Racheal’Niagara’s Podcast


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25 Aug 2024
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Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Thanks. We just want to say that we love you so much. Amen. And there's nothing you can do about amen and the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Father God, the name of Jesus, though we just thank you right now. Father, for being who you are, Lord God. We just thank you, Lord God, for allowing us to come together again. Lord, we thank you that we're there is unity, very strength. Lord, we appreciate you, Lord. I hope for the word. Thank you, Lord God, for the word that you give us, Lord God, on every day. Lord, we thank you, Lord God, for having your way in our lives. Lord, we thank you, Lord God, for the hunger and thirst after righteousness that we may be filled in the name of Jesus. Lord, thank you for looking upon those. Lord God, they may come into the light, those that will listen later. Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus, Lord, we just thank you right now. Lord God, for the word, Lord God, that you're going to give us on today. We thank you, Lord God, for forming for each teacher, leader, teacher, Lord God, prophet, apostle. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you will have your way. Let your will be done. In each and every last one of your lives, Lord. In the name of Jesus, Lord, we appreciate you. Lord, thank you for the daughters of Zion. Lord God, the sons of God, the plushers, the lay members, Lord, the deacons, Lord, the deacons, Lord, we just thank you, Lord God, for each and every individual. Lord, in the name of Jesus, they may make up the house of God. Lord, we just thank you right now for our living bells, Lord God. Then we are presenting to you, Holy Lord, acceptable, honorable to you, Lord God, which is your reasonable service. In the name of Jesus, Lord, thank you, Lord, for continuing to go before our young Lord. In the name of Jesus, continue to give them wisdom, knowledge, revelation, Lord God, of who you are, Lord. Lord, we just thank you in advance. Hallelujah. Lord, we thank you in advance. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord, for facing our podcast on this morning. Lord, we give all the glory to you, Father. All the glory, all the glory, all the praise, peace. Belong to you, Lord. Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus, Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you, Hallelujah. So, of course, since we're going to walk on water, amen, in the name of Jesus, that's what we do, amen. We walk on water, amen. And let's see, let's see these. Okay, so my little, okay, I have to record them again. Ah, very, very, very, very, very high. Anyways, we're going to go on, amen. Hallelujah. That is really weird. But anyway, we'll fix it. Amen. So, here we're going to go to the book of, we'll start off in the book of, I want to say, Melachi, amen. We start off in the book of Melachi, amen. And we're going to go to the third chapter, amen. Melachi, the third chapter. Hallelujah. And it's going to read like this, says, "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me." He says, "And the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant whom you delight in, behold, he shall come," said the Lord of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like Fuller's soap. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord and offering. This offering is going to be offered to the Lord inside a position. Thank you, Holy Ghost. Yes, thank you for connecting your word. It's going to be offered to the Lord inside of a position. And this position is called righteousness. This position that he's going to be offering, the offering of being is called righteousness. Amen? It's called righteousness. Verse 4, so it says, "Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord." When verse 4 uses the word, then there's a stipulation there. It means not until or nothing short of this messenger coming as a refiner and a purifier of silver and him purifying the sons of Levi and purging them as gold and silver. The Lord's not going to be pleased until they offer unto the Lord and offering inside of a position. Inside of a position, which is called righteousness. Amen? Which is called righteousness. Yeah, like I've watched people give the offerings of say offerings of money and say of visiting, a visiting preacher, teacher, prophet, whoever comes into town. The preacher, teacher, reach your prophet, Apostle, whoever it is, get up and preach. And then they have what you call a money line. If you want to be prophesied to and you have $500, get up here. And you think, well, today's maybe not my day to be prophesied too, because well, I don't have $500, but don't worry, honey. Don't worry. Don't worry. Dry your tears. Because if you have $300, now it's your turn. Come on up. I'm still short. I don't have $300. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. If you have $150, come on up here. Well, I wouldn't have it, but I paid this and I paid that. I paid that bill early. And I wouldn't have it. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. If you got $100, come on down. And they work their way down, on down to $5 to change. And I've watched people give all of this money just for that preacher, teacher, teacher, prophet, Apostle, to leave town. They leave town. And then when it's time for that preacher of the church or wherever organization it was, when it's time for them to get back up, they don't do nothing but bash the preacher that just left. I mean, they just bash the preacher that just left, just bash them, just stomp them down in the ground. And I often used to wonder, how do the people feel that gave all their money? You know, how do the people, how do the people feel that gave that $500? Now they hear you bashing the same one that it seemed like he was uplifting when he was pulling all these offers out of us. Now you bashing and saying, what he did wrong and what he said wrong, my question is, am I still going to get the miracle he said? I just want to know, I just want to know, am I still going to get this healing that I paid $300 for? I just want to know, is my son's or daughter's or whoever else, is they still coming back to the house? I don't pay $150. This stuff is real. It happens in real time. It happens in real time. And a lot of times, you never hear anybody say anything else about it, but they grow bitter on the inside. They grow bitter. They grow hard-hearted. They do. So it says, these offerings, this offering right here, right here, what I'm talking about, only after these are found in this position of righteousness, shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant to the Lord. As in the days of old, and as in former years, in the days of old, in former years, you and I could think about the days of old. Oh, we could think about the days of old. I remember when the prophet used to come to town and we knew the prophet was coming to town. Our parents would get together and pour oil up in bottles and they would get together and cut handkerchiefs and oil the handkerchiefs, I think, put oil on the handkerchiefs and write on the handkerchiefs. And when our handwriting's got pretty good, they would let us help write on the handkerchiefs. A lot of times we write special miracle. Put that aside, special miracle. You have like 300 handkerchiefs folded up real nice, old, real nice, and special miracle wrote on it, right? Because the prophet was on the town. When it was time, he would give out different handkerchiefs to different people, right? So, or something else, you know, just whatever was told to write on these different things to write on the handkerchiefs, that's what was written on them, all right? But the kids, we would get together. We'd buy candy, so much candy, so much candy, and they would put the candies in the little service station. They had little brown paper bags and they would just put out our little lapi taffees and noun ladders and starburst and jolly renters. Yeah, they were the jolly renters and the taffees, all those different things in the little brown paper bag after we found. So, we stick the brown paper bag in our purses or whatever, and when it's time for church, we already knew that we was going to be there up until the wee hours of the morning, 12, 30, at night, 1am in the morning, 1, 20 in the morning, profit up there, proper sign, the profits come to town, different churches come. Okay, we have about four or five churches. They then came about buses in, everybody's there, all our friends from different churches over there, and we would just have it. Yeah, we would just have it a good old time. Amen, good old time. All the kids, we gather on the last row. The church was big. The kids were gathered on the last row. All the adults everywhere else, they're standing up. Oh, when they stand up and really get in the spirit, they didn't know that was just our curtain. Amen. We love for the service to get high because the curtains would stand up, and we didn't have to bend down and eat our candy. We could just eat it. You don't just eat it. You don't just pop it in your mouth. He's popping in your mouth and you talk and laugh with each other, you know, just, you know, just in the bag. Listen, he has got to live too. He has got to look, he has got a life too. So anyway, yeah, we would have a good old time when the profit came to town. Amen. And yeah, it was, we had a good time. And so here it is. He says, "Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant to the Lord as in the days of old." That's what I was going to, because while I'm telling the story, I'm thinking, why am I telling these people this? I'm telling you this because each and every last one of us, where we are right now, we can talk about the days of old that are to us. To me, where I am right now, that's the days of old. When we were younger, little, and the only thing that matters was having a good time. Those are the days of old to me. Okay, those are the days of old to me. But see, the thing is, this, this scripture here, because where you stand, the days of old to you is in your timeframe. That's the days of old to you, right? Is it, am I right? Amen. So, isn't, isn't those the days of old to you? When you were younger and just a really, ready kid and just running around and those days of old, right? But here, he's not talking about our days of old. Uh-uh. Do you know how long ago the Bible was issued to us? That long ago, these scriptures was written. He was talking about, as in the days of old and the former years, not since being you've been little, but way back when the scriptures was written, he's saying, in the former years from then, right? So, a lot of times, you hear people, they think the former years is when they were little. No, that's not what the scriptures is talking about. The scriptures talked about when these, when these, when the scribes wrote this, the former years before that, back when the real apostles and prophets and creatures and pastors and teachers and when the foundation was being laid in the former years. Amen. So, it says, "Be in each other offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant until the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years." What in the world happened in former years? And what happened in the days of old? In the days of old and in the former years, we can turn back here and I believe it was during the time of King the Hauserus and I believe it was during that time of when Mordecai began to say, hang on just a second, I would love to go back over here, where Mordecai began to say that I want, I want us to do this as a memorial. Amen. I want us to do this as a memorial. Let's see how that, it's just uncle, let's do, hang on, let's look over here real quick and we're going to come back to Melacai, but I want to look at what how the days of old look because we know how the days of old look for us, but how does the days of old look from the time this scripture was written? Amen. Let's see here. Okay. Let's see. I should have established them on them that they should keep the 14 day of the month. Okay. So here it is in Esther chapter 9 of the Feast of Perim. All right. The Feast of Perim, let's look at it. This is after, everybody has went through and Esther has become queen and now she's become queen for a reason and she's having to take up position serious now and now that her people, now that the Jews had won the battle, now that all these things were over and they destroyed their enemies, let's start it. Chapter 9, it says, "Now in the 12th month, that is the month of a door on the 13th day of the same and the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution and today that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them. So it was turned to the contrary that the Jews had rule over them that hated them. The Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasaras and lay hand on such a salt their hurt and no man could we stand them for the fear of them fell upon all men and all the rulers of the providence and the lieutenants and the deputies and officers of the king helped the Jews because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them. For Mordecai was great in the king's house and his fame went out throughout all the provinces for this man Mordecai was greater and greater. Thus the Jews small all their enemies with the stroke of the sword and slaughter and destruction and did what they would until those that hated them. And as you shine the palace the Jews flew and destroyed 500 men and portion portion data, portion data and Delphon and Aztitha and Porotha and Adelina and our data. Y'all sound like I'm slaughtering these words but we're gonna get through this. So H. says and Porotha and Adelina and Ariditha and Parmister and Eris Seah and Ereda and Rajazitha the 10 sons of Haman the sons of Hamaditha the enemy of the Jews flew they. Ooh with those names thank goodness we don't have to say them again. The Jews flew they but on the small lathe they not their hand. On that day the number of those that were slain in Shushan the palace was brought before the king and the king said instead the queen the Jews have slain and destroyed 500 men in Shushan the palace and the 10 sons of Haman. What have they done in the rest of the king's provinces now what is that petition and it shall be gathered thee or what is that request further and it shall be done. Then said Esther if it pleased the king let it be granted to the Jews which are in Shushan to do the to do tomorrow also according to this day's decree and let Haman's 10 sons be hanged upon the gallows and the king commanded it so to be done and the decree was given to Shushan and they hang Haman's 10 sons for the Jews that were in Shushan gathered themselves together to the 14th day also the month adore and slew 300 men of Shushan but on the prey they laid not their hand but the other Jews that were in the king's provinces gathered themselves together and stood for their lives and had rest from their enemies and slew of their foes 70 and 5000 but they laid not their hands on the prey on the 13th day of the month adore and on the 14th day of the same rested day and made it a day of feasting and gladness all right so on the 13th day of the month of a door and on the 14th day of the same rested day and made it a day of feasting and gladness now we're looking back at the days of old where evil was really evil and good was really good right in the days of old evil was evil and good was good amen I mean that is a blessing by itself evil evil good is good seamless complicated okay 18 says but the Jews that were in Shushan assembled them assembled together to on the 13th day their old and on the 14th their old and on the 15th day of the same they rested and made it a day of feasting and gladness all right they made it a day of feasting and gladness 19 says therefore the Jews of the villages that dwell in the unwalled towns made the 14th day of the month adore a day of gladness and feasting and a good day and excuse me and a good day and of sending portions one to another okay so they they made it a good day they made it a day of sending portions one to another so in the former years in the former days not when we were little but in these in the former days from when the scriptures was written in Hebrews in the former days they were sent portions one to another they didn't bring all the portions and give it to one person and then everybody else went like that's not what they did they sent portions one to another they cared one for another amen they cared one for another they didn't give brownie points because they passed the poor and those that couldn't afford and gave it to the one that already had everything they didn't get brownie points and pass on the back for doing such devious deeds as that amen pass your brother in need to give it to somebody that looked like they already had it oh how did she got on apple bottoms let me show it to her maybe i get some apple bottoms you know what i'm saying it's foolishness is that foolishness amen is that foolishness and when you look around you see these heathens in the pulpit running back and forth talking about look at what i got don't you want this you got to sell and you got to sell to get this so to get what a ticket to hell so they begin to send portions one to another they didn't all give the portions to mortica these are the days of old listen this and mortica wrote these things and sent letters into all the jews that were in all providences of the king a hacer is both night night and far to establish this among them that they should keep the 14th day of the month adore and the 15th day of the same yearly as the days were in the jews arrested from their enemies and the month which was turned into them for sorrow from sorrow to joy and from morning into a good day that they should make them days of feasting and joy end of sending portions one to another and listen to this is this time gone listen to this he said and it says so the days of feasting and joy end of sending portions one to another now mortica did not say i'm going to make this a day that y'all sent portions to me that's not what's it we talk about the days of old when i talk about when we were kids what we saw in Hebrews he's talking about the days of old not our days we hadn't been born yet our parents have been born yet parents parents have been born yet so he's tough so in Hebrew he's talking about these days these days back here not the days when we were when we were mama now cousin now i'm brother now okay we all in the same page so here here mortica someone that made us stand against our arts against what was popular or worship hamming when hamming come to town serve hamming oh clap your hands for hamming get up for hamming do this for hamming then you have mortica they say i'm going to make sure i deliberately sit down when hamming come out here when hamming go over there and everybody be standing up bound down and stuff i'm gonna make sure i'm doing what i'm doing on this wall over here i want you to see me not worshiping you right so mortica wasn't when they took a stand in the days of old it was mortica as kind these kind took a stand they were not popular it seemed like they weren't the outcast it seemed like they don't know what you what you mean what you mean you ain't gonna respect oh hamming don't you know he's next to the king is you crazy is you crazy is you crazy no the question is is you crazy right am i right can you see what i'm saying so mortica the one that made us stand against what it was saying popular this was the one that ended up great this was the one that ended up writing decrees and this was the one that ended up sending it out to the jews saying this what is don't be but when he got elevated let's use their word when his anointing grew hallelujah uh what what are some of the more popular terms that they use today uh when he flew when he used his beautiful wings to fly when he made it to an upper level he still had the same heart the same man the same loyalty to what he believed in so much he didn't get up there and get greedy he didn't get up there and get greedy he didn't get up there and get greedy me me me give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me he didn't get up there and get greedy you made a decree that i want you to give gifts to each other not just that but it says as the days were in the jews rested from their enemies and the mark which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy and from mourning into a good day that they should you will make these days feasting and joy you will some portions one to another and we don't stop there because yes we love our number and you're going to give gifts to the poor this is what Mordecai said in the days of old this is what Mordecai said in the days of old in the days of old he made a decree that you're going to give portions one to another and you're not going to stop there you're going to give gifts to the poor Mordecai didn't elevate he didn't manifest and then in the time of his elevation and manifesting and reaching another level and he didn't begin to hate the poor i just don't want to be around them oh they just these are the days of old the bible said in the new testament here in Hebrews he said let's see where we are all right going back over here to Hebrews real quick hallelujah all right i believe we were over here in twill right I said my spot so the bible says over here and y'all hang on just a minute now we know now he's okay so he said no no we were over here and we were in Meleka why y'all didn't tell me i'm just over here just like hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah okay now he said over here in Meleka yeah we banked on it all right he said over here in Meleka that on in verse three he says and he shall sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the lord an offering in righteousness then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the lord as in the days of old not talking about when we were little not talking about when our parish was little then that's all we know is what we know but when he said and now in the days of old he's not talking about our days of old he's talking about back then when they went when when when when when when they made the stand like Mordecai and then as they as they moved on up it didn't change to give it to me me me me me but he decreed that they blessed one another and that they give gifts to the poor now i want to ask you something a particular do you think that after this decree do you think in your mind that none of these people brought a gift to Mordecai do you think after this decree that Mordecai said y'all give gifts one to another and y'all give gifts if y'all give questions one to another and y'all give gifts to the poor do you think in your mind that none of them gave a gift to Mordecai i'm gonna let you think about it ten nine eight seven six five four three two one of course they gave gifts to Mordecai amen why would they not why would they not give gifts to Mordecai why would they not why would they not bring a portion to Mordecai and i believe because of rejection because of hurt because of maybe how we grew up because of of lack because of not having a lot of times we get up we get in these positions and we and we bring all of that with us it's baggage and sometimes we feel like well if i don't look out for me who will god got your back hallelujah god it's got your back all he wants for us to be clean keep it clean and keep it good amen he want us to keep it clean and keep it good amen yeah tell the people tell the people give the portions to each other and tell them to give gifts to the poor anytime a person can give portions to each other and gives to the poor what is it doing it's working on their heart posture it's working on how i see other people it's working on lord created me a clean heart and renewing me a right spirit that's what it's working on when i can give to somebody that can't give nothing back to me it makes me a better person it makes me begin to see and begin to have compassion on somebody else that might be less fortunate than me so in all of this wisdom why would we think well if i don't tell them to give it to me they won't yes they will do we still have faith in each other uh uh uh uh it's not too late sometimes we can feel like it's too late because we become monkey see monkey do people monkey see monkey do people or or if i tell you to do this then do this if i tell you to do that then do that but if i don't tell nobody to pick up that paper everybody walked past that paper well then that's what correction come in at you see this paper right here everybody that came in here walked past it because i know because when i came in here i walked past it and i wanted to see who else was going to walk past it and it's still there and it's a sanctuary of a thousand people and that paper is still there that mean nobody had to end them to pick up that paper in the house of god nobody had an end up to pick it up and i know you saw it what does that do it check everybody at one time indeed you don't have to worry about it no more every time i say a piece of paper i'm gonna pick it up because i don't want to get no you know i don't yeah every time i see a piece of paper i'm gonna pick that thing up and then some weapons i got i don't have to get that no more oh i i took that weapon like a woman but i ain't gonna take no weapon like that no more because i ain't doing that no more so we sometimes when the correction don't come because the offering is too good now people don't lost faith in in each other people don't lost faith in each other because the correction we back up on the correction the offering buckets is false the lord is not pleased with this because it ain't even in righteousness is a position so what are we doing today what are we doing so he says then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleased and pleasant until the lord as in the days of old and as in former years when they got up they were elevated and they didn't get crossed up me myself and i me myself and i me myself and i bring it to me bring it to me bring it to me and if i feel like blessing somebody one day then i might but if i don't feel like blessings nobody then i don't feel like blessing nobody why would i give a card to you hoping that maybe you will give the card to that that mother and kids that don't have a vehicle when i can just bypass kissing your butt and going give the car to the moment and they got no that didn't got no right for another kid why what what what what what what whatever brownie point what can i ask you something where do we cash in the brownie points because some of us we got a lot of them who we got a lot we got a whole bank of brownie points we can kiss and butt years and years of kissing butt where do you cash in it i tell you where you can cash in it your integrity integrity leaves every time we've been down to kiss a butt more integrity leaves we don't know it but more integrity leaves and more integrity leaves and more integrity leaves and more integrity leaves and we stop feeling like children of god because we're not seeking the first the kingdom of heaven but we're seeking to please men and women before we know it we don't believe god love us and we don't believe god love us and we don't believe god love us because we've left our first love it's not popular but it's necessary so we look back at the days of old and in the days of old Morikai had and that was good enough for Morikai Morikai didn't grow greedy oh greedy give it to me he didn't grow greedy he said give your portions one to another and don't forget the poor here we have it in Malachi he said then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant we don't care if the offering is pleasant to the Lord you just break it in here and put it down now throw it down there my feet throw it down there my feet I don't care if it's pleasant to the Lord you get in and do what you supposed to do you then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant to the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years when the offerings were clean because they came from a pure heart not from obligation wrong motives wrong intentions it says and I will come near to you to judgment and I will be and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against false swears and against those that oppress the hauling in his wages the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his rights and fear not me said the Lord of hosts for I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed verse seven it says even from the days of your fathers you are gone away from mine ordinance says even from the days of your fathers you have gone away from mine ordinance I took the liberty to look up ordinance and the word ordinance is going to mean an order or decree is going to mean the law is going to mean a command it's going to mean a mandate regulation we call them ballals and all this and all that but the Bible says because we feel like we're keeping the bottles this is the bottles of this church and this the bottles of this organization and it's the bottles it's the bottles because it was the bottles when you were little it was the bottles when you were coming through and trying to get out of school so you can get in that pulpit it was the bottles it was the bottles but the Bible says even from the days of your fathers you're gone away from my ordinance I didn't talk I'm not talking about theirs I'm not talking about what they said they did he said she said they said let's do it like this I'm talking about my ordinances you have left my ordinances and have not kept them then he says return unto me if you go in today's time and you tell the better you say oh the you the Lord wants you to return on him return on the hill why don't we too which is all my return on the hill most people in their minds they are right next to the throne of grace I'm right here he says return unto me then he says and I will return unto you this is a mercy return unto me and I will return unto you because even even even in the days of your father you left my ordinance even in them days you talk about we keeping the bottles from what they did they they left it can somebody just knock knock knock us upside the head so we can understand this he says if you return to me I'm going to return unto you said the Lord of hosts but you know what you said well with shall we return we went nowhere we doing exactly what Bishop such a such said we doing exactly what Apostle such a such said way back in the day we doing exactly what they said we doing exactly what we wrote down we doing exactly what was if you return unto me is you think you know where they went you think they grace in the kingdom of God that's what you think you don't know nothing you don't know nothing that's what you think so if you return unto me I got will return unto you but you know what you said but what shall we return how can we return then he says will a man rob God yet you have robbed me but you say well where have we robbed thee he said entight and offerings you are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation how in the world are we cursed with a curse because we have robbed God how in the world is even this whole nation cursed when the drug they will pay ties and offerings how are we cursed as a nation when the harm hunger and the horrors and the strippers come in and give ties and offers from what they make how are we cursed when the nurses and doctors come in and pay the lawyers lie lie all day all week all your days lie get paid to lie lie lie lie lie and they come in and give ties and offers how are we cursed as a nation because we're not in the position of righteousness football players oh big football players NFL NFL players oh they come in my church or they pay their ties or they pay their ties and not in the position of righteousness do we care if God is please no we don't care bring it to me bring it to me bring it to me you are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation bring me all the ties in the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here with said the lord of hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be wrong enough to receive it and then I will rebuke the devour for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field set the lord of hosts an old nation shall call you blessed for you shall be a delight some land sought the lord of host this land is not a delight some land this land is cursed with a curse this land have traded up all to lean on the arm of flesh this nation this nation amen this is a time where we have to check check and reach it to see all we found in the lambs book of life because i'm here to tell you saints that this is the time the lord is not winking on us anymore amen this is the time the lord says i'm coming and my wrath is with me holly louia this is the time the lord says you should know by now this is the time the lord says you know scripture after scripture after scripture yet you do them not this is the time the lord is visiting the houses of faith this is the time this is the time to see all you one of the ones that pass by the ones that don't help to give to the ones it's already got this is the time this is the time saints my prayer is that we get fortified my prayer is that we get back on our knees back on our faces seeking the face of the lord while he may be found and calling upon him while he may answer in the name of jesus the price the name of jesus so so