Kap & J. Hood

8/20 8 AM: Shot or No Shot

Hour 2: The guys played "Shot or No Shot", then took a trip "Around The NFL" and 5 NFC teams better than the Chicago Bears according to ESPN's Chris Canty.

Broadcast on:
20 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] Good morning and welcome in to the Captain J. Good morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with David Kaplan Jonathan Hood with you. Now time for shot and no shot. Here's Shane Norley, Shane. Good morning boys on a Tuesday, a hard knocks Tuesday, episode three tonight after a, I think most people agreed disappointing episode two. How are we feeling? I'm excited, man. I just wish I could had coffee in front of me. I told Jay Moore, so my wife's listening to the show. She brought me a hot coffee with cream and a cold brew. I kicked the cold brew over. Damn. Okay. By mistake. Okay. Here. Footy said to me, check out Ryan Clark, the ridiculous outfit he's wearing. Who wears a hoodie with a double breasted sport coat? Okay. And I like that guy's style. All right. Let's, let's be clear. If you're going to bring it up this way, let's be accurate. Okay. We're about accuracy here. The accuracy is, as I said, cap, turn on the get up, find out. And I said, what do you think of Ryan Clark's outfit? It's what I said horrible. Okay. I didn't give a comment on it. I just want to know as a fashionista that you are, what you thought of it. And you are not hoodie with a jacket over it guy. You don't like that. Look, no, like a track jacket or a warm object. That's fine. A double-breasted sport coat with a white hoodie. The double-breasted sport coat is like a little darker than cubs blue. Yeah. No, it doesn't, and then it doesn't fit him. It's too tight when he stands up. Like, come on. And he said, you know, he's a great style. And as I'm turning it on, I go, oh God, coffee everywhere. Everywhere for woman is going to continue to clean after you clean up after you. So I've gone through like half a roll of paper towel. I'm lean and try to get under the couch. Oh God. Oh God. There's another ice cube. Oh, it's her fault though, because you asked for her for tea. All right. We go now to you. Did you not? She's going to come down there and punch you. You said the tea tea. Take that. It should bring to you a cold brew. That would you ask for it. Shout out. No shot here. Shane Orley. All right. Well, after a week of people maligning hard knocks for being broadcast on PBS, not having the classic HBO edge to it, really the classic hard knocks edge. A lot of people suggesting that the bears may have been involved in cleaning this up and putting a more pure pristine image out. Virtually everybody I know complained about just that aspect of it. Shot or no shot. The complaints will be heard. There will be swears in tonight's hard knocks. That's a no shot. That's a no shot. Yeah. I'm with you. If George has has been rumored, not reported rumored, doesn't want cursing in the show to show him more wholesome bears camp, why would he change? Because we've complained. We've complained about his ownership since he took over the chairmanship many, many years ago, and things didn't get better for a long, long time. So now he's going to listen? No, no shot. No, absolutely not. It's going to be the same. By the way, George can speak us by his absence. By the way, what I find interesting, have we seen him at all in the series? We have not. We have not. There's got to be at some moment. They're going to maybe they don't talk to him, but he's got to be on a scooter or whatever. I don't think he wants anything to do with this. And he just said recently, he was interviewed. He goes, you know, we did not want to do this. He was again kicking and screaming. Didn't want to do this. You know what he said? What did you just say? We did not want to do this? The bear. That's not entirely accurate because people I've talked to up there are really, really excited for the league to see what exactly is cooking in Chicago. George may not have wanted to do it, but it's not a we thing. Cap, George is the bears. The McCasky family are the bears and other McCaskys that said they want to be part of this. That I don't know. Okay. When I say we, I mean, McCasky, I think that I mean more times than that when we talk about the bears hierarchy management, it starts with him. And I would just tell him if he walked in and sat with us in the studio and I hope at some point when we're up there broadcasting again that we can have a bite at the apple of just sitting and chatting with him. Yeah. Because she's a very nice man. He's a die heart Chicago sports man. I would tell him, George, you're wrong. This is a good thing for the Chicago bears and their brand. Good thing. That's fair. And so you know what happens, Shay? You know, when you had the library of hard knocks, Baltimore, Dallas, Miami, Houston, Jets, Rams, all of a sudden, there'll be a gap there in the 2024 season. Hey, anyone seen the Bears hard knocks? Anyone seen it? Off the shelves like it didn't happen. All of a sudden, there'll be a gap in the series. Delete it. If you're going to buy the box set back in the day, the bears would be absolutely. Anyone seen the bears? No? Oh, okay. Well, if they keep giving us more of what we've gotten in the first two episodes, I'm going to pretend like it didn't happen. The first episode was awesome. It's fine. It's just that it's not going to be the hard knocks that we saw in the past. After the first one, I figured, oh, this is rated G. Okay, it's going to be family oriented. It's going to be about Kayla Williams, bad Hebrew flus and that'll be all. You're not going to get the the raunchy raw hard knocks of the past because that's not what the bears want to portray. That's fine. Shay. All right. Bears players have started to speak very highly of the culture that Matt Iberfluis has built at Hallis Hall. Kyla Gordon raved about the accountability, the standard that players have for each other said everybody's holding them to the same standard 24/7. They're on top of it. They're on each other about it. Tremaine Edmunds said sort of the same thing. Said everybody's able to be authentic. They're able to be themselves. Nobody's presenting an image that isn't what they would be behind closed doors. Iberfluis responsible for creating that atmosphere. Shot or no shot in year three. Iberfluis is finally proving he can build a culture. Again, he's got to win football games, but that's a shot because we've been talking about this. Everyone in the media, can we get Jim Harbaugh? Can we get Mike Vrebel? Can we upgrade? We upgraded here? Why didn't we upgrade head coach? And I kept asking players with no microphone, no camera, unfiltered, multiple guys. And every single guy said, you on the media have no clue how good this guy is. He holds us accountable. We're hearing that from Kyla Gordon. He is absolutely authentic and we love playing for this dude. And that's why we play so hard for him. Yes, he's got to win football game. So and he would tell you that. Hey man, I can't lose 14 games in a row again. Expect to keep my job because guys like playing for me. But yes, I hear when he is in front of the team, this is from a current player. What's he like in front of the team? Dude, he's awesome. Awesome. He challenges us and we play for that man. Well, I think that. Well, it's no secret that we did not want to be on the program. Having been selected, we want to be professional about it. We want to do it the right way. We want to be cooperative. If the fans enjoy it, great. I thought Kevin said it very well. It's one lap around the track and we got four more to go. Okay. No one asked you, George, we've moved on. Why is he sticking his beak at it? It's a next question. What is he doing, Cap? We're talking about something else now. I don't know. He says we didn't want to do it. All right, George, we got you on record. Fine. He said that on a ESPN 1000. We didn't want to do it. That's what he said. All right. We will do it now. Cap, I will go with you in this regard. That is a shot about setting a culture. But the culture ultimately is about winning. The culture is setting a culture of a standard of winning. The culture, as far as getting along in the locker room, where everything's harmonious, that's one thing, but that's just one element of it. Kumbaya does that equal Super Bowl. Kumbaya means that you have peace within the locker room. Great. There's no drama in there, as far as we know. But the culture has to be set from a winning standpoint first. Along the way, I should say. No question. Along the way. And I would not describe what these guys have told me, current players, it's not Kumbaya. They said, this dude will challenge you, man. He will call you out, but he does it in such a way where he's not like Brian Flores demeaning. And we'll play the audio. I'm sure and around the NFL of Tua, exactly what he said about Brian Flores. But all these guys have said, he treats us like a man. He challenges us. And guess what? We play for that guy. That's a big thing. Here's Shay Norley, Shay. All right, Tom Brady had a long conversation with Stephen A Smith ahead of starting his broadcasting career. They talked a little bit about rookie quarterbacks in the process that goes into it. Brady talked about what he considers a tragedy with Kermit rookie quarterbacks in the NFL. There used to be college programs. Now they're college teams. You're no longer learning a program, you're learning a playbook. And the program is ultimately like at Michigan, for me, that was a pro style program. Five years I got to learn how to drop back past, to read defenses, to read coverages, to be coached. I had to learn from being seventh quarterback on the depth chart to moving up to third to ultimately being a starter. I had to learn all those things in college. That was development. Then I went to New England and I was developed by Coach Belichick and the offensive staff there. I didn't start my first year. I think it's just a tragedy that we're forcing these rookies to play early. But the reality is the only reason why they are is because we dumb the game down, which has allowed them to play. It used to be thought of at a higher level. We used to spend hours and hours in the off season and training camp trying to be a little bit better than next year. But I think what happens is discourages the coaches from going to deep levels because they realize the players don't have the opportunity to go to a deep level. So they're just going to teach them where they're at. Shot or no shot. Tom Brady is right. Well, who am I a guy talking on the radio who did not play quarterback and win seven Super Bowls to tell him he's wrong and example after example of Tom Brady sat and Aaron Roger sat and Patrick Mahomes sat. And there are other examples of really, really accomplished quarterbacks who took an entire redshirt year in the national football league or more and learned how to play Brett Favre. He sat then got traded away. So yeah, there's no shot that Brady's wrong. He's right shot. Oh, okay. It's it's a long conversation, Che, it is. So but I'll just use this point. So he gave a example cap of what football was when he played in college in Michigan and what it is today. He mentioned the word team versus program. In 2024, because of the portal, you're just glomming on and trying to connect to a team, get your numbers and get out. That's kind of where it is. You're not there. If you're a special player, you know, you are going to be with the team for a year or two before moving on. The program that he was in was I'm part of Michigan or whatever college team I'm gonna I'm gonna be there for four years. I'm or minimum three years and I'm gonna work through a system through the depth chart to be able to be the number one quarterback. It is different today in which you could be the quarterback one on a college team just because you transferred in from someplace else. You're not earning the spot. You're giving the spot. You're getting paid. Well, yes, but I understand the spot though that I'm talking about the positioning on the on the football team. Yes, you're getting paid. Yes. Yes. But but my my overarching point is is that you are not necessarily always earning the spot as much as it is. You're a mercenary from another team. We need you because you play the high level. So you're part of the team. It was a program when he played. It is a team now and the same thing now going to the NFL. There was a time cap before Shay was born for our younger listeners where the backups in the NFL were as good as the starters because of how strong the depth chart was in the NFL. You recall this, don't you? Yes. Like the starting quarterback in the backup would be like some veteran that was not embarrassing out there that could be also be able to carry the team. It is different today where a guy goes hopscotches through college, gets to the pros and it's like, well, we got to start you right now because our backup sucks or backup can't get us to where we need to be or we need to develop you quickly. It has changed from the time that Tom Brady was in the league. No question about that. And as he said, even the offenses are far different today, much more get it out. Let's go snap balls gone as opposed to how Brady learned to play. Shay, but does that mean that they're dumber? Like, look, I respect Tom Brady's my favorite player. He said they dumbed down the game because they have to literally that's what he says. Simplify the offense as compared to what it used to be. I understand the cap. He said, dumb down. So when I say dumber, I'm using his word and like I was going to mention he's my favorite player of all time. I respect Tom Brady. I think he sounds like a boomer. I think he sounds like the old man who's pissed that the game has moved on beyond them. I think it's ridiculous to say that we're forcing rookie quarterbacks to start. Did Peyton Manning sit? No. Did Andrew Luck sit? No. Dude, you were the sixth pick. You were one nine or six round pick 199 in the draft. You overcame all of that. I think he's a guy who had a mountain of adversity in his career, reached the mountain top and is a little bit angry that nobody else has to go through it. That's what he sounds like to me. I completely disagree. First of all, correct me if I'm wrong. He said, dumb down the playbook. He did not know he said dumb down the game. He said they have to dumb down the game because they have to meet the players where they are. He said the players aren't taking the deep dive. So coaches can't deep dive either. They have to meet players where they are because it's all about development. Nick Saban talked about that on the first episode of Hard Knocks. It's about development. And if you listen to Patrick in the homes, hardly a boomer, he said best thing that ever happened to me was that I sat. What do you think CJ Stroud would say? Every situation's different. I think Brady's painting with a broad brush. He's calling the game stupid. He's done that before. He said in past interviews, quarterbacks don't play the way I played. They aren't looking at a defense. They aren't changing plays at the line of scrimmage. They aren't calling audibles. They're just taking the play and running it. I think that's true for a lot of making his point. They can't audible. They can't read a defense. I'm not I'm not making that point. That's the point Brady made. If you would listen to what I'm saying down the game, Jay, I'm saying he's wrong. You're not listening to me. I'm using Brady's words and saying I disagree with him. You're not listening to what I'm saying. No, I am. And you never took a snap in your life and he wants seven super boys. I've never directed a movie either but I can tell you when they suck. That is such a horrible analogy. You need to just go back to bed then. Just get up, leave and go home and go to bed because that's the dumbest thing you've ever said. Tom freaking Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time and all you have to do is turn on a game and Lord knows yet the biggest thing in your life is watch football and go it is not as complex as it was when that guy came up. It's get the snap, boom ball up. Caleb Williams didn't know how to take a snap under center. What was it when Tom Brady came up? Watch Tom Brady's old games. Watch Tom Brady's late games. He's throwing screens. People call them check down Tom. What are we doing? Like the yeah, Tom was up at the line of scrimmage but so was Peyton F and Manning. Correct me if I'm wrong. He didn't sit his rookie year. Okay, you're talking about. I literally started this off. Cap, I started this off by saying he's my favorite player of all time. I respect him immensely as a player. It doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he's ever said. Yeah, well, you sound stupid on this. You're so dead wrong. What are we talking about? He can be wrong. He's not God. Damn. On this one, you sound ridiculous. Damn. I think Brady sounds like a boomer. It's all I'm saying. He's not. He's saying you did not get college training like he did for five years and then sit and get trained more. It's got to go. Let's go. Got to play. Yeah, works right. He's right. He is right by a mile. Really because CJ Stroud proved he's not. It's case by case, man. Brady's just pain with a broad brush. I would also say the reason why that they have to just force feed the rookie in their quickly cap is because the lack of development of quarterbacks on the NFL level as well. Correct. As I just laid out earlier, the backup quarterback is not as good as it was back in the day, whereas a backup would go right in there, boom, and be able to pick up the offense quickly. This is why the if a rookie quarterback struggles is because obviously the team's not very good and definitely the backup is not very good. That's why this is why some quarterback struggle and also and also this. I told this story before about who's the quarterback from Hawaii cap? Colt Brennan. Colt Brennan, right? Night legend. Yeah. So Colt Brennan from Hawaii threw for a million yards, a million touchdowns, right? He goes to the NFL. Well, we need you to check it down. Well, I threw it for 10,000. It doesn't matter. You're going to run our offense. This is how the NFL changed as well. It's like, we will hear ears. We want what we want, what you did in college. We want what you did in college to be in the pros now. And that's the difference. Well, just look at the last two bare starters. Did Mitch Trubisky get chance to develop? Absolutely not. He did not. He played 13 games in the in college. Didn't Justin Fields by Matt Negi's own admission? He is not ready to start. But we got to push him in there because he's the first round pick and everybody's got him out and he looks horrible. And we go, wow, Mitch never got developed. Oh, five games into his rookie year. Get out there and Monday night football. Yeah, dumb, stupid decision making again. And then Justin not ready. Dumb, stupid decision making. Yeah, maybe Caleb Williams is a rare quality CJ Stroud rare. But the for the majority overwhelming Brady is a thousand percent right. All right, we will go around the NFL. And that's coming up. And if you're on hold, you will be on the years. We're talking to you about the Chicago Bears on Captain Jhood. Captain Jhood are back. We are back, baby. We are back. We're back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. Captain Jhood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago Apple with you till 10 o'clock and then my Greenberg at 10. Carmen Yerko 12 to 3. It is waddling Sylvia 230 into black Nutella at 630. And then White Sox baseballs that take on the Giants and San Francisco starting at eight right here on the home of the White Sox, ESPN 1000. Now time to go around the NFL. Nick Bow sucks. He sucks. I'm just a fan. I'm not a football evaluator. I love the Green Bay Packers. The guy is from, but there he goes. This is not Detroit man. This is the Super Bowl. I love winning. He starts to come. This is a really thickly built guy. I mean, what's absolutely looking for all these things. Around the NFL with Shane Worling Shay. All right. Well, we'll go from boomer to zoomer to a tag of Ayloa. That's the way to talk to about cap to a well to a tag of Ayloa was making headlines yesterday after talking about his experience with Brian Flores. A lot of people fall on either side of this conversation. Just listen to it too ahead to say. To put it in simplest terms, if you woke up every morning and I told you, you suck at what you did, that you don't belong doing what you do, that you shouldn't be here, that this guy should be here, that you haven't earned this right. And then you have somebody else come in and tell you, dude, you are the best fit for this. Like, you are accurate, you are the best whatever, you are this, you are that. Like, how would it make you feel listened into one or the other? You see what I'm saying? And then you hear it, you hear it, regardless of what it is, the good or the bad. And you hear it more and more. You start to actually believe that. I don't care who you are. You can be the president of the United States. You have a terrible person that's telling you things that you don't want to hear or that you probably shouldn't be hearing. You're going to start to believe that about yourself. And so that's sort of like what ended up happening. And it was, I mean, it's basically been what two years of training that out of, not just me, but you know, a couple of the guys as well that have been here since my rookie year all the way on that. Boys is rare shot or no shot in around the NFL. Shot or no shot. Two was soft. I'm going to say no shot. The injuries that he has overcome, the hip injury and the this injury, and he gets back out there and earns a 212 million dollar extension. No shot, he's soft. Now, are some people better equipped to handle playing for Bobby Knight or Bill Belichick or Brian Flores? Absolutely. No doubt about it. But soft, absolutely not. No shot. So it's a no shot. What he's doing, Shay, is talking about his experience, his experience with Brian Flores. Hey, man, whatever I did, it wasn't good enough for Brian Flores. Okay, but it didn't break him. I'll use me as an example. I had a program director that said, I just want you to talk about sports. The audience doesn't want to know anything about you. Just talk about the sports. Don't talk about your experiences. Don't talk about what's outside the building. Just talk about sports, sports, sports. No one needs to know where you're from. Just talk about sports. This month marks 19 years of me being at ESPN. I survived, if I use that word, I was able to stay longer than the guy that was working here. And so my point is, is that I'm telling you about my experience, but it didn't break me. I'm still here. So for for Toa's standpoint, Levittard asked a really good question. And Toa just answered it properly. He goes, the difference between McDaniel's and Flores is, is that with Brian Flores, it was never good enough. And with McDaniel, he says, Hey, I'm gonna situate the positives, hide the negatives of your game. These are the things that you do well. You need to work on this so we can get more and more and more of it. Toa is more comfortable now than he ever was before, because he secured the bag, because he knows he ain't going anywhere. So it's just him speaking his truth. And I think that's fine. You don't get it's so rare in the NFL cap that someone is that open and comfortable enough to talk about it. And he's, he's winning at this point in time. Yeah, that was my biggest takeaway as I watched it. I went, wow, we don't get that type of honesty from a player very often, especially with a coach who's actively in the league and he's actively playing in the league. You know, maybe Michael Jordan at his Hall of Fame speech is still firing on his high school coach who didn't put him on the varsity, or you get a guy in an interview after he's done. Yeah, it was really rough playing for so and so I vibe better with this that type of honesty. What have I told you, you came to work every day, hoodie, and they told you, you suck, you're terrible at what you do. And then another guy came in, we'll call him, Danny Sutter. You're the greatest and you're a perfect fit for what we want here at Good Karma Brain. Yeah, well, what else? There you go. Yeah, I asked the question tongue and cheek because I saw the reaction on social media. Yeah. Oh, to a, he's such a bleep. He's so, he's so soft. He personifies Gen Z. They can't take any criticism. You know what the story was to me? It was the same deal as Matt Patricia. It was the same deal as Joe Judge, Brian Flores in Miami walked in, thinking his bleep didn't stink because he coached with Belichick and he could show you a couple rings, run you through a brutal camp, give you a hard time as a player. But guess what? You're not Bill Belichick. You can't rule Super Bowl rings across the dining room table and tell everybody we've got all these banners. So when you do it, like Matt Patricia and Detroit, having guys practice outside for no reason in the snow, running them through a camp where they had more padded practices than ever, verbally, like basically verbally attacking players in meetings. If you're not Belichick, you can't do it. But all the Patriots assistants do. Yeah. And I think it's a problem for the guys who don't have Belichick's resume and try to get it off with new players. I just cap everyone, coaches differently. That's why I asked Albert Breer. We talked to him our last hour, you know, what does this do for Flores? Because it's a player's league, man. It's not like they can't be coached, but just the way that to talk about an experience with Flores, it makes me wonder, what do teams think about Flores being a head coach for their team in the future? Does that affect it based on what Toa said? I don't know. Well, I think Albert made a great point when he said this is a huge press conference. This is a crisis moment in Brian Flores' career. Because if he goes to the podium and says, I'm not answering any of those questions, what are you hiding? If he goes to the podium and goes, look, I'm not going to get into war words, but he was too soft and he didn't want to be coached. And now he looks like he's not changed. But if he goes to the podium and says, look, I made my sheer mistakes. I'm at a better place today. I'm a better coach today. I learned and I wish Toa nothing but the best. And I wish I had been able to reach him in a better way. If I'm an owner, I'm like, boy, I love his aggressive defense. I love his blitz packages and his exotic schemes. And it sounds like he's matured. So, this is a massive, massive press conference for him today. All right, how many teams are better than the bears in the NFC? If you're on hold, you will be on the air. 312332 ESPN, 3323776, our phone number. We have a Super Bowl champion is going to answer that question for us coming up next on cap and Jhood. Here's to Dave's headline, headline with cap and J. Yes. It's here. White Sox fell five three head runners at second and third in the ninth. The Corey Lee flat out the center ball game over Sox lose Jonathan Cannon gave them four shutout innings. The wheels came off in the fifth white Sox could could this week hit 100 losses. They're currently at 96 Cubs had yesterday off tonight. Javier bias returns for the first time to Riggly field since the Cubs traded them away to the Mets back in 2021. And then the Bears and the Chiefs Thursday night right here on ESPN 1000 Chiefs, they're starters will not play no word yet from coach Matt Eberfloos on Kayla Williams and his ones. Jay Moore. Welcome back. Welcome back to Capp and Jay Hood on Chicago's on for sports ESPN Chicago. You're listening to Capp and Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. We actually go to our YouTube channel. Yes, the Capp and Jay Hood show has a YouTube channel. Hit that subscribe button. Look it up and that way if you miss our show live from seven to 10, you could always get the interviews and special features right there on our YouTube channel. Capp and Jay Hood. Hope that you're going to have a great Tuesday. Capp and I have been talking to you about the Bears 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 star phone number. We'll hear from a Super Bowl champion, our teammate from on sportsman like that airs between five and seven here on ESPN 1000. And that is Chris Canty part of Evan Cohen, Canty and Michelle. So we'll hear from Canty coming up at 935. Capp. Can't wait. I'm really excited to see what Chris or hear what Chris has to say because he's been pretty very much bullish on our Chicago Bears. So we'll see. So the thoughts from Chris Canty before he gets here about the Bears, he was they had a conversation on sportsman like a couple of days ago about how many teams are better than the Bears in the NFC. Listen, we're talking playoffs here. Like I think they can be that good, right? And I think that's that's starting to feel like the bar to clear. Why can't the Chicago Bears team find themselves in the postseason? If you look at the landscape of the NFC, how many teams are definitively better than the Chicago Bears? By my count, I've got five teams that are definitively better than the Bears. Defining like you're talking about the San Francisco 49ers, the Green Bay Packers, the Detroit Lions, the Dallas Cowboys and the Eagles. That's the list. Why can't they be in the mix? So San Francisco, Green Bay, Detroit, Dallas, Philly, San Francisco, Green Bay, Detroit, Dallas, Philly. Okay. Detroit, absolutely. At this point in time, doesn't mean they're going to be there because I'm picking the Bears to win the division. If they get good health, Detroit has a better offensive line. Their quarterback has accomplished more. Our guy hasn't accomplished anything yet, not thrown one NFL pass in a real game. Green Bay. Okay, I'll give you Jordan. Love has put up numbers and has four years in the league and the whole deal. I believe our roster is as good as Green Bay's roster. Absolutely. And I think our receiver room is light years better than theirs. Now again, the quarterback has to take advantage of that. I think our running back room is just as good as Green Bay's running back room. Their offensive line is more proven than ours. We'll see where that goes. I'll put our defense up against any of Green Bay's defense. San Francisco, no doubt about it. They have earned being ahead of us. Philly has absolutely earned being ahead of us. So we got Green Bay, Detroit, San Francisco, Philly and Dallas. And you know my feeling at Dallas, they got a quarterback who's put up eye popping numbers, eye popping. They can't get anything going, no traction in the playoffs, my comparisons is better than any defensive player we have. But in mass, I think we have a better defense. So it's interesting, but he's absolutely right. Those five teams have earned the right to be ahead of the Bears at this point in time until we prove it. So Shay, let's get to the next tier then, right? If that's Cantis tier of San Francisco, Green Bay, Detroit, Dallas and Philly, then the Bears are the Bears in this tier. Are they in the Tampa, Atlanta tier Tampa, Atlanta, Rams, Seattle tier, like in the next five? Yeah, and I think they're better than all those teams. Yeah. So here's, here's my connection. Here's my question mark about are the Bears as good as Atlanta? Because we talk about what the Bears have done the off season Atlanta with Kirk Cousins, whatever you think of Kirk Cousins, that team's a playoff team in the NFC South with it with a healthy cousins. He's got the weapons. You know that he's has the ability to make his weapons even better than what they are because of his pitch and catch and the ability to make others better in that offense. So that's my question. The Bears as good as Atlanta. I think as good if nothing else at the minimum. That fair cap. That is fair. That is fair. Now, you know, there's there's other teams in other cities that look at us and go, I don't know, rookie quarterback. They got an older Keenan Allen. They don't have another pass rusher. They've had some injuries, Brisker and whoever Gordon have been banged up at camp and they have as much optimism as we do. I don't think the Washington commanders are one of those teams. I don't think the Carolina Panthers are one of those teams, but Atlanta absolutely has every right to be excited. Veteran quarterback, albeit coming off injury. It's going to be a really fascinating thing to see how this season starts. You start doing the math at some point, Shay. You start so you can start crossing off teams. There are non playoff teams and then you figure out how the Bears fit in there. Like caps already mentioned, like the Arizona Cardinals, you say the Carolina Panthers, Washington, and then you start to figure out are the giants, a playoff team or not? I would say they are not. And then you wonder what is Tampa? Is Tampa playoff team or not? Do they take a step back from last year? And so the way I look at it cap is you do the arithmetic and say the Bears belong and nothing else. One of the top seven or eight teams based on roster composition. If you don't believe in the quarterback, fine, but I believe in the defense, especially the back end of the defense, it could be as strong as anybody in the NFL in the secondary and the and the wide receiver weapons that the Bears have. It's strong to anybody. Look, our secondary, if healthy, if healthy, and they've had their, you know, been banged up during this preseason here, Tyler Gordon, miss time. And they said brisker miss time onto sweat miss time. So we've had some guys banged up. But when that secondary and mass Tyrek Stevenson, Terrell Smith, brisker, buyer, Gordon, that is as good a secondary as there is in the NFC. I'll argue with anybody on that. So, so we'll talk more to Chris Candy about that at 935. But I think that he makes the point that he says that the Bears are not as good on the same level as San Francisco, Green Bay, Detroit, Dallas, and Philly. Green Bay still to be determined, not just because of the preseason story lines gap because we've been there before. Green Bay's been just okay in the preseason under Rogers, okay. And then all of a sudden in big spots in the regular season, they come through. If Green Bay goes the postseason, we know what that is. I mean, they will find a way to fall flat and not be in the mix for the Super Bowl. That's just not who they are. There's a lot being written in stone about the Packers being the team that they were for eight games last season that I think like, look, I think it's more likely they're the good version of themselves than they are the team that was terrible to start the year. But you're asking a lot to just repeat the performance where Jordan Love was the best quarterback in football for 10 weeks and go. That's who he is. Set it in stone, move forward. Like, I do think there's a world where the Bears are better than the Packers. I do. I maybe I'm crazy with you. The Packers replacing their left tackle questions on that offensive line. If you take what Matt Liffler is saying with any level of seriousness at training camp, he's concerned about the offense so far. Things haven't looked great. You know, they're breaking in a new defensive coordinator. There's a lot of questions up there that I think nobody's talking about because they had such a hot second half. You're just asking for that to continue. And that's asking a lot from a young team. We got to get our guy, Damavski on because he's at every practice. He travels with the team. He's been there. I think it's his 28th or 29th season. He knows where the bodies are buried. That guy's locked in. We got to talk to Damavski ESPN Green Bay and talk to him about what is he truly watching? Because if you remember, hoodie, we got him on right at this time last year. And he said, Jordan hasn't looked great yet. I think he has a chance to take a step, but he has not yet looked great. And he started the season slow and then finally turned it on. So I'd be very interested to hear after Matt Liffler was so critical of his team what Rob's perspective is. By the way, for those looking for Albert Breer here in this slot, he was on earlier in our 730 hours. So if you're listening on the podcast, check out the first hour 730, the back half hour of hour number one, Albert gave us a great breakdown of the Bears and Caleb Williamsman his column on SI dot com. Captain Jay Hood weekday morning seven to 10. You're listening to Captain Jay Hood. Follow the show on Instagram at the Catman and at IGJ Hood. This is ESPN Chicago. Chicago's home for sports. Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. We're talking to you about the Bears three one two three three two three seven seven six is our telephone number. So Chris Canty, who's going to be with us at 935 cap, he gave his teams as far as where the bears are in the hierarchy of the NFC. He's got five teams. We're talking playoffs here. Like I think they can be that good, right? And I think that's that's starting to feel like the bar to clear. Why can't the Chicago Bears team find themselves in the postseason? If you look at the landscape of the NFC, how many teams are definitively better than the Chicago Bears? By my count, I've got five teams that are definitively better than the bears definitive. Like you're talking about the San Francisco 49ers, the Green Bay Packers, the Detroit Lions, the Dallas Cowboys and the Eagles. That's the list. Why can't they be in the mix for show? Sugarland Texas listing on the ESPN Chicago app. Here's Rob on cap and Jay Hood and Rob good morning. Morning gentlemen. I'll give you my four teams and then I got a quick question cap about coaching relative to Flores. I'm not conceding the Packers whatsoever at all. We're not going back 20 years here. I'm going to concede Dallas. I'm not going to give them Philadelphia either. They were trained right by the end of last year. My dark horse team this year is Rams and I'll give them the 49ers. And then a quick question for a cap. Hold on a second. Our rich friend Rob from Sugarland Texas, you have Rams and who else at Rams and what? Rams in the 49ers. 49ers. Yep. Rams are legit except losing Aaron Donald is a massive, massive hole. Well, that's my dark horse team. One team always got to sneak up and the Cowboys and the Lions and the Lions. Okay. What do you think of that cap? Fair enough. I mean, those are good football teams of Rams. Not that long ago won a Super Bowl. But again, you're taking maybe the single greatest defensive player to ever play and still had gas left in the tank. It just said I'm done. Didn't have to fill in the mix on Rob. All right. No, they were kind of a train wreck by the end of last year. So I don't know what to expect from them this year. They were they lost to the box in the playoffs. Yeah, when they barely got into the playoffs after the way the end of the season. So in any event, so quick question for cap about coaching. Do you subscribe to the theory that a coach needs to read the room and figure out his players and determine which ones he needs to pat on the behind and which ones he needs to kick in the behind the motivate him or is it a broad brush? You kick them all in the behind or you pat them on the behind. Oh, there's no back in the day and used to be back in the day in baseball. You'd always switch from the hard ass coach to a raw rod guy just because they lost the room and then you'd flip back the other way. So I'll hang up and listen to see what cap says. He's got the coaching experience. That's correct. Okay. There is no way with the knowledge that we have today of how we interact with humans that you could treat everyone with a broad brush. There is no way. You cannot take a team and have, I'll take basketball for me and have 15 guys and treat everyone the same way. And one guy, I'll just use my own kids. Okay. My oldest Nick who played basketball in high school for four years and won the team first award. He you could tell Nick like Brian Flores allegedly did to a you're worthless. You suck. And all it did was fire him up to play even harder to take more charges. He would just go right back at you. If you did that to Garrett who played four years at college football, you lost him. He's done. You can coach him. You can coach him hard. I've seen his college coach in his face for getting a holding call in his face. No problem. You tell him he's worthless. He sucks. He's going to go into a shell and he's done. So you can. There is no one size fits off. I come in and tell hoodie who's playing offensive lineman for me. How awful he is. He's this. He's that hoodie may just be done. I'm out. I don't want to play for this guy. That's way to a was. So yeah, no, there's no way is it a one size fits all. How do you think I would react if you told me that I'm no good and that I'm better than that? How do you think if you were coaching me? How do you think I would react? I think knowing you you'd be furious. A because you're you may not admit this about yourself, but you are a deeply what's the right word black? You're you'll give your all you'll play hard. But you're deeply a sensitive person. Like you want to be treated with respect. You can push me. You could coach me. But don't tell me I'm worthless. Don't tell me I'm out of shape. Don't tell me this or that where you need to be have a guy put his arm around you. He may tell you some things you don't like. And when you cool off, you'll get a wangle. He's right. But to embarrass you, that is not how you reach Jonathan. No shot. Yes, I still play hard though, Cap. At the end of the day. No question. If you're not still going to play hard, then then you don't belong out there. Yeah. But it might not be the way to get the most out of you. I think if you told waddle, your go that they're worthless that they're this that they're that it would fire them up even more. 3 1 2 3 3 2 ESPN 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 is our telephone number. If you aren't holding you will be on the air. We're talking to you about the bears got a couple of topics going on here regarding Caleb Williams and how you feel as a bears fan about Caleb Williams. And also some strong comments from Tom Brady regarding rookie quarterbacks. It relates to Caleb Williams as well. It is also to a Tunk of Iowa. The interview you do with Dan Loetard and Stu gots regarding Brian Flores. It's all part of our nine o'clock hour. We'll have more on that in two minutes on Cap and Jay Hood. It's a bad take.