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TLE 186 - J. Burden Is 15 Years Old

Become a valued and cherished Board Member today:… Check out LineMart, our Official TLE Merchandise store: — — — On this episode, we welcome a fellow Newsman (from Generation Alpha) to the show. Even though he is spry and in his youth, he is quite knowledgable about many things. — — — Recorded LIVE every Wednesday! (2/7/2024) Featuring, the "The Golden Throat", Car Campit: And the "Number One PTO User of the Year", Aaron: And as always, the wise and Dionysian Birdarchist: And of course, the team's erudite investigator Paz: Follow the show on Twitter: — — — THE EARTH IS A LINE!

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2024
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On this episode, we welcome a fellow Newsman (from Generation Alpha) to the show. Even though he is spry and in his youth, he is quite knowledgable about many things.

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Recorded LIVE every Wednesday! (2/7/2024)

Featuring, the "The Golden Throat", Car Campit:

And the "Number One PTO User of the Year", Aaron:

And as always, the wise and Dionysian Birdarchist:

And of course, the team's erudite investigator Paz:

Follow the show on Twitter:

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[music] Sometimes you might feel trapped between the right hand and the left. That's correct, you are. Because you're living on a line. [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] The first is Joe Biden is alive. He did not die evidently or maybe one did one didn't. He will not be attending the DNC. He will make a brief closing statement. And then he will go home. That is what we were told. He will show up. He will relinquish the candidacy properly and formally to Candace Owens or whoever the woman is that's running. I forget her name all the time. [laughter] And then he will leave. That'd be so awesome. Doing an Irish goodbye at the highest possible level. Wow, yeah, man. Candace Owens. So he is going to be speaking live. He's not going to be phoning it in or video in in or. We, we, this is, and I have to say this is it. This is the last time we will ever see Joe Biden be at this exact moment. We will probably not even see him at the inauguration because they will flip the big red dial to off and it will be over. [laughter] Well, that's only if you assume we're even actually going to see him at all. I mean, to take Colin's question one step further, I don't think we've got any reason to believe it'll actually be him, right? Well, if they'd managed to say he died or something, that will be on the bingo card. Something to look forward to possibly. Something to consider. And then the only other piece of news is that we're discovering more or not news. Is that we're discovering more about Ray gun and the break dancing controversy of 2024 Olympics. Wait, there was more controversy around this? There is, yes. So some of the things that we learned about Ray gun is first of all, her name is Rachel Gunn, doctor. Rachel Gunn, which may not be true, set up her own governing body for break dancing, and then managed to manipulate the selection process nationally so that she would be picked above other Australian female break dancers, like G clef and holy moly is an R2 female break dancers. So she actually fixed, there's a group of Aboriginal Australian break dancers called the NTU long boys, and they were denied funding by her so that she could use the funding to enter the qualifiers. And then she obviously went on to win. Yes, sir. And then she went in, she actually defeated other phenomenally good break dancers, they say, defeated them in break dancing competitions and then got to the highest possible level and broke dance for good. And we have learned that because of her behavior, there will be no break dancing in the 2028 Olympics. That's awesome. Because, look, I don't want to be culturally insensitive, but hasn't break dancing kind of come and gone as a cultural fad? I thought it was entirely dead, yeah. Yeah, like it reminds me of like, I don't know, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, which is a relatively old movie, and then to not only bring that back, but to make it Olympic sport, it's like, I don't know what's next, like rollerblading. I don't know, it just feels very, very out of time. Did you just reference the secret of the ooze? Is that the one you're talking about? Yes, I'm trying to relate to you people. Yes, and here we are with that again. I was like, I immediately knew what he was talking about. It was an awesome movie. I had all of those on the big chest. I had them all on big chest. That is a solid film. That's where I learned the word pizza. Ageism continues with Jay Burton, I see. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now, that one was very theatrically timed. You have to give me that. That was well timed. [APPLAUSE] I gave you your, like, before the sunny black screen with the white letters on it, last joke, before we go into the show. I think that was fairly good. So we are now two weeks into the Griper War. [LAUGHTER] Oh, my God. Here we go. [LAUGHTER] Isn't that all right kind of cycled out of the E-News? Is that still going on? Week two, yeah. It's out of the E-News. It's very much still on for them. And the latest rumors that we had received was that Christopher Lasavita and Susan Wiles are being talked down internally in the Trump campaign by Corey Lewandowski and others who believe that they have failed in their role to properly organize the campaign. Donald Trump has recently come out to dispel these rumors and says, quote, "They're doing great." [LAUGHTER] So we don't really know where we are. We're kind of in the trenches in the Griper War. We're kind of in the trenches shooting at one another. Maybe some poison gas, but we're not making any definitive progress further. We got Lewandowski in. If you remember that name, he was the 2016 campaign manager. Works very closely with Steve Bannon and his responsible in part, among other people, for the Donald Trump victory. So it seems like the tide might be changing. Maybe we'll get some better messaging up to and including recently. I believe our future president and former president, number 45, called Kamala Harris, less good-looking than him, which I think is a great start to messaging. Yes. It feels like vintage Trump to say something like that, doesn't it? It does. So Mr. Burton, when you were four years old when Donald Trump was the president for the first time, is that correct? That is correct. I was in Tampa. Do you remember any of it? No, no, it can't be correct. I don't remember. I may continue this episode. It cannot be correct. I did not develop sentience until roughly age 12, so last year. Okay. I really knew the whole thing. You're very talented for a young man. You've gotten a lot of... Thank you. You've got a lot of talent. I had to put soapbox under my chair, you know, a little bit higher to the mic. Uh-huh. And I'm glad that you rejected the Lincoln Project's attempts to get you on board. Many, many groping attempts to get you on and into their domicile. I'm... Jay Burton could have been the next Harry Sisson. He asked her to think about my aspiring career in politics, and I threw it away for what? To talk to a few ex-libertarians about breastfeeding. Probably for rectal integrity is why you threw it away. We're going to be honest was for rectal integrity. It's true. What can I say? Full integrity. Full integrity. Well, we got a surprise for you, Jay Burton. That's what it takes to get onto the LA. This is going great. So, to kind of dovetail back with a conversation that, you know, I had previously on your show, I think I've spoken, you know, about similar things with Pause and Bird before. About kind of the arc of Kamala, right, and I'll tie this back. You know, one of the big stories recently is that the averages are starting to shift again, right? Kamala, you know, is briefly a favorite that's starting to come back down. To me, I read that very much as the house acting smart, right? Cashing in on kind of this, you know, swell of support around her, you know, announcing her candidacy. But, you know, one of the things that Kamala genuinely struggles with is keeping a staff, right? You know, you hear all of these leaked articles saying like, oh, you know, sources in the White House say Kamala's awful to work for. You know, she's a tyrant. Nobody wants to work for her. And there are two things to take away from that. One, the fact that that's being leaked or allowed to get out is significant. But also, right, you do need a staff, right, to run a campaign. And, you know, don't get me wrong, I'm not this kind of like starry-eyed Magga guy. But I think the fact that not only is Trump running a relatively stable campaign compared to, you know, his opposition and certainly also Trump in the past, that's significant. But one of the things I want to talk about and look like JD Vance is JD Vance. You know, I'm not, you know, his biggest fan nor his biggest detractor. But it's interesting to see the reaction DNC types have had to Vance, right? And I don't mean the kind of like shrieking blue and on types. But, you know, the same people who got Obama elected, right, the sort of actual real political actors. And, you know, their take is basically Vance probably hurts Trump in the election. But Vance is the signal Trump is actually trying to get something done. Right, he's not trying to, he doesn't want to, you know, encounter the same problem he did last time, which is he'd signed an edict and it would sink into them by. And so to me, I think Kamala is past her high watermark. I think that we're running into the real problem of she is a genuinely horrible candidate. And even in her own party's primary was wildly unpopular. And okay, sure, you can get a bunch of people to show up to a Kamala rally if you hold a pop concert before. And then before everyone leads have Kamala Harris run out on stage, like, okay, maybe that gets you some people. Well, and also pay any number of attendees to stay there. Right, yes. I don't know if you guys caught that, but they're rolling that out again through Craig's list and other pseudo job boards. 20 bucks an hour to attend XYZ rallies, either for or against the cause. And the only, the only thing I would contest Jay with you is the possibility that they can simply put a pop concert on before anything they do at any time forever from now on. Well, okay, fair enough, right? But there are several things going on here, which is one, the Republicans have actually done quite a good job. Should we say competitively gerrymandering, right? There was an infographic going around basically mapping out how many voters had been added or removed from, you know, the voter rolls in 2024 and almost across the board. Republicans are up and Democrats are massively down. These are due to that spreadsheet that went around. That's right. Yes. Is that real though? What is it? Who put that out? It's got to be real and let me bust in here and explain why, because this has always been the game. circa the 1960 election was when you saw this pivot from the Republican, the red team being the team that would artificially inflate voter rolls to the Kennedy machine, basically beating out the Nixon, the incoming, what should have been incoming Nixon regime for that same ability. They proved that they were able to inflate votes more. So post 1960, the Republican party has been very good on this issue for over half a century now, almost a full century. You know, and that's the entire thing. They can't win at the making up votes game anymore. And so for over, you know, twice our lifetimes now, they've gotten very good at the shrinking voting thing. This isn't an innovation. This is one of the things they do best consistently. Well, pause, it would be roughly twice your lifespan, about four times mine. That's okay. Okay. Or maybe a half yours or? Yeah, dying over here. I'm on my way. Literally. Yeah. Okay. Oxygen machine running in the background. That's not a new innovation. So let, can, now, this may be too conspiratorial, so dismiss me as you will, but in 2020, we saw that the game isn't really to register more voters. Any more. The game is to see how many absentee ballots you can fake and stuff in late in the game. Well, I just want to say before we get into this, I believe in the results of every election ever, regardless of nation who is presiding over it. But I think it's important to say that that's true, right? But look at, you know, what, what the Republicans have done in Florida, for instance. Democratic, you know, registrations are down over a million people in Florida, right? Yeah. Now, obviously you're, you're completely right. You know, we, we changed how we ran elections in 2020. But at the same time, you know, if there are, and I have no idea the numbers, so I'll use round ones. If there are, you know, five million voters on the rolls and you get seven million votes. Sure. Create a significant problem. I don't even think two million votes would have been forged in a given state. We are talking, unfortunately, at a very small margin in some of these states, less than 30,000 in the case of Georgia. In Wisconsin, there was only several 10,000 and then they all came from Milwaukee. You know, it's just the right place and the right time. But I don't dismiss what you're saying, Jay. I don't want to dismiss what you're saying. I just, the, we do have to, when we are doing an analysis of the success level of who, you know, who's going to win and predicting that based on the voter registrations. We do have to use the countervailing evidence of the possibility after the largest Social Security leak in the history of this nation, the possibility that they could be just getting ready to mail in as many votes as they possibly can to those areas. We don't even need to get ready for it. We can accept right now today with no go in cold turkey. That is exactly what's going to happen. You know, there's no question whatsoever or be attempted. So there are still reformers to do this. I mean, how do you box it out though? How do you even stop? It still requires to do this. It still requires you have a matching address and it still requires that you intercept the ballot and then it further requires, which we did see this in 2020. People will go and vote and be told they voted already, which did actually happen. That's kind of where we got the indicators of the possibility of this from. But so it's really in a, only in a few key areas where this, this kind of a strategy could possibly work. And it really is up to the Republican party to install the people in the precincts necessary to make sure that it doesn't. And if that is not there, then we're going to just see 2020 again and people are going to come very much by surprise. Jay, what do you think about that? Do you want to blackmailed? I have two arguments there. One, this is a, forgive me here, right, but when is the worst time to rob a bank? The day after it got robbed, right? People are on high alert for this. And you've seen in particularly swing states, like Georgia, like Virginia now, there have been deliberate moves made by, you know, their governors or their legislature to secure this issue, right, to stop this from occurring. Now that that's on the purely technical level, right? Can it be done? I think there's another layer to look at this, which is who wants Kamala to win? And from my perspective, I genuinely think there is enough power behind Trump this time, whereas the last go around almost all of the power was behind Biden. They move heaven and earth, where in this case, it's like, do they really have that much of a preference for Kamala over Trump? And on a third level, remember that any sort of ruling requires a perception of legitimacy, right? They need people to look at them and say, all right, they're in charge. Now that doesn't mean that they have to be the best rulers ever, but you know, it's one thing to say, all right, it's a pandemic. Things are a little weird. We're going through, you know, the civil rights to electric boogaloo. Okay, the Democrat won, you know, by a certain amount. But if it's 2020 or 2024, rather, the economy kind of sucks. And the sitting VP who is historically unpopular, right, I think she maxed out at 3% of her own party's primary. If she is more popular than Joe Biden, more popular than Kennedy, more popular than Obama, it starts to stretch credibility. And I think we're looking at a regime that already is dealing with a credibility crisis. And so this is the whole basis of my, the regime is pivoting to Trump thesis, which is basically, he offers them a very neat way to bring MAGA movement, which, bird, you've talked about back into the fold. Sure. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Oh, I agree with you. I'm, I am, I have been of the opinion that Donald Trump is the regime candidate. We, whether or not that means that the arms that function to manipulate the elections for Democrats to win will bend towards Trump, I have no idea. But if that element is either taken out or neutralized, I do believe Donald Trump will win. I do believe he is the regime candidate. So I understand what you mean. I understand that. So I don't think this is so much a matter necessarily of the regime, or I should say, not even the regime, the Democratic machinery bending towards Trump. As we've discussed a few times in recent weeks, all they have to do is sit out to punish their own upstarts. You know, it's not even that they're going to work for Trump. They're just going to refuse to serve Kamala because of the people who actually want Kamala, which is very, very few and are in line for their, an ass whooping. You know, that's been your theory for the while is the geriatric revenge of the, of the installed left inside the Democratic party against these new elements. And we're seeing this at the DNC convention, you know, at, at time of filming, right? You know, there, there are by some estimates as many as 60 to 80,000 pro Palestinian protesters. Oh, yes, that's right. It is kicking off. That's going to be a problem. Yes. And so when we look at who are, shall we say, the money to interests in the Democratic party versus the, the, sort of the, the activists left or kind of the anti-footites, right? Yeah. That's what sold your cast. Exactly. There is a major break there. And so, to me, it seems like, at least for the Democrats, this doesn't seem to be a particularly serious election. And I'll tell you, here's another argument I haven't supported this. Look at what regime media is saying about Kamala. So you have, you know, you have Bill Maher saying, just savaging her, saying she has no idea what she's doing. She has no coherent message. You know, she's nobody wants her. And look, that's, that's Bill Maher, right? He occasionally says some, some right leaning things. But you even have CNN, right? Saying like, Kamala can't find a message. Kamala is struggling to define herself against Trump. And that's not how they covered Biden. And so to me, I think that a lot of the, the conversation around Kamala was extremely premature. You know, there was this like very brief media flurry. You know, Kamala is brat. You know, Tim Waltz is my dad. You know, and okay, fair enough, that, that got a little bit of a swell for maybe a week or two. But, you know, two, three weeks on where is it? You know, okay, JD Vance isn't popular, but this is a blip on the radar. Look at the trend over time. Well, JD Vance is remaining more relevant than, than Tim Waltz is simply because the, the enemies of JD Vance keep kind of putting him in on Twitter, like doing a new thing to put him on Twitter. So that is not a single of these attacks on him or actually worked either. No, I mean, people just come out relating to him more than the time before. Not to distract, but you saw the dolphin stuff, right? That was the next, the latest thing they did. The dolphin, we were what? So there was, okay, so they, you remember the couch stuff, they attacked him over having such a couch. That he was without sin. I know, and I agree, and I agree. No, he made a tweet about a woman getting violated by a doll. There was a tweet about a woman getting violated by a dolphin. And they were pulling up pictures of him liking the tweet. Like, quotes would get a hundred, a hundred, no cap. Yeah, and they, yeah, and so they were calling it dolphin gate for a little while, and that one didn't really take off. Oh, that's amazing. I entirely missed that one. I happen to think the dancers absolutely trounced the Kamala team recently at a rally. Supporters were apparently carrying around fake cups of semen with JD Vance's face on it in order to mock childless women. Oh my God, dude, things are getting so weird, man. Yeah, it's JD Vance and the weird campaign is what is being known as the weird campaign. Yeah, they have JD Vance branded sperm donation cups at rallies that they give out. That's just so weird. It is weird, but it's really funny. It's very, very funny. You know, shoring up your MAGA is gay. It's like, yeah, it just comes to comms sitting around. Like, what's weird about that? Well, it's kind of an interesting way, because Tim Walz has spoken in the past about him and his wife, Gwen, struggling to have children and undergoing fertility treatment. Struggling to drink seafood. Yes. Really struggling with it. Yeah, that's right. But that's the thing is the come cup is a dual attack against Tim Walz. Number one, that he couldn't naturally have children with his wife. And number two, that he drinks cum. The more devastating one. Listen, I'm not giving my personal opinion on fertility treatments or anything like that. I am simply saying this is an excellent coordinated double attack and it really is. And he got no backlash for it. It almost seems like the media tried to pick this up and it was too funny for people to be outraged about it. It's difficult for people carrying jizz cups around with JD Vance's face on it. And it says something like JD Vance can get your wife pregnant or something like that. Oh, my God. Oh, it says JD Vance. Let me see. I'm trying to read the full thing. JD Vance, full family kit. That's insane. And there's just, there's dozens of these cum cups going around at these Trump rallies. And it's really funny. We need to get back to the raunchy stuff, man. This is how Donald Trump won the last time. A very raunchy campaign. So car, imagine you're given a time machine. You have to take back one of the JD Vance cups and explain this to George Washington. This is where he's going. All right, so check this out. George, I'm going to need you to sit down. Have a seat. I thought you were going to say, Jay, I thought you were going to say, imagine that you could have a time machine and go back to 1975 car when you were 10. Not that kind of Indian. They tried to drag JD Vance for dressing and drag for a Halloween party. And everybody on earth went, this is like the 90s, dude. Every picture that comes out from JD Vance, every single picture that comes out from JD Vance, I'm like, oh, yeah, that was high school. I remember that. Dude, he's like, and by the way, I am super vindicated about calling him a fat goth kid because all of those pictures absolutely back what I said before they came out that he was a fat goth kid. And he hung out with chicks and he drank beers when he was 15. And he seemed like a cool kid. That's exactly what I was doing. And he's Jay Burden's age, so you probably would have been good friends. You know, the thing too is amplifying what we're already saying here. He is the most actually relatable politician the American public has seen probably ever. So true. Yeah. So true. Gosh. Someone that you think is relatable, like in terms of them ranking low on the reptilian index and also close to your age. Yeah. This is the first millennial politician. We can finally associate ourselves with the ruling cast. Not so much Jay, but... Do you think this is how viewers feel when like Joe Biden is sitting in a Corvette somewhere? They're like, yeah, I do that. He's just like me. Right? That actually would be the case. Yeah, right. Actually, that is exactly what's going on mentally. Do you think that's how black people feel when Kamala Harris misremembers what year Tupac came out in and talks about smoking weed? I had totally forgot about that too. Yeah, I forgot about that too. Huh. She's brat though. She is brat. That's true. This is brat. Dressing in drag for your Yale Law School Halloween party in the 90s is more brat than anything Kamala Harris has done. Let's just be clear. The other thing is, you are correct that this is the first millennial candidate to touch these kinds of offices. And so, like Carl, like you were saying, when these pictures come out and you know because of Facebook and there's going to be a lot of them. But there were pictures of other youths, presidential youths, if you remember Obama, there were a lot that came out about Obama. And that probably has to do also with his younger age. But the difference is that when JD Vance dresses like a woman for a party, you're like, "Oh, it's a joke." But when Obama does it, you're like, "He's going to go get fucked in the ass." And so, it's a very different vibe. You know what? The thing is, it's because we can sense that intent, right? Yeah. You know at a visceral level what's going on in these images. Your eyes can't lie to you. Yeah, that's true. The picture of him with the long blonde hair and the skirt, JD, and so many co-tweeted above it. I don't barely, 100% remember what it was, but someone co-tweeted and was like Roman seeing pics for the first time when they entered England. And it's because he's got a little dress on and he's got the long flowing hair. It's cooler. I have to say, it's a lot cooler. I'm thinking we're thinking we're back. Remember last week I was prophesizing the need for a return to peak for the Trump campaign? And I think we're heading back up. The polls, like you said, the polls, most recent poll, Rasmussen, which always does favor. Now, there's two different, this is what's funny about the word favor in polling. Rasmussen comes out and favors Trump to Kamala 5%. That means Trump is 5% higher than Kamala. But in another sense, Fox News released a similar poll that was the exact inverse. It favored Kamala 5 points over Trump. In a sense, that favors Trump too, because people see that and they go, "I've got to go vote." I'm just wondering about that, exactly why it's engineered that way. Sure, of course. And this is a point that to give him credit, Rush Limbaugh made, where he basically said, "Look, polls aren't, they're not predictive, they're behavior modification." The point of a poll is to make you feel bad. You know, we saw that very clearly in 2016. Now, I think there is also an element of telegraphing to some polls. One of the things we heard in the fairest and free-ish election in history, 2020, was this talk of, "Oh, well, you might not know." You can expect to see a very suspicious dump of votes in the middle of the night, and that's not suspicious at all. That's so true, yeah. And I think it's notable we haven't seen that sort of predictive programming. And there's been a little bit, right? There was a random functionary from Pennsylvania who said such a thing. But to me, I remember that being much more of a story than this is. This is kind of like third-page news. Sorry, Pat, it's back to you. I was just going to say that when they did this whole thing in 2020 with the great fortification of the election deal, they can't do that again because that's what got everyone's hackles up and had them watching for it. You know, there's election dispute lawsuits every election. That wasn't the novel thing. The novel thing was the very public announcement that they were going to do it. And that's what spurred them to so much more success, the red team that is in their disputation cases. They were never going to be allowed to win any of them because that's just not how the legitimacy creation engine works. But the fact that they were allowed to advance as far as they did was a direct result of the fact that Blue Team announced their intention so far ahead of time. You know, they got cocky is what it boiled down to because they knew the mechanism they were going to use to do the same old thing they always have was along a new vector that the red team wasn't ready for yet. You know, 2020 more than anything else was an exercise in arrogance as much as it was anything. It was amazing that they said they were going to fake it. They did. And then afterwards they were like, what are you talking about? It's kind of sad actually. But every time this is the thing is the way the politics seems to work in America these days when someone does something like that first, the team that actually ends up responding because of the bipolarness of our, you know, of our bicameral system, the team that gets to respond, which in this case is the GOP, gets to do a very similar version of it that the other side is befuddled by the existence of. So I am looking forward to the possibility of a similar thing. Like I'm looking forward to the January 6th event that the Democrats end up doing, which is almost inevitable. Again, with the way that our politics works, the first time always happens and then the second time is always a parody of the first. I'm very much looking forward to that. So I have a point here and forgive me for making this overly serious and shim stroking. But I think one of the things that conservatives and right-of-center types have a hard time dealing with is, you know, the contradictions of the left. You know, this is something like, oh, this doesn't make sense. You know, this doesn't matter. And that's true, right? That's very clear. You know, that kind of like narrative whiplash that you're talking about. I mean, we even see this in the Biden himself, right? Biden is the smartest man ever. And if you disagree, you're a Russian robot. Fast forward three weeks. Joe Biden is so mentally incompetent, you've just shipped him off to a shed in Delaware and pretend he doesn't exist anymore. So that's very real. But that's really one of the benefits associated with being a friend of power is that you never have to suffer the consequences of your own contradictions. You saw this multiple times during COVID, you know, pick your pick your own example. But because these people who said, you know, no super spreader events, also, let's go steal a TV for George Floyd or said, you know, a border wall is fascism. Oh wait, now there's the coupe, you know, shut it all down. Because they are allied with the system, they never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Now, when I say this, I don't mean in an ultimate sense, right? Like, you know, we live in a world of finite constraints, right? You have limited resources. And ultimately, if you play the game badly, you'll lose so badly that you're no longer in power in someone else's. But in the short term, right? And this, and look, car, you're very familiar with this concept in money, right? The market can stay at rational longer than you can stay solvent. And so I think the idea that the left will be, you know, held to the fire when they have their Jan 6 is probably pretty unlikely. Sorry, back to you. No. Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be held to the fire. When I was saying I'm excited, I'm saying because it'll be fun to cover on the news. I don't actually think they'll, I don't actually think they'll burn down Washington to see they will. Yeah, Republicans are not known for taking revenge. They'll never have zero consequences. There will be no black sites for them. But it'll be great to cover on the news because we can go out there and go all fucking Rwanda on them, you know, for a little while. It'll be fun. There was one other piece. Okay, check the Twitter group chat that we have for us. So a couple of things are coming out about the DNC as the set up as the set. I know it's just it really is. I mean, you know, it's great about it. And let me explain what it is first. And then I'll say why it's awesome. The DNC is being held in Chicago. The National Convention is being held in Chicago. And they are offering free abortions and vasectomies at the event and at nearby providers for the event. So it's kind of awesome that you're like killing off your future voter basis is a pretty interesting strategy. And then the other thing is they, they wheeled out this 18 foot tall inflatable IUD. It's called Frito Womb. That's the name of it that you're looking at right there is Frito Womb stinks. There is, there are jokes to be made. We've covered large inflatable things before, including rats and puppets and other things that are large and out of shape and place. This adds another to our strategy. And what I really like about the IUD itself is that it looks a lot like that famous sketching of Baphomet where he's got the sign up and that that IUD 18 foot tall inflatable IUD looks exactly like Baphomet's head to me. So, you know, that might just be you having a schizo boomer moment, but I'm really, really here for it anyway. Are you seeing it? Somebody, somebody on Twitter will give you the retweets. Just juxtapose that picture of Baphomet's head over this image of Frito Womb. I might do it right after we go hang out. I promise I will do it later tonight. Just be schizo for me. Yeah, it's pretty dope, dude. Sometimes the symbolism is so, so upfront. But you know, this is part of the thing is they kind of do the abortions because they need the blood power. You know what I mean? They need the energy, you know, the sacrifice. You guys see the itinerary for the BNC convention. I did. Is it out? I did. It is. It's unhinged. It's like really? It's like you asked your conservative grandpa to draw up what Democrats talk about. It's like abortion session 9 p.m. Oh, wow. The BIPOC hour. And then it like, you know, 430, they have a section for car. They have like a senior session. So, like, that's awesome. It is. I'm checking straight racial grievance, bitch sessions. Yeah, it is. And then the old folk sour. But yeah, check it out. They do it. But they do it every day. So, Monday through Thursday, they're doing the same sessions. It's nice. It's like really? It's like calling for bloss. Jesus, that's crazy. I'm checking through our chat core, me and you, to find something I sent you related to what Jay said. I just crawled across second gooner on the cheesy know. I don't remember what that is. Yeah, no, no, no reference to it. Let me see if I can find it. There was it somebody somebody was doing like an abortion talk at the DNC and their name was like. Chargo Wamba Lumbus, like it was an insane, totally insane. Okay, here we go. Corpulent Pro abortion activist Olivia Juliana to speak at the DNC. Corpulent Pro abortion activist. Okay, so good. She's wearing a shirt that says respect existence or expect resistance. Do you think that has to do with the abortions or could go anyway? And we need to get some of those shirts. I'm not trying to be. She's 21. How do you get that big? I don't know. I mean, that's that's that's impressive. Is was this and I would be delicate here. Was she born a woman? Yes. Margot Chumbo Lumbus. Yes. She was born a woman. She looked at disturbingly like Peter Griffin. Well, that but that's what happens with you after human beings go over 400 pounds. They start to kind of neutralize in sex consolidate into the sex. That's that's an actual frickin. What do you call it? A horseshoe thing where sufficient lack of weight or sufficient volume of weight creates androgy. Right. Because you see that in real thin people too. That's true. Yeah, people who people who look like the thing at the end of the Alien movie. Yes. They also kind of look. They also kind of look fucked up. Yeah, Xenomorph is the word, by the way. No, the new thing. I don't want to spoil it. There's a new guy. They made a new guy. Why do we need a new guy? We don't. Well, he's got more rocks. It does, but he's kind of cool. He was like a Zeno dwarf. Do you remember the. Do you remember the cool white guy is from Prometheus? They basically they base spoilers. I'm going to have to put spoilers at the beginning. They basically mixed the Xenomorph with the Prometheus guy to make like a fucked up like human thing. It was very cool. It looked a lot like some of the people probably at the DNC. That's so dumb though. The point of the engineers was that they made the Xenomorphs. So whatever. Okay. Let's move to another Xenomorph related conversation. Zelensky and the Ukraine. So Zelensky, from what we're understanding, approved a plan to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines. Despite the mainstream media saying for months that it was Russia who did it, Wall Street Journal revealed that it was planned and executed by Ukraine for a cost of $300,000. And when the CIA learned about it, they told him to stop and he did it anyway. So yeah, they're they're going to turn against him soon, I think. Ghost to show what the CIA's cloud is these days, doesn't it? That's right. If you'll recall, obviously senior Ukrainian officials and American officials said that the pipelines were a legitimate target that they were going to destroy. If you recall, Biden literally said, we're going to blow that thing up. And then everybody was like, why do we think we would do it? They were like so fake confused by it. And so the pipeline jointly owned by Russia, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, you know, totally fucked up. I think it transfers 800 million cubic meters of gas equivalent to about three months of Danish gas supply is what managed to get out when the pipe exploded. And so we are now, maybe, and I'm looking forward to when we get Kevin Castley on in a couple of weeks who is a proclaimed Ukrainian expert is going to come on and tell us all about it. Yes, we actually are Mr. Castley will be joining us in a few he messaged me said, Birdo, we got to do the news, it'll be fire. And I was like, hell yeah, dude, let's do it. So we're on the on the paid feeder, the free one. No, we're going to do that live. You'll be able to hear him talk all about what's going on there. And we're definitely going to ask him if he knows anything more about this. The one thing that we are hearing is, of course, Zelensky denies the Wall Street Journal report that the Ukrainian government planned it and did it. He said it. Well, he basically, basically, he denied it. And he used some intelligence agencies. I can't pronounce the person's name. Valerie Zosloski. He had quoted her who is the intelligence director saying that they denied doing it. So they investigated themselves and they found that they were innocent of all charges. And we believe that on this podcast, right? We believe that. You know, when they talked about blowing it up before they actually did it, that was exactly the moment I stopped paying any attention at all. What's happening over there. Yeah, it's true. It's true. But now we'll get to the marquee story, possibly, of the evening. They're calling it Milkergate during a Donald Trump visit to North Carolina yesterday, which was whenever this report came out. So that would be the 14th of August. A woman, Secret Service agent, abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission given, no warning given at the events site, according to three separate sources in the Secret Service community. Shortly before Trump's motorcade arrival, five minutes before the arrival, the site agent was getting ready for the arrival and went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found another agent who was breastfeeding. Her child in a room supposed to be set aside for important Secret Service official work. A working agent on duty is not by the code of the Secret Service allowed to bring a child to a protective assignment. And she was out of the Atlanta field office. The woman agent was in the room with two other family members, the agent and her family members bypassed a uniform division checkpoint and were escorted by an unpinned event staff to the room to breastfeed unpinned basically means that they have not been cleared by Secret Service to be there. And so, when contacted about it, Anthony Guglielmi, the God I'm glad I'm Italian, I would not have been able to say that one, Secret Service spokesman said that the incident did not have an impact on the event, and it's under review. He's saying that because it didn't lead to another potential assassination attempt is how it didn't have an impact. They are trying so hard to tell them it's not even funny. I'm going with the Alex Jones theory that at some point they will just use a bomb. They will just use a bomb and they will blame who Palestine protesters. That's who they'll blame for it. So, yeah, you heard it here. I mean, they've only Palestine protesters. It's an excuse to go to fight with Iran. You can hear Lindsey Graham saying, "Oh, these Hamas protesters are funded by Iran." And it's like, "I don't know, man. It's just like a guy who like flunked out of art school and is like, I don't know if talking about Hitler." Yeah. No, notorious, pro Palestine, actually, that is actually true. Oh, man. That's actually true. That's pretty walled out, man. I've got thoughts there. Just take it after. Well, that's what Netanyahu claimed. Again, he claims that constantly. I don't like his name there. Yeah. Sorry. I'll just believe that out. Like you lean into it. Yeah, I feel like you lean into it. I always say his name like that because I love that pronunciation of that name. It's very good. It's better than what his real name is. What is his real name? Like, you know, his real name is like Jaime Jolowski. Okay, no, literally. Hold on. I'm going to blow your mind here. His real name, his birth name. And remember, he was born in South Carolina. His real name. Dude, no, he wasn't born there. He literally went to South Carolina or something like that for education. He went to my high school. Oh, that was what it was. His birth name is Benjamin Milikowski. Remember the Malay connection? Yes. Yeah. That's was his real name. Yeah. So anyway, we're going to wait for Benjamin Netanyahu to tell us if Iran was responsible for blowing anything up around a Trump rally. I trust him. So that's the news, fellas. I got some dodo bird news. Apparently, we found out that the dodo's toes are stronger than we thought they were before. I don't know if Jay Birden cares about that though, but that's the only other news. Well, I just fully get onto that. I feel like there's a through line through almost all of these stories, which is we need to oppress women again. Mmm. Including the dodo story. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Jay, I hate to tell you, but I think walking around with cops full of calm with JD's face on it is beginning the oppression of women already. I think he is a woman on earth who enjoys that as an idea. As a concept. Well, the Tim Walz thing is kind of oppressive also. If you've ever seen any videos of him, this guy is a freak. This guy is a toy dog. He is a doppelganger. He is an uncanny valley effect made flesh. He is what coasties think a Midwesterner is and is nothing like any of us. Yeah. You heard how he threw all you guys under the bus? You're reptile. Yeah. When he goes to Kamala, oh, I just have white guy tacos. And she's like, what is that? He's like beef and cheese. So you have tacos is what, but you call them white guy tacos because this is how you've been trained to speak to. Whenever I do any activity, I was at a fantasy football draft with a bunch of other white Midwestern dudes. So it was a white person draft. Yeah. We were chowing down on a bowl of scorpion peppers just sitting on the table next to the chips. That is true. That is what actual white Midwestern guys do is they get blisteringly drunk and eat a lot of hot food and then they end up dead. Next to a river somewhere with a smiley face carved into a tree nearby. Hey, so we're going to bring a lot of things together there, bird. Yeah. Cool bit. I've been doing my research yet. Cool. I'm just saying he's like an actual shape shifter. That dude is an alien monster. He's from your state, right? No. Next one over. Which was he from? He's Minnesota. Oh, I did use from Wisconsin. Okay. Oh, that's right. He's a cheese head. No, he's a Vikings guy. That's right. He's a Vikings guy. Yep. Now I remember. I think that that is all of the news we have. Any other interesting titillating events? Oh, one thing to keep in mind before we do that. And Jay, let me get your opinions on if you think this will be since you and I seem to agree. Actually, we all seem to agree. The common thing is slowly ending and the Trump thing is slowly cresting again. September 18th marks the day that Donald Trump will be sentenced to prison by the prosecutor or by Judge Mershan, who has denied the recusal motion, the motion to stay the prosecute. What is it called? The sentencing. And so we finally are at the point where he will become a convicted felon. Jay, do you think this will be good or bad for the Trump campaign? I literally don't think it'll matter. I just give you that option because I thought it was too obvious. Who in the world is just now beginning to formulate their opinion on Donald Trump? They're like these last four years. I have a toss-up. Could go either way. But that court case that's really pushed me away from it. It's like this. Donald Trump was right when he said I could literally walk down Madison Avenue in Germany and nothing would change. It doesn't matter. It's full of the dirty. It's all narrative. Everyone who thought he's being targeted by the deep state now has an example. Everyone who thinks he's a Putin plant ready to institute the handmaid's tail and oppress women just how he really should. Nothing matters. It doesn't matter. It's pure narrative. Basically, this is for purely internal DNC politics. This is so that certain Democratic prosecutors can feel good about themselves. It's a red meat for blowing up. The fringe of the DNC that actually cares about this literally doesn't matter. That's absolutely right. They are playing what I'm calling the long game. Harris team is playing the short game with this. He will be sentenced and they will neither come to-- I tweeted this before. This is kind of the thesis that I'm sticking to with this. Neither will this come to fruition in the case of jail time for Donald Trump. He'll never see a jail cell. Nor does it really provide the Harris camp with a significant boon. The main thing that it does is it unlocks the convicted felon rhetoric, which you will be hearing DNC establishment media types using for the next five years. You'll hear them calling him a convicted felon, which they obviously wouldn't be led to do. They are using this as a very small part of the saga-- the saga of lawfare within the Democratic media complex. So they are playing a long game here. They want to be able to call him a convicted felon so that they can begin the process of justification, justifying any means necessary against Donald Trump, his voters, and whatever is to come when this backlash against his election starts. They need that rhetoric. They need to be able to say the guys are convicted felon. That's why America is slipping into fascism and that's why you need us. That is the main point. The thing to keep in mind for the audience too, and I won't just want to throw this out there, people need to appreciate the time scale of this maneuver, because despite the fact that it's only just succeeded now, they have been trying to do this exact thing since early 2017 when he took on this. This started immediately. Absolutely. With Russia gate, right? Speaking of Russia, I've got a little news topic that I'd like to cover before we part our ways. Did you guys see this program, Putin's rolling out for temporary visas for people who are being fleeing neoliberal Western countries? I vaguely did see that. Do you have more on that? I don't have more. It's fascinating. I guess they're going to basically fast track people that are coming from these countries that they deem affected by liberal, woke, nonsense, whatever. I think that he has tasked some organization within the Russian government with developing a list of these countries within the next 30 days. Anybody from those countries can sidestep having to actually know the Russian language, know Russian history, all the naturalization stuff that typically goes along with moving being an expat, and get some sort of temporary visa to stay in Russia, which I'm obviously have no interest in moving to Russia. It might make a good story, though. Do we need someone to go? I'm looking for something to do, guys. Kerry, you probably wouldn't come up on that list, so I probably wouldn't qualify anyway. You can find your Slavic war bride there, Paz. I could. Yeah. Well, yeah, Pazka, too. We all good. That's true. But check this out. Well, A, Russia has a history of doing this. I did this with the Germans, like the Volga River Germans way back 150 years ago. But it kind of got me thinking like this is kind of a coming of age for America as a people. The first, the possibility of having the first American diaspora. Oh, yes. I hadn't even considered that. Yeah. Isn't that interesting? That's why. Like, thinking about America as a diaspora, like we've made it. We're like 500 years old as a people. And we have the opportunity to send out our first diasporic. That is so right. You're very right about that. Yeah. Is that right? Is there any American diaspora that exists anywhere else other than splitting hairs with a small group of people? No. The closest thing we've got is our sex touristy industry where we ship our whole boomers. And that's related, though, and I was going to say the Mormons in Mexico would be the other group. More than that, more than that. Yeah, that's true, though. You're absolutely right. Like a large group of America. Like if they created like a Washington scallve or whatever it is, like in the middle of somewhere in Russia. And it was all American expats who moved out of there because they hated the woke left in America could be a very cool place to visit on vacation, actually. It should be. So some grodd. So we already got a lot of cool people there, actually. You've got Steven Seagal would be there. Yeah. To visit. Who's that other American guy who hates America and loves Russia? Jackson Hinkle will be there. There's a couple of interesting people who would be there. We could do that maybe get a summer home, you think. Yeah. Lakehouse. Lakehouse. So we all know that in any sort of emigrate community, it's obviously just full arrest restaurants. Right. You know, you're trying to town. Sure. These restaurants everywhere. Yep. What restaurant would you open and why would the only thing on the menu be white guy tacos? Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I'm going to open a McDonald's franchise. I know that out of there, but they don't do it right. We'll do it. Right. You're going to do. They don't do it right. Open a call. Open the first Russian callvers. Well, I don't want to, but they don't franchise like that. Oh, shit. All right. Well, that is what I was going to say until I remembered they don't franchise. That sounds like it's because you've looked into do it actually franchising with them before. Well, look, I can't confirm or deny subject matter. Russia. That's the second thing we have to wait to until after the show to talk about the first is Hitler. And the second is whether or not you want to open a callvers franchise. But imagine moving to Russia and pause brings his like, you know, like ultra, like high scoval peppers is just melting Russian dudes, you know, it's like hitting him. Yeah. It's like spinning our bite to like a, to like an Amish kid or something. They have no preparation. Hell yeah. It's very, very much pause. You seem very much like the kind of guy who will take payment in Siberian bear cubs instead of actual money. It's could possibly work out well for you. Why are you saying you wouldn't too? I would. Yeah. Totally. It's easy. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. I think I'd like that. I think we should. We should. Maybe I'll email Mr. Putin again. He didn't respond to the first time I emailed him, but we'll maybe I'll email him again and let him know that TLE is interested possibly in a summer home situation. We're there in Russia in one of their many lakes that I don't know the names of. No, right. We are nearly through the news. It was a busy week of news. And I think that that's everything that I've got on here just a quick run through. Check out the Wilder West, everybody. That just went up on the main feed, which unfortunately I was I was a daylight car. So that does mean that you will have access to the small cheese cave that I'm maintaining in the Appalachian Mountains. I will relinquish my rights to it to you. And then yeah, that's it. Milkergate, Social Security numbers. Can I just go to our statement real quick? Sure. I thought when you were talking about Milkergate, it was going to be about the breastfeeding on the battlefield thing, not the Secret Service thing. Is that a different thing that's now happening dates out there? Yeah. Hmm. Why is that a controversy with him in the American military that we're going to have just the last couple of days, whether it should be allowed or not? I think we all have the same answer to that question that doesn't even engage with the question itself and engages with a prior assumption. Yeah, that's it. That's all I got. Mr. Bird, and thank you for joining us on the news here today. Yeah. Thank you guys for having me. It was a good time. How does it feel to be a newsman? You know what? It feels good. It's one of the few things in life that I feel like give me worth and purpose and keep me from just painting my brains on the ceiling. So thank you guys. Me too. Sure. Me too. All right. We'll see you guys next time. Ooh. This is like a really, this like IUD, this 80th at all inflatable IUD is very upsetting. Yeah, it's insane. It's horrible. What are they doing? What are they doing? Well, I mean, a bigger picture. Obviously what it is. It's insane. In a bigger picture sense, you know what? You could live in a worse situation than having your enemies literally getting free vasectomies. You know? Yeah. I'm meant to say this while we were talking about it, but that they don't reproduce like we reproduce anyways though. They reproduce through mind viruses. It's irrelevant how many of them neuter themselves because they occur naturally through spiritual infection. That's yes, but also we have literally just seen the memetic power of saying Tim Wals can't knock up his old lady like, you know, that's fair. My thing about it is while I agree with you pause that it is ultimately a spiritual disease, I do believe that there are like defective genetic components that predispose people to being easily possessed and that those genes are eliminated from the pool does shift the overton window towards a less diseased and mentally deranged, you know, people. The only problem with that assumption though is how much of it is down to parasitism, which is also naturally occurring from the environment due to X, Y and Z boogie man's that we could also get a P to it on the talk about. That's true. That's true. Yeah. You're right. There is an element to that, but I am hopeful I am more hopeful than I was last week. I think, I think Jay, tell us about what's going on on your show. You can find the Jay Burton show, which is my my interview show on Apple Spotify, YouTube anywhere you listen to podcasts. Just posted kind of a more casual stream with my friend Blackhorse, but on the same day that this comes out because we recorded live on Wednesdays, I'll be airing an episode with, with Clay Martin, the author, a kind of survivalist guy, really interesting. I've had him on before, had him on again to kind of discuss current happenings. And if there's anyone else in these spheres that you're interested in hearing, I've probably already had them on so you can check out my work at the Jay Burton show. Powerful, very powerful. Any final words, gents? Not for me. No final words for the people. All right. With no final words, Carr, please take us out. Until next week, two hands on the wheel. [Music]