Timeline Earth

STS 32 - Power Networks with Pete and Phil

I thought we were gonna talk about the sovereign citizens and the virginia company, but a dissection of shadowy feudal obligations and informal power is waaaay better anyhow, enjoy!"

Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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I thought we were gonna talk about the sovereign citizens and the virginia company, but a dissection of shadowy feudal obligations and informal power is waaaay better anyhow, enjoy!"

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hi everybody, to the Scarlet Thread Society. As always, it is your grand mego's pause. Here with some words of warning, before we begin, you'll want to lock your doors, close your windows, cover your mirrors, and light a little tobacco with us. We are back, and today, tonight, this morning, whenever you may be listening, we are going to be touching on a topic that I have long had an amateur's interest in. So, when I heard my guests plural this evening talking about it just a couple weeks ago, I knew I had to beg, borrow, and impose upon my friendship with them to get them on to go over again with me. We're talking about the city of London, and no, I don't mean the city of London, I mean the city of London. Say hello, fellas. Hey, Fazzy. What's up, boys? So, if, for some unfathomable reason, the audience didn't know you two gentlemen just by your voices, which they should, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourselves? I'll go first, Phil. Peeking Yonez, Peeking Yonez Show, and, yeah, some people may be retrins to turn this off right about now, Pazzy, just by realizing who this is. Well, it's their loss. And, on Phil, Phil Gibson, Mr. Sue on Twitter, MRPSE. I have the substat Q-Paul, which stands for quite parts out loud, and I do music stuff sometimes. And we're here to talk about stuff. So, to frame this, I supposed to get the conversation rolling, I want to ask just right out the gate, what made you guys decide to talk the city of London in the first place? What placed the worm back in your own minds to even touch a subject like that? So, he hit me up with the link, and he's like, "I've been heard of this." And I called myself a Lou Wong in. I'm a student of Tom Lou Wong in, just his way of really merging geopolitics and macro together. And he's, I've learned a lot about the Eurodar system or offshore dar market, and Pete came across the city of London, which we'll get to. And it was kind of just a deep dive into, "Oh, well, this is really Kizdari and Mafia stuff." And all this financial chicanery has kind of started and arguably ended with them, and she read the article from there. Pete, tell me what I'm missing. Well, I mean, this was a long time coming to, I guess this was just like one of the final pieces. Because Tom Lou Wongo and Phil, Phil as basically a student of Tom, they talk about how basically the United States is still indebted, is still in some way wedded to London. And Tom always talks about, "It's London. It's the old aristocrats. It's these old guys in London." And when you go back a couple of years and when Tom first came across, when Tom first started talking about how Jerome Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, was actually a friend, and any of us who come from a libertarian background, even if we are not, we don't even consider ourselves libertarians anymore, we're automatically like, "Oh, wait a minute, that's gross. What are you talking about?" And I still have that gut instinct reaction for what it's worth. I can understand the concept of a guy working towards my ends, but I can't comprehend him as my guy. Well, this goes from Lou Wongo and what he saw Powell doing up to the PayPal mafia, and that's pretty much where I came in. So I don't know if Phil would talk about the, Phil would be a lot better at me than I am at talking about Jerome Powell in the Federal Reserve. Yeah, so I'll call him a friend. I play some rounds of golf with Powell. I mean, I suck, but it'd be quite an honor. Powell is pretty much eighth or ninth generation Virginian aristocracy. He is as American as Epiphy. So it's just kind of interesting. He also went to a Jesuit high school. And for once we basically have someone who's not Jewish. Oh, there you go. He bought a few on the Fed. So yeah, it's kind of like for once we don't have a G running the Fed. We do have one in the treasury and that's a different conversation. Maybe we can get to it, maybe not. But arguably Jerome Powell is running an America first monetary policy. He mentioned about the US being wedded to London, the crown. We basically never had a true declaration of independence from Great Britain because our money, our economy. It was all tied to them still until last 2022 when we basically divorced ourselves from them because we are no longer under their debt index. Their debt index was LIBOR. Ours is now so far. I can explain that quickly. LIBOR was basically the rate that priced everyone's debt. So banks would say, you know, we'll give you this interest rate. LIBOR plus 3% or whatever it was. But the way that LIBOR was determined, I think it was even as recent as like the 80s or something. But LIBOR was basically a arbitrarily dictated interest rate that was decided by 17 panel banks at the city of London. We still haven't gotten to what the hell the city of London is yet, but we will. And basically only one of those banks out of the 17 represent the interests of the United States, which was JP Morgan. Are you the first and still default fit reserve? And so what that meant is that LIBOR was like our socialist, Tommy Ball and Shane. If there was a credit snafu over across the pond, we would feel it too, right? Because what happens when there's a credit squeeze? Some money institution doesn't trust another money institution that they're going to pay them back on their loan that they got from them. So they're going to charge them more interest because that's what you do to price risk. And so there's a credit snafu across the pond, right over there, but they also go up over here in America. And so what that means is that all your debt instruments are tied to LIBOR and so you're going to have interest rate go up in your audio loan, your mortgage, your credit cards, everything. And we weren't really monetarily sovereign from that until silver was introduced. And honestly, we can kind of think Donald Trump's first term in presidency for one appointing Powell and then two kind of lining up the courts to get rid of things like the Chevron Doctrine. But mainly him getting Powell in charge of the Fed and John Williams being appointed as the president of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. The Federal Reserve Bank in New York is basically where monetary policy is born. And he and a few others I'm sure maybe James Diamond was involved. And of course, like Powell may have had oversight. I'm just, you know, assuming. But what so far is John Williams kind of came up with the idea of so far and what it is, is a America first interest rate, meaning that it is domestically focused and it's actually based off of market activity. Like primary dealers or people that have like first dibs to the Fed window, first dibs on buying treasuries and have the access to pursuing collateral when it's first issued. They are borrowing from each other overnight and was called the repo market, repurchasing market. So they borrow short, lend short, and they charge interest and whatever they charge, that is the baseline of what so far is based off of so far stands for the secured overnight financing rate. So live or you could think of as arbitrarily made up by central planners, unsecured debt. Silver is actually based off of real market activity between American institutions and American economic prices discovery essentially. So now, let's fast forward to really 2022 when so far is implemented. We are in a place now where we can afford to raise rates because we can control in some way like the volatility. Basically, if you'll remember, people thought that if Hal raised it 1% then he would have to pivot just like how he tried to tighten in 2018 and he was forced immediately pivot. And once again, I think in the repo crisis of 2019. But basically so far, it gives us the monetary sovereignty to raise rates without breaking absolutely everything we can we can basically stomach it. And because we don't have some, you know, central planners at the city of London dictating otherwise they if you Google the library scandal, you'll come up with a bunch of bad shit. They could basically say charge themselves free of our like very, very low interest. And so far is basically what has enabled us to be monetarily independent and raise rates and get away with it. Now, what does that mean? Well, live war ends for the rest of the world by the end of September of this year. So September 30 is when everybody else in the world has dished live war and they have come up with the rounds sort of secured rate. And here's where we kind of get into like the offshore money. Euro dollars. What the hell are those? Why does it matter? Your dollars are basically offshore dollars or loans, dollar loans in offshore bank accounts that are leveraged for collateral and basically more quote unquote money printing happens beyond the feds in United States jurisdiction. So that's why you'll hear that there's like a $400 trillion like debt problem or like claims on money. And that's all because of this offshore dollar creation. Why did that creation start in the first place because of the Marshall plan when we decimated Europe after World War II, we lent them dollars reserves to go to back up. And it was great. This is why we all hate boomers because they were able to buy low and sell high by not fucking doing anything but buy a 50 grand house in the 80s or whenever. So this is why we have like a bull market bull bond market. And for once we are now starting to see like the yield curve normalized and things will be repriced essentially because money is no longer free. And the Federal Reserve was all into being the bailout central bank of the world until pal came about. So pal's higher for the longer thing is all about destroying the offshore dollar market, the Euro dollar market because when you have like in 2008, Ben Bernanke said quantitative easing is basically we can buy all these assets and bail people out but only if interest rates are zero. And we were kind of forced to go in that direction again after Covid because Congress basically pressured pal and it would have been politically political suicide for him to not go on with it because he was so waiting to get real pointed out. Can I break in here for just a second? I'm on what you just said. Yeah. Sure. No, go ahead. Good. Well, this wasn't necessarily where I was going with this but this has been really interesting and there's something I need you to clear up for me directly relevant to the statement you just made. Yeah. You're talking about Covid policy and how that impacted all of this. I was under the impression that so far and this overnight money loan market was a direct result of Covid not its own independent policy. I was also under the impression that that's where a lot of the Covid inflation is coming from is that overnight guaranteed loan market. Correct. Correct. Am I mistaken here? I think you're confusing to different things with themselves. There was a repose that might be before. It's not my discipline. So that's why I was asking. No, it's okay. I think those are like two separate things. So the whole, as I was explaining with my Ben Bernanke in QE, basically when he was building people out and QE was happening. Really the whole housing bubble subprime stuff. That was bad, but it exacerbated when you had basically zero interest rate policy and beyond. And you had all these offshore dollars being created. And when they see that interest rates are low and they want to, you know, be a part of the bubble before it pops. They have all their offshore money flood into the United States and create that bubble. So this is why and Euro dollars are in that we're indexed to lie board. So this is why so far is important is because the United States is controlling the price of their dollars for once. And these offshore oligarchs, whatever, globalists are not anymore. So that is why you're seeing people bitch, wine, and moan in articles or publicly, whatever. Proceeding the guard or Pocahontas or anyone. That's why that you're seeing them complain that drum power needs to lower rates. And same thing that you saw in the end of last week in the beginning of this week with the whole Japanese carry trade thing. Japan was playing the feds wingman. They raised rates to basically kind of screw over these offshore dollar people. And also people that were looking for free money because like, yes, the Japan carry trade has been a thing for decades. But when the dollar itself is no longer arbitrarily manipulated to the downside or to zero interest rate, then people are going to find other avenues. So if they were taking advantage of trying to get free your dollars by using Japan, where he was the interest rates for negative until this year, and so so far is basically the United States official, like real declaration of independence because we control the price of our money. That's what pals hire for longer really is. Keep rates higher until he bankrupts and bleeds his globalist enemies dry. My words, not his, but that's what hire for longer is about. Eventually, my theory, my shower piffany theory is, hey, we got so far, why do we even need the fed funds rate? If so far is kind of like this one free market discovery through primary dealers rate, but if you go back to the original charter of the Federal Reserve, you got 12 like regional fed districts, like I live in Texas, Dallas is district nine, right? And then you have the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, San Francisco. And so they represent the unique economies of all these different regions in the United States. So if you've got different unique economic activity, and you have so far, why would you have like this monolithic fed funds rate? So that's where I think ideally things can go. And the economy can eventually get fixed with having basically go back tips or different versions of treasuries, what Judy Shelton wanted, Judy Shelton would have gotten appointed by Trump, had basically Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi basically like fist bumps her vote away. Basically, all this debt stuff and economic crap can be fixed if you have American sovereignty in charge. And that's kind of what we have. If you take, you know, with a grain of salt, but with some validity that Trump might appoint Jamie Dimon to be head of the treasury, like we're dealing with a different animal, and we can even transition into the whole, you know, piece in making those PayPal mafia thesis. We're dealing with different actors this time. This time truly is different. Despite how gay and cliché that saying is, it's valid. Well, that much is absolutely true. There's no question about that. Pete and I have had this discussion ourselves multiple times. These guys that are coming up now, these guys that are coming into power, they're a whole new breed compared to what's been before. You know, they are their own semi feudal, archaic hidden power structure of their own. They're no different than any of the rest of them in that regard. But in terms of their disposition, their preferences and their own end goals, totally different than what's existed prior. They are actual upstarts into the true elite scene, as opposed to being yet another squabble among existing factions. Yeah, man, it's like, it's big tech for his will tech. I love that. I first saw it as like old, like old money, old, old, all, all, all, all, all, you know, nepotism money versus new tech money. And they'll take advantage of the system and do government contracts because why the fuck not? They're there. And I love how Pete and I think I was talking about this when he was on Tom's show, but how they made the decision, maybe this is from that biology interview. But they had the choice of like being a part of the system and make flying cars happen or whatever. But they're like, no, we're going to create our own parallel system, our own parallel economy. And maybe there's some criticism that's due to that if they have contracts and partnerships with Israel or China, like whatever. But I think in the day, they are making this parallel system and the technology that they create the country's dependent on it. So this is a different beast. Yeah, just to jump in here, especially, I think the last thing that Phil said is really important. You know, back in 1991, when the Internet became public, these people had a choice of whether to do the classic. The thing that would have happened in the early 1900s, the smartest people in the world usually go and work for the government in some way, shape or form. The government recruits them says you have to come work for us. And the it's something that could have happened since the Soviet Union had fallen. Pat Buchanan's running around saying, great, communism is dead. Let's be the shining city on the hill. Let's become the most prosperous nation in the history of mankind. And what do they do? They invade Iraq. And now it's like war on Muslims. So these people are like, I'm assuming they were just like, well, we're just going to go into business for ourselves. And, you know, with my libertarian priors, I always looked at someone like Elon Musk or Peter Teal. They're just welfare whores, living off the government, with government contracts and everything like that. And I'm thinking to myself, okay, so I studied and read enough about agarism, where they talk about building parallel systems. But one thing even Khan can agree was it's impossible to build a parallel heavy, heavy industry. How are you doing that? Well, the way you do it is you go into business with the government, you become billionaires, you become, you know, I live in the middle of nowhere. I really don't have internet unless Elon Musk creates Starlink for some kind of military purpose. And, you know, and then it becomes, it becomes public, just like the internet did. Yeah, you know, you say words like welfare whores, but the actual strategy, strategic play there, right, is to create a parasitic relationship that eventually results in you being so strong. You can then dictate the flow of their resources into the creation of your parallel system. And that's exactly what's happened here. And it's kind of genius, you know, there's that old thing that if you owe the bank, if you owe the bank, you know, $50,000 and you can't pay it back, you're in trouble. Or, but if you owe the bank, you know, 50 million, 50 billion, who's in trouble. Right. Right. The banks are. And so they, they basically, you know, they have the internet, they have space, a space program, they have these, they have a, they have an intelligence. Yeah, everybody talks about Peter Thiel and Palantir about how terrible that is, you know, how he helped the CIA. I mean, he basically helped the CIA cash bin Laden allegedly, we can, you know, this is for pause, not for this is more positive for, but not me. But think about this, like right now, if you wanted to gather all the information you could on your enemies on your ops in the government. You have Palantir. He didn't, he still owns the copyright to that. He could use it for whatever he wants. He could find out every bit of dirt on everyone in power. They were building, they understood that if you build the parallel system and make the state dependent upon it, while you're making yourselves, while you're making yourself the richest man in the world, or some of the richest men in the world billionaires. There's going to come a time where you can make a play, and you have the power and the money, and especially when you have a government that is basically incompetent. The only thing they can do properly is even is like right checks that you can make a play and that you can become those people in charge. And when Tom was talking about, I, I bought into the the Lawango theory about how over a year ago. And then Matt Erickson started talking about, he started noticing these things about how all of these people who were tweeting things out or buying Twitter. The normie opinion on the purchase of Twitter is that Elon did it so the Babylon Bee could get back on Twitter. When in reality, what actually happened is he just bought the narrative control structure of the entire American media landscape, the platform on which every single story is beta tested before public release. People don't understand just how big a deal Twitter is, and some of the audience might be sitting here thinking, "Oh, pause, that's just because you're logged into their 23 hours a day." Well, maybe that's part of it, but because I'm logged on there 23 hours a day, I see that the news gets A/B tested on there before anyone else sees it, and that is the value of controlling Twitter because you control the test environment for the media. Think about this in 2020, the New York Post, their Twitter account was suspended because of the Hunter Biden laptop. If you posted anything about the Hunter Biden laptop on there, it was immediately taken down. Do you think that if the same people are running Twitter, which is basically the three letter agencies, control, you would have seen any of those videos of the Trump event that happened on July 13, no matter what you think happened, you wouldn't have seen any of that unless they wanted you to. No, the only thing views on Twitter, they would shut down yellow vest things in France. They would shut down certain videos of that. So now, and I think Elon has to play the game, and Jared Taylor can't be on Twitter, and a couple other people is going to kick every once in a while, so I'm going to get kicked off. But I mean, I say faggot and queer and retard all day, and I don't even get it. It's not that I don't get it removed or get suspended. I don't even get like what other people get where they black it out where you can't retweet it or like it. Oh man, I've caught me about people. I've caught a couple of those already. I don't think that's where the whole like freedom of speech on freedom reach comes in, and the algorithm could actually just pick up like what you're said. And you might not even know that it gets less reach, but that's why I think it's fun to hold down characters on your keyboard for like faggot and then you choose like the weird like, you know, Sanskrit looking a or whatever. I don't know if the Al goes that smart though. But yeah, I would like to know how how valid the freedom of speech and freedom reach thing is and like what it actually picks up and what it doesn't. Well, I also noticed that a lot of times the accounts that don't. They get that aren't subscribed. Like they don't have blue check marks. Right. I honestly think that if you pay the eight dollars a month you actually get more freedom or you pay the 16 like I do. Yeah, yeah premium plus will get you like the top of the like responses. Oh, yeah, and I make it back in in income. I mean, I don't make like some. There's some people making four $5,000 a month on there. I make like $100. I make like $100 a month on there because I try to stay off of Twitter as much as possible. But all right, going back to that so. Paypal mafia. You're talking about people like Peter Teal, Elon Musk, Mark Andreessen, all these Silicon Valley guys from back in the day. Oh, G ones. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The old school that David sacks people like that. So Matt starts realizing he's like. These something weird going on with these guys. He starts listening to their podcasts and then he starts looking at people who are like. Part of the part of their group but not officially like Vivek and JD Vance. And he notices what Vivek Vivek is out there. Vivek is like the Vakes company no matter what you think of his company. I don't care. JD Vance and Peter Teal were the first investors in this company. So you have all of these connections going on. And Vivek is out there giving interviews where he's just basically echoing James Burnham. We have an administrative state. The administrative state needs to be taken down. The president should be in charge. He should be the only one calling the shots. Yadda yadda. This is the way you do it. And he'll just like go down and start talking to you on the Sean Ryan show. You're talking about how to do it. It's like this is really, really weird. And then you start looking at go back and reading some of the stuff. Yarvin wrote 15, 20 years ago where he's talking about private cities and the first private city will be like in a real shit whole country. But it'll work. It'll be people will want to go there. And then you start, you look like look up. Look up. I can't remember the name of the company now. But it's one of the Peter Teal companies. And he's got a private city in Roaton on the island of Roaton in Honduras. And it's just they have an airport and everything. And you're like, all right. Okay. So let's start following this further. So we start looking and we start seeing that. Mark Andreessen is tweeting out things about how the administrative state is strangling us and how if. If we don't command a if China passes us an AI, they'll use it to destroy us and how we don't have a military anymore and how do I is destroying their businesses. And we just were like, okay, so Trump at this time, Trump's like getting ready to be tried in like five or six different courts. And they're basically bankrupting him. And we just came up with this. You know, we were like. So what if these guys went to Trump and said, look, we'll make sure that you're rich. Again. And we'll do everything we can to stay at it and keep you out of jail. And we'll do everything we can to get you elected. But when you get elected, we run the show. And you know, I've been saying that same exact thing on TLE for some time now, especially picking up since the Vance announcement got made. But even before then, it is abundantly clear to me that when you talk about the memes about the viziers and the powers behind the throne. It's very clear to me that the Donald such as he is basically sold his second term pretty explicitly to these guys just to get to have the second term. And that's why you're seeing things play out as they are. You know, they came to him and said, Hey, we get to pick your successor. You're not going to kneecap him. We get to call the policy shots, but you get to revel in it. You get to be that showman again that you've always wanted to be on the biggest stage possible and that suits him anyways because people like we're talking about would rather have that bigger head anyhow. Yeah, but pause. They're going to staple the green cards to diplomas and they like brown people and we're not going to have Christian nationalism. Well, if I can make a confession to you guys, I think the whole audience already knows. I'm not actually racist. I don't really don't really particularly care. That's not actually going to happen. And that's Aaron. Yeah. That's not actually going to happen. And even if it was, I wouldn't give a shit for a handful of reasons, but. Well, I mean, I don't need any argument that they're only going to report like, Oh, go ahead. I just want them. They need to stop. I'll trade them stopping illegal immigration for reversing illegal immigration. For, you know, their, forget what they call those M1 B1 visas or whatever. I mean, there's going to be immigration somewhere. They want some way, shape, or form. If they were serious about their value prop and about making that deal, I think almost all the people getting called racist online would actually be fine with it. I really do. They just found the best. Yeah. But so going back to, um, to this, so we, you know, we were just like, well, how are they going to pull this off? So we ended our conversation back in February and said, the most important thing will be who each picks this vice president. So that'll be the signal. In the meantime. DJ T got released. And immediately shot up. Through the roof. Making Trump rich again. No one knows how every, but I remember when DJ T was released, people are like, who's buying this? Okay. Yeah, sure. Who's buying this? I'm sure it was, you know, like 10 million people buying $10 worth of stock. It wasn't a couple billionaires pumping it. And, you know, getting Trump rich again, a promise. And then what's really interesting about that DJ T stock truth social is how it turned into such a violent proxy war between these two groups, because there was and still is some really chronic, steep, short positions on it. And you can tell that the price of that is being used as an actual financial fight over just what we're talking about. Yeah, no, yeah, there it's, it's obvious that the DJ T was something more than it was just something more than some kind of stock, some kind of a new IPO. There's lives running around claiming it was for laundering political donations, both the most brain dead surface level take you could have on it. That is very obviously not the case. And it's dumb as hell that anyone would think that these people don't need to fucking launder political donations through the New York Stock Exchange. Come on. The, you have people, but it's always like that, right? I mean, the Twitter thing, Normie is on the right thing. Twitter, the Twitter takeover was about, oh, free speech. She's so into free speech, people on the left. Oh, he just wants like Nazis to run, you know, he wants to run it into the ground. He doesn't know how to do it. Remember, like when he took over for like two months, it was, oh, he's just terrible at business. It's like, okay, sure. Yeah, that's exactly what this is. And notice how you don't hear that criticism anymore either. Of course not. So then, you know, Trump gets, Trump has all these trials and everything and he gets convicted and, well, what they start disappearing. Who, I mean, I think this has more to do with the courts and the fact that, you know, he packed the Supreme Court the last time. It could be some people, some people slip people money. I don't know. It's, you know, it's not out of the realm of possibility in American politics. And I have no problem with it either. And so you come down to July 13th and I'm watching it on TV and it looks like someone takes, you know, someone takes a shot at him. Whatever you think happened that day, that's not the important part. The important part really is always the narrative. It's like I say about 9/11. It's more important to me to know why 9/11 happened than how the towers fell. It almost seems sometimes like how the towers fell is the distraction, again, from who did, who and why. And when he did that, I said, um, I turned to my wife and I said, well, he just won and I'm telling you he's going to pick JD Vince. Because if somebody really wants him dead, they would rather have the people who would want him dead would rather have Marco Rubio or Tim Scott. Um, not Nikki Haley redneck. Yeah, Nikki Haley. Not some redneck from, um, you know, Hillbilly from, from Kentucky. Yeah, Vance would never be the guy. Yeah, so he picked the Hillbilly from Kentucky who is tied to the PayPal mafia is a Silicon Valley guy is extremely wealthy is perfect for like, he has perfect regime aesthetics to married to a foreign wife. So they can't attack. He's not married to some blonde here at blue eyed Aryan goddess. So they can't attack him on that. And, you know, he's a guy who is in all shocks and, you know, sits down and man spreads during interviews and pisses people off AOC famously yesterday was like, why is he sitting like that? And someone's like, because he has testicles. And, um, yeah, so now we're here and a week and a half ago. A very small account suites out. I think what we're seeing is we're seeing a circulation of the elites. And I think that these elites that are seeking to take over are from Silicon Valley. And Mark Andreessen billionaire, one of the biggest angel investors in the world retweets that with a bullseye. And then he retweets the bullseye with screenshots of the cover of the Machiavellians and the managerial revolution by James Burnham. And I sent that to Matt Erickson and I said, that's it. The theory is right. They're going for a takeover. And from everything we've seen, they want to dismantle the administrative state. Some people may call it deep state. And they're going to have to get it's like I put in the chat earlier, pause. They're going to have to forget their liberal priors in order to do this, because it's going to take some big balls. Yeah. And I think you were spot on too. If they want to be the guys they want to be, they have to be the guys we want them to be to do it. And that gets back to what you guys were saying on the podcast you did. And what I've been saying independently, you know, it's time, right? You just got it. You got to step up and do this. You got to take seriously that your insurgents here. And you have to let go of the legitimacy that everyone else is fighting over because that legitimacy is dead anyways, you know, you got to carve your own path into the future here. And they have perfectly positioned themselves to do it. You got something Phil I've been talking for a while. I like to have you send me those tweets. I just had to have like dug back up and back my brain and you like reminded me like, oh wow. So yeah, when you hear those things, you're like, is this too good to be true? And he's kind of gone around the circle lately. And it's like, well, these people aren't just pulling my legs. I don't think that they're trying to troll some like radical right winger and tell them things that they know that he wants to hear. These people are serious. And something I was going to say to kind of be like a middle ground of the paper on Mafia and Wall Street is when I was saying that they want to, you know, Silicon Valley wants to hire the best town that they can. It's basically mercantilism. So just like anyone that doesn't know and I kind of had to be reminded exactly what the definition of this was, but just reading this off. It seeks protectionism of industries. So protection from monopolies on a world stage globalism. And it primarily seeks to import raw materials at low cost in exchange for exporting finished goods at a high cost to the outside trade partner. Market toism is a form of political power building, not just as a means of trade and gold and silver are only used as a trade good when trading commodities won't work. And lastly, mercantilism countries hoard their wealth and seek to export more than import, creating a trade imbalance that benefits to them. So I think that when you hear rhetoric from Silicon Valley, that they just want to rebuild manufacturing in the US. Yeah, at the same time, they want to bring in foreigners, foreign talent. It's kind of like they have that trade imbalance to their benefit for the benefit of the nation. And also, when you have power raising rates, you're protecting the dollar, you're pulling global capital and investment into the US, because the US is the one that's going to have the deepest, most robust markets. And yeah, we're going back to mercantilism. Tom has talked about this with Vince Blanchy multiple times on his podcast, and they kind of go deeper into this. But it's a move away towards globalism, yet everybody is willing to work with their global partners in order to achieve their own mercantilism and just strengthen their own national sovereignty. And so I think this is being exemplified greatly from the paper mafia, and as I call team, Powell and in the Wall Street. Well, and my only pushback there would be that, once again, we're projecting on them a little bit that they are our guys, because they're really not. You know, they're not aligning with these goals out of any interest to save America quote unquote, or to save the common man. They're doing it because it's their goals for their intents and their purposes. It just so happens that their means, their methods, and their projected outcomes are best aligned with what we want to see too. And perhaps that's just the jaded conspiracy theorist in me, but I would just always eternally point out that people with this much power are never going to be my friend. Well, I will point this out to, and I've said this before, is when I was, you know, when I consider myself a libertarian went to the Mises Institute talks to economists. One of the things economists always said was, is that the reason why a free market will work, and this isn't a free market, that's not the argument I'm trying to make. The reason a free market will work is because people have self interest. So businesses, businessmen, entrepreneurs have self interest, they want to get rich, so they know the way they get rich, especially in a truly free market, would be to provide people with something that they need. Okay, now use the same premise of just self interest. So if these people, if Jerome Powell sees that, what he's doing, he is going to strengthen he and his friends, and we don't have to be part of that friend group. He's not thinking of us. And neither is pay, I don't think the PayPal mafia is either. But if in their self interest, if the things are doing and their self interest benefit us, make our lives a little easier, or as I've taken to saying, the regime in charge hates me, hates middle, hates middle Americans, hates southerners, hates people who think like I do, go to church, pray the rose, reduce stuff like that. I don't think these guys care that I do that. So I would rather have people in charge who are looking to make monetary moves that would make our lives a lot easier, but also don't actually hate me, probably maybe don't even like me but are indifferent to me. I'll take indifference to hatred every single time. Yeah, and you just said it a million times better than I ever could. So thank you for that. Just the perfect summary of what I'm blathering about. Yeah, no, no, because I've been saying this because I've been attacked for talking about this so often about these guys aren't your friends. Okay, I'll concede that. But what they're doing, if what they're doing and their self interest benefits me, I'm okay with that. And because pretty much nothing the regime in charge right now is doing is benefiting me. So if they take charge, my life gets better. So then you'll have some midwit who will just be like, you want to put chips in everyone's head. That's like I've been saying ever since that came up. I'm like, they're going to be people lined up around the corner. So voluntarily have chips put in their head. Yeah, people are going to eat that shit up. I mean, I worry maybe Elon's patients zero to have a chip in my brain that the money's right. So they already had patients zero and the tests were successful. Well, fuck them. I mean, you saw the chess, the kid playing chess. Yeah, yeah, I saw a whole bunch in the videos. They were, frankly, it was mind-blowing just that he was actually able to develop a company that could pull something like that off. It was genuinely incredible. I am concerned about the whole Mark of the Beast Antichrist thing with it, but it was amazing nonetheless, just a watch. Can I have that while I take my camera, please? The Mark of the Beast was the Social Security number. You have to remember it in your head and you have to write it with your hand. So it goes on your forehead and on your wrist. That is an excellent point. We are at the 50 minute mark, and that is a real shame because Pete, what you just said circles all the way back to what I actually wanted to talk about tonight. But this has been so much better instead. I was going to talk about the sovereign citizens and whether or not your realizations about the city of London have lent any justification to their beliefs despite decades of maligned treatment. And that's what I was really hoping to do with you guys tonight, but we didn't really get there. We can do it. We can do another one in a couple weeks, if you want Pazzy, I'm available as long as I can put it in my schedule. As long as I know literally a few days in advance, I'm open to you anytime. Yeah, we should, because I think you'd be into that. I don't know how much you know about them already. We're in citizen's Skype groups in like 2010 to 2011. I know all about this stuff. So we should maybe get into that because that was my angle into the city of London. And I was interested to see how that angle played with how you guys were talking about it. I didn't realize you already had background with them. So that's makes it all the better. I'm a little ignorant in this, but it's basically like, Hey, you can make yourself a sovereign citizen and not be a part of the system and not pay taxes and all this bullshit like that argument. Basically. Oh, it's so much more weird and so much more wonderful. There's a lot of stuff there, man. There's more stuff there than I can remember. You'll bring stuff up and I'll be like, Oh, my God. Yeah. I'll probably even remember the like the gnome diploma, the person who like told me about that. Yeah, well, sorry we didn't actually talk about the topic at hand. No, no, no. Like I said, this was tremendous. This is still very on brand for what the program does here. I really hope audience I'm talking to you directly now. Hope that you did not turn this off that you gave it a solid listen, because what these gentlemen just explained to me explained to you is how power networks actually shift and change before your very eyes. Well, the libs are all busy looking at memes and yelling, yes, queen. We just explained to you a slow motion silent coup, not just against the US government, but against the entire actual new world order. I hope you were paying attention, folks. Which is why it's if they pull it off, it's going to be quote unquote, it'll be quite the coup. Yeah, this is this is why we're not blackfield and why nobody should be. Now, I don't blame them for not having time in their hands to figure this shit out, but yeah, like stopping blackfield like we got a lot to look forward to. All right, lightning round plugs from you guys I know Pete has to take off and we're about at our wrap time here anyhow. Peking down a show Pete sub I've actually started doing videos on my sub stack two or three days a week so I'm extra extra Pete content and I put those out for free if you want to throw me some money, you can throw me some money but everything I put out is free. Bill Gibson, Mr. Sue on Twitter MRPS you I'm right on cue Paul Q P O L the sub stack stands for quite parts out loud you can support me for $7 and 22 cents a month or $69 for the year. And just the last sign off basically palace raising rates to bankrupt globalist commies and we're going to win. We're going to win. Have a good night folks. Thank you gentlemen for joining me. It was an absolute pleasure. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Good night everyone.