FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Congressman Jerry Carl - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 8-21-24

Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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I saw the light, I saw the light, no more darkness, no more night, now I'm so happy, no sorrow inside. Praise the Lord, I saw the light. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchs Show, and if you talk about those 6'5, take your stay with us on this Wednesday, let's look to this Wednesday morning, we always appreciate people listening, once again, time permitting, text line 2513430106, joining us now on the line, always a pleasure, our Congressman here for the First Congressional District, what's currently the First Congressional District, enjoy it while we can, Congressman Jerry Carl Congressman, how are you? I'm very Jeff, how are you doing sir? I think the phrase goes live in the dream, but there you go. A lot of late nights watching a lot of speeches that you just have to like tough out, I guess. I can't do it, I kind of pass by, I can't watch it, it's painful for me. I mean there's sort of a, here's what I think they're doing, Congressman, they're not really running on anything, it's just good vibes, joy, positive fields, and you know, just avoid policy altogether and try to create this brand that you're just the good time, get a long crowd, and that's how you win a presidential election. If you can't do it in three and a half years, what makes me think you can do any better than the next four years? It's just like that gal on the milk, and you've heard me say that before, you get that gal milk out of the refrigerator and it's bad, and you put it back in the refrigerator and you think and another year it's going to get better. No, when it's bad, it's bad, there's no fixing it, and that's what they're trying to sell the Democrat voters, and I mean they'll have their little peak right here, they'll get a little positive from it, there's no doubt about the path, and then it's going to go back to reality, reality is explaining your policy, explaining why you didn't shut that border down. You know, you say you can fix the border, why don't you do it three and a half years ago? And I think that's what every American, a Democrat Republican, independent, I think we're all asking the same question, that's why it's going to start getting tough. Well, I tell you what though, and this is, I mean, you know, the people out there who are just just dogging Trump and they think that Trump was a bad choice, yada yada yada, but what I would tell them is like, yeah, Trump has his flaws or whatever, but it would not have mattered who the Republicans nominated. Democrats were never going to be warm and fuzzy. The media was never going to comment, well, whoever was the nominee with open arms, whoever it was was going to be worse than Hitler. And that's just you cannot read into this branding that comes out of the mainstream media and be down on the Republican ticket because of it. I tell you something I read last night was Trump's response to Obama and Michelle, and he told very positive about him. I was friends with him and I thought, man, that we need to hear more of that. It's okay to disagree on policies and, you know, you politics, but, but we can still be friends. And I don't know if he did it intentionally or if he truly meant it, I'll take it as he truly meant it. But yeah, very positive things to say about him on the other hand, you know, they were trashing him last night pretty bad. The reports I've been hearing this morning, I didn't get into late myself. So, but it's, it's, it's a very, you know, I say this is about politicians at election time. They all get religious and they all have the answers at election time, never fails. They never fail. And that's where we're at right now. They all have answers and they're all religious. What do you think about the flow of the race? I think they handled Harris's rollout about as well as they could have just given the circumstances and, you know, sort of a Bruce Pearl called it a pitching change. But I almost think with a race that you know, as a seesaw, maybe she's peaked too early. There's just, you know, what's left? Where's the ceiling at? I think this race goes down to the wire, but I always like, I think of it almost like sports and watching the team get hot, but they're getting, you know, in football, if they're getting hot in September and they have to play the down stretch, they burn out and I, this is the public gonna burn out on Kamala, mania. Yeah. I mean, people will start asking questions. I mean, her base will start asking questions. Well, why didn't we do that three years ago? Because, you know, I, you know, they've lost jobs or they have family members that have lost jobs to what they think are illegal immigrants that are coming in or, you know, they're, they're having to pay more money in taxes. You know, this is one thing that frustrates me, Jeff. Everybody, everybody says, well, we're the, the, the inflation's only 3% now. But wait a minute, let's back up just a second. Let's go back three years. It's 20 plus percent. So that law for Brad calls 23% more. It's going up per month at 3% or rate. That's going fluctuate. I get it up and down. But you don't ever hear of a negative number where it's backed up. So, you know, we, we, the, the average person and look at walls, look at, look at Harris, they've never had a real job. They've never really had to worry about the price of a loaf of bread. They've never had to worry about losing their job other than maybe an election. So they don't understand what it's like to not have a loaf of bread to take your family or have your power cut off, you know, because you couldn't, couldn't get it paid. So they don't understand. So they're trying to sell this hope, hope. It's false hope. That's still in some realities. And I think that's where Trump is really coming in there and going, this is going to happen, folks. If we don't get it turned around, if we don't start focusing on the economy, we don't start showing strength to our, to our enemies overseas and start showing support for our allies. I mean, we're on the verge of a third world war right now. And we've got a president that is incompetent to do anything. I mean, first thing he does is run that couple of days off after giving that, that one 20 minutes speech that, that he prepared a week and a half for. But, you know, we've got to start hiring people. We've got to quit focusing on personalities and start focusing on, are they good at the job or not? Well, I mean, it's just where Trump, Trump really takes, takes suit. He may not, you may not agree with his personality. Listen, the first time I met the man, he touched me out. I mean, he went one side of me down the other. And it was in the Oval Office. I mean, he had just, just unloaded on me. And it wasn't that they personally, it was about the state of Alabama, some of the stuff that he had just gone through with state of Alabama. But I didn't have the personal, but you're not good at it. But, you know, I understand his policy. And him coming in this time, he's got the advantage. He knows what to expect. He knows to come in reading. But, but don't expect Trump to be different because he's not a politician. He's a businessman. Yeah, I don't think you can expect Trump to be different at all. But here's the problem with that. And it doesn't really sound like I'm talking down about the electorate, but it's hard to break through on substance. I just think we have a general election, presidential general election electorate, that is very superficially focused. They're focused on character or whatever is fine to say that, but they're also looking at just the raw aesthetics of the situation. And you can't ignore that. I mean, that's the problem. It is a personality contest for a lot of voters. And that's what, I mean, it gets ugly and then we know how that goes. But it seems like that's what people are sort of looking for. Well, the people, you know, the Republicans in one vote Trump, the Democrats gonna vote vote here. So right now we're talking about that then marching in between. That's what, that's the battleground right there. So, and if you try to elect somebody based on their morals, I don't know of anybody that's going to qualify for that at 100%. Maybe Jesus Christ, but you know, they crucified him for it. So, you know, we're all, we're not without sin. I mean, that goes without sin. But again, you got a little past, I'm not saying make exceptions for either. By no means don't make exceptions for it. But I mean, Kamala Harris is far from perfect. We won't start talking about, you know, personalities and history. But the policies, we've seen during half years of her policy. And it scares me to death. I mean, she is so comfortable talking about socialist issues and communist issues and the direction she wants to go. That scares me to death as an American. That's not, that's not the Democrat party that, that I know. And I heard you say it earlier, I was listening to you all the way back to Loxley this morning. You know, the Alabama Democrats had a hard time finding an uncomfortable spot with not just her, but also Biden, because they've really gotten so radical towards some of these. And the Alabama Democrats, I've always offended, not offended, but defended them. And when I was thinking by saying very simply, they don't have a whole lot in common with the Democrats in Washington, because they don't. Just, you know, the Democrats in Alabama are different than the Republicans in Alabama. In that, they want a safe place to live. They want to raise their children in home. They want the children to be able to stay home. They want the same things your Republicans want. The social issues is where we start separating. But the Democrats in Washington, they want to change the world. They want to change everything, or they want women, men to be able to use women dressing. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard of. You don't hear that happening in the South. How much of that? I mean, how much of this does, does like a Nancy Pelosi really believe, though? I mean, how much of that? Because I am, I mean, I've always thought, well, she's-- Listen, Jeff, I'm on appropriations. I mean, you think appropriations is sitting around studying financial statements and trying to figure out how to save money? Where are you in LGBTQ issues? They want money for-- You can just throw this one out there. They want an LGBTQ, whatever the rest of the alphabet is up there. They wanted a huge $30 million center built. I think it was in New York. And they were holding the gun to our head on other stuff. I mean, it is huge in their world. They are very focused on that. This is the Washington Democrat I'm talking about. They are hugely focused on those issues. Well, let me pose this. Like the leadership in the Democratic Party, maybe if they had their way, they would have a lot of this kind of progressive, left-wing ideology opposed, woke ideology opposed on the country. But how much of it for them is just a means to power. This is just a way to generate a wedge issue to promote the Democratic Party. Because when I see that, I think Nancy Pelosi, if she had her way, she would support whatever to get to where she needs to be in power. There's no doubt about that. Look where she's San Francisco's inter-district, which, you know, the population there, I think the average gay person didn't want to be involved in all that. That's my personal opinion. And I have friends and have made friends that are gay. And they don't want anything to do with all of that. So, now, you know, they won't live their life. And they just don't want to join that crazy movement. But the Democrats are using, you know, they're using the women's issues. My Lord, the Democrat Party, I don't think he has anything to brag about. And this trailer or mobile lab that they bring up there for abortions and bisectomies, who, and I'll speak just for the man, who in their right mind is going to walk into a portable trailer to get a bisectomy. I don't know anybody that would do that. Well, let me ask you a question on this, though, and then this deals with the abortion issue. And Republicans have been somewhat reluctant to really count or whatever Democrats have said. And I don't know why they have their reasons. But to me, the way the Democrats are handling this, and it's an opportunity for Republicans, because Democrats are just totally, totally bypassing all the moral questions about abortion. They are framing it as reproductive freedom. They are not really, I mean, and then, you know, we could talk about 10th amendment or whatever. But I'm just talking about straight up is abortion right or wrong? What's the nuance, the policy, the whole idea of the procedure? What do you think of it? And Democrats are just okay with saying, you know, nothing matters, but the whatever suits the woman carrying the fetus. That's all that matters. That's all we're going to focus on, which I think just leaves much to be desired. And maybe that's just old fashioned right wing Jeff Pore speaking here. But I mean, they've boxed themselves into a corner. Well, it's like so many things in this country, we've come to a point nobody wants to talk about it. You know, either you're on one side or the other, there's no in between. I'm talking to some Republican women in the idea of rape and incest. You know, they are they're they're very in favor of that, you know, to be an exception on their abortion. I question the people that quote unquote support abortion at how far right up to birth, I mean, right up right up to the moment of birth, give me some ideas and they can't answer that. Abortion to them in their mind is the first month or first try, try master book in reality, you know, give me a day, give me something to start working with and talking about. But abortion is, you know, you look back in history, abortions have been, have been well as political points that we just keep and I mean, gun ownership and it's the same issues every time we have an election. And we've got to be adults will sit down and start talking about these issues to one another and not screaming on that one another. Well, how much of it is like they say like we never get a solution to issue XYZ because it's what a political movement or party needs to motivate their base. And as long as this is undecided, you're going to have this much emotional investment from this group of people. Well, that's why I like it when it went back to the states like the states decided I'm all for that given states control of as much as we possibly can. Let's defend our our our country from a federal standpoint. Let's deal with foreign issues and federal government and let the states handle everything else. But that's fine. That's fine, Congressman, but like you personally, like your view on abortion, like it's it's still, it still matters, I think, like you still either be pro life or our pro choice or whatever that is. And that's like, you may want to get see that authority to the states, but you personally, I think still matters in the discussion. But I like the people in the state. I'm going to like people like myself that think like myself. The way the way we're going right now is this issues we have pushed by California, New York, some very liberal areas that we have nothing in common with. So that's why I want to push the issues back to the state to get it out of the hands of California. Well, so if you give it to California, you're pushing it back to the states, didn't they just say, well, you could have an abortion up until birth. I mean, even though it's in California, it seems like a million miles away. To some people, that's very objectionable. I think you see, if the, you know, up to birth, I think that makes everybody uncomfortable. I don't know if anybody that really feels comfortable with that. But again, I still say it needs to go come back to the state. I've always said that, I believe that I think the federal government tries to run too much of our lives. I mean, okay, turn 35. Well, we mandate everybody has to get about six, 35. Right. Let's do like North, was it North Korea or China? If you didn't have a male child, you know, they would put that, Chris, that baby's skull and you couldn't have it. You can only have one child. I mean, it's such a personal issue. When you start talking about reproduction stuff, let it come back to the states because we can deal with it based on what we in Alabama feel it should be. Carson, I don't want to be actual for California. Carson, we've got to leave it there. We're out of time. But as always, I appreciate you making time for us. Thank you, Jeff. God bless you. Take care of that family. I know they're growing. Hey, you are a brave soul taking your three year old on a road trip. I told my wife that story last night, we were coming in and she was talking about how brave you are. Well, it's many more to come. Congressman, again, we appreciate it. We'll talk again soon. Take care of her. Bye bye. I will be right back to step and talk when I was six, five.