Shawnee's Prayer

Expect God To Send Your Rain

Broadcast on:
22 Aug 2024
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Praise the Lord praise the Lord. Welcome to Shawnee's prayer podcast season two episode 17 You can find this podcast on various platforms, including YouTube Please take the time to download subscribe like Comment and share it with someone else and as always I start to prepare off of a blood scripture Coming from Romans chapter 5 verse 9 much more than being now justified by his blood We shall be saved from wrath through him. Let's go to the throne of grace Father God I just want to say thank you. I want to say thank you Father God for your keeping power Thank you Father God for your guiding power. Thank you Father God for your protecting power Lord God I just want to say thank you for all that you are to us Father God I want to say thank you for all that you do to do for us and do to us Father God No, I got I want to say thank you Father God for how you keep us Father God Even when we're when there's times that we don't want to be kept by the God You keep us from going over the ledge Father God in the name of Jesus Father God You'll keep us from going further and deeper into the ditch Father God You'll keep us from going further into the fire Father God in the name of Jesus Father God You'll keep us from jumping off the bridge Father God in the name of Jesus Father God You'll keep us from committing suicide Father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God You keep us from having nervous breakdowns Father God in the name of Jesus Father God So Lord I don't take it for granted Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that you allow me to keep my mind Stayed on you. I don't take it for granted that you are the press a piece of God in the name of Jesus Oh God Lord God I come to say thank you Father God because you are a good God Father God You're a God that never sleeps never slumbers Father God even when we're snoring Father God and drooling Father God and dreaming Father God You're awake watching and protecting and covering us Father God in the name of Jesus Father God So for that, I just want to say thank you. Oh God in the name of Jesus. Oh God I want to say thank you Father God how you have Bless us. Oh God in the name of Jesus to see another day Father God Thank you Father God in the name of Jesus Father God for how you have blessed us Father God for another Day to be able to spend with our loved ones Father God. Thank you for how you have blessed us with another day to get it Right with you Father God because sometimes we think we are perfect Sometimes we think we're so righteous. It's so holy Father God and little do we know if we can see ourselves from the vision that you see us from we will know that we have a long way to go Father God in the name of Jesus Father God so I pray Father God that you will allow us to be able to see ourselves the way you see us Father God So that we are not walking in deception that we are not deceiving our selves Father God that we're not being deceived by our works Father God in the name of Jesus Father God I pray Father God that we will each have an authentic Relationship with you. I pray that we will truly be connected to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit Father God In the name of Jesus Please don't allow us to have a superficial relationship Father God in the name of Jesus Please don't allow us just to have an outward a relationship Father God in the name of Jesus Don't allow us to have a form of Gollyness Father God in the name of Jesus but denying the power there of oh God in the name of Jesus But help us to be truly connected to the root of David Father God help us to truly be connected to the vine Oh God that gives us life. They give us a breath Father God in the name of Jesus Oh God look God I come and ask your father God in the name of Jesus that you will release Father God every prayer Father God that the enemy has been blocking I pray that you will release every prayer Father God that the every innocent pray Father God that the enemy has been holding up Oh God in the name of Jesus Father God look God in the name of Jesus I pray Father God in the name of Jesus that you will release Father God every miracle father car That the enemy has been trying to hold up and trying to block Father God in the name of Jesus I pray that you will release every blessing Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that the enemy has been trying to hold up Father God in the name of Jesus Oh God I pray that you will release it right now Father God Father power of the authority of the Holy Ghost Oh God in the name of Jesus Oh God Well at least those innocent prayers Father God Release Father God in the name of Jesus those miracles that need to be performed and our lives Father God Well at least those those those blessings Father God in the name of Jesus Father God that we need Father God Someone is expecting a miracle someone is expecting a blessing Father God in the name of Jesus Oh God someone has been waiting a mighty long time and they have been waiting patiently Father God for you to show up And it's not that you have not performed it. It's not that you have not sent it It's not that you have not answered it But the enemy has intercepted Father God our blesses the enemy has intercepted Father God our miracles The enemy has intercepted our answer for you but I pray this day Father God that you will Father God move him out the way Father God Sing your angels Father God to knock him off his throne Sing your angels to knock him out of our way Father God that we will receive everything Father God that is due unto us Father God in the name of Jesus Father God So that we can receive our healing Father God so that we can receive our deliverance Father God in the name of Jesus Father God So we can receive our breakthroughs Father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God so we can receive Father God Everything that you have for us to receive Oh God so we can start walking in the fullness of our purpose Father God So we can walk in authority Oh God in the name of Jesus Oh God Lord God I come and ask you right now in the name of Jesus Oh God That you release it Father God in the name of Jesus For at least it Father God in the name of Jesus Oh God I allow us Father God to wake up Father God Wake emails Father God with good news Father God help us to wake up Father God with text messages Father God Saying that you have been approved saying that a deposit has hit your account Father God in the name of Jesus Oh God I allow us Father God to receive phone calls saying that God told me to bless you God told me to give this to you God told me to give that to you Lord God I pray the name of Jesus Lord God that we go to open our doors and we have envelopes Father God At our doors Father God in the name of Jesus I pray that we go to our mailbox Father God there will be blessings in our mailbox I pray when we go to the grocery stores Father God that we will find blessings in the grocery store Father God Whether it's a coupon whether it's a sale Father God in the name of Jesus I'm not going to tell you how to bless us Father God in the name of Jesus You know how to bless us you know what we need we may not all need the same thing from you Father God But I guarantee you we all need something from you Oh God in the name of Jesus even if it's just more strength Even if it's just more joy even if it's just more peace even if it's just more love even if it's just more patience Even if it's just more understanding Father God and the mighty name of Jesus So I come and ask you Father God in the name of Jesus Father God that you have released it right to me I want to name of Jesus And help us to walk in authority Father God in the name of Jesus help us to walk in the authority that you have already given unto us Help us to walk in the power Father God that's already on the inside of us Oh God because we are heirs and joints heirs Oh God in the name of Jesus Father God So I come and ask you Father God that you have released this Father God from all forms of fear Father God releases from all forms of doubt Father God releases from all forms of unbelief Father God In the mighty name of Jesus Father God releases of everything Father God that is holding us in bondage Father God releases of everything that's holding us in shackles Father God in the name of Jesus releases of everything that's keeping us from walking by faith releases from everything that's keeping us from taking that leap of faith oh God in the name of Jesus releases from everything that's keeping us from believing you at a higher level releases from everything Father God that's keeping us Father God from having faith at that next level Father God keep releases from everything that's causing us not to be able to trust you the way we should Father God in the name of Jesus Father God releases from procrastination Father God in the name of Jesus releases from depression Father God releases from anxiety Father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God in the name of Jesus Lord God I pray Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that you releases from every hindrance oh God in the name of Jesus Father God releases from every distraction Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Lord God I come and ask your Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that you will release us on today Father God from our own selves Father God releases from our own thoughts Father God that keeps us in bondage oh God in the name of Jesus Father God releases from every worry releases from every stressor releases from every concern Father God releases from everything that's causing us not to be able to freely praise you Father God in the name of Jesus Father God releases Father God from the cares Father God of this world Father God in the name of Jesus releases Father God to be able to freely praise you releases Father God to be able to freely worship you Lord God in the name of Jesus Lord God Lord God I come and ask your Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that you will have your hand of mercy upon our lives I pray that you will have your hand of grace upon our lives I pray that you will have your hand of healing your hand of love your hand of strength your hand of compassion upon our lives oh God I pray Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God that our names are written in the last book a life oh God it ain't love Jesus oh God I pray Father God that we are in your hands where no one can pluck us out of oh God in the name of Jesus Father God I pray for those who have back slid Father God I pray for those who are on the verge of backsliding Father God I pray that you will draw them back by your power draw them back by your anointing Father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God I pray for those who are putting her Father God accept that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior they say that I have time I'm still young I can do it later I can do it when I'm older but Lord God allows them to know that later may never find them old God allow them Father God to know that our old age may never come to them Father God in the name of Jesus the end of this year Father God they may never get to see Father God in the name of Jesus help us to stop putting off for tomorrow help us to stop putting off for the next second where we can have the ability to do right now Father God in the name of Jesus so I just come and ask your Father God I pray for each and every living soul upon this earth oh God I pray for those Father God who serve you and those who don't serve you I pray for the just and the unjust I like oh God in the name of Jesus oh God I pray for the God that you will look down upon every soul Father God in the name of Jesus I pray that you will transform us renew us and make us over again oh God in the name of Jesus help us to walk up right before the oh God in the name of Jesus oh God lift us up oh God in the name of Jesus oh God help us to be all that you have called and chosen for us and being all that you have ordained for us and be Father God allows to become that Father God and so much more Father God in the name of Jesus Lord God in the name of Jesus help us to keep our humble his spirit Father God in humble attitude Father God in the name of Jesus oh God Lord God I come in the name of Jesus Lord God ask your look down upon every entrepreneur look down upon every business owner Father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God I pray for those who are struggling Father God in the name of Jesus Father God that the struggle will be over for them oh God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God I pray that you release us from every struggle Father God in the name of Jesus oh God Lord God I come to your Father God for we need thee my God in the name of Jesus oh God we need thee right now in the name of Jesus Lord God we need you more now than we did Father God a minute ago oh God in the name of Jesus oh God so I just come and ask your Father God to rain down upon us oh God sing your rain oh God in the name of Jesus rain down your blessings my God rain down your miracles oh God rain and down from the throne of grace oh God rain down and healing Father God to someone Father God who's about to die Father God in the name of Jesus from cancer my God rain down and healing who's to someone Father God who may have COPD if it's the name of Father God all time is dementia my car ALS Father God in the name of Jesus multiple sclerosis oh God so my mom Halsey my car and the name of Jesus oh car look at me a my car and the name of Jesus oh God rain down God rain down Lord rain down Lord rain Father God rain oh God in the name of Jesus oh God rain down upon us oh God in the name of Jesus oh car Lord God I thank you for the rain I thank you for the I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the release, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank you for the rain, I thank Lord God and I praise you and I honor your Father God and the mighty name of Jesus. I bless your holy name and Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I pray you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. May God look down from the throne of grace. May He smile upon you and your family and may He bless you with everything that you need on today. May you hear the voice of God and may you be obedient to the voice of God. Don't just hear the voice of God but actually do what God is telling you to do or not to do. Be obedient on today. Repent on today. Accept Jesus on today. Love harder on today and expect God to release everything that is due unto you. God bless Bless you and God bless you.