. So you're just like this day, you can kill all the Jews and it'll be and you'll get a spoil. So you'll you'll take all their stuff. Yeah. Nothing. Okay. That's saying that. Okay. That's saying the post went out being hastened by the king's commandment and the decree was given in Shushan the palace and the king in Haman sat down to drink. But the city's Shushan is perplexed. Wow. It's a good word. Yeah. So there they're having a party and looking out over the city and the whole city is like, what is happening? We're killing a bunch of people in here. So the king has alcoholism. Yes. 100%. Now we've talked about all the Jews, but now we're going to go back to a certain Jew. When Mordecai perceived all that was done, Mordecai written his clothes and put on sack cloth with ashes and went out into the midst of the city. I'm sorry. I said, I've been cried with a loud and bitter cry. I thought you're going to, I was going to mute you if you were going to do a lot of bitter cry. I thought you might know I was, I was generally mattered. I was genuinely wondering what a loud and bitter cry sounded like. Is that like one of those ones? I'm not doing that. Like one of those cries where your voice cracks a little bit in the middle. Yeah Well, it's it's a I'm going to die in three months cry It has lots Yeah, it is the third month of eight on my dudes Yeah, that's great. It's like a husky They were anyway Even before the Kingsgate for none my ninder in the Kingsgate with sack off and in his province So so all the Jews are having a little they're sad for good reason they sense Yeah, great morning among the Jews and fasting and weeping and wailing and many lay in sack off in ashes I have no idea where you are verse four of what chapter four. Oh Still in chapter three. I'm gonna really start paraphrasing here. Um, so basically everything Yeah, so Esther found out about it and she sent clothes over to Mordecai She's like start getting out of sack called the magic. I got plenty of clothes for you right here But he received it off the ground paraphrase the whole thing. Yeah, let's do it No, so anyhow, so so Esther just told him to pick himself up and so basically They have a little bit of a conversation through hattitch Her chamberlain and he was like she's like what's wrong. He said, I'm gonna die And he gave he gave her a copy of the writing and she's like What I'm gonna die and he's like you have to talk to the king right now, or I will die The chamberlain was yeah, cuz then he comes over there. He's like so he said yeah He's gonna die and you wanted to unless you go to the king right now and tell him. She's like See the thing is I Can't go into the king. Nobody you can go into the game and can't go into the king unless you get permission Right and and the king has to ask for you or you will be put to death Unless he like gives you this chapter if you like you're okay, I'll let you comment But that's very rare, but he has not she's not been called to come in with the king these 30 days So then the guy goes back to morty cuz like listen 30 days. She hasn't been there He's probably not even sure who she is if she goes in she's gonna do he's probably wasted I mean so Mordecai is yeah Mordecai sorry, and they got a lot of drinking chips set here because He's gonna die, but they don't know Esther's a Jew Esther's not really upset here. I don't think it's like oh, that's too bad Well sucks to be you can you guys and talk to me a little while so I'll just let it alone for a little bit is just a case and And Mordecai commanded to tell us to answer Esther think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the Jews For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time Then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place But thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this This is the big statement here one of my favorite parts of the story Basically, he is saying the Jews are gonna live no matter what we're not gonna die But if you're not the one saving us and you had the opportunity to do it Then you're gonna get destroyed and all the Jews will live and we will you and your and your father's house Which is him he was like we're both gonna die if you So is that how that works? Yes, I would have thought that the father's house was just her side No, but he's he's the father She doesn't have any family. She's just saying like deliverance will come from somewhere else somewhere You will be delivered the Jews but if you will be delivered the opportunity didn't do it Yeah, then God will destroy you for not doing that. So he was saying you need to do this So Esther finally was like, okay, this is a big deal I'm gonna die now and so she's answered go gather together all the Jews that are president Shushan are fast you for me and neither eat or drink three days night or day I also am I made it so fast likewise and so will I go in unto the king which is not according to the law? And if I perish I perish did she have Jewish maidens? We gotta we gotta pray pray to whatever you have at this point need to get somewhere right faster I don't know maybe that could have been I didn't even that would have been a really confusing thing like you need to pray and Fast to my God for what? Don't worry about it Anyhow Mordecai went his way and did according to all the estrad commanded him So she's you know everybody's praying for Esther and fasting nobody's eating And so she gets all the royal apparel and stands in the inner court of the king's house Mm-hmm, and the king is sitting on his throne in the house And so then he looks over and it's like his second. That's my queen's queen standing in the king's out What is you doing here? She's just over in the side of the court. Why come here? Come here? And so he gives her the royal sat there like yeah, I want to see you I haven't I haven't even thought about you for 30 days Let me just you know 28 No, it's been mine. It's been warm. I haven't gone to the king 30 days, and then it's now been three days since then. Yeah, you so it's like Like a month in a week if you're in February And so and it was so when the king saw Esther the queen standing his court that he Shiptane favored a sight in the king held out to Esther the gold scepter It was in his hand so Esther drew near in touch at the top of the scepter She's like oh you and then you know You'd tap the scepter there didn't say the king of her what well Doc Queen Esther and what is that request? So he knew it was a big deal She was there cuz he had nasty and he was like oh this you did a dangerous thing what do you want? And so Esther at this point surrounded by by the way. Yeah, I know It helps to not I read I read slowly so I pick up on Reading I'm not really slowly. That's for sure. He hits like highlights. So I'm okay I remember reading that one highlights. Yeah, I remember reading that So she's surrounded by all these people in his court here and and she's like I could say yo You're gonna kill the Jews, but They want to do that cuz it's like what if he was right there. I don't even know he could have been so he said um Where would he be? Busy working on a juke killing machine. I don't know like I don't know what he'd be doing at this time. Oh and Esther answered it seemed good under the king Let the king and Haman come this day under the banquet. I have prepared for it They're foodies their food like they they talk, you know, they talk about speaking speaking my language Yeah, right everything had to have a banquet. So she didn't she like didn't look sad She was happy and you need time to think you need time to work out the best time for this So she was like come and have a dinner party. We'll see what happens Maybe conversational strike up into you know, so what about these Jews being killed and like yeah You're gonna come moving around. So she just asked can you come to my banquet and the king was like cause Haman to make a Get over here. Let's go to the banquet. Sorry about hitting the mic. It's fine. Um, I talk loud I'm dropping stuff all the time. It'll be a fine so I'm losing myself They're all at the banquet They're in the banquet at verse 6 and the king sent it Esther at the banquet of wine. What is that petition? It should be granted. Oh, what is striking again? Even yeah, they're always drinking even to the half of the kingdom. It shall be performed Wow, he's willing to give her half of the kingdom. Yeah, and he would have done it But she didn't need to have the kingdom. She needed to do so she was like, I don't know Haman's right here It's kind of awkward. I can't say this guy is trying to kill the Jews and I'm one of them by the way Uh, it's a weird thing to bring up. So instead she's like Well, actually I invited you to this banquet By the way, this is the worst cover story and if he's a good husband, he knows this is all He's been drinking You know You would literally like hey come to this banquet so I can invite you to another banquet tomorrow This is the first banquet, but then again he party for 180 days in the middle of seven days So maybe that was just the thing. They were just like well, it's like when we have a Brother state and come for our church. Yeah, and then we're just like this service was so good. Why don't you do you busy tomorrow night? That's exactly what our church does Five weeks and then you're just like whoa, we don't do that. But the other churches. How's like did that actually happen? How did I miss that? But like, you know what I mean? You just keep going. Oh, this is going pretty well It's keeping going. So she's like this banquet was nice. Let's have another redo it. We love the thing and uh You eat with a lot of one time. So then um I think the most we've ever had a lecture just two weeks Yeah, then went ham and forth that day joyful and with a glad heart. He's happy He'll be well. He has the promise of eating well again tomorrow. So eat drink and be married Yeah, you're literally eating with the king and queen just the three of you It's it's the thing every like person in power wants to do It's like you are that guy that's just in the middle of the power. It's not very good thing to do No, not but like for him. It was like gold number one. If I'm not the king I want to be right next to the king of the pot and with the queen She's obviously very very smart. He's eating dinner with the king and was like hey, you know I'll tell you what I want to do tomorrow, but let's just have another banquet I'll be ready then so haman is happy he's whistling as he's walking along He's you know, oh man. I'm the best guy ever king loves me the queen loves me where everything is great But when haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate that he stood not up nor moved for me He didn't even move for him. He may not have even looked over He may have been looking off the side just what's up? Hey, man Not even looking at him. He's like how'd you know? It was me like you got the jingly bells on your belt You bet the thought there's thought there sounded real good when you're walking But when when I when you're walking all by yourself, it sounds dumb and he's just like are you kidding me? I'm getting chuffed by one of the guards so That he's sitting that up or moved from he was full of indignation against Mordecai Nevertheless haman refrained himself. He probably did one of those ingredients just like clenched his fist like And then just like if it if it was a cartoon steam would come out of his ears Yeah He walks home and and Mordecai's kind of laughing to himself And uh, he goes home haman goes home and is very angry, but he you know, he's not getting mad He's not yelling in the street because that would be bad for his reputation Right. Yeah, so really bad because he just came from dinner with the king and queen So people be like, why is he yelling? So then he gets home and he's like, you know what? I gotta talk to somebody So he's sitting called for his friends and garish his wife So he's like get all the friends in here come in here wife I gotta tell you about some things And he told him of the glory of his riches and the multitude of his children And of all the things wherein the king had promoted him and how he advanced him among the princes and servants of the king So he's I don't know. He's a wagging. Yeah, how would you enter this this whatever this is? Because you just your friend calls you over and he's like, so listen here I'm the best guy in the entire kingdom other than the king. I'm so rich. Look at all my children I'm so good those poor kids. Mm And uh, haman said moreover, yes for the queen did let no man come in with a king under the banquet that she had prepared But myself and tomorrow I am invited up down to her also with the king He's like everything's good There's nobody and even the servants leave after a second like I'm the one in there with the king and the queen It's just the three of us the three amigos hanging out at the top Yet all this avail with me nothing so long as I see more to kind of the jews sitting at the king's gate So he's like I have all this good stuff. You obviously see how good I am I don't even care about all this good stuff as long as this stupid guy Is sitting there? He's not saying I'm good. He's not and that dude that actually happens in real life way too much Where we have everything we need or so we think and one it's one person we need their attention And they don't like us. They you know, they they don't like us. So they don't give us anything We're like we need that usually it's your parents. It's like, you know Usually your parents are the ones that you're like, I need you to see I'm actually doing good. Look at my job Come on. This is how emo starts. Yeah, you're working in a hotel. What are you talking about? You know, it's just like your job is like cool. You're like, oh, you you might be rich But you you know, don't have a wife yet. You're like, oh, no Get a wife and and they're like, well, where's my grandchildren? You're like, oh, you know, so it's like one of those things where you always are trying to you know It's like oh, he's not speaking from experience. No, no, no. He doesn't have any of those. Oh, I thought he was married Oh, man, yeah, I was I was being Heyman here. Uh, so you two never so I got a question, but okay. Go ahead. All right and So what do you want to do? Do you want to because how long how far we are in the in the end? We're getting to the we're almost done the meat Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, I'm gonna ask you is do you want you want to do a part two? Or do you want to continue let this be an episode that goes for how long we're at 56? Okay, I said we finish it up and that'll be maybe an hour 30 and we'll have a good time because it part part three I wasn't I'm not trying to blush it. No, I know Yeah, if we what if because if we wanted to do a part two we could literally just keep going and have another episode for next week Um, but we could up to you. I mean, let's just keep going and let's see what happens. We'll do it. Yeah, that's fine Yeah, that's fine. What have our runtime's been recently? I don't even know An hour for long as episode two hours and some change. Yeah, so that was our testimony thing. So, yeah And this is and this is the meat of the story. This is where if I think what is the funniest part of ester? This is it And so the part that realizes that ester is a Jew. Yeah, this is where Right here is literally where the story starts to get cartoonishly funny When he says all of this available to me nothing if I see mortik. I sitting at the king's gate Didn't said zerish his wife and all his friends under him. Let it gallows be made of 50 cubits high And tomorrow speak under the king de mortik. I may be hanged there on so Instead of saying, uh, you know, he'll die anyway with all the Jews. They're like build a giant pole with a rope on it And then hang him on it and make everybody know this is the guy who haimin doesn't like He is a special example and this is the biggest gal who's ever made from a mortik. I yeah for mortik. I and And the things pleased haimin and he caused the galos to be made so he told us her. Hey, listen get get all the wood you can Start making a giant 50 cubit high pole so I can hang mortik. I on it And uh, and they were like, oh, that's a strange request, but I guess I'll do it 50. 50 cubits is 75 feet Good grief. That's what like three-story building. That's a six-story building. Oh So It's six stories 75 feet six story building. Yeah, you're right. Wow. It's like a parking garage Yeah, a cubit is equal to roughly 18 inches dude, that's You wouldn't even know what was up there. No, it'd be like a little speck. Is that a guy? No, this is scary. That's got to be a second That's elbow to your tip of your fingers. Yeah about roughly. Well, not bill bills probably You'll see exception. Well, okay. What is so part of my favorite thing about this story here is that as it's going on This is I hope it ends get out of the frame. No, I don't think I do not Um, so half of it Dude So What I love about this story is it has one of those movie like flashbacks where they just like keep going between characters all happening at the same time Yeah, and so this one More, you know, hey, man is talking to his wife and his friends and they're kind of like 50 feet high and the camera goes into the night sky and it comes back down on a window Looking into the king's palace here and I'm I'm sorry. I'm clicking the button. It didn't go on that night could not the king's sleep So it's like shows him tossing in turn his bed. You can kind of you still hear him and his friends laughing And he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles and they were read before the king Okay, so he wanted the paperwork read to yeah, he's well I gotta be honest. I've been read the bible a while and uh if I need to go to sleep I go write the first chronicles and start reading off as jake begat Begot and that'll send you right off. You know what I mean? Dehard is part of the book and in the middle of it is like that prayer of j Bez is like buried in the middle Like greatest forever prayer in one short script. Yeah, and then it goes right back to an ebb to naya begat Masariah and he's like, oh, I don't need to know that but um Anyhow on that night could the king could not the king sleep any commanded being the book of the records of the chronicles and they were read before the king And it was found written that mortified told a big tenon terrace two of the kings chamberlates the keepers of the door Who sought to lay hand in the king of hassles and the king said what honor and dignity have been done to mortified for this Didn't said the king's servants administered them unto him. There is nothing done for him so um So he saved the king for being assassinated as he's reading he's like, oh, yeah, that guy's totally saved my life By the way, what do we do? Is he still living high on that and they're like, oh, no, you didn't do anything You just were like, okay, cool. And then and then uh, you know, thanks buddy. We were busy, you know, and they just got passes And he's like on a small side note. I the book of the records of the chronicles. I wonder if that is Literally what you just said just it is but it was like It was for the means of persons. Obviously not for the not for the jews So they all had those kind of not all but a lot of them had the but it was the same concept Yeah, keeping records of what happened to the king and the people surrounding the king and and the rulers of israel So you could look back and say okay. This is where they made a mistake I don't want to do that and so he's reading back and he's like this is what happened during my reign Partly probably for a little bit of like oh, this is look at what I did kind of like trumped us in his rallies But he's just like, you know, I've done more for this group of people than anyone else I've done this I've done that and they like do all they go back and they're like oh look at all I did And in the middle of that you're like, oh, yeah, your life was saved by a random guard and you didn't help him out You didn't even do anything. Oh, so he's like, what could I even do? How do I? I need to get some ideas. Who's who's in the who's in the king's court right now and and so they said um They they look in the way. Oh, hannon is standing in the court. Uh, he's in there, right? So Now you pan over to hannon who won that hate water. Yes. He's standing in the court. You're assuming. Yes Now hannon was coming to the outward court of the king's house to speak under the king to hang more to kai on the gala He had prepared for it. They built a 75-foot gala over night. No, he just was you you start the building and then you get permission Because if you don't you know to ask forgiveness, right? Exactly. So he's like you could I hang him? He's like he's gonna say yes. I mean come on. He's gotta say yes. So he um He's standing in the king's court. I've only ever heard but in matinee say that. Yeah He's better than ask forgiveness than That's the person I heard say. That's the only person I've ever heard say that So that's the brother matinee. I don't know if he listens. Oh, he listens. Oh, no, the double timing of this is so funny This is why it's one of the most convenient works is because while he's like, how could I help mortica? How can I bless mortica for all the goodies doing and then it's just like it shows on a split screen haman Just muttering in the court. How can I tell mortica? How can I hurt him? How can I hear you? Then the king wants you to the king before excuse me the king wants to see you After all I've done for the king and then he's gonna do this for me Excuse me. Hey, man. The king wants to see you in his quarters. Okay. Good. And he walks out. Yes. Thank you. Yes, perfect So haman came in I'm playing veggie tails. I'm playing veggie tails, but I cannot think of haman without a mustache It wasn't that funny I love that dude. I didn't even watch it. I listened to that You know how many times I've listened to it like the veggie tails morning is so good Anyhow, so haman came in and the king said on him What shall we done under the man whom the king delighted to honor? I'd like to think the king was very smart here, and I think he kept it very ambiguously Kept it very ambiguous so that haman would just give an honest answer more than myself Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly now haman thought in his heart Wait, he did what I ate I ate with the king and the queen just me I'm above everybody else. Um, I've I've taken out a threat to the king and his loss What to whom would the king delight to do honor more than to myself? So he's like, oh, he's telling to himself. Yeah, right in his head. He's on camera like oh, of course He must be just he's trying to bless me, but it's like whether Have you seen the video of the guy? This is a sad take the guy who uh, who who killed somebody Was like he killed a child or something and then the and he said he was innocent, right? And the judge is like, okay, well if you're innocent, what do you think should be done to the guy who did it? And he was like, oh the maximum penalty and he's like, all right I hear by sin and she was to life and prison and like he just like he gave him his own sentencing I think that's kind of how it was where he heyman, you know, the king was asking him and haman thought Oh, he's gonna ask me what what somebody anybody could want, but I'll just I'll just tell him what I would love to have And he'll be like, oh, that sounds really great. Why don't you go? I'm gonna do that to you because I really love to honor you and that's a good idea. So heyman, it's like What would you like to have for for a good celebration? Oh, I love a steak dinner with mashed hazelnuts Yeah, all right. Yeah, and then all right Take that and give it some more guys He's so straddling off the bucket list here. He just like starts thinking spoilers by the way, dude He's like, um, they knew he's like just rattling off stuff. He's probably vamping. He's like riffing Uh, here we go. So let's see here um Now For the man whom the king delighted to honor let the royal apparel be brought which the king use it to wear I'm gonna wear your clothes I'm gonna be dressed like the king. I'm gonna be the king Let the uh and the horse which the king ride at the pond. So he's like bring your robes bring your horse And the royal crown which is southern. He's like, I'm gonna be the king. I'm riding on the horse I'm having his clothes. I'm wearing his crown man. I should have got the Burger King crown Yeah And that is a failing horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes Um And that they may array the man with all whom the king delighted to honor and bring him on horseback through the street of the city And proclaim before him thus it shall be does shall it be done to the man whom the king delighted to honor And uh, and he's I mean he's overstruck with joy. He's like, this is the perfect thing I can't wait for this to happen to me and every word This is what I love about king of hazardous Every word of this is delivered Comedically perfect It is the perfect joke where every single word you're hanging on to it. Hey, man's like, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes What like every word this make haste and take the apparel in the horse as thou has said and do even so To more to kind of Jew that sineth at the king's gate let nothing fall short of all thou has spoken Every word There's pauses There's pauses Make haste. Yes and take the apparel. Yes, and the horse As thou has said and do even so to more to kind than you But nothing falls short of all that is spoken and then you just Time stamp that and anything That's the biggest thing you ever heard So Dude, it is so good This is I'm saying it right now. This is the most comedic book in the bible That is so good. That is so good. It's how this started He could have just said the guy want to honor his Mordecai so given all that but he didn't he said everything he was like Mordecai and it's just like it delivers so perfectly. It's a it's a joke. It's like you the rug is pulled out from money You have the punchline. It's great. So um Then took came in the apparel and the horse It sounds like you're getting sad here double. Yeah, the double every time it says the apparel and the horse is really funny So I took the apparel and the horse as I said And I did it to Mordecai the Jew that said it that the king's gate And and so yeah, he raid Mordecai and brought him on horse back through the street of the city to claim before him Thus shall it be done under the man whom the king the life to honor Now he probably started off loud and and no it didn't. I have to get this done. Oh Here we go. That shall it be that shall it be done unto the man whom the king the light of the honor By the end of your here comes some new guys That shall it be done unto the man whom the king the light of the honor Oh this guy and Mordecai's like hey speak Do it like a little like a like to the man who you can delight he's like shut up on the horse The horse is winning happily. Yeah, that shall it be done unto the man and more like I can hear you Flexion you know you put it a little inflection you voice them. Yeah. Hey bring it up a little give it a little energy here Like more because I dare you do it great buddy. He's throwing. He's throwing part. He's having a hard time He's throwing daggers the whole time. I guarantee it's the same course Hey, my my call. Can you straighten my clothes here? They're starting to fall off a little Could you just straighten it up a little bit? Hold on wait a minute. Wait a minute. The crown's falling off a little bit You want to hold the crown now? I'm just kidding Oh man and Mordecai came on again to the king's gate But Heyman hasted to his house morning and having his head comfort. He was he was in a hoodie Drawstrings tight and went down crying through his house He didn't even go down the main street. He went down the alleyway Why not even say that to the king. I should have just said I want to be thrown into the lake So anyhow, so he gets a nice feast. Yeah Then he gets back to his house and tells his wife and all his friends everything that half befallen him Then said his wise men and zerush his wife unto him If Mordecai be of the seed of the jews before whom now has begun to fall They shall not prevail against him, but shall surely fall before him. They literally warned him They literally were like yo He's actually better than you you're going to he's gonna. He's gonna win. Mm-hmm. I'm calling it right now. He's winning And while they were yet talking with him again perfect comedic timing Every time this setup is there. It's just like while they're speaking. It's like dude. Mordecai is totally gonna beat you You can't win against Mordecai. The servant walks up and says excuse me. Heyman. You need to come to the banquet estuary It's prepared for you. He's like oh boy oh boy, and that's where the chapter ends in the chapter 7 So the king and haman came to banquet with estuary the queen now I'll be reading a lot of this verbatim because it is the best So I want kind of want to paraphrase beforehand and get into it because this part is something that we will break a lot down because a lot happens in the single chapter This is the end of the story as for as Haman Yeah, the direct the direct battle is and then after it's just trying to figure out how to fix the problems He has but this is the this is the this is the dual of the fates. This is like Mustafar. This is just you know, it's it's the great fight This is like this is the this is the moment you need to watch. Mm-hmm. This is what it's been building to the right Exactly. Yeah, Esther's been getting these banquets every day Mordecai has been riding the horse with him It's like everything is building this moment. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen And the queen Almost seems like this is about Mordecai more than it is about Esther. It is it is chapter six was The whole thing. Yeah, Esther wasn't even mentioned in chapters. I know I'm I'm saying the whole book seems like it's more about Mordecai It is. Yeah, it's just Mordecai is the one doing all the work The book's called Esther. Yeah, yeah, but that's because It was a dash I've ever confused like the book of a dassel Tanger the book of a dassel chapter. There's so many there's too many books with the names of the man It would be weird. I think it was like one of the minor prophets or something It was like the book of Mordecai. He's like is it somewhere after I say or Is that a word of combat? I dassel really does something. The Haman coming to the king with a gala's request is like finish here Fatality Mordecai Yeah, that's All right, then uh excuse me and the king said it again into Esther on the second day of the bank with a wine What is that petition queen? Esther and it should be granted d and what is that request? And it should be formed even even to the half of the kingdom So we said the same how much time is going by one day. This is day two It's been like this seems like going on the second day of the bank with a one which is three days after she started praying Yeah, it's just like it's been less than a week since most of the crisis most of the story takes place in like four days Yeah, okay. That was like 30 days where she didn't see the king then she sees the king they they bank with Yeah In that week that everything happened. Wow Um, so anyhow She he had stories like what do you want me to do half the kingdom? You heard the spiel I'll just you know save you the trouble Then said s then s to the queen answered and said I'm going to point out Esther is very very good at speaking. Yeah, she's very very good at talking in a way at which it It's not just saying what you need. Could you imagine if Esther talk like me? Oh, yeah So i'm gonna like my uncle. He's told me he's gonna die. It's his fault And you know, it's your best friend. He did it That's right. We think the jews the jews are gonna die man. He's gonna kill the jews. Yeah, so she goes instead of it I hate how accurate you said you set up you set up a question with the answer of yes If I have found favor in thy cyto king and if it pleased the king Let my life be given me at my petition and my people at my request She's like so if you love me save my life Of course, I love you and I want to save your life For we are to be sold. I am my people to be destroyed to be slain and to perish But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage So she was she was so basically she said Me and my family are going to die and if he had just been slaves I wouldn't even bothered you about this if you were just gonna like oh you your slaves now But we're gonna die. We need you to help out with this Is that what bondmen means? Yes Bondmen and bonds women like if they had just sold them off to different countries. I wasn't I thought that's what they meant But it wasn't entirely so then the king of hazardous answered and said and asked for the queen Who is he and where is he? That derspresume is hard to do so who Even is thinking he can kill my queen. What are you doing? Only I can get rid of the queen. I did it in the first chapter so this this almost reminds me of how david was with When when the nathan He was like who is it who did this who did this tell me so i can get you put him in jail. Yeah his first who And then again esters so good So good at speaking the adversary and enemy is this wicked Haven Yeah, whereas i would have just been like that guy leaves everything open until the last word It's like a nail in a coffin. You just keep hitting it with a hammer and you finally hit that one the boom and then it's like Enemy and adversary is this wicked hayman because hayman was the second man was yeah You've actually looked on hayman's face hayman's like all eyes turned if she would have said that before Asking to save her life Api wouldn't have been yeah go on the right way. No And hayman's just shot like and hayman was afraid before the king and the queen With good reason yeah, so like that like the bite of food that he just took just on the floor Wine glasses shattered and and this is where like for the first time Asers is smart He is very angry. He just discovered that his best friend is trying to kill the queen He is upset He does not as he did before when he got upset Called the wise men. Yeah, he does not call the what he doesn't try to like we need to get rid of this Bubba, we need to do something right now And the king arising from the banquet of wine in his wrath went into the palace garden He walked out. He was just like I can't I gotta think I wonder if he took the glass with it I'd be probably threw it down. I don't know. He's just I just have the mental walks in him walking through the guard. So there's a moment of silence where Esther and hayman kind of stared each other Well now what he was looking at the door looking at the door looking at the door looking at the stood up to make request for his life to Esther the queen For he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king So he's really on his knees to bag a please the king is very mad It's your fault, but you can fix this please he's like, you know crawling over to her Please please save my life Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine And hayman was falling upon the bed where on Esther was Out of the frying pan and into the fire It could not look any worse if he had left he could have gone home And he said he's a crawling up on the please There if he would have just left then said the queen will he force the queen also before me in the house The audacity of this man and that's the word went out of the king's mouth. They covered him in his face I think they put a bag on his head Yeah, there's like already we're under arrest It's kidnapped him. Yes And now this is a major shout out to maybe the greatest character in this entire story It had the greatest committed timing the the absolute this is the perfect statement at the perfect time then harbona The legend he is one of the chamberlands said before the king Behold also the gallows 50 cubits high which hayman had made for mortokai who spoke and good for the king Not only should you tell me what yeah gave mortokai for good. Yes. Yes. What should we do to Yeah, he's gonna kill mortokai and and he made a gallows at this time The king could not get any anger at at hayman or so he thought When this guy this chamber that just walks up the table. Yeah, by the way By the way that gallows you remember the guy who saved your life. He's gonna kill him on a gallows cartoonishly tall He made it just for that Which he had standeth in the house of hayman. It's at his house in his house. He's not even doing it for you It's for him. He it's at his house Then the king said hang him there on. I mean I'm sure that they said something where should we put him in the jail? I don't really know what to do with this guy what should we put him to death and then and then it stands up harbona just says hey By the way, by the way They're sort of set of gallows and you'd say is it not being used no actually It's being used to try to kill the guy who saved your life and hayman made it and he's like well hang him on his own gallows It's in this backyard For some odd reason so they hang the hayman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai Then was the king's wrath pacified so he just furious yeah hang him You don't get a beer. I'd like to think it's like the Hulk where he just like shrinks down and says okay, you know, oh my word wow And that's the end of hayman that is literally the I think the greatest in any bible spirit there ever is that you Literally the worst end anyone could have You go from the from the bottom from the top to the bottom all the way down. You're eating dinner with the king It was a it was a heyman is trying to kill me. Heyman is trying to force me on the bed Heyman is trying to kill a guy who saved your life and It went a meteoric rise to a meteoric fall Unbelievable and the next couple chapters are just them trying to figure out okay now How do we actually save the life because? As you know from the story of daniel the law of the Medes and the Persians cannot be changed So they could not just say oops. We made a mistake here. It was a bad law. I was drunk and you know Because they were trying to keep you from just making arbitrary laws didn't really help But you know they still to to help with there was just weird I'm like don't don't spit on the right side of the sidewalk in in this town in Arkansas It's like what are the what who's going to do that? It was going to enforce that like it's just weird random laws They're trying to keep that from happening But that also causes a problem because now they have a group of people who they shouldn't kill But they already made a law about it them killing. So how do we solve this? And and the second amendment Actually much actually you're right So he they said so You legally Legally speaking you can kill the Jews but Also legally speaking the Jews can kill you back They said the Jews can defend themselves That's that's what it is. Yeah, so you can get some money from killing the Jews, but yeah They're really if you can walk away. Right. Exactly. So it's like they're going to defend themselves and hilarious. Yes This is this is almost calling ambulance, but not for me Yes So then yeah, they said to get themselves together so they all came into one place and could defend themselves Yeah And uh, the ready should be ready on that it infends themselves upon their enemies I'm gonna see if And mortikai was given human's position He was and uh And mortik i went out from the presence of the king and royal apparel of blue and white and with a great count of gold And with the garment of firemen and a purple and the city of shushan rejoiced and was glad The Jews had light and gladness and joy and honor and in every providence every province and every city with a shore with the king's commandments and his decree came the joys The Jews it's the end of the episode the Jews had joy and gladness a feast and a good day And many of the people of the land became jews for the food the Jews fell upon them I'm gonna read the first two verses of of chapter eight. Okay, actually you're gonna do it because I can't pronounce things Okay, yeah, yeah, read that well, but it's funny. Okay. Yeah true Our story also Did the king of haceras give the house of haman's jews the enemy haman the jews enemy under ester the queen And mortikai came before the king for ester had told what he was under her and the king took off his ring Which he had taken from haman that is funny That is funny Because in the middle of that execution in the middle of him in a bag He was like, hey, give me that bag. I gave that to you in good No, not the ring you know And the king took off his ring which he had taken from haman and gave it unto mortikai You can ask for a man's ring And asked to set mortikai over the house of haman So gave him a dead man's ring. Oh and a dead man's house and a dead man's house Well, it's a crazy story. Yeah, and I think also wasn't many people him became jews That is also funny. It wasn't haman's entire family hanged as well hung hanged. I don't know No, that's a good point. Hanged is the proper way. Is it yeah by the neck until dead I don't think they were I think they just got sent out. I guess they didn't say today. No, they just said he was home That was that had to have been the I mean to to say the least Sorry that I had to have been um the Most comedic way to read the book of esther. I mean the first Basically no romance in that the way we read it I skipped everything. I mean, okay, but how would you put romance in it? uh focus on um the focus on the difference between the king's uh materialistic view of vashti Uh and and superficial like oh, she's just very pretty and beautiful and she'll just do whatever I say versus him allowing esther to speak her mind to the point where she came When he didn't command, right she made up for that thing that vashti did By not coming when he commanded by can't coming when he didn't even want her there But he accepted it because it was a different relationship. It wasn't just this is my you know The thing that hangs on my arm that it was like whoa, that's the king has that. It's like yeah, it was a lot more Obviously, you know enough to banquet and have all these things and and him to be concerned For her life and upset when when you know that when she was going to die That it was a lot different in that relationship, but I don't really care about any of that. So I was just like You know what I mean? You could though take it that way uh according to google Google The bodies the bodies of hamons 10 sons were also hanged after they died in battle with the jus Well This is is this biblical or it's just like dr. Googler. Yeah um Google profit I like this. I like the story to I mean the story of ester that is amazing Funny the way you yeah, you write it, but my mind was going straight to the you know, um, obviously it's going to go straight to the likeness of jesus in that story man because Haman what a Enemy he was yeah to more to cut me to more to cut and to ester You know right trying to destroy when the jesus by that because it was it was we're dead You know, yeah, it would then did jesus would it would have been hard for not hard jesus would have still prior to sure They would have been saved but still but still the fact that um the enemy tries to make a plan against us You know, we still have a savior in this likeness who is ester Who came and said I want to save us He is the enemy take him out And then he's gone. Yeah, we don't have an enemy anymore. I mean Physically anymore because of what ester has done there or in this lightness of jesus. Yeah, that's crazy It's it's such a good story Because not only does it have all you know all of the the good storytelling That a lot of the bible has But it just lends itself so well to to show like the the family connection of more to kai and ester Right to show that you you know, god places you in a place at a certain time for a certain reason Right, and even though it it seems like oh, I don't know if I should I should do this Should I go to the king when it's certain death? Right, you know, but somebody has to do it And if you're not going to be the one to step up somebody else might and if you're appointed you're appointed right? Yeah, don't don't second guess you're a point. You're your appointment. Yeah, you know, if you're gonna If you're supposed to be on a pedestal then and it was not a good man No, he wasn't and so that's where you've got to like if you're drunk for 187 days Right, it's and you're showing off your wife for how beautiful she is right trying to yeah, you tried Uh-oh if that was one instance, right? How many times has it been happened before where she's just like that's enough. I can't do it no more You know, how many times does it right how many times has she been taking advantage of for For again, because of what very well happened and we don't know we don't know but the but the reality there is that We have Esther, you know and the reason her her not I wouldn't I don't want to I want to be careful We're saying this here, but um It wasn't her rebellion She was just fed up with a hazardous attitude and the way she was treated where he was treating her but because of that You know Esther was put in a place for a time like that to save the jews Jews were all saved because of Esther well, um I don't know. I don't want to be too uncouth here, but what What does that look like? A bunch of drunk men Parting and a lady walks out so they can examine her beauty Uh, it looks like something that a respectable woman would not be anywhere in the year. Exactly. You know what I mean? Yeah, I was not sure what you were gonna say. Oh, it's a bible strip club It's like It's like it's a partying Clubbing environment the fact that you've said that Well, like I was like that's what I was thinking it was gonna say who was like I'm gonna just stay quiet If you're if you're a good wife, you would never want to be placed in that And and obviously you're not the wife of a king But that was something that she knew what would happen. She was like this is not gonna be good No one's gonna say look at how beautiful and respectable You know, look at how uh, look at what a great lady she is It would just be like a bunch of drunk guys going ah, you know, but it's just screaming out at us Esther had to be more beautiful than right and she was and he liked her more than vashti And vashti had to go like For the storyline for the timeline that god wanted vashti had to be gone because she wasn't gonna stick up for the jews He wasn't gonna be wouldn't have and it was and it was perfect The way the lord orc has traded it in that That you know, some people would say why would there's so many young maidens that are gonna go before the king who am I? You know, I could I could I don't even know how to juggle But then you go and and and god appoints you to that certain place and it's is perfect will And he just sets it up and then and you don't have to give out all your like All your secrets. You don't have to always be saying all you're thinking You know, it's like what uh, the bible says about those people who pray openly And and ask but but he said if you ask your father and secret he will reward you in secret Right, you know what I mean? And and and so I think that we don't always have to be like Well, I need a new car. I'm asking the lord for a new car and then blah blah blah and then somebody gives it to you Because they're like, oh, he really needs it, but now they take the glory Yeah, not the lord. So if you say it in secret and then you can tell people later, you know I didn't tell anybody this but I asked the lord if I could have a new car And somebody just came by and gave it to me. Yeah, and that and that's something totally different It's a different story So it's like under the instruction of morte i ester just you know did not let out That secret and at the time it made no sense to do that It's like that's whatever. I'm gonna do whatever. It's no big deal. Yeah, but then eventually you're like, oh, man I'm so glad I didn't just tell everybody what's going on. I didn't tell about that struggles the things I have to apply You messed the plan up. Yeah, it would be different Yeah, and so, you know, I don't know if that's the takeaway But I've enjoyed reading this story I've been excited about this for a while because I recognize that it this story works very well with my sense of humor And it works perfectly. Mm-hmm. And it's been a fun episode nice hour and 30 We haven't done an episode with a bible store like this of this length for quite a while Yeah, oh, we just get to explore it, and I hope I Hope I haven't taken over too much. I don't know. I think we all had a good time. Oh, oh By oh, man. I forgot. Oh, man this episode bill is spot No, no, no what what did you say? I sponsored. I was gonna do a break shuttle it We have to realize something here. Oh, hold on. Let's go down. Okay We got brother matinee coming on a head is On the episode. Yeah And we had the last episode that that we're put on. Yeah, so this makes The one year anniversary No, by golly you're right I'll be in the 23rd is the anniversary. This the episode will be out in the 21st. It's just right there. Wow This is mine when we Because the reason this came up is because me and him were riding in the car and as i'm driving safely I read and broke down the story of Esther in full detail. Yeah, and did exactly what I did here I mean, I'm sure the jokes were different. Yeah, it was it was a different environment Obviously, I don't want to take too much of my own input from this But it was so much fun that I was like how this works so well, but when I was that That was like that might have been right when the podcast started. Yeah. Yeah, because I think I Hadn't been before nice. Just and we thought about doing it at other point I was like, oh, we could do the story of Esther But it just never really came up and and I was just like I don't want to just have an episode where it's just me doing jokes Because I've you know thought thought it through and like oh this works really well But but I like how we did it where we all have input We all have different ideas. This is so much. There's so much to do into and this kind of brings kind of this almost brings full circle Remember the remember the second episode It was two parts. Yeah, it was two parts What was it? It was an absolute story. It was it was a Uncomfortable funny episode. Yeah, but it was It was oh my goodness. It really shows. It really Sorry, it really shows how far we've come that we were able to Do a similar format, but it flowed so much more freely. Yeah, that's not We're not cutting a thing out. Yeah, you're not putting a video or you know And and and on a different note how much we've grown as people because you know We didn't have to we didn't have to cut the jokes out. Right. Yeah, that's very true You know and being respectable about it, too This was the biggest part, right? There could have been no I will say there's things that we might have cut out if we were really in you know, like if we're like Oh, maybe that strip club thing was a little too much or whatever, but I think it's just like We are saying those things are bad. We're saying that drinking is bad. We're saying that those kind of environments There's not a attitude to that and showing How far that you will go under that influence? Yeah, very true because I I don't know But I don't think that I've done forgotten the king's name, but I don't think you were serious Yeah, I don't think he would have done that sober because he didn't ever try to do it with Esther No, I granted really no Sure. Yeah a week and a half but And I really appreciate how we've grown I really appreciate the way the podcast has grown and we've grown as individuals just like you said But in a way where not like that But but in a way where we've grown in maturity. Yeah, you know, yeah No, we don't talk about family got this podcast, you know, like we were like saying stuff like that at the beginning and it's different But we can but we're now in a point where um You know, it's not it's not like what do we say or how do we say it? It's the lord Guide the lord's guiding and we're under this under the guide of the spirit of the holy ghost And if we're not If we don't if we feel a check about something just we don't say it. Yeah, you don't want to present something that's That is not that is not right. We don't we don't want to Set an evil thing before right us or the people that listen are amazing followers um That said Everything in this episode obviously is going to be Because of the concept of the humor part. Yeah, but yeah, we've appreciate we appreciate everything that we've been doing I appreciate everything we're doing growing this podcast and and what so I can't wait What what next year what this this next year and it holds for us. Yeah, I'm I'm excited And I am, you know enthusiastic especially for sure because it's gonna be amazing Yeah, and we'll get into this too that you know, we're talking about Our choices with the podcast, but we started this thing. I don't know how much we've said it on here But that we were like we're gonna put a year in yeah, that's all we did It's we were like Everything we have to purchase all the things to make this a reality maybe the year is is just a one-year time That it reups and and we're you know, we're gonna put all our all into this and we get here We're all three still here. We have cameras. We've added we've grown We've made it even better for the people listening and the effort is still there It's not like we're getting in here like, oh, here we go. You know, we're having fun This is one of the most fun things I do because and I love this because you don't do anything On that note guys Unedited now Now this is the part After this team after this time tv screen my word after this video Yeah, all that sanctification talking all the time all the time leading up into this post is gonna be bill editing this thing Of him doing nothing but editing Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing if I were to send it on edited it would be remarkably similar What's the difference like I literally just put it in a preset And this 17 hours of downloads Next time you listen to one of our episodes listen to the 21-minute mark I don't know if that's it, but yeah, yeah, we're somewhere around there every time you always move it But yeah, I do a move it to where fits in it. Yeah, it's been fun every time I don't even say it I say it more than you do. I think my fun Absolutely. Absolutely. That sounds way more like it All right guys, we thank you for watching Please hit the share button hit the follow button and wherever you're watching and listening to this podcast We appreciate you just hit that like we want to want to grow this podcast even more Check us out next week and we will see you on the next episode. See you later. See you You (upbeat music)