Rasslin W Ryan: The one about Roman Reigns

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18 Aug 2024
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Let's lace them up! It's time for Dodger Baseball! Time to put it up for the buzzer! Benjamin Haha! He fakes in the dream! And the Lakers win the game! We're the tier in my eye! This is the greatest moment in my life. She was wearing a strap on and she was plowing our neighbor by green wall and folks I do mean right in the ass! Fastball misses! Just low count goes 4-3-2! What is up everybody? Welcome to officially the first episode of Roslyn with Ryan Hernandez. My name is Mike Andrade and our host, guest host for the evening. Go ahead. What's up guys? What's up guys? It's Ryan Hernandez and as Mike says, the first episode of Roslyn with yours truly. So let's get to it. Let's get to it guys. Alright, so on our agenda today, we are talking about the Tribal Chief. The OTC. The former big dog of WWE. We are talking about the man Roman Reigns. And more specifically, we are talking about the bloodline today. As far as goats in your conversation, we know who is number one. But where does Roman Reigns fall? Fall for you. Alright, a lot of people are probably going to disagree with this. He's not, he's not, he's not top 10. Not top 10. Wow. I wouldn't even say, you could argue that maybe in like the top 50, but. Mm-hmm. Okay, top 50. Wow. That is surprisingly shocking. Collaborate on that. Why don't you think he's a top 10 performer of all time? Because, you know, he did the typical like part-time or like show up when you want to defend the title when you want to. And like, you know, as fans, we don't want to, we don't want to see that. You know, like we saw it with Brock and like. Some other guys is like, we don't, we don't want that. It's recently Logan Paul, like, who only defended his title three times in like 300 or something days. Mm-hmm. So that's why for me personally, I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it. Or put it in the top 10 plus like. I know people would say like, oh, his tribal chief run was like the best of his career, which it was, but I also feel like, you know, in terms of like. His wrestling ability and stuff. It was, it's still kind of like decent. Cause I feel like he was carried in most of the matches against better, more technically sound wrestlers. Interesting. Yeah. And I know people said his promo was like, got better. Just like, no, he said the same promo every week. Whatever city, like acknowledge me, like, I'm the tribal chief. If you want to get to this, you got to go through me and you ain't going to beat me. So it's like, he basically started cutting the same promo weekend and week out. Mm. Interesting. Interesting that, you know, what you're saying right now is, you know, if you, you know, it's definitely arguable. Um, but I would definitely have him higher up on my list. I would not say that he's a top 50. I would say the guy is a top 10 performer of all time. You know, I just think the way he's being able to, and it's John Cena. Esque rise above the hate in terms of his popularity, getting over with the crowd. Um, you know, his ability to put on great matches. I think this guy, the guy has risen above any and all expectations. But let's get into it right now. Let's talk about the early days of the tribal chief. So with that, we had the experiment, the Vince McMahon experiment of the big dog. Explain to the audience why it failed. It failed because he got to the point where he was being shoved down the throats. He was in like every main event. He was always in the championship picture. He was winning everything that you can think of. And he also had some pretty, pretty bad promos like suffering. Suck attach. Mm hmm. Yeah, that was an infamous one that people will never forget. And, you know, I'm glad people don't blame that on him because maybe they knew was the writing. They knew it was Vince McMahon, you know, spoon feeding him such garbage. So I'm glad he was able to get over that. You know, yeah, and you're right, you know, like. Because he was forced down our throats. Almost in the way John Cena was for many years forced down our throats. This is going to be the guy and dammit, you know, this is my principal man in personation. Damn it. You're going to love him. You know, so good. Exactly. Damn it, pal. Give him dog food. That'll get him over. But Vince McMahon had, you know, for years and years and years, always relied on the guy. You know, whether it was Hulk Hogan or, you know, brought to hit man heart. Shawn Michaels, the undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the rock. Then John Cena, he always relied on the guy to carry the company. And in the mid 2010s, it was Roman Reigns. And despite the fact that the fans just didn't seem to believe in him, even though that was his motto. Wasn't that believing me or something? Was it? It was believed that, right? Believe that. Yeah. So in that, Vince McMahon was just dead set on trying to make money with this, with this guy. And it was, it was really rough to watch for a few years, especially that infamous Monday Night Raw where it was his first in-ring battle with John Cena. You remember that, Ryan, don't you? Yeah, we witnessed verbal murder on live television. It was so bad. It was, I can't remember a verbal beatdown, like the way we witnessed John Cena. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just remember like the second Roman forgot his lines, it's just like, oh crap. It's like you forgot your lines. I guess the wrong dude, buddy. Exactly. And Cena called him out for it. Yeah. He's like, yo, that's okay. I'll wait and go ahead. If you want to be the big guy, you're gonna have to learn how to cut a promo. Exactly. That was, that was so bad to watch. If you've never seen that clip, go back and watch it. It was a, just a verbal bearing, you know, Roman, uh, where Roman stumbled on his lines, forgot it on live television and seen it ate him up. And he was on purpose for that, you know, like, Vince McMahon probably knew what he was doing, trying to get Roman Reigns over. And maybe learn a lesson in the ring of being, you know, trying to be better on the microphone. And he put him in there with the greatest of all time, John Cena. And he got eaten alive. Um, but Roman Reigns, you know, eventually. You know, well, sadly, then had to leave with his remission of leukemia. And then after he came back from that was, you know, he was as over as ever. You know, it was sad that he had to take time away and, you know, treating his, his illness. Um, we wish that it would have never happened like that, but all things kind of work, you know, the way they're supposed to do. And he came back super over, but still wasn't at that level that fans wanted him to be. So then the pandemic happens. So then he takes time off. He was supposed to wrestle, was it Goldberg Goldberg at WrestleMania 36. Yeah, he was a title. Yeah. And then he drops out of the, for that match, you know, almost midway through of the, of the, kind of like the package we're supposed to see leading up into WrestleMania. But for good, good reasons, you know, they were, it was the start of the pandemic. Um, you know, Roman couldn't take the risk of being in that setting with, you know, COVID-19 going around, not knowing, you know, what it was. And he had to do what was best for himself. So he went away from for a while. And then when he came back during that summer, what did we see, Ryan? We saw the rise of the tribal chief and we saw something we probably never thought we'd see. We saw a heel Roman Reigns. And for all these years, fans clamoring for Roman Reigns to go heel. So so many years fans wanted that. The Vince advanced stuck to his heels, much like John Cena. He didn't want him to be heel. He wanted Roman Reigns to be that main baby face to do all the baby, make wish stuff to carry the company. And he just, you know, wouldn't let it happen. But finally he did, he gave in and he gave Roman Reigns not only the heel turn, but he gave him not an advocate. But what is it, Ryan? The wise man. WWE Hall of Famer, Paul, Amy. Right. So then we see a different side of Roman Reigns. He comes back. What was his moniker? Come back, destroy. Or yeah, like come back, destroy everyone and leave. Exactly. So during that time, we see Bray Wyatt rest in peace. The fiend as Universal Champion. Roman Reigns comes back, destroys the fiend in a way that we probably never even saw the fiend again, after that, after that point. And the start of a championship reign with the Universal Championship, the blue bell, the blueberry bell. The start of a reign that we never expected to ever see in the modern day, a reign of 1316 days. Now, it wasn't all completely just the Universal Championship. But eventually down the line, you would see the reign combined with the WWE Championship. Yeah, with the bit with the unification about it, WrestleMania 38, which we were at. And we saw Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns in the title unification. Exactly. So before that though, who were his opponents for the Universal Championship? Because this felt so long ago at this point now. He had the fiend, Braun Roman. Daniel Bryan, right. Daniel Bryan, Edge. Cena. Cena. You were there. Oh, no, yeah, you went to the summer. Yeah, I was. Yeah, I was there. I was at summer slam. I was the loudest guy. I think is the trumpet. Mm hmm. Yeah. That was that was seen as last. I would say last major. His last match for a championship. Am I correct about that? Well, he had the United States Championship match at WrestleMania. Right. Right. Yeah. But in terms of world championships, yes. Mm hmm. Gotcha. Yeah. So we saw him going through all these guys at WrestleMania 37, eight, 37. 37 was the triple threat with Daniel Bryan and Edge. Right. And then you go through a whole year later. And then you see the match versus Brock with the unification title match. And just to be clear though, I mean, even though it was against Brock Lesnar, I feel like the, like the feud that they had. You know, from 2020. Basically those 2020 2018 all the way to 2023. It was like a five year run of them feuding against each other. Honestly, their best match was their last match together. This summer's slam match. The, the, what, the last main standing. Yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah. Because in all the previous matches, their matches were just so boring and slow. But in this one, it was actually like, whoa, like we saw things we never thought we'd see, especially when Brock got a tractor and he flipped their ring. That was just crazy. That was the first pay per view that we saw of the triple H era. Yeah. So after Vince McMahon stepped away for the first time, he eventually came back. But after Vince McMahon stepped away, we saw the triple H era take over that night. And that was just carnage in itself. The tractor. The ring. I've never seen anything like that in my life. You know, but Roman Reigns won that match and still continued the rain. The rain of his, the rain of terror of Roman Reigns, you know, at that point, he was undisputed universal champion and really no, you know, end in sight. He goes through, I can't really remember who he faced after that. Was it, was it Logan Paul, I think? Yeah, I think in the one off match, because I think it was at a crown jewel. Oh, yeah. And then the Royal Rumble of 2023. What's that? Okay, it was with Seth. That was where Seth came out in the shield entrance. And that was the, that was even though it was by DQ, that was the only man to beat Roman one on one during his reign of terror. Exactly. I'll be there with DQ, but it's so Seth's point still stands. He's like, you can't beat me in the big matches. You can't beat me when it matters most. Right. Exactly. And so then, you know, you go on to WrestleMania that year versus Cody. And then really the biggest feud of the, the reign of Roman Reigns, the title reign, his biggest feud during that time was with Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes winning the Royal Rumble in 2023. You know, going on to Sophia Stadium in Los Angeles to face Roman Reigns. We were there as well. And I didn't expect for Roman Reigns to eventually win that match. When, I never got your opinion on this. But when Roman Reigns eventually won that match at WrestleMania, I felt like the whole place just got deflated. What did you think? Yeah, it really did. Cause you know, the crowd was on fire like the whole night. Cause we, we had some great matches throughout the, that weekend. And we were so, so hyped in that. As soon as we hear that three county Roman's music hit, everybody just kind of just got, you could hear like a huge, like, kind of like sigh, like, oh, yeah, I guess we got to deal with another, with another year or so of a Roman Reigns as champ. Yep. And that was really deflating. You know, I think the fans were ready for a celebration. I was ready for a celebration to crown Cody as a new champion. And it didn't happen. You know, so we still had another year of Roman, you know, being, being the guy and carrying, carrying the company, even though he was hardly on television, I think in that point of 2023, how many, he only had like what, like four title defenses? I think he only had like four title defenses, but he had like more matches, but that's because he had two tag matches with, with solo, one for the tag titles and then the bloodline silver war. Right. Exactly. So let's talk about, let's talk about the bloodline here. The early bloodline that going back to 2021. So let's talk about the iteration of that. So originally it was, was it JU so? It was, yeah, Roman J and Jimmy. Right. Because Jimmy was hurt, right? Yes. But it's so, that's what we all started, you know, J versus Roman, because Jay didn't want to, you know, follow up, fall in line and eventually he did fall in line. And his brother joined him soon after. Right. Exactly. And so now you, you take the two Uso brothers, you know, and then you tag him with Roman Reigns combination, which fans will clamor to see for years. I remember back in 2016, 17 people talking about how cool would it be to, to see Roman partner with the Uso's, you know, it was something that fans wanted to see. And so for having it now, in 2021, you see Roman partnering with the, with the Uso's, the calm selves, the bloodline. How cool is that? And then, you know, you added in the mix of Paul Heyman. So it's a faction, you know, essentially you have a big faction here now. And to much of people's surprise, somebody that you would never expect to join the bloodline. Who do we see, Ryan? Sammy Zane. Tell the people how, how that came about. So Sammy was like, you know, constantly interacting and like, in the locker room with Roman Paul Heyman and the Uso's, you know, trying to get on their good side because he knows what the bloodline could do. You know, they go out and direct everyone and leave. So, you know, Sammy was trying to get on their good side. And eventually he got in the good graces of Roman Reigns that he became a honorary. Hey, feeling very feeling to see today. I'm feeling Ucy. Are you feeling Ucy? I'm feeling very Ucy. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. So Sammy got in the good graces of Roman Reigns and you know, he stepped in when they needed help. Like I remembered there was a. A tack title match and one of the Uso's was hurt. So Sammy stepped in on their behalf and they retained the tack titles. And you know, he just got on the good graces of everyone in the bloodline to the point where they made him an honorary Ucy became honorary member of the bloodline. And then his his loyalty to the bloodline was really put to the test at a fire series war games. That was an incredible match. You know, it was something to see, you know, Sammy Zane. And I think people never would have expected, you know, to see work. And I think it was only supposed to be like a one off, but they can get every single week. You know, I think they talked about just having him go to the locker room a couple times, trying to talk to Roman Reigns, get his attention. And that would probably, and I think they did put a pause on that for a little bit, but then when Vince McMahon stepped away, they brought it back. If I'm not mistaken. Yeah. Yeah. So just seeing Sammy Zane just being a team player and just filling the role of being this goofy piece to the bloodline and, you know, the comedy stuff, but also just like being able to, you know, letting people, you know, take him seriously in the bloodline too. Like that was, that was an amazing work by Sammy Zane and that really catapulted him for the next level of his career. You know. Yeah, definitely. I think this is the, you know, the biggest that most over Sammy has been in his entire career, including your next team. Mm hmm. Because while he was just floundering there, without Kevin Owens, when he stopped the tag team stuff of Kevin Owens, he was just floundering. I mean, there was nothing really important Sammy Zane was doing on the roster. He was doing that conspiracy theory stuff. And then that kind of led into the jackass with the. He was doing that. Johnny Knox. Johnny Knoxville. You know, he wasn't, he was never really important on the show until the, until he joined the bloodline. And so him joining the bloodline was the best thing for the bloodline too, to keep, to keep blood, you know, no pun intended, but keep the blood flowing through the bloodline. So then we get to, uh, the word rumble 2023. Like you said, his loyalty was put to the test. So it was, uh, Roman was defending against, uh, Kevin Owens. And you know, they were beating up Kevin Owens. Roman was going to hit him with a chair, but he says, no, Sammy, you do it. But, and you know, given it the history between Sammy and K. Oh, like their best friends, they really grew up together. They trained together, all, all that stuff. And Sammy couldn't get himself to do it. He, in fact, he even stepped in front of him. He's like, all right, that's enough. Like, okay. He, he gets the message. That's enough. And so Roman hands him the chair. And he doesn't do it. And then Roman makes a mistake of turning his back. Sammy swings the chair across the back of the tribal chief. And the crowd goes crazy. To quote the great late great Pat Patterson. They go banana. It was incredible. You know, just the reaction from the crowd. Yeah. And even the Useless are like, what are you doing, man? You are a family. You're a blood. What are you doing? Yeah. Because he was a part of the family at that point. Yeah. And then that's when we really started to see like, you know, if Jay was loyal, because we saw Jay having like, you know, second, second thoughts. You know, because originally Jay did not like Sammy. Jimmy and Sammy got along, but Jay did not like Sammy because he didn't trust Sammy. Yeah. Mm hmm. But then after war games. Yeah. That's when you realize he could trust Sammy. And yeah, so that's that's when we really started, you know, the seed being planted for the Useless eventually. Breaking off from the rest of the bloodline. Exactly. That was a big stick point to the trust that same as in builds with with Jay. So, you know, because he also did not trust him at all. He was very friendly with Jimmy. But Jay was like, I don't I see right through you. You're here to cause damage in the bloodline. And I, you know, I'm not going to, I'm not going to allow it for it. But he got that trust at survival series. So when Sammy Zane, you know, put the chair to Roman Reigns after he was mauling, I think they were mauling Kevin Owens. They really took him to the next level. So then you get to the elimination chamber. In 2023 versus Roman for the title. And I know Roman, you know, they were never going to put the title on Sammy and Roman was always going to win. That would have been so great. It's just a moment for him if you would have. Would have won that title. Exactly. Yeah, incredible. That would have been incredible. But then you get to, you know, like we mentioned earlier, WrestleMania. You know, he beats Cody, you have another year. And then you get to, you know, the Royal Rumble this past year, you know, you get to the fatal four way, which is age of styles, early night, Randy Orton. You know, that was really just filler to get to. And that match wasn't really that great. He'd either like, and you would think it would be, but no, that that match just felt slow. And I think everybody knew the outcome that Oh, Roman's going to retain. Exactly. It was just filler, you know, and that led us to what we saw on the big plot this year, you know, with, with Cody. And then eventually the rock sneaking his way into that main event. So discuss everything that transpired in that. Yeah, so, so we saw something we haven't seen since Shawn Michaels back in the late 90s with Cody Rhodes winning back to back Royal Rumble. And, you know, after the match, you know, how the Royal Rumble winner gets to pick their opponent for WrestleMania, he pointed at Roman, because I'm coming for you, Roman. And then we get to the next, yeah, and then we get to the next, and I believe it was the next back to Smackdown. You know, Cody comes out. He's like, he's like, I want you for the Universal Championship, but not at WrestleMania. I know somebody that you've known quite well, who will face you for the title. If you smell outcomes, the rock and everybody gets all hyped because they're like, Oh, we finally get to see the rock versus Roman Reigns is like the probably the biggest rematch left in the with the current, you know, roster of stars. Everybody got all hyped at first, but then over time, we saw this, we won Cody moving off, so we started seeing we won Cody on Twitter, Instagram, everywhere. To the point where even ESPN was talking about it everywhere, every major. Yeah, it was all over. And you, and then you have, you know, the fans dancing, we want Cody, and all of a sudden, WWE has to shift back and they have to go back to Cody versus Roman because that's what the fans want. Yeah. A lot of people would say, Oh, it was a work. It was scripted. That's what I thought initially too. But after doing more research, no, it really did sound like the airplane was Roman versus the rock. Yeah, you know, do you watch the documentary that came out? I've seen like bits and pieces. I saw the part where the rock talks about he's like, you know, the fans weren't happy. So he's like, I had to, you know, we had to make an audible and we had to switch back. Yeah, and who knows what exactly is the truth, you know, the rock kind of came off in that documentary, like, you don't see like the LeBron means of him lying. Yeah, the cap. It was basically like the rock, you know, the rock lying and his own version of the cap. Like, it just sounded so, like, not fake. Yeah, just so just ingenuous, you know, of what he was talking about. But, but do you think, well, after all of this, regardless of how it ended up, we saw the rock turn heel for the first time since Hollywood rock. Exactly. The final block saw the incarnation of the final boss, which you could argue is probably the greatest work of his career. Exactly. The rock coming in and almost hijacking the main event was very shitty. Not gonna lie. And it would have been very shitty if that actually went through with Cody. Cody deserved it. You know, in storyline, he won the Royal Rumble, but just everything he had went through to come back and he was super over as the fans with the fans. And for the rock to almost take that, that would have been really shitty in his part, but I think how that didn't happen, you know, the rock came back, they changed course and we saw the best iteration of the rock that we haven't seen in years. The final boss. And to think his heel turn happened at a press conference. Exactly. The Las Vegas press conference where they showed the whole entire family tree, Cody comes out, says, you know, your father would be ashamed of you. Your family would be ashamed of you in the rock. Will Smith style bitch slaps. Cody Rhodes. Yeah. And then we see legit. We see like legit. It looks like they're ready to go in here. And then here you have Seth freaking wrong to have probably one of the greatest travel reasons of the of the 2020s with Cody Rhodes in their trilogy. Who completely despising did not get along Cody Rhodes. All of a sudden put his differences aside. It's like, you know what, fine. I'll team up with you and we're going to take out the rock and Roman Reigns. And so we saw night one WrestleMania of the rock and Roman Reigns versus Cody and Seth. And I thought it was a decent match. What did you think? I, you know, I did think it was like a decent, I didn't like the whole thing of like the rock like if you count your fire, I didn't like that. Because it kind of shows like, okay, rock, now you're just abusing your power. And it's like, if you really wanted it to be like that, why did you just put a stipulation? You could have been like, oh, it's a no, no DQ or no old Sparta or it's a street fight. You know, but I mean, for what it was, you know, it was great. It told us great story. The rock looked really good. Despite his age and not resting a full match since 2013. Roman actually looked good. Seth and Cody, you know, they've been great with Seth and Cody, man, they really stepped it up. Exactly. And they all deservedly so because, you know, Seth has never really, has never had a main event match or WrestleMania, even though the height of the century happened, he wasn't officially part of that match. So the fact that Seth finally gets his WrestleMania main event, well deserved. And he really, he really showed he's like, this is why I deserve, you know, to be a main event here. Right, exactly. So the rock ends up putting Cody Rhodes in the people's elbow, one, two, three, they get the win, but that's not it for that WrestleMania. You get to night two WrestleMania. It probably the greatest main event that we've ever seen in WrestleMania history. And as a result from night one, we, that's how it became Bloodline Rules. Mm hmm. Exactly. So then you see a very good match between a return match between Cody and Roman from the previous WrestleMania, headlining night two. And what do we see, Ryan? The, we see our, we see probably the greatest five minutes in the history of professional wrestling. We see my personal favorite, my go, the grace of all time. To, you know, get, to get, to get, to get some revenge on solo. And not to mention before that, J came out. And there, their little battle ring side was better than their actual WrestleMania match. It was. You know, we saw Jay Speer, Jimmy off the, off the stage, which got the crowd really hyped up. Exactly. And then we saw a rock come out, you know, lay this, lay it, this, Matt down the old, old rival, John Cena. And then, and then we saw shield Seth Rollins. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I thought it was Dean Ambrose at first when I thought. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. But then, after all that, we had probably the greatest shocker, the greatest surprise that none of us were expecting that we're all, we're expecting stone cold, right? And I really wish it was cold and it would have been perfect for a stone cold to be there. Then, then all of a sudden we hear the and the crowd goes crazy. I think that's the loudest pop the Undertaker's ever had. Maybe. He says some pretty good ones, but that was a really loud pop for him. You know, and you know, given the history he has not only with the rock, but with Roman and even Paul Heyman, you know, when he had his feet with Brock, when Paul Heyman was his advocate. Like, yeah, I know everybody wished it was stone cold, but it made sense with it being the Undertaker, given his history with Roman in the rock. Exactly. And so after all that, all that banana, you see Cody Rhodes hit Roman with not one, not three, Cody was a Cody. No crossroads crossroads. That's what I'm thinking of. And then three. Exactly. Finally finishes his story. We hear the crowd going crazy. We hear even Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Pat McAfee going crying. Exactly Samantha urban. You know, and then we see everybody coming out. We see Randy or income out. You see Kevin Owens come out. We see L. Not there. I'll come out being as air. Everybody is in there. See him punk is in there. Yep. And so we'll have a few minutes left. So let's get this in. So not going past the WrestleMania, Roman's off television. Now he's feeding with solo so solo solo is, you know, he's almost dx style when Shawn Michaels went away in 98. He brought, you know, Triple X brought in Xbox news got lots of form the new DX. Now, you know, solo is bringing in. He brought in Tom, Tonga, Tonga Loa, the former, what was his name, the. Camacho Camacho, former Camacho and Jacob fought to. Who is probably the greatest addition of the bloodline ever. Jacob. He's a beast. He's a beast. He's an absolute animal out there. But now you see this new iteration of the bloodline and going forward Roman came back at SummerSlam. He's going to be feeding with, you know, so solo in the new bloodline, you know, and I think that's a virus series. You're going to see bloodline civil line, civil war. Yeah. And, you know, Roman's going to need some help. Exactly. So I think we're definitely going to get the OG bloodline back. So Sami Zayn and Roman versus the new bloodline. You know, and it's going to be something to watch, you know, will the rock come back at survivor series to help give the new bloodline the win? I think that's definitely a possibility. Are we going to is the rock going to reveal that he was behind this the entire time and that he appointed solo circle of the tribal chief. Yeah, I think it's definitely possible. I think it's definitely possible. And hopefully. But hopefully this all leads to the, the dream match, which I feel now is appropriate at WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas. The Roman ring versus the rock. Exactly. Exactly. That's hopefully a match that we'll see. We'll end it right there, Ryan. We have less than two minutes left. But I want to thank everybody for listening to this podcast. If you're listening to this, that means that you're a viewer of our show. On behalf of me, Ryan, I really just want to thank you because growing an audience is really hard. And I really want to do a lot of things with this podcast, not just wrestling, but basketball and football and baseball. So if you're listening, I really just want to say thank you. Mind you have anything to say real quick? Yeah, you know, I just want to say, Mike, first of all, thank you for letting me, you know, join you on this because I know you've been doing, you know, the lesson I'm up podcast for a few years. So I'm just honored that you wanted me to be a part of the wrestling portion. Again, to all the listeners, all the viewers, thank you for tuning in and, you know, tell your friends, spread the word because me and Mike, we're, we want, we want this to go big. You know, I want this to grow and when this wouldn't be possible without any of you guys. Exactly. Yeah. Well said, Ryan. Well, guys, until next time. My name is Mike Andrade. This is, and I'm Ryan Hernandez. We'll catch you next Sunday with wrestling with Ryan Hernandez. Take care, guys. Later. [BLANK_AUDIO]