Good Day Health

The Truth About Arthritis

8/22/24 - Dr. Jack Stockwell, NUCCA Chiropractor and GAPS Practitioner ( forbidden | Phone: 866-867-5070), is coming off a visit to the Standard Process farm as he describes the benefits of even breathing the air of a truly organic farm and the importance of strait-from-the-farm nutrition is as opposed to big ag and commercial farms as what you find in so many big chain grocery stores. A surprising revelation of infant formula as opposed to the formula farmers use for baby calves. Dr. Jack discusses. He also has a suggestion for a baby formula that is actually healthy and truly beneficial for infants. Doug joins Dr. Jack for a conversation on arthritis, why it comes with age, and nutrition contributes to factors of the disease.

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22 Aug 2024
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Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintenance application. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. It's the Good Day Health Podcast with Dr. Jack Stockwell, sponsored in part by Calentrin, the safe proven way to lose weight and keep it off. I just got back from a three-day visit to the standard process farm in southern Wisconsin. And it was for a special celebration. But this farm is over 900 acres of organic farming. And this is-this was my fourth or fifth time in the last 20 years to go visit the farm. Because when you stand somewhat in the middle of 900 acres of organic farming, the air is different. What you smell going into your lungs is different. This organic farm is surrounded by conventional farms. And there is a buffer zone that has to be created on the paved roads between the farms, a buffer zone of just, you know, closely mowed grass, about anywhere from 30 to 50 feet from the pavement to where the crop growth begins. But you know, actually, I think it's closer to 100 feet. Just to protect the organic from the non-organic. But one of the most striking things that I saw that absolutely knocked my socks off is when we were in a kind of a, you know, an old tractor ride type thing, that there was a trailer being pulled by a tractor. And on this trailer, there was probably, I don't know, close to 50 of us sitting in. It's a rather large trailer, and they were guests there as well as myself. And as we're going through different parts of the farm, they've been plagued with a lot of rain lately. They said it's been raining one out of three days. So their harvest is a little behind, and they're a little concerned about it for that reason, because they're just patches of water all over the place. But the thing that really surprised me was when we would go next, well, let me say this first, in the organic farm, there were these larks flying all over the place. And because of this tractor and trailer going through this area was making noise, it was disturbing the bugs, the good bugs that are growing in these organic crops. There are good bugs, mind you. And as they're all stirring up, the larks are going crazy. And but as you watch it, the larks don't, and the trailer, they said, we're going to let the trailer sit still here for a minute till the disturbance calms down. But larks were flying in front of us to the side all around us, even before we got there. As we approached that area, they of course surrounded us, but as we were getting closer, we were still maybe 200, 300, 200 feet away. The person leading the tour was saying, we want to watch, watch off to the right side of the trailer and tell me what you see. Then we saw these larks flying all over the place, just like dive bombing and up in the air. And then they said, look on the other side of the road and see how many larks you see. And there weren't any. There were no birds flying over the conventional farm. Now that conventional farm was for chickens or for eggs. They said, and you can see this big warehouse off to the side. The warehouse was probably half a mile away, but you can see this big building. They said, there's two and a half million chickens in that building. And they're being fed the corn that you see growing here off the side of the road. How many birds do you see flying around those fields? But he didn't see any. We're all staring all 50 pairs of eyes looking all over the place. We couldn't see any birds, but over the organic side, there were birds all over the place. That told me what I needed to see regarding the effect of pesticides and herbicides, because there are no pesticides or herbicides used in these organic product products. Now, up to 90%, and you often hear me talk about the virtues of the supplements that come from standard process, up to 90% of the products that are in their supplements, the individual products that go into it, are grown there on their organic farm. One of the reasons why I almost exclusively use standard process in my office, and you have access to that at, is because it's organic. And then as we would get deeper into the area of the farm, just the air, I mean, you could just smell how clean the air was as opposed to being out there on the road next to the commercially grown farm. They had a whole, they had a whole duck so that you could see the depth of the top soil. And the top soil was running around two feet in this particular hole that they had dug. They said there's other places that they could dig where it's a lot deeper than that. But you could see this beautiful black, almost ebony soil down to the rock layer underneath of it. But two feet, and then you could see some of these vegetables, there's a particular turnip that they grow in different places. The turnip was a long, it looked like a purple carrot. It was a long, skinny type. And they don't really use it. They use it for ground cover, but also for something I had no idea. When they are harvested, they're pulled out of the ground, and they leave that hole that goes down a foot or more deeper into the top soil to allow the bacteria, the fungi, the water, the nitrogen, to get down through these holes down into the soil. A lot of us here in the west, when we are getting our yards ready for the spring, and remember, this area is a desert out here. It is green as some of the pictures of Salt Lake City. Look, we're in a desert. And this here in particular, we've had over more than 20 days of over 100 degree temperatures. The average in the inner mountain west here is about about 10 days a summer where the temperature will get over 100. So when we're preparing our yards in the spring, we'll get the plug that the thing that pulls the plugs up out of the plugs of dirt up out of the ground, air it to aerate it, to aerate the soil so you can get oxygen in there. But so you can get nitrogen down in there, because that's what you need, is the nitrogen in there in order for that bacteria to flourish to form the necessary little tiny pockets of nutrition for the roots of that grass to give you a nice green grass, even in a desert situation. So we saw that on this organic farm as well. And it was just, it was just, it's one of my favorite places to go. Now I was raised in Washington, D.C. I didn't have the advantage of being raised on a farm. But I feel like I have now, because I've been there enough times, and to see the life of a farm. Do you know the average depth of topsoil in commercial farms across the country, especially California? It's about one inch. And there are places in Iowa right now, where they're being warned of the fact that by the before the end of this century, in less than 50 years, there will be no topsoil left in various areas of Iowa, which is kind of the corn, part of the corn belt, where most of the corn grown is GMO. Anyway, there's only about 10% of the corn that's grown in America that's fit for human consumption. But I just thought that was an interesting contrast, because you will be no healthier than the food that you eat, and your food will be no better than the soil it was grown in, because if there's no nutrition left in the soil, it's not going to be in the food that you're eating, even though that food might fill your belly. And I was just an eye-opener to me once again, to get there and to see this black loamy soil in which all of these organic products were being grown. And it was a great getaway, clean air, lower altitude, so I got more oxygen, slept like a log, and it turned out to be a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Now, another thing I learned when I was on the farm that I wanted to share with you is an interesting difference that occurs in baby formulas that you can buy in the supermarket or wherever else you might be getting your baby formula formula. And milk replacer that's given to newborn calves, because their mother either pushed them away, or their mother didn't want to be bothered with them anymore or didn't have enough milk or whatever else. And here are these calves that have to be nursed. And when you look at the ingredients that are present in human baby formula and the ingredients in calf formula, was striking, you can go to any supermarket, any food store, and then there's going to be three or four different varieties of infant formula. I want you to count the number of ingredients that's in this, about 15 or 16. Some of them as low as 12, some of them as high as 16, different ingredients. I'm looking at a list right now in front of me of the list of ingredients. In calf formula, now without going through all of the names, you're just going to indulge me here for a moment. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, to five, 26, 27, 22, 9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, just in order to, it's going to be over 50, over 50 ingredients. But the most important ingredient that is in calf baby or baby calf formula is not in human baby formula that needs to be there. You know what it is? It's animal fats. Well, calves are animals. Well, yeah, I understand calves are animals, but calves are mammals, humans are mammals. And there's a little bit of difference between a calf's mama's milk and a baby's mama's milk, but not a whole lot of difference. There is some differences, but not a whole lot. A baby can, a human baby can survive on whole raw cow milk. So what's the difference? Animal fat. So as I'm reading these ingredients here of this calf formula mixture, dried whey product is number one, dry whey protein concentrate is second, and animal fat is the third one and dried whey is the fourth one. So three different kinds of whey, which is milk protein, and animal fat that's present in this. Now, why would manufacturers put animal fat, which is far more expensive than vegetable oil in calf milk replacer? Now, I might have something to do with the study, which was never published, but I heard about it. Researchers compared these calves fed with saturated fat from tallow and lard with calves that were fed unsaturated fats from soybean oil. And the calves that were fed tallow and lard showed higher plasma cholesterol levels than the soybean. And the fat streaking was found in their aortas. The atherosclerosis also enhanced, probably revealed in autopsy, but the calves that were fed soybean oil showed a decline in calcium and magnesium levels in their blood, possibly due to inefficient absorption. And they utilized vitamins and minerals inefficiently. They showed poor growth, poor bone development, and had abnormal hearts. More cholesterol per unit of dry matter was found in the aorta, the liver, the muscle, the fat, the coronary arteries, a finding which led the investigators to the conclusion that the lower blood cholesterol levels in the soybean oil fed calves may have been the result of the cholesterol being transferred from the blood to other tissues where it was needed. And the calves that were in the soybean oil group also collapsed when they were forced to move around. And they were unaware of their surroundings for short periods. They developed rickets and diarrhea. Now, one possible reason the calves need animal fat in their formula, like all mammals, they need cholesterol to grow properly. And animal fats have always been our best source of cholesterol. Now, human babies on formula just aren't that lucky. The babies have a very complex nervous system. Human babies need cholesterol even more than a calf does. But human baby formula only contains cholesterol-free vegetable oils. And the fats that our human babies get in formula are soy oil or high oleic safflower oil, or sometimes coconut or palm oil. But the soy oil and the high oleic safflower oil are not only cholesterol-free, they're rancid where coconut oil and palm oil don't have any cholesterol in them whatsoever. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Runners' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners' warehouse. So, in talking to in my research into the subject, I was able to pick up on a statement by an employee of a formula company who made this comment. We know we need to have cholesterol in the baby formula, but the industry won't allow it. Now, there are a lot of things that babies need from fats that they don't get from vegetable oils, including saturated fats, and these saturated fats that come to us from animal fats are absolutely necessary for growth and so many processes in the body. And arachidonic acid now has been added to most brands of baby formula, thank goodness, but unfortunately, it's a synthetic version that comes from algae, not from an animal source. Now, we are a nation that pretends to love children. We also pride ourselves on making science-based decisions, but actually, most of the decisions that we make today are based on economics. They're not based on science, and it makes economic sense to give calves the fat that they need to grow properly, but there's no more money to be made in healthy cows, excuse me, there's a lot more money to be made in healthy cow than in a sick cow. And anybody who's involved with ranching, whether you're raising horses or you're raising cattle or whatever else you're raising, you make darn sure that the mayor that threw that full or the cow that had that new calf while they are pregnant with these animals growing inside them. You know that what's going to be delivered from that animal is future income to your ranch. And so out of physical necessity, you're going to do whatever you have to do to make sure you produce the healthiest offspring that you can. And so when I say these decisions, as far as what we feed our children is based on economics, not the science of raising healthy calves, and it makes economic sense to give that calf the fat it needs to grow properly, because as I said, to repeat myself, there's more money to be made in a healthy cow than in a sick cow. Now whether you're raising that cow for dairy or you're raising it for beef, you know, if several months before the year is over with, the cows usually calve in the spring. And by that fall, those calves are big enough for the market to go to some farm somewhere else for several more months to a year or so to be raised into the steer that will eventually be processed for beef. But they're no healthier at an older age than they are when they're born. And so a lot of time and effort is spent to make sure you have the healthiest you can get. But when it comes to humans, there's a lot more money. I don't I don't know how to say this and say this and say this easy to say this comfortably to say this softly, but I have to say it. When it comes to humans, there's a lot more money to be made from sick, unhappy children than from healthy, robust, happy, intelligent, normal children. Can I say that and get away with that? Because that's what the health care industry in America is based on as opposed to the animal husbandry business in America. The medical industry, the health care industry in America is based on sick people and not getting sick people well, helping sick people deal with their symptoms for as long as possible so that once you sign up to the club and start getting your first medications, you'll continue to do so for as long as your body can hold out with the poor nutrition that started with. And I don't know how to say that gently, but I'm not going to lie to you, and I'm not going to sugarcoat this. I mean, I could tell you, you know, go ahead, deep eating those Twinkies, everything's going to be fine. Just think good, healthy thoughts. Or I can tell you that, you know, there's somewhere around midlife. It's not just a midlife crisis that hits men now and then there's this awakening that begins in the minds of some people that by the time they get past 35 40 into 45, something's missing in their life that was there when they were a teenager and in their 20s, called energy and they start slowing down. And the medical industry is based on doing something with that to some degree, as well as all the other things the industry is based on. But when it comes to the animal husbandry business, animal fats cost more than vegetable oils. And so corporate profits are far more important in today's world than healthy people. So the the beef industry, the poultry industry, the fish, well, you can do a whole lot with fish industry except for the farm to fish. But these industries are based on producing very healthy animals because, you know, unfortunately, these very healthy animals are not going to have a long lifetime unless they're producing eggs or they're producing milk. But the rest of their species is going to be processed for food on the dinner plate. And in order for these corporations to make the most money that they can, these animals have to be the healthiest that they can be in order to bring in the money at the auction. But humans on the other end, we don't pay any attention to that. And you know, there's an aside to this in the work that I do in the clinic. One of the striking results that patients experience with the first correction that I give to the spine is a sudden awakening, a clearing of the brain fog where they notice that their thoughts are more clear, colors are brighter and richer, sounds are crisper because I'm turning the nervous system back on again from a depressed state due to misalignment of the spine. And then, as I've taken care of them, another two, maybe three, maybe four times, and then it's time to start, you know, moving them down the road. How are your kids doing? All the kids are fine. And I say, well, you know, when we first started talking about this, I told you that if it wasn't your birth process that started the misalignment of your spine with a rough birth, by the time we're done with first, second, third grade playground experiences were misaligned. And that there's a, you know, and that I check an awful lot of newborn babies, their mothers bring them into me. But there's a lot of people who, as adults, are just absolutely shocked at how much better they feel after I've worked on them two or three times, never give a thought to the children. Oh, they're fine. They're running all over the place. Well, what if they could run faster? What if they could think more clearly? What if their nervous systems were working more efficiently? How much better would they be? And so we don't really think of our children the same way we would think if we were on a ranch raising calves for the auction that fall. Now, let me say something about what if you can't breastfeed because some women just can't breastfeed. So they may know some, a wet nurse or they may know a family member or a neighborhood person or something that is just, and I hope I don't offend anybody, but it's like a Jersey cow. They produce way more milk than their own child does and they're more than happy because they don't want to throw that vital fluid away. They're more than happy to share. That's available to some people. But if you go to the, and look up their baby whole food formula. It's rich in cholesterol. It has all the natural nutrients that a baby needs because it's made with raw milk and it contains various enzymes that ensure that all the cholesterol and all the nutrients are absorbed. Now, I've been seeing patients for over 30 years and wherever I can impress on a new mother and it's interesting how many new mothers I consult with now that got their first correction from me when they were still in diapers. That kind of ages you a little bit when you think about it. But how many new mothers I consult with now? I'm not producing enough milk. What do I do? Well, here's what I want you to do. And how many mothers and they, how can I say this again gently, decided not to nurse. They're too busy or it was too inconvenient or it hurt or whatever else. So they opted right away for formula. And I tell them you're setting this child up for obesity. You're setting this child up for poor dental arch and teeth formation. You're setting them up for poor bone and muscle development and you're setting them up for poor brain development. Sorry, that's just the way it is. The industry knows there should be animal fats in baby formula, but they won't do it because it's too expensive on one end. And on the other end, it'll just get bad press. Oh, you're going to give these children heart attacks by the time they're three years old. If you put dairy prior dairy fats into their animal fats into their formula. It may be a little more trouble to make your own home based baby formula than to buy cholesterol deficient formula, although it won't cost anymore. But I guarantee you, I absolutely guarantee you if you're not doing this because you have no need to do it, but if you can get others to understand this, they will be saving themselves bushels of trouble as their child grows. If they make sure a developing baby has animal fats in its formula. Now, mom is breast milk is loaded with animal fat because we're animals. Good rich cholesterol fats at that developing baby's brain desperately needs the developing liver, the developing organ, developing heart right along with the brain needs these kinds of nutritional things. So the bottom line here, what they feed a baby calf is far more nutritious than what we feed a baby human with formula. I'm going to be joining Doug and more information at the Also my podcast at So I want to get to a discussion of arthritis, the treatments for arthritis. But first, why Jack do we get as we were you were just talking about my age before we started to have the conversation on the year? What is there about arthritis that comes with age, or is that an old wives tale? Can you have bad arthritis when you're younger? Yes, you certainly can. And one of the things that I in my nutritional research that I've done for over five decades now is when I see a particular segment of society suffering from a problem, I look in other societies, do they have the same problem? And when I find out they don't, then I want to look at them and find out what's different. Most of the indigenous tribes around the planet that are still not completely isolated from the local grocery store, but the people who live high in the mountains, the high in the Alps in Switzerland, the Inuit, Eskimo up in Alaska, a lot of the Polynesian islander people, sub-Saharan African people who have no arthritis in their populations whatsoever to speak of. What's different? And it always comes down to diet. Why does this particular group have high cholesterol in this one doesn't? Why does this group have particularly high blood pressure in this group doesn't? Again, we're looking for diet. It was identified by nutritionists 100 years ago that the cause of arthritis was, they called it a cooked foods disease. In other words, over-cooking your foods, especially meat products, destroys the amino acid structures in that meat that your body needs when you eat that meat to build the bones and the meat of your own body. And when you have a nutritional deficiency starting to show up, there's something in the body that's going to have to pay the price for that. And overcooked foods leads to a loss of certain amino acids that are necessary for good solid bone structures, especially where bones come together. What do you do with the joints, which is where it shows up? Got it. But what do you do about the food supply that isn't healthy unless you cook at meat, pork, fish, chicken, all the things that have the proteins in them? They're mostly not well raised, not well prepared, and not good for you to eat with the salmonella. You have to shop around. You have to shop around. And you've got to get the, what were our ancestors 100 years ago before arthritis was a real plague like it is today here in this country? What were they eating that we're not eating? Well, they were eating from the farm for one thing. And you certainly appreciate that. Rather than lining up in grocery stores 100 years ago, they didn't have the kinds of stores that we have today with overly processed foods, foods loaded with preservatives, foods coming from commercial farms, they're loaded with pesticides and herbicides. You have to take the time to search around and find a good source of these meats. Now, I'm not talking about under cooking pork, and certainly you've got to cook pork past medium. But when it comes to beef, when it comes to fish, these two very important sources of food in the human diet, if you go past medium rare with beef and get into medium and medium well, you've ruined the purpose of that meat. Same thing with poultry. We can way overcook poultry where we destroy these amino acids. That's why I have calcifood. If I can throw this in here, I mean, it is brought in a pill, calcifood, wafers calcifood pills, actually helps to restore these bone structures that I've been talking about. That's Yeah. Okay. Well, that makes a good sense. The other items, yeah, they think that's standard process things. I get my seal of approval. As does calitron, check out the way to lose weight, the natural way by going to to see how the program works. Jack Stockwell with Doug Steffen on Good Day Health at Pause it in part by calitron, which is the safe way for you to lose weight and keep it off. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing, screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance, request maintenance, and communication. Sound complicated? 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