Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries


1h 9m
Broadcast on:
18 Aug 2024
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that we oppose to progress what we are doing today. How many of us have an idea of what patterns is all about, patterns? Patterns is dealing with what has been in your family. You can see what you are going through or what you are experiencing. That the moment grandfather have experienced before. Hallelujah. Amen. Before I go into the message, can I still also appreciate everybody, whilst keeping forth while I was in with foremost to any of which. Hallelujah. Let's thank God for the minister, the pastorate and everyone of you. Hallelujah. I really appreciate God for your life. Hallelujah. You know, whenever God wants to do something great in one's life, the enemy we are at. When I was coming from U.S. before going to Africa, the plane went into turbulence. A journey of 45 minutes became a journey of about six hours. We were taken to a different airport. They were from the airport with the brothers back and all that. So by the time I came back to London, I was extremely tired. I mean, something that should take 45 minutes, take you six hours, two bullets and all that. Then also I now went to Africa. Coming back, the day I was supposed to come, like I was saying to them on Thursday, we were anywhere back to board, before even the plane that was carrying us landed. And as it was landing, fire began and everybody was running to the fort. It was smokey and I was telling the people that who I was into, but I said, "I don't think this is a plane. This plane is quick tonight." I said, "We should be ready to go to the hotel." It was about 11. Nobody gave us any information at about 1.1, 1.30 a.m. or that the flight is canceled. Before our flight was canceled, here France was canceled. It's not too flight, what canceled is M9. And I said, "We are going to the hotel." And like Africa, we treat you. Nobody gave us any information. We just started there. "Okay, well, I will tell you what to do next." After about 30 minutes, we are taking you to the hotel. Like, where is the hotel? Well, no information. Then the next day, follow us. I mean, imagine about 350 people, probably. And the ticket was through all this kind of life's journey. By the time we come back to another country, I said, "Come and kill and be right in it." My question was, "That's a manifesto for those of us who are buzzing with our name. Just call that name antique." And they said, "No, no, we need to write our name. We need to write our image. We need to write our whole number and all that." And so we did that. You know, that took an hour to three hours. You know, everybody just couldn't like it. Then they took a bite. And then we got to the table, 4 a.m. in the morning. By level, we're back to the airport. And we got to the airport. We didn't fly again until almost five. And by the time we got to lose, we got to lose one side of life. And by the time we got to Germany in front court, all the flight is going to London. So, hotel again. We were there till about 12, the second day, before they flew me to London City, and they came about to one. You know, so the journey that six hours normally took me for 48 hours, just from there on there. You know, I call my spiritual father. And by saying, "One of your many expressions you said, you cannot die by here." I said, "No, I cannot die by here." He said, "Well, just come for me too." He said, "I should come back." And I don't go that I'm here today. Well, while I was telling them in the plane, some of the guys, you take the shelter as I listed. Whatever you want to do, you can shoot the airline, you can do everything. Shouting there will not do anything. As all those who are shouting on the air, are not decision-makers. As I said, "So you're shouting on the air." Thank God, we are not in number. They don't say, "Pascending number, so, so true." They are calling you your name. Hallelujah. I pray for you this year. No debt will come near you. None of your love when we die in the name of Jesus. Grace, we keep in the name of Jesus. Time is fast when this is 12 already. When I talk of patterns, every one of us know what patterns is. But for the lack of younger ones, I want to let you know, when you begin to see some of the things you are going through, that your mother has gone through before. When you see, when you are looking at what you are going through, that your grandmother or your grandfather has gone through it. Or maybe somebody just tell you this story about it in your family, then you know that it's a pattern. And once in a real life's day, there are patterns that are placed in every life that most of us don't take note about. Hallelujah. One of the things people say, "Oh, white people don't have patterns." I beg to disagree. I completely, they have those patterns that we do because they don't do anything about it. The pattern does wrong, you know. In Africa, I say, when we say three generations cannot be poor, because we do something about it. But I have seen 10 generations in the white that continue to be poor. Hallelujah. So patterns are real. Patterns are things that we need to deal with. Going to have a degree does not erase patterns. Having money does not erase patterns. Having a good job does not erase patterns. It's only a pathway that you left your country and you are in UK does not make patterns have erased. You will just discover at some point something will just trigger something to activate the pattern. I might talk to somebody this morning. Something will just trigger in the family. You know, you look at the family, we are, let's say there's always divorce, divorce, divorce, divorce. You know, money will just be working. All of a sudden it could be 20, it could be 30 years into the money. Something will just be guided. And if you are not careful, always, no, no, no, I don't take, I don't take rubbish from anybody. Then you now begin to see some phonetics that does not appear in this spirit. I don't take trash from anybody. And then I'll be, you will, you will, you will make your feelings, the enemy will give you enough excuse to convince yourself that you are doing the right thing. Then you will make you to stand and write, but listen to me. Until somebody stand and say, this pattern cannot continue. The pattern we continue. Until somebody dare to take a step and say, I will do what am I takes. Patterns we continue. Because the pattern started by blood. The pattern started by covenant. This pattern is established by zeal. That there's something, there's an agreement in this spirit realm that you cannot see that established some of this pattern. But I want us to deal with some of it today. I'm not going to explain pattern. I'm not going to explain it pattern. Hallelujah. Let's look at some ways. And now we just tell you, let's put Genesis 37. Genesis 37. Listen, the blood is always the light of yoga that God uses. You know, when you look at the Egyptians, the Israelites in Egypt, there are 10 plagues. None of it was. Because all the nine can be replicated by the Egyptians. As Muslims, we put one down, then we're implicated. Then we will do it faster. And they were telling Muslims, all these things we taught you to win. You had their class with her. So what I used to do? But when God brought the blood, it was the last to come. They cannot replicate it. They cannot repeat it. They cannot do anything about it. I pray that your prayer would not be replicated by the enemy today. In the name of Jesus, what God would make you to do today. When the enemy would not be able to replicate it in the name of Jesus, I'm going to take it. Just follow me the way I would do it today. And God, we have you in Jesus' name. That's one. That's one. That's one. That's one. That's one. That's one. And they took Joseph's code. Amen. Amen. Amen. My Joseph. Joseph was one of the number 11 times of his father. His father names is Jacob. So they took his code and killed a kid of the goat and did the court in the blood. Give me that, too. And they said the code of many colors. And they brought it to his father. And they said, "This we have found. No, no, whether it be thy sons or not." They said, "This opportunity to prophesy to the life of mothers and fathers." There would not be the close of your children. For you to recognize in the name of Jesus, your children would not die. So delaying the name of Jesus. At no point in your life will you be brought into any point to identify the body of your loved one in the name of Jesus. Imagine they brought this body to the body close to the father. Is this the close to your body? You see, their brothers, in order to cover their tracks. Your enemy would make a mistake today in the name of Jesus. They missed that. They missed that. They would cost them their life. Their destiny. They would make it today in the name of Jesus. You see, the mistake that made was to kill a kid. A kid is a young goat, which is a symbol of Jesus himself. So they made a mistake to taking their probability of track. So when they're killing under D, what they are saying is, "We are making you a victim." D.P. is caught in the blood. They are saying, "We are making you a victim." So the blood began to speak. But all you need to know, in the other time, they said, "Do it." In the villages, when you see the people fight war, I'm not talking a minute ago, when war used to be war. If you think they are close, signify how war is somebody. Give me, I say, "I know that it's fine." Unless you are the Bible, talk about the blood. I'm trying to do something. Because somebody will receive it to that deliverance today. But please, just put that in the back of your mind. Patterns are real. And until you deal with it. Until you die, I've seen people. I've seen them man who became a millionaire. And within 48 hours, I've lost everything. Because there's a split of poverty in the family, that we always tell them you can have your money, but you cannot sustain it. Any power that says you will not sustain war, God has given to you. We die today, the name of Jesus. Except for every battle of the warrior is with confidence and the government ruled in blood. But this happened with the burning and the threat of fire. So here, when you talk where any government is ruling, the blood. And the person is still alive. He's a warrior. It's only when it's dead that is not the warrior. But if the person is still alive, the person is a warrior. So they turn him to a warrior. They turn him to be a lord over everything. By dipping his blood, by dipping his blood in the blood. They made him the warrior. Because if I was saying that stood us 15 to be eaten, it's that the lord is a man of war. It's that the lord is his name. So they made him lord of everything. They make him to be in charge. Hallelujah. If you have no doubt, they will not kill them. But can I shock you? Since they cannot kill you up to today, you are becoming a warrior. You are becoming a leader. You are becoming the overcome man and your family in the name of Jesus. In number 31-27. Number 21-27. I'm just trying to build this today. This is a long message we're going to put on five weeks. We did to answer patterns in this church. We did to answer patterns in this church. I remember when we started dealing with the issue of immigration issues in this house. In the past 15 years, God began to deal with it one by one word by one. Patterns asked to end this one. Walking out and not making it used to come to an end. Struggling every day of your life. And at the time when you are supposed to be enjoying this goes wrong. We stop you today in the name of Jesus. And divide the prey into two parts. Between them that took the war upon them. Who went out of battle and between all the congregation. There are lots that are given. There are things that the enemy want to do by the enemy. They got on it a line. They got on it a week. I pray that God with all the things that we put you today in the name of Jesus. Blood, like we said. I think in the book on a little bit, it took us 17 in level. It said the love of everything is in the blood. Am I right? The love of the flesh is in the blood. If there is no blood and the flesh is dead. Am I right? Those of you who may no cook. If there is no blood, you know the meat is dead already. Hallelujah. You say, "And I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your soul." That is where I am coming to. The blood contains light. And God said, "I have given it to you to make an atonement." That means you can use it to pay for any covenant that is already there. You can use it to erase any covenant that is there. Except for it is the blood that make an atonement for the soul. The blood can pay for what we are talking about tonight. The blood has the significant and the efficacy to deal with the issues in our life and in our family. I pray that God will set you free today in the name of Jesus. So when you talk of when the deep deep clothes in the blood, what they have done is to give light to him. What they have said to him is, "You will become anywhere you go." What they have done is to say, "You will become." You know, there is a soul that is normally saying, "Let me say good to you, folks." When I went to a baby, he said, "I did not do it, I did not do it." And that shit will... But somebody has seen it in a way. He said, "I did not do it, I did not do it." He said, "I did not do it, I did not do it." The confidence that Swallow has not the confidence. There are authors that Swallow has not the author. There are authors that when you raise it, no other authors thought. There are confidence that when you go into all of that confidence, it's a race. Somebody was talking about some president in Africa. He said the confidence that they carry is that nobody can give them. Hallelujah, "But what they have gone through from higher end, but you are in the higher end of that wherever they are, and your ability can swallow their end forever." He said, "Hey, I done 11, give me that quickly. We are coming quickly, and I want to give us..." Hallelujah. That money is laughing. He said, "Hey, I done 11, quickly." He said, "Hey, I done 11. As for thee also, by the blood of that covenant, I have sent thee what? Send thee out of the peace." So by the blood you can come out of this challenge. Hallelujah. Out of the peace we are in, there is no water. So, they are blood as the capacity to set you free. They are blood as the capacity to free you. They say, "I preached some months ago in this job." You know, when the blood is activated, then you need to hide your face to it. No, the enemy will be telling you fear. Then you will be telling you fear. You need to activate your faith. I was coming from a night, not a night, and every prayer in the Bequita. So, as the driver was taking me, luckily I was sitting at the back, and he said to them, he said, "Oh, this useless people, they are put sacrifice on this dancing again." And I went, I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Every evening, they bring every sacrifice." I said, "This lack of money." Lack of food, lack of vanity. He said, "They bring every sacrifice to that dancing, every evening." He said, "Listen, that's a sacrifice that can swallow any sacrifice, because of you." Hallelujah. What can your faith carry? I'm not talking about myself today, or your faith is attaching to it, that every covenant in your life can be raised. It comes to you. It comes to you to believe that. You see, when the dig is closed in the pit, or in the blow, he said, "Can I say?" He would come out. Look at the life of Joseph. He came out of the pit. They threw him in the pit. God delivered him from the end of a 45. God delivered him. 45 is right. When he was in the prison, God delivered him. Because they sacrificed for him, thinking they were making a representation to his father. I'm not talking to somebody. So, this guy says, "Because of the dipping of the blood, you will come out." So, if you believe in the blood today, you will come out of this mess. You will come out of this delay. You will come out of these issues in the name of Jesus. Listen, somebody is because of who we have through today, the name of Jesus. When you come out, God will give them through. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So, digging the clothes in the blood means go and overcome. The Bible says, I think in Revelation 1211, it says, "We overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the world of our testimony." So, the moment the blood comes in, you become an overcomeer. You become an overcomeer. That is the word the Bible says. That is why, when Joseph came out, and his son's brother, you know what he says? Is that you guys planning for evil? God told me for good. Genesis 5020. Genesis 5020. Some of you, those who ate you, would come to power for you. And when they are by for you, they say, "Ah, when you are planning it, you taught it for evil." That God told me for good. Because we are the God that left you, they will not meet you there. Every way that you are in the name of Jesus, is that what that's for you. You taught evil against me. But God made it all too good to bring too fast. I see this this day. Say much people are like. God will bring you a life in the name of Jesus. Like I said to you, the blood is the life that God used. I want you to use the joker today. I don't want to change the... I just want to key into it. Let us use it. Let's use this joker to deal with the enemy. If the Israelites can be free by the blood, then nobody could stop them. You also can be free in the name of Jesus. God can set you free. But if I was in Jesus, it's not only our advocate, it's the judge. Jesus is not only the advocate, it's our judge. So, if we plead your case, and then we also judge the case. So when you plead your case, it will set you free. Hallelujah. I serve fifty-four base five. I serve fifty-four base five. Hallelujah. Fifty-four base five. But that Mecca is the horseman. The lot of horse is his name. And that he demon, the only one of his friends, the God of the whole had shall he be called. But start by saying your Mecca is your horseman. Hallelujah. He will make things good for you. And we said to you, it will help you. In the name of Jesus. He said, this day, you know that in this room and something, what he gets today, I say, how many times have you been discovered to be my wife? You remember? I know some of us are discovered. But they call it yourself. Hallelujah. I know there are some delays. Hallelujah. You think every time you say, "I wish you might be." You think so? All right, we don't wake up. Why did I marry this boy, sir? What is taking my life did I make? To say, yes. To this village boy. None of you is talking about. How many children have looked at that? But I say, why did this one be my father, sir? God of all the pandas. God of all the pandas. All the pandas are quiet. Every time I pray, why did God give me to love? Bushmanity. Old man in the village. I didn't enjoy him. He never had to take me out on play or anything. All right? Why, when I tell you, I thank you. Why am I in the idea? You, you, I tell you, feed this courage. You, I tell you, begin to say, I've been coming to church. Why is it that God chose a bad woman? Is God really the world we say He is? Does God really answer questions? But can I tell you the big guess of what's good for this college? Every one of us they have gone to this college day. But the Bible said, be of good chance. Is that because he has overcome? And if you overcame, you also kind of overcome. You remember Jesus, what is my center? Is this the center of the chapter? I will be the center of the chapter and do this. I did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it. But I'll be here, did it overcome? If Jesus ever kill you, we overcome it in the name of Jesus. All the same things today as I'm landing on, that power belongs to you and to what you believe in God. Hallelujah. You cannot continue to allow what the enemy is doing to. Take all of your life. You need to do something. If it's true, you are not there when God made the foundation of the head. You are not there when you grab what I made mistake. You are not there when your mother was committing themselves to something that you know. But hear me, God can set you free today. Heaven can set you free today. In the name of Jesus, God can do things to make you able to be straight and your head to be glorious in the name of Jesus. Now let's look at what that we pray. Mach 7, that's 13. Mach 7, that's 13. Somebody's story we change within the next 36 hours. You understand what I've just said? Within some 36 hours, somebody's story we pronounce completely. Hallelujah. He said, making the word of God of non-effect through what? I really did this. Through your, it is a my tradition. The tradition is your family. Okay? Which ye have delivered in a many shows like this do ye. There are things we do since I am God that activate patterns. Listen, there are things we do. Some of you to tomorrow, we know it will yam unto the deuter sacrifice. Hallelujah. There are some of you. There are some things that do your family. You still do it to tomorrow. You don't know enough of me, we don't do that to it. What the hell you know? If I may know, let's just pray. There are some of family patterns you follow. I gave an example here of a woman who fry head with me. And the grand, and the doctor pick it up, the grand doctor pick it up. And the husband said, why are you frying your head with me? Is that because my grandmother does it? The, ma'am, why are you frying head with me? Because grandmother does it. When they ask grandmother, why did you do it? Because my mother does it. By the time when they ask, they say, what do they want? They have not, they don't have enough eggs. So to make the eggs become bigger. They had some meat. They had meat and water. So they pass it down. And people continue to, it becomes a custom. It becomes a tradition. There are some of the addition we still do to tomorrow. Just listen, understand this money. There are things we do that empower us. What do you call it? Empower us patterns. Thank you. There are things we do that empower us pattern. What do they do in your family? I was preaching in the U.S. and I said something. I said, why on earth will a family gather all the children and buy bouquet? Is it bouquet the cauliflower? On the Saturday money and go to the cemetery and sit down there with your breakfast and have breakfast? How many of you used to do it here? We are, we eat, do health. You carry your children on the Saturday money and sit down on the bench. And you are eating breakfast. If you think it is, on the Saturday money drive to any of the cemetery, you will sit down there. But that's those people. There are other things we do that activate those things. If I ask you now, some of you, when is your best date? I'll be your best month. Some of you, if you tell me the month, you say I'm a cup recall. I am a queen of yours. I am, I'm a gentleman of mine. Is that Biblical? Did you say to the Bible? You see, whenever you are activating some silly things, you are at what happens to others, we are cool to you. The Bible says be it different. Look at what the Bible says. He says, making the world of God not in effect through your traditions. What traditions are you still keeping? What traditions are you still keeping? Oh, in your absence of place, you must react to the so-called. Why the traditions? Oh, anybody who does get back to a baby in our family, Mosit, so-so-so. You must keep in traditions. Some of you are knowing that we don't do it. It's become normal. Some of you, when you cook your food, there's some dish you do. They were asking one boy, "When do you want that to go into a beautiful book?" He would go like this. They'd be like, "Why is he doing it?" And you see people following it? Hallelujah. And the death will amplify the evil patterns we do to keep the pattern of people in our family. Hallelujah. There are some you logic that give to you. It's actually right. When somebody, okay, in my family, they call up, "A mohua, a mohua." If you call me a mohua, I would say, "Okay." But you can't call me a mohua. So I would just call you a mohua, because you went with me, and I'd say, "A mohua, madwesser." "A mohua, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." You understand? And you are? And your head is swollen. All over things that are active. What they are saying is, I'm still belonging. I am still part of it. What apple to them can happen to me. That is what you are saying. When somebody call me a mohua, I know I belong to the lion of the tribe of Judah. Okay? Great. Hallelujah. But what I'm saying? What are the things? What are the things? You know, I have no biblical in the tone. And you allow yourself to go with it. Even, can I shock you? Even, won't it? On the Valentine day. What prescription test will most be added? Okay. Go and leave this. We are dotted. No. What I'm saying is, there's a pattern you key or seven to. And you activate the evil patterns in your family. Don't be bind by the law that is not, that that's not biblical is. Okay. Look at what the Bible says. You say, making the word of God not effect through your tradition. That means you have negated the law of God. Okay. Let's go from pollution to it. Colosians to it. That means good. Colosians to it. The tradition as far as to stop your progress. Traditions are power to stop your progress. But we are lesser demands. Why you true philosophy and fame disease? After the tradition of what? Oh, man. After the tradition of man. And after the root of the word. And not after Christ. All we are doing is after Christ. That the church has to do it. It doesn't mean it is in the Bible. Hallelujah. Check it. Is it Bible based? Is it Bible based? You know, I grew up as a Catholic. How many of you are believers in that are Catholics? Okay. Catholics? No. Where you see Catholics? Everyone the first. Paterasca. We condemn the Catholics. or the catie roostly around our their neck. But go to most of our camp. That same roostly is there. You understand? Oh, there was a couple of-- what is the couple of, but-- but the same people could decide we were hand-bound. Huh? Rees-bound, hand-bound, neck-bound. So in fact, my people are dressed there. Some of them were the-- oh, they would kiss it for. They were tortured with their lips. What-- what is the difference? Look, what is the difference? I ain't tired-- I ain't tired of the difference with the house of a pastor. He has his prayer corner. And what did he put there? All those hand-bound. So it looked like it's right, you know, with papala. What am I saying to us is that after-- is that after vain, this is after the tradition of men. Was it when you followed the tradition of men? Who I put on men? We I put on you. What I'm saying is, if you want to stop it, you need to take a step so that your fasting and prayer will not be in vain, so that your declaration will not be in vain. OK. Colossians 2, go to verse 20. And let it go 22. If anybody has another passion, I want to join me and look at it before we pray. We are far if you've been dead with Christ, if you've been dead with God, if you're abundant, then that's what it means. From the rudiment of this world, why? I don't live in the world. I live subject to ordinances if I speak to one. Touch not, test not, and do not. In our family, we don't share. And who is from that kind of family? We already don't share it. That's our family, they don't share it. But that's the best that we go to. We already do. It's got to be, I see it. We are the fry act, where everybody, we sit there. But we don't share it. In our family, we don't share it. Some people, you know what? What about the mentality on the-- [INAUDIBLE] Stingingness. Some adults think it's already-- That's what I'm saying. Now, probably we don't share it. Hallelujah. But it's a test not, touch not, and do not. Give me verse 22 and 22 to say, which are all to perish with the using of the commandment and doctrine of men. Who has another version of the Bible? [INAUDIBLE] Yeah, it doesn't want that kind of attention. You need to go out of some traditions. Hallelujah. You get to some places when you want to pray, they have to break cola first. They would get one, touch it on the ground. You see a hand in the land with them there. You see, listen, you don't need to eat it. But being there, press it, you're a part of it. So what happened was, that's happened to you. Hallelujah. I went to somewhere else to pray. They did it. They said, I bring cola first. I said, which cola? We are praying before going to church to preach. You are bringing cola. What does the cola got to do with it? What does it do? It's tradition. Oh, I said, that's how we pray. I said, I don't know how to do that. Hallelujah. What is that thing that nobody eat out in our family? We don't eat this. So you all know, don't eat it. I told me about one man of God, very close man of God to be. Oh, it's Father, he speaks to each name. And this guy, he sits in his name. But the guy is blessed, Father, he's deep walk. And he studies, Father, he said, this name is notricia, too. He said, no, in our family, we don't eat it. And he said, that's what I-- that is a password. And he said, Father, that's why you are steep walk. Because while you are praying against, you are fallin' into the same tradition. Hallelujah. There are some things as stupid and above, we did to run away from. The blood is there to release us from all things, the blood. That can I tell you, Father, he's so real, and Father, he's so strong that he takes the blood to break it. Give me Romans 1, 32. Hallelujah. We are comin' across the air. Romans 1, 32. All knowing the judgment of God, that there which could be justice, I would be of debt, not only do the same, but a pleasure in them that do death. So it's not really those who do it. It would those who are pleasure, and then that do it. Oh, hey, it's my wife, my wife, I do whatever she likes. They do it in their family. I can do what they do in their family. Hallelujah. When they were to bury my father-in-law, we were there. And we were praying. We know my boss enjoys life. So when the people want to bury my back in, I carry a bow like that. I think that it was with us. I put that in on my neck, begin to run. Nobody was possibly me, but I was running. Because I know, you see, you cannot be in the environment and not be back of it. Somebody thinks that it's happening to us is because we are not going to happen. You still respect traditions. You see, I'm not dealing with eating or godly food today. Forget I'm dealing with that and all that time. But I'm talking of traditions. What to do intentionally? A bra just went to Kenya. And he was telling me, when he got into Kenya, as he entered Kenya and he got into the family out, they sat him down. And they asked that this is how to work on me in a traditional way. And he said no. He said no. I'm going to try and don't go. You go to anywhere public on the airport. And then, and then, and then, how many of us can use that? Some of us, you fully act, that you are in a new place. You are just happy. Oh, I'm back up now. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d. It's the same one of them. Another brother. Oh, went home. And they took the meat that we used to serve him to their strength. They said they'd meet most bow on the altar. And he hasn't got to tell me. And here, when we pray, I'm fasting and putting our head on the floor. And they do that. How many people are tired of the patterns they are going to? Please, I want us to sincerely want to deal with you today. There are some patterns that breaks my heart. There are things that we go through that should not be at all. God says, I've given you freedom. I've made you free, and you should be free. That is what the world of God says. That's what the world of God says. They said, you are free, and you should be free. Nothing more. And they give me some antibiotics, 10. I hope I got that right. 84, 10, I think. Some antibiotics, they're 10. For a day in the court, in the court, is better than a thousand. That means 24 hours in the house of God is better than 24,000 hours as we are. As I let that be, don't keep buying the house of my God than the 20th or 10th of weekend years. I submit to you, the God of your father's house, I know him. Can you let them go tonight? Can you let them go today? Let's rise on our feet. Let's rise on our feet. We are dealing with a blow today. We are dealing with a blow. Young children, please let me explain a few things to you. There are some things you should not go through. That's why we are doing what we are doing today. I did do that. There are some things that you should not go through. I know a mother who gave back to a child at the age of 19. Listen to me. The daughter gave back to the child at the age of 18. The child of the 18 year old gave back at the age of 17. And the child of that 17 is pregnant at 16. Oh, it's telling me that it's not a pattern. Oh, it's telling me that it's not a pattern. The pattern that makes people to quit when they are supposed to succeed. We need to break it today in the name of Jesus. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Can you say with me, my father, my father? My father, my father? I set myself free from every equal pattern. Every pattern in my father's house that delay life, that delay progress. Every pattern that make life of no good effect, I come out of it today. Whatever the enemy is doing to such check my life, whatever the enemy is doing, don't limit my life. I break free from me today. I break from me free from me today. I break free from me today. Said, "We'll be my father, my father, my father." I bleed the blood upon my life, upon my situation, upon my household, upon my situation, upon my health, upon my household. Everything the enemy is doing to cut my life short. Everything the enemy is doing to make negative impact. Upon my life, I can see today, I am an overcomer. I am an overcomer. I overcame by the blood of the lamp. Said with me, "My father, my father, my father." I am not subject to any negative pattern. Every good pattern that make people to die young, in my father's house, every negative pattern that make people to be seen at a practical age, in my mother's house. I break free from me today. Every pattern that make my life to be at the wrong direction. I can see today. I can see today. Said with me, "My father, my father, my father." I receive grace. I receive grace to be what God called me to be. Anything, working against my life. Anything, working against my freedom. I break free from me today. I break free from me today. I receive the grace of God. I receive the blessing of God. I receive the grace of God. I receive the blessing of God. To be what God has come me to be. Thank you, Father. I don't know this one is what they have meant today. What they said, "You will not call it, you will call it." That thing that said, "You will not come to pass." Here, the word of the Lord is coming to pass. In the name of Jesus, hold your hand to somebody. It does hold your hand. I'm not saying prayer, but I put your hand to make sure your hand is coming to somebody. Hey. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God, said somebody free here today. Said somebody here free to deal with God. Said somebody free to deal with God. Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, move in a new dimension. Holy Ghost, move in a new dimension. Holy Ghost, wipe away every tears right now. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Say with me, my Father, my Father. My Father, my Father, I receive my freedom. I receive my freedom. I am not part of them. I belong to you. I am not part of them. I belong to you. What I put to them must not have put to me. It would not have put to me. I reject it today. By the blood of the Lamb, I reject it today. I declare, I am free. I am free. By the power of Holy Ghost, I am free. By the blood of the Lamb, I am free. By the help of the Holy Ghost, I am free. By the message of Jehovah, I am free. I'll put your mouth pray for yourself. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Just breakfast, sir, declare that you are free today. Declare that you are free. By the power of Holy Ghost, by the anointing of God, we are free today. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Everything that has limited you are free. I declare you are free. You are free from the powers of your Father's house. You are free from the powers of your mother's house. Live with the content of the day. Whatever went to empower the patterns. Whatever says, oh, that's how I don't marry you and don't marry. I break it today, the name of Jesus. Whatever say, oh, that devotion with divorce, oh, I break it today, the name of Jesus. Whatever says, oh, that's how the beat is, you must have it. I break it today. Every pattern of evil, oh, just talk to God this money. Talk to God this money. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] In Jesus' name we pray, please put your hand by your chest, I just want to pray for you. I'm conscious of time with each thing that comes in here. Whatever evil voices that is speaking to your mind. Every voice that is telling you to do something that is no right. Every voice that is making you to commit error. Every voice that is saying, go and kill yourself. Every voice that is saying, oh, just walk out of the house. Every voice that is talking to your mind in your dream. Every voice that is giving you sickness, while you are walking in a quiet place. I've cut out those voices today in the name of Jesus. I've cut out those voices today in the name of Jesus. Every voice that is harassing you in your dream. Every voice that is harassing your family. Every voice that is speaking negativity. I can't say today in the name of Jesus. Every voice that is saying that sickness, we come back up. I can't say today in the name of Jesus. Every voice that is saying you will end like your momma hand up, you will hand up like your father hand up. I can't say today in the name of Jesus. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come through, take it in. I pray for your head back today. Lord, open their eyes. Open their eyes that they may compress where you are. That they may come to help you. Every effort from your next city will look at you today. Every day, by the end of your dream, we come to you today. They will do what God has called them to do. Thank you, Father. We worship you, adore you. Please, while we are standing, let the minister come and share the communion quickly. We have no time. [MUSIC PLAYING] Please, thank you, Lord. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] I just had the world. I don't know who is or anything giving up. Don't tell me, don't give up. Is that your way I put soon? Because I don't give up, it will happen soon. That's what I have from the world. Just hold on for me, woman. How many of us believe in me? I need one today myself. If you need it, please sing it with your mind. Twenty-twenty-four, we're not going without your men I put on. I'm a two, I'll be right. I'll be right close today. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) ♪ Don't let it shine ♪ ♪ For the Lord we bless your body and your blood ♪ ♪ That is in our hands ♪ ♪ Levitikos 7-11 is that the life of the flesh ♪ ♪ Is in the blood ♪ ♪ And the Bible says ♪ ♪ Is that the blood of Jesus ♪ ♪ Speak better things ♪ ♪ Than the blood of evil ♪ ♪ Than the blood of any bull ♪ ♪ Lord, as we take your body and your blood ♪ ♪ Erase every pattern in our life ♪ ♪ Erase every pattern in our life ♪ ♪ The pattern that is waiting to re-enact ♪ ♪ The pattern that is waiting to happen ♪ ♪ Lord, we can't see today in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ Pattern that is already happening ♪ ♪ Pattern that's already working our life ♪ ♪ Lord, we stop it today in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ Where the mercy today in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ We send it back to the center today in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ And so Father, Lord, as we take your body and your blood ♪ ♪ Make us new ♪ ♪ And let your grace be upon our life ♪ ♪ In Jesus' majestic name we pray ♪ ♪ I want us to take your body and blood of Jesus together ♪ [ Silence ] >> I want you to begin to pray as you have taken out. Begin to ask God what you want. Anything you want from God, begin to ask God. Every pattern you want to stop. Begin telling God to stop me right now. I want you to begin to talk to God. Just begin to talk to God and talk to God. Talk to God. God that make man whole, God that call themselves out of death. Call upon that same God to make you whole today. Call upon that same God to make you whole today. Call upon that same God to make you whole today. Call upon that same God to make you whole today. I want you to just begin to talk to God. Begin to talk to God today, begin to talk to God. God, call upon Him. Call upon Him for the answer, Lord. I need you, Mother, never before. I need you, O God, just talk to Him. Talk to Him, only those come from telling Him. Just talk to God today. Talk to Him, please, thank you for being out. Let me pray for one more time. Just please, begin talking to God. Something needs to happen. Something needs to happen, only those. See, He's not happy, brother. [ Speaking in foreign language ] The power of God, set up real, set up below, set up below. My lead, break it, break it, break it. My push a lead, break it, break it. Come and let me pray with you. Father, Lord, I ask for grace, Lord, I ask for your grace. I ask for your grace, Lord. I ask for your grace, Lord, Lord, He goes. Lord, He goes. During one more time again. See, He said, "I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I'm not happy." [ Speaking in foreign language ] I break every power of the enemy, every power of the enemy. In your lightning, in your lightning, I break it right now. I break it right now. [ Speaking in foreign language ] I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today. I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today. [ Speaking in foreign language ] I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today. I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see today, I can't see, I can't see today, ♪ My father, my father, my father, my father ♪ ♪ Oh, fire, body goes ♪ ♪ Fire, body goes ♪ ♪ Oh God, whatever has taught our feet ♪ ♪ The supernatural fit for the financial ♪ ♪ I can't sleep today, I can't sleep ♪ ♪ I can't sleep, I can't sleep ♪ ♪ I can't sleep, I can't sleep ♪ ♪ Fire, fire, fire, fire, no ♪ ♪ Fire, body, fire, no ♪ ♪ Fire, body, fire, this fire, this fire, this fire ♪ ♪ That's right, I'm not getting too tired ♪ ♪ But I'm not getting too tired ♪ ♪ Well, it goes ♪ ♪ Fire, body goes ♪ ♪ See, it's in Dadava ♪ ♪ Dadava ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ This is your Dada once again, oh ♪ ♪ Thank you for the hope for Dadava ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ You are a baby, oh ♪ - Church, listen, there's so much about my own dear house. Yokes are being broken. I don't care how long yours are being. It's been broken today in Dadava, Jesus. Messy when set you free. Messy when set you free. Messy when set you free. Messy when set you free. Say with me, my father, my father. My father, my father. I am tired of evil pattern. I don't want to repeat the patterns of my father. I don't want to repeat the patterns of my mother. I don't want to repeat the patterns in the family I married to. Oh God, set me free. Set me free, pray for yourself. I want you to pray for yourself. Pray for yourself, pray for yourself. ♪ To the setting of the setting ♪ Just pray for yourself. ♪ Your name is to be ♪ ♪ I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know ♪ ♪ From the right order ♪ ♪ On the ghost ♪ ♪ It's in this light ♪ ♪ It's in this light that I know I know I know I know ♪ ♪ In love, it's in love ♪ ♪ In love, it's in love ♪ ♪ I don't know ♪ (gentle music) ♪ The holy God will die ♪ ♪ The holy God will die ♪ ♪ Set me free, Lord ♪ ♪ Set me free, Lord ♪ ♪ Set me free, Lord ♪ ♪ I'll set you up to earth ♪ ♪ I'll set you up to earth ♪ ♪ It's in this light that I know I know ♪ ♪ In this light that I want to ♪ ♪ In this light that I want to ♪ ♪ In this light that I want to ♪ ♪ In this light that I know I know ♪ ♪ In this light that I know I know ♪ ♪ In this light that I know I know ♪ ♪ I'll set you up ♪ ♪ I'll set this to somebody ♪ ♪ Anybody that want to date ♪ ♪ Will die in your place ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Whoo ♪ ♪ Somebody spent part with me ♪ ♪ At least I've been to you ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Did they tell you at least I've been by you ♪ ♪ We know that that is God ♪ ♪ Somebody in that family ♪ ♪ We have stroke ♪ ♪ That person behind your issue ♪ ♪ We have stroke ♪ ♪ That person we have stroke ♪ ♪ God is setting you free ♪ ♪ In the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ E.M.E. ♪ ♪ And he has God this afternoon ♪ ♪ When did they next to me most ♪ ♪ God will be aligned your life ♪ ♪ To his purpose for you in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ What about the case may be ♪ ♪ Please I thank you ♪ ♪ Run away from him ♪ ♪ What about this ♪ ♪ What about this connected to our ♪ ♪ They run away from we can't live ♪ ♪ And they get a pass or pass or ♪ ♪ They open pass or carry for children ♪ ♪ Go by by language ♪ ♪ They put them on mother ♪ ♪ And they want you to see ♪ ♪ Ask the precision of masters ♪ (speaking in foreign language) ♪ But he and me ♪ ♪ Who ever taught you from today ♪ ♪ When died for it in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ Who ever take your case ♪ ♪ So any witchcraft will die for you ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Whoever says you will not make it ♪ ♪ That person will die for you in the name of Jesus ♪ (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) - Thank you all this for me. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) We are conscious of time. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) Father in the name of Jesus, Lord I ask for your message. Let your message supersede. Let your message come over. Let your message move around. (singing in foreign language) Thank you Father. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) [ Silence ]