Apostolic Lighthouse

Invisible Boundaries - Pastor Sampson

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18 Aug 2024
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and they've got it to where I can't move it, but it's a big o' digital clock. After last Sunday, I think I went an hour and something, but yeah, today we got just a friendly reminder as the old saying goes. My father got married and he was walking down the street and one of the business men was standing at his door and he said, Jim, come on in, come on in. You're in Virginia. You just got married, man, you need to buy some furniture. My father said, no, I'm not buying any furniture. I don't have the money and I don't like being done for my money. And he said, oh, Jim, he said, we're not gonna done. You just come on in. I know you'll need. So he was lured into the place of business. They bought some furniture and before the first payment was even due, he got a bill in the mail. They called it a done. He was done in him for the money and my father-in-law, this 80 years ago and he said he went in there. He was furious and he approached Mr. Huckel and he said, you have sent me a done. You told me you wouldn't done me. And he said, oh, Mr. Triplett, he said, that's not a done. He said, that's just simply a friendly reminder. Hallelujah. So I guess this clock is just a friendly reminder this morning, Hallelujah. But it really, it don't mean a thing and they talk about the visitor that went the first time to a Pentecostal church. He was standing with the man that invited him and the man as the service progressed and what are they doing now? Well, this is song service, worship service and now it's time to pray. And he was just taking him step by step. And when the preacher got there, he reached in, he pulled out his pocket watch and looked at it. And the visitor said, what does that mean? And the Pentecostal man said, that don't mean one thing. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. But I will try to abide by it today. Brother, the sisters are loach. Man, it's so good to have y'all with us today. Been so long. (audience applauding) And when he came, he went to the other building and racing where we used to be. But he found us, we're glad that he found us and glad that they're here today with us as well. I got just this morning, early hours in the morning. And I don't know, I just, about 4.30 just woke wide awake. And I thought, man, I've overslept and looked at the clock. And it was only 4.30 and I laid there. And God just began to work in my heart. I had a message that I thought I would preach today. And I don't know, this just, the Lord spoke this to me. And I wanna go to, let's go to first Chronicles 4 verses nine and 10. Then we'll go after that to first Samuel 4 again, 21 and 22 as well. And sometimes circumstance shapes events in our life. And if we allow it, sometimes circumstance controls us for Benjamin Franklin said, "Time is a healer, it heals everything." But sometimes it takes a lot of time. And I know for 24 years, the biggest part of that 24 years, there was a healing process by the Henry going on in my heart and my soul. And man, I was wounded. I was, I can't really, don't have the words to describe how I felt. But I would, honestly, I would drive, I would drive considerable distances around where I didn't have to drive by the thing that captivated my thinking and was trying to compartmentalize me into just a small circle. And I dealt with that and I know, and this come to me this morning when I'm thinking about this message and God dealing with my heart and in prayer in early hours this morning. But just bear with me today as I pray, as I try to teach what God has laid on my heart. And then first chronicles, four, nine, and it said, "And J. Biz was more honorable "than his brethren and his mother called him J. Biz saying, "'Because I bear him with sorrow.'" You can be seated today. Thank you for the respect of the reading of the Word of God. And J. Biz called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that thou would has blessed me indeed "and enlarged my coast, enlarged my boundaries, "and that thy hand might be with me, "and that thou would has keep me from evil, "that it might not grieve me, and God granted him "that which he requested." It's amazing how God will move for us if we will seek his will, seek his favor. And I believe that's for the blessings of God, the liberty and your spirit and your heart and your soul and your mind comes from is being in the perfect will of God, being submissive to the will of God, regardless of situation, just be faithful and just keep looking regardless of situation to the one that you know that's in control. And this is what J. Biz has done here. And this caption that we just read here in this reading is honestly one of the most boring reads in the Bible is chronicles. It's just, I think there's a lineage here of about 500 names that it deals with. And right in the middle of this setting, all of a sudden, and J. Biz was more honorable than his brethren, and just out of the clear blue, out of all of these names, it's mentioned, it stops, and J. Biz was more honorable than his brethren. For some reason, J. Biz has stood out in the midst of these 500 names. He was born, he had a name put on him, and a man. How many of these ever went to school with somebody that had it, sometimes I've talked to people and your name is sir, and they'll tell me their name, and I'm standing there thinking how in the world could you get through grade school and high school with a name like that? Have you ever met somebody with a name, and you knew that they had multiple conflicts in school simply because of what their name was? And just to be honest with you, kids are kind of, they're merciless. They just, whatever comes to mind, that's what they say, and I could just reflect on several things, and some not even worth mentioning in the church, but it brought conflict, and then a lot of times, it's just because of their name, and the way the emphasis that was put on it, and the meaning behind it, and that man, it just caused a lot of trouble, and I thought, man, one day we were on the job, and I think Brother Nathan was there, and two boys, they were arguing on the job through the party wall in this apartment that we were in, and they got to Malvin one another, and conflict just began to stir up, Brother Nathan steps out there, and he said, "I think Jaman and Greg is about to go at it." He said, "I put my money on Greg." I said, "Well, I'm gonna tell you something." This other kid, and I knew him, and he was just the kind of kid that everybody walked by, either kicked him, or spit on him, or slapped him, or something. This kid had to fight all of his life, he just, there was just something about him that people couldn't keep from picking on him, so I knew that he had a lot of experience. Well, the end result was not real good, I lost a hand, and Brother Nathan lost the wager, but just because of who he was, that people just verbally abused him just constantly, and it was just a constant struggle, simply because when you mentioned his name, it just something, it just stirred it up, and as I begin to read about J. Bez, and then we'll go on to 1 Samuel, 4 and 21 and 21 and 22, here in a minute, but as I read these two names, and I thought, man, what it would have been to start out in infancy with this kind of a name, with this kind of a reputation, this kind of a reference, and I just wanna talk to us a little bit this morning about an invisible boundary. Sometimes it gets in our life, and invisible, it's incapable by nature of being seen, not perceptible by vision, in accessible to view, it can't be seen, but it's there, it's holding somebody, someone, something in a confinement. Boundaries are something that indicates a limit, or an extent, it's synonymous with compass, bound, confined, and borderline. It restricts us, it starts pulling us down, you probably by now see where I'm going. Ichabod, the name Ichabod is no glory, or the glory has departed. What a name. Jabez was named in the middle of these 500, for some reason, he was born in sorrow. He brought sorrow to his mother. I don't know maybe what kind of a relationship the Bible does not signify anything that brought this sorrow other than he was born, and he brought sorrow when he was being born. And it was something that was going to stick with him the rest of his life. Oh yeah, you're so-and-so, and when you was born, that's when all of this happened, you know, and this is what brought the sorrow. This is why he was named, maybe it was some kind of a bad relationship. I think probably a lot of us in here today that's had relationships at one time, or another that got a little, maybe toxic or whatever, and you had to try to get away from that relationship. And I don't know what brought this about for him to bring this sorrow, but it was to the point that the mother in great sorrow when he was being born, and she named him Jabez. The glory of the Lord has departed. And I'm telling you, that was the name of Avicabod. Let's go ahead and go to 1 Samuel, let's go to 1 Samuel 4, 21, and 22, the very last closing, another young man with a name that was gonna have to be dealt with for the rest of his life. I think Johnny Cash put a song out years and years ago, a boy named Sue, and through this song, he talked about everything that he went through and all the fights and everything that it caused simply because of his name. And here we have a child being born again in a tumultuous situation, and it's bringing sorrow and so much sorrow to the point that when they tell the mother, "Hey, you've had a child." She did not even respond. And man, Brother Jeremy, caulking, by the way, daughter worked at this church in Ponsitula, Louisiana, just had a six pound, 13 ounce baby girl. And man, he just sinned me picture after picture, and he's smiling, and he's holding, showing me pictures of his wife, Sister Samantha, and she's holding this baby, and man, it's just all glory, and enthusiasm, but that's not the case here with Ichabod. She does not even respond that she's had a son, and the son is all right. There's not even a response to this. There's so much sorrow, there's so much turmoil at the time of this birth, and she named the child Ichabod saying the glory is departed from Israel because of the ark of God was taken, and because of her father-in-law and her husband. It gets a little more specific here with Ichabod than it does with J. Bez, and there was something there, and it was the glory of the Lord that was departed. How many have ever had something that was very important in your life that was taken away? I lost my father, I lost a 10 year old brother, I lost my father-in-law, I lost my mother-in-law, I've lost dear friends, the best friends growing up that brought turmoil to my life, so I know what suffering is, but I cannot let suffering confine me and put boundaries around me because there is some sorrow that has come in my life. There comes a time that I have to release that, and she said the glory is departed from Israel for the ark of God is taken, and I know that that would be a very sorrowful situation. When the word J. Bez means affliction, a cause of persistent pain and distress, sorrow, deep distress, sadness or regret, trouble, the quality or state of being troubled, especially mentally. Sometimes there's sorrow, sometimes there's stress, sometimes there's things by the Caleb that get a hold of us that affect our intellect, it affects our mentality and it confines us. If you'd allow me today to use that, it restricts us from liberty in life, from liberty in the church, liberty in the spirit of God because we hold on to this sorrow and this stress, this thing that's caused us trouble, this thing that caused us hurt in the case of J. Bez. Just something tragic, something sorrowful, some event happened in her life. Maybe someone that she had the most confidence in and I have people in this church today that are from churches that the pastor fell to immorality and then damaged them and for years, it took them a lot of time to finally get over the situations where they were damaged from leadership that they had at most confidence in that fail. That's why we need to learn to put our trust in God because humanity will let you down, humanity will fail, we come out of failure and these things will happen to us and if we're not careful, it puts boundaries around us and it begins to control us. I just talked to a gentleman yesterday and he was telling me, my dad lives here and I said, well, man, we was talking about the properties and stuff and all of a sudden he said, but he won't have anything to do with me. He will not speak to me. If I see him at the mailbox in waves, he acts like he doesn't see me. If he's on the tractor, he'll look the other way and I could tell and I begin to sympathize with this brother that was giving me this information and I shared with him. I said, man, I don't know what to say. I had a dad that he was a hugger and he constantly told me, I love you and when I was just a young man at the altar, he would come and I was telling this brother that how my dad would do all through my life and he would come up and he would nuzzle my neck and he would kiss me on the neck and he would love me up and tell me at the altar how much that he loved me and he would just express such parental love to me that it was just whatever was at Harvard in my heart. Some way, brother Adam, he had a way of breaking that boundary, that thing that was starting to confine me and he'd be an apparent I realized now that he could sense that maybe his son was going through some kind of emotional or mental event in his life and he needed encouragement and he would come and he would tell me how much that he loved me and how proud of me that he was even though I couldn't think of any accomplishment that would make a father so proud of his son and he told me, he said, my father had never in my life told me that he loved me and I said, man, I can't hardly fathom that coming from where I came from but these kind of boundaries will affect your mentality. If you're not careful, it will control your whole view in life, what are you talking about? Nobody sees it, maybe my dad couldn't see it but he could sense it. One time we were on a job and the lady lives just down the road right here and we were on the other side of Joplin and they were builders, they were building homes and I looked out and this lady went by and when she went by, even all the guys that was working for me, we were kind of in that one room and I said, I don't know what's happened in that lady's life but she has experienced the greatest sorrow, something deep has affected her. Even though she was working, you could tell that she was confined, something had hurt and fined. Before it was over one of the family members it was helping build, he said, well, I said, what about these people? He said, man, and by his expression, I knew I was fixing to hear about a horrific event and he said, her father, the day after he reached after he retired, I mean, just right here, had his granddaughter by the hand go into the mailbox. A man that was so intoxicated with liquor thought that he was in Noel, Missouri, left the road, hit the driveway, sailed through the air, hit the gentleman and his granddaughter walked into the house from the mailbox, killed them both for years, they were memorials stuck in the driveway there for years and her standing on the porch and seeing this horrific tragic event taking place, mother Kaleb, and how could you? I remember when my brother drowned and had 10 years old and I remember my dad would crawl up the stairs for years after and lay across my brother's bed and would weep and would cry bitterly, weep tears and just well because of the loss of a son and here we see parents that are so stricken by invisible boundaries, that they tag names on their children for life because of the events that they've been through. There's a little book out, I think it's by Wilkerson that wrote the prayer of Jay Bez, I don't know how many he's ever read that little book but what I'm impressed with and I pray it, I pray it many times myself. God just enlarged my boundaries. God don't let this event constrict me, don't let this event choke me out, God. - The other day, Mother Daryl Jones and we've been friends for 50 years, I guess, somewhere close to that and had a tragic event take place in his life and bad timing and just horrible, it was just a horrible thing and took him away. We were brethren laws and it took him away and for a long time and this invisible boundary was around him but God just without maybe him even praying. And we've talked about it a lot the last few days but it just, his boundaries kept enlarging and enlarging and I thought of Jay Bez when I looked at Brother Daryl and many, one day he'd come and he'd been away from the church for 35 years, I believe it was 35 years because of this event. And I know in his heart, maybe a lot of times missing the presence of God but this invisible boundary that had a holy hymn. He's just been coming for a few weeks now but he met me in the hall with the tithing envelope and I've seen him coming down and he had had a beard about like this and a ponytail hanging down to here and he's a Harley rider and he'd come walking in, he looked like a total different person and he met me in this hallway and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this today and he said, he looked at me with water in his eyes and he said, you know, Kelly, he said 35 years is a long time to hold the grudge. But if we're not careful, we're in confinement and he said, you know, and he named the main basis for this confinement. He said, they've been gone for 24 years and I'm still been carrying on this situation in my life and I've had opportunities to go here and there and he said, I look and I don't know how many of them, 20 or 30 of them probably in here and he said, my family here, doing what I taught them to do, doing what I raised and then they're raising their kids and now I got grandkids and I think maybe great grandkids in the house of God but Brother Jones wasn't in the house of God. He was still some way, this invisible force was still holding him 24 years after the root of the cause. Why are you telling this story in front of everybody today because I want you to know that you need to be like J. Bez and there's no record of Ichabod. He was in the lineage, his grandfather was the high priest, Levi, the high priest, but you find no record of Ichabod remaining in that lineage. Was it that I've caused so much sorrow, I've caused so much hurt. I've been victimized by what I represent or you victimize yourself by what Satan presents. And we hold on and we hold on and we hold on until we become like Ichabod and the glory departs and we don't really feel the liberty in the church and we can't trust the man of God and we can't trust, put our trust fully in the word of God and we try to justify it and we set boundaries and that we're not going back, we're not gonna do this, I'm not gonna get involved. You're gonna be just like with the Samson, you drive five miles out of the way because you don't wanna have to face the thing that caused the hurt and the trouble in your life, but I'm thankful today that after a while you learn, okay God, I'm just gonna have to move on to new boundaries and you pray God, don't let me be confined to the situations in my life, but in large my boundaries. God, give me the freedom to move, give me the freedom to worship. God, give me the freedom to trust somebody again and to trust in your word. But people, but circumstance, but things and nobody else sees it and nobody else knows it for the money, but this is, there's an invisible fence for pets nowadays, you can just bury a little line or just lay the line on top of the ground, put the receiver shocker on the pet and it's an invisible fence and he only goes to a certain distance. Even though the dog can't see it, he don't know he is confined because there is an invisible boundary that is controlling him and in our spiritual walk and in our spiritual life if we're not careful, the situations that we're facing or what we're being blamed for causes a boundary to put me, put around us and there's no liberty. We become an Ichabod. We depart from the house of God, but help me to be like James today. Okay, God, it's been long enough. 35 years is long enough. 50 years is long enough. I'm tearing down the boundaries today. I'm gonna let my spirit go. I'm gonna let my spirit be revived. Open it up, God. Help me to trust. Oh, I'm telling you something. I counted in a privilege when Brother Jones come in and said, this is where I'm gonna go. This is where my family is. I'm telling you something. Drop the boundaries, loving God. Family coming to church, bringing his wife, bringing his mother-in-law. I see the boundaries enlarging. What are you talking about today by the Samson? Regardless of the hurt, regardless of the circumstance, regardless of the reputation or the name that's been tagged on you, tear down that invisible force that's confining you and controlling you. (audience applauds) - Oh, Brother Samson, I know I've been through situations. I've been through things that control you. There's been times in my life when I've seen people that I just wanted to turn and go the other direction. And for a few years it controlled me. Did I have bitterness? I never one time had bitterness. I never one time attacked, went into attack mode. I never just enjoyed sitting around. Finally, one day I just walked into the lawyer's office and I said, "You tell me what it takes "to get this over with." I'm trying to be able to church everywhere I go. They caught wanna know about my circumstance. It wasn't about the goodness of God. It wasn't about the blessings of God. I know people meant well all over the country, all over the different states that I traveled. Almost one of the questions in the first few that was asked in our communication and greeting over the Samson how is the court situation? How is this going? And a lot of times at church I would come in, "Well, what happened, what's going on?" And this situation, it was confining me. I felt like I was confined within this situation. And it began to cause me turmoil. It began to cause me stress and worry and all of these things that I defined. And finally one day, like I said, I walked in. I said, "Mr. Mitchell," I said, "You find out what it takes to settle this situation." In a few days he called me, he gave me the amount. It was astronomical at the time. I said, "Write them a check." And he wrote them a check. And I'm telling you something, why Brother Samson? Because I didn't want the worry of it. I didn't want the confinement of it. I didn't want that thing even tagged me. I want to build a church. I want to be able to preach to people and give them liberty, give them hope, and let them know, hey, you don't have to be confined to circumstance. [ Applause ] Oh, even though I've been about 20-some years paying off that situation, or the cadence, it was like I just opened up and my spirit was set free. I don't have to worry about that anymore. Right or wrong, I don't care what's right or wrong. I just want to enlarge my boundaries. I'm tired of being confined. I'm tired of being controlled. I'm tired of trying to have to avoid. I'm tired of driving three or four or five miles out of the way because of the herd of the circumstance and the remembrance of the sorrow that I've been through. But you know what, I never let it control me. I never let bitterness spring up. And I'm telling you something God has enlarged my boundaries. He's blessed me. He's -- oh, oh. [ Applause ] But where would I have been? This lady that I talked about probably looked 30, 40 years older than what she was. I mean, you could just tell the sorrow and the hurt that she had been through. It affected her. I've seen instances where bitterness and hatred control people to the point that it brought them to an early grave. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be confined to stress. There's people that are confined. Their boundaries is drama. If something don't happen by noon, they start something. When one man told me it worked for me, he said my wife, she loves drama. To the point, she'll stir it up at family meetings and get togethers, you can guarantee before the day was over the cops was going to be there breaking something up. And he said my wife is usually the one that starts it every time. [ Laughter ] Drama and stress. Let me tell you about stress. I read in the Bible where it said in the last days, men's perilous times shall come, and men's hearts are going to fail them for fear. And I've talked about tragic events this morning and uncomfortable circumstances. I've seen some things. I've seen a man just up the road here, got run over by a semi over his head, and it was horrible. I mean, everything was supposed to be in his head was all over the highway, and it was -- I've seen some horrible things, and I thought, Lord, what's it going to take that -- what event's going to transpire for the deal that my heart will literally stop for fear? And I don't know why. I just begin to look up fear and opening windows and digging a little deeper into fear. And one of the words synonymous with fear, guess what it was, stress. You know what one of the leading heart diseases is and causes of heart failure today is? Stress. People just stress, stress, stress, until it literally leads them to an early grave. I said, okay, God, I see what it is. I don't think God's people have to live stressed out all the time. That's why I get up over the morning and I say, God, help me to be like Jay Biz. Just enlarge my boundaries for the James Hill. Just enlarge my boundaries. God, don't let me get confined to this. Don't let this confine me to my -- it's just a little egocentric circle that I'm dwelling in in my own ego, my own intellect, my mentality is confined to this circumstance. And everybody that I talk to, I have to bring this up at one time or another. And I'm confined to this. It brings heart failure and all kinds of health problems. It's because they can't get beyond circumstance things that happened. It might have been 20, 30, 40 years ago. I often tell the situation where the young man was at work one of the Christians there, Pentecostal, people kept inviting this young gentleman to church. Never been to church in his life. So one day, finally, just to satisfy and appease, he said, okay, I'll go with you. And when he went, the presence of God fell in that place. This boy, not really knowing even what he was doing, just went up to the altar and prayed with everybody else in the presence of God, come down over him. He lifted his hands. He received the gift of the Holy Ghost. And he got baptized in Jesus' name. And he was so excited about his experience that he said, I got to go by and I'm going to tell my grandpa. He's third generation from grandpa. And he walked in, not even knowing that his grandfather knew anything about this experience. And he said, grandpa, I just wanted to come by and tell you, I got the Holy Ghost tonight, I got baptized. And his grandpa lit up and he said, man, I'm so proud of you. And they were all talking about it. But through all this excitement and this experience, it was an invisible boundary that grandpa was unable to cross. And he said, son, where'd you go? Where'd you get the Holy Ghost? And he said, oh, it's this church right down here. And he named this church. And when he named the church, grandpa went into a rage. Bitterness began to spew from him. He said, I'd rather see you go to hell is to go to that church. The grandson is stupefied. He looks, he said, grandpa, what's the matter with you? He couldn't see the boundaries. He couldn't see the confinement that was holding grandpa. He said, we used to go to that church, three generations before his grandson. We used to go there and we left. He said, well, grandpa, what happened? I'll tell you what happened. He said it was a discussion between the piano-- this is a true story-- between the piano setting on the pulpit or down on the main floor. And he said, we just left. He said, looked at him for a minute. He said, grandpa, which side was you on? The grandpa went off into meditation and pretty soon he turned around and he said, hey, Ma, which side was we on? For three generations, this thing controlled him and confined him and put him in a boundary until those boundaries just began to-- even though he's confined-- the boundaries where the plapper are starting to reach out and children and kids and family are starting to receive truth and to find the church and the ways of God. And even though those boundaries were expanding for everyone else, we have one grandfather in the midst that could have led a whole family to the house of God and being workers for God and worshipers in the house of God. But there was a boundary that was sitting there that no one else even knew about confining him. What are you talking about this morning by the Samson? I'm fixing to close. I know it's this surprising. It's going to shock the study, school teachers. But I just feel like this morning that I've went far and half. Do you want to be an Ichabod today, or do you want to be a J-Biz? Are events going to finch you out? Are the presence of God, house of God, the will of God? It can find you and everybody's looking. Why? What can't they be faithful to the house of God? I wonder what their story is that they can't come and experience and enjoy what we've always experienced, enjoyed all of them, or what's happened? People say, I just don't like it when I'm bugged about not being at the house of God. And what was wrong? What was happening? You know why people do that? Because they love you, because they're concerned about you, and they're just wondering if there's an invisible boundary that's starting to restrict you, and to hold you back from the presence of God, keep you out of worship, pull you away from the family of God, and people with a burden that can't even see and don't really know what's going on, and they're reaching out to you, they're praying for you, they're fasting for you, why? Because they're trying to tear down invisible situations in your life that's keeping you from experiencing exactly what you want to experience. I have a cattle ranch. I raise cattle. And constantly, I have cattle. Even though the cattle guards, I've seen them actually walk on top of the bars to get across. I had one that even broke his leg in the process of doing that, but he didn't want, I guess, the boundaries, the grass greener on the-- I don't know, but they're always pushing the boundaries. What are you talking about by the Samson this morning? That invisible force, that thing that's controlled you, that thing that's held you back, that thing that always comes to mind when God is right there and he wants to enlarge that boundary for you and begin to bless you according to his kingdom. And these boundaries always restrict you and keep you just inside or outside the presence of God. The Israelites searching for the Promised Land. And for 40 years, it was just over the hill. And they're circling, encircling, encircling. They had to circle Jericho seven times. And then on the seventh day, do it seven times. That wasn't even nothing compared to the 40 years of circling around the promises of God because God had an invisible boundary. Even though he took Moses up and said, there it is. You're going to look at it, but you're not going to enter in because of disobedience. I'd like for somebody in here today to tear down the boundaries. That invisible force that's kept you just inside. I need a J-Biz this morning that can come up and say, OK, God, I come from a bad circumstance. I come out of a bad situation. I'm coming out of it today. God sent me free. Enlarge my boundaries today. God, I've been in confinement long enough. I've been under the stress of it long enough. I've been under the memory of it long enough. God, I've given it up today. What are you talking about? I'm talking about releasing the hurt, releasing the anxiety, releasing the animosity. Had a pastor tell me, Brother Samson, before I came here, whatever happened, it's history. I didn't have nothing to do with what happened in the past. I want to be your friend. And you know what? For several years, we've been friends. We've had interferences. We've had things where I'd see a lot of pastors would just blow up and got everything out of proportion. But he said, I didn't have nothing to do with it. It's history, Brother Samson. I mean, you go to be friends. And you know what? I made up my mind. And part of this, I'm not digging up bones. But I'm just telling you, part of that was the situation that caused me so much hurt in my life. But you know what? Today, that we're friends. Today, it doesn't control me. Today, I've tore down the boundaries and God's going to enlarge my boundaries. He's going to give me more, Brother. Oh, rather than leave what I've ever asked for or what I ever needed. And I'm not talking about money. I don't care about wealth. It riches. I just want to be saved. God, tear down the force that's keeping me from enjoying the presence of God. The only thing that satisfies-- that's what we're designed for-- to be worshipers and workers for God. And anything less of that, it doesn't satisfy. That's why people look for drugs. That's why people look for alcohol. That's why people turn to suicide. Oh, it's chaotic. But I'm telling you something, the only thing that satisfies makes you cope. Oh, Brother Matherly, the 30-some years, you was an alcoholic. I'm telling you something you never felt in all of those times like you felt this morning in the house of God. Just sell out for God. Be like Sister Anita stood up. I've bucked a lot of things for a long time. But I'm all in today. I'm selling out at God's been enlarging her boundaries. I'm telling you something today. Give it up. I'm breaking loose. There's no more boundary. There's no more holding back. I can't take a heart that's broken. Make it all.