
MUST WATCH! Andrew Tate UNLEASHES On The Media. | Candace EP 50

Andrew & Tristan Tate are released after being detained again in Romania, Rabbi Shmuley files an FBI complaint over pizza, and I discuss JLo & Ben's divorce.

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22 Aug 2024
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Andrew & Tristan Tate are released after being detained again in Romania, Rabbi Shmuley files an FBI complaint over pizza, and I discuss JLo & Ben's divorce.


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All right, ladies and gentlemen, I honestly wish that I could say happy Thursday to you, but it's not a happy Thursday It's a dark Thursday And it's because I'm gonna go to prison for a very long time in fact Rabbi Schmulie has filed another FBI report against me. I'm gonna tell you a little bit about it right here at the top the following is not satire I am not trying to be funny, and I want you guys to be serious in fact This was just published in the Jerusalem post that's how serious it is and here's what it reads It reads that Rabbi Schmulie's daughter Raquel has quote reported a threatening pizza delivery to the FBI Escalating tensions in the Botaic Owens feud over anti-Semitism Yes, there was an uncoach or pizza that was sent to their home and the FBI was contacted about me. We're gonna talk about that Also, and your take interest and take in case you missed it. They have been released You know, they were detained Potentially they're gonna have to go to prison. It turns out the judge says no, I'm going to release them But you have got to see this clip because they certainly and you at least certainly had some choice words for the establishment media Truly a must watch. That's what we have coming up on Candace All right, let's jump right into this let's start with Andrew Tate because he is constantly referencing the matrix He always talks about the matrix the matrix is attacking me. Let's actually slow that down for a second Why is he saying that? What does he mean when he says the matrix is coming after me? Well, of course you're gone Canis obviously he's referring to the movie the series The 1999 began in 1999 the series the matrix which if you haven't seen it I don't know why you haven't it actually is fantastic set of films it really is But I'll tell you briefly. It's about the technological downfall of humanity Okay, it presents a world in which humans are not aware that they are being enslaved by artificial intelligence Essentially reality is being simulated for them like they did and they believe it's reality But it's not actually reality so they have the protagonist of the film It's this guy named Neo. He is described as the one and he's hunted down by agents and deemed to be a terrorist threat to the false Reality that the machine has created the threat that Neo opposes by the way is simply that he might free human minds He might wake up people to understanding that wait a second Our reality is now being simulated for us and of course that would be a threat for the machine then there is the character the agent Smith everybody members agent Smith for those who have seen the films and Though he presents as a human. He's really just per Wikipedia AI an AI program in the matrix that is programmed to keep order within the system by terminating any Human simulacra that would bring instability to the simulated reality as well as any rogue programs that no longer serve a Purpose to the machine collective so essentially he shows up to take people out When they stop when they stop realizing that when they start to realize rather that they are in the simulated reality He wants to make sure that doesn't spread. That's almost like a virus realizing like oh wait a second It's not so everything is not what it seems And so it might seem childish to some people when Andrew Tate says that we are living in a matrix But I am not one of those people that deems it to be childish because I see exactly what he's speaking about when I would imagine And a lot of people who watch this podcast also see it, right? We are recognizing that we have a bunch of agent Smith's another term for that might be operation mockingbird Who are sent out to protect and to defend the state if we're looking at them as the machine that is simulating our reality all the time And I think probably no clearer example of that in the past then watching the way that people who were saying hey Maybe don't run out and get this new vaccine We're instantly slapped down a bunch of agent Smith's came out said you're dangerous. You're gonna kill grandma your grandma killer You're so selfish you had psychologists writing articles claiming that even people who had perceived themselves as perhaps wanting to think about the vaccine Were displaying symptoms of being a psychopath? I mean the entire machine was Making people believe in reality everyone was going to die unless they got in line that My friends is the matrix and there've been a lot of times that this has happened We saw this with the me too movement We saw this with BLM and you can see how people really are programmed according to whatever it is that they are Watching across the mainstream media. They're just echoing each other all the time and people never really peep their head up and imagine like hey What if they're all lying? What if they're enslaving my mind? What are people that they're telling me are the good guys are the bad guys and maybe some of the bad guys are the good guys These are the sorts of thoughts that I've been having for years and recognizing yet Yes, there there is something there when the really bad guys are not people that the state goes after like Jeffrey Epstein But rather people who are protected by the state potentially CIA and Assad I think Jeffrey Epstein that was revealed and then the people who don't really seem that bad Or you're not really sure what they did because there's so many articles coming at you are pursued ruthlessly I'm pursued this way all the time and we're gonna get to that my FBI report was being filed against me and So and your taste saying this is something not to take lightly and I want to be able to show you what he said as he left Prison now briefly just to remind you guys His house was rated again him and his brother were detained It was very likely a very high chance that they were going to be put back in prison until actual charges were brought against them They say they are investigating the same thing a human sex trafficking ring that there has been evidence of but I guess not a lot Or enough evidence of to actually bring them to trial which they have been asking now for years Please begin this trial with the evidence that you have you are saying where human sex traffickers You are tarnishing our reputation. You're tarnishing our name. We demand a trial and they're like nope We're still investigating we got to call all these women that you know and so they got rated again and The judge sought to release them the circumstances that and your Tate is going to be released to house arrest and Tristan Tate is can move around Romania, but he can't actually leave the state Pending further or never ending investigation now I want to show you this clip of Andrew Tate outside of the courthouse yesterday in Bucharest before I tell you that The new charges that they are bringing up against him and what this is really about take a listen to Andrew Tate And you will notice that he says the first thing he says is that he's built different. I love that take a listen You are okay Yes Oh our free free free, so I'm gonna say something everybody Listen to me I moved to Romania ten years ago And I found an amazing country fuel full of beautiful people and I told the whole world about Romania You mentioned the name of a mania anywhere in the world will say if you think it's a I've done nothing, but promote this country. I've done nothing to say fantastic things about Romania and When I did this people would say to me if a mania is so nice if it's so safe, it's so beautiful Why is it all such a bad reputation? I said with this probably a few bad actors a few bad people who destroyed the entire reputation But the few fools that decal who just came along and told us that the mothers of our children are somehow human trapping I've been nice. I've been patient. I've played the game. I've respected the judiciary I've gone to every appointment on time, but they bust in my house again And now I've come along saying those 35 victims You know all 30 of those girls 30 of them have statements in our defense 30 saying we've got absolutely nothing wrong Two up to two more of the mothers of our children and two more have never even been to Romania They've even been here. They just found random girls We knew another country and made them sign pieces of paper. This is a set up It's absolutely disgusting fair play to that judge who saw through the bull that are free and also one more thing The media is complicit. All of you are when they first threw us in jail when they first put us in there You're all running around saying human trafficker. None of you said where's the evidence? Where's the proof? Where's the picture? Where's the video? None three years later? They do the same And you're all sitting there going human trafficking. I'm all human trafficking clearly if you human trapping someone there is evidence This is a set up. It's a stitch up the free prosecute or that decal in my house I said why are you here? There's no case. They said there's a case if we make one This is a set up all of it is This is a set up it is going purpose and it is designed to come up with the most heinous possible crimes to slander our name And every single Romanian citizen should be disgusted that they're spending millions of euros wasting their time But innocent men in jail instead of fixing the roads fixing the hospitals fixing this country of a beautiful country for beautiful people And three idiots a decal of everything as for money laundering sure I'll approach that money laundering no problem Supposedly we're money launderers because we buy luxury goods and we try and hide that we buy luxury goods for other people and hide our money If you buy your girlfriend a handbag in Romania, they charge you with money laundering. This is disgusting Disgusting we have children. This is disgusting. Thank you How does that clip make you feel and by the way you guys I am seeing in the live chat right now that you are saying that His cup of cops have just apparently while we are live right now They have arrived at Andrew Tate's house interest in Tate's house again during a live stream. They were just live streaming I think about 30 minutes ago. It looks like they came during this emergency meeting How could the pop cops need to be here again? I'm asking this question again I don't have all the facts here, but I'm looking at your guys comments and it looks like what you're saying is true They just got released a few hours ago and now the cops are back at their house right now How does that make you feel when you hear what he is saying? Like I said, park aside your feelings about the industry that they were involved in you will get an agreement from you from me Regarding pornography and webcamming and things of that nature. This has been three years of his life Okay, of both of their lives. They have children They still have not been able to be presented with an actual trial date to show up to defend yourself and yet all throughout the media Everybody's got a comment because they believe they read somewhere. They read the article You can ask those people how many of you guys actually read the case that was put before them a case that began with allegedly four victims last three years and working on a case with four victims then three of those victims dropped out one of those victims is now being sued by them for defamation in the state of Florida and magically they raid them again and what do you know you heard what he said there and I will repeat it for you They have found 35 new victims so this was a phishing expedition no matter which way you slice it you can't tell me that you first had four victims from And you take and then you found while you were making him wait not allowing him to leave the state 35 more victims now. I have not looked at these 35 more victims I've been in communication with him I'm asking him to send me the new documents because I want to fact check all of this before I presented it to you the public but what he has said in that clip and what he confirmed to me today in the statement was at 31 of those 35 victims gave statements in favor of Andrew and Tristan Tate essentially once again the state is deeming them victims and they are saying we are not victims Same thing that happened with the other three victims in the prior case He's saying that two of them are the separate mothers of he and Tristan's children Okay, so that would bring you to 33 and then he's saying the last two have never even stepped foot in Romania And they exist in the UK now again. I am taking his word for it when he says that and I have not done my own due diligence What I can say is that it is utterly absurd that any person would be have their movements restricted for three years And not even being given a trial date So simply what's happening right now is they are playing this case in the media every single person has an opinion of it Very few few people have actually read it when I got my hands on the documents I had to transfer it over into English because it's in Romanian And I had to try to cross reference with what person he was speaking about and ask specific questions Like he says to the media right there in front of him. The you are the matrix Why didn't any of you do due diligence? Why aren't you guys reporting on the facts? Why has it just been me who took a look into that case and said hey guys this kind of looks like crap? I've looked into it and it was I'm what was sitting in front of me not the videos are circling on the internet Not the videos that people are saying well listen here He said that he did have under age webcam That's not what is happening in this. This is not this court case is about You you have to read the actual documents and then ask yourself why they are trying to execute this trial by the media What is this actually about? Now it's about money laundering is about a webcam business is about human sex trafficking is about all three according to the public Why does the media hate these two men so much when we know there are worse villains? And so yes, I am looking at this now and pulling up this status It looks like five minutes ago and your tape posted they were live doing their show and They posted that the police were showing up once again on their security cameras because there must have been something that they forgot 24 hours ago when they had these two young men detained so we will keep you guys posted on that But I am I'm really thinking that all of this is completely unacceptable We're seeing a miscarriage of justice in the simple treatment that people do deserve to have a speedy trial Okay, whether you hate these guys whether you love these guys whether you believe these guys where you think they're lying You have a right to have a speedy trial not having and before being forced to live by a Public trial that is absent any facts and being written by a bunch of people in the media who absolutely detest you and yes I am defensive over this because I see this happen Routinely to people that stand up to the mainstream media narrative no matter what that narrative is whether it's BLM Whether it's covid whether it's Israel people that stand up tend to suffer tremendously and it's wrong All right guys I want to first and foremost before we get into this rabbi schmulie story Which is really kind of on the same point of an abuse of justice of the justice system I do want to thank our sponsor here being because look we all know that sleep is a foundation of whole body health When we sleep well our minds and bodies perform at their best good sleep is both mental and physical and our daily performance depends on it beams science back to dream powder is tested for high quality efficacy and Formulated to ease your body into rest supporting all four stages of the sleep cycle to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer Other sleep aids can cause next-day grogginess But dream contains a powerful all-natural blend of five key ingredients racy magnesium Altheanine you have apogenin and melatonin this blend helps you fall asleep stay asleep and wake up refreshed right now My listeners get a special discount on their healthy Coat hot cocoa for sleep pardon hot cocoa for sleep and it has no added sugar You just mix dream into hot water or milk froth and enjoy before bed If you want to try beams best-selling dream powder get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to shop beam Dot-com slash candice and use code candice at checkout. That's shop B. E. A. M Dot-com slash candice and use code candice for up to 40% off better sleep has never tasted better All right, let's get into rabbi Schmooly that's a start with it. Obviously you guys have been following it. It's on a back-forth Rabbi Schmooly in his daughter have just been harassing me for years and I don't know it's incredible that you have journalist who take him at his word and Continue to publish everything he says about the attacks against him and his daughter even though they are very clearly the people that are harassing I Can't say that I did not laugh a little a lot of it when my PR texted me and all my PR said he said No comment because what can you what can you say when you see a headline list? What can you actually say when you read a headline from the Jerusalem post that says that the FBI has been contacted over Hawaiian pizza, so I will just read for you here. I guess the facts, okay? It reads in a new development in the ongoing feud between Rabbi Schmooly and controversial Conservative media figure Candice Owens the rabbi's daughter Raquel Leah has filed a complaint with the FBI After receiving what she believes was a threatening message delivered in the form of a pizza to her home in Florida It's gonna get worse According to an email sent to the FBI and obtained by the Jerusalem Post good on them to obtain it His daughter received a dominoes pizza at her home on August 20th 2024 The non kosher a pizza. Yeah, you didn't know it was gonna go get this disgusting It was non kosher the non kosher pizza which she did not order was delivered with a receipt bearing her name and her Address, but with the phone number that belonged to her father Rabbi Schmooly Pizza had not been paid for raising immediate concerns So I when I read that I think hey, maybe your dad ordered a piece of I Didn't pay for it. I don't know maybe your dad's a little cheap You know and just got you a pizza and because he wanted to stage a false flag against I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't have received a pineapple pizza and thought this is Candace Owens and but that's what she thought and so she sent an email and she filed an FBI complaint and you know she was nice enough to Include proof of that in an email that she forwarded She she wrote this email to a bunch of contacts including her father today today I received a pizza pie from dominoes which I did not order the receipt which I have attached below had my name and address and My parents old home phone number the pie had not been paid for and she there's proof that this pizza definitely came to our house I mean they posted the receipts literally the receipts here. It is look at this is a receipt We cannot deny the evidence that order number 27 came in Okay, look you can see it looks like the delivery's got his hand the deliverer has got his hands on it They it was it was an order for it. It looks like a 14 inch hand tossed Hawaiian pizza And it wasn't paid for you can see in the corner bring it back up. We have to show them. This is disturbing I'm scared for her her family their safety. You can see in the corner under number 27. It says that the pizza was not paid for We must stomp out anti-Semitism and all of its forms I want to be real clear here all of its forms and so on this rare occasion I stand with Rabbi Schmooley and his daughter and I hope that the the FBI does not spare any expense when it comes to catching this horrific individual who ordered an unpaid Hawaiian pizza to the home of Rabbi Schmooley's daughter So I'm I stand with you and I know that anti-Semitism is a hate that mutates and I can see that that is exactly what has Happened in this circumstance and so I wanted to show that with my audience if you see something say something you see a domino's boy Look a little suspicious. Please be privileged as Raquel is and so don't even seem called a local Please you gotta love that. You know you got black people who say like we call now in one of the hood The pleasers even show up. I want to be Raquel I want to grow up so privileged at my instinct when I get a pizza is to like call the FBI I'm gonna email the FBI. I forget Hopefully some of the FBI bless bless this family Or something all right guys I I want to move on and because I but I'm never going to be able to because Rabbi Schmooley will never allow me to move on But I do want to remind you guys about tax network USA Because a lot of people owe back taxes and it is feeling really like having a monkey on your back You know that pandemic relief is now over along with the hiring of thousands of new agents Thanks Biden and field officers the IRS has kicked off 2024 by sending over five million pay-up letters to those who have unfiled tax returns or balances owed Don't waive your rights and speak with them on your own. 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So please call 1-800-985-1000 for a private free consultation or you can visit Tn slash Candace again That's Tn like Tennessee slash Candace All right guys people were pinning me and asking me my opinion on this and I didn't give it because I just was like Okay, whatever, but I'm just gonna give it very quickly before I jump into your comments here And I'm keen to see what you guys think about all of that we're talking about with the matrix But people were I guess really emotionally invested in like J.Lo and Ben Affleck Their reunion, you know, they dated many moons ago and they were engaged and their engagement fell apart And then I guess Ben Affleck and her suddenly decided hey We could make this work again and they had a wedding in Las Vegas and they had another wedding in Georgia and people I don't know people are just invested in celebrity Relationships and you see people posting videos themselves like crying or hurt or let down that this couple didn't make it And they didn't even make it two years by the way. They didn't even make it two years in their relationship It's a typical Hollywood story strange people were invested in this I'll give you my quick opinion on it first and foremost I just want to give you a couple of facts here J.Lo filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on Tuesday in LA County Superior Court And obviously I'm sure this is extremely embarrassing for her extremely embarrassing for him because they made such a big splash about getting back together It says that they've been separated since April 26 She likely didn't pull the trigger on it because again even more embarrassing for your marriage to last a year and a half It just makes everything look a complete joke I mean really the weddings seem to have lasted longer than the actual marriage did and This again is not her first rodeo so to speak. She's been married four times That's a lot of times to be married in general. It's a lot of life to be had I think she was at first married to her backup dancer and then she got married I don't even remember this guy's name Then she got married to Chris Judd and he might have been an actor and then she got married to Mark Anthony He's got some great music. I gotta say I gotta admit that I do like Mark Anthony's Spanish music I do butchata a little bit to Mark Anthony and then she also has been engaged multiple times She was of course engaged most notoriously to Ben Affleck and that didn't work out and then she got engaged to the Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez So it's a lot and so it's weird that people were invested in this relationship I don't understand it because I feel that With Hollywood you guys just have to accept that the issue with these relationships and I was look at I know that he struggled with alcoholism. She doesn't drink and maybe that's why people were like perfect match or something But the reality is is that Hollywood is an industry in which people worship themselves And I'm not saying this is definitely true about Ben Affleck or definitely true about JLo. I'm speaking more broadly here I don't want to insult these people there are children involved But the reality is is that Hollywood is like Babylon and it was created to make people believe in the celestial stars Like a form of astrology to worship stars, which is quite dark and quite sinister And again if you engage into that book Hollywood Babylon you will have a I just think you'll have a reckoning about what Hollywood is what it actually was created to do and so when you start to worship these stars so to speak You are engaging in a type of paganism. Okay, it is very difficult for someone who deems themselves to be a God Right to submit themselves in a relationship and that is what a relationship requires It requires a submission submission by the way is a beautiful act It is a beautiful thing that I'm able to submit to my husband even though Hollywood would make you think otherwise with feminism And I don't take JLo as being the kind of woman who has been a star for virtually her entire life I don't really buy the whole like Jenny from the block. I'm still I don't think she's that at all I think she's Jenny from Hollywood and I think she has a lot of relationships and she has high Expectations and she's got people walking in and out that are serving her and telling her yes all the time She is actually being served and submitted to Entirely all the time and so when suddenly marriage shows up, you know and you're like hey now you have to submit She's like I'm not doing I'm not submitting to anything everyone around me tells me why I tell them what's going on They tell me I'm amazing and you and I'm not just gonna submit and give up who I am And the worship of people that fall over me at the altar I'm not giving that up and so that is why and again I'm speaking broadly here that the majority of these Hollywood relationships don't work and People should just stop investing in them and stop being sad about them or stop being surprised when you know Two people that have trans children come together That's an indicator right there. This is not a strong household if you're just turning out trans children You know the values that at least we value Traditional values faith family are not there in Hollywood So please stop engaging in this sort of paganism or being surprised whatsoever All right guys, I'm gonna jump into some of your comments. What do we have going on here? Oh, okay? Somebody said she's a narcissist referring to J-Lo this person says mark is assault a singer He has old bachata tracks. Don't you even try to play me? He definitely has all Asta a yer Asta a yer. Don't you try to play me? Don't try to play me at all. Okay This person just going into some of these super chats very quickly says I Love your content so much. Thank you for everything you do Can you do a special on Canada? We need someone like you to wake up my fellow Canadians from a dictatorship Trudeau has created Yeah, I mean Trudeau's a whole another story. I mean really you gotta you got to begin with Fidel Castro What it comes to good old Trudeau? I don't have it in the plans at the moment because we are obviously up to our neck in American politics and American culture But I always think that there's a true synergy. So thank you for the super chat Mama Mia Marshmallow writes Candice. I am dying to know what is little Candice saying and singing in your intro. I love you Okay, I'll pull that for you guys from a video. You guys keep asking about that. What am I singing? It's definitely not the a song stars. Yeah, I will have to I don't even remember what it is But I used to always do talent shows and I will let you guys watch the video by itself with me singing I just want to warn you guys the singing is not good. Okay. That's why we put yay's track over it because the singing is not good Okay, this person the name is Katie writes the book of revelation mentions false Jews rev Relation to nine thou art blasted by them that say they are Jews and are not but are of the synagogue of Satan Yes, I have a lot to say about that But I just very quickly want to thank our final supporter of the show American financing I told you guys all about them a thousand times So let's make this a thousand and one because instant interest rates have in fact dropped and right now It's the perfect time to call my friends in American financing They are a family owned company that is helping people just like you create meaningful savings every month They're salary-based mortgage consultants. 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That is 800-795-1210, okay pertaining to that verse in revelation about the synagogue of Satan I'm very familiar with it and I thought I did a very good job of identifying what exactly you're referring to especially regarding the Leo Frank case and that's how you know that you're close to it when you talk about you know this cult this literal satanic cults that converted into the Catholic faith and and they've been hiding and pretending that they're Jewish putting up their Catholic and committing acts of pedophilia and murder and these things and you tell the public that and you just get inundated with the news All of these journalists writing crap about you calling you an anti-Semite Really just to as we've been talking about obscure the truth That is the point of propaganda in many ways is not only just to lie Elon Musk actually tweeted this this morning It's not only just to lie, but it's to obscure the truth because you know the majority of people are very plugged into the matrix They believe everything they read is real. They're not actually going to go find a primary source It's why people that are watching this podcast like what are you talking about? Kansasan's been blaming anything on the Jews. It's kind of the opposite to what she's saying is that these are not true Jews They're using this so that people Actual Jewish people keep defending them not realizing that something very sinister is happening and if you can't object we look at the Leo Frank case and call that man a disturbed psychopathic pedophilic killer Which is what he was is and died Then you are way too submerged into the matrix. That is what I will say this person Joe Joe Arne writes Thank you for contributing so positively to my life. I have started watching less YouTube and started reading more of the Bible I am so glad to hear that. All of the answers are there. I actually just I think shared some biblical passages on my X-feed today that I just felt so inspired by it Just remembering what we are fighting and ultimately who we are fighting for and not really caring about what the media says Sierra writes. I got Hollywood Babylon I learned real history from you. Do you think a genocide is being committed because Washington is preparing for war with China? I very much I don't know if these things are connected But I do very much feel that everything is preparing us for World War three There's no question about that And the reason why they want World War three so badly is because the people that we are fighting And again referring it back to the Bible like these principalities that work in darkness That are kind of the hand over everything that's maneuvering what's happening in our society At their core they do not have The force of the creator in them. They worship the devil, right? So if you worship the devil you do not have the creative force within yourself So they have to steal they have to lie they have to cheat and they have to obscure to get ahead They can't just create something and be successful They have to lie and be successful and steal and manipulate and deceive in order to be successful And so eventually what happens is they have to demand a reset They have to need a global reset because they're realizing okay People that do have that creator force are getting ahead in life And so what we need to do is we need to just create a world war because it allows us to just steal And reset the entire play playing field. That's that's my viewpoint I would love to see what you hear about that. Up north society wrote this. This is what I promised you in the chat Yes, it is actually me that I would answer they write can is please do more research on and your tate He has admitted on video how he has used cam girls to scam men and date 16 year olds. He has admitted it I am not telling you that there are not I have seen those old clips of him and his brother that everybody brings up The point that you are missing is he is not being prosecuted for scamming men or dating 16 year olds That is the point that I am trying to make to you So if somebody says something on the internet Whether it's a UFC fighter and they're trying to be funny or they're trying to get views and be controversial That means nothing in terms of what's happening in the courtroom And in terms of what he was being prosecuted for it was for human sex trafficking regarding four individuals And three of them dropped out and one of them is being suited for defamation in florida So we can't just say because I don't like that this person said on camera that he scammed men Via webcam services that I'm happy for him to be sent away for human sex trafficking And I think that's what I keep trying to communicate to people And again people keep falling for the trap of okay, but like this person has said bad stuff Or this person was involved in the porn industry. However many years ago That's not the proper way for us to think a justice system can't work that way that that is not just at all That's actually like asking for like social justice, right like i'm upset about this video I saw so prosecute him for anything and that is what we saw and just watched with trump Right if they just wanted him for anything at all and they eventually got the prosecution Even though we all knew that a lot of what they were doing and the things that they were digging up Were only done because they wanted to destroy this man for political reasons Nothing new under the sun writes. Did you see pbd with polins tarsinski on immigration and why is israel Obsessed with making europe and the us except unlimited immigrants Except for themselves barberspecture has a concerning take on it. Yeah, you know, I do think it's quite ironic that a country that Is virtually really just wanting to say we are ethnocentric like we this is a home for people who are of jewish descent Is perfectly okay with us having to accept immigration on their behalf that is something that I believe is problematic I did not watch pbd and um tarsinski on immigration so I can't comment on that whatsoever But I do know that that is always circumstance with war where it seems like western society has to take on a bunch of immigrants and provide a home For them And it's not to our benefit whatsoever This person writes this is wargamer canis You don't know if you've seen this the grapers are attacking dave smith for perceived jewish privilege due to talking about israel and him Not being canceled or even banned for it. Let me just say this very clearly. I absolutely love dave smith He's a fantastic human being. I want to do entire series with him I did not see that he was being attacked, but I can tell you that I am basically his biggest fan I have learned so much from him. I have much more than I want to learn from him And I think that he's incredibly brave for taking a stance that has caused for him to be essentially Just having to fight the media every day because they're calling him a self-hating Jew So if that's him leaning into his privilege, I don't see how that is I am and remain and will be a fan of dave smith until he does something completely ridiculous I guess but um at the moment. I just I think he's great just dave smith all around vt writes everyone who tells the truth gets taken to court or they have complaints against them candis Tates fresh and fit trump alics, etc. Easy way to shut us up Yes, and the process is the pain It's the idea is like we'll keep you in court forever and you will either go crazy because you're just fighting us so much You'll be distracted or you will go broke I think that is that is really what it's about The process is what it is meant to be the pain whether or not in the end you win Doesn't matter to them because I think that you'll give up before it or you won't be able to fight them and you'll just go away Which is what I think a lot of people want Jc such rights canis is definitely playing a dangerous game. So how can they attack her financially guys gals? Let's support her in any way that we can on locals canis you are amazing Um, I just want to thank you guys so much because this has been probably One of the craziest weeks in terms of how much i've been attacked But also strangely like I've told you guys yesterday one of the weeks in which We also have just had a bump in supporters all around the world And it's because a lot of people are falling out of the matrix A lot of people are recognizing that we are being attacked for simply telling the truth A lot of people are recognizing that they're just lying on me and they lie like a genetic disorder I really do believe the media has like they look for people that have a genetic disorder That they're just able to lie and feel nothing They're able to smear and liable and try to ruin people's lives and feel absolutely nothing I mean what what is what is rock hell suffering from where you go to the fbi? Oh, because you received a pizza and you try to sell to the public that you received a pizza because of canisovans It's mental and wellness, you know what I mean, but it's it's a it's a derangement It's a a near obsession with wanting to ruin someone Simply because they don't agree with you and let me tell you something when you do these sorts of things It's not going to move people over to your side And so thank you for all of you guys. We sold out by the way of our don't care built different Standis cups and we just put them back on the website today. I think about an hour ago So we are yes replenishing the website Don't care built different and that is all of you guys for continuing to watch the show and continuing to support me And I am just forever grateful. I will tell you every episode how grateful I am of you guys couldn't do it without you We will see you guys tomorrow You You You You You (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]