FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 8-21-24

2h 3m
Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Por Show. >> I don't think he ain't done it this way. [MUSIC] >> Good morning, welcome to the Jeff Por Show, and if I'm talking 106.5. Happy Wednesday, morning to you, Textile 2.5.1. 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6, you need to be in touch with the program. What you gotta do, you gotta shoot me a text, and I will respond to whatever it is that's on your mind. Cut up here in about a half hour. Not seeing him in the former governor of Alabama will be with us. We get his thoughts on the DNC to date, he's tweeted a little bit about it. I know what you guys are, but I'll give you my thoughts here in a moment. But I thought it would be appropriate to get some Democrats on to very few. It's probably gonna be Singapore to Parker, who will react to this. I don't know what to call it, but we'll talk about that here shortly. Also the program today, Joey Clark, News Talk 93.1. And Montgomery will be with us. We'll have our usual discussion with him as we do every Wednesday. And finally, Congressman Jerry Carl, obviously no Congress right now. But we're Republicans, and I'm telling people this, look, if it seems like Republicans are a little flat-footed right now, this is just how campaigns over the years work, that you don't want right now is the Democrats moment in the sun and they, you're not gonna really make any inroads there right now. September, all these conventions will be just just in the rear view mirror shortly. I mean, are you even thinking about the Republican convention right now? So just give it some time if you're underwhelmed by Trump or Vance and what they're doing out there on a campaign trail, which I think you're doing it just right. I just, you don't, I feel like the Kamala Harris surge was just way too early. Everybody watch NASCAR and restrict their plate racing Daytona and Talladega. Anybody ever watched that? I'm sure some of you do. Do you ever see, you never see the lead car, the lead car, the car first place gets out in front by way too much. He's a shitting duck because the other cars behind him will draft and slingshot around the lead car. You don't. You kind of want to keep things close and not that you, ideally, I'm sure Harris and Trump would like to have a 2030 point lead, but in a contest like this where there's all these lead changes, if you, if you peek too early, if you get way too out in front, you, you don't really have much left and you set yourself up for that next surge that comes around and you get past. It's all about being at the right place at the right time in a race like this. So I'm, I'm okay with the Republican approach right as of right now. That may not be, um, I know a lot of people don't agree with me, but that's, I just think we, none of this matters. First of September after Labor Day is what they will tell you. So D and C, I thought the first night was terrible. I, the second night was trying to hard to the joy, joy, joy stuff, the little John, uh, cameo, all of that, like, they, they really, if you saw this, you may think that you're like courting young voters, but I, I don't know. I don't think that's where the swing vote is. I thought where the Democrats really shine were the embalmas. I'm not really like wooed like Fox News was in Brit Hume over Michelle Obama's speech. I thought she was better than most of the people thus far except for her husband. My reaction to Obama was I'm glad we're not running against him. Like he's just, he's just a talent. He's, he's a communist, but he's talented. He's like the kind of, kind of stuff you see from authoritarian's, I guess, where charismatic. You got, you could tell that he has a guy growing up practice public speaking in front of the mirror a lot. That was the highlight for them. If Trump was running against Obama, Trump probably can speak guys. But I don't, I don't believe that we'll see. I don't think you could see Kamala Harris give the same kind of performance. I don't think you'll see Bill Clinton give the same kind of performance tonight. What tonight. I did it. Walt's tonight, Nancy Pelosi, who's excited for that two five one three four three zero ones. But if you watched it last night, what you thought it was better than the first night. The delegate count thing was like I said, tried too hard. It's just, yeah, the energy, there was energy, but like, come on guys, this is a political convention. Not a kid's skate rink birthday party. I mean, how many people are turned away by that? I mean, people are put off by that. And I don't know. It's hard to quantify, but I'm sure there's got to be a number the, the entire would think such in the Barack Obama speech, mostly, but the entire D and C with that exception just seems like a play to the base and it's, it's, it's a, it's abortion. There's no real policy. They're not even talking about their favorite Ukraine and Russia and Vladimir Putin. They're not. I mean, it's just a bunch of feel good vibes and a bunch of like good feels. Is that the, is that an effective strategy? Don't run on anything. Just run on platitudes. The issues are too complex, too divisive and you just run on emotion straight up pure emotion. People feel good about that. Is that their strategy? So I think the difference is like people do have tangible impacts on their life because the government policy right now, with regards to inflation in, you know, the abortion stuff. Very emotional, high impact issue, but how many people are really like dialed into that? Some of it's fear. Some of it's what might happen if your daughter gets pregnant or whatever. But you know, like how many people have really dealt with the procedure and a need for an abortion versus like how many people out there are paying more for gas or how many have to deal with the feeding their kids or getting them to school or living in the rents going up in their apartment. Or they're unable to get together enough money for a down payment on a home. The state of the country, do you feel comfortable borrowing a bunch of money for a mortgage right now? You know, just a general like delivery of government goods and services, well, not goods, but the services part of it. Military readiness, you know, all of these things that the federal government's supposed to do, like deliver the mail even as a federal government performing at a satisfactory level. You feel safe or is the infrastructure in America in a good place, by the way, more on the federal highway and transportation bureaucracy. They put out a video yesterday with Sandy Stimson and it was a made for social media video, Stimson and the current FTHW or whatever director, and they called it in their social media post. They called it the Mississippi River. The new bridge that we're getting here on I-10 is going to go over the Mississippi River. If your road builders can't get the geography right in the federal government, boy are we in trouble? Anyway, I don't think that's really a huge deal. Just maybe just a social media intern, not, let these tend to be bad at the geography I've noticed, but anyway, I digress. So back to the, back to what we're talking about here in a presidential race. I don't know what to expect from this point forward. I'll say that I, you know, the Fox guys thought the Obama speech was too long, but I thought it was way more compelling than anything else I'd seen up to that point. And I think some cringe and then you get the old Obama from like 2010 or whatever. And you're like, okay, this is like very devoid of a lot of substance. But it's very, it's a lot of straw man arguments there, but you can see how it's compelling to just the casual observer. So anyway, with that, and you under like, what else, okay, can Democrats really build off of that moment, or is it all downhill from here? How do we feel about Harris's speech on Thursday, because something else I got to point out and we're going to do something with this at 1819 news, those of you who get your news from a lot of the local TV stations, they are just slurping this D and C up and they were really critical of the RNC. And I think most of their viewers are probably Republicans, but it's just it's really, it's really awful the way they are playing up the like romanticizing Bill Clinton and Obama. Not much good to say about the RNC. It's just like Republicans pounce that we're not really, if you're relying on your local TV media here, it feels a little slangy to me, and you know, like I said, maybe that's just me viewing the world through my right wing lens, but it really like they are really just slurping up on the DNC, unfortunately, and everybody else has picked up on that. That's a an observation there hit me up on the text like two five one three four three zero one zero six and let me know. But I said, just to recap, I thought Obama did well. Michelle Obama did pretty well. She was a little angry, you know, she's supposed to be the we go high when they go low or whatever person and that was not her brand with that speech last night at all. There's something about Trump that the Obama's just and they they they feel like they're above acknowledging it, but there's some kind of visceral reaction that they and then like, you know, they they don't conceal the their policy disagreements or differences, but personally that they really do not think there's something very personal about the Trump Obama thing. It's not clear. I don't know what it is, but it that's what it seems like to me. And it came through a little bit in some of those speeches, you know, Obama's spinning five, ten minutes on that Trump's always so self motivated. So I want to get two five one three four three zero one zero six and get more into the convention and your thoughts on it here in just a bit this is the Jeff for show it up and look back to the Jeff for show it up and talk about those six five things for be it with us on to this Wednesday morning dot single men former governor of Alabama will be with us in the next segment. They tune for that. Oh, see, we got a lot here. Obama is a salesman. This from Larry and atmore. He can tell you to go to hell such a way you look forward to the trip. I just do the talent Obama that will never be matched. He is the Nick Saban, a Democrat politicians, a toothless bammer, Obama's speech, I was like Ted kitty speech of D and C. It was what everyone knew at Kennedy was never going to be president. Any outshine Carter, the convention theme is hate Trump, not joy and hope, at least in their authentic. The hate comes across as genuine. I think so, but it just it's not a it's not a rational hate. It's so ad hominem and it's and and some of it's contrived. They want to ban IVF. Oh my gosh, which is this not true. Oh, James, the official troll, the Jeff for show Democrats have a huge appeal. The client of Harris needs to have a huge speech at the beginning contention at this point. Do you think the Republicans are getting in the independence with the messaging they are using? No, but I don't I think that's to be determined. Like I said, wait till after Labor Day, James, I don't I'm I think the convention, even with all the smoke and mirrors and all of that is this I the Republicans played it way too safe. They love too much of the table. They were anticipating riots in the streets, Chicago 1968, a fight over Biden as the nominee, and they wanted to just just lay down a good hand and they played a way too safe. The Democrats were super have gone very aggressive in a way. It's very in some of it's just a little too phony. The joy stuff. I don't know. I think you're right about Harris's speech because she's such an unknown. I think I think people, you know, that aren't really tuned into politics, James, can go either way on her. And maybe this speech in prime time when a lot of people are watching will break that trend. And I mean, it'll it'll break one way or another. Leo, I call, I can't well, I shouldn't read that. But I appreciate your sentiment, Leah, unnamed texture. I know the same thing about Fox 10 Jeff, a much more favorable dedicated coverage for the DNC for the U-hall man, the code name, let's see, well, I think about this as kind of griping about the local news coverage of the DNC versus the R&C. The DNC and the R&C, if they high, both of them up, it would make sense because you would think people would tune into their networks to watch these conventions. But they're not it just seems way too one-sided Republicans, pals, Republicans do this. Republicans are are negative Democrats. Wow. Aren't they cool guys, you know, and then I that's just the vibe I get. Hey, would personal between Obama and Trump, probably Trump pushing diversity of it, a publicly critical of Obama throughout. Yeah, I think that's so. I always the birth certificate stuff is probably very, very personal. Josh, I agree with you, the local news, I notice that sometimes, it's not just Buddy, what is F.R.F.K. doing today? I don't know. Some rumors about him endorsing Trump, but the guys listening to this that are hardcore Trump guys, you can put this out on the text line, 2513430106. Do you want the R&K junior endorsement for Trump? Does that help? I saw R&K took votes away from Democrats. That was what I was always told. And they were suing R&K in all of these states to keep him off the ballot, don't you want him on the ballot and not endorsing Trump? And they text her, if Harris becomes potus, will she appoint AOC as her economics advisor? Who do you think has more economic prowess? Ocasio-Cortez or Kamala Harris? First thing I... Let's get a break of day. We'll be right back. This is F.F. 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